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我国正处于快速城市化发展过程中,许多湿地被改造利用成为城市湿地。如何科学评估城市湿地功能及其改变程度,是科学认识城市湿地的重要内容。基于水文地貌法,通过选取区域受城市化影响小、生态系统结构与功能接近于自然湿地的湿地作为参考湿地,利用遥感和GIS的手段以及野外实地调查方法,从湿地水环境功能角度,对南京仙林区域内典型城市湿地的水环境特征与功能进行评估。结果表明:(1)城市湿地水环境功能明显降低,其蓄水功能、净水功能、水文调节功能明显低于参考湿地;(2)受城市化景观复杂性影响,城市湿地水环境功能的改变程度呈现个性化特征,纪家边、采月湖和西湖西这3个湿地可以作为城市化过程中湿地改造的典范。这一结论可为城市化区域内湿地的合理开发利用以及湿地的保护、恢复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Arenaria cumberlandensis, a new species from the Cumberland Plateau, is described and illustrated. Its relationship toA. groenlandica is discussed.  相似文献   

A preliminary study of the gill parasites from 61 common dentex (Dentex dentex, Pisces, Sparidae) was developed. Seven parasite species were found: one monogenean (Microcotyle erythrini), one udonellidean Udonella caligorum), one digenean trematode (Stephanostomum sp. metacercariae), three copepods (Caligus productus, Caligus diaphanus and Clavellopsis fallax) and one isopod (Gnathia vorax, praniza larvae). Only 1.6% of the fishes examined presented one parasitic species whilst the remainder had two parasitic species (13%), three (26%), four (21%), five (20%) and six different species (18%). The udonellidean U. caligorum was found as a hyperparasite or phoront of the three copepods. Prevalence and other ecological parameters as well as the spatial site of each parasite in the gill tissue are described. The multiparasitic combinations are also examined.  相似文献   

Ascarophis valentina n. sp. is described from Mullus surmuletus off the Valencian coast of Spain on the basis of both light and scanning electron microscopy. It can be distinguished from the other members of the genus by the length of the left (long) spicule of the males and by egg morphology. An updated grouping of the species of Ascarophis considered valid is provided with respect to these characters. The new species resembles Ascarophis capelanus, belonging to the group of species possessing eggs with a single polar knob with filaments, but is distinguished by the size of the body, the length of the esophagus (especially in relation to body length), the position of the vulva, and the size of the left spicule. The new species also shows substantial morphological differences compared with the 3 species, Ascarophis mullusi, Ascarophis upenei, and Ascarophis parupenei, previously described from mullid hosts.  相似文献   

Three new species of Bunonematidae (Bunonema husseyi, Rhodolaimus dimorphus, R. stephaniae) and one of Plerygorhabditidae (Pterygorhabditis panoplus) are described from Georgia and Tennessee. The juvenile external morphology of P. panoplus is described and illustrated. A lectotype of P. pakistanensis is designated and the two species compared, and the dissimilar nature of cuticular tubercles in Bunonema and Rhodolaimus is discussed.  相似文献   

There has been great interest in the global warming events that heralded the onset of the Eocene and particularly the response of mammalian faunas to these events. However, little information is available on the subsequent deterioration of tropical habitats in the interior of North America after these major warming episodes. The decline of tropical habitats is thought to have begun during the middle Eocene in the interior of North America, but until now, no studies have been able to document the details of this event. Recent fossil collection and stratigraphic studies from sites in southwestern Wyoming and northeastern Utah that span the middle Eocene offer a unique opportunity to evaluate changes in habitat in the western interior. Using a discriminant function analysis, habitats were reconstructed for a sequence of eight stratigraphically controlled middle Eocene assemblages. Adaptive profiles (diets, substrate use, and body masses) of fossil mammal communities were statistically compared to those of extant faunas from a variety of Neotropical habitats. Previously published magnetostratigraphic data from Utah provided a means to correlate our stratigraphic sections to the geomagnetic polarity time scale and the oxygen isotope record. The discriminant model shows that there was a significant change in the mammalian community ecology near the end of the late middle Eocene that is likely reflective of a habitat shift. When correlated to the time scale and oxygen isotope record, this key transition from forested habitats typical of the tropical early Eocene to more open woodlands began about 42 million years ago in this region of the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

