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The restoration of macrophytes in eutrophic shallow lakes has been the focus of active research in the past decade. The approach of building up a mosaic community of macrophytes (MCMs) to improve water quality and remediate the ecosystems of lakes is proposed in this paper. Several species of floating, floating-leaved, and submerged macrophytes were introduced in experimental enclosures in eutrophic shallow lakes. These macrophytes were intercropped in small patches and formed mosaic communities of spatial and temporal combinations (spatial and seasonal mosaic patterns) in the lakes. Macrophytes can improve water transparency quickly and the MCM system can stabilize this clear water state over a long time in turbid eutrophic shallow lakes. The constructed MCM created heterogeneous habitats that are favourable for different macrophytes and for the growth and succession of other organisms, as well as for removing water pollutants. When the eutrophic water flowed through the MCM system at a retention time of 7 days, the removal efficiency rates of the MCM system for algae biomass, NH4+–N, TN, TP and PO43?–P were 58%, 66%, 60%, 72% and 80%, respectively.  相似文献   

Estuarine meiofauna communities have been only recently considered to be good indicators of ecological quality, exhibiting several advantages over macrofauna, such as their small size, high abundance, rapid generation times and absence of a planktonic phase. In estuaries we must account not only for a great natural variability along the estuarine gradient (e.g. sediment type and dynamics, oxygen availability, temperature and flow speed) but also for the existence of anthropogenic pressures (e.g. high local population density, presence of harbors and dredging activities).Spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns of meiofauna and free-living marine nematodes were studied in the Mondego estuary (Portugal). Both taxonomic and functional approaches were applied to nematode communities in order to describe the community structure and to relate it with the environmental parameters along the estuary. At all sampling events, nematode assemblages reflected the estuarine gradient, and salinity and grain size composition were confirmed to be the main abiotic factors controlling the distribution of the assemblages.Moreover, the low temporal variability may indicate that natural variability is superimposed by the anthropogenic pressures present in some areas of the estuary. The characterization of both meiofauna and nematode assemblages highlighted the usefulness of the integration of both taxonomic and functional attributes, which must be taken into consideration when assessing the ecological status of estuaries.  相似文献   

Defining the overall ecological status of lakes according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to be partially based on the species composition of the aquatic macrophyte community. We tested three assessment methods to define the ecological status of the macrophyte community in response to a eutrophication pressure as reflected by total phosphorus concentrations in lake water. An absolute species richness, a trophic index (TI) and a lake trophic ranking (LTR) method were tested at Europe-wide, regional and national scales as well as by alkalinity category, using data from 1,147 lakes from 12 European states. Total phosphorus data were used to represent the trophic status of individual samples and were plotted against the calculated TI and LTR values. Additionally, the LTR method was tested in some individual lakes with a relatively long time series of monitoring data. The TI correlated well with total P in the Northern European lake types, whereas the relationship in the Central European lake types was less clear. The relationship between total P and light extinction is often very good in the Northern European lake types compared to the Central European lake types. This can be one of the reasons for a better agreement between the indices and eutrophication pressure in the Northern European lake types. The response of individual lakes to changes in the abiotic environment was sometimes represented incorrectly by the indices used, which is a cause of concern for the use of single indices in status assessments in practice.  相似文献   

Chen  Kai  Olson  John R.  Vander Laan  Jacob J.  Hill  Ryan A.  Wang  Beixin  Hawkins  Charles P. 《Hydrobiologia》2019,837(1):177-194

Reference site networks should consist of minimally disturbed sites that collectively characterize the ranges of natural settings within a region. Compromise between reference-quality and representativeness is required. We evaluated how tradeoffs between reference-quality and regional representativeness affected applicability, performance, and interpretation of multi-metric (MMI) and Observed/Expected (O/E) indices developed for streams in eastern China. We emphasized reference-quality by applying the most-stringent objective criteria and expert-judgment to select reference-group1 (G1). We emphasized representativeness by applying the least-stringent criteria to select reference-group2 (G2) sites from different strata based on watershed size. We balanced reference-quality and representativeness in G3 by applying intermediate stringent criteria from each watershed size stratum used previously. Increasing representativeness using G2 improved index applicability to almost more than twice the number of test sites than when reference-quality maximized using G1. Bias in O/E index was almost eliminated only when reference-quality and representativeness balanced using G3. MMIs developed when reference-quality maximized using G1 eliminated all bias and had the highest precision. High-quality reference with limited representativeness affected the metrics selected for inclusion in MMIs and restricted the sites to which both types of indices could be applied. A balanced approach worked best in this instance and similar approaches should be tested in other regions.


