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采用温室土培试验,研究了不同氮磷钾复合型(NPK肥)施用水平下,油菜对B的吸收及其耐缺B机理以及缺B对某些生物学性状的影响,结果表明,缺B时,随NPK肥施用量的增加,油菜植株缺B症状加重,苗期叶面积及其生长速率减小,叶绿素含量增加,硝酸还原酶活性下降,成熟期单株有效分枝,有效角果数减少,籽粒产量降低,可以认为,油菜大苗期最新展开叶(YOL)与最新成熟叶(YML)的B浓度比值可作为不同基因型油菜植株体内B移动性大小的判氟指标,B移动性及B利用率的大小是不同基因型油菜耐缺B的重要营养机理之一。  相似文献   

The quantityY, of dry matter produced,Y d , and nitrogen taken up,Y n , during the growth of winter barley, was shown to be a function of thermal time,x,

Abstract Net nitrate uptake rates were measured and the kinetics calculated in non-nodulated Pisum sativum L. cv. Marma and Lemna gibba L. adapted to constant relative rates of nitrate-N additions (RA), ranging from 0.03 to 0.27 d?1 for Pisum and from 0.05 to 0.40 d?1 for Lemna, Vmax of net nitrate uptake (measured in the range 10 to 100 mmol m?3 nitrate, i.e. ‘system I’) increased with RA in the growth limiting range but decreased when RA exceeded the relative growth rate (RGR), Km was not significantly related to changes in RA. On the basis of previous 13N-flux experiments, it is concluded that the differences in Vmax at growth limiting RA are attributable to differences in influx rates. Linear relationships between Vmax and tissue nitrogen concentrations were obtained in the growth limiting range for both species, and extrapolated intercepts relate well with the previously defined minimal nitrogen concentrations for plant growth (Oscarson, Ingemarsson & Larsson, 1989). Analysis of Vmax for net nitrate uptake on intact plant basis in relation to nitrogen demand during stable, nitrogen limited, growth shows an increased overcapacity at lower RA values in both species, which is largely explained by the increased relative root size at low RA. A balancing nitrate concentration, defined as the steady state concentration needed to sustain the relative rate of increase in plant nitrogen (RN), predicted by RA, was calculated for both species. In the growth limiting range, this value ranges from 3.5 mmol m?3 (RA 0.03 d?1) to 44 mmol m?3 (RA 0.21 d?1) for Pisum and from 0.2 mmol m?3 (RA 0.05 d?1) to 5.4 mmol m?3 (RA 0.03 d?1) for Lemna. It is suggested that this value can be used as a unifying measure of the affinity for nitrate, integrating the performance of the nitrate uptake system with nitrate flux and long term growth and demand for nitrogen.  相似文献   

Abstract The relations between growth and internal nitrogen concentrations were investigated in nonnodulated Pisum sativum L. cv. Marma and Lemna gibba L. grown at relative rates of nitrate-N additions (RA) varying from 0.03 to 0.27 d 1(Pisum) and 0.05 to 0.40 d 1 (Lemna). At RA≤0.21 d 1(Pisum) and ≤0.30 d 1 (Lemna), the relative growth rate (RGR) correlated well with RA whereas higher RA was not met by any further increawse in growth rate. The tissue nitrogen concentrations at growth-limiting RA increased linearly with RGR. The slope of these lines indicate a maximum nitrogen productivity (amount of biomass formed per unit nitrogen and time) of 14.4 g DW g 1 Nd 1 for Pisum and 15.9 g DW g 1 N d 1 for Lemna. Extrapolation of the plots to RGR=0 yielded intercepts of 10–15 mg N g?1 DW for Pisum tissue, whereas for Lemna the intercepts were closer to the origin than for Pisum. These intercepts formally define a fraction of the total plant nitrogen that appears not to be active in production of new biomass, her termed ‘non-growth nitrogen’. The partitioning of nitrogen as well as biomass to the roots increased at low RA, and is discussed in relation to activity of shoots and roots, respectively.  相似文献   

