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Aim  We analysed the geographical distributions of species of Buprestidae (Coleoptera) in Mexico by means of a panbiogeographical analysis, in order to identify their main distributional patterns and test the complex nature of the Mexican Transition Zone, located between the Nearctic and Neotropical regions.
Location  Mexico.
Methods  The geographical distributions of 228 species belonging to 33 genera of Buprestidae were analysed. Localities of the buprestid species were represented on maps and their individual tracks were drawn. Based on a comparison of the individual tracks, generalized tracks were detected and mapped. Nodes were identified as the areas where generalized tracks converged.
Results  Thirteen generalized tracks were obtained: one was restricted to the Mexican Transition Zone and five to the Neotropical region (Antillean and Mesoamerican dominions), a further two occurred in both the Nearctic region (Continental Nearctic dominion) and the Mexican Transition Zone, and a further five in both the Neotropical region (Mesoamerican dominion) and the Mexican Transition Zone. Seven nodes were identified at the intersections of the generalized tracks – in the Mesoamerican dominion (Mexican Pacific Coast, Mexican Gulf and Chiapas biogeographical provinces) and the Mexican Transition Zone (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Balsas Basin and Sierra Madre Oriental biogeographical provinces).
Main conclusions  We conclude that the geographical distribution of Buprestidae is mainly Neotropical, corresponding to the Mesoamerican dominion and the Antillean dominion of the Neotropical region, and the Mexican Transition Zone. Most of the generalized tracks and nodes correspond to the Mexican Transition Zone, thus confirming its complex nature. We suggest that the nodes we have identified could be particularly important areas to choose for conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

We present detailed species accounts for fifty-nine(59) species of amphibians and reptiles(17 frogs, 14 skinks, 3 agamids, 6 gekkonid lizards, 2 varanids, and 17 snakes) from Pantabangan-Carranglan Watershed, which lies within the Caraballo Mountain Range, whose biota is poorly-known. This was also the first extensive survey of herpetofauna within the watershed. Together with data from previous literature reviews, our records bring the total number of species of amphibians and reptiles for the Caraballo Mountain Range to 66. Forty-two(42) species from the area were Philippine endemics, with 25 species recorded only from Luzon faunal region. Seven species of herpetofauna are associated with unresolved taxonomic issues(new species and species complexes needing taxonomic partitioning, e.g. splitting of species groups). Two species recorded from the area were rarely represented in museum collections. Major distributional and elevational range extensions were recorded for several species. Comparison with Luzon's other mountain ranges showed that the Caraballo Mountain Range is similar, in terms of species composition, to the northern Sierra Madre and Cordillera Mountain Ranges. The result of this survey showed the Caraballo Mountain Range and its mountains as a possible new center of herpetofaunal diversity and endemicity within Luzon. The importance of the Caraballo Mountain Range as an important biogeographic link merits further study.  相似文献   

Ambatorongorongo Mountain lies at the historical intersection betweenhumid, spiny, and littoral forests in southeastern Madagascar. We report theresults of surveys of the herpetofauna and lemurs occurring in Malahelo Forest,a small (<25 ha) forest fragment lying on the western slope ofAmbatorongorongo Mountain. There are at least 41 reptile, 11 amphibian, and 7lemur species in this forest, including several that are endemic to southeasternMadagascar and are at severe risk of extinction. The species richness of theMalahelo fauna is comparable to that of even the largest forest reserves in theregion. We also evaluate the similarity of the Malahelo herpetofauna to that ofnearby humid, spiny, and littoral forests to assess the biogeographic affinitiesof its amphibians and reptile assemblages. Both groups contain speciescharacteristic of each of the three surrounding forest types, but thebiogeographic patterns appear to differ for amphibians and reptiles. Overall,the herpetofauna and lemurs of the Malahelo Forest indicate that it is a remnantof a biogeographic transition zone between the major forest types ofsoutheastern Madagascar. The combination of high species richness, regionalendemics, and unique herpetofaunal and lemur assemblages should make MalaheloForest a high conservation priority, and we give recommendations for protectingwhat remains of this important transitional forest.  相似文献   

