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Summary This study reports the selection and characterization of osteogenic precursors from human bone marrow which were isolated by two “clonings” and successive subculturing. These cell lines express alkaline phosphatase activity. Gel electrophoresis of [3H]-proline labeled cultures showed that the cloned cells produce only type I collagen. They synthetize osteocalcin and osteonectin. They respond to 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 by increasing osteocalcin synthesis and secretion, and to parathyroid hormone by increasing cyclic AMP synthesis. After the third subculture in the absence of β-glycerophosphate, these cell lines formed lots of clusters which exhibit high alkaline phosphatase activity and positive von Kossa staining. X-ray energy spectrum shows that these cells are surrounded by “budding” structures containing calcium and phosphorus with a ratio Ca:P identical to those of pure hydroxyapatite. This process was associated with45Ca uptake into the cells. All these data support the selection of osteogenic cells which may be of considerable clinical importance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential of intraoral harvested alveolar bone as an alternative source of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells for future applications in oral and maxillofacial tissue engineering. Explant cultures were established from 20 alveolar bone samples harvested from the oblique line immediately before wisdom tooth removal. Morphology and proliferation characteristics of the in vitro expanded cells, referred to as human alveolar bone-derived cells (hABDCs), were studied using phase-contrast microscopy. Immunocytochemical analysis of their surface marker expression was conducted using monoclonal antibodies defining mesenchymal stromal cells. To evaluate their multilineage differentiation potential, hABDCs were induced to differentiate along the osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic lineage and compared to bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (hBMSCs) on mRNA and protein levels applying RT-PCR and cytochemical staining methods. hABDCs showed typical morphological characteristics comparable to those of hBMSCs such as being mononuclear, fibroblast-like, spindle-shaped, and plastic adherent. Immunophenotypically, cells were positive for CD105, CD90, and CD73 while negative for CD45, CD34, CD14, CD79α, and HLA-DR surface molecules, indicating an antigen expression pattern considered typical for multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. As evidenced by RT-PCR and cytochemistry, hABDCs showed multilineage differentiation and similar chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation potentials when compared to hBMSCs. Our findings demonstrate that human alveolar bone contains mesenchymal progenitor cells that can be isolated and expanded in vitro and are capable of trilineage differentiation, providing a reservoir of multipotent mesenchymal cells from an easily accessible tissue source.  相似文献   

Background aimsThe characteristics, such as morphologic and phenotypic characteristics and neural transdifferentiation ability, of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) derived from different origins have yet to be reported for cases isolated from the same individual.MethodsThe proliferation capacity, secretion ability of neurotrophins (NT) and neural differentiation ability in rat MSC isolated from bone marrow (BMSC) and adipose tissue (ADSC) were compared from the same animal.ResultsThe ADSC had a significantly higher proliferation capacity than BMSC according to cell cycle and cumulative population doubling analyses. The proportion of cells expressing neural markers was greater in differentiated ADSC than in differentiated BMSC. Furthermore, the single neurosphere derived from ADSC showed stronger expansion and differentiation abilities than that derived from BMSC. The findings from Western blot lent further support to the immunocytochemical data. The mRNA and protein levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived growth factor (BDNF) expressed in ADSC were significantly higher than those in BMSC at different stages before and following induction.ConclusionsOur study suggests that the proliferation ability of ADSC is superior to that of BMSC. Furthermore, differentiated ADSC expressed higher percentages of neural markers. As one possible alternative source of BMSC, ADSC may have wide potential for treating central nervous system (CNS) diseases.  相似文献   

