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Melittin, a basic polypeptide from bee venom, inhibits basal and thyrotropin-stimulated adenylate cyclase of beef thyroid membranes with a Ki ≈ 10 μM. Although this property resides in the basicC-terminal and not the N-terminal portion of the molecule, inhibition is due primarily to its detergent-like nature rather than the charge effects. There is also a small enhancing effect of both basal and thyrotropin-stimulated adenylate cyclase of 0.3–3 μM melittin.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa of the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata possess a phosphorylated guanylate cyclase as a major glycoprotein of the flagellar plasma membrane. When sperm cells contact the jelly layer surrounding the egg, the peptide "resact" binds the sperm cell surface and triggers the dephosphorylation of the cyclase. A large decrease in cyclase activity accompanies dephosphorylation. Before treatment of sperm cells with egg jelly the enzyme contains 17.95 +/- 1.24 moles phosphate per mole cyclase. After treatment of sperm cells with egg jelly this number decreases to 2.57 +/- 0.42. Based on a molecular weight of 137,250 for the peptide chain, approximately 15 phosphate groups are lost per molecule of guanylate cyclase at fertilization.  相似文献   

The maximum molar ratio of lecithin:cholesterol in aqueous dispersions has been reported to be 2:1, 1:1, or 1:2. The source of the desparate results has been examined in this study by analyzing (a) the phase relations in anhydrous mixtures (from which most dispersions are prepared) and (b) various methods of preparing aqueous dispersions, with the purpose of avoiding the formation of metastable states that may be responsible for the variability of the lecithin-cholesterol stoichiometry. Temperature-composition phase diagrams for anhydrous mixtures of cholesterol (CHOL) with dimyristoyl (DML) and with dipalmitoyl (DPL) lecithin were obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Complexes form with molar ratios for lecithin:CHOL of 2:1 and 1:2; they are stable up to 70°C. When x(CHOL) < 0.33, two phases coexist: complex (2:1) plus pure lecithin; when 0.33 < x(CHOL) < 0.67 complexes (2:1) and (1:2) coexist as separate phases. The corresponding phase diagram in water for these mixtures was determined by DSC and isopycnic centrifugation in D2O-H2O gradients. Aqueous dispersions were prepared by various methods (vortexing, dialysis, sonication) yielding identical results except as noted below. The data presented supports the following phase relations. When x(CHOL) < 0.33, two lipid phases coexist: pure lecithin plus complex (2:1) where the properties of the lecithin phase are determined by whether the temperature is below or above Tc, the gel-liquid crystal transition temperature. Therefore, complex (2:1) will coexist with gel state below Tc and with liquid crystal above Tc. The densities follow in the order gel > complex (2:1) > liquid crystal. The density of complex (2:1) is less sensitive to temperature in the range 5°-45°C compared to the temperature dependence for DML and DPL where large changes in density occur at Tc. When x(CHOL) > 0.33, CHOL phase coexists with complex (2:1); anhydrous complex (1:2) is apparently not stable in H2O. The results are independent of the method and temperature used for preparing the lipid dispersions. However, when dispersions are prepared by sonication or with solvents at T > Tc, an apparent 1:1 complex is formed. Evidence suggests the 1:1 complex is metastable.  相似文献   

