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Nucleosomes are the fundamental packing units of the eukaryotic genome. A nucleosome core particle comprises an octameric histone core wrapped around by ~147bp DNA. Histones and DNA are targets for covalent modifications mediated by various chromatin modification enzymes. These modifications play crucial roles in various gene regulation activities. A group of common hypotheses for the mechanisms of gene regulation involves changes in the structure and structural dynamics of chromatin induced by chromatin modifications. We employed single molecule fluorescence methods to test these hypotheses by monitoring the structure and structural dynamics of nucleosomes before and after histone acetylation and DNA methylation, two of the best-conserved chromatin modifications throughout eukaryotes. Our studies revealed that these modifications induce changes in the structure and structural dynamics of nucleosomes that may contribute directly to the formation of open or repressive chromatin conformation.  相似文献   

Computer simulation has emerged as a powerful tool for studying the structural and functional properties of complex biological membranes. In the last few years, the use of recently developed simulation methodologies and current generation force fields has permitted novel applications of molecular dynamics simulations, which have enhanced our understanding of the different physical processes governing biomembrane structure and dynamics. This review focuses on frontier areas of research with important biomedical applications. We have paid special attention to polyunsaturated lipids, membrane proteins and ion channels, surfactant additives in membranes, and lipid–DNA gene transfer complexes.  相似文献   

The interaction between specific sites along a DNA molecule is often crucial for the regulation of genetic processes. However, mechanisms regulating the interaction of specific sites are unknown. We have used atomic force microscopy to demonstrate that the structural transition between cruciform conformations can act as a molecular switch to facilitate or prevent communication between distant regions in DNA. Cruciform structures exist in vivo and they are critically involved in the initiation of replication and the regulation of gene expression in different organisms. Therefore, structural transitions of the cruciform may play a key role in these processes.  相似文献   

Effect of DNA supercoiling on the geometry of holliday junctions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Unusual DNA conformations including cruciforms play an important role in gene regulation and various DNA transactions. Cruciforms are also the models for Holliday junctions, the transient DNA conformations critically involved in DNA homologous and site-specific recombination, repair, and replication. Although the conformations of immobile Holliday junctions in linear DNA molecules have been analyzed with the use of various techniques, the role of DNA supercoiling has not been studied systematically. We utilized atomic force microscopy (AFM) to visualize cruciform geometry in plasmid DNA with different superhelical densities at various ionic conditions. Both folded and unfolded conformations of the cruciform were identified, and the data showed that DNA supercoiling shifts the equilibrium between folded and unfolded conformations of the cruciform toward the folded one. In topoisomers with low superhelical density, the population of the folded conformation is 50-80%, depending upon the ionic strength of the buffer and a type of cation added, whereas in the sample with high superhelical density, this population is as high as 98-100%. The time-lapse studies in aqueous solutions allowed us to observe the conformational transition of the cruciform directly. The time-dependent dynamics of the cruciform correlates with the structural changes revealed by the ensemble-averaged analysis of dry samples. Altogether, the data obtained show directly that DNA supercoiling is the major factor determining the Holliday junction conformation.  相似文献   

The regulation of gene expression is a basic problem of biology. In some cases, the gene activity is regulated by specific binding of regulatory proteins to DNA. In terms of statistical mechanics, this binding is described as the process of adsorption of ligands on the one-dimensional lattice and has a probability nature. As a random physical process, the adsorption of regulatory proteins on DNA introduces a noise to the regulation of gene activity. We derived equations, which make it possible to estimate this noise in the case of the binding of the lac repressor to the operator and showed that these estimates correspond to experimental data. Many ligands are able to bind nonspecifically to DNA. Nonspecific binding is characterized by a lesser equilibrium constant but a greater number of binding sites on the DNA, as compared with specific binding. Relations are presented, which enable one to estimate the probability of the binding of a ligand on a specific site and on nonspecific sites on DNA. The competition between specific and nonspecific binding of regulatory proteins plays a great role in the regulation of gene activity. Similar to the one-dimensional "lattice gas" of particles, ligands adsorbed on DNA produce "one-dimensional" pressure on proteins located at the termini of free regions of DNA. This pressure, an analog of osmotic pressure, may be of importance in processes leading to changes in chromatin structure and activation of gene expression.  相似文献   

