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Abstract The helicopter and net gun is a technique used to capture white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and is useful in a variety of habitat types and at various population densities with the ability to be highly selective. During capture, deer may sustain injuries or even die as a result of capture and handling, and may also be prone to capture myopathy. Therefore, our objectives were to determine 1) type and frequency of injuries sustained during the helicopter and net-gun capture, and 2) the effects of capture on survival of radiocollared deer. We captured 3,350 white-tailed deer from 1998 to 2005 using a net gun fired from a helicopter on 5 southern Texas, USA, ranches. Additionally, we captured 51 yearling males and 49 mature (≥4 yr of age) males and fitted them with radiocollars to monitor their survival. We recorded injuries and mortalities during capture and ranked the seriousness of injuries on a scale from 0 to 4. We recorded 281 injuries (8.4%) and as a result of capture, at least 206 deer had broken antlers (6.1%), 55 were injured (1.6%), and 20 were direct mortalities (0.6%). The most common antler injury was broken antler tines and the most common body injury was broken legs. Postcapture mortality rates were low (1%) for this capture method. Based on capture-related injuries, mortalities, and postcapture survival, we found the helicopter and net gun to be a safe capture technique compared to other capture techniques, particularly when conditions are favorable.  相似文献   

Adult sex ratio and fecundity (juveniles per female) are key population parameters in sustainable wildlife management, but inferring these requires abundance estimates of at least three age/sex classes of the population (male and female adults and juveniles). Prior to harvest, we used an array of 36 wildlife camera traps during 2 and 3 weeks in the early autumn of 2016 and 2017, respectively. We recorded white‐tailed deer adult males, adult females, and fawns from the pictures. Simultaneously, we collected fecal DNA (fDNA) from 92 20 m × 20 m plots placed in 23 clusters of four plots between the camera traps. We identified individuals from fDNA samples with microsatellite markers and estimated the total sex ratio and population density using spatial capture–recapture (SCR). The fDNA‐SCR analysis concluded equal sex ratio in the first year and female bias in the second year, and no difference in space use between sexes (fawns and adults combined). Camera information was analyzed in a spatial capture (SC) framework assuming an informative prior for animals’ space use, either (a) as estimated by fDNA‐SCR (same for all age/sex classes), (b) as assumed from the literature (space use of adult males larger than adult females and fawns), or (c) by inferring adult male space use from individually identified males from the camera pictures. These various SC approaches produced plausible inferences on fecundity, but also inferred total density to be lower than the estimate provided by fDNA‐SCR in one of the study years. SC approaches where adult male and female were allowed to differ in their space use suggested the population had a female‐biased adult sex ratio. In conclusion, SC approaches allowed estimating the preharvest population parameters of interest and provided conservative density estimates.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol‐specific phospholipase D1 (GPLD1) hydrolyzes inositol phosphate linkages in proteins anchored to the cell membrane. Mice overexpressing GPLD1 show enhanced neurogenesis and cognition. Snell dwarf (DW) and growth hormone receptor knockout (GKO) mice show delays in age‐dependent cognitive decline. We hypothesized that augmented GPLD1 might contribute to retained cognitive function in these mice. We report that DW and GKO show higher GPLD1 levels in the liver and plasma. These mice also have elevated levels of hippocampal brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and of doublecortin (DCX), suggesting a mechanism for maintenance of cognitive function at older ages. GPLD1 was not increased in the hippocampus of DW or GKO mice, suggesting that plasma GPLD1 increases elevated these brain proteins. Alteration of the liver and plasma GPLD1 was unaltered in mice with liver‐specific GHR deletion, suggesting that the GH effect was not intrinsic to the liver. GPLD1 was also induced by caloric restriction and by each of four drugs that extend lifespan. The proteome of DW and GKO mice is molded by selective translation of mRNAs, involving cap‐independent translation (CIT) of mRNAs marked by N6 methyladenosine. Because GPLD1 protein increases were independent of the mRNA level, we tested the idea that GPLD1 might be regulated by CIT. 4EGI‐1, which enhances CIT, increased GPLD1 protein without changes in GPLD1 mRNA in cultured fibroblasts and mice. Furthermore, transgenic overexpression of YTHDF1, which promotes CIT by reading m6A signals, also led to increased GPLD1 protein, showing that elevation of GPLD1 reflects selective mRNA translation.  相似文献   

