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ABSTRACT The fine structure of female accessory reproductive gland (FARG) of the adult mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor is studied with light and electron microscopes. The FARG is a simple tubular organ that composed of two kinds of cells-secretory epithelial cells and duct forming cells. The lumen of FARG is lined with a thin cuticle and filled with secretory materials. Each secretory epithelial cell has its peculiar end apparatus in addition to well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), mitochondria, and secretory vesicles. They are forming basal infolding along the plasma membrane. Along the inner surface of the plasma membrane, numerous secretory vesicles are seen. The glandular secretions of the epithelial secretory cells are synthesized via rER to Golgi apparatus, and are stored in the extracellular cavity in the epithelial cell. These secretions are drained to the lumen through the end apparatus and this type of glandular secretion in the insects is type III. Histochemical reactions reveal the major component of these glandular secretions is an acid mucopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

【目的】蟋螽是直翅目中唯一具有吐丝筑巢行为的类群。本研究旨在探讨蟋螽丝腺的结构特点。【方法】应用解剖学观察、免疫荧光、苏木精-伊红染色、PAS苏木精染色、扫描电镜和透射电镜等方法从细胞水平对黑缘烟蟋螽Capnogryllacris nigromarginata丝腺的显微与超微结构进行了观察。【结果】黑缘烟蟋螽丝腺由导管和腺泡构成。腺泡由鞘细胞延伸形成的结缔组织鞘包围。腺泡的主体有4种细胞,分别为Ⅰ型分泌细胞、Ⅱ型分泌细胞、围细胞和腔细胞。Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型分泌细胞为大的腺细胞,形状不规则。分泌细胞细胞核很大,胞质内有大量的内质网和分泌颗粒。Ⅰ型分泌细胞靠近腺泡中心,PAS-苏木精染色表明Ⅰ型分泌细胞内含糖蛋白,Ⅱ型分泌细胞在腺泡外周,位于Ⅰ型分泌细胞与围细胞或结缔组织鞘之间。腔细胞分散在分泌细胞之间,包围形成胞外运输分泌物的通道。围细胞与鞘细胞接触,具有由细胞膜内陷形成的微绒毛腔,胞质内有大量的线粒体。围细胞微绒毛腔与腔细胞包围的细胞外运输通道相连,分泌细胞分泌的颗粒聚集在分泌细胞和胞外运输通道之间的连接处,并将分泌物排出至胞外运输通道。多个腺泡的胞外运输通道汇集到由单层细胞组成的丝腺导管。单层导管细胞靠近管腔外围具有规则排列的质膜内陷和大量伸长的线粒体;靠近管腔的一侧具连续的细胞膜突起,在导管壁的表皮下紧密排列。【结论】黑缘烟蟋螽丝腺分泌细胞分为Ⅰ型分泌细胞和Ⅱ型分泌细胞。分泌物质产生及分泌过程依次经过分泌细胞、腔细胞包围的胞外通道、分支导管、总导管和唾窦。其中在腺泡细胞之间,分泌物向外运输过程中,围细胞微绒毛腔的微丝束可能对分泌物的外排提供推动力。  相似文献   

We examined the “rosette-like” structures (RS), found in Archaeognatha and Thysanura, in the compound eyes and the antennae of the machilid Petrobius brevistylis using SEM and TEM. The nature of the RS was unknown until now, and hypothesized to be either a sensillum or the opening of a gland. Our studies show that RS are the orifices of epidermal glands. A gland consists of a single glandular unit of 4 cells: a duct cell, a secretory cell, a ciliary cell and an enveloping cell. The glands are class 3 epidermal glands as defined by Noirot and Quennedey (1974).  相似文献   

We examined antennal exocrine glands in adults of a myrmecophagous carabid beetle, Siagona europaea Dejean 1826 (Coleoptera, Carabidae), by light and electron microscopy and we identified two types of integumentary glands. The first type includes glands formed by three cells (a secretory cell, an intercalary cell and a duct cell) known as class 3 of Noirot and Quennedey (1991). The secretory cell has several large multivesicular electron‐lucent bodies, indicating a glycoprotein product associated with lipids. We hypothesize that this secretion protects the surface of antennae and sensilla from wear. The second group of glands includes unicellular glands known as oenocytes (class 2 of Noirot and Quennedey, 1991), which secrete epicuticular hydrocarbons through epidermal cells.  相似文献   