陆地棉萌发至三叶期不同生育阶段耐盐特性   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
摘要:土壤盐渍化是一个世界性的资源问题和生态问题,盐分胁迫几乎会影响棉花所有重要的生命活动, 造成棉花的减产或其他不利影响。本试验通过对14个品棉花种(系)的萌发期耐盐性、芽期耐盐性以及两个耐盐性不同的品种(系)三叶期的耐盐性,对棉花不同时期的耐盐特性进行了研究,结果表明:棉花在不同生育阶段耐盐能力是不同的,棉花盐敏感时间是在萌发出苗期。随着生育期的延长,棉花的耐盐性是逐步提高的,进行耐盐性鉴定的最佳时期在是萌发出苗期。在三叶期,随着盐分浓度的提高,棉花苗受伤害程度逐渐增加,盐敏感性品种受伤害大于耐盐品种,在同样盐浓度胁迫条件下,耐盐性不同的品种各部分受到的伤害不同,耐盐品种(系)中棉所35受伤害程度由高到低依次为:真叶>上胚轴>子叶;盐敏感品种(系)Tamcot CAB-CS受伤害程度由高到低依次为:真叶> 子叶>上胚轴。  相似文献   

该研究以西农9940和黔苦3号为材料,设置(N1) 90、(N2) 180、(N3) 270 kg·hm-2三个氮肥处理水平,分析不同施氮量处理对两个苦荞品种的生长、营养器官干物质积累转运和施氮量对籽粒灌浆特性和产量的影响。结果表明:(1)施氮肥显著促进苦养生长发育。随着施氮量的增加,苦荞株高、叶片SPAD值和干物质积累量呈增长趋势,于N3处理达到最大值,显著高于N1和N2处理。且在同一施氮处理条件下,黔苦3号的株高、SPAD值和干物质积累量均优于西农9940。就转运率而言,苦荞的两个品种表现不一致,施氮显著提高西农9940茎叶干物质转运率,黔苦3号则相反;叶片贡献率随施氮量增加显著增加,茎贡献率则没有显著变化。(2)随着施氮量的增加,苦荞籽粒灌浆持续期增加,最大灌浆速率到达时间延长,平均灌浆速率却降低,百粒重呈下降趋势;在同一施氮处理条件下,西农9940较黔苦3号灌浆速率更快,百粒重更大。(3)随着施氮量的增加,产量及其构成因素呈先增加后减少的趋势。西农9940的产量在N2处理达到最高,为1 650 kg·hm-2,较N1、N3处理增产了45.6%和28.2%;黔苦3号的产量在N1处理达到最高,为616. 7 kg·hm-2,较N2和N3处理增产了12.8%和51.6%。在黄土高原旱作区苦荞种植因品种不同而选择不同的施氮量,建议西农9940最佳施氮量为180~270 kg·hm-2,黔苦3号最佳施氮量为90~180 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   

不同磷浓度对玉米生长及磷、锌吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在不同磷水平(0.1、1.0、5.0、10和100μmol·L-1P)的水培液中培养玉米苗,测定不同培养时期玉米的生长和玉米植株对P、Zn吸收和利用效率.结果表明,玉米在100μmol·L-1P的溶液中生长速率最大,而根冠比在0.1μmol·L-1P的溶液中为最大.随着水培液中P水平的增加,植株对P的吸收速率增加,而利用效率降低;玉米根系含Zn量增加,而冠层含Zn量变化不大,说明增P使Zn在根内富集,Zn向冠层转移速率较小,玉米幼苗根系中P和Zn的浓度呈正相关关系.  相似文献   