To identify prostate cancer (PCa) patients with a high risk of recurrence is critical before delivering adjuvant treatment. We developed a classifier based on the Enzalutamide treatment resistance‐related genes to assist the currently available staging system in predicting the recurrence‐free survival (RFS) prognosis of PCa patients. We overlapped the DEGs from two datasets to obtain a more convincing Enzalutamide‐resistance‐related‐gene (ERRG) cluster. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier obtained good predictive values in both the training and validation cohorts. The classifier precisely predicted RFS of patients in four cohorts, independent of patient age, pathological tumour stage, Gleason score and PSA levels. The classifier and the clinicopathological factors were combined to construct a nomogram, which had an increased predictive accuracy than that of each variable alone. Besides, we also compared the differences between high‐ and low‐risk subgroups and found their differences were enriched in cancer progression‐related pathways. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier is a practical and reliable predictor, which adds value to the existing staging system for predicting the RFS prognosis of PCa after radical prostatectomy, enabling physicians to make more informed treatment decisions concerning adjuvant therapy.  相似文献   

Adverse conditions during early life can cause lasting body size deficits with effects on social and sexual competition, while an accelerated growth response can allow animals to catch up in body size but can be physiologically costly as well. How animals balance growth deficits and growth compensation is predicted to depend on the effects of each on lifetime fitness. We investigated the effects of experimental early‐life food restriction on growth, body condition, and adult contest competition in a cichlid fish (Tropheus sp.). Their longevity and aseasonal breeding suggest that, with view on lifetime reproductive success, temporarily growth‐restricted Tropheus should rather invest extra time in reaching competitive body size than risk the potential costs of accelerated growth. However, size‐selective predation pressure by gape size‐limited piscivores may have favored the evolution of an accelerated growth response to early‐life delays. Experimentally food‐restricted fish temporarily reduced their growth rate compared to a control group, but maintained their body condition factor at the control level throughout the 80‐week study period. There was no evidence for an accelerated growth response following the treatment, as the food‐restricted fish never exceeded the size‐specific growth rates that were measured in the control group. Food‐restricted fish caught up with the body size of the control group several months after the end of the treatment period and were as likely as control fish to win size‐matched contests over territories. Regardless of feeding regime, there were sex‐specific differences in growth rates and in the trajectories of condition factors over time. Females grew more slowly than males but maintained their condition factors at a high level throughout the study period, whereas the males'' condition factors declined over time. These differences may reflect sex‐specific contributions of condition and body size to adult fitness that are associated with female mouthbrooding and male competition for breeding territories.  相似文献   

