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Chemodetection of common nest predators may be advantageous for nesting birds; however, few studies have examined the ability of songbirds to detect chemical odors from predators. Thus, in 2002, we presented eastern bluebirds Sialia sialis with pairs of nest boxes; one box in the pair was regularly scented with chemical cues from a common nest predator, the black rat snake Elaphe obsoleta , and the other with a neutral cue. In 2004, we again presented bluebirds with pairs of boxes, one scented with chemical cues from a different nest predator, the deer mouse Peromyscus maniculatus , and the other with a neutral scent. Although human females were able to correctly distinguish paper laced with predator cues from paper with neutral cues, bluebirds were as likely to lay eggs in boxes with predator cues as in boxes with neutral cues. While it remains possible that bluebirds may detect scent from potential nest predators, it appears that the presence of these chemical cues does not ultimately influence selection of nest sites.  相似文献   

Although the function of ornamental traits in males has been the focus of intensive research for decades, expression of such traits in females has received much less study. Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) display structurally based ultraviolet/blue and melanin-based chestnut plumage, and in males this plumage coloration is related to both reproductive success and competitive ability. Compared to males, female bluebirds show a subdued expression of blue and chestnut ornamental coloration, and we used a combination of an aviary nutritional-stress experiment and four years of field data to test the hypothesis that coloration functions as a signal of female quality. First, we tested the effect of food intake on expression of structural and melanin coloration in female eastern bluebirds to determine whether structural or melanin coloration are condition-dependent traits. Females that were given ad libitum access to food displayed more ornamented structural coloration than females on a food-restricted diet, but there was no effect of the experiment on melanin ornamentation. Second, we used field data to assess whether female ornamentation correlated with measures of mate quality and parental effort. The structural coloration of females predicted first egg date, maternal provisioning rates, and measures of reproductive success. These data indicate that structural coloration is dependent on nutritional condition and suggest that sexual selection is acting on structurally based plumage coloration in female eastern bluebirds.  相似文献   

Many of the brilliant plumage coloration displays of birds function as signals to conspecifics. One species in which the function of plumage ornaments has been assessed is the Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis). Studies of a population breeding in Alabama (USA) have established that plumage ornaments signal quality, parental investment, and competitive ability in both sexes. Here we tested the additional hypotheses that (1) Eastern bluebird plumage ornamentation signals nest defense behavior in heterospecific competitive interactions and (2) individual variation in plumage ornamentation reflects underlying differences in circulating hormone levels. We also tested the potential for plumage ornaments to signal individual quality and parental investment in a population breeding in Oklahoma (USA). We found that Eastern bluebirds with more ornamented plumage are in better condition, initiate breeding earlier in the season, produce larger clutches, have higher circulating levels of the stress hormone corticosterone, and more ornamented males have lower circulating androgen levels. Plumage coloration was not related to nest defense behavior. Thus, plumage ornamentation may be used by both sexes to assess the physiological condition and parental investment of prospective mates. Experimental manipulations of circulating hormone levels during molt are needed to define the role of hormones in plumage ornamentation.  相似文献   

We used observations of male eastern bluebirds captured twice within a breeding season to test whether changes in structural coloration are related to feather abrasion. Between first and second broods, the UV chroma and brightness of feathers decreased, while hue shifted towards longer wavelengths. Observed changes were greatest for feathers on the head, least for feathers on the rump, and intermediate for feathers on the back. For head feathers, we found a significant correlation between reduction in barb length and UV chroma. Plumage coloration at first capture was correlated with change in UV chroma such that the most ornamented males tended to lose more coloration. Moreover, the magnitude of UV color change was positively related to the number of days between color measurements.To test whether these changes were caused by abrasive properties of the nesting sites, we randomly increased or decreased the abrasiveness of nesting‐box entrances by attaching sand paper or smooth plastic tape. The type of box entrance had no signicant effect on either coloration or barb length change. Our results suggest that feather abrasion is a factor in the seasonal color changes of bluebirds.  相似文献   

