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Summary The feasibility ofB. thuringiensis as an economic insect control agent is dependent upon various factors. Consideration of three situations. whereB. thuringiensis could be used illustrates the interaction of these factors, and their contribution to determining the success or failure of the organism as an insecticide. Apple crops suffer from attack by a complex of insect pests, many of which are very susceptible to theB. thuringiensis toxin. However chemical control methods are preferred by growers in order to satisfy the consumers' demand for top quality blemish-free fruit. By contrast cotton growers are beset with problems of pest resistance to chemical insecticides. This problem is tackled by using pest management strategies which orchestrate all possible methods of control. Such a situation is ideally suited toB. thuringiensis products, but as yet they have proven to be of inadequate efficacy. The softwood forest industry is an example whereB. thuringiensis is both needed and effective. The pest complex is relatively simple, and there is public concern about the health risks of chemical sprays. Recent developments of high performance formulations means thatB. thuringiensis is an economic, cost-effective, biological alternative to chemical control for forestry pests.
Resumen La posibilidad de utilizarB. thuringiensis para el control de insectos de una forma económica depende de varios factores. La consideración de tres situaciones distintas en las queB. thuringiensis puede ser utilizado ilustra la interacción de estos factores y su contribución al éxito o fracaso del organismo como insecticida. El cultivo de manzanas sufre el ataque de una serie de plagas de insectos, muchas de las cuales son susceptibles a la toxina deB. thuringiensis. Sin embargo, los agricultores prefieren utilizar métodos de control químico a fin de satisfacer la demanda del consumidor por un fruto de primera calidad sin marcas ni señales. Por el contrario, los cultivadores de algodon estan sensibilizados a los problemas de la aparición de plagas resistentes a los insecticidas químicos. Este problema se ha abordado utilizando sistemas de control integrado que aglutinan todos los posibles métodos de control. Esta situación parece la ideal para el uso de productos a base deB. thuringiensis, pero hasta ahora estos han resultado ser poco eficaces. La industria de la madera blanda constituye en ejemplo en el cualB. thuringiensis es a la vez necesario y efectivo. Las plagas en cuestión forman un sistema relativamente simple y los efectos de los sprays químicos sobre la salud pública son causa de preocupación. Los desarrollos recientes en formulaciones de elevada eficacia convierten aB. thuringiensis en una alternativa biológica económicamente factible frente al control químico de plagas forestales.

Résumé La possibilité d'utiliser économiquementB. thuringiensis dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles dépend de facteurs divers. L'examen de trois situations dans lesquellesB. thuringiensis peut être utilisé illustre l'interaction de ces facteurs et leur contribution dans le succès ou l'échec de cet organisme comme insecticide. Les récoltes de pommes sont menacées par les attaques d'un mélange complexe d'insectes, dont beaucoup sont sensibles à la toxine deB. thuringiensis. Cependant, les horticulteurs préfèrent les méthodes chimiques à cause de l'exigence des consommateurs pour des fruits de haute qualité et sans aucune tache. Par contre, les cultivateurs de coton sont obsédés par les problèmes de résistance aux insecticides chimiques. Ce problème est affronté par des stratégies faisant appel à tous les moyens de lutte possibles. C'est une situation convenant bien aux produits qui contiennentB. thuringiensis, mais jusqu'ici ces produits se sont montrés inefficaces. L'industrie du bois tendre forestier est toutefois un exemple de cas oùB. thuringiensis est à la fois nécessaire et efficace. En effet, le complexe des insectes agressifs est relativement simple et il existe en outre une prévention du public contre les risques sanitaires des pulvérisations de produits chimiques. La mise au point récente de formulations à haute performance démontre queB. thuringiensis est, pour la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles des forêts, une alternative économique et bon-marché.

Invited paper presented at the VII International Conference on the Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology, Helsiki, 12–16 August 1985. Session 8  相似文献   

Insecticidal crystal proteins (ICP) from Bacillus thuringiensis serovar kurstaki HD-1 and HD-73 were activated by immobilized trypsin or chymotrypsin. The activated toxins (10 μ g or more) as well as unactivated ICP killed adult house flies but not larvae. Bacillus thuringiensis strain son diego did not kill house flies. In this experimental system, the average life span of the adult house fly was 8 days and the activated toxins reduced it to 2 days. The unactivated insecticidal crystal protein also reduced it to 4 days at the same concentration as the activated toxin.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis preparations are standardized by bioassay based on a comparison with a reference standard preparation. By this way the standardization of industrial formulations is satisfactory in order to maintain a constant quality within a given product. International standardization is quite another problem and cannot be achieved by facing only standardized titration methods, since other factors, particularly the used strains, contribute to different host activity. An account is given of the actual situation with historical backgrounds and some suggestions are made to avoid possible pitfall. Essentially it would be most useful to demonstrate the biological activity differences of different products. This work could be done by the different specialized laboratories with the help of internationally distributed standard preparations of each proposed serotype and using various technics and multiple test insects.  相似文献   

Summary Fed-batch culture of Bacillus thuringiensis for thuringiensin (-exotoxin) production was carried out in a modified airlift reactor. The feeding policy was based on the pH value in the broth. The feed rate of the substrate was regulated by an appropriate pH value. The yield of thuringiensin based on the fed-batch culture increased 30% in comparison with that of batch culture.  相似文献   