According to current evidence and guidelines, continued antipsychotic treatment is key for preventing relapse in people with schizophrenia‐spectrum disorders, but evidence‐based recommendations for the choice of the individual antipsychotic for maintenance treatment are lacking. Although oral antipsychotics are often prescribed first line for practical reasons, long‐acting injectable antipsychotics (LAIs) are a valuable resource to tackle adherence issues since the earliest phase of disease. Medline, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CENTRAL and CINAHL databases and online registers were searched to identify randomized controlled trials comparing LAIs or oral antipsychotics head‐to‐head or against placebo, published until June 2021. Relative risks and standardized mean differences were pooled using random‐effects pairwise and network meta‐analysis. The primary outcomes were relapse and dropout due to adverse events. We used the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool to assess study quality, and the CINeMA approach to assess the confidence of pooled estimates. Of 100 eligible trials, 92 (N=22,645) provided usable data for meta‐analyses. Regarding relapse prevention, the vast majority of the 31 included treatments outperformed placebo. Compared to placebo, “high” confidence in the results was found for (in descending order of effect magnitude) amisulpride‐oral (OS), olanzapine‐OS, aripiprazole‐LAI, olanzapine‐LAI, aripiprazole‐OS, paliperidone‐OS, and ziprasidone‐OS. “Moderate” confidence in the results was found for paliperidone‐LAI 1‐monthly, iloperidone‐OS, fluphenazine‐OS, brexpiprazole‐OS, paliperidone‐LAI 1‐monthly, asenapine‐OS, haloperidol‐OS, quetiapine‐OS, cariprazine‐OS, and lurasidone‐OS. Regarding tolerability, none of the antipsychotics was significantly worse than placebo, but confidence was poor, with only aripiprazole (both LAI and OS) showing “moderate” confidence levels. Based on these findings, olanzapine, aripiprazole and paliperidone are the best choices for the maintenance treatment of schizophrenia‐spectrum disorders, considering that both LAI and oral formulations of these antipsychotics are among the best‐performing treatments and have the highest confidence of evidence for relapse prevention. This finding is of particular relevance for low‐ and middle‐income countries and constrained‐resource settings, where few medications may be selected. Results from this network meta‐analysis can inform clinical guidelines and national and international drug regulation policies.  相似文献   

The effects of psychotherapies for depression have been examined in several hundreds of randomized trials, but no recent network meta‐analysis (NMA) has integrated the results of these studies. We conducted an NMA of trials comparing cognitive behavioural, interpersonal, psychodynamic, problem‐solving, behavioural activation, life‐review and “third wave” therapies and non‐directive supportive counseling with each other and with care‐as‐usual, waiting list and pill placebo control conditions. Response (50% reduction in symptoms) was the primary outcome, but we also assessed remission, standardized mean difference, and acceptability (all‐cause dropout rate). Random‐effects pairwise and network meta‐analyses were conducted on 331 randomized trials with 34,285 patients. All therapies were more efficacious than care‐as‐usual and waiting list control conditions, and all therapies – except non‐directive supportive counseling and psychodynamic therapy – were more efficacious than pill placebo. Standardized mean differences compared with care‐as‐usual ranged from –0.81 for life‐review therapy to –0.32 for non‐directive supportive counseling. Individual psychotherapies did not differ significantly from each other, with the only exception of non‐directive supportive counseling, which was less efficacious than all other therapies. The results were similar when only studies with low risk of bias were included. Most therapies still had significant effects at 12‐month follow‐up compared to care‐as‐usual, and problem‐solving therapy was found to have a somewhat higher long‐term efficacy than some other therapies. No consistent differences in acceptability were found. Our conclusion is that the most important types of psychotherapy are efficacious and acceptable in the acute treatment of adult depression, with few significant differences between them. Patient preference and availability of each treatment type may play a larger role in the choice between types of psychotherapy, although it is possible that a more detailed characterization of patients with a diagnosis of depression may lead to a more precise matching between individual patients and individual psychotherapies.  相似文献   

High‐throughput DNA sequencing technologies make it possible now to sequence entire genomes relatively easily. Complete genomic information obtained by whole‐genome resequencing (WGS) can aid in identifying and delineating species even if they are extremely young, cryptic, or morphologically difficult to discern and closely related. Yet, for taxonomic or conservation biology purposes, WGS can remain cost‐prohibitive, too time‐consuming, and often constitute a “data overkill.” Rapid and reliable identification of species (and populations) that is also cost‐effective is made possible by species‐specific markers that can be discovered by WGS. Based on WGS data, we designed a PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) assay for 19 Neotropical Midas cichlid populations (Amphilophus cf. citrinellus), that includes all 13 described species of this species complex. Our work illustrates that identification of species and populations (i.e., fish from different lakes) can be greatly improved by designing genetic markers using available “high resolution” genomic information. Yet, our work also shows that even in the best‐case scenario, when whole‐genome resequencing information is available, unequivocal assignments remain challenging when species or populations diverged very recently, or gene flow persists. In summary, we provide a comprehensive workflow on how to design RFPL markers based on genome resequencing data, how to test and evaluate their reliability, and discuss the benefits and pitfalls of our approach.  相似文献   