In species with bi-parental care, individuals must partition energy between parental effort and mating effort. Typically, female songbirds invest more than males in reproductive activities such as egg-laying and incubation, but males invest more in secondary sexual traits used in attracting mates. Animals that breed more than once within a season must also allocate time and energy between first and subsequent breeding attempts and between current and future breeding seasons. To investigate strategies of reproductive investment by males and females and the consequences of such strategies, we manipulated the size of broods of Eastern Bluebirds Sialia sialis . Pairs with enlarged first broods were less likely to produce a second clutch or took longer to initiate one than pairs with reduced broods. After rearing enlarged broods, females were less likely than males to survive to the following year. Although plumage coloration is a sexually selected trait in Eastern Bluebirds that is influenced by nutritional stress, we did not detect an effect of brood-size manipulation on female coloration. Past research, however, demonstrates that, in males, plumage colour is negatively affected by increasing brood size. We suggest that there are sex-specific strategies of reproductive investment in Eastern Bluebirds, and that researchers should incorporate measures of residual reproductive value in studies of life-history evolution.  相似文献   

Extrapair fertilizations occur in eastern bluebirds, Sialiasialis, accounting for as much as 35% of nestlings. To testthe assumption that females are passive participants in extrapairfertilizations and to supplement existing information aboutthe costs and benefits of extrapair fertilization for males,we examined behavioral variation during females' fertile periodsand incubation, demographic variation including the ages ofcare givers, duration of consortship, the sexes of offspring,and the number of cavities within territories for correlationwith the likelihood of caring for nondirectly descendant nestlings(NDDN). We use a method of estimating the frequency of NDDNthat eliminates "the allele problem," a possible explanationfor differences between individuals detected and those not detectedcaring for NDDN. Our method controls for the possibility thatobserved differences in caring for NDDN between, say, individualsof different ages are due to variations within age groups inthe frequencies of rare alleles that allow detection of nonkin.The frequency of NDDN was not significantly greater in one-cavityterritories than in two. It was greater for males in their firstbreeding season than for older males. Pairs nesting togetherfor longer times had lower frequencies of NDDN than pairs breedingtogether for the first time. The frequency of caring for NDDNwas greater for males paired with females who were off territorymore during their fertile periods than for males paired withfemales that seldom left their territories during egg laying.Males that stayed closer to fertile females had significantlyhigher frequencies of NDDN in their nests, rather than lowerfrequencies. Males that stayed with fertile females longer alsohad significantly higher frequencies of NDDN in their nests.NDDN was greater for males who were more likely to be off territoryduring incubation than for males that were more often on territory.We conclude that female eastern bluebirds are not passive participantsin extrapair fertilizations. [Behav Ecol 1991; 2:339–350]  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence that, across taxa, females breeding in competitive environments tend to allocate more testosterone to their offspring prenatally and these offspring typically have more aggressive and faster‐growing phenotypes. To date, no study has determined the mechanisms mediating this maternal effect's influence on offspring phenotype. However, levels of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) gene expression are linked to differences in early growth and aggression; thus, maternal hormones may alter gene regulation, perhaps via DNA methylation, of ERα in offspring during prenatal development. We performed a pilot study to examine natural variation in testosterone allocation to offspring through egg yolks in wild Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) in varying breeding densities and percent DNA methylation of CG dinucleotides in the ERα promoter in offspring brain regions associated with growth and behavior. We hypothesized that breeding density would be positively correlated with yolk testosterone, and prenatal exposure to maternal‐derived yolk testosterone would be associated with greater offspring growth and decreased ERα promoter methylation. Yolk testosterone concentration was positively correlated with breeding density, nestling growth rate, and percent DNA methylation of one out of five investigated CpG sites (site 3) in the diencephalon ERα promoter, but none in the telencephalon (n = 10). Percent DNA methylation of diencephalon CpG site 3 was positively correlated with growth rate. These data suggest a possible role for epigenetics in mediating the effects of the maternal environment on offspring phenotype. Experimentally examining this mechanism with a larger sample size in future studies may help elucidate a prominent way in which animals respond to their environment. Further, by determining the mechanisms that mediate maternal effects, we can begin to understand the potential for the heritability of these mechanisms and the impact that maternal effects are capable of producing at an evolutionary scale.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring aggression between female eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) is dramatic, resulting in severe injuries and even death. Furthermore, aggression among bluebirds is usually sex specific: males attack males, females attack females. We hypothesized that the primary function of female-female aggression is to guard against the threat of intraspecific egg dumping and that, in this context, same sex aggression is related to the possibility of advantages for males of parasitism (egg dumping) of their nests. Our hypotheses to explain variation in naturally occurring aggression predict temporal variation in aggressive tendency within nest cycles and between the sexes depending on asymmetries in threats to the residents. We report the results of experimental trials in the field designed to determine temporal variation in the aggressive tendencies of resident females to models of intruder females of two species, eastern bluebirds and brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Both species dump eggs in the nests of bluebirds. Female aggression to eastern bluebird models is greatest during early stages of nest cycles; the patterns are most consistent with protection against egg dumping and protection of nest sites from usurpation. Male residents seldom attack female eastern bluebird models, but often attack models of female brown-headed cowbirds, a result inconsistent with the hypothesis that patterns of differential parental care control aggression of female and male residents.  相似文献   

