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The early cleavage and gastrulation of the pycnogonid Pycnogonum litorale is investigated in detail by fluorescence microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and histology. The cleavage is holoblastic with equally sized blastomeres and an irregular radial pattern. There is no stereotypic cell lineage, and timing and spindle directions of individual mitoses vary to a high degree. Gastrulation begins at the 63-cell stage with the retardation and enlargement of a cell which adopts the form of a bottle and fills the interior of the egg, followed by immigration and epiboly of smaller cells surrounding the large bottle-shaped cell. The gastrulation site marks the dorsal side of the embryo and the stomodaeum forms adjacent to the area of gastrulation. The pattern of the early development of Pycnogonum is compared with that of other Pycnogonida resulting in a putative ground pattern of pycnogonid development. Furthermore, our results are discussed in the wider framework of putative arthropod and cycloneuralian relationships. This comparison implies morphological support for the Ecdysozoa.  相似文献   

Cell lineage studies in mollusk embryos have documented numerous variations on the lophotrochozoan theme of spiral cleavage. In the experimentally tractable embryo of the mud snail Ilyanassa, cell lineage has previously been described only up to the 29-cell stage. Here I provide a chronology of cell divisions in Ilyanassa to the stage of 84 cells (about 16 hours after first cleavage at 23°C), and show spatial arrangements of identified nuclei at stages ranging from 27 to 84 cells. During this period the spiral cleavage pattern gives way to a bilaterally symmetric, dorsoventrally polarized pattern of mitotic timing and geometry. At the same time, the mesentoblast cell 4d rapidly proliferates to form twelve cells lying deep to the dorsal ectoderm. The onset of epiboly coincides with a period of mitotic quiescence throughout the ectoderm. As in other gastropod embryos, cell cycle lengths vary widely and predictably according to cell identity, and many of the longest cell cycles occur in small daughters of highly asymmetric divisions. While Ilyanassa shares many features of embryonic cell lineage with two other caenogastropod genera, Crepidula and Bithynia, it is distinguished by a general tendency toward earlier and more pronounced diversification of cell division pattern along axes of later differential growth.  相似文献   

Background: Homeotic genes controlling the identity of flower organs have been characterized in several plant species. To determine whether cells expressing these genes are specified to follow particular developmental fates, we have studied the pattern of cell lineages in developing flowers of Antirrhinum. Each flower has four whorls of organs, and progenitor cells of these can be marked at particular stages of development using a temperature-sensitive transposon. This allows the cell lineages in the flower to be followed, as well as giving information about rates of cell division.Results We show here that, prior to the emergence of organ primordia, cells in the floral meristem have not been allocated organ identities. After this time, lineage restrictions arise between whorls, correlating with the onset of expression of genes that control organ identity. A further lineage restriction appears slightly later on, between the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the petal. Our results further suggest that the rates of cell division fluctuate during key stages of meristem development, perhaps as a consequence of meristem-identity gene expression.Conclusion The patterns of lineage restriction and organ-identity gene expression in early floral meristems are consistent with some cells being allocated specific identities at about this stage of development. Plant cells cannot move relative to each other, so lineage restrictions in plants may reflect particular orientations and/or rates of growth at boundary regions.  相似文献   

A previous study suggested that mesendoderm (ME) cell arrest occurred at the 64‐cell stage and a ring of eight presumptive naupliar mesoderm cells or crown cells surrounded the blastopore in the Kuruma shrimp Penaeus (Marsupenaeus) japonicus. Since this varied from the pattern observed in other penaeoidean shrimp, cleavage and gastrulation was re‐examined in P. japonicus using the nucleic acid stain Sytox Green and confocal microscopy. In contrast to the earlier study, cleavage and gastrulation followed the pattern observed in other penaeoidean shrimp. The ME cells arrested at the 32‐cell stage, ingressed into the blastocoel, and resumed division after a three cell cycle delay. Nine naupliar mesoderm or crown cells surrounded the blastopore and their descendants invaginated during gastrulation. An intracellular body (ICB) was detected by Sytox Green and SYTO RNASelect staining to be segregated to one ME cell in P. japonicus, as described previously in Penaeus monodon. Staining of the ICB was eliminated by pre‐treatment with RNase but not DNase. The ICB was also found in two other penaeoidean shrimp, Penaeus vannamei (Family Penaeidae) and Sicyonia ingentis (Family Sicyoniidae). The results support the hypothesis that the ICB is a germ granule found in the Dendrobranchiata.  相似文献   