A comparison of the benthic fauna found in two shallow lakes in the New Jersey Pinelands (USA) illustrated the impact of elevated pH and nutrients caused by residential and agricultural disturbance on a naturally acidic, poorly buffered aquatic environment. Detailed community analysis suggested that change in community composition was a better indicator of response to disturbance than biological diversity indices. Chironomidae (insecta) were the predominant components of the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage of both undisturbed Oswego Lake (low pH, low nutrients) and Nescochague Lake (fluctuating pH, elevated nutrients). The genera Procladius, Tribelos, and Pagastiella dominated Oswego Lake, where as Zalutschia zalutschicola, Procladius, Dicrotendipes, and Tanytarsus dominated Nescochague Lake. Glyptotendipes was a common and unique member of the Nescochague Lake assemblage. Cluster analysis indicated that the chemical differences between lakes were the most important community determinants, although, within each lake, depth and substrate affected the local communities. Oswego Lake exhibited a depauperate nonchironomid benthic fauna typical of low nutrient, acid lakes. In turn, Nescochague Lake exhibited an enriched nonchironomid fauna including mollusks and planaria which were not found in Oswego Lake.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires that all aquatic ecosystems in their member states should reach ‘good’ ecological quality by 2015. To assess ecological quality, the WFD requires the definition of reference conditions using biological, physical and chemical indicators and the assignment of each water body to one of five quality classes using these indicators. Elaborate assessment schemes using large sets of variables are now being developed. Here we address the question whether all this is really needed and what the simplest assessment approach would be for the case of shallow lakes. We explore the relationships between the quality class assigned to a lake by experts in shallow lake ecology and a rich set of biological, physical, and chemical data. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were carried out based on data from 86 shallow lakes throughout Europe that were sampled in 2000 and/or 2001. Ecological quality of shallow lakes judged by experts was strongly correlated to physical and chemical variables associated with light regime and nutrients and much less to biological variables.Our regression model showed that ecological quality of this set of shallow lakes judged by experts could be predicted quite well from water transparency expressed as Secchi depth and that other variables did not contribute to it significantly. According to the WFD, lakes should at least have a ‘good’ ecological quality. Quality judged by experts and predicted quality were similar for 78% of the lakes with respect to meeting this standard. As a cautionary note we stress that Secchi depth alone will be a less useful indicator if effects of stressors other than eutrophication (e.g. lake acidification and toxic pollution) are to be considered.  相似文献   

吐鲁番市和哈密市是我国盐渍化危害最严重的地区之一,明晰其生态环境变化趋势和驱动机制对吐鲁番-哈密地区生态文明建设具有重要意义。基于Google earth engine(GEE)平台,筛选2005-2020年6-9月Landsat影像,选取绿度(SVAI)、湿度(Wet)、热度(LST)、干度(NDBSI)和盐度(NDSI)构建改进型遥感生态指数(SRSEI)对吐鲁番-哈密地区生态环境进行评估。结果表明:(1) SRSEI使用SAVI代替NDVI并加入盐度指标(NDSI),与RSEI相比有着更高的第一主成分贡献率,能更全面客观地评价吐鲁番-哈密地区生态环境质量。(2) 时间尺度上,2005-2020年吐鲁番-哈密地区SRSEI先下降后上升,均值0.49,并在2020年均值达到0.5575,较差和良的面积占比变化显著,较差占比减少了11.54%,良占比增加了30.15%。且未来生态环境变化趋势还将以改善为主; 空间尺度上,北部西山台原和中部莫钦乌拉山生态质量多为优和良,较差区域主要集中在南部噶顺戈壁。(3) 年均降水量、年均气温和经济生产总值是驱动SRSEI变化的主要控制因子,q值均大于0.092;与单因子对生态环境影响力相比,双因子交互产生的影响力更强,年均降水量∩经济生产总值是驱动吐鲁番-哈密地区生态环境发生变化的最强交互因子。  相似文献   