How organisms respond to variation in environmental conditions and whether behavioral responses can mitigate negative consequences on growth, condition, and other fitness measures are critical to our ability to conserve populations in changing environments. Offspring development is affected by environmental conditions and parental care behavior. When adverse environmental conditions are present, parents may alter behaviors to mitigate the impacts of poor environmental conditions on offspring. We determined whether parental behavior (provisioning rates, attentiveness, and nest temperature) varied in relation to environmental conditions (e.g., food availability and ectoparasites) and whether parental behavior mitigated negative consequences of the environment on their offspring in Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis). We found that offspring on territories with lower food availability had higher hematocrit, and when bird blow flies (Protocalliphora spp.) were present, growth rates were reduced. Parents increased provisioning and nest attendance in response to increased food availability but did not alter behavior in response to parasitism by blow flies. While parents altered behavior in response to resource availability, parents were unable to override the direct effects of negative environmental conditions on offspring growth and hematocrit. Our work highlights the importance of the environment on offspring development and suggests that parents may not be able to sufficiently alter behavior to ameliorate challenging environmental conditions.  相似文献   

To better understand ecological traits of organisms, one can study them from two, not necessarily mutually exclusive perspectives: how the traits evolved, and their current adaptive utility. In birds, foraging behavior and associated morphological traits generally are explained by a combination of adaptive and phylogenetic predictors. The avian skeleton and more specifically, the skeletal flight apparatus is under well‐known functional and phylogenetic constraints. This is an interesting area to partition the relative contributions of adaptive correlated evolution and phylogenetic constraint to species clustering in morphological space. A prediction of convergent evolution is that nonphylogenetic morphological clustering is a characteristic of ecological similarity. We tested this using representatives of North American birds from two clades, one with a mixture of foraging modes (Turdid thrushes, solitaires, and bluebirds) and one with more canalized foraging behaviors (Tyrannid flycatchers). Nine characters on the skeletal flight apparatus from 19 species were used to characterize the morphological space and test for ecomorphological clustering. When body size and phylogeny are considered, the three bluebird species and Townsend's solitaire cluster with the ecologically similar flycatchers rather than with their phylogenetic close relatives. Furthermore, sit‐and‐wait foragers tend to exhibit relatively long distal elements and a long keel while active ground foragers have deeper keels and a longer humerus. Distal elements, expected to be relatively shorter and more bowed in the flycatchers and bluebirds, were actually longer and narrower. A reduction of distal element mass may be more important for facilitating maneuverability than surface area for insertion of wing‐rotational musculature. J. Morphol. 274:909–917, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

While social interactions influence vertebrate endocrine regulation, the dynamics of regulation in relation to specific behaviors have not been clearly elucidated. In the current study, we investigated whether androgens (testosterone) or glucocorticoids (cortisol) play a functional role in aggressive offspring defense behavior in wild smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), a teleost fish with sole paternal care. We measured circulating testosterone and cortisol concentrations in plasma samples taken from parental males following a simulated nest intrusion by a common nest predator, the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). To understand whether endocrine regulation changes across the parental care period, we looked both at males guarding fresh eggs and at males guarding hatched embryos. Plasma testosterone levels increased in males subjected to a simulated nest intrusion when compared to sham controls. Testosterone concentrations in males guarding embryos were lower than in males guarding fresh eggs, but circulating testosterone was positively correlated with the level of aggression towards the nest predator at both offspring development stages. However, there was no increase in cortisol levels following a simulated nest intrusion, and no relationship between cortisol and any measured parameter. These results suggest that androgens play an important role in promoting aggressive nest defense behavior in teleost fish.  相似文献   

