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Giant cutgrass [Zizaniopsis miliacea], a tall emergent grass native to the southeastern United States, was studied in two Florida lakes. In Lake Seminole (15 176 ha) giant cutgrass forms large expanding stands, but in Lake Alice (9 ha) it is confined to a stable narrow fringe. By monitoring individual plants in Lake Seminole, it was found that an average decumbent flowering stem produced three flowers and ten nodes, 80% of which became rooted in the substrate. Such flowering stem development could potentially result in stand expansion of 2.2–2.7 m/yr, depending upon water levels and rates of node rooting. Once flowering stems became decumbent in Lake Alice, they typically broke, producing no more than two flowers with four nodes in a growing season. While still attached to the parent plant, few of these nodes were able to become rooted in the substrate, limiting the rate of stand expansion in Lake Alice. Sections of flowering stems bearing axillary shoots that were detached from the parent plant and free-floating could become rooted on reaching shallow water and produce robust, new, flowering plants. This interesting mode of population dispersal and spread has important implications for the distribution and management of giant cutgrass.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the feedbacks among the seed bank, parent vegetation, and landscape structure that control plant species turnover in space and time in a tidal freshwater marsh? How can these feedbacks be used to better understand marsh community dynamics and to establish restoration practices that seek to restore vegetation diversity of this important and widely distributed ecosystem? Location: Potomac River, Virginia, United States (15 km south of Washington, DC). Methods: We sampled the seed bank and standing vegetation in a tidal freshwater marsh and explored similarities between seed bank and vegetation composition through space and time. We then investigated marsh surface elevation, distance to nearest tidal channels, and life history of component species as potential explanations for the observed vegetation patterns. Results: The composition of individual plots changed considerably from year to year; however, the composition at broader spatial (whole marsh) and temporal (4 years) scales was relatively stable. Species composition of the seed bank was dissimilar to both the previous and current year's standing vegetation, and similarity to standing vegetation was particularly low in plots dominated by annual species. Landscape structure and life history characteristics of individual species best explained the spatiotemporal variability in marsh vegetation. Conclusions: Restoration designs should be landscape‐dependent and explicitly incorporate spatially structured elements such as elevation gradients to maximize community diversity in reconstructed tidal freshwater marshes. Optimal designs include areas of high seed input, areas of high species turnover, as well as other areas of greater stability.  相似文献   

Like many functional groups or guilds of microorganisms, the group of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) consists of a number of physiologically different species or lineages. These physiological differences suggest niche differentiation among these bacteria depending on the environmental conditions. Species of AOB might be adapted to different zones in the flooding gradient of a tidal marsh. This issue has been studied by sampling sediments from different sites and depths within a tidal freshwater marsh along the river Scheldt near the village of Appels in Belgium. Samples were taken in February, April, July and October 1998. Communities of AOB in the sediment were analysed on the basis of the 16S rRNA gene by application of polymerase chain reaction in combination with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). In addition, moisture content and concentrations of ammonium and nitrate were determined as well as the potential ammonia-oxidizing activities. Six different DGGE bands belonging to the beta-subclass of the Proteobacteria were observed across the marsh. The community composition of AOB was determined by the elevation in the flooding gradient as well as by the sampling depth. The presence of plants was less important for the community composition of AOB. DGGE bands affiliated with the Nitrosospira lineage were mostly found in the upper part of the marsh and in the deeper layers of the sediment. Two of the three DGGE bands related to the Nitrosomonas oligotropha lineage were more broadly distributed over the marsh, but were predominantly found in the upper layers of the sediment. Members of the environmental Nitrosomonas lineage 5 were predominantly detected in the deeper layers in the lower parts of the marsh. Potential driving factors for niche differentiation are discussed.  相似文献   

A decade-long examination was made of recruitment and establishment in a tidal freshwater high marsh along the Delaware River. Over the 10 yr of the study, seed bank, field seedlings, and vegetation showed variable patterns and significant year-to-year fluctuations. Patterns of each species were unique, perhaps the result of specific germination and/or establishment requirements and seedling morphology. For a given species there was little correlation among seed bank, seedling, and vegetation patterns, and germination success did not guarantee establishment. Species diversity showed significant year-to-year fluctuation, but there was no trend, and perennials did not change in importance during the 10-yr period. Because four annual species (Bidens laevis, Cuscuta gronovii, Impatiens capensis, and Polygonum arifolium) composed over 90% of the seed bank and field seedlings, and 58-89% ( = 70 ± 4) of the cover, community dynamics were dependent on seedling recruitment. For a given species life history stages (seed bank, field seedlings, and vegetation) were not predictable over the temporal scale of a decade. It is predicted, however, that if hydrology remains unchanged, the same suite of species will persist. The importance of the parasite Cuscuta gronovii is noteworthy.  相似文献   