Abstract. Data on the birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammalian species of the Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique are presented. Species diversity was compared to island size and with data for other East African Islands. There was a low degree of endemism and the different faunas (particularly for mammals and the herpetofauna) were mainland in origin and a nested subset of that on the mainland. Several mammal and bird families were absent from the islands suggesting a process of relaxation on these relatively young islands with little colonization. Reasons for the observed diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim A major Late Quaternary vertebrate extinction event affected mostly large‐bodied ‘megafauna’. This is well documented in both mammals and birds, but evidence of a similar trend in reptiles is scant. We assess the relationship between body size and Late Quaternary extinction in reptiles at the global level. Location Global. Methods We compile a body size database for all 82 reptile species that are known to have gone extinct during the last 50,000 years and compare them with the sizes of 10,090 extant reptile species (97% of known extant diversity). We assess the body size distributions in the major reptile groups: crocodiles, lizards, snakes and turtles, while testing and correcting for a size bias in the fossil record. We examine geographical biases in extinction by contrasting mainland and insular reptile assemblages, and testing for biases within regions and then globally by using geographically weighted models. Results Extinct reptiles were larger than extant ones, but there was considerable variation in extinction size biases among groups. Extinct lizards and turtles were large, extinct crocodiles were small and there was no trend in snakes. Lizard lineages vary in the way their extinction is related to size. Extinctions were particularly prevalent on islands, with 73 of the 82 extinct species being island endemics. Four others occurred in Australia. The fossil record is biased towards large‐bodied reptiles, but extinct lizards were larger than extant ones even after we account for this. Main conclusions Body size played a complex role in the extinction of Late Quaternary reptiles. Larger lizard and turtle species were clearly more affected by extinction mechanisms such as over exploitation and invasive species, resulting in a prevalence of large‐bodied species among extinct taxa. Insularity was by far the strongest correlate of recent reptile extinctions, suggesting that size‐biased extinction mechanisms are amplified in insular environments.  相似文献   

Aim Island taxa often attain forms outside the range achieved by mainland relatives. Body size evolution of vertebrates on islands has therefore received much attention, with two seemingly conflicting patterns thought to prevail: (1) islands harbour animals of extreme size, and (2) islands promote evolution towards medium body size (‘the island rule’). We test both hypotheses using body size distributions of mammal, lizard and bird species. Location World‐wide. Methods We assembled body size and insularity datasets for the world’s lizards, birds and mammals. We compared the frequencies with which the largest or smallest member of a group is insular with the frequencies expected if insularity is randomly assigned within groups. We tested whether size extremes on islands considered across mammalian phylogeny depart from a null expectation under a Brownian motion model. We tested the island rule by comparing insular and mainland members of (1) a taxonomic level and (2) mammalian sister species, to determine if large insular animals tend to evolve smaller body sizes while small ones evolve larger sizes. Results The smallest species in a taxon (order, family or genus) are insular no more often than would be expected by chance in all groups. The largest species within lizard families and bird genera (but no other taxonomic levels) are insular more often than expected. The incidence of extreme sizes in insular mammals never departs from the null, except among extant genera, where gigantism is marginally less common than expected under a Brownian motion null. Mammals follow the island rule at the genus level and when comparing sister species and clades. This appears to be driven mainly by insular dwarfing in large‐bodied lineages. A similar pattern in birds is apparent for species within orders. However, lizards follow the converse pattern. Main conclusions The popular misconception that islands have more than their fair share of size extremes may stem from a greater tendency to notice gigantism and dwarfism when they occur on islands. There is compelling evidence for insular dwarfing in large mammals, but not in other taxa, and little evidence for the second component of the island rule – gigantism in small‐bodied taxa.  相似文献   

The Middle America is located in the Nearctic–Neotropical boundary. The combination of temperate and tropical biota of these two biogeographic regions, plus an area of biotic overlap propitiates unusually high species diversity and endemism. We present the first general assessment based on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species that provides evidence of widespread decline in the conservation status of land mammals from southern U.S.A. to Panama. One in every three species considered in our study (n = 273) is classified as threatened, and the rate of biodiversity loss increased 0.64% between 2008 and 2012. Endangered species of the Middle America represents 11.8% of the global endangered mammal species, and 7.9% of the threatened species. Habitat loss and the introduction of alien species are the major threats; however, the relative impact of these threats varies among habitats. For continental species, habitat loss is prevalent, while for insular species the introduction of alien species has devastating effects. Our results suggest that if no integral multi-species conservation actions are applied in the short-term, more than 20% of the extant mammal species in the region could become extinct in the near future (10–50 years).  相似文献   