1. Shallow lakes and ponds are a major component of the northern landscape and often contain a high zooplankton biomass despite clear waters that are poor in phytoplankton. 2. In this study we quantified zooplankton food sources and feeding rates in the shallow waters of two contrasting high‐latitude biomes: subarctic forest tundra (Kuujjuarapik, Quebec) and high arctic polar desert (Resolute, Nunavut). Five substrate types were tested (beads, bacteria, picophytoplankton, filamentous plankton and microbial mats). Special attention was given to the role of benthos, a component that is usually poorly integrated into models of aquatic foodwebs. 3. Consistent with observations elsewhere in the circumpolar region, high concentrations of adult macrozooplankton occurred in all sites (up to 17 100 crustaceans m?3) while phytoplankton concentrations and primary productivity were low. The communities were composed of multiple species, including Daphnia middendorfiana, Hesperodiaptomus arcticus, Leptodiaptomus minutus, Artemiopsis stefanssoni and Branchinecta paludosa. 4. Detritus made 89–98% of the planktonic resource pool and bacteria contributed the highest biomass (up to 29 mg C m?3) of the planktonic food particles available to zooplankton. Benthic resources were dominated by microbial mats that grew in nutrient‐rich conditions at the base of the ponds and which dominated overall ecosystem biomass and productivity. 5. All species were flexible in their feeding but there were large, order of magnitude differences in clearance rates among taxa. These differences likely resulted from different grazing strategies among cladocerans, copepods and fairy shrimps, and possibly also from adaptation to specific food types and size ranges that occur locally in these waters. 6. The subarctic cladocerans Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and D. middendorfiana, and the arctic fairy shrimp B. paludosa were observed to graze directly on the microbial mats and the feeding experiments confirmed their assimilation of benthic substrates. The other zooplankton species showed a more pelagic feeding mode but were capable of using microbial mat filaments, thus may be indirectly linked to benthic processes via resuspension. 7. Our study indicates that the classical aquatic food web in which phytoplankton provide the sole production base for grazers does not apply to northern shallow lakes and ponds. Instead, microbial mats increase the physical complexity of these high latitude ecosystems and likely play a role in sustaining their high zooplankton biomass.  相似文献   

IntensiveStrongylocentrotus droebachiensis grazing of a previously sampled one-hectare plot provided an opportunity for quantitatively investigating grazing impact on the benthic macrophyte community and community recovery. The changes induced by grazing are compared with changes in a similar plot located nearby which was not grazed. A total of 154 quantitative 0.25 m2 quadrats were collected in mid-summer, from the two sites, over a 4-year period. The results presented indicate thatS. droebachiensis populations in the Strait of Georgia undergo periodic, environmentally controlled, outbreaks and that these outbreaks are responsible for localized perturbation of the benthic macrophyte community. Short-term grazing, where the urchins do not remain in the area, result in a 60 percent reduction in most community parameters measured. The community requires 2 or 3 years to regain or exceed pre-grazing biomass levels while other parameters had not recovered after 3 years. An estimated 4–6 year period is required to achieve ecological climax (Fishelson, 1977) and species enrichment follows. The largest macrophyte in the Strait of Georgia, the kelpNereocystis luetkeana, is a successional species whose abundance is controlled, in part, by the successional status of the community.  相似文献   

