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NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) plays a dominant role in the reduction of the quinone compound 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (duroquinone, DQ) to durohydroquinone (DQH2) on passage through the rat lung. Exposure of adult rats to 85% O2 for > or =7 days stimulates adaptation to the otherwise lethal effects of >95% O2. The objective of this study was to examine whether exposure of adult rats to hyperoxia affected lung NQO1 activity as measured by the rate of DQ reduction on passage through the lung. We measured DQH2 appearance in the venous effluent during DQ infusion at different concentrations into the pulmonary artery of isolated perfused lungs from rats exposed to room air or to 85% O2. We also evaluated the effect of hyperoxia on vascular transit time distribution and measured NQO1 activity and protein in lung homogenate. The results demonstrate that exposure to 85% O2 for 21 days increases lung capacity to reduce DQ to DQH2 and that NQO1 is the dominant DQ reductase in normoxic and hyperoxic lungs. Kinetic analysis revealed that 21-day hyperoxia exposure increased the maximum rate of pulmonary DQ reduction, Vmax, and the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant for DQ reduction, Kma. The increase in Vmax suggests a hyperoxia-induced increase in NQO1 activity of lung cells accessible to DQ from the vascular region, consistent qualitatively but not quantitatively with an increase in lung homogenate NQO1 activity in 21-day hyperoxic lungs. The increase in Kma could be accounted for by approximately 40% increase in vascular transit time heterogeneity in 21-day hyperoxic lungs.  相似文献   

The pulmonary capillaries of neonatal lungs are potentially vulnerable to stress failure because of the complex changes in the pulmonary circulation that occur at birth. We studied the ultrastructure of the blood-gas barrier (BGB) in premature and 1-day-old rabbit lungs and compared it with the ultrastructure of adult lungs. Normal gestation of rabbits is 30 days. After extensive pilot measurements, three premature (27 days gestation) and three newborn (1 day old) rabbit lungs were perfusion-fixed at arterial, venous, and airway pressures of 25, 0, and 10 cmH2O, respectively, and the measurements were compared with those of three adult lungs. The thickness of the capillary endothelium, alveolar epithelium, and interstitium of the BGB was measured at right angles to the barrier at random points. A striking finding was the large number of measurements of the interstitial thickness in 1-day-old lungs that were very thin (0-0.1 microm). The percentages of occurrence of very thin interstitium in premature, 1-day-old, and adult lungs were 35.3 +/- 9.4, 71.7 +/- 5.2, and 43.0 +/- 2.6, respectively (P < 0.02 for 1 day old vs. premature and adult). Given the previously found relationship between stress failure and interstitial thickness, this large proportion of very thin interstitial layers in the capillaries of 1-day-old lungs is a reasonable explanation for their previously demonstrated vulnerability to stress failure.  相似文献   

The pulmonary blood-gas barrier is an extraordinary structure because of its extreme thinness, immense strength, and enormous area. The essential components of the barrier were determined early in evolution and have been highly conserved. For example, the barriers of the African, Australian, and South American lungfish that date from as much as 400 million years ago have essentially the same structure as in the modern mammal or bird. In the evolution of vertebrates from bony fishes through amphibia, reptiles, and ultimately mammals and birds, changes in the pulmonary circulation occurred to limit the stresses in the blood-gas barrier. Only in mammals and birds is there a complete separation of the pulmonary and systemic circulations, which is essential to protect the extremely thin barrier from the necessary high-vascular pressures. To provide the blood-gas barrier with its required strength, evolution has exploited the high ultimate tensile strength of type IV collagen in basement membrane. Nevertheless, stress failure of the barrier occurs under physiological conditions in galloping Thoroughbred racehorses and also apparently in elite human athletes at maximal exercise. The human blood-gas barrier maintains its integrity during all but the most extreme physiological conditions. However, many pathological conditions cause stress failure. The structure of the blood-gas barrier is apparently continually regulated in response to wall stress, and this regulation is essential to maintain the extreme thinness but adequate strength. The mechanisms of this regulation remain to be elucidated and constitute one of the fundamental problems in lung biology.  相似文献   