The area devoted to growing transgenic plants expressing insecticidal Cry proteins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is increasing worldwide. A major concern with the adoption of Bt crops is their potential impact on nontarget organisms including biological control organisms. Regulatory frameworks should advocate a step-wise (tiered) approach to assess possible nontarget effects of Bt crops. Laboratory and glasshouse studies have revealed effects on natural enemies only when Bt-susceptible, sublethally damaged herbivores were used as prey or host, with no indication of direct toxic effects. Field studies have confirmed that the abundance and activity of parasitoids and predators are similar in Bt and non-Bt crops. In contrast, applications of conventional insecticides have usually resulted in negative impacts on biological control organisms. Because Bt-transgenic varieties can lead to substantial reductions in insecticide use in some crops, they can contribute to integrated pest management systems with a strong biological control component.  相似文献   

The current status of production and application of biopesticides for pest control in China is briefly reviewed, with a focus on research advances in microbial control with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). These have led to improvements in Bt production, exploitation of Bt gene resources, and development of engineered Bt insecticides and transgenic Bt crops that have expanded host ranges and increased efficacy against target pests. Both conventional and biotechnology approaches need to be employed to achieve further progress in discovery, production technology, formulation processing, development of quality standards and recommended use patterns.  相似文献   

The current study describes toxic effects of the Bacillus thuringiensis beta-exotoxin toward 3rd instars of 3 fruit fly species: Anastrepha ludens (Loew), A. obliqua (Macquart), and A. serpentina (Wiedemann). The beta-exotoxin was highly toxic to all 3 species tested, with LC50 values calculated as 0.641, 0.512, and 0.408 microgram/cm2 of filter paper used to expose the larvae, for A. ludens, A. obliqua, and A. serpentina, respectively. Exposure to beta-exotoxin was associated with an increase in the incidence of deformed pupae. The adult survivors from beta-exotoxin treatments showed no negative effects in terms of their longevity, fecundity, or egg eclosion (fertility). We conclude that the beta-exotoxin may have potential as a control agent for fruit fly pests.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-seven strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and 35 strains of Bacillus cereus were tested for the presence or absence of 99 traits. An analysis of these data indicated that strains of B. thuringiensis were indistinguishable from B. cereus, except for their ability to produce parasporal crystals. This conclusion was based on a comparison of the phenotypic properties of B. thuringiensis and B. cereus, as well as on the results of numerical analyses of the data which grouped strains into clusters on the basis of phenotypic similarity. In the resulting dendrograms, strains of B. thuringiensis and B. cereus were interspersed, exhibiting no tendency to segregate. In addition, with the exception of serovar israelensis, strains on B. thuringiensis belonging to the same flagellar serovar showed little or no tendency to group in different clusters. A comparison of the phenotypic differences between serovars indicated that the greater the number of strains in the serovars, the fewer, if any, phenotypic traits separating them. This suggests that the properties reported to differentiate serovars can be attributed to the internal phenotypic diversity of the species. Characterization of 10 mosquitocidal strains of Bacillus sphaericus indicated that the traits employed in this study readily distinguished these highly related organisms from strains of B. thuringiensis and B. cereus.  相似文献   

Although biological control agents (BCAs) have been used extensively for controlling insects and pathogens of plants, little is known regarding the effects of such agents on the indigenous microbial communities within the plant phyllosphere. We assessed the effect of the BCA Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) on the microbial communities within the pepper plant phyllosphere using culture-independent methodologies. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis suggested that the bacterial and fungal biomass were not significantly affected following Bt application. However, principal component analysis of PLFA data indicated that Bt did change the phyllosphere microbial community structure significantly. 16S rRNA gene-directed PCR with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) also suggested a significant change in the phyllosphere bacterial community structure following Bt inoculation. Phylogenetic analysis of excised DGGE bands suggested a change in bacterial phyla; bands from untreated samples predominantly belonged to the Firmicutes, while Gammaproteobacteria abounded in the treated samples.  相似文献   

田间药效试验结果表明,剂量为80,100,120和150mL667m2的16%苏·三唑磷悬浮剂对水稻二化螟Chilosappressalis药后20d的防效分别为64.3,74.1,78.3和88.7%,对水稻的保苗效果为96.8%~99.1%。16%苏·三唑磷悬浮剂150mL667m2对二化螟的防效和保苗效果最佳,分别为88.7%和299.1%,与20%三唑磷乳油150mL667m2的防效88.8%和保苗效果99.1%差异不显著。  相似文献   

198 9年自云南昆明市石林的红棕壤中分离到数株苏云金芽孢杆菌 (Bacillusthuringien sis,Bt)菌株[1] ,对其中的一株YK30 0 4进行了生物学特性、杀虫特性研究及分类鉴定。1 材料与方法1.1 供鉴定的Bt菌株由云南昆明市石林的红棕壤中分离的苏云金芽孢杆菌YK30 0 4菌株。1.2 标准Bt菌株血清型H1 H4 1、H4 4 H55及H57 H69标准Bt菌株由法国巴斯德研究院DrLecadet提供 ,其余为本实验室保存。1.3 生物测定用昆虫小菜蛾 (Plutellaxylostella) 3龄幼虫 ;斜纹夜盗蛾 (Pr…  相似文献   

Metallic nanoparticles are traditionally synthesized by wet chemical techniques, where the chemicals used are often toxic and flammable. In the present study, the spore crystal mixture of Bacillus thuringiensis was used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Nanoparticles were characterized using UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, XRD and TEM. X-ray diffraction and TEM analysis showed the average particle size of 15 nm and mixed (cubic and hexagonal) structure. This is for the first time that any bacterial spore crystal mixture was used for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Further, these biologically synthesized nanoparticles were found to be highly toxic against different multi drug resistant human pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

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