Estimating the prevalence or the absolute probability of the presence of a species from presence‐background data has become a controversial topic in species distribution modelling. In this paper, we propose a new method by combining both statistics and machine learning algorithms that helps overcome some of the known existing problems. We have also revisited the popular but highly controversial Lele and Keim (LK) method by evaluating its performance and assessing the RSPF condition it relies on. Simulations show that the LK method with the RSPF assumptions would render fragile estimation/prediction of the desired probabilities. Rather, we propose the local knowledge condition, which relaxes the predetermined population prevalence condition that has so often been used in much of the existing literature. Simulations demonstrate the performance of the new method utilizing the local knowledge assumption to successfully estimate the probability of presence. The local knowledge extends the local certainty or the prototypical presence location assumption, and has significant implications for demonstrating the necessary condition for identifying absolute (rather than relative) probability of presence from presence background without absence data in species distribution modelling.  相似文献   

Cellular RNA is decorated with over 170 types of chemical modifications. Many modifications in mRNA, including m6A and m5C, have been associated with critical cellular functions under physiological and/or pathological conditions. To understand the biological functions of these modifications, it is vital to identify the regulators that modulate the modification rate. However, a high‐throughput method for unbiased screening of these regulators is so far lacking. Here, we report such a method combining pooled CRISPR screen and reporters with RNA modification readout, termed CRISPR integrated gRNA and reporter sequencing (CIGAR‐seq). Using CIGAR‐seq, we discovered NSUN6 as a novel mRNA m5C methyltransferase. Subsequent mRNA bisulfite sequencing in HAP1 cells without or with NSUN6 and/or NSUN2 knockout showed that NSUN6 and NSUN2 worked on non‐overlapping subsets of mRNA m5C sites and together contributed to almost all the m5C modification in mRNA. Finally, using m1A as an example, we demonstrated that CIGAR‐seq can be easily adapted for identifying regulators of other mRNA modification.  相似文献   

ObjectivesComputational modeling of biological systems is a powerful tool to clarify diverse processes contributing to cancer. The aim is to clarify the complex biochemical and mechanical interactions between cells, the relevance of intracellular signaling pathways in tumor progression and related events to the cancer treatments, which are largely ignored in previous studies.Materials and MethodsA three‐dimensional multiscale cell‐based model is developed, covering multiple time and spatial scales, including intracellular, cellular, and extracellular processes. The model generates a realistic representation of the processes involved from an implementation of the signaling transduction network.ResultsConsidering a benign tumor development, results are in good agreement with the experimental ones, which identify three different phases in tumor growth. Simulating tumor vascular growth, results predict a highly vascularized tumor morphology in a lobulated form, a consequence of cells'' motile behavior. A novel systematic study of chemotherapy intervention, in combination with targeted therapy, is presented to address the capability of the model to evaluate typical clinical protocols. The model also performs a dose comparison study in order to optimize treatment efficacy and surveys the effect of chemotherapy initiation delays and different regimens.ConclusionsResults not only provide detailed insights into tumor progression, but also support suggestions for clinical implementation. This is a major step toward the goal of predicting the effects of not only traditional chemotherapy but also tumor‐targeted therapies.  相似文献   