Multimetric fish-based indices have been increasingly gaining importance in Europe, as the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires fish fauna, and particularly its composition and abundance, to be taken into account in the assessment of the ecological quality of continental surface waters, including transitional waters. These indices are composed of several metrics, mostly related with structural and functional characteristics of fish communities, such as species richness, the role of nursery areas, or trophic web structure. Therefore, ecological quality assessments should ensure that these structural and functional characteristics of fish communities were covered by the sampling methods used. In the present work, the influence of sampling effort on several metrics of the Estuarine Fish Assessment Index (EFAI) was studied. Pseudo-random samples were generated from data of four Portuguese estuaries and bootstrap cycles were performed, in order to obtain metrics’ means and standard deviations per number of hauls analysed. The number of hauls necessary for the means to level off differed with the metrics considered. Generally, for metrics on percentages (percentage of marine migrants, percentage of estuarine residents and percentage of piscivores) the curve levelled off with less than 20 hauls, both for the estuary as a whole and for different estuarine salinity zones. On the other hand, metrics on species richness required much larger samples. In order to decrease to −5% the current estimated bias of metrics, the WFD sampling costs would have to be more than 3 times higher than they currently are. The findings in the present study are of great importance for an effective assessment of estuarine ecological quality and particularly in the context of the WFD, as the metrics studied are common to other Member State indices.  相似文献   

Valdovinos  Claudio  Figueroa  Ricardo 《Hydrobiologia》2000,429(1-3):151-156
Oxygen uptake rates of undisturbed sediment columns have been used as an integrative measure of the metabolic activities of benthic communities. Since the intensity of metabolic processes of profundal lake is dependent on the production of organic matter in the pelagic zone, oxygen uptake rates reflect the trophic condition of the whole lake. Four small lakes of central Chile, differing strongly in trophic conditions, provided a possibility to compare benthic oxygen uptake rates, under different oxygen conditions (Quiñenco, Grande, Chica and Lleulleu). Our objective was to establish the relationship between the oxygen uptake rates and bottom characteristics of lakes with different trophic conditions. At 8 mg O2 l-1 in the overlying water of the cores studied, the oxygen uptake rates of the sediment were: Quiñenco 51.2–56.0 mg O2 m2 h-1 (eutrophic), Grande 41.2–46.4 mg O2 m2 h-1 (mesotrophic), Chica 23.2–18.1 mg O2 m2 h-1 (mesotrophic) and Lleulleu 11.7–16.0 mg O2 m2 h-1 (oligotrophic). By exposing the sediments to different oxygen levels in the laboratory, it was found that benthic community metabolism decreased with oxygen concentrations. The slope of regression lines, relating oxygen uptake rates to oxygen concentrations, differed for the different sites investigated, closely related with the trophic conditions of the lakes. It was positively correlated with the organic matter content of the sediment of the cores (r 2= 0.78, p<0,05) and the nutrients of the bottom waters (total-P: r 2= 0.73, p<0,05; total-N: r 2= 0.73, p<0,05), and negatively with the redox potential of the sediments (r 2= 0.88, p<0,05).  相似文献   

Even though subsampling can minimize the research efforts needed to deal with numerous specimens, the accuracy of bioassessment and community analysis can be affected according to subsampled individuals. In this study, the effects of subsampling on community indices, the parameters of the species abundance distributions (SADs) and ordination based on communities were evaluated using benthic macroinvertebrates from three different stream pollution levels: less, intermediately, and heavily polluted. The values of the community indices and the parameters of the SADs were clearly different according to the differences in the pollution levels, regardless of subsampling efforts. Detrended correspondence analysis was applied to characterize similarities between the subsamples with different individuals based on community indices and the parameters of the SADs. A self-organizing map was used to characterize the community similarities and properties of the subsamples, differentiating the subsamples from their original datasets. Finally, our results revealed that the effects of subsampling were reflected differently in different indices, parameters, and ordinations of communities at different pollution levels, suggesting that subsample size should be determined differently at different pollution levels depending on the objectives of the study. However, if only one subsample size is to be used for simplicity and to reduce the cost of aquatic ecosystem health monitoring and assessment, then we recommend at least 400 individuals as the subsample size. At least 800 individuals should be subsampled for biodiversity studies.  相似文献   

