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Over 1200 samples were collected from Louisiana estuarine and coastal shelf waters between 1989 and 2002, and analyzed to examine the population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia and to assess the potential threat posed by domoic acid (DA), a potent neurotoxin produced by some members within this toxigenic diatom genus. Results demonstrated that three species in this region (Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries, P. pseudodelicatissima complex, P. delicatissima) produce DA, and that particulate toxin levels were highest (up to 3.05 μg L−1) during the spring bloom, while cellular concentrations were highest in the winter/early spring when P. multiseries was most abundant (up to 30 pg cell−1). These particulate toxin levels are comparable to those seen in other regions (e.g., United States west coast) where DA poisoning events have occurred in the past. Pseudo-nitzschia were most abundant under dissolved inorganic nitrogen-replete conditions coupled with lower silicate and/or phosphate concentrations, and in the early spring months when temperatures were cooler. Pseudo-nitzschia were occasionally well-represented in the phytoplankton assemblage (≥106 cells L−1 in 14% of samples, over 50% of total phytoplankton in 5% of samples), indicating that planktivores (e.g., Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus) may have little choice but to consume Pseudo-nitzschia cells, thereby providing potential vectors for DA transfer to higher trophic levels. By comparison, eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) present in estuarine waters may be more exposed to this toxin when Pseudo-nitzschia cells are part of a mixed assemblage, reducing selective grazing by these bivalves. C. virginica may thus represent the most effective vector for DA exposure in humans.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) in the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries was investigated using 13C- and 14C-labelled precursors. The labelling pattern determined by NMR spectroscopy following incorporation of [1,2-13C2]-acetate showed enrichment of every carbon of DA. The enrichment levels were consistent with a biosynthetic pathway involving two different intermediate precursor units. Addition of labelled acetate either early or late during exponential growth gave similar patterns and levels of incorporation. Analysis of the labelling pattern indicated that DA is biosynthesised by condensation of an isoprenoid intermediate with another intermediate derived from the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The absence of deuterium at C2 in DA following incorporation of [2-13C, 2H3]-acetate is consistent with alpha-ketoglutarate or a derivative as the TCA cycle-derived intermediate. The different incorporation efficiencies of acetate into the putative precursor intermediates suggest that either each unit is biosynthesized in a different part of the diatom cell, or that the isoprene chain is not assembled by the usual acetate-mevalonate pathway. The latter proposal is supported by the complete absence of deuterium retention in the isoprenoid-derived portion following incorporation of [2-13C, 2H3]-acetate.  相似文献   

Pan Y  Bates SS  Cembella AD 《Natural toxins》1998,6(3-4):127-135
Production of domoic acid (DA) by the pennate diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries is associated with physiological stress caused by silicate (Si) and/or phosphate (P) limitation. Such limitation may promote DA synthesis by (1) reducing primary metabolic activity, thus making available necessary precursors, high energy compounds, and cofactors, and (2) favoring the expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of this toxin. In the case of Si and P-limitation, DNA synthesis and the progression through the cell division cycle are slowed, perhaps prolonging or arresting the cells in the stage of the division cycle which is most conducive to DA production. However, N-limitation results in an insufficient pool of cellular free N, which restricts synthesis of this nitrogenous toxin. A continuous supply of photophosphorylated high-energy intermediates (e.g., ATP and NADPH) is necessary for DA synthesis. In order to better understand the mechanism(s) of DA production, more studies are needed to elucidate: (1) the details of the biosynthetic pathway, (2) the regulation of enzymes involved in the pathway, (3) the relation between DA synthesis and the cell division cycle, (4) the cellular compartmentalization of DA biosynthesis, and (5) other environmental factors that may trigger DA production. Finally, these studies should be extended to include toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia species other than P. multiseries, to confirm the commonality of these mechanisms.  相似文献   