Stop-flow studies were used to characterize solute uptake inisolated rat lungs. These lungs were perfused at 8 or 34 ml/min for10-28 s with solutions containing125I-albumin and two or more ofthe following diffusible indicators: [3H]mannitol,[14C]urea,3HOH,201Tl+,or86Rb+.After this loading period, flow was stopped for 10-300 s and thenresumed to flush out the perfusate that remained in the pulmonary vasculature during the stop interval. Concentrations of201Tl+and86Rb+in the venous outflow decreased after the stop interval, indicating uptake from exchange vessels during the stop interval. The amount ofthese K+ analogs lost from thecirculation during the stop interval was greater when the intervalswere longer. However, losses of201Tl+at 90 s approached those at 300 s. Because extraction continued afterthe vasculature had been flushed, vascular levels had presumably fallento negligible levels during the stop interval. By 90 s of stop flow thevascular volume that was cleared of201Tl+averaged 0.657 ± 0.034 (SE) ml in the experiments perfused at 8 ml/min and 0.629 ± 0.108 ml in those perfused at 34 ml/min. Increases in perfusate K+decreased the cleared volumes of201Tl+and86Rb+.Uptake of[3H]mannitol,[14C]urea, and3HOH during the stop intervals wasobserved only when the lungs were loaded at high flow for shortintervals. Decreases in201Tl+and86Rb+concentrations in the pulmonary outflow can be used to identify thefraction of the collected samples that were within exchange vessels ofthe lung during the stop interval and may help determine thedistribution of solute and water exchange along the pulmonary vasculature.


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of maximal exercise on the integrity of the alveolar epithelial membrane using the clearance rate of aerosolized 99mTc-labeled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid as an index for the permeability of the lung blood-gas barrier. Ten elite rowers (24.3 +/- 4.6 yr of age) completed two 20-min pulmonary clearance measurements immediately after and 2 h after 6 min of all-out rowing (initial and late, respectively). All subjects participated in resting control measurements on a separate day. For each 20-min measurement, lung clearance was calculated for 0-7 and 10-20 min. Furthermore, scintigrams were processed from the initial and late measurements of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid clearance. Compared with control levels, the pulmonary clearance measurement after rowing was increased from 1.2 +/- 0.5 to 2.4 +/- 1.0%/min (SD) at 0-7 min (P < 0.01) and from 0.8 +/- 0.3 to 1.5 +/- 0.4%/min at 10-20 min (P < 0.0005), returning to resting levels within 2 h. In 6 of 10 subjects, ventilation distribution on the lung scintigrams was inhomogeneous at the initial measurement. The study demonstrates an acute increased pulmonary clearance after maximal rowing. The ventilation defects identified on the lung scintigrams may represent transient interstitial edema secondary to increased blood-gas barrier permeability induced by mechanical stress.  相似文献   

Potassium fluxes across the blood-brain barrier of the cockroach Periplaneta americana were measured using the scanning ion-selective microelectrode technique. In salines containing 15 mM or 25 mM K+, an efflux of K+ from the ganglia of isolated nerve cords was counterbalanced by an influx across the connectives. Metabolic inhibition with CN resulted in an increase in K+ efflux across both the ganglia and the connectives. Depletion of K+ by chilling the nerve cords in K+-free saline was associated with subsequent K+ influx across the connectives in K+-replete saline at room temperature. There were dramatic increases in K+ efflux across both ganglia and connectives when the nerve cords were exposed to the pore-forming antibiotic amphotericin B. K+ fluxes across the ventral nerve cord were also altered when paracellular leakage was augmented by transient exposure to 3 M urea. K+ efflux was reduced by the K+ channel blockers Ba2+ and tetraethylammonium or by exposure to Ca2+-free saline and K+ efflux from the ganglia was increased by addition of ouabain to the bathing saline. The results provide direct support for a model proposing that K+ is cycled through a current loop between the ganglia and the connectives and that both the Na+/K+-ATPase and K+ channels are implicated in extracellular K+ homeostasis within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

