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The African ice rat Otomys sloggetti robertsi is a small rodent confined to cold, alpine habitats. It does not hibernate and is poorly adapted physiologically to low temperatures. We predicted and showed that its fur is denser than its congeners from warmer habitats, but it had shorter fur than expected. Dense fur would provide insulation and piloerection of short fur would facilitate heat gain from solar radiation during sun basking. These traits, in addition to other behavioural and morphological traits, would assist O. s. robertsi in meeting its thermoregulatory requirements in response to low temperatures.  相似文献   

We studied the gut morphology of the ice rat Otomys sloggetti robertsi, a non-hibernating murid rodent endemic to the sub-alpine and alpine regions of the southern African Drakensberg and Maluti mountains. The gut structure of O. s. robertsi is well adapted for a high fibre, herbivorous diet, as is the case with other members of its subfamily Otomyinae. Despite the broad similarity in gross gut morphology with mesic- and arid-occurring otomyines, O. s. robertsi has a larger small intestine, caecum, stomach volume and parts of the colon, which we suggest are adaptations for increased energy uptake and/or poor diet quality in alpine environments. However, O. s. robertsi has a smaller larger intestine than other otomyines, perhaps because it occupies a mesic habitat. Seasonal sexual differences occurred, with females increasing dimensions of the stomach, small intestine length, caecum, and large intestine in summer. Sexual asymmetry in gut morphology may be related to increased energy requirements of females during pregnancy and lactation, indicating phenotypic plasticity in response to poor quality vegetation and a shorter growing season in alpine habitats.Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   


Diurnality in rodents is relatively rare and occurs primarily in areas with low nighttime temperatures such as at high altitudes and desert areas. However, many factors can influence temporal activity rhythms of animals, both in the field and the laboratory. The temporal activity patterns of the diurnal ice rat were investigated in the laboratory with, and without, access to running wheels, and in constant conditions with running wheels. Ice rats appeared to be fundamentally diurnal but used their running wheels during the night. In constant conditions, general activity remained predominantly diurnal while wheel running was either nocturnal or diurnal. In some animals, entrainment of the wheel running rhythm was evident, as demonstrated by free-running periods that were different from 24 h. In other animals, the wheel running activity abruptly switched from nocturnal to subjective day as soon as the animals entered DD, and reverted back to nocturnal once returned to LD, suggesting the rhythms were masked by light. Wheel running rhythms appears to be less robust and more affected by light compared to general activity rhythms. In view of present and future environmental changes, the existence of more unstable activity rhythms that can readily switch between temporal niches might be crucial for the survival of the species.  相似文献   

Patterns of nest site selection exhibited at the scale of a population should result from initial preferences of individuals occupying nest sites as well as preferences exhibited by individuals moving between nest sites. We tested whether nest‐site preferences measured at the population scale were predictive of patterns of burrow switching by Leach's Storm‐Petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), a long‐lived seabird that nests in underground burrows. Breeding pairs generally choose from the pool of available existing burrows rather than constructing new burrows, and a portion of the burrows in a colony remains unused in any breeding season. We quantified burrow preference at a colony on Kent Island, New Brunswick, over four breeding seasons. We used a classification and regression tree analysis to build a predictive model of nest‐site selection. Preferentially occupied burrows were drier, longer, had larger nest chambers, and were in areas of higher burrow density. To measure preferences during burrow switching, we tracked individuals that switched burrows, comparing characteristics of the burrows in which these birds were originally found to those they inhabited at the end of the study period. Characteristics preferred by switching individuals were a subset of those observed at the scale of the population; individuals moved to burrows that were drier, longer, and had larger nest chambers. Our results show how preferences of individuals that move between nest sites contribute to nest site preferences exhibited at the population scales commonly tested.  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠体蚤和巢蚤数量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1982~1996年对内蒙古自治区鄂托克前旗长爪沙鼠Meriones unguiculatus体蚤和巢蚤的数量进行了调查和分析,得到如下结果。获体蚤15种,同型客蚤指名亚种Xenopsylla conformis conformls (50.8%) 和秃病蚤蒙冀亚种Nosopsyllus laveiceps kuzenkovi (40.6%)为优势种。获巢蚤15种,秃病蚤蒙冀亚种(74.3%)为优势种;盔状新蚤Neopsylla galea (11.9%)和叶状切唇蚤突高亚种Coptopsyllus lamelliferardua (8.1%)为常见种。年巢蚤指数的均值是年体蚤指数的6.92倍。体蚤指数与巢蚤指数不相关(P>0,05),体染蚤率与巢染蚤率不相关(P>0.05)。不同年份 的体蚤和巢蚤多样性比较稳定。连续两年春季或秋季秃病蚤巢蚤指数大于10只后,可能流行动物鼠疫。  相似文献   