This paper presents fossil faecal pellets - also named coprolites or frass - attributed to termites, which were found in amber and lignitic clay from the Wealden (Hauterivian-Barremian?), Late Albian and Early Cenomanian of south-western France. These coprolites have a characteristic subcylindrical shape and hexagonal transverse section and are assignable to Microcarpolithes hexagonalis Vangerow. The termite families that possibly produced these coprolites are discussed. The noticeable lack of termite attacks on the fossil wood associated with amber and lignitic clay is taphonomically analyzed in relation with the palaeoflora and palaeoclimate of these amber forests. The different medium where coprolites were found (amber, wood, sediments) suggests that primitive Cretaceous termites had already developed various biologies, such as wood or cryptic foraging, but probably not yet soil-feeding.  相似文献   

A new diploid species, Biscutella ebusitana is described from coastal cliffs of the western Balearic islands. It is related to B. sempervirens L. and B. montana Cav. from which it can be distinguished by a combination of vegetative (shape, size, petiole and hairs of leaves, petiolatc leaves) and reproductive features (shape of inflorescence, calyx indument). Earlier Balearic records of B. frutescens Coss. should be referred to B. ebusitana.  相似文献   

A dinosaur vertebra found in the course of road works in the “Chevain Marls” (marine Callovian) of the Vermont outlier, near the village of Béthon (Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, western France) is described and referred to a stegosaur (cf. Lexovisaurus). It is the first record of a dinosaur in the Middle Jurassic of that area. The specimen was probably derived from the floating carcass of an animal that had lived on the emerged areas of the Armorican Massif, near which the Chevain Marls were deposited. This fossil is an addition to the short list of stegosaur remains reported from France.  相似文献   

A new species of Leymus section Racemosus, L. pluriflorus L.B.Cai & T.L.Zhang, is described and illustrated. It grows in the eastern part of Qinghai Province and the southern part of Gansu Province, China. It most closely resembles L. crassiusculus L.B.Cai, from which it differs in having longer rachis internodes, some pedicellate spikelets, more florets per spikelet, glabrous lemmas, shorter paleas and shorter anthers. It differs from all other Chinese species taxa in Leymus with regard to the large number (8–12) of florets in its spikelets, and from all species of Leymus in adjacent countries in having three to four spikelets per node. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 343–348.  相似文献   

We describe a new species,Fejervarya muangkanensis sp.nov.,based on a series of specimens collected from Ban Tha Khanun,Thong Pha Phum District,Kanchanaburi Province,Thailand.The new species is easily distinguished from its congeners by morphological and molecular data,and can be diagnosed by the following characters:(1) small size (adult male snout-vent length (SVL) 33.5 mm;female SVL 40.0-40.9 mm);(2) tympanum small,discernible but unclear;(3) poorly developed toe webbing;(4) no lateral line system in adults;(5)characteristic “Fejervaryan” lines present in females;and (6) femoral glands absent.Molecular phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial 16S rRNA further supports it as a distinct lineage and distinguishes it from its congeners for which sequences are available.  相似文献   

Abelia occidentalis, related to A. coriacea Hemsley and distinguished by its larger flowers, curved trichomes, and elliptic thin leaves, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

  1. Terrestrial slugs are pervasive pests of agriculture throughout temperate regions and have the potential to disrupt the germination of seedlings, cause damage to fruiting bodies of crops, and vector plant pathogens.
  2. Tetanocera elata Fabricius (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), a widely distributed Palaearctic species, is an obligate mesoparasitoid and predator of pestiferous slugs including Deroceras reticulatum Müller (Stylommatophora: Agriolimacidae). It has the potential to be developed as a native natural enemy in a conservation biological control programme as an alternative to chemical molluscicides.
  3. To better understand the ecological requirements of this species, a detailed observational study was conducted at a site in the west of Ireland possessing naturally occurring T. elata populations.
  4. Comparison of local patches where T. elata were recovered revealed no association with plant community composition.
  5. Taller dead vegetation was associated with T. elata presence throughout the site. Within the area of greatest T. elata aggregation, there was a significantly greater percentage cover of dead vegetation where T. elata occurred. Abundance of T. elata was also significantly correlated to hedgerow proximity. Results of this study are directly applicable for the design of a conservation biological control programme, which effectively satisfies the principal habitat requirements of T. elata populations.

