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Distinct IL-2 receptor signaling pattern in CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Despite expression of the high-affinity IL-2R, CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) are hypoproliferative upon IL-2R stimulation in vitro. However the mechanisms by which CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells respond to IL-2 signals are undefined. In this report, we examine the cellular and molecular responses of CD4(+)CD25(+) Tregs to IL-2. IL-2R stimulation results in a G(1) cell cycle arrest, cellular enlargement and increased cellular survival of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. We find a distinct pattern of IL-2R signaling in which the Janus kinase/STAT pathway remains intact, whereas IL-2 does not activate downstream targets of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Negative regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling and IL-2-mediated proliferation of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells is inversely associated with expression of the phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10, PTEN.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+ T cells play a pivotal role in immunological homeostasis by their capacity to exert immunosuppressive activity. However, the mechanism by which these cells function is still a subject for debate. We previously reported that surface (membrane) TGF-beta produced by CD4+CD25+ T cells was an effector molecule mediating suppressor function. We now support this finding by imaging surface TGF-beta on Foxp3+CD4+CD25+ T cells in confocal fluorescence microscopy. Then, using a TGF-beta-sensitive mink lung epithelial cell (luciferase) reporter system, we show that surface TGF-beta can be activated to signal upon cell-cell contact. Moreover, if such TGF-beta signaling is blocked in an in vitro assay of CD4+CD25+ T cell suppression by a specific inhibitor of TGF-betaRI, suppressor function is also blocked. Finally, we address the role of CTLA-4 in CD4+CD25+ T cell suppression, showing first that whereas anti-CTLA-4 does not block in vitro suppressor function, it does complement the blocking activity of anti-TGF-beta. We then show with confocal fluorescence microscopy that incubation of CD4+CD25+ T cells with anti-CTLA-4- and rB7-1/Fc-coated beads results in accumulation of TGF-beta at the cell-bead contact site. This suggests that CTLA-4 signaling facilitates TGF-beta-mediated suppression by intensifying the TGF-beta signal at the point of suppressor cell-target cell interaction.  相似文献   

Specific and selective immunological unresponsiveness to donor alloantigens can be induced in vivo. We have shown previously that CD25+CD4+ T cells from mice exhibiting long-term operational tolerance to donor alloantigens can regulate rejection of allogeneic skin grafts mediated by CD45RB(high)CD4+ T cells. In this study, we wished to determine whether donor-specific regulatory cells can be generated during the induction phase of unresponsiveness, i.e., before transplantation. We provide evidence that pretreatment with anti-CD4 Ab plus a donor-specific transfusion generates donor-specific regulatory CD25+CD4+ T cells that can suppress rejection of skin grafts mediated by naive CD45RB(high)CD4+ T cells. Regulatory cells were contained only in the CD25+ fraction, as equivalent numbers of CD25-CD4+ T cells were unable to regulate rejection. This pretreatment strategy led to increased expression of CD122 by the CD25+CD4+ T cells. Blockade of both the IL-10 and CTLA-4 pathways abrogated immunoregulation mediated by CD25+ T cells, suggesting that IL-10 and CTLA-4 are required for the functional activity of this population of immunoregulatory T cells. In clinical transplantation, the generation of regulatory T cells that could provide dynamic control of rejection responses is a possible route to permanent graft survival without the need for long-term immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Prior reports have shown that CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells suppress naive T cell responses by inhibiting IL-2 production. In this report, using an Ag-specific TCR transgenic system, we show that naive T cells stimulated with cognate Ag in the presence of preactivated CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells also become refractory to the mitogenic effects of IL-2. T cells stimulated in the presence of regulatory T cells up-regulated high affinity IL-2R, but failed to produce IL-2, express cyclins or c-Myc, or exit G(0)-G(1). Exogenous IL-2 failed to break the mitotic block, demonstrating that the IL-2 production failure was not wholly responsible for the proliferation defect. This IL-2 unresponsiveness did not require the continuous presence of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. The majority of responder T cells reisolated after coculture with regulatory cells failed to proliferate in response to IL-2, but were not anergic and proliferated in response to Ag. The mitotic block was also dissociated from the antiapoptotic effects of IL-2, because IL-2 still promoted the survival of T cells that had been cocultured with CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. IL-2-induced STAT5 phosphorylation in the cocultured responder cells was intact, implying that the effects of the regulatory cells were downstream of receptor activation. Our results therefore show that T cell activation in the presence of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells can induce an alternative stimulation program characterized by up-regulation of high affinity IL-2R, but a failure to produce IL-2, and uncoupling of the mitogenic and antiapoptotic effects of IL-2.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the immune system achieves constant T cell numbers throughout life, thereby controlling autoaggressive cell expansions, are to date not completely understood. Here, we show that the CD25(+) subpopulation of naturally activated (CD45RB(low)) CD4 T cells, but not CD25(-) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cells, inhibits the accumulation of cotransferred CD45RB(high) CD4 T cells in lymphocyte-deficient mice. However, both CD25(+) and CD25(-) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cell subpopulations contain regulatory cells, since they can prevent naive CD4 T cell-induced wasting disease. In the absence of a correlation between disease and the number of recovered CD4(+) cells, we conclude that expansion control and disease prevention are largely independent processes. CD25(+) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cells from IL-10-deficient mice do not protect from disease. They accumulate to a higher cell number and cannot prevent the expansion of CD45RB(high) CD4 T cells upon transfer compared with their wild-type counterparts. Although CD25(+) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cells are capable of expanding when transferred in vivo, they reach a homeostatic equilibrium at lower cell numbers than CD25(-) CD45RB(low) or CD45RB(high) CD4 T cells. We conclude that CD25(+) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cells from nonmanipulated mice control the number of peripheral CD4 T cells through a mechanism involving the production of IL-10 by regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