高寒森林地表的小型兽类洞穴是生态系统重要的景观特征,对于认识小型兽类的分布格局及其生态功能具有重要意义.为此,以青藏高原东缘典型高寒森林生态系统小型兽类洞穴为对象,于2015年夏季(7—9月)研究了其地表分布与生境特征.结果表明: 小型兽类洞穴平均洞口密度为182.8个·hm-2,不同森林植被类型显著影响洞穴密度,表现为针叶林(328.6个·hm-2)>针阔混交林(160.0个·hm-2)>灌木林(125.0个·hm-2)>阔叶林(81.5个·hm-2)>竹林(66.7个·hm-2). Mann-Whitney U Test和主成分分析表明,小型兽类栖息样地的乔木郁闭度、乔木均高、乔木胸径、乔木密度、地表植被盖度、倒木密度、倒木覆盖度、灌木均高都显著大于非栖息样地;乔木因子是决定小型兽类生境选择的首要因子,贡献率最大(44.8%),其次是倒木因子(23.2%)和灌草丛因子(13.9%).说明高寒森林地表有明显的小型兽类洞穴分布,其分布格局主要受植被和倒木的影响.  相似文献   

The silvery mole-rat Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Bathyergidae) is a solitary subterranean rodent, widely distributed throughout eastern and south-eastern Africa in a variety of habitats. Here, we provide the first data on its biology in a typical natural habitat, the Brachystegia woodland. The population density of mole-rats was low (4.6 ha−1) and its distribution across the study site was random. Contrary to subadults and pups, the sex ratio of adult mole-rats was highly female biased (1:5.75), probably due to the higher mortality of males as a consequence of their mating strategy. Reproduction of Heliophobius is seasonal and pups are born at the beginning of the hot dry season. Burrow systems of the silvery mole-rat were long, highly branched, reticulated and comparable in fractal dimension to systems of social bathyergids. Variability in burrow architecture was related to the body mass of the burrow occupants, soil hardness and food supply when tested together. Burrow systems with a higher fractal dimension had inhabitants that had a greater body mass. Longer systems were less branched. Nests were typically deeper than foraging tunnels and experienced negligible temperature fluctuations. The microenvironmental characteristics of the subterranean niche including temperature, humidity and soil characteristics are provided for purpose of comparison with other mole-rat species.  相似文献   

African mole rats (Bathyergidae) offer an excellent system with which to test theories relating to the evolution and maintenance of sociality in mammals. The aridity food distribution hypothesis (AFDH) suggests that, within the bathyergids, sociality has evolved in response to patterns of rainfall, its effects on food distribution, and the subsequent costs and risks of foraging and dispersal. Here, in the first detailed study of burrow architecture in a social mole-rat species, with data from 32 burrows, we show that in the giant mole-rat Fukomys mechowii burrow fractal dimension increases with colony size and is higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. The mass of food in the burrow increases with fractal dimension and is higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. These results link for the first time colony size, burrow architecture, rainfall and foraging success and provide support for two assumptions of the AFDH, namely that (1) in arid conditions burrowing may be severely constrained by the high costs of digging; and (2) the potential risks of failing to locate food may be mitigated by increases in colony size.  相似文献   

C. Endo 《Journal of Zoology》2007,273(4):414-420
The underground life of the oriental mole cricket Gryllotalpa orientalis has been investigated by studying the structure of its burrows under different environmental situations and in different seasons. The different uses of different burrow types and their advantages and disadvantages have been examined. The total length, number of tunnels and combination of burrow types varied from a simple tunnel to a more complex one with branches at various angles to the surface, burrow types being divided roughly into shallow horizontal or deep vertical ones. In horizontal burrows, the branching structure was well developed in various directions. It is notable that the vertical burrows of G. orientalis were occupied by only one individual. Both vertical and horizontal burrows were used for foraging: vertical burrows for plants with subterranean stems and horizontal burrows for creeping plants. Vertical burrows were also used for hiding from predators, resting, moulting and overwintering, whereas horizontal burrows were used for escaping from predators and as mating routes. Egg chambers were constructed beside horizontal burrows, and calling burrows were constructed as part of horizontal burrows. Based on their current requirements, mole crickets continuously modify their burrow structures or change burrowing sites.  相似文献   