As an essential cellular component of the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) play a pivotal role for the physiological regulation of hematopoiesis, in particular through the secretion of cytokines and chemokines. Mass spectrometry (MS) facilitates the identification and quantification of a large amount of secreted proteins (secretome), but can be hampered by the false-positive identification of contaminating proteins released from dead cells or derived from cell medium. To reduce the likelihood of contaminations we applied an approach combining secretome and proteome analysis to characterize the physiological secretome of BM derived human MSC. Our analysis revealed a secretome consisting of 315 proteins. Pathway analyses of these proteins revealed a high abundance of proteins related to cell growth and/or maintenance, signal transduction and cell communication thereby representing key biological functions of BM derived MSC on protein level. Within the MSC secretome we identified several cytokines and growth factors such as VEGFC, TGF-β1, TGF-β2 and GDF6 which are known to be involved in the physiological regulation of hematopoiesis. By comparing the peptide patterns of secretomes and cell lysates 17 proteins were identified as candidates for proteolytic processing. Taken together, our combined MS work-flow reduced the likelihood of contaminations and enabled us to carve out a specific overview about the composition of the secretome from human BM derived MSC. This methodological approach and the specific secretome signature of BM derived MSC may serve as basis for future comparative analyses of the interplay of MSC and HSPC in patients with hematological malignancies.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence shows that some cells from peripheral blood fibroblast-like mononuclear cells have the capacity to differentiate into mesenchymal lineages. However, the insufficiency of these cells in the circulation challenges the cell isolation and subsequently limits the clinical application of these cells. In the present study, the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbMNCs) were isolated from wound animals and treated with the supernatant of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (bmMSCs). Results showed these pbMNCs were fibroblast-like, had stromal morphology, were negative for CD34 and CD45, but positive for Vimentin and Collagen I, and had the multipotency to differentiate into adipocytes and osteoblasts. We named these induced peripheral blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ipbMSCs). Skin grafts in combination with ipbMSCs and collagen I were applied for wound healing, and results revealed ipbMSC exhibited similar potency and effectiveness in the promotion of wound healing to the bmMSCs. Hereafter, we speculate that the mixture of growth factors and chemokines secreted by bmMSCs may play an important roles in the induction of the proliferation and mesenchymal differentiation of mononuclear cells. Our results are clinically relevant because it provide a new method for the acquisition of MSCs which can be used as a candidate for the wound repair.  相似文献   

Background aimsGiven the close similarity between ovine and human cardiomyocytes, sheep models of myocardial infarction and heart failure are increasingly used in studies of stem cell-mediated heart regeneration. In these studies, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are frequently employed. To enhance the paracrine effects of these MSCs, ex vivo transfection with genes encoding growth factors has been proposed. Although viral vectors exhibit higher transfection efficiency than plasmids, they entail the risks of uncontrolled transgene expression and immune reactions that preclude repeated administration. Our aim was to optimize the efficiency of plasmid-mediated transfection of ovine MSCs, while preserving cell viability.MethodsVarying amounts of diverse cationic lipids were used to obtain the reagent-to-DNA mass ratio showing highest luciferase activity. Transfection efficiency (flow cytometry) was tested on plasmid-green fluorescent protein-transfected MSCs at increasing DNA mass.ResultsLipofectamine LTX 5 μL and Plus reagent 4 μL with 2 μg of DNA yielded 42.3 ± 4.7% transfection efficiency, while preserving cell viability. Using these transfection conditions, we transfected MSCs with a plasmid encoding human vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and found high VEGF protein concentrations in the culture supernatant from day 2 (1968 ± 324 pg/mL per μg DNA) through at least day 12 (888 ± 386 pg/mL per μg DNA) after transfection.ConclusionsPlasmid-mediated transfection of ovine MSCs to over-express paracrine heart-regenerative growth factors is feasible and efficient and overcomes the risks and limitations associated with the use of viral vectors.  相似文献   

Multipotent bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells are progenitors of various cell types capable of long-term self-renewal. These cells are an adequate model for studying the most important problems in cell biology, such as self-renewal of stem cells and regulation of their differentiation. Moreover, these cells are a promising resource for regenerative medicine. In this context, isolation of the earliest multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, their in vitro maintenance in an undifferentiated state, and stimulation of their differentiation in a desired direction appear to be most important. To successfully use the multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells both in fundamental studies and in therapy, it is necessary to modify and standardize the composition of culture medium, replacing blood serum with certain growth factors. These factors have influence on the proliferation and differentiation of most cell types, including multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. This paper is a review of available data concerning the effects of some growth factors on the multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells of the bone marrow.  相似文献   