Trichoniscus alexandrae Caruso is a blind troglobiont isopod; males possess secretory and sensory organs on the cephalon and 1st pereionite consisting of cuticular pits hosting a tuft of setae and gland openings. Such organs are absent in females. Three types of cuticular structures have been observed: (a) lamellar setae, which likely play a role in protecting the gland openings and favouring the evaporation of secretions; (b) contact chemoreceptors, each provided with six bipolar sensory cells, a scolopale cell and enveloping cells; (c) a secretory cell complex, consisting of a long cylindrical slender duct-forming cell, with the function of transporting to the cuticular surface a secretion produced by two deeper secretory cells. The duct-forming cell is characterized by the presence of numerous microtubules in its cytoplasm, and is provided with a flattened duct. It is suggested that the secretion produced by the secretory cells could serve for sex-recognition.  相似文献   

Two groups of external excretory pores associated with glandular units (AU and LPU) were observed on the labrum, one pair laterally and three pairs posteriorly. Each external pore leads to an underlying conical, flask-shaped epidermal chamber. The wide base of this chamber is perforated by an internal pore that delivers secretions from the excretory duct of a glandular unit. The chambers serve to protect the internal pores from turbulence in the outside environment. Expulsion of secretions from the chambers is probably brought about by contraction of labral striated muscles, which synchronizes opening of the AU and LPU pores. A complex funnel-shaped structure forms the internal end of the excretory duct between each chamber and the corresponding pole of accumulation for the secretory product of a glandular unit. This structure, composed of an epidermal syncytium lined by a sleeve of several aligned auxiliary cells, probably ensures a tight connection between the epidermal chamber and the syncytium. The dorsalmost glandular units (LDU) have no pores in the vicinity of their poles of accumulation. Instead they secrete through cuticular ducts delimited by aligned auxiliary cells. External pores for these canals have not yet been located. The secretions of lateral pores may be mucopolysaccharides that play an essential role in agglutination of food particles soon after capture, while the secretions of posterior pores may contain glycoproteins that mix with food only after ingestion into the buccal cavity and probably start the process of digestion.  相似文献   

Adult and nymphal antennae of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, contain nine or more different morphological types of sense organs. There is no outwardly apparent sexual dimorphism in adult antennae. Nymphs are dificient in gross numbers of sensilla. Sense organs are classified morphologically by their similarity to known types of sensila and are assigned functions on this basis and preliminary electrophysiological data: Sensilla chaetica (A), thick-walled mechanoreceptive hairs in groups on the antennal base; S. chaetica (B), thick-walled setae which are tactile and probably chemoreceptive, occurring in the antennal base and flagellum; S. trichodea (A), thin-walled chemoreceptive hairs of the flagellum; S. trichodea (B), minute hairs on the scape and pedicel; S. basiconica, thin-walled chemoreceptive pegs, and S. coeloconica (?pit-pegs”?) of the flagellum; S. campaniformia and scolopidia, mechanoreceptors in the base and flagellum; plus Johnston's organ and/or connective chrodotonal organs in the pedicel. Calculations based on absolute counts of sensilla and their known innervation yield an estimate of about 3.3 × 104 sensilla and 105 cells per antenna.  相似文献   

Gynandromorphic honey bees, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae), were examined to determine characteristic morphological and anatomical features of the antennal system. The antennae of gynandromorphic individuals are predominantly worker or drone-like. Hybrid antennae, composed of female and male tissues, occur only rarely (7 out of 188 examined antennae). Depending on the mosaic pattern of the head, both antennae can be drone-like or worker-like, or one can be drone-like and the other worker-like. Examination of the antennal lobes of six characteristic specimens revealed that antennal lobes, which are innervated by drone-like antennae, always have drone-specific enlarged tracts and macroglomerular complexes, whereas antennal lobes innervated by worker-like antennae always are composed of normally sized glomeruli. Thus, there is a strict correlation between the sexual morphology of the antennae and the sexual organization of the antennal lobe neuropil. In one antennal lobe, innervated by a hybrid antenna, we found a hypertrophied glomerulus, certainly homologous to one of the macroglomerular complexes in drone-like antennal lobes.jy 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the interommatidial exocrine glands, found in the compound eyes of the water strider Aquarius remigis, is described using light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The glandular pores of the glands are specialized into minute “nail-headed” structures (NS), which are described for the first time in arthropod compound eyes. Each NS is composed of two components: a rod-like stalk and a cup-like depression. The TEM study shows that the glands are class 3 epidermal glands as defined by Noirot and Quennedey (1974, 1991). Each gland consists of 3 cells: a gland cell, an intermediary cell, and a duct (canal) cell. The gland cell contains abundant electron-lucent vesicles, while the intermediary cell contains a large number of osmiophilic secretory granules. These two cells might secrete different substances which mix together in the dilated sac-like portion of the conducting canal before final release. The possible functions of the secretions released from these glands are discussed.  相似文献   

