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Two thermostable phytases were identified from Thai isolates of Aspergillus japonicus BCC18313 (TR86) and Aspergillus niger BCC18081 (TR170). Both genes of 1404 bp length, coding for putative phytases of 468 amino acid residues, were cloned and transferred into Pichia pastoris . The recombinant phytases, r-PhyA86 and r-PhyA170, were expressed as active extracellular, glycosylated proteins with activities of 140 and 100 U mL−1, respectively. Both recombinant phytases exhibited high affinity for phytate but not for p -nitrophenyl phosphate. Optimal phytase activity was observed at 50 °C and pH 5.5. High thermostability, which is partly dependent on glycosylation, was demonstrated for both enzymes, as >50% activity was retained after heating at 100 °C for 10 min. The recombinant phytases also exhibited broad pH stability from 2.0 to 8.0 and are resistant to pepsin. In vitro digestibility tests suggested that r-PhyA86 and r-PhyA170 are at least as efficient as commercial phytase for hydrolyzing phytate in corn-based animal feed and are therefore suitable sources of phytase supplement.  相似文献   

Adhesion to brain microvascular endothelial cells, which constitute the blood-brain barrier is considered important in Escherichia coli K1 bacterial penetration into the central nervous system. Type 1 fimbriae are known to mediate bacterial interactions with human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC). Here, we demonstrate that type 1 fimbriae, specifically FimH adhesin is not only an adhesive organelle that provides bacteria with a foothold on brain endothelial cells but also triggers signalling events that promote E. coli K1 invasion in HBMEC. This is shown by our demonstrations that exogenous FimH increases cytosolic-free-calcium levels as well as activates RhoA. Using purified recombinant mannose-recognition domain of FimH, we identified a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored receptor, CD48, as a putative HBMEC receptor for FimH. Furthermore, E. coli K1 binding to and invasion of HBMEC were blocked by CD48 antibody. Taken together, these findings indicate that FimH induces host cell signalling cascades that are involved in E. coli K1 invasion of HBMEC and CD48 is a putative HBMEC receptor for FimH.  相似文献   

Microbial penetration of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) into the central nervous system is essential for the development of meningitis. Considerable progress has been achieved in understanding the pathophysiology of meningitis, however, relatively little is known about the early inflammatory events occurring at the time of bacterial crossing of the BBB. We investigated, using real-time quantitative PCR, the expression of the neutrophil chemoattractants alpha-chemokines CXCL1 (Groalpha) and CXCL8 (IL-8), and of the monocyte chemoattractant beta-chemokine CCL2 (MCP-1) by human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) in response to the meningitis-causing E. coli K1 strain RS218 or its isogenic mutants lacking the ability to bind to and invade HBMEC. A nonpathogenic, laboratory E. coli strain HB101 was used as a negative control. CXCL8 was shown to be significantly expressed in HBMEC 4 hours after infection with E. coli K1, while no significant alterations were noted for CXCL1 and CCL2 expression. This upregulation of CXCL8 was induced by E. coli K1 strain RS218 and its derivatives lacking the ability to bind and invade HBMEC, but was not induced by the laboratory strain HB101. In contrast, no upregulation of CXCL8 was observed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) after stimulation with E. coli RS218. These findings indicate that the CXCL8 expression is the result of the specific response of HBMEC to meningitis-causing E. coli K1.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K1 invasion of human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) requires the reorganization of host cytoskeleton at the sites of bacterial entry. Both actin and myosin constitute the cytoskeletal architecture. We have previously shown that myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation by MLC kinase is regulated during E. coli invasion by an upstream kinase, p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1), which is an effector protein of Rac and Cdc42 GTPases, but not of RhoA. Here, we report that the binding of only Rac1 to PAK1 decreases in HBMEC upon infection with E. coli K1, which resulted in increased phosphorylation of MLC. Overexpression of a constitutively active (cAc) form of Rac1 in HBMEC blocked the E. coli invasion significantly, whereas overexpression of a dominant negative form had no effect. Increased PAK1 phosphorylation was observed in HBMEC expressing cAc-Rac1 with a concomitant reduction in the phosphorylation of MLC. Immunocytochemistry studies demonstrated that the inhibition of E. coli invasion into cAc-Rac1/HBMEC is due to lack of phospho-MLC recruitment to the sites of E. coli entry. Taken together the data suggest that E. coli modulates the binding of Rac1, but not Cdc42, to PAK1 during the invasion of HBMEC.