A mechanistic model has been developed to explore the factors controlling the production of domoic acid (DA) by the pennate diatom Pseudo-nitzschia. The idealized model allows consideration of the uncoupling between photosynthesis and growth, while DA production has been set as a secondary metabolism sharing common precursors with growth. Under growth limitation, these precursors can accumulate, resulting in an increased DA production. The model was first evaluated based on its ability to simulate the observed DA production by either silicon (Si) or phosphorus (P) limited batch cultures of Pseudo-nitzschia available in the literature. Sensitivity tests were further performed to explore how the ambient nutrients and the light regime (intensity and photoperiod length) are possibly directing the Pseudo-nitzschia toxicity. The general pattern that emerged is that excess light, in combination with Si or P limitation, favours DA production, provided nitrogen (N) is sufficient. Model simulations with varying nutrient stocks supporting Pseudo-nitzschia blooms under non-limiting light suggest two potential ways for nutrients to control DA production. First, N excess in comparison to available Si and P relieves DA production from its limitation by N, an absolute requirement of the DA molecule. Second, increased nutrient stocks amplify the DA production phase of the blooms (in addition to enhancing Pseudo-nitzschia biomass) which leads to an even more toxigenic bloom. Simulations investigating the light regime suggest a light threshold below which an important delay in DA production could be expected in Pseudo-nitzschia cultures. In the natural environment, the monitoring of light conditions during Pseudo-nitzschia blooms might help to anticipate the magnitude of the toxic event. Pseudo-nitzschia toxicity is indeed linked to the excess of primary carbon that accumulates during photosynthesis under growth limitation by nutrients.  相似文献   

Most harmful algal blooms (HAB) originate away from the shore and, for them to endanger human health, they must be first transported to shore after which they must enter the surf zone where they can be feed upon by filter feeders. The last step in this sequence, entrance into the surf zone, depends on surf zone hydrodynamics. During two 30-day periods, we sampled Pseudo-nitzschia and particulate domoic acid (pDA) in and offshore of a more dissipative surf zone at Sand City, California (2010) and sampled Pseudo-nitzschia in and out of reflective surf zones at a beach and rocky shores at Carmel River State Beach, California (2011). At Sand City, we measured domoic acid in sand crabs, Emerita analoga. In the more dissipative surf zone, concentrations of Pseudo-nitzschia and pDA were an order of magnitude higher in samples from a rip current than in samples collected just seaward of the surf zone and were 1000 times more abundant than in samples from the shoals separating rip currents. Domoic acid was present in all the Emerita samples and varied directly with the concentration of pDA and Pseudo-nitzschia in the rip current. In the more reflective surf zones, Pseudo-nitzschia concentrations were 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than in samples from 125 and 20 m from shore. Surf zone hydrodynamics affects the ingress of Pseudo-nitzschia into surf zones and the exposure of intertidal organisms to HABs on the inner shelf.  相似文献   

The diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Peragallo) associated with the production of domoic acid (DA), the toxin reposnsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning, is abundant in Scottish waters. A two year study examined the relationship between Pseudo-nitzschia cells in the water column and DA concentration in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) at two sites, and king scallops (Pecten maximus) at one site. The rate of DA uptake and depuration differed greatly between the two species with M. edulis whole tissue accumulating and depurating 7 μg g−1 (now expressed as mg kg−1) per week. In contrast, it took 12 weeks for DA to depurate from P. maximus gonad tissue from a concentration of 68 μg g−1 (now mg kg−1) to <20 μg g−1 (now mg kg‐1). The DA depuration rate from P. maximus whole tissue was <5% per week during both years of the study. Correlations between the Pseudo-nitzschia cell densities and toxin concentrations were weak to moderate for M. edulis and weak for P. maximus. Seasonal diversity on a species level was observed within the Pseudo-nitzschia genus at both sites with more DA toxicity associated with summer/autumn Pseudo-nitzschia blooms when P. australis was observed in phytoplankton samples. This study reveals the marked difference in DA uptake and depuration in two shellfish species of commercial importance in Scotland. The use of these shellfish species to act as a proxy for DA in the environment still requires investigation.  相似文献   

Strom  Suzanne 《Hydrobiologia》2002,480(1-3):41-54
Understanding the processes that regulate phytoplankton biomass and growth rate remains one of the central issues for biological oceanography. While the role of resources in phytoplankton regulation (`bottom up' control) has been explored extensively, the role of grazing (`top down' control) is less well understood. This paper seeks to apply the approach pioneered by Frost and others, i.e. exploring consequences of individual grazer behavior for whole ecosystems, to questions about microzooplankton–phytoplankton interactions. Given the diversity and paucity of phytoplankton prey in much of the sea, there should be strong pressure for microzooplankton, the primary grazers of most phytoplankton, to evolve strategies that maximize prey encounter and utilization while allowing for survival in times of scarcity. These strategies include higher grazing rates on faster-growing phytoplankton cells, the direct use of light for enhancement of protist digestion rates, nutritional plasticity, rapid population growth combined with formation of resting stages, and defenses against predatory zooplankton. Most of these phenomena should increase community-level coupling (i.e. the degree of instantaneous and time-dependent similarity) between rates of phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing, tending to stabilize planktonic ecosystems. Conversely, phytoplankton, whose mortality in the sea is overwhelmingly due to microzooplankton grazing, should experience strong pressure to evolve grazing resistence. Strategies may include chemical, morphological, and `nutrient deficit' defenses. Successful deployment of these defenses should lead to uncoupling between rates of phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing, promoting instability in ecosystem structure. Understanding the comparative ecosystem dynamics of various ocean regions will require an appreciation of how protist grazer behavior and physiology influence the coupling between rates of phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing.  相似文献   

