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新疆光脉赤眼蜂属一新种记述(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述采自新疆的光脉赤眼蜂属Aphelinoidea Girault 1新种:刀尾光脉赤眼蜂Aphelinoidea cultrocaudata,sp.nov.,并提供了中国光脉赤眼蜂属6种的检索表,并附新种主要形态特征图及扫描电镜图片.模式标本保存于新疆大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫研究室.  相似文献   

新疆光脉赤眼蜂属种类记述(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了光脉赤眼蜂属Aphelinoidea Girault的研究历史及现状,并描述了采自新疆的光脉赤眼蜂属3个种,其中有1新种,2中国新记录种,同时提供了新疆光脉赤眼蜂属分种的分类检索表,另附主要形态特征图。所有标本保存在福建农林大学生物防治研究所。1.长翅光脉赤眼蜂Aphelinoidea dolichoptera (Novicky),中国新记录(图1)Aphelinoidea dolichoptera(Novicky),1933,Polsk.Pismo Ent.12:4。观察标本:1♀,2♂♂,新疆新源县,2001-Ⅵ-01,吴卫网扫;1♂,新疆乌鲁木齐市,2001-Ⅶ-25,崔卫东网扫。2.沙湾光脉赤眼蜂Aphelinoidea shawanica,新种(图2)本种与Aphelinoidea subexserta Novicky很相似,但本种前翅的缘毛较长,翅面纤毛较稀少;产卵管明显露出:触角棒节基部深褐色,端部淡黄色。正模:♀,新疆沙湾县,2001-Ⅶ-14,胡红英网扫;副模:1♀,同正模;2♀♀,新疆温泉县,2001Ⅶ-16,胡红英网扫;2♀♀,石河子市150团,2001-Ⅶ-12,胡红英网扫。3.土耳其光脉赤眼蜂Aphelinoidea anatolica Novicky,中国新记录(图3)Aphelinoidea natolica Novicky,1936,Zeit.Angew.Ent.Berlin.23:144.观察标本:2♀♀,1♂,新疆沙湾县,2001-Ⅶ-14,胡红英网扫;1♀,新疆温泉县,2001-Ⅶ-12,胡红英网扫;1♀,石河子市150团,2001-Ⅶ-12,胡红英网扫;4♀♀,3♂♂,新疆新源县,2001-Ⅶ-01,吴卫网扫;1♀,新疆呼图壁县,1999-Ⅷ-27,林乃铨网扫;1♂,新疆五家渠市,2001-Ⅶ-26,孙涛网扫;1♂,新疆和静县,2001-Ⅷ-08,胡红英网扫。2♀♀,新疆和硕县,2001-Ⅷ-07,胡红英网扫;3♀♀,3♂♂,新疆博湖县,2001-Ⅷ-07,胡红英网扫。  相似文献   

中国断脉赤眼蜂属一新种记述(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
断脉赤眼蜂属Mirufens系Girault 1915年以M.dentipes作为属的模式种建立的。迄今全世界已知有11种,分布于澳大利亚、印度、斯里兰卡、叙利亚、欧洲及中国。该属的主要特征:雌虫触角由9节组成,其结构式为:柄节:梗节:环状节:索节:棒状节=1:1:2:2:3。雄虫触角10节,比雌虫触角末端多1小节,其索节及棒状节具有轮生的长毛,与雌性明显不同。前翅宽阔,翅端圆,缘毛短,缘脉与翅的前缘紧接或分离,缘前脉与缘脉之间有一明显的断裂痕。前足胫节外缘具有一行齿列。此属在中国仅知台湾省有1未定名种(林桂瑞,1981),大陆地区尚无分布记录。本文报道采自辽宁沈阳的断脉赤眼蜂属1新种。模式标本存于沈阳农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

中国新纪录属副赤眼蜂属及一新种记述(膜翅目,赤眼蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道了副赤眼蜂属Paratrichogramma Girault在中国及古北区的分布,并记述了采自新疆的1新种,塔里木副赤眼蜂Paratrichogramma tarimica sp.nov.,本种与Paratrichogramma giraulti Hayat et Shuja很相似,但本种前翅翅面纤毛更稀少,缘毛极短,产卵管明显长于中足胫节,雄性触角第1索节远短于第2索节.模式标本保存在新疆大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫研究室.  相似文献   

报道寄生拟隐脉叶蝉Sophonia spp.卵的尖角赤眼蜂属1新种,隐脉叶蝉赤眼蜂Hispidophila sophoniae sp.nov.,同时首次描述折脉宽翅赤眼蜂Ufens rimatus Linr的雌性特征,所有研究标本已制片,保存福建农林大学生物防治研究所。  相似文献   