Current cell-based cartilage therapies relay on articular cartilage-derived autologous chondrocytes as a cell source, which possesses disadvantages, such as, donor site morbidity and dedifferentiation of chondrocytes during in vitro expansion. Due to these and other limitations, novel cell sources and production strategies are needed. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) are a fascinating alternative, but they are not spontaneously capable of producing hyaline cartilage-like repair tissue in vivo. In vitro pre-differentiation of BM-MSCs could be used to produce chondrocytes for clinical applications. However, clinically compatible defined and xeno-free differentiation protocol is lacking. Hence, this study aimed to develop such chondrogenic differentiation medium for human BM-MSCs. We assessed the feasibility of the medium using three human BM-MSCs donors and validated the method by comparing BM-MSCs to three other cell types holding potential for articular cartilage repair. The effectiveness of the method was compared to conventional serum-free and commercially available chondrogenic differentiation media. The results show that the defined xeno-free differentiation medium is at least as efficient as conventionally used serum-free chondrogenic medium and performed significantly better on all cell types tested compared to the commercially available chondrogenic medium.  相似文献   

Background aims. The clinical application of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) faces several obstacles, such as the lack of a standard method for direct isolation as well as a low frequency and concern about the safety of their in vitro expansion. Although the density-gradient separation technique is used as the first step in most methods of MSC isolation to enrich mononuclear cells, the efficiency of this method has not so far been examined. This study was designed to address this issue. Methods. Human bone marrow (BM) samples were laid over Ficoll-Paque, and after centrifugation the upper and lower fractions were cultured separately. Surface markers, differentiation potential and the number of emerged cells were determined. Results. The isolated cells from both the upper and lower fractions were characteristic of MSC. Although it is commonly believed that MSC are single suspending mononuclear cells and so are enriched in the upper fraction of Ficoll-Paque after density-gradient separation, our data showed that considerable numbers of these cells were accumulated in the lower fraction. Further data indicated that MSC were actually present as cell aggregates in BM and they could be enriched effectively by a simple filtration method. Conclusions. The aggregate nature of MSC in BM is in agreement with the concept that they are one of the main elements of the hematopoietic stem cell niche. In addition, the simple filtration method proposed here to isolate cell aggregates may provide opportunities for instant stem cell therapy without the need for extensive in vitro expansion.  相似文献   

Chondrogenic differentiation in mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) has been actively studied due to their potential use in mesenchymal tissue repair. Our goal was to develop a simple isolation protocol for adherent mouse MSCs to simultaneously clear off hematopoietic cells and expand to obtain enough starting material for differentiation studies. CD34 and CD45 expressing cells were rapidly removed by inhibiting growth of hematopoietic cells to yield short-term selected (STS) cells. Further passaging enriched more primitive, uniformly Sca-1 expressing, long-term selected (LTS) cells. The efficacy of several BMPs to induce chondrogenesis in pellet culture was compared in STS and LTS cells. In STS cells, chondrogenesis progressed rapidly to terminal differentiation while LTS cells differentiated at a slower rate with no hypertrophy. In LTS cells, rhBMP homodimers -2, -4, -6 and rhBMP2/7 heterodimer were effective enhancers of chondrogenesis over that of rhBMP-5 and -7. In STS cells, rhBMP-2 and rhBMP-7 supported rapid chondrogenesis and terminal differentiation over that of rhBMP-6. These data indicate the impact of stromal cell composition on the chondrogenic differentiation profile, which is an important aspect to be considered when standardizing differentiation assay conditions as well as developing MSC based cartilage repair technologies.  相似文献   