《Harmful algae》2010,9(6):880-888
The ability to detect harmful algal bloom (HAB) species and their toxins in real- or near real-time is a critical need for researchers studying HAB/toxin dynamics, as well as for coastal resource managers charged with monitoring bloom populations in order to mitigate their wide ranging impacts. The Environmental Sample Processor (ESP), a robotic electromechanical/fluidic system, was developed for the autonomous, subsurface application of molecular diagnostic tests and has successfully detected several HAB species using DNA probe arrays during field deployments. Since toxin production and thus the potential for public health and ecosystem effects varies considerably in natural phytoplankton populations, the concurrent detection of HAB species and their toxins onboard the ESP is essential. We describe herein the development of methods for extracting the algal toxin domoic acid (DA) from Pseudo-nitzschia cells (extraction efficiency >90%) and testing of samples using a competitive ELISA onboard the ESP. The assay detection limit is in the low ng/mL range (in extract), which corresponds to low ng/L levels of DA in seawater for a 0.5 L sample volume acquired by the ESP. We also report the first in situ detection of both a HAB organism (i.e., Pseudo-nitzschia) and its toxin, domoic acid, via the sequential (within 2–3 h) conduct of species- and toxin-specific assays during ESP deployments in Monterey Bay, CA, USA. Efforts are now underway to further refine the assay and conduct additional calibration exercises with the aim of obtaining more reliable, accurate estimates of bloom toxicity and thus their potential impacts.  相似文献   