UV radiation of the skin impairs immune responses to haptens and to tumor Ags. Transcutaneous immunization (TCI) is an effective method of inducing immune responses to protein and peptide Ag. We explore the effect of UV irradiation on TCI. The generation of Ag-specific CTL to OVA protein, but not class I MHC-restricted OVA peptide, is inhibited by TCI through UV-irradiated skin. Consequently, the induction of protein contact hypersensitivity and in vivo Ag-specific CTL activity following OVA protein immunization is prevented. Application of haptens to UV-exposed skin induces hapten-specific tolerance. We demonstrate that application of protein or class II MHC-restricted OVA peptide to UV-irradiated skin induces transferable Ag-specific tolerance. This tolerance is mediated by CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory (T(reg)) cells. These Ag-specific T(reg) cells inhibit the priming of CTL following protein immunization in the presence of CpG adjuvant. IL-10 deficiency is known to prevent hapten-specific tolerance induction. In this study, we demonstrate, using IL-10-deficient mice and adoptive T cell transfer, that IL-10 is required for the direct inhibition of CTL priming following immunization through UV-irradiated skin. However, IL-10 is not required for the induction of T(reg) cells through UV-irradiated skin as IL-10-deficient T(reg) cells are able to mediate tolerance. Rather, host-derived IL-10 is required for the function of UV-generated T(reg) cells. These experiments indicate that protein and peptide TCI through UV-irradiated skin may be used to induce robust Ag-specific tolerance to neo-Ags and that UV-induced T(reg) cells mediate their effects in part through the modulation of IL-10.  相似文献   

Natural CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells (Treg) are essential for self-tolerance and for the control of T cell-mediated immune pathologies. However, the identification of Tregs in an ongoing immune response or in inflamed tissues remains elusive. Our experiments indicate that TIRC7, T cell immune response cDNA 7, a novel membrane molecule involved in the regulation of T lymphocyte activation, identifies two Treg subsets (CD25(low)TIRC7(+) and CD25(high)TIRC7(-)) that are characterized by the expression of Foxp3 and a suppressive activity in vitro and in vivo. We also showed that the CD25(low)TIRC7(+) subset represents IL-10-secreting Tregs in steady state, which is accumulated intratumorally in a tumor-bearing mice model. Blockade of the effect of IL-10 reversed the suppression imposed by the CD25(low)TIRC7(+) subset. Interestingly, these IL-10-secreting cells derived from the CD25(high)TIRC7(-) subset, both in vitro and in vivo, in response to tumoral Ags. Our present results strongly support the notion that, in the pool of natural Tregs, some cells can recognize foreign Ags and that this recognition is an essential step in their expansion and suppressive activity in vivo.  相似文献   