Mononuclear cells, harvested from fresh human bone marrow specimens by density gradient separation, were suspended in phosphate buffered saline and analyzed by flow cytometry in terms of the forward and right angle scattering of the incident light. The rectilinear distribution, obtained by plotting the intensity of light scattered in the forward and right angle directions, contained three regions of interest in which the percentage of cells (Mean ± standard deviation) with respect to the total was as follows: Region 1: 17.6±9.9; region 2: 5.3±1.4; region 3: 71.7±9.4. Cells from each region were sorted by flow cytometry and plated in semi-solid agar containing cell conditioned medium supportive of myeloid colony formation. Cells from region 2 contained the majority of progenitor cells that gave rise to such colonies at a plating efficiency that rose in proportion to the extent by which the region 2 cells in samples was increased through sorting. This increase in plating efficiency was 6 to 43 fold. Thus, region 2 of the cytometric distribution of cells from normal, unstained human bone marrows was a good source of myeloid progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Bone tissue engineering is a promising field of regenerative medicine in which cultured cells, scaffolds, and osteogenic inductive signals are used to regenerate bone. This technology has already been used in several clinical studies and its efficacy has been reported. In this review, we focus on bone marrow stromal cells, which are the most commonly used cell source for bone tissue engineering. The nature of the cells, suitable culture conditions for bone tissue engineering, and their potential therapeutic applications are reviewed with possible caveats. Furthermore, recent advances in bone marrow stromal cell biology are discussed with reference to clinical translation.  相似文献   

Deficiency of angiogenic and neurotrophic factors under long term diabetes is known to lead to Schwann cell degeneration, clinically manifested as Diabetic Neuropathy (DN). While the transplantation of exogenous allogenic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) has shown amelioration of DN through paracrine action, it is not known what functional changes occur in endogenous bone-marrow MSCs under chronic diabetes in terms of homing, migration and/or paracrine signalling with reference to the end-point clinical manifestation of Diabetic Neuropathy. We thus aimed at determining the changes in BM-MSCs under Type 1 Diabetes with respect to survival, self-renewal, oxidative status, paracrine activity, intracellular Ca2+ response and migration in response to pathological cytokine/chemokine, in reference to the time-point of decline in Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) in a rat model. Within one week of diabetes induction, BM-MSCs underwent apoptosis, and compromised their self-renewal capacity, antioxidant defence mechanism and migration toward cytokine/chemokine; whereas epineurial blood vessel thickening and demyelination resulting in NCV decline were observed only after three weeks. By two- and three-weeks post diabetes induction, BM-MSC apoptosis reduced and proliferative ability was restored; however, their self-renewal, migration and intracellular Ca2+ response toward pathological cytokine/chemokine remained impaired. These results indicate that T1D induced intrinsic functional impairments in endogenous BM-MSCs occur before neuropathy onset. This timeline of functional alterations in BM-MSCs also suggest that treatment strategies that target the bone marrow niche early on may help to modulate BM-MSC functional impairments and thus slow down the progression of neuropathy.  相似文献   

目的构建小鼠CXC型趋化因子受体2(CXCR2)基因cxcr2过表达的骨髓间充质干细胞(Bone marrow mes-enchymal stem cell,BMSC)并进行鉴定。方法全骨髓贴壁法分离培养小鼠BMSC,采用流式细胞术检测干细胞抗原1(stem cell antigen-1,SCA-1)、CD44、CD43、CD45、IA/IE表达率,并诱导成骨分化。以含有小鼠cxcr2的质粒为模版进行PCR扩增,将获得的cxcr2克隆到慢病毒载体,命名为p Lenti-cxcr2-GZ;将其与慢病毒包装质粒共转染HEK-293T细胞,收获慢病毒后,通过离心法感染BMSC,经过1μg/mL zeocin压力选择建立了稳定表达CXCR2的小鼠BMSC(CXCR2-BMSC)。采用流式细胞术和RT-PCR分别检测其CXCR2蛋白和m RNA表达水平,Transwell趋化实验检测其迁移能力。结果 90%以上的第3代BMSC表达CD44、SCA-1,几乎不表达IA/IE、CD34、CD45,且成功诱导成骨分化。菌液PCR、质粒双酶切后,琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定结果得到特异、大小正确的条带及测序鉴定正确,表明成功构建了p Lenti-cxcr2-GZ表达质粒。流式细胞术和RT-PCR结果显示,CXCR2-BMSC的CXCR2蛋白和m RNA表达水平均明显高于对照组BMSC,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。Transwell结果显示,CXCR2-BMSC迁移能力高于对照组BMSC,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论利用慢病毒系统成功构建了稳定表达CXCR2的BM-SC,cxcr2基因修饰BMSC后可明显增加BMSC的迁移能力。  相似文献   

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