Results of chromosome G- and C-banding studies on 12 specimens of the ice rat, Otomys sloggetti robertsi, from three localities and allozyme analyses of seven individuals from two localities are reported. The subspecies karyotype contains 42, mostly acrocentric, chromosomes. No chromosomal variation was detected among animals from these localities. Allozyme analysis tentatively suggested a limited gene flow between the two populations examined.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Thermoregulatory measurements of two Nambi rodents; Gerbillurus paeba, a burrow dweller, and Aethomys namaquensis, a crevice dweller were compared. Both were similar to other small arid-adapted rodents in that basal metabolic rates were reduced, thermoneutral zones narrow and evaporative water losses low. Rates of conductance and thermal lability, however, at ambient temperatures (Ta) below thermoneutral zone, were significantly different (P 0.01).

2. 2.|The rock rat A. namaquensis, living in a microclimate characterized by a large diel range and low humidities, compensates for a reduced basal metabolic rate by having a low rate of conductance. In this way it maintains precise thermoregulatory control. G. paeba, on the other hand, living in a thermally-stable milieu, does not control body temperature precisely. This animal instead utilizes a high rate of conductance to remove metabolic heat produced within the body. This would be advantageous to an animal living in a plugged burrow where the high humidities encountered impede the rate of evaporative cooling.

3. 3.|The energetic responses of both species, above the thermoneutral zone, appear to reflect very closely the environmental conditions which occur in the microhabitat that they rest in during the day. G. paeba shows less tolerance to temperature fluctuations than A. namaquensis, but shows more marked increases in short-term cooling mechanisms at high Tas.

4. 4.|Despite the increased use of evaporative cooling through salivation and panting in addition to pulmocutaneous evaporation, exposure to Tas above 38°C is rapidly lethal to G. paeba.

Author Keywords: Thermoregulation; thermal conductance; metabolic rate; evaporative water loss; crevice dweller; burrow dweller; Aethomys namaquensis; Gerbillurus paeba; Namib; desert  相似文献   

Guo Z G  Li X F  Liu X Y 《农业工程》2012,32(1):44-49
Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a key component of alpine meadow ecosystem in the Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau, and the increase of its number leads plant components of alpine meadow ecosystem to adaptively response. A field survey was carried out to determine the response of alpine meadow community to population densities of plateau pika by using available burrow density to replace the population density of plateau pika. This study showed that the height of alpine meadow communities gradually increased, and the cover of alpine meadow communities firstly decreased, and then increased as the available burrow density increased. With the increase of available burrow density, the richness index of alpine meadow communities firstly decreased and then increased, and the evenness index of alpine meadow communities firstly increased and then decreased, however, the diversity index of alpine meadow communities firstly increased, and then decreased, finally increased. In the increasing process of available burrow density, the total plant biomass and the unpalatable plant biomass firstly decreased and then increased, and the palatable plant biomass firstly increased and then decreased, indicating that the palatable plant biomass was the highest and the unpalatable plant biomass was the lowest at 14 available burrow per 625 m2. In the economic groups of plant biomass, the weed biomass was the highest and the legume biomass was the lowest at any available burrow densities, and the grass biomass and the sedge biomass were related to available burrow densities, indicating that the sedge biomass were bigger than the grass biomass at 3 available burrow per 625 m2, inverse at 54 available burrow per 625 m2, similar between 3 and 34 available burrow per 625 m2. Accompanying by the increase of available burrow densities, the legume biomass and the sedge biomass significantly decreased (P < 0.05) and the legume became disappearance at 54 available burrow per 625 m2; the grass biomass firstly increased and then decreased, peaking at 14 available burrow per 625 m2. The weed biomass firstly decreased and then increased, and was the lowest at 14 available burrow per 625 m2. This study suggested that the responses of alpine meadow communities to population density of plateau pika at 14 available burrows per 625 m2 were more sensitive than that at other available burrow per 625 m2 from plant species diversity, biomass, height, cover and economic group.  相似文献   