Describing and quantifying animal personality is now an integral part of behavioural studies because individually distinctive behaviours have ecological and evolutionary consequences. Yet, to fully understand how personality traits may respond to selection, one must understand the underlying heritability and genetic correlations between traits. Previous studies have reported a moderate degree of heritability of personality traits, but few of these studies have either been conducted in the wild or estimated the genetic correlations between personality traits. Estimating the additive genetic variance and covariance in the wild is crucial to understand the evolutionary potential of behavioural traits. Enhanced environmental variation could reduce heritability and genetic correlations, thus leading to different evolutionary predictions. We estimated the additive genetic variance and covariance of docility in the trap, sociability (mirror image stimulation), and exploration and activity in two different contexts (open‐field and mirror image simulation experiments) in a wild population of yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). We estimated both heritability of behaviours and of personality traits and found nonzero additive genetic variance in these traits. We also found nonzero maternal, permanent environment and year effects. Finally, we found four phenotypic correlations between traits, and one positive genetic correlation between activity in the open‐field test and sociability. We also found permanent environment correlations between activity in both tests and docility and exploration in the MIS test. This is one of a handful of studies to adopt a quantitative genetic approach to explain variation in personality traits in the wild and, thus, provides important insights into the potential variance available for selection.  相似文献   

I compared the behavior of three old postreproductive females in a wild population of toque macaques (Macaca sinica)in Polonnaruwa with those of reproductive females via focal-animal sampling techniques. Postreproductives foraged less, slept more, and were less active overall than reproductive females were. They also had significantly lower rates of agonistic behavior, were more peripheral, and had lower frequencies of overall affiliative contact. Although postreproductives initiated contact with others as frequently as reproductives did, group members initiated contact with them significantly less than they did with reproductive females. Postreproductives associated more with adult females than reproductives did and less with adult and subadult males than high-ranking reproductives did. Juvenile and infant females associated more frequently with reproductive females of high or low rank than with postreproductives. Postreproductives resembled low-ranking reproductive females in giving less grooming to others than they received. This contrasts with high-ranking females, which gave more grooming to others than they received. The results suggest that old age and cessation of reproduction are evident through the manifestation of distinct behavioral characteristics in toque macaque females.  相似文献   

Animals often respond fearfully when encountering eyes or eye-like shapes. Although gaze aversion has been documented in mammals when avoiding group-member conflict, the importance of eye coloration during interactions between conspecifics has yet to be examined in non-primate species. Jackdaws (Corvus monedula) have near-white irides, which are conspicuous against their dark feathers and visible when seen from outside the cavities where they nest. Because jackdaws compete for nest sites, their conspicuous eyes may act as a warning signal to indicate that a nest is occupied and deter intrusions by conspecifics. We tested whether jackdaws’ pale irides serve as a deterrent to prospecting conspecifics by comparing prospectors’ behaviour towards nest-boxes displaying images with bright eyes (BEs) only, a jackdaw face with natural BEs, or a jackdaw face with dark eyes. The jackdaw face with BEs was most effective in deterring birds from making contact with nest-boxes, whereas both BE conditions reduced the amount of time jackdaws spent in proximity to the image. We suggest BEs in jackdaws may function to prevent conspecific competitors from approaching occupied nest sites.  相似文献   