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Tat-mediated apoptosis in human brain microvascular endothelial cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is critical for normal brain function. Neuropathological abnormalities in AIDS patients have been associated with perivascular HIV-infected macrophages, gliosis, and abnormalities in the permeability of the BBB. The processes by which HIV causes these pathological conditions are not well understood. To characterize the mechanism by which HIV-1 Tat protein modulates human brain microvascular endothelial cell (HBMEC) functions, we studied the effects of HIV-1 Tat in modulating HBMEC apoptosis and permeability. Treatment of HBMEC with HIV-1 Tat led to Flk-1/KDR and Flt-4 receptor activation and the release of NO. The protein levels of endothelial NO synthase (NOS) and inducible NOS were increased by HIV-1 Tat stimulation. Importantly, HIV-1 Tat caused apoptosis of HBMEC, as evidenced by changes in the cleavage of poly(A)DP-ribose polymerase, DNA laddering, and incorporation of fluorescein into the nicked chromosomal DNA (TUNEL assay). HIV-1 Tat-mediated apoptosis in HBMEC was significantly inhibited in the presence of N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (an inhibitor of NOS) and wortmannin (a phosphoinositol 3-kinase inhibitor). Furthermore, HIV-1 Tat treatment significantly increased HBMEC permeability, and pretreatment with both N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and wortmannin inhibited the Tat-induced permeability. Taken together, these results indicate that dysregulated production of NO by HIV-1 Tat plays a pivotal role in brain endothelial injury, resulting in the irreversible loss of BBB integrity, which may lead to enhanced infiltration of virus-carrying cells across the BBB.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is one of the most important pathogens involved in the development of neonatal meningitis in many parts of the world. Traversal of E. coli across the blood-brain barrier is a crucial event in the pathogenesis of E. coli meningitis. Our previous studies have shown that outer membrane protein A (OmpA) expression is necessary in E. coli for a mechanism involving actin filaments in its passage through the endothelial cells. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) have also been activated in host cells during the process of invasion. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanisms leading to actin filament condensation, we have focused our attention on protein kinase C (PKC), an enzyme central to many signaling events, including actin rearrangement. In the current study, specific PKC inhibitors, bisindolmaleimide and a PKC-inhibitory peptide, inhibited E. coli invasion of human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) by more than 75% in a dose-dependent manner, indicating a significant role played by this enzyme in the invasion process. Our results further showed that OmpA+ E. coli induces significant activation of PKC in HBMEC as measured by the PepTag nonradioactive assay. In addition, we identified that the PKC isoform activated in E. coli invasion is a member of the conventional family of PKC, PKC-alpha, which requires calcium for activation. Immunocytochemical studies have indicated that the activated PKC-alpha is associated with actin condensation beneath the bacterial entry site. Overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of PKC-alpha in HBMEC abolished the E. coli invasion without significant changes in FAK phosphorylation or PI3K activity patterns. In contrast, in HBMEC overexpressing the mutant forms of either FAK or PI3K, E. coli-induced PKC activation was significantly blocked. Furthermore, our studies showed that activation of PKC-alpha induces the translocation of myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate, an actin cross-linking protein and a substrate for PKC-alpha, from the membrane to cytosol. This is the first report of FAK- and PI3K-dependent PKC-alpha activation in bacterial invasion related to cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular pathogens that reside within a membrane-bound vacuole throughout their developmental cycle. In this study, the intraphagosomal pH of Chlamydia pneumoniae ( Cpn ) was qualitatively assessed, and the intracellular fate of the pathogen-containing vacuole and its interaction with endocytic organelles in human epithelial cells were analysed using conventional immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. The pH-sensitive probes acridine orange (AO), LysoTracker (LyT) and DAMP did not accumulate in the bacterial inclusion. In addition, exposure of cells to bafilomycin A1 (BafA1), a potent acidification inhibitor, did not inhibit or delay chlamydial growth. The chlamydial compartment was not accessible to the fluid-phase tracer Texas Red (TR)-dextran and did not exhibit any level of staining for the late endosomal marker cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (Ci-M6PR) or for the lysosomal-associated membrane proteins (LAMP-1 and -2) and CD63. In addition, transferrin receptor (TfR)-enriched vesicles were observed close to Cpn vacuoles, potentially indicating a specific translocation of these organelles through the cytoplasm to the vicinity of the vacuole. We conclude that Cpn , like other chlamydial spp., circumvents the host endocytic pathway and inhabits a non-acidic vacuole, which is dissociated from late endosomes and lysosomes, but selectively accumulates early endosomes.  相似文献   