陶先萍  罗宏海  张亚黎  张旺锋 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3676-3687
在新疆气候生态条件下,采用管栽方法,选用棉花新陆早13号和新陆早33号2个品种为供试材料,通过人工限制根系垂直生长深度和水氮供应,测定棉花叶片气体交换和叶绿素荧光参数、光合物质积累等,探讨根域限制及水氮供应对棉花光合生理特性及产量形成的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,相同水氮供应条件下,根域限制处理棉花从开花期至盛絮期叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和光化学猝灭系数(qp)显著降低,尤其在盛铃后期至盛絮期表现明显,但潜在最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)未受到影响;盛花期和盛絮期根重均显著降低,但地上部总干物质、蕾铃干物质累积量及籽棉产量均显著高于对照。同一根域容积不同水氮处理棉花开花期至盛絮期的Pn、Gs和Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ、qp均表现为W1N1>W0N1>W1N0>W0N0;根域限制条件下适量水氮供应处理盛花期和盛絮期地上部总干物质和蕾铃干物质累积量均显著增加,最终单株铃数、单铃重和籽棉产量均显著高于其它处理。因此,在膜下滴灌棉花根域容积受限制条件下,通过优化生育期水氮供应,能改善叶片光合性能、增加地上部干物质积累量及其向生殖器官分配比例,是挖掘膜下滴灌棉花产量潜力和提高效益的有效途径。  相似文献   

施氮量对麦后直播棉钾素吸收利用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以早熟棉‘中棉所50’为材料,于2013—2014年在南京市江苏省农业科学院棉花试验站进行麦后直播棉花试验,研究施氮量(0、60、120、150、180、240 kg N·hm-2)对棉株钾素吸收和利用的影响.结果表明: 增施氮肥提高了麦后直播棉不同生育阶段的钾吸收量,以盛花到见絮期的钾积累增量最大;并且改变了麦后直播棉不同生育时期的钾吸收比例,使棉花出苗到盛花期的钾吸收比例降低,盛花到吐絮期的钾吸收比例升高;增施氮肥还降低了生育后期上部位果枝钾浓度的下降速率,但加速了中下部果枝钾浓度的下降速率.随施氮量增加,钾吸收的边际效应呈先升高后降低趋势,而钾的皮棉生产效率均呈线性降低,其降低趋势表现为下部果枝最大,上部果枝次之,中部果枝最低.麦后直播棉钾素和生物量累积以中、下部果枝为主,在150~180 kg N·hm-2下棉花各果枝部位干物质和钾在生殖器官中的分配比例较高,钾浓度和钾累积量动态特征参数比较协调,利于产量形成;高于180 kg N·hm-2导致皮棉产量增幅下降,氮素对钾吸收的边际效应和钾的皮棉生产效率较低;低于150 kg N·hm-2时,中下部果枝干物质和钾的经济系数较低,不利于高产形成.  相似文献   