The identification of the source–sink status of a population is critical for the establishment of conservation plans and enacting smart management decisions. We developed an integrated population model to formally assess the source status of a kestrel Falco tinnunculus population breeding in nest boxes in Switzerland. We estimated juvenile and adult survival, reproduction and net dispersal (emigration/immigration) by jointly analyzing capture–recapture, dead recovery, breeding monitoring and population survey data. We also investigated the role of nest boxes on kestrel demography and assessed the contributions of vital rates to realized population growth rates. The results indicate that the kestrel population breeding in nest boxes has acted as a source over the 15 years of the study duration. A quantitative approach suggests that a substantial number of individuals have emigrated annually from this population likely affecting the population dynamics outside the management area. Variation in fecundity explained 34% of the temporal variability of the population growth rate. Moreover, a literature review suggests that kestrel pairs produce on average 1.4 chicks more per breeding attempt in nest boxes compared to natural open nests. Together, these findings suggest that fecundity was an important driver for the dynamics of this population and that nest boxes have contributed to its raise. Nest boxes are regularly used as an efficient tool for conservation management. We suggest that such a conservation action can result in the establishment of a source population being beneficial for populations both inside and outside the managed area.  相似文献   

The black-crested gibbon,Hylobates concolor, is one of the few species of gibbons that has not yet been the subject of a long term field study. Field observations in the Ai Lao and Wu Liang Mountains of Yunnan Province, China indicate that in this area the habitat and ecology of this species differ markedly from those of other gibbons that have been studied to date. These differences are correlated with some behavioral differences. In particular, these gibbons apparently have greater day ranges than other gibbons. It has also been suggested that this species lives in polygynous groups. To demonstrate this requires observation of groups with two or more females with young. Our own observations and those from other recent studies suggest that there are alternative explanations consistent with available data.  相似文献   

We investigated sex differences in how Burmese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea) used stone tools to open shelled food items along the shores of two islands in Laemson National Park, Thailand. Over a 2-week period in December 2009, we collected scan and focal samples on macaques when they were visible along the shores and mangroves. We found females used stones more often while feeding and used smaller tools than males. Females also processed sessile oysters more than males, whereas males processed unattached foods more than females. It was unclear which sex was overall more proficient at stone tool use, but males did perform significantly better at opening unattached food items with large pounding stones. Females also struck food items more times during tool-use bouts and at a faster rate, but no significant difference was found in average tool-use bout duration. Males processed foods slightly faster within a tool-use bout, but we were unable to detect a significant difference in the rate of food processing while foraging with tools. In summary females chipped open sessile oysters with an axing technique more than males, while males used larger stones to pound open unattached shelled food more often than females. Despite using pounding more than females, males also regularly utilized the axing technique on sessile oysters. Our results are the first assessment of sex differences in macaque stone tool use, providing a basis for comparison with tool use in other primates, and to nonfunctional forms of stone use in other macaques.  相似文献   

The difficulty of obtaining pedigrees for wild populations has hampered the possibility of demonstrating inbreeding depression in nature. In a small, naturally restored, wild population of grey wolves in Scandinavia, founded in 1983, we constructed a pedigree for 24 of the 28 breeding pairs established in the period 1983-2002. Ancestry for the breeding animals was determined through a combination of field data (snow tracking and radio telemetry) and DNA microsatellite analysis. The population was founded by only three individuals. The inbreeding coefficient F varied between 0.00 and 0.41 for wolves born during the study period. The number of surviving pups per litter during their first winter after birth was strongly correlated with inbreeding coefficients of pups (R2=0.39, p<0.001). This inbreeding depression was recalculated to match standard estimates of lethal equivalents (2B), corresponding to 6.04 (2.58-9.48, 95% CI) litter-size-reducing equivalents in this wolf population.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior and mating patterns are described for 3 free-ranging groups of common marmosets living in a coastal forest in northeastern Brazil. Each group contained 2 breeding females. Within groups, sexual behavior was generally restricted to breeding females and a single behaviorally dominant male. Of 101 mounts and copulations, 24 involved pairings of individuals from 2 different groups. Extragroup sexual behavior was performed by both breeding and nonbreeding group members, and 65% of all adults mounted or copulated with an extragroup individual at least once. Sexual behavior occurred throughout the female reproductive cycle but was significantly more frequent during an 11-day 'conception period'. Thus, while female marmosets show no physical signs of estrus, both males and females likely do have some information about the timing of ovulation. Mating patterns in this population included both polygyny and monogamy and varied between groups and over time.  相似文献   

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