Microbial iron oxidation is an integral part of the iron redox cycle in wetlands. Nonetheless, relatively little is known about the composition and ecology of iron-oxidizing communities in the soils and sediments of wetlands. In this study, sediment cores were collected across a freshwater tidal marsh in order to characterize the iron-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) and to link their distributions to the geochemical properties of the sediments. We applied recently designed 16S rRNA primers targeting Gallionella-related FeOB by using a nested PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) approach combined with a novel quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay. Gallionella-related FeOB were detected in most of the samples. The diversity and abundance of the putative FeOB were generally higher in the upper 5 to 12 cm of sediment than in deeper sediment and higher in samples collected in April than in those collected in July and October. Oxygen supply by macrofauna appears to be a major force in controlling the spatial and temporal variations in FeOB communities. The higher abundance of Gallionella-related FeOB in April coincided with elevated concentrations of extractable Fe(III) in the sediments. Despite this coincidence, the distributions of FeOB did not exhibit a simple relationship to the redox zonation inferred from the geochemical depth profiles.  相似文献   

Sloey  Taylor M.  Hester  Mark W. 《Plant and Soil》2016,401(1-2):397-408
Plant and Soil - The success of tidal freshwater wetland restoration is typically gauged by the re-establishment of characteristics found in reference marshes. Although plant species composition...  相似文献   

We examined the areal extent and changes in thefreshwater tidal wetlands along a 56.4 km and a80.6 km reach of the Delaware River between Chester,Pa. and Trenton, N.J. Most of the remainingfreshwater tidal wetlands of the Delaware River arefound along tributaries which drain the coastal plainof New Jersey. We identified polygons of marsh, mud,and open water using color infrared aerial photographyobtained at low tide in 1977 and 1978. Marsh polygonswere classified into either high marsh or low marshaccording to the dominant visual signature of thevegetation of each polygon, and placed in a geographicinformation system for subsequent analysis. The totalarea of marsh within the two reaches totaled 1416 ha,of which 71% was high marsh and 29% low marsh. Asite re-examination in 1997 and 1998 of marsh arearepresenting 32% of the total marsh area revealedthat, while the total area of wetland appears to haveremained constant, high marsh vegetation along thelower reaches of the tributaries has been replaced bylow marsh vegetation. The fraction of the sample thatwas low marsh increased from 9% in 1977–78 to 34% in1997/8.  相似文献   

Drake BG 《Plant physiology》1976,58(5):696-699
Reflectance of red (656-705 nm) and infrared (776-826 nm) solar radiation and standing crop biomass were measured in three salt marsh communities at intervals of approximately 2 weeks between February and August 1974. Red reflectance declined at the onset of greening in each community and was correlated with standing crop of green biomass. Infrared reflectance increased substantially in the shrub community but less in the grass and sedge communities. The inverse of red reflectance was found to be a reliable predictor of green biomass in sedge and grass communities, but not in a shrub community.  相似文献   

The sequestration and recycling of biogenic silica (BSi) in freshwater tidal marshes was modelled through the combination of short-term year round sediment trap data with a long-term sedimentation model, MARSED. The modelling was implemented through the complete evolution from a young rapidly rising marsh to a marsh with an elevation close to mean high water. BSi in imported suspended matter was higher in summer (10.9 mg BSi g−1 sediment) than winter (7.6 mg BSi g−1 sediment). However, the deposition of BSi on the marsh surface was higher in winter compared to summer, due to the higher sedimentation rates. Deposition of BSi was correlated to the suspended matter deposition. In the old marsh, yearly about 40 g BSi m−2 was deposited, while in the young marsh deposition could rise up to 300 g m−2. Young marshes retained up to 85% of the imported biogenic silica. Recycling efficiency (60%) increased drastically for older marshes. The study shows that marshes act as important sinks for BSi along estuaries. The recycling of the imported BSi to DSi in summer and spring is most likely an essential factor in the buffering role of tidal marshes for estuarine DSi concentrations.  相似文献   