A time-series analysis of airborne photographs and Landsat thematic mapper (TM and ETM+) images and hydrochemical data were used to examine the effects of land-use change from 1930 to 2001 on solute inputs to Lake Calado, a floodplain lake in the central Amazon. Deforestation from slash-and-burn agricultural activities has dramatically decreased the amount of primary growth upland and flooded forests in the basin. The increasing area that is converted to agricultural plots and pasture in the Lake Calado basin has increased solute loading to the lake from upland tributaries (storm and base flow), bank seepage and overland flow, and decreased throughfall inputs. Whereas solute concentrations in stream water were generally higher in 1992 than 1930, Na+ and Cl concentrations were also considerably higher in 2001 than 1992, likely because of an increase in the number of humans and cattle in the watershed. Estimates of solute inputs to Lake Calado via throughfall indicate that the mass transfer of some major solutes in the throughfall of undisturbed flooded forests can be larger than that from a combination of all other sources in areas that do not have a strong influence from the Solimões River. Chemical gains in rain as it passed through the forest canopy occurred for most major ions and relatively large gains were observed for and Ca2+. Although often neglected in studies of tropical forest ecosystems, throughfall can be an important source of solutes to relatively undisturbed lake environments in the central Amazon.  相似文献   

The usual method of tracer analysis for calculating the flow across a biological membrance is based on the assumption that the compartments on either side are well-stirred. Thus, the validity of the rate of flow determination is questionable for cases where the distribution of tracer is not homogeneous. In this study, a mathematical model is developed for the purpose of estimating the effect of slow mixing on the calculation of the flow rate. The model is applied to the measurement of the rate of flow of aqueous humor through the living eye by use of a fluorescent dye as a tracer. A transit time of several minutes for the passage of fluorescein through the posterior chamber and an extended period of nonuniform distribution of fluorescein in the anterior chamber was observed. The effect of slow mixing on the calculated flow rate is compared to rates derived from equations based on the assumption of rapid mixing. Aqueous flow rates determined by the two methods were found to agree to within ≈20%.  相似文献   

The gas exchanging region in the avian lung, although proportionally smaller than that of the mammalian lung, efficiently manages respiration to meet the high energetic requirements of flapping flight. Gas exchange in the bird lung is enhanced, in part, by an extremely thin blood-gas barrier (BGB). We measured the arithmetic mean thickness of the different components (endothelium, interstitium, and epithelium) of the BGB in the domestic chicken lung and compared the results with three mammals. Morphometric analysis showed that the total BGB of the chicken lung was significantly thinner than that of the rabbit, dog, and horse (54, 66, and 70% thinner, respectively) and that all layers of the BGB were significantly thinner in the chicken compared with the mammals. The interstitial layer was strikingly thin in the chicken lung ( approximately 86% thinner than the dog and horse, and 75% thinner than rabbit) which is a paradox because the strength of the BGB is believed to come from the interstitium. In addition, the thickness of the interstitium was remarkably uniform, unlike the mammalian interstitium. The uniformity of the interstitial layer in the chicken is attributable to a lack of the supportive type I collagen cable that is found in mammalian alveolar lungs. We propose that the surrounding air capillaries provide additional structural support for the pulmonary capillaries in the bird lung, thus allowing the barrier to be both very thin and extremely uniform. The net result is to improve gas exchanging efficiency.  相似文献   

