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The total ACh content and AChE activity were determined 1 hr after the i.p. injection of different doses of thiopental sodium (5, 10 and 20 mg/ml/100 g body wt) and barbitone sodium (20, 40 and 80 mg/ml/100 g body wt). The effect of different time intervals (1 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2.5 hr, 5 hr, 8 hr, 12 hr, 24 hr and 48 hr) on the total ACh content and AChE activity was investigated after i.p. injection of 10 mg thiopental sodium and 40 mg barbitone sodium/ml/100 g body wt. Both thiopental sodium and barbitone sodium increased the total ACh content in the brain tissue of Arvicanthis niloticus. Both drugs inhibited the brain AChE activity. It is thought that the increase in the total ACh content in the brain tissue of Arvicanthis niloticus may be due to a decrease in the release of ACh from the neuronal tissue and a decrease in AChE activity.  相似文献   

The quantitative estimation of total dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NE), serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) content in the whole brain tissue of normal Nile grass rat, Arvicanthis niloticus, gives and average of 631 +/- 12 ng DA/g, 366 +/- 12 ng NE/g, 617 +/- 15 ng 5-HT/g and 431 +/- 10 ng 5-HIAA/g fresh brain tissue. The effect of barbitone sodium and thiopental sodium on the total DA, NE, 5-HT and 5-HIAA content in the brain tissue of the Nile grass rat, Arvicanthis niloticus, was studied. The total DA, NE, 5-HT and 5-HIAA contents were determined 5 hr after i.p. injection of different doses of barbitone sodium (20, 40 and 80 mg/ml/100 g body wt) and thiopental sodium (5, 10 and 20 mg/ml/100 g body wt). The effect of different time intervals (1, 10, 30 min, 1, 2.5, 5, 8, 16, 24 and 48 hr) on the total brain DA, NE, 5-HT and 5-HIAA content was investigated after i.p. injection of 40 mg of barbitone sodium and 10 mg of thiopental sodium/ml/100 g body wt. Both barbitone sodium and thiopental sodium caused an increase in DA, NE and 5-HT content and a decrease in 5-HIAA content in the brain tissue of Arvicanthis niloticus. The increase in the whole brain contents of DA, NE and 5-HT after the administration of barbitone sodium and thiopental sodium may be due either to inhibition of transmitter release by an action at the monoamine nerve terminal or to effects causing a decrease in nerve impulse flow. On the other hand, the decrease in 5-HIAA may be due to the decrease in the turnover of 5-HT.  相似文献   

目的:从胆碱系统方面,探讨缺氧耐受形成过程中学习记忆改善的机制.方法:测定小鼠脑内乙酰胆碱和乙酰胆碱酯酶.结果:与1次缺氧组比,4次缺氧组小鼠脑内Ach含量明显降低,AchE活力明显升高(P<0.01).结论:缺氧耐受中学习记忆的改善可能与脑内胆碱系统无关.  相似文献   

Mice were exposed to a single 15-ms or 25-ms pulse of 2,450-MHz microwaves which increased brain temperature by 2 °C or 4 °C, respectively. Immediately after exposure, the mice became hypokinetic but began recovering within 5 minutes. The 25-ms pulse (18.7 j deposited in the brain) caused a significant decrease in acetylcholine content of the whole brain, probably owing to increased permeability of the membrane.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh, 1 microM) stimulates activity of the contractile vacuole of proteus. The effect of ACh is not mimicked by its analogs which are not hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE), i. e., carbacholine and 5-methylfurmethide. The effect of ACh is not sensitive to the blocking action of M-cholinolytics, atropine and mytolone, but is suppressed by N-cholinolytic, tubocurarine. The inhibitors of AChE, eserine (0.01 microM) and armine (0.1 microM), suppress the effect of ACh on amoeba contractile vacuole. ACh does not affect activation of contractile vacuole induced by arginine-vasopressin (1 microM), but it blocks such effect of opiate receptors agonist, dynorphin A1-13 (0.01 microM). This effect of ACh is also suppressed by the inhibitors of AChE. These results suggest that, in the above-described effects of ACh, AChE acts not as an antagonist, but rather as a synergist.  相似文献   