毛角赤眼蜂属一新种记述(膜翅目,赤眼蜂科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
简述了毛角赤眼蜂属Neocentrobiella Girault的研究历史及现状,描述了采自海南儋州的毛角赤眼蜂属1新种,并附主要形态特征图,模式标本保存于福建农林大学生物防治研究所。为了便于鉴别本属的已知种类,本文同时编制了已知种类的鉴别检索表。  相似文献   

新疆爱波赤眼蜂属Epoligosita记述(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简述爱波赤眼蜂属EpoligositaGirault的研究历史及现状,并描述了采自新疆的爱波赤眼蜂属3种,其中有2新种,1中国新记录种,同时提供了新疆爱波赤眼蜂属3种的分类检索表,另附主要形态特征图。正模及部分副模标本保存在新疆大学生命科学与技术学院,其余副模标本保存在福建农林大学生物防治研究所。1.石河子爱波赤眼蜂Epoligositashihezica,新种(图1)本种与EpoligositaclaraHayatetViggiani相似,但新种触角棒节1节;胸部约为腹长的一半;产卵管较短,仅为腹长的0.66-0.69。正模:♀,胡红英,2001-Ⅶ-12,网扫于石河子市;副模:1♂1♀,吴卫,2001-Ⅵ-01,网扫于新源县;2♀♀,同正模;1♀,胡红英,2001-Ⅶ-15,网扫于精河县;1♂,吴卫,2001-Ⅴ-18,网扫于阿克苏市;1♀,胡红英,2001-Ⅷ-07,网扫于和硕县。2.林氏爱波赤眼蜂Epoligositalini,新种(图2)本种与EpoligositasinicaViggianietRen形态较为接近,但新种翅脉下无烟灰色昙纹;触角第一棒节短于第二棒节的1/4。正模:♀,孙涛,2001-Ⅶ-23,网扫于乌鲁木齐市;副模:2♀♀,胡红英,2005-Ⅶ-18,网扫于石河子;1♀,王勇杰,2005-Ⅶ-18,网扫于石河子。3.透明爱波赤眼蜂EpoligositaclaraHayatetViggiani,中国新记录(图3)EpoligositaclaraHayatetViggiani,1981,Boll.Lab.Ent.Agr.Portici,38:119.观察标本:2♂♂,吴卫,2001-Ⅴ-17,网扫于库尔勒市;2♀♀,吴卫,2001-Ⅵ-01,网扫于新源县;1♀,胡红英,2001-Ⅶ-12,网扫于石河子市;1♀,胡红英,2001-Ⅶ-14,网扫于沙湾县。  相似文献   

赤眼蜂是害虫生物防治中的重要天敌资源。该属种类繁多,已报道有200余种,其蜂种的正确鉴定与选择是影响其田间防效的重要因素。依赖雄成蜂外生殖器形态特征的传统赤眼蜂分类鉴定技术不仅对专业技术要求高、耗时费力,而且无法用于孤雌产雌品系的种类鉴定以及近缘种的区分。分子鉴定技术可以通过选择合适的分子标记,为赤眼蜂鉴定提供准确、便捷、高效的方法。本文对赤眼蜂分子鉴定中分子标记的选择及常用分子鉴定方法进行了综述,并提出了未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

赤眼蜂田间混合种群的分离、鉴定及其性比的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种适用于赤眼蜂Trichogramma田间混合种群分离、鉴定及性比确定的简单而有效的方法,并据此方法成功地鉴定出4种自然寄生于小菜蛾卵的寄生蜂种类,拟澳洲赤眼蜂TrichogrammaconfusumViggiani、玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma.ostriniaePangetChen、微突赤眼蜂TrichogrammaraioNagaraja及卷蛾分索赤眼蜂TrichogrammatoideabactraeNagaraja。  相似文献   

新疆邻赤眼蜂属种类记述(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述邻赤眼蜂属Paracentrobia Hpward的研究历史及现状,并描述了采自新疆的3种,其中有2新种,1中国新记录种,提供了新疆邻赤眼蜂属3种的分类检索表,另附主要形态特征图。所有标本保存在福建农林大学生物防治研究所。  相似文献   

