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Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages and represents a multibillion-dollar global industry. Accurate identification of coffee cultivars is essential for efficient management, exchange, and use of coffee genetic resources. To date, a universal platform that can allow data comparison across different laboratories and genotyping platforms has not been developed by the coffee research community. Using expressed sequence tags (EST) of Coffea arabica, C. canephora and C. racemosa from public databases, we developed 7538 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and selected 180 for validation using 25 C. arabica and C. canephora accessions from Puerto Rico. Based on the validation result, we designated a panel of 55 SNP markers that are polymorphic across the two species. The average minor allele frequency and information index of this SNP panel are 0.281 and 0.690, respectively. This panel enabled the differentiation of all tested accessions of C. canephora, which accounts for 79.2 % of the total polymorphism in the samples. Only 21.8 % of the polymorphic SNPs were detected in the 12 C. arabica cultivars, which, nonetheless, were able to unambiguously differentiate the 12 Arabica cultivars into ten unique genotypes, including two synonymous groups. Several local Puerto Rican cultivars with partial Timor pedigree, including Limaní, Frontón, and TARS 18087, showed substantial genetic difference from the other common Arabica cultivars, such as Catuai, Borbón, and Mundo Nuevo. This coffee SNP panel provides robust and universally comparable DNA fingerprints, thus can serve as a genotyping tool to assist coffee germplasm management, propagation of planting material, and coffee cultivar authentication.  相似文献   

Protein-encoding and 16S rRNA genes of Pasteuria penetrans populations from a wide range of geographic locations were examined. Most interpopulation single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in the 16S rRNA gene. However, in order to fully resolve all populations, these were supplemented with SNPs from protein-encoding genes in a multilocus SNP typing approach. Examination of individual 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed the occurrence of "cryptic" SNPs which were not present in the consensus sequences of any P. penetrans population. Additionally, hierarchical cluster analysis separated P. penetrans 16S rRNA gene clones into four groups, and one of which contained sequences from the most highly passaged population, demonstrating that it is possible to manipulate the population structure of this fastidious bacterium. The other groups were made from representatives of the other populations in various proportions. Comparison of sequences among three Pasteuria species, namely, P. penetrans, P. hartismeri, and P. ramosa, showed that the protein-encoding genes provided greater discrimination than the 16S rRNA gene. From these findings, we have developed a toolbox for the discrimination of Pasteuria at both the inter- and intraspecies levels. We also provide a model to monitor genetic variation in other obligate hyperparasites and difficult-to-culture microorganisms.  相似文献   

Specific host–parasite interactions exist between species and strains of plant parasitic root-knot nematodes and the Gram-positive bacterial hyperparasite Pasteuria penetrans. This bacterium produces endospores that adhere to the cuticle of migrating juveniles, germinate and colonise the developing female within roots. Endospore attachment of P. penetrans populations to second-stage juveniles of the root-knot nematode species Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne hapla showed there were interactive differences between bacterial populations and nematode species. Infected females of M. incognita produced a few progeny which were used to establish two nematode lines from single infective juveniles encumbered with either three or 26 endospores. Single juvenile descent lines of each nematode species were produced to test whether cuticle variation was greater within M. hapla lines that reproduce by facultative meiotic parthenogenesis than within lines of M. incognita, which reproduces by obligate parthenogenesis. Assays revealed variability between broods of individual females derived from single second-stage juvenile descent lines of both M. incognita and M. hapla suggesting that progeny derived from a single individual can differ in spore adhesion in both sexual and asexual nematode species. These results suggest that special mechanisms that produced these functional differences in the cuticle surface may have evolved in both sexually and asexually reproducing nematodes as a strategy to circumvent infection by this specialised hyperparasite.  相似文献   

Litchi is an important fruit tree in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. However, there is widespread confusion regarding litchi cultivar nomenclature and detailed information of genetic relationships among litchi germplasm is unclear. In the present study, the potential of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) for the identification of 96 representative litchi accessions and their genetic relationships in China was evaluated using 155 SNPs that were evenly spaced across litchi genome. Ninety SNPs with minor allele frequencies above 0.05 and a good genotyping success rate were used for further analysis. A relatively high level of genetic variation was observed among litchi accessions, as quantified by the expected heterozygosity (He = 0.305). The SNP based multilocus matching identified two synonymous groups, ‘Heiye’ and ‘Wuye’, and ‘Chengtuo’ and ‘Baitangli 1’. A subset of 14 SNPs was sufficient to distinguish all the non-redundant litchi genotypes, and these SNPs were proven to be highly stable by repeated analyses of a selected group of cultivars. Unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis divided the litchi accessions analyzed into four main groups, which corresponded to the traits of extremely early-maturing, early-maturing, middle-maturing, and late-maturing, indicating that the fruit maturation period should be considered as the primary criterion for litchi taxonomy. Two subpopulations were detected among litchi accessions by STRUCTURE analysis, and accessions with extremely early- and late-maturing traits showed membership coefficients above 0.99 for Cluster 1 and Cluster 2, respectively. Accessions with early- and middle-maturing traits were identified as admixture forms with varying levels of membership shared between the two clusters, indicating their hybrid origin during litchi domestication. The results of this study will benefit litchi germplasm conservation programs and facilitate maximum genetic gains in litchi breeding programs.  相似文献   