The catecholamine content was quantitated and acetylcholinesterase activity determined in rat brain locally exposed to laser radiation. It was shown that the adrenaline/noradrenaline ratio changed in the tissues under study and the cholinergic system was involved in the abscopal effect of laser radiation.  相似文献   

It is known that day-active Nile grass rats, Arvicanthis niloticus, increase the amount of activity in the night relative to that in the day when provided with running wheels. This was confirmed in the present study. Animals without a wheel displayed 69.0% of their general activity in the L phase of a 12:12 h light-dark cycle; animals provided with wheels had only 48.6% of their wheel revolutions in the light. The contribution of direct (masking) responses to light to the increased nocturnality of animals with wheels was examined in two experiments. In experiment 1, masking was tested by exposing the animals to repeated cycles of 30 min of entraining light and 30 min of a different, usually dimmer light, during the L phase of a 12:12 h light-dark cycle. For animals with wheels, there was more running during the 30-min pulses of dim light or darkness than during the 30-min periods of entraining light. In contrast, for animals without wheels, there was more general activity during the 30-min periods of entraining light than during the 30-min pulses of dim light or darkness. In experiment 2, the animals were first exposed to a 12:12 h light-dark cycle and then put on a 1:10:1:12 h LDLD skeleton photoperiod. Animals with wheels increased their running during the subjective day of the skeleton photoperiod compared to that in the actual day of the 12:12 h light-dark cycle. Animals without wheels showed similar levels of general activity during the subjective day of the skeleton photoperiod and the actual day of the 12:12 h cycle. These experiments demonstrate that when Nile rats have running wheels, their increased nocturnal activity is associated with an increased suppression of locomotion in direct response to light. It is possible that changes in masking responses to light may be an essential and integral component of switching between diurnal and nocturnal activity profiles.  相似文献   

Most mammals show daily rhythms in sleep and wakefulness controlled by the primary circadian pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Regardless of whether a species is diurnal or nocturnal, neural activity in the SCN and expression of the immediate-early gene product Fos increases during the light phase of the cycle. This study investigated daily patterns of Fos expression in brain areas outside the SCN in the diurnal rodent Arvicanthis niloticus. We specifically focused on regions related to sleep and arousal in animals kept on a 12:12-h light-dark cycle and killed at 1 and 5 h after both lights-on and lights-off. The ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO), which contained cells immunopositive for galanin, showed a rhythm in Fos expression with a peak at zeitgeber time (ZT) 17 (with lights-on at ZT 0). Fos expression in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PVT) increased during the morning (ZT 1) but not the evening activity peak of these animals. No rhythm in Fos expression was found in the centromedial thalamic nucleus (CMT), but Fos expression in the CMT and PVT was positively correlated. A rhythm in Fos expression in the ventral tuberomammillary nucleus (VTM) was 180 degrees out of phase with the rhythm in the VLPO. Furthermore, Fos production in histamine-immunoreactive neurons of the VTM cells increased at the light-dark transitions when A. niloticus show peaks of activity. The difference in the timing of the sleep-wake cycle in diurnal and nocturnal mammals may be due to changes in the daily pattern of activity in brain regions important in sleep and wakefulness such as the VLPO and the VTM.  相似文献   

R Shehata 《Acta anatomica》1975,92(4):513-523
A female prostate is reported in Arvicanthis niloticus (field rat) and Meriones libycus for the first time, as a normal, constant and well developed bilateral sex organ.  相似文献   

Exposure to cold caused an increase in AChE activity of the different brain regions of both Arvicanthis and Columbia and a decrease in the enzyme activity of Scincus midbrain. Heat exposure provoked variable changes in AChE activity of the various brain regions of the three experimental species. The changes in AChE activities may be one of the mechanisms by which birds and mammals tend to acclimatize themselves to various forms of stress. In reptiles, AChE activity varied with changes in ambient temperature and this is probably due to the adaptive significance of thermally directed changes in enzyme substrate affinity.  相似文献   