Adenosine and certain adenosine analogues inhibit beef thyroid membrane adenylate cyclase. The inhibition has a rapid onset, is not directly on the catalytic or nucleotide regulatory sites, occurs with all activators tested (ITP, Gpp(NH)p, TSH, and F?), and is seen also in mouse and human thyroid membranes. Addition of manganous ion, which activates adenylate cyclase, markedly enhances the inhibition by adenosine analogues. The order of potencies is: 2′,5′-dideoxyadenosine > 5′-deoxyadenosine > 2′-deoxy-3′-phosphoadenosine > 2′-deoxyadenosine > adenosine > adeninexyloside > adenine arabinoside. Purinemodified analogues are either inactive or stimulate slightly at high concentrations. This chemical specificity, the Mn2+ requirement, and the lack of reversal by theophylline, suggest that these membranes have little “R” site activity (stringent for the ribose moiety) and primarily contain a “P” site that has stringent purine requirement but permits changes in the ribose moiety. This site appears to be associated with the catalytic unit since it persists in solubilized adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin--hemoglobin interaction. Stoichiometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Eukaryotic nitric oxide (NO) signaling involves modulation of cyclic GMP (cGMP) levels through activation of the soluble isoform of guanylate cyclase (sGC). sGC is a heterodimeric hemoprotein that contains a Heme-Nitric oxide and OXygen binding (H-NOX) domain, a Per/ARNT/Sim (PAS) domain, a coiled-coil (CC) domain, and a catalytic domain. To evaluate the role of these domains in regulating the ligand binding properties of the heme cofactor of NO-sensitive sGC, we constructed chimeras by swapping the rat β1 H-NOX domain with the homologous region of H-NOX domain-containing proteins from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis, Vibrio cholerae, and Caenorhabditis elegans (TtTar4H, VCA0720, and Gcy-33, respectively). Characterization of ligand binding by electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopy indicates that the other rat sGC domains influence the bacterial and worm H-NOX domains. Analysis of cGMP production in these proteins reveals that the chimeras containing bacterial H-NOX domains exhibit guanylate cyclase activity, but this activity is not influenced by gaseous ligand binding to the heme cofactor. The rat-worm chimera containing the atypical sGC Gcy-33 H-NOX domain was weakly activated by NO, CO, and O(2), suggesting that atypical guanylate cyclases and NO-sensitive guanylate cyclases have a common molecular mechanism for enzyme activation. To probe the influence of the other sGC domains on the mammalian sGC heme environment, we generated heme pocket mutants (Pro118Ala and Ile145Tyr) in the β1 H-NOX construct (residues 1-194), the β1 H-NOX-PAS-CC construct (residues 1-385), and the full-length α1β1 sGC heterodimer (β1 residues 1-619). Spectroscopic characterization of these proteins shows that interdomain communication modulates the coordination state of the heme-NO complex and the heme oxidation rate. Taken together, these findings have important implications for the allosteric mechanism of regulation within H-NOX domain-containing proteins.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry of the first shell of lipids interacting with a transmembrane protein is defined operationally by the population of spin-labeled lipid chains whose motion is restricted directly by the protein. Interaction stoichiometries have been determined experimentally for a wide range of alpha-helical integral membrane proteins by using spin-label ESR spectroscopy. Here, we determine the spatially defined number of first-shell lipids at the hydrophobic perimeter of integral membrane proteins whose 3D structure has been determined by X-ray crystallography and lipid-protein interactions characterized by spin-labeling. Molecular modeling is used to build a single shell of lipids surrounding transmembrane structures derived from the PDB. Constrained energy optimization of the protein-lipid assemblies is performed by molecular mechanics. For relatively small proteins (up to 7-12 transmembrane helices), the geometrical first shell corresponds to that defined experimentally by perturbation of the lipid-chain dynamics. For larger, multi-subunit alpha-helical proteins, the lipids perturbed directly by the protein may either exceed or be less in number than those that can be accommodated at the intramembranous perimeter. In these latter cases, the motionally restricted spin-labeled lipids can be augmented by intercalation, or can correspond to a specific subpopulation at the protein interface, respectively. For monomeric beta-barrel proteins, the geometrical lipid stoichiometry corresponds to that determined from lipid mobility for a 22-stranded barrel, but fewer lipids are motionally restricted than can be accommodated around an eight-stranded barrel. Deviations from the geometrical first shell, in the beta-barrel case, are for the smaller protein with a highly curved barrel.  相似文献   

After being proteolytically activated, the protective antigen (PA) moiety of anthrax toxin self-associates to form symmetric, ring-shaped heptamers. Heptameric PA competitively binds the enzymatic moieties of the toxin, edema factor and lethal factor, and translocates them across the endosomal membrane by a pH-dependent process. We used two independent approaches to determine how many of the seven identical EF/LF binding sites of the PA heptamer can be occupied simultaneously. We measured isotope ratios in complexes assembled from differentially radiolabeled toxin subunits, and we determined the molecular masses of unlabeled complexes by multiangle laser light scattering. Both approaches yielded the same value: the PA heptamer in solution binds three molecules of protein ligand under saturating conditions. This suggests that each bound ligand sterically occludes the binding sites of two PA subunits. According to this model, a ligand-saturated heptamer is asymmetric, with the sites of six of the seven subunits occluded. These results contribute to the conceptual framework for understanding the mechanism of membrane translocation by anthrax toxin.  相似文献   