In this paper some evolutionary changes of genitalia in the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis are investigated by determining their current and past function. Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis males stimulate females by aedeagal frictioning on a set of vaginal sensilla. The aedeagus is considerably variable and positively correlates with volumes of ejected sperm from the spermatheca. Interestingly, females show a significantly reduced sensillum number compared with other family members. Here I explore whether there existed directional selection for aedeagal width at its evolutionary onset; and whether the sensillum reduction evolved to make sperm ejection less effective. Using C. haemorrhoidalis aedeagi in females whose species retained the ancestral conditions (no stimulatory ability and large sensillum numbers), Hetaerina cruentata and C. xanthostoma, my results corroborated these assumptions: variation in aedeagal width inversely correlated with sperm ejection rate while sperm ejection was higher in species with high sensillum numbers. A suggested coevolutionary interpretation of these results in C. haemorrhoidalis is that aedeagal width was favoured which was followed by a sensillum reduction.  相似文献   

The development of diet-induced phenotypic differences in numbers of sensilla on the antennae of the grasshopper Schistocerca americana was studied using the exuviae produced at each molt. This made it possible to follow changes within an individual insect. In the first instar, insects had similar numbers of four sensillum types: uniporous trichoid sensilla, coeloconic sensilla, and large and small multiporous basiconic sensilla. Rearing on lettuce resulted in sixth instars with greater numbers of three sensillum types than siblings reared on an artificial diet. The first statistically significant differences between treatments in numbers of trichoid sensilla and large basiconic sensilla occurred in the third and fourth instars, respectively. No major reductions in sensillum numbers occurred at any time and the phenotypic differences resulted from differences in the numbers added at each molt.  相似文献   

烟草甲触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜观察烟草甲Lasioderma serricorne(Fabricius)成虫触角感器的形态和分布。结果表明,烟草甲成虫触角由柄节、梗节和鞭节组成,其中鞭节由9个亚节组成;在触角上共观察到毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器Ⅰ、锥形感器Ⅱ、锥形感器Ⅲ、锥形感器Ⅳ、钟形感器、B hm氏鬃毛和球状感器9种感器类型,其中锥形感器Ⅳ、钟形感器、B hm氏鬃毛和球状感器为新发现的烟草甲触角感器。此外,还讨论感器结构与功能的关系。  相似文献   

A comparative study of the antennal sensilla of Delia radicum L., D. floralis F., D. antiqua Mg., D. platura Mg. (Diptera : Anthomyiidae) and Psila rosae F. Diptera Psilidae) is undertaken. For both sexes of each species, the type, distribution, and density of sensilla are determined. All 5 species have trichoid (olfactory) and grooved (olfactory) sensilla. Basiconica I (blunt) sensilla (olfactory) are found on each of the species examined, except D. platura. Basiconica II (tapered) (olfactory) and clavate (olfactory) sensilla are found only on Delia species. Also, only Delia species have single-chambered, dorsal pits, and these contain basiconic II pit sensilla (olfactory). Common to all 5 species is a multi-chambered ventral pit (olfactory). In the ventral pit, all 5 species have grooved pit sensilla (olfactory). In addition to this type of sensillum the Delia species have smooth-walled conical pit sensilla (hygro-/thermosensitive) and P. rosae has granular pit sensilla (hygro-/thermosensitive). Smooth-walled tapered pit sensilla (hygro-/thermosensitive) are found in D. radicum. Similarities and differences in the density of surface sensilla between dorsal and ventral funicular surfaces, male and female flies, and oligophagous (D. antiqua, D. radicum, D. floralis and P. rosae) and polyphagous (D. platura) species are compared. Several differences in sensillum density between the dorsal and ventral funicular surfaces are observed, but these do not fit into a consistent trend. Except for D. radicum, there are differences in sensillum density between male and female flies. For the oligophagous species, females have a greater sensillum density, whilst for the polyphagous D. platura males have a greater sensillum density. Comparisons between species show the greatest differences between the Delia species and P. rosae, and within the 4 Delia species, differences in sensillum density do not correlate with host range or body size.  相似文献   

Stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans L. (Diptera: Muscidae), are economically important biting flies that have caused billions of dollars in losses in the livestock industry. Field monitoring studies have indicated that olfaction plays an important role in host location. To further our understanding of stable fly olfaction, we examined the antennal morphology of adults using scanning electron microscopy techniques. Four major types of sensillum were found and classified as: (a) basiconic sensilla; (b) trichoid sensilla with three subtypes; (c) clavate sensilla, and (d) coeloconic sensilla. No significant differences between male and female flies in abundances (total numbers) of these sensillum types were observed, except for medium-sized trichoid sensilla. The distinctive pore structures found on the surface of basiconic and clavate sensilla suggest their olfactory functions. No wall pores were found in trichoid and coeloconic sensilla, which suggests that these two types of sensillum may function as mechano-receptors. Details of the distributions of different sensillum types located on the funicle of the fly antenna were also recorded. Electroantennogram results indicated significant antennal responses to host-associated compounds. The importance of stable fly olfaction relative to host and host environment seeking is discussed. This research provides valuable new information that will enhance future developments in integrated stable fly management.  相似文献   