We examined the distribution and broad habitat associations of the herpetofauna on three offshore islands of southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. A total of 74 amphibian and reptile taxa were recorded, comprising 13 frogs, 29 lizards, 29 snakes, 1 freshwater turtle, and 1 crocodile. Of the total taxa, 38 percent were endemic to Sulawesi, 13 were new undescribed taxa. Range extensions were also recorded for one taxon previously not known from Sulawesi. Herpetofauna of these islands is largely derived from that of mainland Sulawesi, and as for Sulawesi generally, is depauperate compared with herpetofaunal assemblages in Borneo, Java, and Thailand. Taxon richness was much higher in minimally disturbed forest and forest habitats with only moderate disturbance levels than in highly modified or disturbed habitats, such as secondary forests, plantations, and villages. Disturbed habitats were characterized by widespread, habitat generalists and human commensals. Forests were characterized by endemic and habitat‐specialist taxa. Little discrimination of taxon composition or endemism was found between minimally and moderately disturbed forest habitats. These results reaffirm the need for more general biological survey and research in this region. Taxa most likely to be displaced by human impacts tend to be endemic taxa, for which there exists little or no ecological information. The similarity in the herpetofaunal community structure between habitats with minimal and moderate disturbance levels has important implications for our understanding of ecological resilience in tropical herpetofaunal communities.  相似文献   

Juan J. Morrone 《Ecography》2010,33(2):355-361
Transition zones, located at the boundaries between biogeographic regions, represent events of biotic hybridization, promoted by historical and ecological changes. They deserve special attention, because they represent areas of intense biotic interaction. In its more general sense, the Mexican Transition Zone is a complex and varied area where Neotropical and Nearctic biotas overlap, from southwestern USA to Mexico and part of Central America, extending south to the Nicaraguan lowlands. In recent years, panbiogeographic analyses have led to restriction of the Mexican Transition Zone to the montane areas of Mexico and to recognize five smaller biotic components within it. A cladistic biogeographic analysis challenged the hypothesis that this transition zone is biogeographically divided along a north‐south axis at the Transmexican Volcanic Belt, as the two major clades found divided Mexico in an east‐west axis. This implies that early Tertiary geological events leading to the convergence of Neotropical and Nearctic elements may be younger (Miocene) than those that led to the east‐west pattern (Paleocene). The Mexican Transition Zone consists of five biogeographic provinces: Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental, Transmexican Volcanic Belt, Sierra Madre del Sur, and Chiapas. Within this transition zone, at least four cenocrons have been identified: Paleoamerican, Nearctic, Montane Mesoamerican, and Tropical Mesoamerican. Future studies should continue refining the identification of cenocrons and the reconstruction of a geobiotic scenario, as well as integrating ecological biogeographic studies, to allow a more complete understanding of the patterns and processes that have caused the biotic complexity of this transition zone.  相似文献   

Aim The Mexican transition zone is a complex area where Neotropical and Nearctic biotic elements overlap. A previous study on mammal species has shown a great diversification in the area. We analyse the diversification of their flea species (Insecta: Siphonaptera), in order to determine if a diversification similar to their mammal host species has occurred. Location The area analysed corresponds to Mexico. Methods The panbiogeographical or track analysis was based on the comparison of the individual tracks of 112 species belonging to 48 genera and eight families of the order Siphonaptera. Generalized tracks were obtained based on the comparison of the individual tracks. Nodes were found in the areas where generalized tracks overlapped. Results Thirty‐four generalized tracks were obtained, distributed within the Mexican transition zone (20), the Nearctic region plus the Mexican transition zone (8), the Nearctic region (4) and the Neotropical region plus the Mexican transition zone (2). In the areas where they intersected, 26 nodes were identified: 23 in the Mexican transition zone and 3 in the Nearctic region. Main conclusions The nodes are concentrated in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (14), Sierra Madre Oriental (5) and Sierra Madre del Sur (4) provinces of the Mexican transition zone. These results show a significant diversification of the flea taxa, in parallel with the diversification of their mammal hosts.  相似文献   