Literature‐compiled data sets demonstrate wide interspecific variation in nitrogen content among terrestrial arthropods and raise the possibility of nitrogen (N) limitation for predatory species. It remains unclear, however, whether the same disparities between N supply and demand that appear in literature compilations also exist in particular ecological communities. To address this uncertainty, we compared arthropod predator–prey stoichiometries derived from a compiled database with those from a natural Spartina saltmarsh community. Separate assessments of potential N‐limitation were made for arthropod predators feeding on herbivores and for intraguild predators feeding on intraguild prey. Relative to the compiled database, saltmarsh consumer–resource interactions exhibited increased disparity between N‐content of herbivores and N‐demand by predators. The high N content of saltmarsh arachnids relative to predatory insects at large may contribute to the supply‐demand disparity. Whether N‐limitation of terrestrial arthropod predators is widespread in the marsh, and in nature in general, depends sensitively on the predatory species’ gross growth efficiencies for N and carbon. Obtaining hard empirical data for these efficiency parameters should be a research goal.  相似文献   

The adenylate cyclase of mammalian spermatozoa shares some of the properties of the isolated catalytic component from somatic cell adenylate cyclases. One of these properties is the large apparent stimulation by Mn2+. We have used the direct linear plot according to Eisenthal and Cornish-Bowden to explore whether this apparent stimulation is due to direct stimulation by Mn2+ or due to complexation of free ATP, a postulated inhibitor of cyclase activity. We have observed the activity of the particulate adenylate cyclase from bovine caudal epididymal spermatozoa as a function of calculated equilibrium values for the concentrations of Mn2+, free ATP, and the enzyme's substrate, the manganese-ATP complex. Direct linear plots for activity and substrate concentration over the apparent inhibitory concentration range of free ATP give the pattern expected for a hyperbolic substrate response. By contrast, direct linear plots in which Mn2+ concentration varies over its apparent stimulatory range show that as Mn2+ concentration increases, activities are higher than would be predicted for a hyperbolic substrate response. We conclude that for particulate bovine sperm adenylate cyclase, free ATP is not strongly inhibitory, and Mn2+ is a positive effector, reaching half-maximal stimulation at 0.2 mM. The unique nature of the sperm adenylate cyclase and its possible regulation by Mn2+ under physiological conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

The inhibition by opiates of the PGE2-induced formation of cAMP in slices from rat brain striatum was investigated. A maximal, 3.5-fold increase over the basal level of cAMP was obtained with an EC50 for PGE2 of 3 microM. Opiate agonists of both mu and kappa type were inhibitory. The IC50 values for morphine, levorphanol and ethylketocyclazocine (EKC) were 110 nM, 80 nM and 25 nM, respectively. These values were similar to the potencies of the compounds in displacing stereospecifically bound 3H-etorphine in rat brain membranes. As evidenced by the inactivity of dextrorphan, the inhibition of PGE2-dependent cAMP formation was stereospecific. Also ineffective were the opiate antagonists naloxone, naltrexone and MR 2266. These compounds did, however, reverse the inhibition by agonists, displaying thereby selectivity toward the putative mu and kappa opiates. Thus, the inhibition by morphine was antagonized to a greater degree by naloxone than by MR 2266, and the action of EKC was blocked more effectively by MR 2266 relative to naloxone.  相似文献   