The floristic life-form spectrum of any area unveils the prevailing phytoclimatic conditions, helps in understanding the species-environment relationship and can be applied to compare the vegetation pattern of one eco-zone to another. We scrutinized the pattern of species richness (SR) and floristic spectrum along the elevation gradient in a biodiversity-rich eco-zone of western Himalaya (western Ramganga valley, Uttarakhand, India) between 1200 m (river bank) to 3100 m a.s.l. (summit). The elevation range was classified into six elevation bands (i.e. <1500 m, 1500–1800 m, 1801–2100 m, 2101–2400 m, 2401–2700 m, >2700 m), to prepare the presence (1)/ absence (0) species data matrix using local distribution (elevation range) of each species to estimate the SR of various growth-forms and life-forms for the particular elevational band. The findings suggest that the correlation of SR with elevation is not linear as the species richness peaks at the middle elevation (humped-back shape relationship). The forest cover is large and continues up to the summit; thus, the correlation of tree and shrub SR with elevation is not clear; though, a partly positive correlation was observed between elevation and herb SR while negative correlation between climber SR and elevation. The percentage of phanerophytes and therophytes in total life-forms decreased significantly with increase in elevation while inverse trend was shown by hemicryptophytes and cryptophytes. The pattern of phytoclimate in the area varied from phanero-therophytic at the lower elevation to phanero-hemicryptophytic at the middle and hemicrypto-phanerophytic at the upper elevation. The present contribution is an attempt to fill the knowledge gap in pattern of growth-form, life-form and phytoclimate within the forest-covered montane zone of western Himalaya. It will be helpful in understanding the vegetation dynamics in mountain ecosystems and serve as a ready reference to planners in any future conservation strategy for the area.  相似文献   

Replicated multiple scale species distribution models (SDMs) have become increasingly important to identify the correct variables determining species distribution and their influences on ecological responses. This study explores multi‐scale habitat relationships of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in two study areas on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau of western China. Our primary objectives were to evaluate the degree to which snow leopard habitat relationships, expressed by predictors, scales of response, and magnitude of effects, were consistent across study areas or locally landcape‐specific. We coupled univariate scale optimization and the maximum entropy algorithm to produce multivariate SDMs, inferring the relative suitability for the species by ensembling top performing models. We optimized the SDMs based on average omission rate across the top models and ensembles’ overlap with a simulated reference model. Comparison of SDMs in the two study areas highlighted landscape‐specific responses to limiting factors. These were dependent on the effects of the hydrological network, anthropogenic features, topographic complexity, and the heterogeneity of the landcover patch mosaic. Overall, even accounting for specific local differences, we found general landscape attributes associated with snow leopard ecological requirements, consisting of a positive association with uplands and ridges, aggregated low‐contrast landscapes, and large extents of grassy and herbaceous vegetation. As a means to evaluate the performance of two bias correction methods, we explored their effects on three datasets showing a range of bias intensities. The performance of corrections depends on the bias intensity; however, density kernels offered a reliable correction strategy under all circumstances. This study reveals the multi‐scale response of snow leopards to environmental attributes and confirms the role of meta‐replicated study designs for the identification of spatially varying limiting factors. Furthermore, this study makes important contributions to the ongoing discussion about the best approaches for sampling bias correction.  相似文献   

Astragalus (sect.Minerales) shultziorum, related toA. molybdenus Barneby which is endemic to the tundra zone of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, is described from the crest of the Salt River Range in western Wyoming, illustrated and discussed.  相似文献   

When considering the large‐scale deployment of bioenergy crops, it is important to understand the implication for ecosystem hydrological processes and the influences of crop type and location. Based on the potential for future land use change (LUC), the 10,280 km2 West Wales Water Framework Directive River Basin District (UK) was selected as a typical grassland dominated district, and the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrology model with a geographic information systems interface was used to investigate implications for different bioenergy deployment scenarios. The study area was delineated into 855 sub‐basins and 7,108 hydrological response units based on rivers, soil type, land use, and slope. Changes in hydrological components for two bioenergy crops (Miscanthus and short rotation coppice, SRC) planted on 50% (2,192 km2) or 25% (1,096 km2) of existing improved pasture are quantified. Across the study area as a whole, only surface run‐off with SRC planted at the 50% level was significantly impacted, where it was reduced by up to 23% (during April). However, results varied spatially and a comparison of annual means for each sub‐basin and scenario revealed surface run‐off was significantly decreased and baseflow significantly increased (by a maximum of 40%) with both Miscanthus and SRC. Evapotranspiration was significantly increased with SRC (at both planting levels) and water yield was significantly reduced with SRC (at the 50% level) by up to 5%. Effects on streamflow were limited, varying between ?5% and +5% change (compared to baseline) in the majority of sub‐basins. The results suggest that for mesic temperate grasslands, adverse effects from the drying of soil and alterations to streamflow may not arise, and with surface run‐off reduced and baseflow increased, there could, depending on crop location, be potential benefits for flood and erosion mitigation.  相似文献   

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