Jones  R. Christian 《Hydrobiologia》1997,364(2-3):199-208
The photosynthetic response to irradiance wasquantified for phytoplankton from the tidalfreshwater Potomac River biweekly to monthly over aperiod of six years. Samples were collected from twoshallow embayments and portions of the deeper rivermainstem. Photosynthetic rate was measured in thelaboratory at in situ temperature over a range ofirradiance levels and photosynthetic parameters werecalculated using nonlinear regression.PB max,the maximum photosynthetic ratestandardized to chlorophyll a, increased withtemperature up to 25 °C with a Q10 of 2.02. Above 25 °C, PB max was essentiallyconstant with temperature. Lesser correlationbetween PB max and ambient irradiance couldbe explained by the correlation of irradiance withtemperature. , the slope of the P–I curve atlow light, was correlated with both ambientirradiance and temperature. Highest valueswere found in late summer when high temperature andintermediate ambient irradiance were observed. Spring and early summer were characterized by low. Despite low light penetration, Ik and values were indicative of sun limitationpossibly due to intermittent high light levelsexperienced during mixing. Ik showed a clearseasonal trend directly related to days from summersolstice. Spatial patterns were minimal except thatIk was consistently lower in one shallowembayment than in the other two areas. Seasonalpatterns in photosynthetic parameters correspondedroughly to changes from a spring diatom populationto summer cyanobacterial assemblage.  相似文献   

曾志华  杨民和  佘晨兴  仝川 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2674-2681
为认识盐度对河口潮汐沼泽湿地土壤产甲烷菌的影响,应用PCR-RFLP技术及测序分析对闽江河口区淡水-半咸水盐度梯度上分布的4个短叶茳芏潮汐沼泽湿地土壤产甲烷菌群落结构进行研究。闽江河口区短叶茳芏潮汐沼泽湿地土壤产甲烷菌群落结构受盐度影响明显,位于下洋洲和塔礁洲的短叶茳芏潮汐淡水沼泽湿地土壤产甲烷菌的香农-威纳多样性指数值分别为2.81和2.65,位于蝙蝠洲和鳝鱼滩的短叶茳芏潮汐半咸水沼泽湿地土壤产甲烷菌香农-威纳多样性指数值分别仅为2.33和2.27。系统发育分析表明:短叶茳芏沼泽湿地土壤产甲烷菌类群主要有甲烷杆菌目(Methanobacteriales),包括Methanobacterium、Methanobrevibacter和Methanobacteriaceae;甲烷微菌目(Methanomicrobiales),主要有Methanoregula,以及甲烷八叠球菌目(Methanosarcinales),主要有Methanosarcina和Methanococcoides。闽江河口区短叶茳芏潮汐淡水沼泽湿地土壤主要的优势产甲烷菌有Methanoregula、Methanosarcina和Methanobacterium,而短叶茳芏潮汐半咸水沼泽湿地土壤主要的优势产甲烷菌则转化为仅以Methanoregula为主。  相似文献   

The high marsh panne ecosystem at Adam's Point, N. H. provides a particular opportunity for holistic, yet autecological approach to the natural history of Trichocorixa verticalis var. sellaris (Corixidae). This area was dominated by physical and chemical factors associated with highly variable salinities (1 to 160) and temperatures (–1 to 40°C) caused by irregular tidal flooding and neap tidal dry periods. Trichocorixa verticalis reach a maximum density of 26,914/m2 (x = 3,909.6/m2) in open shallow pannes, where eggs hatch in staggered sequence, allowing population replenishment after drought and reflooding. Winter eggs hatched between salinities of 0 to 30 at 20°C and 0 to 20 at 10°C. Summer eggs hatched between salinities of 0 to 55 at variable temperatures (20 to 36°C). All instars showed a similar higher summer and lower fall tolerance; immatures were more tolerant than adults. Body molt measurements of the 6 instars are given here.Aside from being herbivores and detritivores, T, verticalis feed on chironomid larvae and oligochaetes. They are food for invertebrates and vertebrates, and provide substantial food for migratory shorebirds.The experimental work was based on a thesis submitted to the Graduate School of the University of New Hampshire in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

1.  Zizaniopsis bonariensis (giant grass) is an emergent macrophyte species endemic to subtropical wetlands in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. In this study, we show the effects of its continuous clonal reproduction and its 'phalanx' growth strategy in the Taim Wetland (southern Brazil).
2. The continuous clonal growth of this 3-m high grass gave rise to the emergence of 11.7 new shoots m−2 per month and a high total above ground production (2870 g dry weight m−2 year−1). The biomass of the new shoots emerging every month formed a wave of growth, moderated by only weak seasonal variation.
3. We show its phalanx growth strategy by analysing the variations in population density and shoot height within a transect through the stand canopy. The inverse relation between density and height from the border to the interior indicates self-regulation of biomass.
4. The plants modified their environment, enhancing resistance to drought within the stand and thus facilitating their dominance. This positive feedback suggests that the dominance of the plant might constitute an alternative state in subtropical wetlands.  相似文献   