Mt. Malindang is one of the upland ranges where biodiversity has been severely threatened due to forest loss. Fieldwork was conducted from October 2003 to December 2004 in 14 sampling sites from an elevation of 120 to over 1,700 m above sea level to assess the distribution of endemic and threatened herpetofaunal species. Twenty-six species of amphibians and 33 species of reptiles were observed for all sampling sites. The level of endemism for amphibians was 42% where 7 of the 11 recorded species are found only in Mindanao. Nine species were in the threatened category, 8 vulnerable and 1 endangered. For the reptiles, 48% endemicity was observed. No threatened species was found. Field observations show that the major threat to the herpetofauna is habitat destruction, particularly the conversion of the forest to agricultural farms by the local people. It was also observed that endemic and threatened species were distributed in high elevation sites (submontane, dipterocarp, almaciga, and montane forests). Despite habitat loss in Mt. Malindang, 18% of the recorded herpetofaunal species recorded in the Philippines were found in Mt. Malindang, indicating the conservation importance of this mountain range.  相似文献   

We present an annotated checklist for a total 241 reptiles and 22 amphibians including 5 frogs, 9 toads, 7 newts and salamanders, 1 crocodile, 1 worm lizard, 148 lizards, 79 snakes and 12 turtles and tortoises, includes the most scientific literature up to August 2014 and also based on several field surveys conducted in different Provinces of Iran from 2009 to 2014. We present an up-to-dated checklist of reptiles and amphibians in Iran. We provide a comprehensive listing of taxonomy, names, distribution and conservation status of all amphibians and reptiles of Iran. This checklist includes all recognized named taxa, English names for classes, orders, families, species, subspecies along with Persian names for species, including indication of native and introduced species. For the first time we report two non-native introduced reptiles from natural habitats of Iran. Of the total 22 species of amphibians in Iran, 6(27.2%) are endemic and of the total 241 species of reptiles, 55(22.8%) are endemic. Of the 22 amphibians species in Iran, 3(13%) are Critically Endangered, 2(9%) are Vulnerable and of the 241 reptile species 3(1.2%) are Critically Endangered, 4(1.6%) are Endangered and 10(4.1%) are Vulnerable. Accordingly, this paper combines significant aspects of taxonomy, common names, conservation status and distribution of the Iranian herpetofauna.  相似文献   

We live-captured lizards on islands in the Gulf of California and the Baja California peninsula mainland, and compared their ability to escape predation. Contrary to expectations, endemic lizard species from uninhabited islands fled from humans earlier and more efficiently than those from peninsular mainland areas. In fact, 58.2% (n=146) of the lizards we tried to capture on the various islands escaped successfully, while this percentage was only 14.4% (n=160) on the peninsular mainland. Separate evidence (e.g., proportion of regenerated tails, low human population at the collection areas, etc.) challenges several potential explanations for the higher antipredatory efficiency of insular lizards (e.g., more predation pressure on islands, habituation to humans on the peninsula, etc.). Instead, we suggest that the ability of insular lizards to avoid predators may be related to harvesting by humans, perhaps due to the value of endemic species as rare taxonomic entities. If this hypothesis is correct, predation-related behavioral changes in rare species could provide early warning signals of their over-exploitation, thus encouraging the adoption of conservation measures.  相似文献   

1. Differences in body size between mainland and island populations have been reported for reptiles, birds and mammals. Despite widespread recognition of insular shifts in body size in these taxa, there have been no reports of such body size shifts in amphibians. 2. We provide the first evidence of an insular shift in body size for an amphibian species, the rice frog Rana limnocharis. We found significant increases in body size of rice frogs on most sampled islands in the Zhoushan archipelago when compared with neighbouring mainland China. 3. Large body size in rice frogs on islands was significantly related to increased population density, in both breeding and non-breeding seasons. Increases in rice frog density were significantly related to higher resource availability on islands. Increased resource availability on islands has led to higher carrying capacities, which has subsequently facilitated higher densities and individual growth rates, resulting in larger body size in rice frogs. We also suggest that large body size has evolved on islands, as larger individuals are competitively superior under conditions of harsh intraspecific competition at high densities. 4. Increases in body size in rice frogs were not related to several factors that have been implicated previously in insular shifts in body size in other taxa. We found no significant relationships between body size of rice frogs and prey size, number of larger or smaller frog species, island area or distance of islands from the mainland. 5. Our findings contribute to the formation of a broad, repeatable ecological generality for insular shifts in body size across a range of terrestrial vertebrate taxa, and provide support for recent theoretical work concerning the importance of resource availability for insular shifts in body size.  相似文献   