Prenatal ethanol exposure increases collagen deposition and alters surfactant protein (SP) expression and immune status in lungs of near-term fetal sheep. Our objectives were to determine 1) whether these prenatal effects of repeated gestational ethanol exposure persist after birth and 2) whether surfactant phospholipid composition is altered following prenatal ethanol exposure. Pregnant ewes were chronically catheterized at 90 days of gestational age (DGA) and given a 1-h daily infusion of ethanol (0.75 g/kg, n = 9) or saline (n = 7) from 95 to 135 DGA; ethanol administration ceased after 135 DGA. Lambs were born naturally at full term (146 ± 0.5 DGA). Lung tissue was examined at 9 wk postnatal age for alterations in structure, SP expression, and inflammation; bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was examined for alterations in surfactant phospholipid composition. At 134 DGA, surfactant phospholipid concentration in amniotic fluid was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) by ethanol exposure, and the composition was altered. In postnatal lambs, there were no significant differences between treatment groups in birth weight, postnatal growth, blood gas parameters, and lung weight, volume, tissue fraction, mean linear intercept, collagen content, proinflammatory cytokine gene expression, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid surfactant phospholipid composition. Although SP-A, SP-B, and SP-C mRNA levels were not significantly different between treatment groups, SP-D mRNA levels were significantly greater (P < 0.05) in ethanol-treated animals; as SP-D has immunomodulatory roles, innate immunity may be altered. The adverse effects of daily ethanol exposure during late gestation on the fetal lung do not persist to 2 mo after birth, indicating that the developing lung is capable of repair.  相似文献   

Solute conductance of blood-gas barrier in hamsters exposed to hyperoxia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hamsters were exposed to greater than 95% O2 continuously for up to 5 days to determine longitudinal changes in the diffusive conductance of the alveolar epithelium and capillary endothelium as a result of hyperoxia. Permeability X surface area (PS, cm3/s X 10(-4)) was measured by isolated, perfused lung techniques. Alveolar epithelium PS for [14C]sucrose and 125I-bovine serum albumin (BSA) were determined at seven exposure times. Control PS (sucrose) and PS(BSA) averaged 1.00 and 0.022, respectively. Values were unchanged until 4.5 days, when significant increases in both, but especially PS(BSA), occurred. After 5 days, PS values were 4.69 and 0.691, respectively. Capillary endothelium PS for 125I-BSA and fluoresceinisothiocyanate dextran-150 (D-150) were measured at four exposure times. Control endothelium PS(BSA) and PS(D-150) averaged 0.232 and 0.048, respectively. These values were also unchanged after 4 days but increased to 0.440 and 0.131 after 5 days. Wet lung weight significantly increased after only 4 days. Hyperoxia thus increased both endothelium and epithelium PS, but epithelium changes were much greater. These functional changes do not occur for several days, occur simultaneously, and follow increases in lung wet weight.  相似文献   

Phospholipids injected into the organism under an acute hypoxic hypoxia prevent development of ultrastructural disorders in the air-blood barrier of the lungs, thus averting development of the pulmonary acute hypoxic hypoxia.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of chronic gradual blood pressure elevation on the brain uptake index (BUI) of the neutral amino acid tyrosine. We found a significant correlation between tyrosine's BUI and systolic blood pressure (r=0.580, p < 0.001) though changes of these two parameters were not parallel. Between 145 and 180 mmHg there was an abrupt elevation of BUI from an average 27% to 34%, which remained unchanged thereafter, even up to 290 mmHg. This suggests that a resetting rather than breakdown of the carrier transport mechanism may occur with gradual blood pressure rise above a certain level.  相似文献   