The T cell coinhibitory receptor CTLA-4 has been implicated in the down-regulation of T cell function that is a quintessential feature of chronic human filarial infections. In a laboratory model of filariasis, Litomosoides sigmodontis infection of susceptible BALB/c mice, we have previously shown that susceptibility is linked both to a CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cell response, and to the development of hyporesponsive CD4+ T cells at the infection site, the pleural cavity. We now provide evidence that L. sigmodontis infection drives the proliferation and activation of CD4+ Foxp3+ Treg cells in vivo, demonstrated by increased uptake of BrdU and increased expression of CTLA-4, Foxp3, GITR, and CD25 compared with naive controls. The greatest increases in CTLA-4 expression were, however, seen in the CD4+ Foxp3- effector T cell population which contained 78% of all CD4+ CTLA-4+ cells in the pleural cavity. Depletion of CD25+ cells from the pleural CD4+ T cell population did not increase their Ag-specific proliferative response in vitro, suggesting that their hyporesponsive phenotype is not directly mediated by CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells. Once infection had established, killing of adult parasites could be enhanced by neutralization of CTLA-4 in vivo, but only if performed in combination with the depletion of CD25+ Treg cells. This work suggests that during filarial infection CTLA-4 coinhibition and CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells form complementary components of immune regulation that inhibit protective immunity in vivo.  相似文献   

CTLA-4 (CD152) is actively involved in down-regulating T cell activation and maintaining lymphocyte homeostasis. Our earlier studies showed that targeted engagement of CTLA-4 can down-modulate T cell response and suppress allo- and autoimmune responses. In this study, we report that targeted CTLA-4 engagement can induce immune tolerance to a specific target through selective induction of an Ag-specific CD4(+)CD25(+)CTLA-4(high) regulatory T cell (Treg cell) population. Allogeneic cells coated with anti-CTLA-4 Ab induced immune hyporesponsiveness through suppression of proinflammatory cytokines IFN-gamma and IL-2, and up-regulation of the regulatory cytokines IL-10, TGF-beta1, and IL-4, presumably through the engagement of CTLA-4 on activated T cells. Although rechallenge with alloantigen failed to break the unresponsiveness, a transient recovery from tolerance was observed in the presence of high concentrations of exogenous IL-2, saturating concentrations of neutralizing anti-TGF-beta1 and anti-IL-10 Abs, and blocking anti-CTLA-4 Ab, and upon depletion of CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cells. The CD4(+)CD25(+)CTLA-4(high) Treg cells from tolerant mice suppressed the effector function of CD25(-) T cells from Ag-primed mice. Adoptive transfer of these Treg cells into Ag-primed mice resulted in a significantly reduced alloantigen-specific response. Further characterization demonstrated that the Treg cells with memory phenotype (CD62L(-)) were more potent in suppressing the alloantigen-specific T cell response. These results strongly support that the targeted engagement of CTLA-4 has therapeutic potential for the prevention of transplant rejection.  相似文献   

Murine CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory (Treg) cells were cocultured with CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells and APCs or purified B cells and stimulated by anti-CD3 mAb. Replacement of APCs by B cells did not significantly affect the suppression of CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells. When IL-4 was added to separate cell populations, this cytokine promoted CD4(+)CD25(-) Th and CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cell proliferation, whereas the suppressive competence of CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cells was preserved. Conversely, IL-4 added to coculture of APCs, CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells, and CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cells inhibited the suppression of CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells by favoring their survival through the induction of Bcl-2 expression. At variance, suppression was not affected by addition of IL-13, although this cytokine shares with IL-4 a receptor chain. When naive CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells were replaced by Th1 and Th2 cells, cell proliferation of both subsets was equally suppressed, but suppression was less pronounced compared with that of CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells. IL-4 production by Th2 cells was also inhibited. These results indicate that although CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cells inhibit IL-4 production, the addition of IL-4 counteracts CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cell-mediated suppression by promoting CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cell survival and proliferation.  相似文献   