The maxilla I-gland of Scutigera coleoptrata was investigated using light and electron microscopy methods. This is the first ultrastructural investigation of a salivary gland in Chilopoda. The paired gland opens via the hypopharynx into the foregut and extends up to the third trunk segment. The gland is of irregular shape and consists of numerous acini consisting of several gland units. The secretion is released into an arborescent duct system. Each acinus consists of multiple of glandular units. The units are composed of three cell types: secretory cells, a single intermediary cell, and canal cells. The pear-shaped secretory cell is invaginated distally, forming an extracellular reservoir lined with microvilli, into which the secretion is released. The intermediary cell forms a conducting canal and connects the secretory cell with the canal cell. Proximally, the intermediary cell bears microvilli, whereas the distal part is covered with a distinct cuticle. The cuticle is a continuation of the cuticle of the canal cells. This investigation shows that the structure of the glandular units of the salivary maxilla I-gland is comparable to that of the glandular units of epidermal glands. Thus, it is likely that in Chilopoda salivary glands and epidermal glands share the same ground pattern. It is likely that in compound acinar glands a multiplication of secretory and duct cells has taken place, whereas the number of intermediary cells remains constant. The increase in the number of salivary acini leads to a shifting of the secretory elements away from the epidermis, deep into the head. Comparative investigations of the different head glands provide important characters for the reconstruction of myriapod phylogeny and the relationships of Myriapoda and Hexapoda.  相似文献   

The typology and placement of antennal sensilla of the carrion beetles Oxelytrum erythrurum (Blanchard) and Oxelytrum apicalis (Brullé) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Two types of sensilla chaetica, two types of sensilla trichodea, four types of sensilla basiconica, one type of sensilla coeloconica, and an unidentified type of sensillum were found in both species. Sensilla chaetica type 1 are found on the antennomeres proximal to antennal club (A1?CA8); chaetica type 2 are found on the club (A9?CA11). Sensilla trichodea are found on A9?CA11; one type (T1) is found on the proximal portion of the club, the other type (T2) on the apical portion. Basiconica type 1 are found on the dorsal surface of A9?CA11; they are much denser on the apical portion of the antennal club than on the proximal. In O. erythrurum, a nocturnal species of the Chaco-Pampean plain, T2 two are found on A10 and A11. In Oxelytrum apicale, a mountain species, probably diurnal, only A11 bears T2, but they are denser than in the other species. It is suggested that O. apicale depends more on contact chemoreception than O. erythrurum. The ventral surface of the antennal clubs shows no remarkable difference between species.  相似文献   

Transmission and scanning electron microscopy methods were used to study the ultrastructure of integumentary glandular cells that may be involved in the production of sex pheromones and other semiochemicals in Callosobruchus subinnotatus and C. maculatus (Coleoptera : Bruchidae). Additionally, we measured electroantennogram (EAG) responses of male and female antennae to solvent extracts and glassadsorbed volatiles from both sexes of C. maculatus in order to localize the source of the putative sex pheromone. Both species have numerous cuticular pores on the abdomen and thorax. These pores open via an epicuticular duct into a single type 3 secretory cell. Solvent extracts of the pygidium from the female elicit the highest EAG responses from male antennae, suggesting this area of the abdomen to be the source of the putative sex pheromone in C. maculatus.  相似文献   