Effects of intracellular pH on hypoxic vasoconstriction in rat lungs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isolated rat lungs perfused with physiological salt-Ficoll solutions were studied to test whether hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was potentiated by increases in intracellular pH (pHi) and blunted by decreases in pHi. Whereas addition to perfusate of 5 nM phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), a stimulator of exchange of intracellular H+ for extracellular Na+, potentiated hypoxic vasoconstriction, 1 mM amiloride, an inhibitor of Na+-H+ exchange, blunted the hypoxic response. Hypoxic vasoconstriction was also potentiated by the weak bases NH4Cl (20 mM), methylamine (10 mM), and imidazole (5 mM) and was inhibited by the weak acid sodium acetate (40 mM). NH4Cl, imidazole, and acetate had the same effects on KCl-induced vasoconstriction and on the hypoxic response. Hypoxic vasoconstriction was greater in lungs perfused with N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)-buffered solution than in those perfused with CO2/HCO3--buffered solution. Similarly, lungs perfused with CO2/HCO3--buffered solution containing 1.8 mM Cl- (NaNO3 and KNO3 substituted for NaCl and KCl) had larger hypoxic and angiotensin II pressor responses than those perfused with 122.5 mM Cl-. Because PMA, NH4Cl, methylamine, imidazole, HEPES-buffered solutions, and low-Cl- solutions can cause increases in pHi and amiloride and acetate can cause decreases in pHi, these results suggest that intracellular alkalosis and acidosis, respectively, potentiate and blunt vasoconstrictor responses to hypoxia and other stimuli in isolated rat lungs. These effects could be related to pHi-dependent changes in either the sensitivity of the arterial smooth muscle contractile machinery to Ca2+ or the release of a vasoactive mediator or modulator by some other lung cell.  相似文献   

Development of preterm infant lungs is frequently impaired resulting in bronchopulmoary dysplasia (BPD). BPD results from interruption of physiologic anabolic intrauterine conditions, the inflammatory basis and therapeutic consequences of premature delivery, including increased oxygen supply for air breathing. The latter requires surfactant, produced by alveolar type II (AT II) cells to lower surface tension at the pulmonary air:liquid interface. Its main components are specific phosphatidylcholine (PC) species including dipalmitoyl-PC, anionic phospholipids and surfactant proteins. Local antioxidative enzymes are essential to cope with the pro-inflammatory side effects of normal alveolar oxygen pressures. However, respiratory insufficiency frequently requires increased oxygen supply. To cope with the injurious effects of hyperoxia to epithelia, recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor (rhKGF) was proposed as a surfactant stimulating, non-catabolic and epithelial-protective therapeutic. The aim of the present study was to examine the qualification of rhKGF to improve expression parameters of lung maturity in newborn rats under hyperoxic conditions (85 % O2 for 7 days). In response to rhKGF proliferating cell nuclear antigen mRNA, as a feature of stimulated proliferation, was elevated. Similarly, the expressions of ATP-binding cassette protein A3 gene, a differentiation marker of AT II cells and of peroxiredoxin 6, thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase, three genes involved in oxygen radical protection were increased. Furthermore, mRNA levels of acyl-coA:lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1, catalyzing dipalmitoyl-PC synthesis by acyl remodeling, and adipose triglyceride lipase, considered as responsible for fatty acid supply for surfactant PC synthesis, were elevated. These results, together with a considerable body of other confirmative evidence, suggest that rhKGF should be developed into a therapeutic option to treat preterm infants at risk for impaired lung development.  相似文献   

Henschke P  Vorum H  Honoré B  Rice GE 《Proteomics》2006,6(6):1957-1962
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that acute in vitro exposure of prematurely delivered fetal rabbit lungs to hyperoxic conditions will induce the expression of an adaptive cassette of proteins that mediates antioxidant and inflammatory processes. To test this hypothesis, ex situ fetal rabbit lung explants were prepared from New Zealand white rabbits delivered by cesarean section on day 29 of gestation and incubated under air (21% O2; 5% CO2) or hyperoxic (95% O2; 5% CO2) atmospheres. Total tissue protein was extracted following incubation and subjected to 2-DE. Using this technique, 1500-2000 protein spots were resolved per gel. Treatment-dependent, differentially expressed proteins were identified by image analysis (Melanie II) and MALDI-TOF MS and MALDI-MS/MS. The analysis identified 12 protein spots that were differentially expressed by 1.5-fold or more (p<0.05) by exposure to hyperoxic conditions. Six of these differentially expressed proteins were identified as vimentin, annexin I, inorganic pyrophosphatase, prohibitin, an N-terminal fragment of ATP synthase and heat shock protein 27. The data obtained are consistent with the roles of these proteins in mediating cellular response to oxidative stress and in regulating cell proliferation.  相似文献   

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