王颖娟  李子忠 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1636-1642
利用扫描电镜对锈翅蚁蛉Myrmeleon ferrugineipennis Bao&Wang雌雄成虫头部触角及口器感器的形态进行观察,描述了感器的种类、数量和分布,以期解析其取食机制。结果表明:锈翅蚁蛉触角上存在10种感器,即毛形感器、锥形感器、刺形感器、腔形感器、钟状感器、鳃形感器、耳形感器、盘形感器、舌形感器和Bhm氏鬃毛,其中毛形感器有3种亚型,数量最多;耳形感器、腔形感器和钟状感器仅在雌成虫触角上发现,而舌形感器和鳃形感器仅在雄成虫触角上发现;在锈翅蚁蛉触角鞭节近末端扁平匙状处各有1枚盘形感器,其形状和位置在雌雄虫上有差异。鳃形感器和盘形感器在已有的昆虫感器研究中未见报道,是新发现的昆虫触角感器。下颚须、下唇须上均发现锥形感器,下唇须上的数量多于下颚须;此外,下颚须上还存在钟状感器。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Specificity and sensitivity of gustatory neurones in response to twenty-two amino acids were studied in larvae of Pieris brassicae L. and Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) using electrophysiological methods. Twelve amino acids stimulated a specific amino acid receptor cell in the lateral styloconic sensillum on the maxillary galea of both species, and a further two evoked single unit responses in the same sensillum of P.brassicae only. Histidine, phenylalanine and tryptophane were the weakest stimulants for P.brassicae , but were among the four best stimulants for P.rapae . In both species, eight amino acids were ineffective. Significant differences in stimulatory effectiveness were found between amino acids. Nutritionally essential amino acids were more effective in both species, as in five other lepidopterous species. Similarities with postulated sites for amino acid recognition in the dipteran Boettcherisca peregrina were found.
Concentration-response (C/R) relations were studied for five amino acids. Significant differences were found in saturated response levels. Parameters characterizing C/R relations were estimated using a logistic model. Comparing C/R parameters with phytochemical data on concentrations of free amino acids in a common host plant, Brassica oleracea L., shows that amino acids are effective stimuli at their natural concentrations. The amino acid chemoreceptor seems able to transmit information about concentration differences of amino acids in the plant tissue.  相似文献   

Using the electro-physiological technique, the sensory mechanisms of maxillary sensilla styloconica to stimulants and deterrents were explored on two closely related species, the generalist Helicoverpa armigera and the specialist H. assulta. The results showed that: (i) in both species, cells sensitive to sucrose and azadirachtin were mainly in the lateral sensillum styloconicum, and those to inositol were in the medial sensillum styloconicum; (ii) sensitivity of medial sensillum styloconicum in H. assulta to inositol was higher than that in H. armigera; (iii) among 6 tested deterrents, only azadirachtin evoked high impulse discharge from the lateral sensillum styloconicum in both insects; (iv) the deterrents could disturb stimulants evoking impulse discharge from maxillary sensilla styloconica of both species in different degrees: To sucrose evoking impulses on lateral sensillum styloconicum, for H. armigera capsaicin had a strong inhibition and gossypol had a weak inhibition, while for H. assulta tann  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck)是一种世界性蛀果害虫,主要以幼虫钻蛀蔷薇科果树的嫩梢和果实进行为害.本文利用扫描电子显微镜观察了梨小食心虫幼虫的超微形态和感受器.结果表明,幼虫触角上有3种类型的感受器:2个刺形感受器、6个锥形感受器和1个栓锥形感受器.上唇有6对刺形感受器.上颚的前端有切齿叶.在下颚的轴节和茎节各有1个刺形感受器.每个外颚叶有3个短而尖的锥形感受器、2个大的栓锥形感受器和3个刺形感受器.体节末梢的下颚须有7个锥形感受器、1个栓锥形感受器.下颚须的末端有1个指形感受器和2个板形感受器.每个下唇须末端具有1个尖锥状刺形感受器和1个长的栓锥形感受器.胸足与腹足上也分布有不规则的毛型感受器和刺型感受器.该研究将为进一步阐明梨小食心虫与其寄主的关系提供形态学的理论基础.  相似文献   

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