Like most polychaete annelids, Capitella teleta (formerly Capitella sp. I) exhibits a highly stereotypic program of early development known as spiral cleavage. Animals with spiral cleavage have diverse body plans, and homologous embryonic cells can be readily identified among distantly related animals. Spiralian embryos are particularly amenable to studies of fate-mapping, and larval fates of identified cells are conserved among diverse taxa. One cell of particular importance in spiralian development is 2d, or the primary somatoblast, which generates ectoderm of the body posterior to the prototroch. We are interested in the evolution of the primary somatoblast, and thus far, the 2d sublineage has only been analyzed in a few species. In Capitella teleta, 2d generates ectoderm of the segmented trunk and post-segmental pygidium. In this study, development of the 2d lineage was characterized in detail through intracellular injections of DiI, and time-lapse as well as confocal microscopy to analyze cleavage patterns and the fates of larval cells. Analysis of cleavage patterns reveals that the first bilateral division in the 2d sublineage occurs with the division of 2d112, the same 2d daughter cell that first divides bilaterally in the polychaete Platynereis dumerilii. Larval fates of blastomeres 2d1, 2d2, 2d11, 2d12, 2d112, 2d1121, and 2d1122 were determined. All cells show stereotypic descendant clones that are consistent with segregation within sublineages. In the first few divisions of the 2d sublineage, larval-specific structures (neurotroch and telotroch) and pygidial ectoderm are segregated from segmental ectoderm and ventral nerve cord. The daughters of the first bilateral division, 2d1121 and 2d1122, generate the right and left halves of the segmental ectoderm and ventral nerve cord respectively, although the clones are consistently asymmetric across the dorsal midline. The pattern of cleavage divisions and the fates of the 2d daughters in Capitella teleta are compared to those in other spiralians with special attention to annelids.  相似文献   

Embryos of the amphipod crustacean Orchestia cavimana are examined during cleavage, gastrulation, and segmentation by using in vivo labelling. Single blastomeres of the 8- and 16-cell stages were labelled with DiI to trace cell lineages. Early cleavage follows a distinct pattern and the a/p and d/v body axes are already determined at the 4- and 8-cell stages, respectively. In these stages, the germinal rudiment and the naupliar mesoderm can be traced back to a single blastomere each. In addition, the ectoderm and the postnaupliar mesoderm are separated into right and left components. At the16-cell stage, naupliar ectoderm is divided from the postnaupliar ectoderm, and extraembryonic lineages are separated from postnaupliar mesoderm and endoderm. From our investigation, it is evident that the cleavage pattern and cell lineage of Orchestia cavimana are not of the spiral type. Furthermore, the results of the labelling show many differences to cleavage patterns and cell lineages in other crustaceans, in particular, other Malacostraca. The cleavage and cell lineage patterns of the amphipod Orchestia are certainly derived within Malacostraca, whose ancestral cleavage mode was most likely of the superficial type. On the other hand, Orchestia exhibits a stereotyped cell division pattern during formation and differentiation of the germ band that is typical for malacostracans. Hence, a derived (apomorphic) early cleavage pattern is the ontogenetic basis for an evolutionarily older cell division pattern of advanced developmental stages. O. cavimana offers the possibility to trace the lineages and the fates of cells from early developmental stages up to the formation of segmental structures, including neurogenesis at a level of resolution that is not matched by any other arthropod system.  相似文献   