微卫星标记在穿山甲个体识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对非法走私和捕杀穿山甲的犯罪案件研究中,所涉及的穿山甲个体数量是量刑的重要依据,然而对于一些穿山甲鳞片、肉块及其深加工产品,从形态学上却无法进行个体识别。微卫星标记已证实是一种用于动物个体识别的可靠的遗传标记。本研究从已发表的34对穿山甲微卫星引物中筛选出6对多态性较高的引物,用于穿山甲鳞片的个体识别。结果表明:6个位点的观测值杂合度(Ho)为0.653-0.234;期望值杂合度(He)为0.926-0.861;MJA03的PIC最高(0.918),MJA13的PIC最低(0.852),平均PIC为0.884。单个座位的个体识别能力在0.826-0.956之间,累积个体识别能力为99.9999%,表明采用的6个位点适用于国内穿山甲走私案中的个体识别。  相似文献   

In spite of being one of the major oilseed crops, little is known about genetic diversity and relationships between species of safflower. In this study EST-SSR markers were used to evaluate and characterize 42 genotypes from six species including Carthamus tinctorius, Carthamus palaestinus, Carthamus oxyacanthus, Carthamus lanatus, Carthamus dentatus, and Carthamus boissieri. Thirty three primer pairs produced 123 polymorphic bands with 2–8 alleles per locus. The EST-SSR markers showed different level of gene diversity. The highest Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) values were observed for primers EL510507 and EL390720 (0.49 and 0.45, respectively). The highest genetic diversity and heterozygosity were observed for C. oxyacanthus. Both cluster and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) clearly separated species into distinct groups. Within each species the accessions were clustered in different subgroups that mainly supported the known origins. The result showed that C. palaestinus had the most genetic similarity with cultivated safflower and C. oxyacanthus was next in this respect. In general, EST-SSR markers effectively revealed the genetic relationships and diversity of Carthamus species. This information is valuable for safflower improvement since C. palaestinus and C. oxyacanthus are both crossable with the cultivated species C. tinctorius.  相似文献   

Antigens recognized by monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) raised to the surface of the obligate nematode hyperparasite Pasteuria penetrans were characterized. Using the attachment of spores of the bacterium to host nematodes to determine the biological variability present on the spore surface greatly underestimated the amount of surface heterogeneity present compared with estimates from immunological techniques. This heterogeneity differed not only between different individual spores from the same population but also between different spore populations. None of the Mabs completely inhibited any spore population from attaching to the nematode cuticle, suggesting that the mechanism of attachment may be more complex than previously supposed. Chemical degradation of one particular epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody PP1/117, and designated ep117, occurred after treatment with NaOH, periodate or Proteinase K, suggesting that an O-linked glycoprotein may be involved. Fibronectin, which had been found to bind to Pasteuria spores through hydrophobic interactions, also prohibited the Mab from recognizing ep117. However, SDS-PAGE of spore extracts followed by immunoblotting showed that none of the Mabs could detect this epitope and so ep117 may be conformational in nature. Thus, the conformation of any particular epitope recognized by a Mab may be important in determining to which nematode a particular spore will attach. The distribution of a particular epitope within a population of spores will in turn therefore determine its virulence on a particular nematode.  相似文献   

甘蔗与斑茅割手密复合体杂交后代的分子标记鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效利用甘蔗野生种质拓宽甘蔗遗传基础,本研究利用甘蔗与斑茅割手密复合体进行杂交,同时应用序列相关扩增多态性(SRAP)和微卫星(SSR)分子标记技术鉴定其后代。两种分子标记鉴定结果相互印证表明:3个杂交组合的后代中,经表型鉴定含斑茅血缘的34个后代为真杂种。该真杂种后代为进一步综合利用斑茅、割手密的优异基因改良甘蔗品种提供了优良的创新种质。  相似文献   