Aims Intercropping legumes and non-legumes may affect the root growth of both components in the mixture, and the non-legume is known to be strongly favored by increasing nitrogen (N) supply. The knowledge of how root systems affect the growth of the individual species is useful for understanding the interactions in intercrops as well as for planning cover cropping strategies. The aim of this work was (i) to determine if different levels of N in the topsoil influence root depth (RD) and intensity of barley and vetch as sole crops or as an intercropped mixture and (ii) to test if the choice of a mixture or the N availability in the topsoil will influence the N uptake by deep roots.Methods In this study, we combined rhizotron studies with root extraction and species identification by microscopy with studies of growth, N uptake and 15 N uptake from deeper soil layers, for studying the root interactions of root growth and N foraging for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and vetch (Vicia sativa L.), frequently grown in mixtures as cover crops. N was added at 0 (N0), 50 (N1) and 150 (N2) kg N ha-1. The roots discrimination relying on the anatomical and morphological differences observed between dicots and monocots proved to be a reliable method providing valuable data for the analysis.Important findings The intercrop and the barley attained slightly higher root intensity (RI) and RD than the vetch, with values around 150 crosses m-1 and 1.4 m, respectively, compared to 50 crosses m-1 and 0.9 m for the vetch. At deep soil layers, intercropping showed slightly larger RI values compared to the sole-cropped barley. The barley and the intercropping had larger root length density (RLD) values (200–600 m m ?3) than the vetch (25–130) at 0.8–1.2 m depth. The topsoil N supply did not show a clear effect on the RI, RD or RLD; however, increasing topsoil N favored the proliferation of vetch roots in the intercropping at deep soil layers, with the barley:vetch root ratio ranging from 25 at N0 to 5 at N2. The N uptake of the barley was enhanced in the intercropping at the expense of the vetch (from ~100mg plant-1 to 200). The intercropped barley roots took up more labeled nitrogen (0.6mg 15 N plant-1) than the sole-cropped barley roots (0.3mg 15 N plant-1) from deep layers.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf) was cultured using the relative addition rate technique, where nitrogen is added in a fixed relation to the nitrogen already bound in biomass. The relative rate of total nitrogen addition was 0.09 day?1 (growth limiting by 35%), while the nitrate addition was varied by means of different nitrate: ammonium ratios. In 3- to 4-week-old plants, these ratios of nitrate to ammonium supported nitrate fluxes ranging from 0 to 22 μmol g?1 root dry weight h?1, whereas the total N flux was 21.8 ± 0.25 μmol g?1 root dry weight h?1 for all treatments. The external nitrate concentrations varied between 0.18 and 1.5 μM. The relative growth rate, root to total biomass dry weight ratios, as well as Kjeldahl nitrogen in roots and shoots were unaffected by the nitrate:ammonium ratio. Tissue nitrate concentration in roots were comparable in all treatments. Shoot nitrate concentration increased with increasing nitrate supply, indicating increased translocation of nitrate to the shoot. The apparent Vmax for net nitrate uptake increased with increased nitrate fluxes. Uptake activity was recorded also after growth at zero nitrate addition. This activity may have been induced by the small, but detectable, nitrate concentration in the medium under these conditions. In contrast, nitrate reductase (NR) activity in roots was unaffected by different nitrate fluxes, whereas NR activity in the shoot increased with increased nitrate supply. NR-mRNA was detected in roots from all cultures and showed no significant response to the nitrate flux, corroborating the data for NR activity. The data show that an extremely low amount of nitrate is required to elicit expression of NR and uptake activity. However, the uptake system and root NR respond differentially to increased nitrate flux at constant total N nutrition. It appears that root NR expression under these conditions is additionally controlled by factors related to the total N flux or the internal N status of the root and/or plant. The method used in this study may facilitate separation of nitrate-specific responses from the nutritional effect of nitrate.  相似文献   

Utilization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is thought to be the purview of heterotrophic microorganisms, but photoautotrophs can take up dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). This study investigated DOC and DON uptake in a laminated cyanobacterial mat community from hypersaline Salt Pond (San Salvador, Bahamas). The total community uptake of (3)H-labeled substrates was measured in the light and in the dark and under conditions of high and low salinity. Salinity was the primary control of DOM uptake, with increased uptake occurring under low-salinity, 'freshened' conditions. DOC uptake was also enhanced in the light as compared with the dark and in samples incubated with the photosystem II inhibitor 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea, suggesting a positive association between photosynthetic activity and DOC uptake. Microautoradiography revealed that some DOM uptake was attributed to cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria DOM uptake was negatively correlated with that of smaller filamentous microorganisms, and DOM uptake by individual coccoid cells was negatively correlated with uptake by colonial coccoids. These patterns of activity suggest that Salt Pond microorganisms are engaged in resource partitioning, and DOM utilization may provide a metabolic boost to both heterotrophs and photoautrophs during periods of lowered salinity.  相似文献   