The ability to detect harmful algal bloom (HAB) species and their toxins in real- or near real-time is a critical need for researchers studying HAB/toxin dynamics, as well as for coastal resource managers charged with monitoring bloom populations in order to mitigate their wide ranging impacts. The Environmental Sample Processor (ESP), a robotic electromechanical/fluidic system, was developed for the autonomous, subsurface application of molecular diagnostic tests and has successfully detected several HAB species using DNA probe arrays during field deployments. Since toxin production and thus the potential for public health and ecosystem effects varies considerably in natural phytoplankton populations, the concurrent detection of HAB species and their toxins onboard the ESP is essential. We describe herein the development of methods for extracting the algal toxin domoic acid (DA) from Pseudo-nitzschia cells (extraction efficiency >90%) and testing of samples using a competitive ELISA onboard the ESP. The assay detection limit is in the low ng/mL range (in extract), which corresponds to low ng/L levels of DA in seawater for a 0.5 L sample volume acquired by the ESP. We also report the first in situ detection of both a HAB organism (i.e., Pseudo-nitzschia) and its toxin, domoic acid, via the sequential (within 2–3 h) conduct of species- and toxin-specific assays during ESP deployments in Monterey Bay, CA, USA. Efforts are now underway to further refine the assay and conduct additional calibration exercises with the aim of obtaining more reliable, accurate estimates of bloom toxicity and thus their potential impacts.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of different Pseudo-nitzschia species, along with particulate domoic acid (pDA) concentrations, were studied from May 2012 to December 2013 in the Bay of Seine (English Channel, Normandy). While Pseudo-nitzschia spp. blooms occurred during the two years of study, Pseudo-nitzschia species diversity and particulate domoic acid concentrations varied greatly. In 2012, three different species were identified during the spring bloom (P. australis, P. pungens and P. fraudulenta) with high pDA concentrations (∼1400 ng l−1) resulting in shellfish harvesting closures. In contrast, the 2013 spring was characterised by a P. delicatissima bloom without any toxic event. Above all, the results show that high pDA concentrations coincided with the presence of P. australis and with potential silicate limitation (Si:N < 1), while nitrate concentrations were still replete. The contrasting environmental conditions between 2012 and 2013 highlight different environmental controls that might favour the development of either P. delicatissima or P. australis. This study points to the key role of Pseudo-nitzschia diversity and cellular toxicity in the control of particulate domoic acid variations and highlights the fact that diversity and toxicity are influenced by nutrients, especially nutrient ratios.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates wereevaluated in one station in Bahía Concepción,located in the middle region of the Gulf of California, México.We used high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) estimationsof phytoplankton pigment signatures to evaluate the annual variationof taxon-specific grazing and growth rates obtained with thedilution technique. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations variedwidely (0.34–3.32 µg L–1) and showed two maxima,during late spring and autumn, associated with the transitionbetween mixed and stratified conditions. Phytoplankton growthrates varied seasonally with the lowest rates during summer(range: 0.01–2.55 day–1 for Chl-a; 0.00–3.84day–1 for Chl-b; 0.26–3.29 day–1 for fucoxanthin;0.00–6.27 day–1 for peridinin; 0.00–4.35 day–1for zeaxanthin). Microzooplankton grazing was an important lossprocess (range: 0.0–1.89 day–1 for Chl-a; 0.00–3.12day–1 for Chl-b; 0.26–3.29 day–1 for fucoxanthin;0.00–2.03 day–1 for peridinin; 0.00–3.51 day–1for zeaxanthin). Average grazing rates accounted 68–89%of estimated average phytoplankton pigment-specific growth rates.The analysis of pigment signatures indicates that diatoms anddinoflagellates were the dominant groups, and contrary to expectationfor typical subtropical lagoons, the specific growth rates inBahía Concepción showed a pronounced seasonalvariability, linked to transitional hydrographic conditions.Our results indicate a close coupling between the communitymicrozooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth rates, withoutselective feeding behavior. These results suggest that microzooplanktonplay a critical role and may significantly modify the availabilityand efficiency of transfer of energy to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Toxic species of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia, observed worldwide from coastal waters to the open ocean, produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). DA is an important environmental and economic hazard due to shellfish contamination with subsequent effects on higher trophic levels. Previous research has demonstrated that, among other environmental factors, salinity influences the abundance and toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia. In this study, the environmental factors driving the growth of Pseudo-nitzschia and the production of dissolved DA (dDA) in North Inlet estuary were examined. The effect of salinity on the growth inhibition of phytoplankton induced by the initial presence as well as by an addition of dDA was also assessed. Initially, the diatom abundance was negatively correlated with the abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia and with the concentration of dDA. With the addition of a concentrated solution of dDA, the percent inhibition of cryptophytes and diatoms was significantly correlated with salinity and suggested a higher sensitivity to dDA at extreme salinities. These results emphasize the importance of salinity in assessing the properties of DA and potentially of other phycotoxins on phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia is a common component of phytoplankton communities in the Gulf of Mexico and is potentially toxic as some species produce the potent neurotoxin domoic acid. The impact of oil and chemical dispersants on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and domoic acid production have not yet been studied; preliminary findings from a mesocosm experiment suggest this genus may be particularly resilient. A toxicological study was conducted using a colony of Pseudo-nitzschia sp. isolated from a station off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. The cultures were exposed to a water accommodated fraction (WAF) of oil and a diluted chemically enhanced WAF (DCEWAF) which was a mix of oil and dispersant (20:1). Exposure to WAF induced a lag phase but did not inhibit growth rates once in exponential growth. Cultures grown in DCEWAF did not experience a lag phase but had significantly lower growth rates than the Control and WAF cultures. The cellular quota of domoic acid was higher in cultures treated with DCEWAF and WAF relative to their control values, and half of the domoic acid had leaked out of the cells into the surrounding seawater in the DCEWAF cultures while all the domoic acid remained inside the cells in WAF-treated cultures. These results suggest that the presence of oil could lead to toxic blooms, but that the application of dispersant could decrease bioaccumulation of domoic acid through the food web.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudo-nitzschia includes several species capable of producing domoic acid, the causative agent of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning. Some of these species have been recorded frequently in the Gulf of Naples. For one of the species, P. multistriata, which has been recurrently found in our sampling area since 1995, this is the first report for European waters. Here we provide further details on the fine structure of this species. Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata was the only one found to produce domoic acid among all the Pseudo-nitzschia species from the Gulf of Naples, and this finding raises the number of potentially toxic species in this genus to nine. Phylogenetic relationships among several Pseudo-nitzschia species were assessed using the hypervariable domains (D1–D3) of the large subunit (LSU) rDNA. The match between the phylogeny obtained and important taxonomic characters used in this genus are discussed. Results show that P. multistriata clusters with wider species lacking a central larger interspace in the raphe. Close genetic relationships were determined between P. fraudulenta and P. subfraudulenta, and between P. pungens and P. multiseries. Genetic differences among these pairs of species are comparable to those among isolates of P. pseudodelicatissima from the Gulf of Naples, indicating high intraspecific genetic diversity of Pseudo-nitzschia species in the relatively conserved LSU region. This could explain the problematic results obtained when testing a match between species-specific Pseudo-nitzschia LSU probes and our sequences.  相似文献   