CTLA-4 is a critical negative regulator of T cell response and is instrumental in maintaining immunological tolerance. In this article, we report that enhanced selective engagement of CTLA-4 on T cells by Ag-presenting dendritic cells resulted in the induction of Ag-specific CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-)TGF-beta1(+) adaptive Tregs. These cells were CD62L(low) and hyporesponsive to stimulation with cognate Ag but demonstrated a superior ability to suppress Ag-specific effector T cell response compared with their CD62L(high) counterparts. Importantly, treatment of mice with autoimmune thyroiditis using mouse thyroglobulin (mTg)-pulsed anti-CTLA-4 agonistic Ab-coated DCs, which results in a dominant engagement of CTLA-4 upon self-Ag presentation, not only suppressed thyroiditis but also prevented reemergence of the disease upon rechallenge with mTg. Further, the disease suppression was associated with significantly reduced mTg-specific T cell and Ab responses. Collectively, our results showed an important role for selective CTLA-4 signaling in the induction of adaptive Tregs and suggested that approaches that allow dominant CTLA-4 engagement concomitant with Ag-specific TCR ligation can be used for targeted therapy.  相似文献   

Blockade of costimulatory signals is a promising therapeutic target to prevent allograft rejection. In this study, we sought to characterize to what extent CTLA-4 engagement contributes to the development of transplantation tolerance under the cover of CD40/CD40L and CD28/CD86 blockade. In vitro, we found that inhibition of the primary alloresponse and induction of alloantigen hyporesponsiveness by costimulation blockade was abrogated by anti-CTLA-4 mAb. In addition, regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells (T(REG)) were confirmed to play a critical role in the induction of hyporesponsiveness by anti-CD40L and anti-CD86 mAb. Our data indicated that CTLA-4 engagement is not required for activation or suppressor function of T(REG). Instead, in the absence of either CTLA-4 signaling or T(REG), CD8(+) T cell division was enhanced, whereas the inhibition of CD4(+) T cell division by costimulation blockade remained largely unaffected. In vivo, the administration of additional anti-CTLA-4 mAb abrogated anti-CD40L- and anti-CD86 mAb-induced cardiac allograft survival. Correspondingly, rejection was accompanied by enhanced allograft infiltration of CD8(+) cells. We conclude that CTLA-4 signaling and T(REG) independently cooperate in the inhibition of CD8(+) T cell expansion under costimulation blockade.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in HIV infection   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The immune system faces the difficult task of discerning between foreign, potentially pathogen-derived antigens and self-antigens. Several mechanisms, including deletion of self-reactive T cells in the thymus, have been shown to contribute to the acceptance of self-antigens and the reciprocal reactivity to foreign antigens. Over the last decade it has become increasingly clear that CD4(+)CD25(+) T(Reg) cells are crucial for maintenance of T cell tolerance to self-antigens in the periphery, and to avoid development of autoimmune disorders. Recently, evidence has also emerged that demonstrates that CD4(+)CD25(+) T(Reg) cells can also suppress T cell responses to foreign pathogens, including viruses such as HIV. In this article we review the current knowledge and potential role of CD4(+)CD25(+) T(Reg) cells in HIV infection.  相似文献   