A persistent challenge in making associations between phenotypic and environmental variation is understanding how ecological factors and demographic history interact to shape adaptive outcomes. Evaluating the degree to which conspecific populations exposed to similar environmental pressures respond in parallel provides a powerful framework for addressing this challenge. We took this comparative approach with multiple populations of Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) found in tidal marshes along the Pacific coast of North America. The high salinities characterizing tidal marshes select for increased osmoregulatory performance and salinity tolerance. We collected data on physiological traits associated with osmoregulatory performance from 10 tidal marsh and three freshwater-adapted interior populations to evaluate the degree of parallel divergence across populations. All traits showed differences in the magnitude of divergence, but only total evaporative water loss (TEWL) showed differences in the direction of divergence. The drivers of these differences in both the magnitude and direction of divergence varied among traits. For kidney morphology and TEWL, patterns of divergence were best explained by variation in immigration rate from interior populations. Maximum temperature was the best predictor of variation in urine excretion ability, and both gene flow and temperature contributed to variation in plasma osmolality. Finally, analysis of multitrait divergence patterns indicated that differences in the direction of divergence were best explained by population genetic structure, whereas differences in the magnitude of divergence were explained by environmental differences. Together these results show that the influences of demography and the selective landscape can manifest themselves differently across functionally integrated traits.  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater ecosystems experience acute seawater intrusion associated with periodic droughts, but are expected to become chronically salinized as sea level rises. Here we report the results from an experimental manipulation in a tidal freshwater Zizaniopsis miliacea marsh on the Altamaha River, GA where diluted seawater was added to replicate marsh plots on either a press (constant) or pulse (2 months per year) basis. We measured changes in porewater chemistry (SO42?, Cl?, organic C, inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus), ecosystem CO2 and CH4 exchange, and microbial extracellular enzyme activity. We found that press (chronic) seawater additions increased porewater chloride and sulfate almost immediately, and ammonium and phosphate after 2–4 months. Chronic increases in salinity also decreased net ecosystem exchange, resulting in reduced CO2 and CH4 emissions from press plots. Our pulse treatment, designed to mimic natural salinity incursion in the Altamaha River (September and October), temporarily increased porewater ammonium concentrations but had few lasting effects on porewater chemistry or ecosystem carbon balance. Our findings suggest that long-term, chronic saltwater intrusion will lead to reduced C fixation and the potential for increased nutrient (N, P) export while acute pulses of saltwater will have temporary effects.  相似文献   

AIMS: Evaluation of the composition, distribution and activities of syntrophic bacteria and methanogens in soils from eutrophic and low nutrient regions of a freshwater marsh, and to compare these results with those obtained from a similar study in the Florida Everglades. METHODS AND RESULTS: Culture dependent and independent approaches were employed to study consortia of syntrophs and methanogens in a freshwater marsh. Methanogenesis from butyrate oxidation was fourfold higher in microcosms containing soil from eutrophic regions of the marsh than from low nutrient regions. Propionate was oxidized in eutrophic microcosms at lower rates than butyrate and with lower yields of methane. Sequence analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from DNA extracted from microcosms and soils revealed differences such that the dominant restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) phylotypes (representing 82-88% of clone libraries) from eutrophic soils clustered with fatty acid oxidizing Syntrophomonas spp. The four dominant RFLP phylotypes (representing 11-24%) from microcosms containing soils from low nutrient regions were sequenced, and clustered with micro-organisms having the potential for fermentative and syntrophic metabolism. Archaeal 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that methanogens from eutrophic regions were from diverse families, including Methanomicrobiaceae, Methanosarcinaceae, and Methanocorpusculaceae, but clone libraries from low nutrient soils revealed only members of Methanosarcinaceae. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that syntroph-methanogen consortia differed with nutrient levels in a freshwater marsh. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is one of few studies addressing the distribution of fatty acid consuming-hydrogen producing bacteria (syntrophs) and their methanogenic partners in wetland soils, and the effects of eutrophication on the ecology these groups.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Coastal wetlands are projected to experience increases in anthropogenic and climatic disturbances, which may alter plant-sediment feedbacks critical for...  相似文献   

The dispersal of seeds through hydrochory can be an important driver of community dynamics and play an integral role in the colonization of restored wetlands. We assessed sources of seeds on the shoreline and in adjacent waters of the Potomac River to Dyke Marsh in Virginia. Drift-line samples were taken at 40 random points four times during 2005–2006, and water surface net trawling took place on the Potomac River from 2003–2005 using six, 200-m transects around the perimeter of the marsh. Seed supply through hydrochory and species richness was low at Dyke Marsh when compared to other regional tidal freshwater marshes. We discovered distinct temporal patterns, where high species richness and seed density were found in the fall for the water trawl samples but in the spring for the drift-line samples. High fall dispersal in the water trawls may exist owing to peak plant senescence and seed release, while high seed germination in the spring along shorelines may arise due to sufficient cold stratification of marsh seeds.  相似文献   

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