三门湾浮游动物的季节变动及微型浮游动物摄食影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2002年8月、11月、2003年2月和5月,在三门湾进行了4个航次生物、化学和水文等专业综合调查。根据采集的浮游动物样品的分析鉴定及海上现场实验结果,对浮游动物的群落组成、生物量、丰度、多样性指数的分布和季节变动及其浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食影响进行研究。结果表明,三门湾浮游动物有67属,89种,16类浮游幼体,主要可划分为4个生态类群:以近岸低盐类群为主,其优势种为中华哲水蚤Calanus sinicus、真刺唇角水蚤Labidocera etwhaeta、捷氏歪水蚤Tortanus derjugini、太平洋纺锤水蚤Acartiapacifica、中华假磷虾Pseudeuphausia sinica和百陶箭虫Sagitta bedoti等。半咸水河口类群、暖水性外海类群和广布种相对较少。浮游动物生物量和丰度的平面分布趋势除了夏季有所差异外,其它季节基本一致。2月份和5月份,浮游动物生物量和丰度,从湾顶向湾口呈逐渐增加趋势;8月份,湾口区生物量最高,而丰度高值区出现在湾顶部;11月份,生物量和丰度的平面分布相对均匀。浮游动物种类多样性指数有明显的季节变化,其动态变化与浮游动物种数和丰度的变化一致。微型浮游动物对浮游植物存在摄食压力,且有季节变化,摄食率的变化在0.18.0.68d^-1,微型浮游动物的摄食率低于相同季节的浮游植物生长率。微型浮游动物对浮游植物摄食压力的变化范围为16.1%-49.1%d^-1,对初级生产力摄食压力的变化在58.3%-83.6%d^-1。11月份,微型浮游动物对浮游植物和初级生产力的摄食压力均出现最高值。  相似文献   

A toxic bloom of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. was observed in the Alabama coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) in June 2009 that resulted in the accumulation of domoic acid (DA) in fish. The bloom initiated following a large storm event that likely caused increased groundwater discharge 16–20 days prior to peak densities. Eleven sites, located in littoral shoreline waters and inshore embayments spanning the entire Alabama NGOM coastline, were sampled during peak densities to assess Pseudo-nitzschia species composition and toxicity, and associated water-quality parameters. Small fish (0.27–11.9 g body weight) were collected at six of these sites for analysis of DA content. High Pseudo-nitzschia spp. densities (8.27 × 104–5.05 × 106 cell l−1) were detected at eight sites located in the littoral shoreline and particulate DA was detected at six of these littoral sites (48.0–540 pg ml−1). The bloom consisted primarily (>90%) of Pseudo-nitzschia subfraudulenta, a species previously characterized as forming only a minor component of Pseudo-nitzschia assemblages and not known to produce DA. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. were at low densities or not detected at the inshore sites and DA was detected at these sites. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. density varied along an estuarine gradient, with greater densities occurring in the most saline, clear, and nutrient-poor waters. Cell density was strongly and negatively correlated with silicate (Si) concentrations and the ratios of silicate to dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate (Si:DIN and Si:PO4). Cell toxin quota was negatively correlated with phosphate, and strongly and positively correlated with the ratio of total nitrogen to total phosphorus (TN:TP). These relationships are consistent with previous observations that indicate Pseudo-nitzschia spp. density and toxicity are likely to be greater in high salinity, high irradiance, and nutrient-poor waters. DA was detected in 128 of 131 (98%) of the fish collected, which included seven primary and secondary consumer species. This is the first demonstration of trophic transfer of DA in this region of the NGOM, indicating that toxic blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. in Alabama coastal waters have the potential to transfer DA to recreationally and commercially important fish species.  相似文献   