Area, isolation and body size evolution in insular carnivores   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Body sizes of insular mammals often differ strikingly from those of their mainland conspecifics. Small islands have reduced numbers of competitor and predator species, and more limited resources. Such reductions are believed to select for predictable changes in body sizes, with large mammals growing progressively smaller as island area decreases, while small ones grow progressively larger. Medium-sized mammals are thought to be largest on intermediate-sized islands. Increased isolation is seen as promoting insular gigantism. We searched for such patterns using a large database of insular carnivore specimens. Neither small nor large carnivores show a consistent area/body size relationship. Medium-sized carnivores are no more likely to attain large size on medium-sized islands then they are to be small there. We found no consistent patterns of body size variation in relation to isolation.  相似文献   

Island disharmony refers to the biased representation of higher taxa on islands compared to their mainland source regions and represents a central concept in island biology. Here, we develop a generalizable framework for approximating these source regions and conduct the first global assessment of island disharmony and its underlying drivers. We compiled vascular plant species lists for 178 oceanic islands and 735 mainland regions. Using mainland data only, we modelled species turnover as a function of environmental and geographic distance and predicted the proportion of shared species between each island and mainland region. We then quantified the over‐ or under‐representation of families on individual islands (representational disharmony) by contrasting the observed number of species against a null model of random colonization from the mainland source pool, and analysed the effects of six family‐level functional traits on the resulting measure. Furthermore, we aggregated the values of representational disharmony per island to characterize overall taxonomic bias of a given flora (compositional disharmony), and analysed this second measure as a function of four island biogeographical variables. Our results indicate considerable variation in representational disharmony both within and among plant families. Examples of generally over‐represented families include Urticaceae, Convolvulaceae and almost all pteridophyte families. Other families such as Asteraceae and Orchidaceae were generally under‐represented, with local peaks of over‐representation in known radiation hotspots. Abiotic pollination and a lack of dispersal specialization were most strongly associated with an insular over‐representation of families, whereas other family‐level traits showed minor effects. With respect to compositional disharmony, large, high‐elevation islands tended to have the most disharmonic floras. Our results provide important insights into the taxon‐ and island‐specific drivers of disharmony. The proposed framework allows overcoming the limitations of previous approaches and provides a quantitative basis for incorporating functional and phylogenetic approaches into future studies of island disharmony.  相似文献   

Patterns of species-richness and endemism in the Gulf of Guinea reflect the region's biogeographic history. Bioko is a continental-shelf island that was recently connected to the African mainland, whereas Príncipe, São Tomé and Annobón are truly oceanic and have never been connected with each other or with the mainland. As a result, Bioko supports a much more diverse flora and fauna but with relatively low levels of endemism at the species level, whereas the oceanic islands are relatively depauperate because of their isolation but rich in endemic taxa. Species endemism is 0–3% on Bioko for angiosperms, bats, birds, reptiles and amphibians, compared with much higher values on Principe for these same taxa of 8% (plants) to 100% (amphibians), on São Tomé between 14% (plants) and 100% (amphibians), and on Annobón 0% (bats) to 71% (reptiles). On a global scale, for their size both Príncipe and São Tomé support unusually high numbers of single-island endemic species of birds, reptiles and amphibia. For its tiny size, Annobón is also notable for its endemic birds and reptiles. Among terrestrial molluscs the rates of endemism are in general higher than for plants and vertebrates, from ca 50% on Bioko to ca 80% on the oceanic islands. In contrast and as might be expected, only Bioko supports a rich freshwater fish fauna and it contains many endemic taxa, whereas the oceanic islands support only a few salt-tolerant species. The Gulf of Guinea islands are also important for their marine organisms, amongst which coral reef fish and marginellid molluscs show high levels of endemism, though they are not especially species-rich. The Gulf of Guinea islands are of great interest to conservationists and evolutionary biologists. Each island, of greatly differing size and degree of isolation, has acquired its unique sub-set of plants and animals separately from the neighbouring mainland, followed by adaptive radiations in situ. For this reason the conservation value of the archipelago as a whole is greater than the sum of the biodiversity contained in its individual islands. Conservation initiatives in the Gulf of Guinea should therefore ensure that representative terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats and groups of organisms are targeted in a co-ordinated manner among the islands.  相似文献   