The burrow density of sympatric murids in relation to various abiotic factorsviz. maximum and minimum atmospheric temperatures, relative humidity, soil temperature and soil moisture was studied in the agro-ecosystem of village Kakrod-Jind (Haryana) Analysis of monthly recorded data on burrow density revealed a biomodal patterni. e. a peak each during the months of September and March · Of these abiotic factors, soil moisture revealed significant positive correlation with the burrow density whereas relative humidity exhibited invariably the least interaction · However, path co-efficient analysis depicted the direct effects of soil temperature and soil moisture and indirect effect of maximum and minimum atmospheric temperature through soil temperature on the burrow density. The use of path co-efficient analysis in such studies has been suggested.  相似文献   

王琰  童春富 《生态学报》2017,37(16):5504-5513
蟹类洞穴是蟹类在潮间带盐沼生存、繁衍的特征性结构,具有重要的生态功能。洞穴分布特征及其影响因子的分析,是深入探讨蟹类及其洞穴的生态系统功能的重要基础。2015年10月,在崇明北滩单一芦苇(Phragmites australis)群落,单一互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)群落和芦苇-互花米草混合群落3种典型生境中,对蟹类洞穴的分布特征及其相关的大型底栖动物、植被、沉积物等的特征参数进行了调研与分析。结果表明,生境类型差异对蟹类洞穴分布特征及相关生境因子具有重要影响。蟹类洞穴的分布密度和开口直径在不同生境间存在显著差异(P0.05),且单一芦苇群落生境内洞穴密度要显著高于单一互花米草群落生境(P0.05),洞穴开口直径在单一互花米草生境要显著高于单一芦苇生境(P0.05);大型底栖动物生物量、密度、植物地下部分生物量在不同生境间差异不显著(P0.05),而植株密度、活植株高度、植物地上部分生物量以及沉积物含水率、p H、氧化还原电位在不同生境间存在显著差异(P0.05)。沉积物中值粒径,总氮含量和总碳含量在不同生境间的差异随深度不同会发生变化。不同生境主要生境因子的差异是导致蟹类洞穴分布特征不同的根本原因;蟹类洞穴分布特征受多个生境因子的综合作用。筛选的生境因子的组合虽然与洞穴分布特征具有显著相关性,但相关系数较小。未来研究中需要拓展生境因子涵盖范围,加强多因子综合作用分析。  相似文献   

The Plains vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) is one of the largest rodents in South America. They live in communal burrow systems (vizcacheras) shaped by complex subterranean galleries which produce a strong impact on the local landscape. This paper presents the results of an actualistic study conducted with abandoned vizcacheras from the Pampas region of Argentina. The main objective is to evaluate the role of this rodent in the formation of the fossil record. Results indicate that the Plains vizcacha is responsible for the mixing, accumulation, and transport of materials; such as sticks, caliche, dung, feces, and abundant bone remains. Their burrowing activity and the accumulating habits, modifies the landscape, creating environments conducive to the buildup of objects and the reuse by different animals. These characteristics result in very complex associations of materials of different origins; making this rodent an important taphonomic agent with the potential to significantly impact the fossil record.  相似文献   

Summary Breeding habitats in Mediterranean France consist in open, dry grasslands with a low and discontinuous grass layer and scattered bushes and trees. The choice of nest supports was largely opportunistic, the most abundant suitable nest support type (bush or tree) and the most abundant species being present at each study site have been used. About 75% of the nests were placed at heights between 1 and 3 m. Laying period lasted from 9 May until 6 July (peak of first clutches: 21–30 May). Mean clutch size was 5.14±0.82 eggs (n=114). Breeding success was independent from the site, the height and the concealment of nests. Mean survival rate of nests from laying to fledgling was 0.365. The main cause of low breeding success was high nest predation exerted by a rich guild of predators. The species is mainly threatened through dramatic habitat shrinkage due to pastoralism reduction leading to closures of lightly bushed grasslands in Mediterranean France.
Nistplatzwahl, Legeperiode und Bruterfolg des Rotkopfwürgers (Lanius senator) in Südfrankreich
Zusammenfassung Als Bruthabitat bevorzugt der Rotkopfwürgers im mediterranen Südfrankreich offene und trockene Graslandlandschaften mit niedrigem oder lückigem Grasbewuchs und einzelstehenden Büschen und/oder Bäumen. Häufigster Nestträger ist die jeweils im Brutterritorium häufigste Baum- oder Buschart. Ungefähr 75% der Nester standen zwischen 1 und 3 m über Boden. Die Legeperiode reichte vom 9. Mai bis 6. Juli (Gipfel der Erstgelege am 21.–30. Mai und der Ersatzgelege am 20.–24. Juni). Die Gelegegröße bestand aus 3 bis 7, meist 5 Eier (Erstgelege im Mittel 5,35±0,71 Eier, Ersatzgelege: 4,68±0,85). Der Bruterfolg war unabhängig von der Lage, der Höhe und der Verborgenheit des Nestes. Die mittlere Überlebensrate eines Nestes zwischen Bebrütung des Geleges und Ausfliegen der Jungen betrug 0,365. Dieser niedrige Bruterfolg wurde hauptsächlich durch Nesträuber verursacht. In Südfrankreich ist die Art aber vor allem durch die zunehmende Verschließung der Bruthabitate infolge des Rückgangs des extensiven Weidebetriebs gefährdet.