In potassium-depolarized synaptosomes Ca2+ inhibited oxidation of pyruvate (30%) and decreased the level of acetyl-CoA in intrasynaptosomal mitochondria (32%). On the other hand, Ca2+ facilitated provision of acetyl-CoA to synaptoplasm, since under these condition no change of synaptoplasmic acetyl-CoA and twofold stimulation of acetylcholine synthesis were found. However, in Ca2+-activated synaptosomes both synaptoplasmic acetyl-CoA and acetylcholine synthesis were suppressed by 1 mM (–)hydroxycitrate by 27 and 29%, respectively. It was not the case in resting synaptosomes. Dichloroacetate (0.05 mM) partially reversed the inhibitory effect of Ca2+ on pyruvate metabolism in synaptosomes and whole brain mitochondria. In Ca2+-stimulated synaptosomes, the dichloroacetate overcame suppressive effects of (–)hydroxycitrate on the level of synaptoplasmic acetyl-CoA and acetylcholine synthesis, but not on citrate clevage. It is concluded that dichloroacetate may improve the metabolism of acetylcholine in activated cholinergic terminals by increasing the production of acetyl-CoA in mitochondria and increasing its provision through the mitochondrial membrane to synaptoplasm by the transport system, independent of the ATP-citrate lyase pathway.  相似文献   

Experiments in vivo and in vitro on 90 rats were made to study the influence of 1,4-benzodiazepine tranquilizers (phenazepam, nitrazepam and diazepam) on cerebral xanthine oxidase activity. Phenazepam, nitrazepam and diazepam in the dose of 5 mg per 200 g bw were shown to reduce xanthine oxidase activity by 80.4%, 64.3% and 55.8%, respectively 2 h after intraperitoneal injection. 6 h after the injection of benzodiazepines the enzyme activity grows, but control values are achieved only after nitrazepam injection. In vitro experiments revealed direct influence of the tranquilizers on xanthine oxidase. Phenazepam inhibits xanthine oxidase activity in concentration as long as 10(-10) M (to 36.6%), and practically completely in 10(-6) M concentration. Nitrazepam and diazepam inhibit xanthine oxidase activity within concentration range between 10(-8) M (to 51.5% and 33.2%, respectively), and 10(-4) M (practically completely). The inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity is shown to be caused by the competition between hypoxanthine, the reaction substrate, and tranquilizer, to bind with the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The neurotoxic effects of monocrotophos on the brain of the nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) were examined, using a static bioassay under laboratory conditions. By probit analysis the 96 h LC50 value of monocrotophos was 4.9 mg/l. After 96 h exposure to acute levels of monocrotophos, the brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity decreased progressively as the concentration of monocrotophos increased. In addition, four weeks following transfer to toxicant-free water after exposure to 1 mg monocrotophos, nile tilapia fish brain regained 95% of control AChE activity. The results indicate that inhibition of AChE activity in fish exposed to monocrotophos may serve as an indicator of hazard due to application of this chemical in the natural environment.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Robert Balazs.  相似文献   

In a laboratory population of unstriped Nile grass rats, Arvicanthis niloticus, individuals with two distinctly different patterns of wheel-running exist. One is diurnal and the other is relatively nocturnal. In the first experiment, the authors found that these patterns are strongly influenced by parentage and by sex. Specifically, offspring of two nocturnal parents were significantly more likely to express a nocturnal pattern of wheel-running than were offspring of diurnal parents, and more females than males were nocturnal. In the second experiment, the authors found that diurnal and nocturnal wheel-runners were indistinguishable with respect to the timing of postpartum mating, which always occurred in the hours before lights-on. Here they also found that both juvenile and adult A. niloticus exhibited diurnal patterns of general activity when housed without a wheel, even if they exhibited nocturnal activity when housed with a wheel. In the third experiment, the authors discovered that adult female A. niloticus with nocturnal patterns of wheel-running were also nocturnal with respect to general activity and core body temperature when a running wheel was available, but they were diurnal when the running wheel was removed. Finally, a field study revealed that all A. niloticus were almost exclusively diurnal in their natural habitat. Together these results suggest that individuals of this species are fundamentally diurnal but that access to a running wheel shifts some individuals to a nocturnal pattern.  相似文献   