The boundary between the Nearctic and Neotropical regions has been delineated using different approaches, methods and taxa. Using a panbiogeographical approach, identification of nodes can help understand the dynamics and evolution of the boundary. We analysed the distribution patterns of 46 Mexican land mammal species belonging to the Nearctic biotic component and delineated generalized tracks and nodes, in order to determine the southernmost boundary of the Nearctic region in Mexico. We found six generalized tracks and nine nodes; the latter located largely in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Transmexican Volcanic Belt, Sierra Madre del Sur and Chiapas biogeographical provinces. The highlands of Chiapas were found to represent the southernmost area inhabited by Nearctic taxa. The other biogeographical provinces, together with the Sierra Madre Occidental and Balsas Basin provinces, represent the Mexican transition zone in the strict sense. Instead of a classic static boundary, this transition zone represents an evolutionarily 'active' zone, where several speciation events have taken place in the past.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 327–339.  相似文献   

We studied the non-marine reptile and amphibian species of the volcanic Comoro archipelago in the Western Indian Ocean, a poorly known island herpetofauna comprising numerous microendemic species of potentially high extinction risk and widespread, non-endemic and often invasive taxa. According to our data, the Comoro islands are inhabited by two amphibian species and at least 28 species of reptiles although ongoing genetic studies and unconfirmed historical records suggest an even higher species diversity. 14 of the 28 currently recognized species of terrestrial reptiles (50%) and the two amphibians are endemic to a single island or to the Comoro archipelago. The majority of species are most abundant at low elevation. However, a few endemic species, like the gekkonid lizards Paroedura sanctijohannis and Phelsuma nigristriata, are more common in or even confined to higher altitudes. We created habitat maps from remotely sensed data in combination with detailed species distribution maps produced using comprehensive data from field surveys between 2000 and 2010, literature, and historical locality records based on specimens in zoological collections. Using these data, we assessed the conservation status of the endemic terrestrial reptiles and amphibians according to the IUCN Red List criteria. Our results show that although little area of natural forest remains on the Comoros, many species are abundant in degraded forest or plantations. Competition and predation by invasive species appears to be the most important threat factor for the endemic herpetofauna, together with habitat degradation and destruction, which further favours invasive species. We propose the status Endangered for three species, Vulnerable for one species, Near Threatened for six species, Least Concern for four and Data Deficient for two species. The endemic subspecies Oplurus cuvieri comorensis is proposed for the status Critically Endangered. Based on the results of this study, seven areas of importance for reptile and amphibian conservation on the Comoros are identified. This study shows how remote sensing data can contribute to increasing accuracy and objectiveness of conservation assessments.  相似文献   

Endemic Seed Plant Species from Hainan Island: A Checklist   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global conservation of plant biodiversity on tropical islands is a major priority, as approximately one third of all endangered plant species are insular endemics. Checklists can be an important first step in determining conservation priorities on islands. Hainan, the largest island in the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot, and therefore an international focus for conservation, has the most extensive and best preserved tropical forests in China. In this study we enumerate the endemic seed plants of Hainan Island. The checklist was prepared by consulting: (1) several bibliographic/taxonomic data base resources, (2) relevant taxonomic treatments and floras, and (3) plant taxonomists who are actively working with Chinese plants. The checklist also contains information concerning conservation status, the occurrence of Hainan endemics in four protected areas on the island, and available molecular phylogenies. An additional checklist of the species that were until recently thought to be endemic to Hainan, but are no longer considered to be, is also presented. In a separate paper in this issue of Botanical Review the patterns of endemism on Hainan Island are discussed.  相似文献   

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