Little is known about the intrinsic specification of adult neural stem cells (NSCs) and to what extent they depend on their local niche. To observe adult NSC division and lineage progression independent of their niche, we isolated cells from the adult mouse subependymal zone (SEZ) and cultured them at low density without growth factors. We demonstrate here that SEZ cells in this culture system are primarily neurogenic and that adult NSCs progress through stereotypic lineage trees consisting of asymmetric stem cell divisions, symmetric transit-amplifying divisions and final symmetric neurogenic divisions. Stem cells, identified by their astro/radial glial identity and their slow-dividing nature, were observed to generate asymmetrically and fast-dividing cells that maintained an astro/radial glia identity. These, in turn, gave rise to symmetrically and fast-dividing cells that lost glial hallmarks, but had not yet acquired neuronal features. The number of amplifying divisions was limited to a maximum of five in this system. Moreover, we found that cell growth correlated with the number of subsequent divisions of SEZ cells, with slow-dividing astro/radial glia exhibiting the most substantial growth prior to division. The fact that in the absence both of exogenously supplied growth factors and of signals provided by the local niche neurogenic lineage progression takes place in such stereotypic fashion, suggests that lineage progression is, to a significant degree, cell intrinsic or pre-programmed at the beginning of the lineage.  相似文献   

As described from light microscopy, embryogenesis of the free-living soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans follows a strictly determinate cleavage pattern, producing a newly hatched juvenile with about 550 cells arranged quite predictably. In this communication we present results on the electron microscopy of C. elegans embryos and introduce methods for fixing, embedding, and serially sectioning embryos encased in the egg shell. Fixation at elevated temperature either with osmium tetroxide alone or with glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide gives reproducible results with embryos in all developmental stages so far tested, from the fertilized egg to hatching. Eighteen wild-type eggs at various stages have been sectioned to date. We have achieved using newly developed procedures for analyzing electron micrographs of serial sections detailed reconstructions of the cellular anatomy of complete embryos of a metazoan organism. Three-dimensional serial section reconstructions were made with a computer system. We characterize and map the 24 cells of an early-stage embryo in this report. Additionally, we can specify the lineage history of all cells of this embyro by matching the reconstructed three-dimensional arrangement of this series to a living embryo at this stage, where cell lineage has been observed with Nomarski optics and analyzed using videotape (U. Deppe, E. Schierenberg, T. Cole, C. Krieg, D. Schmitt, B. Yoder, and G. von Ehrenstein, 1978, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA75, 376–380). In addition, cytoplasmic and nuclear morphological features such as incomplete membranes between sister cells, rounding-off of the cytoplasm, and chromatin condensation patterns have been correlated with cell division. Mapping of such structures presents a new method by which supplementary lineage information can be obtained directly from an electron micrographic series.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet irradiation of the vegetal hemisphere of the fertilized amphibian (Xenopus laevis) egg prior to first cleavage results in the embryo developing an incomplete set of neural structures. The effects of irradiation on various morphogenetic processes, including cell division, formation of the dorsal lip, invagination at gastrulation, and neural induction by the primary organizer, were examined. A decrease in the capacity for invagination during gastrulation and a diminution in the neural inducing capacity of the primary organizer were found to account for defective neurulation in irradiated embryos. Consequently, irradiation of the uncleaved egg leads to interference with the events of both gastrulation and neurulation.  相似文献   

According to the Articulata hypothesis the cleavage of arthropods must be derived from spiral cleavage. However, arthropods show a great variety of cleavage modes with a widespread occurrence of superficial cleavage. In the Malacostraca, holoblastic cleavage occurs in some taxa such as Amphipoda, Euphausiacea and Dendrobranchiata. In particular, the cleavage of euphausiaceans has been proposed to be a modified spiral cleavage. The cell lineage of early stages up to blastoderm formation of the euphausiacean Meganyctiphanes norvegica is reconstructed using recent methods of fluorescent staining. Only the oblique angle of the mitotic spindles during the transition from the 2- to the 4-cell stage resembles the spiral cleavage mode. At the 8-cell stage, four cells each form a pattern of two interlocking bands which is preserved until the 122-cell stage. One blastomere is delayed in division and shows an oblique division from the fourth cleavage on. It is the precursor cell of two enlarged and cleavage-arrested cells at the 32-cell stage. At the 62-cell stage, these two cells are surrounded by eight cells following a specific cell division pattern during the subsequent division cycles. The cleavage pattern of M. norvegica occurs in two mirror images. A comparative approach reveals distinct similarities between the early cleavage patterns of Euphausiacea and Dendrobranchiata which are suggested to be homologous. Furthermore, the relationships to non-malacostracan cleavage patterns are discussed. It is shown that the early cleavage pattern of M. norvegica does not offer an example of a spiral cleavage within arthropods.  相似文献   