To effectively use elite genes on the long arm of rye chromosome 6(the 6RL arm) in wheat breeding programs,precise and fast identification of 6RL chromatin in wheat backgrounds is necessary.PCR-based 6RL-specific markers can facilitate the detection of elite genes on 6RL in wheat breeding.However,only a limited number of 6RL-specific markers have been developed.In the present study.300 new PCR-based 6RL-specific markers were identified using specific length amplified fragment sequencing(SLAF-seq) technology,and were further physically mapped to four regions on the 6RL arm using 6R and 6RL deletion lines.Interestingly,127 of the 300 markers were physically localized to a region from the site between 2.3 and 2.5 to the telomere,the same region where the powdery mildew resistance gene was mapped.In addition,95 of the 300 markers exhibit polymorphisms,which can be used to investigate the diversity of rye 6RL arms.The markers developed in this study can be used to identify given segments of 6RL in wheat backgrounds and accelerate the utilization of elite genes on 6RL in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

The palatability of saplings of several different species, geographic origins and F2-families of Betula spp. to the mountain hare was tested in feeding trials with captive and free-ranging animals. Significant variation in the palatability was detected among species and among conspecifics representing different origins and families. The results show that the combination of genetic and environmental factors determines the resistance of individual plants to mammals. Saplings that were stressed by severe competition from surrounding weeds were more resistant than saplings of the same age grown under optimal conditions. One-yr-old seedlings were more resistant than 7-yr-old saplings of the same origin. Some of the exotic species tested were extremely resistant, whereas others were highly palatable. The most resistant species and origins came from Asia and Alaska.  相似文献   

The use of parasites as biological tags for discrimination of fish stocks has become a commonly used approach in fisheries management. Metazoan parasite community analysis and anisakid nematode population genetics based on a mitochondrial cytochrome marker were applied in order to assess the usefulness of the two parasitological methods for stock discrimination of beaked redfish Sebastes mentella of three fishing grounds in the North East Atlantic. Multivariate, model-based approaches demonstrated that the metazoan parasite fauna of beaked redfish from East Greenland differed from Tampen, northern North Sea, and Bear Island, Barents Sea. A joint model (latent variable model) was used to estimate the effects of covariates on parasite species and identified four parasite species as main source of differences among fishing grounds; namely Chondracanthus nodosus, Anisakis simplex s.s., Hysterothylacium aduncum, and Bothriocephalus scorpii. Due to its high abundance and differences between fishing grounds, Anisakis simplex s.s. was considered as a major biological tag for host stock differentiation. Whilst the sole examination of Anisakis simplex s.s. on a population genetic level is only of limited use, anisakid nematodes (in particular, A. simplex s.s.) can serve as biological tags on a parasite community level. This study confirmed the use of multivariate analyses as a tool to evaluate parasite infra-communities and to identify parasite species that might serve as biological tags. The present study suggests that S. mentella in the northern North Sea and Barents Sea is not sub-structured.  相似文献   

花生抗青枯病分子标记研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用抗、感青枯病的花生品种为素本配制杂交组合中花5号×远杂9102,构建重组近交系,以其F6为研究材料,分析青枯痛抗性遗传规律,结果表明,花生青枯病抗性是由两时主效基因控制的遗传,并且主效基因的遗传力较高,为84%;同时采用AFLP技术和BSA分析方法,获得两个与花生青枯病抗性连锁的分子标记,标记与抗性间的遗传距离分别为8.12cM和11.46cM.利用获得的分子标记对抗、感青枯病的花生种质进行了分子鉴定,证实了标记P3M59与膏枯病抗性的符合率为70%,标记PIM58的符合率为50%,从而为花生青枯病抗性辅助选择育种提供理论基础.  相似文献   

Recoveries of gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) populations across their eastern Atlantic distribution have led to a steady increase in seal-fishery interactions. Fishers have estimated depredation of salmonids (Salmo spp.) and monkfish (Lophius spp.) as high as 40% and 59% respectively in Ireland. However, empirical evidence for the consumption of these species has been extremely limited due to diagnostic hard part remains not being found in scats or stomach samples. We applied species-specific primers and tested for the presence of monkfish and salmonids in gray seal diet genetically using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) on scats. Monkfish occurred in 29.7% of sampled scats, while salmonids occurred in 12.7%. Seasonal and regional variability in occurrence were noted for both species, likely related to the migratory behavior of the prey species and proximity of seal haul-outs to aquaculture sites. Traditional hard part analysis of scats, including scats that tested positive for monkfish and salmonid DNA, failed to find any evidence of either species. This study provides important empirical evidence for the consumption of these species in Ireland that can inform management.  相似文献   