1-adrenaline, ACTH and glucagon activate the adenylate cyclase of rat adipocytes by decreasing its S0.5(Mg2+) (concentration yielding 0.5 Vmax) from its basal value of 11.5 to 1.2, 0.3 and 1.8 mM and by increasing its Ki(ATP4?) from 0.03 to 0.25; 0.62 and 0.16 mM respectively. The kinetic properties of the enzyme are regulated by its state of saturation with ATP4? or Mg2+; its saturation with ATP4? and citrate3? suppressed its basal and hormone-dependent activities. The hormone-dependent decrease in Km and increase in Vmax of the enzyme occur when shifting from suboptimal low concentrations of hormone and Mg2+ to optimal conditions, i.e., high concentration of hormone and low concentration of Mg2+. The increase in the state of saturation of the enzyme with Mg2+ decreases the hormone-dependent effects on Vmax and results in identical values of Km (0.14 mM) for its basal and 1-adrenaline dependent activities. CaCl2 saturation curves at 5 mM ATP with either 5, 10 or 20 mM MgCl2 show that the substitution of 5 mM MgCl2 by 10 mM and 20 mM MgCl2 increased the Ki(Ca2+) of the enzyme from 0.19 to 0.49 and 0.94 mM but decreased its Ki(CaATP) from 0.42 to 0.19 and 0.14 mM respectively. Only when the concentration of MgCl2 exceeded that of ATP did 1-adrenaline and ACTH activate the enzyme by increasing its Ki(Ca2+), although only ACTH increased its Ki(CaATP). An increase in energy charge would decrease the intracellular concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+ because ATP4? has stronger binding constants for Mg2+ and Ca2+ than ADP3? and AMP2?. Hence, the reported properties of the enzyme suggests that changes in energy charge may allow for metabolic feedback control of the hormonal responsiveness of the Mg2+, Ca2+, ATP4? -sensitive adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin H synthase. Stoichiometry of heme cofactor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The stoichiometry of heme interaction with prostaglandin H synthase was determined by titration of the apoenzyme purified from sheep seminal vesicles. Maximal cyclooxygenase activity was reached when 0.53 +/- 0.11 (n = 6) heme/70,000-Da subunit had been added. Spectrophotometric titrations at 411 nm showed a transition when 0.53 +/- 0.04 (n = 5) heme/subunit had been added. The results from the titration end points were corroborated by comparison of the specific cyclooxygenase activity based on subunit concentration with the specific activity/mol of heme (calculated from the incremental increases in activity during the titration). The value based on subunit was approximately half (0.58 +/- 0.11; n = 6) that based on heme, consistent with one heme/two subunits. Analysis of synthase holoenzyme after chromatography on DEAE-cellulose provided validation for the concept that only one subunit needs to bind heme to give a catalytically active synthase dimer. Binding of some heme to the second subunit appears to be only coincidentally associated with complete saturation of the active subunit. Titrations of the synthase with Mn-protoporphyrin IX gave results which confirmed the presence of two high affinity metalloporphyrin sites/dimer. Unlike heme, two Mn-protoporphyrin IX need be bound per dimer to obtain full catalytic activity. Prostaglandin H synthase appears to have two high affinity binding sites for metalloporphyrins. The two sites have slightly different affinities for heme. The synthase dimer is capable of cyclooxygenase catalysis when the site with higher affinity is occupied by heme. The two subunits of the enzyme are thus not completely identical.  相似文献   

R P Frigon  S N Timasheff 《Biochemistry》1975,14(21):4559-4566
The self-association of calf brain tubulin at pH 7.0 in the presence of magnesium ions has been examined by velocity sedimentation. The schlieren patterns were analyzed by methods described by Gilbert and by Cox. The observed process is best described in terms of a rapidly reversible progressive self-association of the tubulin dimer with identical chain elongation equilibrium constants, k, terminated by a ring-closing step, at degree of polymerization n = 26 +/- 2, with k26 greater than k. The end product of the polymerization reaction has a sedimentation coefficient s20,w0 k2 +/- 2 S. It is hydrodynamically equivalent to a closed ring structure observed in the electron microscope at identical conditions.  相似文献   

During the reaction of oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) with nitrite, the concentration of residual nitrite, nitrate, oxygen, and methemoglobin (Hb+) was determined successively. The results obtained at various pH values indicate the following stoichiometry for the overall reaction: 4HbO2 + 4NO2- 4H+ leads to 4Hb+ + 4NO3- + O2 + 2H2 O (Hb denotes hemoglobin monomer). NO2- binds with methemoglobin noncooperatively with a binding constant of 340 M-1 at pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C. Thus, the major part of Hb+ produced is aquomethemoglobin, not methemoglobin nitrite, when less than 2 equivalents of nitrite is used for the oxidation.  相似文献   

Guanylyl cyclase receptors.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

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