Hypoxia, a strong inducer for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)/vascular permeable factor (VPF) expression, regulates leukocyte infiltration through the up-regulation of adhesion molecules and chemokine release. To determine whether VEGF/VPF is directly involved in chemokine secretion, we analyzed its effects on chemokine expression in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs) by using a human cytokine cDNA array kit. Cytokine array analysis revealed a significant increase in expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in HBMECs, a result similar to that described previously in other endothelial cells. Interestingly, we also observed that VEGF/VPF induced interleukin-8 (IL-8) expression in HBMECs and that IL-8 mRNA was maximal after 1 h of VEGF/VPF treatment of the cells. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay data and immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that although VEGF/VPF induced IL-8 expression at the translational level in HBMECs, basic fibroblast growth factor failed to induce this protein expression within 12 h. VEGF/VPF increased IL-8 production in HBMECs through activation of nuclear factor-KB via calcium and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways, whereas the ERK pathway was not involved in this process. Supernatants of the VEGF/VPF-treated HBMECs significantly increased neutrophil migration across the HBMEC monolayer compared with those of the untreated control. Furthermore, addition of anti-IL-8 antibody blocked this increased migration, indicating that VEGF/VPF induced the functional expression of IL-8 protein in HBMECs. Taken together, these data demonstrate for the first time that VEGF/VPF induces IL-8 expression in HBMECs and contributes to leukocyte infiltration through the expression of chemokines, such as IL-8, in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental factors (cytokines, matrix components, serum factors and O(2) level) on expression of receptors for angiogenic versus angiostatic CXC chemokines in human microvascular endothelial cells has not been extensively investigated. Our semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma repressed CXCR4 mRNA levels in immortalized human microvascular endothelial HMEC-1 cells after 4 h, whereas only TNF-alpha displayed inhibitory activity in primary human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC). CXCR4 mRNA expression was not affected by VEGF, GM-CSF, IL-1beta or various basal membrane matrix components, but was significantly up-regulated after serum starvation and/or hypoxic treatment of the microvascular endothelial cells. The alternative CXCL12 receptor, CXCR7/RDC1, was also up-regulated by hypoxia in HMEC-1 cells, although less consistently than CXCR4. Furthermore, hypoxia and serum starvation were required for cell surface display of CXCR4 and CXCL12 induction of ERK activation in HMEC-1 cells. In contrast, CXCR2 and CXCR3 mRNA levels remained, respectively, low and undetectable under all the conditions tested, and surface expression of CXCR2, CXCR3 and CXCR7 on the HMEC- 1 cells could not be demonstrated by FACS. In the human SK-MEL-5 melanoma cell line, CXCR4 mRNA expression was also increased under hypoxic conditions, whereas CXCR2 mRNA levels remained low and levels of CXCR3 and CXCR7 were undetectable. However, immunohistochemical staining of human metastatic melanoma sections demonstrated that CXCR2, CXCR3, CXCR4 and CXCR7 are expressed on tumor cells and, to a lesser extent, on endothelial cells. These results demonstrate that the tumor microenvironment regulates chemokine receptor expression through both cytokine and oxygen levels.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K1 invasion of microvascular endothelial cells of human brain (HBMEC) is required for E. coli penetration into the central nervous system, but the microbial-host interactions that are involved in this invasion of HBMEC remain incompletely understood. We have previously shown that FimH, one of the E. coli determinants contributing to the binding to and invasion of HBMEC, induces Ca2+ changes in HBMEC. In the present study, we have investigated in detail the role of cellular calcium signaling in the E. coli K1 invasion of HBMEC, the main constituents of the blood-brain barrier. Addition of the meningitis-causing E. coli K1 strain RS218 (O18:K1) to HBMEC results in transient increases of intracellular free Ca2+. Inhibition of phospholipase C with U-73122 and the chelating of intracellular Ca2+ by BAPTA/AM reduces bacterial invasion of HBMEC by approximately 50%. Blocking of transmembrane Ca2+ fluxes by extracellular lanthanum ions also inhibits the E. coli invasion of HBMEC by approximately 50%. In addition, E. coli K1 invasion is significantly inhibited when HBMEC are pretreated by the calmodulin antagonists, trifluoperazine or calmidazolium, or by ML-7, a specific inhibitor of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent myosin light-chain kinase. These findings indicate that host intracellular Ca2+ signaling contributes in part to E. coli K1 invasion of HBMEC. This work was supported by the American Heart Association (grant SDG 0435177N to Y.K.) and by NIH grants (to K.S.K.).  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces tubular formation of cultured human omental microvascular endothelial (HOME) cells and EGF also stimulates cell migration as well as expression of tissue type plasminogen activator (t-PA). Here we studied the effects of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on cell proliferation, cell migration and expression of t-PA and other related genes. Migration of confluent HOME cells into the denuded space was stimulated by HGF after being wounded with razor blade, but at a reduced rate in comparison with EGF. HOME cells could be proliferated in response to exogenous 100 ng/ml of HGF at rates comparable to that of 20 ng/ml EGF. The chemotactic activity of HOME cells was significantly stimulated by HGF in a dose-dependent manner when assayed by Boyden chamber. HGF did not efficiently enhance expression of both the t-PA gene and a tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase gene whereas it stimulated expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Our present study provides a new evidence that some of the biological effects of HGF on HOME cells in culture are similar to those of EGF.