Introduction The genus Arvicanthis (Lesson 1842) (Rodentia: Murinae), usually referred to as the unstriped grass rat, is mainly distributed in savanna and grassland habitats of Sub-Saharan Africa. Among the four chromosomal forms of Arvicanthis recently differentiated in Western and Central Africa, the one with a diploid chromosomal number (2n) of 62 and an autosomal fundamental number (NFa) of 62 or 64 is ascribed to Arvicanthis niloticus (Demarest 1822), while the one with 2n = 62 and a NFa between 74 and 76 is referred to A. ansorgei (Thomas 1910). Despite the broad area of sympatry recently uncovered along the inner delta of the Niger river in Mali [details in Volobouev et al. (2002) Cytogenetics and Genome Research, 96, 250–260], the distribution of the two species is largely parapatric and follows the latitudinal patterns of the West-African biogeographical domains, which are related to the latitudinal patterns of annual rainfall in this region. Here, we analyse the suggestion that the two species show specific adaptations to differences in climate aridity. Methods Karyologically screened animals were sampled in 19 localities in seasonally flooded regions located along the ‘Niger’ river in Mali and extending from 1100 to 200 mm of mean annual rainfall. The analysis of trapping success (TS) data allowed us to investigate the respective effects of climate (i.e. annual rainfall) and local (i.e. duration of the green herbaceous vegetation) aridity on the latitudinal and habitat distribution of the two species. Conclusions The broad zone of sympatry was found to correspond to a northward expansion of the recognized distribution area of A. ansorgei. TS values indicated that the two species responded very differently to climatic and local conditions of aridity. Arvicanthis ansorgei decreased in TS as regional conditions became more arid; a similar trend was also observed within regions where habitat occupancy decreased with local aridity. The higher TS observed in the most humid habitat relative to the others persisted throughout the latitudinal rainfall gradient. In contrast, TS of A. niloticus increased with latitudinal aridity. This species was present in more arid habitats than A. ansorgei from 1000 mm down to 400 mm of mean annual rainfall where a shift to the most humid habitat occurred. These opposite trends in TS distribution between species suggest that A. ansorgei is less adapted than A. niloticus to arid environments at both a regional and habitat level; thus, A. ansorgei would be able to invade dry regions only along the extensive floodplains bordering the inner delta of the ‘Niger’ river. Several biological traits that may be involved in limiting the southward distribution of A. niloticus are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of ovariectomy and estrogen treatment on the brain acetylcholinesterase activity and cognition in rats was investigated in this study. Ovariectomized and nonovariectomized rats were treated subcutaneously with estradiol dipropionate for 8 d. In the single-trial, passive-avoidance test all the groups showed significant learning and retention of memory as evident by the increase in transfer latency time in trial 2 as compared with trial 1. No-transfer response was significantly increased in the estradiol-dipropionate-treated ovariectomized (80%) and nonovariectomized (60%) group as compared with the ovariectomized (30%) group. Specific activity of acetylcholinesterase was assayed spectrophotometrically in salt-soluble and detergent-soluble fractions of various brain areas: frontal cortex, cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus and hypothalamus, thalamus, pons, medulla, and cerebellum. The effect of ovariectomy and estradiol dipropionate was varied in both fractions of these brain areas. Estradiol dipropionate treatment could restore the acetylcholinesterase activity to the control level only in the detergent-soluble fraction of hypothalamus and salt-soluble fraction of hypothalamus, thalamus, and medulla in ovariectomized rats. The results indicate that ovariectomy alters acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain areas but not in a uniform manner and affects only qualitative aspects of cognitive function, which could be improved by estrogen supplementation.  相似文献   

An acetylcholine-selective electrode based on a plasticized polymeric membrane has been developed. The electrode exhibited good selectivity for acetylcholine (ACh) over choline and some common ions, low drift, and a fast response to ACh. The response was linear over an ACh concentration range of 1×10(-6) to 1×10(-3) M with a slope of 59.1±0.1 and a detection limit of 1.5×10(-7)±1.2×10(-8) M. The electrode was used to monitor enzymatic ACh hydrolysis catalyzed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) at different substrate and enzyme concentrations. A kinetic data analysis permitted the determination of the Michaelis-Menten constant of the enzymatic hydrolysis and AChE activity in the range of 2×10(-5) to 3.8×10(-1)U ml(-1).  相似文献   

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