The spermatheca of Murgantia histrionica (Hahn) was investigated using fluorescence, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The aim of the study was to elucidate the structure of this organ, pointing out differences between mated and unmated females. Results have shown an elaborated cuticular structure associated with muscular and glandular tissues. The spermatheca is joined with the common oviduct by the spermathecal duct, forming a thin saccular dilation through two consecutive invaginations. The distal part of the organ is formed by a series of two communicating cuticular chambers. The first cylindrical-shaped chamber, corresponding to the coiled region, is wrapped by longitudinal muscular fibers suspended between two cuticular flanges. The contractions of these fibers compress a deformable zone of the cylinder, pumping the sperm toward the spermathecal duct. Without contractions the cylinder results to be isolated from the proximal part of the spermatheca by means of a valve. The second chamber, corresponding to the spermatheca, is made of two parts: a truncated-conical sub chamber, with a constant cuticular thickness, bearing on itself the distal flange, where muscular fibers are attached. The second part is a bulb-like structure wrapped in a glandular epithelium. The secretory units are composed by two cells: a secretory cell and an associated duct cell. Every evacuating duct shows a little reservoir just after the terminal apparatus, and converge inside the distal bulb after a tortuous path. The functional implications of this structure in the reproductive biology of M. histrionica are discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus, Klesovia gen. nov., with the species K. pubescens sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are described from the Rovno amber. The new genus is closely related to Xylechinus (tribe Hylurgini) and distinguished by the wide flattened ovoid antennal club with rounded apex and the metepisternum covered with long thin sparse setae; it differs from other genera of Hylurgini in having a five-segmented funicle, four-segmented club, and large distance between the procoxa.  相似文献   

The classification of Kinorhyncha is mainly based upon cuticular differentiations including closing apparatus, trunk cuticle, and various appendages. This paper investigates whether ultrastructural characters support taxonomic results based upon light microscopical characters. The trunk region of Eckinoderes cupitatus bears several epidermal glands and setae and one middorsal spine on the 6th zonite. These characters are constant in number and distribution. The epidermal glands are unicellular, merocrine, glandular cells with an opening built up by several ramified canals terminating in pores within a slightly elevated ring-like bulge. Setae are composed of two cells, one merocrine glandular cell and one sensory cell with microvilli surrounding the outlet differentiation of the glandular cell. The setae have a pore on its tip, where the secretory product is released. The middorsal spine bears a multiciliar sensory cell. No pore is developed on the tip of the spine.  相似文献   

The scent apparatus of male Eldana saccharina is a glandular complex on the costal area of the forewing. It consists of two parts; glandular complex 1 is composed of five kinds of cells (epidermal cells, scale cells, glandular cells, supporting cells, duct cells); glandular complex 2 also shows five types of cells (epidermal cells, scale cells, glandular cells, duct cells, trichogen cells). The secretory products of the two parts are discharged into separate ducts which converge before opening onto the lower side of the wing. The male also has two prominent hair-pencils borne on the coremata and large secretory trichogen cells on the genital valves. Each of these exocrine gland components plays an important part in formation of the chemically complex pheromones utilized in the precopulatory behavior of the male.  相似文献   

Apneustic larvae of the genus Forcipomyia possess unique secretory setae located on the dorsal surface along the body in two rows, one pair on each thoracic and abdominal segment and two pairs on the head. Morphological and histological studies of secretory setae in fourth instar larvae of Forcipomyia nigra (Winnertz) and Forcipomyia nigrans Remm indicate they are modified mechanoreceptors (sensilla trichodea) in which the trichogen cell is a glandular cell producing a hygroscopic secretion. The cytoplasm of the glandular trichogen cell fills the lumen of a secretory seta, which shows one or more pores on the apex. The cytoplasm contains numerous microtubules responsible for transportation of proteinaceous vesicles, and an extremely large polyploid nucleus typical of gland cells. The main role of the hygroscopic secretion is to moist the body and thus facilitate cuticular respiration.  相似文献   

Considering that sensilla constitute important functional elements of sensory systems in insects, the aim of this study was to determine the type and distribution of sensilla in the antennae of Hylamorpha elegans Burmeister examined by scanning electron microscopy. Hylamorpha elegans antennae are lamellate and consist of the scape, pedicel, and flagellum. The antennal club of this beetle consists of three terminal plates: proximal, middle, and distal lamellae. Four types of sensilla were observed in the lamellae from both sexes: sensilla trichoidea, chaetica, coeloconica, and placodea. Antennal length was larger in males than in females, and significant sexual variation in the number of sensilla placodea and sensilla coeloconica was observed.  相似文献   

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