Pleiotropic, immunomodulatory effects of type I IFN on T cell responses are emerging. We used vaccine-induced, antiviral CD8(+) T cell responses in IFN-beta (IFN-beta(-/-))- or type I IFN receptor (IFNAR(-/-))-deficient mice to study immunomodulating effects of type I IFN that are not complicated by the interference of a concomitant virus infection. Compared with normal B6 mice, IFNAR(-/-) or IFN-beta(-/-) mice have normal numbers of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, and CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T regulatory (T(R)) cells in liver and spleen. Twice as many CD8(+) T cells specific for different class I-restricted epitopes develop in IFNAR(-/-) or IFN-beta(-/-) mice than in normal animals after peptide- or DNA-based vaccination. IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha production and clonal expansion of specific CD8(+) T cells from normal and knockout mice are similar. CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T(R) cells down-modulate vaccine-primed CD8(+) T cell responses in normal, IFNAR(-/-), or IFN-beta(-/-) mice to a comparable extent. Low IFN-alpha or IFN-beta doses (500-10(3) U/mouse) down-modulate CD8(+) T cells priming in vivo. IFNAR- and IFN-beta-deficient mice generate 2- to 3-fold lower numbers of IL-10-producing CD4(+) T cells after polyclonal or specific stimulation in vitro or in vivo. CD8(+) T cell responses are thus subjected to negative control by both CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T(R) cells and CD4(+)IL-10(+) T(R1) cells, but only development of the latter T(R) cells depends on type I IFN.  相似文献   

CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells (T(Reg)) play a critical role in the control of autoimmunity. However, little is known about how T(Reg) suppress self-reactive T cells in vivo, thus limiting the development of T(Reg)-based therapy for treating autoimmune diseases. This is in large part due to the dependency on a state of lymphopenia to demonstrate T(Reg)-mediated suppression in vivo and the unknown Ag specificity of T(Reg) in most experimental models. Using a nonlymphopenic model of autoimmune pneumonitis and T(Reg) with known Ag specificity, in this study we demonstrated that these T(Reg) can actively suppress activation of self-reactive T cells and protect mice from fatal autoimmune pneumonitis. The protection required T(Reg) with the same Ag specificity as the self-reactive T cells and depended on IL-10 and TGF-beta. These results suggest that suppression of autoimmunity by T(Reg) in vivo consists of multiple layers of regulation and advocate for a strategy involving Ag-specific T(Reg) for treating organ-specific autoimmunity, because they do not cause generalized immune suppression.  相似文献   

CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory (Treg) cells are a CD4(+) T cell subset involved in the control of the immune response. In vitro, murine CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cells inhibit CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cell proliferation induced by anti-CD3 mAb in the presence of APCs. The addition of IL-4 to cocultured cells inhibits CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cell-mediated suppression. Since all cell types used in the coculture express the IL-4Ralpha chain, we used different combinations of CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells, CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cells, and APCs from wild-type IL-4Ralpha(+/+) or knockout IL-4Ralpha(-/-) mice. Results show that the engagement of the IL-4Ralpha chain on CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells renders these cells resistant to suppression. Moreover, the addition of IL-4 promotes proliferation of IL-4Ralpha(+/+)CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cells, which preserve full suppressive competence. These findings support an essential role of IL-4 signaling for CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cell activation and indicate that IL-4-induced proliferation of CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg cells is compatible with their suppressive activity.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells can prevent and resolve intestinal inflammation in the murine T cell transfer model of colitis. Using Foxp3 as a marker of regulatory T cell activity, we now provide a comprehensive analysis of the in vivo distribution of Foxp3+CD4+CD25+ cells in wild-type mice, and during cure of experimental colitis. In both cases, Foxp3+CD4+CD25+ cells were found to accumulate in the colon and secondary lymphoid organs. Importantly, Foxp3+ cells were present at increased density in colon samples from patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, suggesting similarities in the behavior of murine and human regulatory cells under inflammatory conditions. Cure of murine colitis was dependent on the presence of IL-10, and IL-10-producing CD4+CD25+ T cells were enriched within the colon during cure of colitis and also under steady state conditions. Our data indicate that although CD4+CD25+ T cells expressing Foxp3 are present within both lymphoid organs and the colon, subsets of IL-10-producing CD4+CD25+ T cells are present mainly within the intestinal lamina propria suggesting compartmentalization of the regulatory T cell response at effector sites.  相似文献   

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