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K1 meningitis is a serious central nervous system disease with unchanged mortality and morbidity rates for last few decades. Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is a cell adhesion molecule involved in leukocyte trafficking toward inflammatory stimuli at the vascular endothelium; however, the effect of E. coli invasion of endothelial cells on the expression of ICAM-1 is not known. We demonstrate here that E. coli K1 invasion of human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) selectively up-regulates the expression of ICAM-1, which occurs only in HBMEC invaded by the bacteria. The interaction of outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of E. coli with its receptor, Ecgp, on HBMEC was critical for the up-regulation of ICAM-1 and was depend on PKC-alpha and PI3-kinase signaling. Of note, the E. coli-induced up-regulation of ICAM-1 was not due to the cytokines secreted by HBMEC upon bacterial infection. Activation of NF-kappaB was required for E. coli mediated expression of ICAM-1, which was significantly inhibited by over-expressing the dominant negative forms of PKC-alpha and p85 subunit of PI3-kinase. The increased expression of ICAM-1 also enhanced the binding of THP-1 cells to HBMEC. Taken together, these data suggest that localized increase in ICAM-1 expression in HBMEC invaded by E. coli requires a novel interaction between OmpA and its receptor, Ecgp.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) is a bioactive prostanoid implicated in the inflammatory processes of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome. This study investigated whether PGE(2) can induce production of interleukin (IL)-8, the major chemokine for neutrophil activation, from human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (HPMVECs). PGE(2) significantly enhanced IL-8 protein production with increases in IL-8 mRNA expression and intracellular cAMP levels. HPMVECs expressed only EP4 receptor mRNA. The PGE(2) effects were mimicked by a selective EP4 receptor agonist, ONO-AE1-329, and inhibited by a selective EP4 receptor antagonist, ONO-AE3-208, or a protein kinase A inhibitor, Rp-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate triethylamine salt. The specific agonist for EP1, EP2, or EP3 receptor did not induce IL-8 production. PGE(2)-induced IL-8 production was accompanied by p38 phosphorylation and was significantly inhibited by a p38 inhibitor, SB-203580, but not by an ERK1/2 inhibitor, U-0126, or a JNK inhibitor, SP-600125. Additionally, PGE(2) increased cyclooxygenase-2 expression with no change in constitutive cyclooxygenase-1 expression, suggesting possible involvement of an autocrine or paracrine manner. In conclusion, PGE(2) enhances IL-8 production via EP4 receptor coupled to G(s) protein in HPMVECs. Activation of the cAMP/protein kinase A pathway, followed by p38 activation, is essential for these mechanisms. Because neutrophils play a critical role in the inflammation of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome, IL-8 released from the pulmonary microvasculature in response to PGE(2) may contribute to pathophysiology of this disease.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K1 traversal of the human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) that constitute the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a complex process involving E. coli adherence to and invasion of HBMEC. In this study, we demonstrated that human transforming growth factor-beta-1 (TGF-beta1) increases E. coli K1 adherence, invasion, and transcytosis in HBMEC. In addition, TGF-beta1 increases RhoA activation and enhances actin condensation in HBMEC. We have previously shown that E. coli K1 invasion of HBMEC requires phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) and RhoA activation. TGF-beta1 increases E. coli K1 invasion in PI3K dominant-negative HBMEC, but not in RhoA dominant-negative HBMEC, indicating that TGF-beta1-mediated increase in E. coli K1 invasion is RhoA-dependent, but not PI3K-dependent. Our findings suggest that TGF-beta1 treatment of HBMEC increases E. coli K1 adherence, invasion, and transcytosis, which are probably dependent on RhoA.  相似文献   

Bartonella henselae, the agent of cat-scratch disease and vasculoproliferative disorders in humans, is a fastidious facultative intracellular pathogen, whose interaction with macrophages and endothelial cells (ECs) is crucial in the pathogenesis of these diseases. However, little is known about the subcellular compartment in which B. henselae resides. Two hours after infection of murine macrophages and human ECs, the majority of B. henselae-containing vacuoles (BCVs) lack typical endocytic marker proteins, fail to acidify, and do not fuse with lysosomes, suggesting that B. henselae resides in a non-endocytic compartment. In contrast to human umbilical vein endothelial cells, bacterial death and lysosomal fusion with BCVs is apparent in J774A.1 macrophages at 24 h. This phenomenon of delayed lysosomal fusion requires bacterial viability, and is confined to the BCV itself. Using magnetic selection, we enriched for transposon-mutagenized B. henselae trapped in lysosomes of macrophages 2 h after infection. Genes affected appear to be relevant to the intracellular lifestyle in macrophages and ECs and include some previously implicated in Bartonella pathogenicity. We conclude that B. henselae has a specific capacity to actively avoid the host endocytic pathway after entry of macrophages and ECs, from within a specialized non-endocytic membrane-bound vacuole.  相似文献   

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