DNA looping plays a key role in many fundamental biological processes, including gene regulation, recombination, and chromosomal organization. The looping of DNA is often mediated by proteins whose structural features and physical interactions can alter the length scale at which the looping occurs. Looping and unlooping processes are controlled by thermodynamic contributions associated with mechanical deformation of the DNA strand and entropy arising from thermal fluctuations of the conformation. To determine how these confounding effects influence DNA looping and unlooping kinetics, we present a theoretical model that incorporates the role of the protein interactions, DNA mechanics, and conformational entropy. We show that for shorter DNA strands the interaction distance affects the transition state, resulting in a complex relationship between the looped and unlooped state lifetimes and the physical properties of the looped DNA. We explore the range of behaviors that arise with varying interaction distance and DNA length. These results demonstrate how DNA deformation and entropy dictate the scaling of the looping and unlooping kinetics versus the J-factor, establishing the connection between kinetic and equilibrium behaviors. Our results show how the twist-and-bend elasticity of the DNA chain modulates the kinetics and how the influence of the interaction distance fades away at intermediate to longer chain lengths, in agreement with previous scaling predictions.  相似文献   

The morphology and dynamics of DNA in a bacterial nucleoid affects the kinetics of such major processes as DNA replication, gene expression. and chromosome segregation. In this work, we have applied fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to assess the structure and internal dynamics of isolated Escherichia coli nucleoids. We show that structural information can be extracted from the amplitude of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy correlation functions of randomly labeled nucleoids. Based on the developed formalism we estimate the characteristic size of nucleoid structural units for native, relaxed, and positively supercoiled nucleoids. The degree of supercoiling was varied using the intercalating agent chloroquine and evaluated from fluorescence microscopy images. The relaxation of superhelicity was accompanied by 15-fold decrease in the length of nucleoid units (from approximately 50 kbp to approximately 3 kbp).  相似文献   

Through its capability to transiently pack and unpack our genome, chromatin is a key player in the regulation of gene expression. Single-molecule approaches have recently complemented conventional biochemical and biophysical techniques to decipher the complex mechanisms ruling chromatin dynamics. Micromanipulations with tweezers (magnetic or optical) and imaging with molecular microscopy (electron or atomic force) have indeed provided opportunities to handle and visualize single molecules, and to measure the forces and torques produced by molecular motors, along with their effects on DNA or nucleosomal templates. By giving access to dynamic events that tend to be blurred in traditional biochemical bulk experiments, these techniques provide critical information regarding the mechanisms underlying the regulation of gene activation and deactivation by nucleosome and chromatin structural changes. This minireview describes some single-molecule approaches to the study of ATP-consuming molecular motors acting on DNA, with applications to the case of nucleosome-remodelling machines.  相似文献   

Multiscale modeling of nucleosome dynamics   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Nucleosomes form the fundamental building blocks of chromatin. Subtle modifications of the constituent histone tails mediate chromatin stability and regulate gene expression. For this reason, it is important to understand structural dynamics of nucleosomes at atomic levels. We report a novel multiscale model of the fundamental chromatin unit, a nucleosome, using a simplified model for rapid discrete molecular dynamics simulations and an all-atom model for detailed structural investigation. Using a simplified structural model, we perform equilibrium simulations of a single nucleosome at various temperatures. We further reconstruct all-atom nucleosome structures from simulation trajectories. We find that histone tails bind to nucleosomal DNA via strong salt-bridge interactions over a wide range of temperatures, suggesting a mechanism of chromatin structural organization whereby histone tails regulate inter- and intranucleosomal assemblies via binding with nucleosomal DNA. We identify specific regions of the histone core H2A/H2B-H4/H3-H3/H4-H2B/H2A, termed “cold sites”, which retain a significant fraction of contacts with adjoining residues throughout the simulation, indicating their functional role in nucleosome organization. Cold sites are clustered around H3-H3, H2A-H4 and H4-H2A interhistone interfaces, indicating the necessity of these contacts for nucleosome stability. Essential dynamics analysis of simulation trajectories shows that bending across the H3-H3 is a prominent mode of intranucleosomal dynamics. We postulate that effects of salts on mononucleosomes can be modeled in discrete molecular dynamics by modulating histone-DNA interaction potentials. Local fluctuations in nucleosomal DNA vary significantly along the DNA sequence, suggesting that only a fraction of histone-DNA contacts make strong interactions dominating mononucleosomal dynamics. Our findings suggest that histone tails have a direct functional role in stabilizing higher-order chromatin structure, mediated by salt-bridge interactions with adjacent DNA.  相似文献   

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