Disintegration of the ecological community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this essay, I argue that the seemingly indestructible concept of the community as a local, interacting assemblage of species has hindered progress toward understanding species richness at local to regional scales. I suggest that the distributions of species within a region reveal more about the processes that generate diversity patterns than does the co-occurrence of species at any given point. The local community is an epiphenomenon that has relatively little explanatory power in ecology and evolutionary biology. Local coexistence cannot provide insight into the ecogeographic distributions of species within a region, from which local assemblages of species derive, nor can local communities be used to test hypotheses concerning the origin, maintenance, and regulation of species richness, either locally or regionally. Ecologists are moving toward a community concept based on interactions between populations over a continuum of spatial and temporal scales within entire regions, including the population and evolutionary processes that produce new species.  相似文献   

Peeters  Edwin T.H.M.  Gylstra  Ronald  Vos  Jose H. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,519(1-3):103-115
The relative contribution of sediment food (e.g. organic matter, carbohydrates, proteins, C, N, polyunsaturated fatty acids) and environmental variables (e.g. oxygen, pH, depth, sediment grain size, conductivity) in explaining the observed variation in benthic macroinvertebrates is investigated. Soft bottom sediments, water and benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled in several water systems across The Netherlands. The variance partitioning method is used to quantify the relative contributions of food and environmental variables in structuring the benthic macroinvertebrate community structure.It is assumed that detritivores show a significant relationship with sediment food variables and carnivores and herbivores do not. The results of the variance partitioning method with data sets containing only detritivores, herbivores or carnivores confirm this assumption. This indicates that the variance partitioning method is a useful tool for analyzing the impact of different groups of variables in complex situations. Approximately 45% of the total variation in the macroinvertebrate community structure could be explained by variables included in the analyses. The variance partitioning method shows that sediment food variables contributed significantly to the total variation in the macroinvertebrate dataset. The relative importance of food depends on the intensity of other environmental factors and is lower on broad spatial scales than on smaller scales.The results of the partitioning depend on the selected variables that are included in the analyses. The method becomes problematic in case variables from different groups of variables (e.g. one food variable and one environmental variable) have a high inflation factor and thus are collinear. The choice of the variable that is left out impacts the variance allocated to the different groups of variables.The variance partitioning method was able to detect the spatial scale dependent contribution of food variables in structuring macroinvertebrate communities. This spatial scale dependency can also be caused by the size, the composition, and the heterogeneity of the dataset. Performing extra analyses in which specific samples are removed from the original dataset can give insight in under- or overestimation of the impact of certain factors and offers the possibility to test the robustness of the obtained results.  相似文献   

We propose and test a new Phytoplankton Community Index (PhyCoI) for monitoring the ecological status of lakes and reservoirs. The design of our PhyCoI is based on the fact that phytoplankton biomass and community structure respond to changes in water quality (mainly eutrophication) and by themselves also influence water quality. In order to accommodate this double role of phytoplankton as indicator and impact, PhyCoI is based on phytoplankton community properties at different hierarchical levels combining both specific metrics (total biomass, taxonomic group biomass, cyanobacteria contribution, taxonomic group species richness) and new or modified sub-indices. It is calculated from the scores of the different metrics/sub-indices resulting in a final index value in the range from 0 to 5, to assess water quality on the basis of five ecological classes according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The test of PhyCoI was based on Carlson's Trophic State Index (TSISD) based on water transparency (Secchi depth) in 26 Greek lakes and reservoirs covering the entire spectrum from oligotrophic to hypertrophic. A highly significant relationship at p < 0.001 between the two variables was found, with the values of the PhyCoI declining with increasing TSISD. Furthermore, a significant relationship between the PhyCoI and land use types at the watershed of the studied freshwaters was found identifying permanent crops, pastures and shrubs and herbaceous vegetation associations as significant predictors of PhyCoI values. Because of the amount of labor involved in obtaining the PhyCoI we suggest to combine low frequency PhyCoI determinations with a high frequency Secchi depth measurements for practical monitoring purposes.  相似文献   

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