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Sexual selection and sex linkage   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Some animal groups, such as birds, seem prone to extreme forms of sexual selection. One contributing factor may be sex linkage of genes affecting male displays and female preferences. Here we show that sex linkage can have substantial effects on the genetic correlation between these traits and consequently for Fisher's runaway and the good-genes mechanisms of sexual selection. Under some kinds of sex linkage (e.g. Z-linked preferences), a runaway is more likely than under autosomal inheritance, while under others (e.g., X-linked preferences and autosomal displays), the good-genes mechanism is particularly powerful. These theoretical results suggest empirical tests based on the comparative method.  相似文献   

A model is used to study quantitatively the impact of a good genes process and direct natural selection on the evolution of a mating preference. The expression of a male display trait is proportional to genetic quality, which is determined by the number of deleterious mutations a male carries throughout his genome. Genetic variances and covariances, including the covariance between the preference and male trait that drives the good genes process, are allowed to evolve under an infinitesimal model. Results suggest that the good genes process generates only weak indirect selection on preferences, with an effective selection intensity of a few percent or less. If preferences are subject to direct natural selection of the intensity observed for other characters, the good genes process alone is not expected to exaggerate the male trait by more than a few phenotypic standard deviations, contrary to what is observed in highly sexually selected species. Good genes can, however, cause substantial exaggeration if preference genes are nearly selectively neutral. Alternatively, direct selection on preference genes, acting on mating behavior itself or on the genes' pleiotropic effects, can cause mating preferences and male display traits to be exaggerated by any degree. Direct selection of preference genes may therefore play an important role in species that show extreme sexual selection.  相似文献   

The grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and Chorthippus jacobsi are highly differentiated for male mating signals, and form a mosaic hybrid zone in northern Spain. At some sites within this zone, many hybrids are observed. At others, few hybrids are observed. Such bimodal sites may reflect recent contacts between parental genotypes, or local variation in levels of assortative mating or selection against hybrids. Playback of 12 parental and F1 male songs to 296 parental and hybrid females revealed positive assortative preferences in C. brunneus and C. jacobsi females, supporting a direct role of male mating signals in female choice. However, all female genotypic classes showed reduced responsiveness to F1 male songs. Such sexual selection against hybrids is consistent with the narrow cline width observed in the field for song characters relative to morphology. These results have implications for the genetic structure of the hybrid zone and for models of speciation by reinforcement.  相似文献   

The maternally inherited bacterium Wolbachia pipientis infects 25-75% of arthropods and manipulates host reproduction to improve its transmission. One way Wolbachia achieves this is by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), where crosses between infected males and uninfected females are inviable. Infected males suffer reduced fertility through CI and reduced sperm production. However, Wolbachia induce lower levels of CI in nonvirgin males. We examined the impact of Wolbachia on mating behaviour in male Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, which display varying levels of CI, and show that infected males mate at a higher rate than uninfected males in both species. This may serve to increase the spread of Wolbachia, or alternatively, may be a behavioural adaptation employed by males to reduce the level of CI. Mating at high rate restores reproductive compatibility with uninfected females resulting in higher male reproductive success thus promoting male promiscuity. Increased male mating rates also have implications for the transmission of Wolbachia.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that the sex linkage of sexually selected traits can influence the direction and rate of evolutionary change, and also itself be subject to selection. Theory abounds on how sex-specific selection, mate choice, or other phenomena should favor different types of sex-linked inheritance, yet evidence in nature remains limited. Here, we use hormone assays in Trinidadian guppies to explore the extent to which linkage of male coloration differs among populations adapted to varying predation regimes. Results show there is consistently higher degree of X- and autosomal linkage in body coloration among populations adapted to low-predation environments. More strikingly, analyses of an introduced population of guppies from a high- to a low-predation environment suggest that this difference can change in 50 years or less.  相似文献   