Guo Z G  Zhou X R  Hou Y 《农业工程》2012,32(2):104-110
The available burrow densities of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) regulate the soil physicochemical property in alpine meadow. A field survey was conducted to investigate the effect of available burrow densities of plateau pika on soil physicochemical property of bare land (bare patch produced by burrowing behavior of plateau pika) and vegetation land (land covered with vegetation). This study indicated that the increase in available burrow of plateau pika caused the soil water content at 0–10 cm layer of bare land and that at 10–20 cm of vegetation land to reduce, and caused the soil water content at 10– 20 cm layer of bare land and that at 0–10 cm layer of vegetation land to firstly increase and then decline. In the increasing process of available burrow of plateau pika, the soil silt content firstly increased and then decreased, and soil sand content firstly decreased and then increased. With the increase of available burrow of plateau pika, the soil porosity at 0–10 cm layer of bare land and that at 10–20 cm layer of vegetation land decreased, while the soil porosity at 10–20 cm layer of bare land and that at 0–10 cm of vegetation land firstly increased and then decreased. Soil pH value, soil organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus content firstly increased and then decreased, peaking at 14 available burrows per 625 m2, while total soil potassium content did not respond to available burrow densities of plateau pika. This study suggested that the proper available burrows existing in the alpine meadow increased soil permeability, accelerated soil moisture to penetrate deeply, increased the proportion of soil silt, and improved the soil nutrient; however, this beneficial effect was strongly influenced by the available burrow density of plateau pika, implying that plateau pika did not benefit soil structure when its available burrow was over 34 number/625 m2.  相似文献   

贾婷婷  毛亮  郭正刚 《生态学报》2014,34(4):869-877
高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)有效洞穴密度扩增会引起高寒草甸植物群落组分的变化。采用野外调查方法研究了高原鼠兔有效洞穴密度对青藏高原高寒草甸群落植物生态位的影响。结果表明:随高原鼠兔有效洞穴密度增加,样方内植物种数逐渐增多,但主要是毒杂草,有效洞穴密度超过15个/625m2时豆科植物出现。优势种高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)的重要值随有效洞穴密度增加呈单峰曲线,峰值出现在15个/625m2。有效洞穴密度低于或等于21个/625m2时,优势种高山嵩草生态位宽度位居第一,但有效洞穴密度达31个/625m2时,其生态位宽度降至并列第三,低于小米草(Euphrasia pectinata)和钝裂银莲花(Anemone obtusiloba),等同于小花草玉梅(Anemone rivularis)和乳浆大戟(Euphorbia esula)。有效洞穴密度分别为10个/625m2,15个/625m2,21个/625m2,31个/625m2时,与高山嵩草生态位重叠度最大的物种分别为莓叶委陵菜(Potentilla fragarioides)、圆叶筋骨草(Ajuga ovalifolia)、乳浆大戟、条叶垂头菊(Cremanthodium lineare)。有效洞穴密度为10个/625m2时,高山嵩草是群落内种群间竞争最激烈的一方,但有效洞穴密度超过或等于15个/625m2时,高山嵩草则退出了种群间竞争最激烈的双方。说明高原鼠兔有效密度增加严重影响了高寒草甸群落组分、重要值、生态位宽度和生态位重叠值。  相似文献   

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