This paper documents ambient concentrations of nutrients in the Belgian coastal waters of the North Sea during the spring of 1996 and 1997. The paper elaborates the differences of uptake rates of oxidised nitrogen (NO3) and reduced nitrogen (NH4 and urea) by Phaeocystis and diatoms. The nitrogen concentrations were dominated by NO3 with a maximum concentration of 30 μM (January 1997) and 40 μM (March 1996). In 1996, Phaeocystis dominated the spring biomass with a maximum of 521 μg C l−1, while maximum diatom biomass was 174 μg C l−1. In 1997, the maximum Phaeocystis spring biomass was 1600 μg C l−1 and diatom maximum biomass was below 100 μg C l−1. A maximum bacteria biomass of about 55 μg C l−1 was observed in mid-May 1996. The maximum nitrogen uptake rates were recorded during spring and were dominated by NO3 (0.005 h−1 in 1996 and 0.032 h−1 in 1997). Maximum specific NH4 uptake rates were between 0.005 h−1 in May 1996 and 0.006 h−1 in April 1997. The NO3 uptake rates displayed exponential decrease versus increasing ambient reduced nitrogen concentrations (ammonium and urea), whereas the reduced nitrogen uptake increased but never compensated the decreased nitrate uptake. The NH4 uptake kinetics of diatoms displayed lower vmax compared to Phaeocystis. Consequently, Phaeocystis showed ability to increase their NH4 uptake capacity when more NH4 became available while diatoms failed to do so, after ammonium had exceeded their saturation concentration (>1 μM). Although reduced nitrogen has a negative effect on the uptake of NO3, Phaeocystis have more advantage than diatoms on the uptake of ammonium. This might be contributing to the biomass domination shown by Phaeocystis over extended periods in spring.  相似文献   

Sustained increases in plant production in elevated CO2 depend on adequate belowground resources. Mechanisms for acquiring additional soil resources include increased root allocation and changes in root morphology or physiology. CO2 research to date has focused almost exclusively on changes in biomass and allocation. We examined physiological changes in nitrate and ammonium uptake in elevated CO2, hypothesizing that uptake rates would increase with the amount of available CO2. We combined our physiological estimates of nitrogen uptake with measurements of root biomass to assess whole root-system rates of nitrogen uptake. Surprisingly, physiological rates of ammonium uptake were unchanged with CO2, and rates of nitrate uptake actually decreased significantly (P<0.005). Root boomass increased 23% in elevated CO2 (P<0.005), but almost all of this increase came in fertilized replicates. Rates of root-system nitrogen uptake in elevated CO2 increased for ammonium in nutrient-rich soil (P<0.05) and were unchanged for nitrate (P>0.80). Root-system rates of nitrogen uptake were more strongly correlated with physiological uptake rates than with root biomass in unamended soil, but the reverse was true in fertilized replicates. We discuss nitrogen uptake and changes in root biomass in the context of root nutrient concentrations (which were generally unchanged with CO2) and standing pools of belowground plant nitrogen. In research to date, there appears to be a fairly general increase in root biomass with elevated CO2, and little evidence of up-regulation in root physiology.  相似文献   

Changes in dry matter accumulation and allocation, abscisic acid content and carbon isotope composition of three wheat cultivars from dry, middle and wet climate regions were recorded at full maturity after exposure to different watering regimes (100, 50 and 25 % field capacity). Compared with the wet climate cultivar, the dry climate cultivar showed lower stem height, total leaf area, total dry biomass and total grain dry mass, and higher root/shoot ratio, abscisic acid content and carbon isotope composition under all watering regimes. Both water-limited treatments significantly reduced leaf growth and increased dry matter allocation into the roots leading to a significant raise of root/shoot ratio in all cultivars tested. In addition, drought affected morphological and physiological properties more in the dry climate cultivar than in the wet climate cultivar.  相似文献   