The genus Dalbergia contains many valuable timber species threatened by illegal logging and deforestation, but knowledge on distributions and threats is often limited and accurate species identification difficult. The aim of this study was to apply DNA barcoding methods to support conservation efforts of Dalbergia species in Indochina. We used the recommended rbcL, matK and ITS barcoding markers on 95 samples covering 31 species of Dalbergia, and tested their discrimination ability with both traditional distance-based as well as different model-based machine learning methods. We specifically tested whether the markers could be used to solve taxonomic confusion concerning the timber species Dalbergia oliveri, and to identify the CITES-listed Dalbergia cochinchinensis. We also applied the barcoding markers to 14 samples of unknown identity. In general, we found that the barcoding markers discriminated among Dalbergia species with high accuracy. We found that ITS yielded the single highest discrimination rate (100%), but due to difficulties in obtaining high-quality sequences from degraded material, the better overall choice for Dalbergia seems to be the standard rbcL+matK barcode, as this yielded discrimination rates close to 90% and amplified well. The distance-based method TaxonDNA showed the highest identification rates overall, although a more complete specimen sampling is needed to conclude on the best analytic method. We found strong support for a monophyletic Dalbergia oliveri and encourage that this name is used consistently in Indochina. The CITES-listed Dalbergia cochinchinensis was successfully identified, and a species-specific assay can be developed from the data generated in this study for the identification of illegally traded timber. We suggest that the use of DNA barcoding is integrated into the work flow during floristic studies and at national herbaria in the region, as this could significantly increase the number of identified specimens and improve knowledge about species distributions.  相似文献   

English walnut (Juglans regia L.) is the most economically important species, for both food and timber, of the 21 species belonging to the genus Juglans. This study was undertaken to analyze and compare DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COX2) and ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes in the molecular characterization of 30 English walnut genotypes. rDNA sequences revealed the presence of 402 variations, including 101 in 3′ ends of 18S, 21 in internal transcribed spacer 1(ITS1), 170 in ITS2, 30 in 5.8S, and 80 in 5′ ends of 28S regions. Cox2 intron I sequences showed 769 variable positions and GG insertion/deletion at 3′ end regions. Based on single nucleotide polymorphism markers of rDNA and cox2 intron I sequences, an amplification refractory mutation system was used to fingerprint 18 out of 30 walnut genotypes. The findings revealed that the cox2 intron I region, either alone or in conjunction with rDNA, could be used effectively in identifying these walnut genotypes.  相似文献   

We have used new generation sequencing (NGS) technologies to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers from three European pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars and subsequently developed a subset of 1096 pear SNPs into high throughput markers by combining them with the set of 7692 apple SNPs on the IRSC apple Infinium® II 8K array. We then evaluated this apple and pear Infinium® II 9K SNP array for large-scale genotyping in pear across several species, using both pear and apple SNPs. The segregating populations employed for array validation included a segregating population of European pear (‘Old Home’בLouise Bon Jersey’) and four interspecific breeding families derived from Asian (P. pyrifolia Nakai and P. bretschneideri Rehd.) and European pear pedigrees. In total, we mapped 857 polymorphic pear markers to construct the first SNP-based genetic maps for pear, comprising 78% of the total pear SNPs included in the array. In addition, 1031 SNP markers derived from apple (13% of the total apple SNPs included in the array) were polymorphic and were mapped in one or more of the pear populations. These results are the first to demonstrate SNP transferability across the genera Malus and Pyrus. Our construction of high density SNP-based and gene-based genetic maps in pear represents an important step towards the identification of chromosomal regions associated with a range of horticultural characters, such as pest and disease resistance, orchard yield and fruit quality.  相似文献   

Population structure and relationship analysis is of great importance in the germplasm utilization and association mapping. Jute, comprised of white jute (C. capsularis L) and dark jute (C. olitorius L), is second to cotton in its commercial significance in the world. Here, we assessed the genetic structure and relationship in a panel of 159 jute accessions from 11 countries and regions using 63 SSRs. The structure analysis divided the 159 jute accessions from white and dark jute into Co and Cc group, further into Co1, Co2, Cc1 and Cc2 subgroups. Out of Cc1 subgroup, 81 accessions were from China and the remaining 10 accessions were from India (2), Japan (5), Thailand, Vietnam (2) and Pakistan (1). Out of Cc2 subgroup, 35 accessions were from China, and the remaining 3 accessions were from India, Pakistan and Thailand respectively. It can be inferred that the genetic background of these jute accessions was not always correlative with their geographical regions. Similar results were found in Co1 and Co2 subgroups. Analysis of molecular variance revealed 81% molecular variation between groups but it was low (19%) within subgroups, which further confirmed the genetic differentiation between the two groups. The genetic relationship analysis showed that the most diverse genotypes were Maliyeshengchangguo and Changguozhongyueyin in dark jute, BZ-2-2, Aidianyehuangma, Yangjuchiyuanguo, Zijinhuangma and Jute 179 in white jute, which could be used as the potential parents in breeding programs for jute improvement. These results would be very useful for association studies and breeding in jute.  相似文献   

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