Malacostracan crustaceans have evolved a conserved stereotyped cell division pattern in the post-naupliar germ band. This cleavage pattern is unique in arthropods investigated so far, and allows a combined analysis of gene expression and cell lineage during segmentation and organ development at the level of individual cells. To investigate the cell lineage in the germ band of the isopod Porcellio scaber, we used a 4D-microscopy system, which enables us to analyse every cell event in the living embryo. The study was combined with the analysis of the expression of the gene engrailed (en) at different stages of germ band formation. Our findings confirm the results of earlier investigations of the cell division pattern in the posterior part of the isopod germ band. Furthermore, we can show that in the anterior region, in contrast to the posterior part, cleavage directions are variable and cell sorting takes place—similar to other arthropod germ bands. Additionally, the gene expression pattern of en in this region is not as regular as in the post-naupliar germ band, and only later becomes regulated into its characteristic stripe pattern. The comparison of the cell lineage of P. scaber with that of other malacostracan crustaceans shows an enhancement in the velocity of cell divisions relative to the arrangement of these cells in rows in the isopod germ band. The striking similarity of the formation of the genealogical units in the anterior part suggests a sister group relationship between the peracarid taxa Tanaidacea and Isopoda.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The division of Tetrahymena pyriformis GL cells was synchronized with either seven hypoxic or five hyperthermic (heat) shocks. Hyperthermic shocks of 34°C produced no reduction in respiration rate and only a 19% decline in intracellular ATP concentration. Hypoxic shocks of 0.15% ambient oxygen concentration depressed intracellular ATP concentration 50%. It therefore appears that hypoxic shock, but not hyperthermic shock, reverses progress of Tetrahymena toward fission by reducing ATP concentration through a reduction of the rate of oxidative phosphorylation. After the first synchronized division, whether synchronized by intermittent hypoxia or hyperthermia, total respiration rate increased exponentially at the same rate of increase as total respiration rate in an exponentially growing (log phase) Tetrahymena cell culture. Before the first synchronized division, the total respiration rate increased exponentially but more slowly than after completion of the first synchronized division. The pattern of increase of total respiration during division synchronized by either procedure was different than the pattern of increase of total respiration of synchronous cells observed by Zeuthen.  相似文献   

Polyamine synthesis and accumulation were assessed from fertilization until gastrulation in a dipteran egg (Calliphora erythrocephala Meigen). Spermidine synthesis was activated immediately after fertilization, generating a broad spermidine peak during early cleavage. This period is characterized by the most rapid nuclear multiplication known from animal material. Cleavage consists of nuclear multiplication only, and the egg remains syncytial until gastrulation. After nine synchronous nuclear divisions with a cycle length of 10 min, the cycle length is gradually increased to 20 min during the subsequent four parasynchronous nuclear divisions. The spermidine level decreased in parallel with this decreasing rate of nuclear division. The interphase of the next nuclear cycle is remarkably prolonged and lasts for more than 90 min, i.e., until after the onset of gastrulation. It consists of an initial short S phase followed by a longer G2 phase; G1 is extremely short or absent. During this prolonged interphase, spermidine content showed a biphasic pattern of changes with peaks during S and late G2. The S-phase peak also coincides with the first appearance of nucleoli during embryogenesis. The late-G2-phase peak coincides with the period of rapid cytokinesis, during which all nuclei in the peripheral layer of the syncytium become separated by membranes forming a cellular blastoderm. The polyamine pattern is consistent with the idea that the polyamines play an important role in DNA replication and in cytokinesis as well as in nucleolar formation.  相似文献   