Low-Zn seed (around 80 ng Zn per seed) and high-Zn seed (around 160 ng Zn per seed) of Zhongyou 821 (a traditional Brassica napus genotype from China found to be Zn-inefficient in our previous experiments), Narendra (Zn-efficient B. napus genotype from Australia) and CSIRO-1 (a Zn-efficient B. juncea genotype from Australia) oilseed rape genotypes were sown in pots containing Zn-deficient siliceous sand fertilized with low Zn supply (0.05 mg Zn kg–1 soil) or high Zn supply (2.0 mg Zn kg–1 soil) in a controlled environment. After six weeks, plants derived from the high-Zn seed had better seedling vigour, increased root and shoot growth, more leaf area and chlorophyll concentration in fresh leaf, and higher Zn uptake in shoot compared to those from low-Zn seed at low Zn supply; the impact of high-Zn seed was more marked in Zhongyou 821 compared with CSIRO-1 and Narendra. The influence of high-Zn seed was dissipated at high Zn supply. CSIRO-1 was superior in terms of shoot dry matter production and Zn uptake in shoots at low Zn supply. The results demonstrate that although oilseed rape has very small seeds (about 3 mg per seed weight) compared with wheat (30 mg per seed weight), Zn reserves present in this very small seed still have a strong impact on early vegetative growth as well as on Zn uptake of plants in Zn-deficient soils. The results suggest that sowing high-Zn seed coupled with growing Zn-efficient genotypes may help in sustaining the production of oilseed rape in Zn-deficient soils, and this has implications for improved seed technology.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted to study the response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to different phosphorus levels (16, 24 or 32 kg P ha–1) and inoculation with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus fasciculatum on vertisol during summer 1993. At the vegetative stage of sunflower, percent mycorrhizal root colonization, spore count, dry biomass and P uptake did not differ significantly between inoculated and uninoculated control plants. However, at later stages (flowering and maturity) percent root colonization, spore count, total dry biomass and total P uptake were significantly higher in inoculated plants than in uninoculated control plants. The total dry biomass, P content and seed yield increased with increasing P level in uninoculated plants, whereas no significant difference was observed between 16 and 32 kg P ha–1 in inoculated plants. The positive effect of mycorrhizal inoculation decreased with increasing P level above 16 kg P ha–1, due to decreased percent root colonization and spore count at higher P levels.  相似文献   

1. A fluid‐flow reactor using submersible speakers was constructed to generate small‐scale fluid motion similar to conditions measured in open water environments; flow was quantified by particle image velocimetry. Additionally a Couette‐type rotating cylinder was used to generate shear flows; flow was quantified using an optical hotwire probe and torque measurements. Growth rates of the green alga Selenastrum capricornutum were determined from changes in cell counts and viability was tested using the fluorogenic probe fluoresceine diacetate. 2. Evidence that fluid motion directly affects growth rates was obtained as a significant difference between growth in a moving versus non‐moving fluid. A near 2‐fold increase in growth rate was achieved for an energy dissipation rate of ? = 10?7 m2 s?3; a rate common in lakes and oceans. The onset of the viability equilibrium, identified as the day of the test period when the number of active cells equalled non‐active cells, was delayed by 2 days for moving fluid conditions as compared with a non‐moving fluid. 3. Nutrient uptake was determined by a decrease in the bulk fluid concentration and cellular phosphorus concentration was also estimated. The thickness of the diffusive sublayer surrounding a cell, a zone dominated by molecular diffusion, was estimated. Increasing fluid motion was found to decrease the thickness of this layer. The Sherwood number (ratio of total mass flux to molecular mass flux) showed that advective flux surrounding cells dominated molecular diffusion flux with regard to Péclet numbers (ratio of advective transport to molecular diffusion transport). Fluid motion facilitated uptake rates and resulted in increased growth rates, compared with no‐flow conditions. The rate‐of‐rotation and the rate‐of‐strain in a moving fluid equally mediated the diffusive sublayer thickness surrounding the cells. Our study demonstrates that small‐scale fluid motion mediates algal growth kinetics and therefore should be included in predictive models for algal blooms.  相似文献   

Growthof Atriplex amnicola P.G. Wilson was not affected by different levels (10, 100, and 200 mM) of NaCI. Na concentrations in roots and shoots increased significantly at higher levels of NaCI. K/Na ratios in plant parts were higher compared to those in the external solutions, indicating selectivity for K over Na. P uptake, as determined using32P, was not affected by increasing NaCl in the root medium.  相似文献   

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