Within the past few decades, harmful algal blooms (HABs) have occurred frequently in Indonesian waters, resulting in environmental degradation, economic loss and human health problems. So far, HAB related studies mainly addressed ecological traits and species distribution, yet toxin measurements were virtually absent for Indonesian waters. The aim of the present study was to explore variability of the potentially toxic marine diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia, as well as its neurotoxin domoic acid as a function of environmental conditions in Ambon Bay, eastern Indonesia. Weekly phytoplankton samples, oceanographic (CTD, nutrients) and meteorological (precipitation, wind) parameters were analyzed at 5 stations in the bay during the dry and wet seasons of 2018. Liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) was used to detect particulate DA (pDA). Vegetative cells of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and pDA were found in 98.6% and 51.4% of the samples, respectively. pDA levels were low, yet detected throughout the campaign, implying that Ambon Bay might potentially be subject to amnesic shellfish poisoning. The highest levels of both Pseudo-nitzschia spp. cell abundance and pDA were found in the wet season, showing a strong positive correlation between both parameters, compared to the dry season, (r = 0.87 and r = 0.66 (p < 0.01), respectively). Statistical analyses revealed that temperature and mixed layer depth positively correlated with Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and pDA during the dry season, while ammonium showed positive correlations in both seasons. This study represents the first successful investigation of the presence and variability of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and its neurotoxin DA in Indonesian waters.  相似文献   

Concentrations of domoic acid (DA), the biotoxin responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), exceeding the regulatory limit of 20 μg g−1 have caused restricted harvesting and closures of wild king scallop fisheries. Toxin monitoring programmes have reported significant inter-animal variation in DA concentration between scallops from the same area. For the development of reliable sampling and management protocols an understanding of the magnitude and causes of inter-animal variation in toxin concentration are important. Ten samples were collected from an aquaculture site in Clew Bay, Co. Mayo off the west coast of Ireland between February 2003 and February 2004, each sample comprising 12 scallops of each of the following size groups: small (70–85 mm), medium (85–100 mm), large (100–115 mm) and very large (>115 mm). DA concentration in each hepatopancreas and in composite samples of both gonad and adductor muscle from each size group on each sampling occasion were measured. High inter-animal variability in DA concentration in hepatopancreas was recorded; CVs ranging from 12.5% to 82.5%. One negative correlation (R2 = 0.7079) between DA concentration in hepatopancreas and scallop shell length, three positive but weak correlations (R2 = 0.4536, 0.3459 and 0.4665) and six no correlations were exhibited. Negative correlations were attributed to faster DA uptake by smaller scallops, positive correlations to faster DA depuration by smaller scallops. If only scallops greater than or equal to 100 mm shell length, the minimum commercial size of this species were considered, no correlation occurred on any of the 10 sampling occasions.  相似文献   

Domoic acid (DA) poisoning in the southern part of the California Current System has been associated typically with blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia australis. The environmental variables that promote growth and DA production in the Mexican part of this system have not been identified. The present study investigated the effect of temperature and two nutrient ratios on the growth characteristics and DA content of two (BTS-1, BTS-2) P. australis strains isolated from the Pacific coast of northern Baja California peninsula, México. Of the different temperatures assayed (10, 12, 14, 15, 18 and 20 °C), the maximum cell abundance was detected at 12 °C for BTS-2 and 14 °C for BTS-1. The highest maximum specific growth rate (1.69 day−1) was measured at 15 °C for BTS-2. With the exception of cells maintained at 15 °C, growth characteristics were similar in P. australis cultured in a high Si:NO3 (2.5) or low Si:NO3 (0.5) ratio at each temperature. Dissolved (dDA) and cellular (cDA) DA content measured at the stationary phase of growth was similar in cells cultivated at the different temperatures. No difference in cDA (between 0.11 and 1.87 pg DA cell−1) was observed in cells cultivated at the two nutrient ratios. To evaluate if P. australis accumulates DA (cDA + dDA) at different stages of the culture and not only during the stationary phase of growth, the BTS-1 strain was cultivated at 14 °C and the content of this toxin was measured during culture development. The cultures were maintained at high (HL; 200 μmol quanta m−2 s−1) and low light (LL; 30 μmol quanta m−2 s−1) and in the two nutrient ratios to evaluate the effect of these variables on DA content. The photosynthetic performance and pigment concentration were measured as indicators of the physiological condition of the cells. cDA was detected in all culture conditions and during the different stages of growth. The highest DA content was measured during the lag phase of growth and it was present mainly in the medium (dDA = 70.83 pg DA cell−1). Cells cultivated at HL produced more DA than LL cultured cells. P. australis cultured in HL presented lower photosynthetic rates than LL cells and had similar concentrations of photoprotective pigments and the highest maximum photosynthetic rates were detected during the lag phase of growth in all culture conditions. The results demonstrate that P. australis from northern Baja California peninsula presents a narrow temperature range for optimal growth under batch culture conditions. P. australis produce DA at different stages of growth, and DA content was related to the light intensity at which the cells were cultivated.  相似文献   

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