Cells are the principal component of tissues and can drive morphogenesis through dynamic changes in structure and interaction. During gastrulation, the primary morphogenetic event of early development, cells change shape, exchange neighbors, and migrate long distances to establish cell layers that will form the tissues of the adult animal. Outside of Drosophila, little is known about how changes in cell behavior might drive gastrulation among arthropods. Here, we focus on three cell populations that form two aggregations during early gastrulation in the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis. Using cytoskeletal markers and lineage tracing we observe bottle cells in anterior and visceral mesoderm precursors as gastrulation commences, and find that both Cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin polymerization, and ROCKOUT, an inhibitor of Rho-kinase activity, prevent gastrulation. Furthermore, by ablating specific cells, we show that each of the three populations acts independently during gastrulation, confirming previous hypotheses that cell behavior during Parhyale gastrulation relies on intrinsic signals instead of an inductive mechanism.  相似文献   

Hicks JB  Herskowitz I 《Genetics》1976,83(2):245-258
The HO gene promotes interconversion between a and α mating types. As a consequence, homothallic diploid cells are formed by mating between siblings descended from a single α HO or a HO spore. In order to determine the frequency and pattern of the mating-type switch, we have used a simple technique by which the mating phenotype can be assayed without losing the cell to the mating process itself. Specifically, we have performed pedigree analysis on descendants of single homothallic spores, testing these cells for sensitivity to α-factor.

The switch from α to a and vice versa is detectable after a minimum of two cell divisions. 50% of the clones tested showed switching by the four-cell stage. Of the four cells descended from a single cell, only the oldest cell and its immediate daughter are observed to change mating type. This pattern suggests that one event in the switching process has occurred in the first cell division cycle. Restriction of the switched mating-type to two particular cells may reflect the action of the homothallism system followed by nonrandom segregation of DNA strands in mitosis.

The mating behavior of cells which have sustained a change in mating type due to the HO gene is indistinguishable from that of heterothallic strains.


Embryos of the penaeoidean shrimp Sicyonia ingentis were examined at intervals during cleavage and gastrulation using antibodies to beta-tubulin and DNA and laser scanning confocal microscopy. Cleavage occurred in a regular pattern within four domains corresponding to the 4-cell-stage blastomeres and resulted in two interlocking bands of cells, each with similar spindle orientations, around a central blastocoel. Right-left asymmetry was evident at the 32-cell-stage, and mirror-image embryos occurred in a 50:50 ratio. Gastrulation was initiated by invagination into the blastocoel at the 62-cell-stage of two mesendoderm cells, which arrested at the 32-cell-stage. Further invagination and expansion of the archenteron during gastrulation was accompanied by rapid and oriented cell division. The archenteron was composed of presumptive naupliar mesoderm and the blastopore was located at the site of the future anus of the nauplius larva. In order to trace cell lineages and determine axial relationships, single 2- and 4-cell-stage blastomeres were microinjected with rhodamine-dextran. The results showed that the mesendoderm cells which initiated gastrulation were derived from the vegetal 2-cell-stage blastomere, which could be distinguished by its slightly larger size and the location of the polar bodies. The mesendoderm cells descended from a single vegetal blastomere of the 4-cell-stage. This investigation provides the first evidence for oriented cell division during gastrulation in a simple invertebrate system. Oriented cell division has previously been discounted as a potential morphogenetic force, and may be a common mechanism of invagination in embryos that begin gastrulation with a relatively small number of cells.  相似文献   

Diazotrophic heterocyst formation in the filamentous cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, is one of the simplest pattern formations known to occur in cell differentiation. Most previous studies on heterocyst patterning were based on statistical analysis using cells collected or observed at different times from a liquid culture, which would mask stochastic fluctuations affecting the process of pattern formation dynamics in a single bacterial filament. In order to analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of heterocyst formation at the single filament level, here we developed a culture system to monitor simultaneously bacterial development, gene expression, and phycobilisome fluorescence. We also developed micro-liquid chamber arrays to analyze multiple Anabaena filaments at the same time. Cell lineage analyses demonstrated that the initial distributions of hetR::gfp and phycobilisome fluorescence signals at nitrogen step-down were not correlated with the resulting distribution of developed heterocysts. Time-lapse observations also revealed a dynamic hetR expression profile at the single-filament level, including transient upregulation accompanying cell division, which did not always lead to heterocyst development. In addition, some cells differentiated into heterocysts without cell division after nitrogen step-down, suggesting that cell division in the mother cells is not an essential requirement for heterocyst differentiation.  相似文献   

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