Estimates of demographic rates for animal populations and individuals have many applications for ecological and conservation research. In many animals, survival is size‐dependent, but estimating the form of the size–survival relationship presents challenges. For elusive species with low recapture rates, individuals’ size will be unknown at many points in time. Integrating growth and capture–mark–recapture models in a Bayesian framework empowers researchers to impute missing size data, with uncertainty, and include size as a covariate of survival, capture probability, and presence on‐site. If there is no theoretical expectation for the shape of the size–survival relationship, spline functions can allow for fitting flexible, data‐driven estimates. We use long‐term capture–mark–recapture data from the endangered San Francisco gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) to fit an integrated growth–survival model. Growth models showed that females reach longer asymptotic lengths than males and that the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism differed among populations. The capture probability and availability of San Francisco gartersnakes for capture increased with snout–vent length. The survival rate of female snakes exhibits a nonlinear relationship with snout–vent length (SVL), with survival flat between 300 mm and 550 mm SVL before decreasing for females between 550 mm and 700 mm SVL. For male snakes, survival decreased for adult males >550 mm SVL. The survival rates of the smallest and largest San Francisco gartersnakes were highly uncertain because recapture rates were very low for these sizes. By integrating growth and survival models and using penalized splines, we found support for size‐dependent survival in San Francisco gartersnakes. Our results have applications for devising management activities for this endangered subspecies, and our methods could be applied broadly to the study of size‐dependent demography among animals.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential melastatin 2 (TRPM2) is a Ca2+‐permeable, nonselective cation channel involved in diverse physiological processes such as immune response, apoptosis, and body temperature sensing. TRPM2 is activated by ADP‐ribose (ADPR) and 2′‐deoxy‐ADPR in a Ca2+‐dependent manner. While two distinct binding sites exist for ADPR that exert different functions dependent on the species, the involvement of either binding site regarding the superagonistic effect of 2′‐deoxy‐ADPR is not clear yet. Here, we report the crystal structure of the MHR1/2 domain of TRPM2 from zebrafish (Danio rerio), and show that both ligands bind to this domain and activate the channel. We identified a so far unrecognized Zn2+‐binding domain that was not resolved in previous cryo‐EM structures and that is conserved in most TRPM channels. In combination with patch clamp experiments we comprehensively characterize the effect of the Zn2+‐binding domain on TRPM2 activation. Our results provide insight into a conserved motif essential for structural integrity and channel activity.  相似文献   

  1. A relationship between winter weather and survival of northern ungulates has long been established, yet the possible roles of biological (e.g., nutritional status) and environmental (e.g., weather) conditions make it important to determine which potential limiting factors are most influential.
  2. Our objective was to examine the potential effects of individual (body mass and age) and extrinsic (winter severity and snowmelt conditions) factors on the magnitude and timing of mortality for adult (>2.5 years old) female white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus [Zimmerman, 1780]) during February–May in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA.
  3. One hundred and fifty deer were captured and monitored during 2009–2015 in two areas with varying snowfall. February–May survival ranged from 0.24 to 0.89 (mean = 0.69) across years. Mortality risk increased 1.9% with each unit increase in cumulative winter severity index, decreased 8.2% with each cumulative snow‐free day, and decreased 4.3% with each kg increase in body mass. Age and weekly snow depth did not influence weekly deer survival. Predation, primarily from coyote (Canis latrans [Say, 1823]) and wolves (Canis lupus [L., 1758]), accounted for 78% of known‐cause mortalities.
  4. Our results suggest that cumulative winter severity, and possibly to a lesser degree deer condition entering winter, impacted deer winter survival. However, the timing of spring snowmelt appeared to be the most influential factor determining late‐winter mortality of deer in our study. This supports the hypothesis that nutrition and energetic demands from weather conditions are both important to northern ungulate winter ecology. Under this model, a delay of several weeks in the timing of spring snowmelt could exert a large influence on deer survival, resulting in a survival bottleneck.

A three-phase partitioning method to separate indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) from a crude plant extract was developed and evaluated. The aqueous phase at pH 2.7 of a methanolic plant extract constituted the 1st phase, from which IAA and ABA were transferred via diethyl ether, the 2nd phase, to a 3rd phase consisting of an alkaline buffer, enclosed in a dialysis tube. Partitioning of the free forms of the two hormones among the three phases in one container were carried out simultaneously and efficiently. The method also proved to be satisfactory when used as a combined step for both extraction and partitioning, at which the plant homogenate in buffer at pH 2.7 constituted the 1st phase. The content of IAA and ABA in kernels of Zea mays and in hypocotyls of Beta vulgaris were tested with the new method. The method presented is reliable and time-saving, and the demand for chemicals is less than for most of the conventional procedures used.  相似文献   

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