Precopulatory courtship plays an essential role in the insemination process and influences postcopulatory behavior between males and females. Male precopulatory oral stimulation of female genitals is rare for invertebrates. Here, we describe an intriguing oral sexual courtship in a cryptic desert beetle Platyope mongolica Faldermann. The males repeatedly contact the female''s genitals using their mouths to gain consent to mate. Furthermore, the rate at which males contact the female''s genitals relates to the copulation success in a series of observations. However, interference in oral sexual contacts decreased the proportion of successful copulation. Further no‐choice tests found homosexual behavior between males with antenna removed. We report the precopulatory oral sexual behavior and its important role for copulation success in P. mongolica for the first time. These findings highlight the significance of oral sexual courtship in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Males and females often exhibit different behaviours during mate acquisition, pair-bonding and parenting, and a convenient label to characterize these behaviours is sex role. The diverse roles that male and female shorebirds (plovers, sandpipers and allies) exhibit in mating and parenting have played a key role in advancing mainstream theories in avian ecology and behavioural biology including sexual selection, sexual conflict and parental cooperation. Recent advances in shorebird research have also highlighted the significance of the social environment in driving sex role behaviours by linking the adult sex ratio with breeding behaviour and population demography. Here we review the key advances in sex role research using shorebirds as an ecological model system. We identify knowledge gaps and argue that shorebirds have untapped potential to accelerate diverse research fields including evolutionary genomics, movement ecology, social networks and environmental changes. Future studies of sex roles will benefit from individual-based monitoring using advanced tracking technologies, and from multi-team collaborations that are facilitated by standardized data collection methodologies across different species in the field. These advances will not only contribute to our understanding of reproductive strategies, but they will also have knock-on effects on predicting population resilience to environmental changes and on prioritizing species for conservation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated how variation in mating distribution in time and among males influences the operational sex ratio (OSR) with a simulation inspired by paternally caring fish. Varying (1) the potential reproductive rate of each sex, (2) the mating distribution among males, and (3) the length of male mating phase, we created different mating patterns. In each case, we searched for the adult sex ratio that resulted in an OSR of 50% (where sex-roles switch). This approach enabled a comparison with a previous model. We found that the OSR was influenced by the distribution of matings in time and among males when the male mating phase was limited by a parental phase. Furthermore, the mating dynamics were shaped by the fact that the numbers of males and females and their capacities for collateral investment affected OSR immediately from the start of the reproductive season, whereas their times-out had a delayed effect on OSR.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 551–559.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated male mate choice for female ornaments in species without sex-role reversal. Despite these empirical findings, little is known about the adaptive dynamics of female signalling, in particular the evolution of male mating preferences. The evolution of traits that signal mate quality is more complex in females than in males because females usually provide the bulk of resources for the developing offspring. Here, we investigate the evolution of male mating preferences using a mathematical model which: (i) specifically accounts for the fact that females must trade-off resources invested in ornaments with reproduction; and (ii) allows male mating preferences to evolve a non-directional shape. The optimal adaptive strategy for males is to develop stabilizing mating preferences for female display traits to avoid females that either invests too many or too few resources in ornamentation. However, the evolutionary stability of this prediction is dependent upon the level of error made by females when allocating resources to either signal or fecundity.  相似文献   

Reinforcement, a process whereby natural selection strengthens prezygotic isolation between sympatric taxa, has gained increasing attention from evolutionary biologists over the past decade. This resurgence of interest is remarkable given that, in the 1980s, most evolutionary biologists considered reinforcement to be, at best, a process that rarely occurred in nature. Although studies of reinforcement are now an important component of speciation research, we still lack a clear understanding of when reinforcement should occur. Theoretical models have suggested that genetic architecture, population structure and the type of selection influence the action of reinforcement. Still to be considered are the consequences of variation in mating system and patterns of sperm or pollen utilization on the likelihood of reinforcement. We argue that traveling down The Road Not Taken (apologies to Frost), that is, taking into consideration mating system and patterns of gamete utilization, leads to novel and more precise predictions of the circumstances under which reinforcement should occur.  相似文献   

Previous behavioural studies using inbred lines have suggested that the gene ( Abpa ) for the alpha subunit of salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) plays a role in prezygotic isolation between house mouse Mus musculus subspecies. We tested this hypothesis in animals from wild allopatric (121 individuals from four samples) and parapatric (320 animals from 15 samples) populations sampled on the Czech–Bavarian transect across the hybrid zone between M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus . The study did not reveal a consistent statistically significant trend of homosubspecific preferences in individual allopatric and parapatric populations. Nonetheless, the whole pattern of preference was skewed toward homosubspecific preference mostly on the M. m. musculus side of the hybrid zone. The pattern of homosubspecific preferences was stronger for the time spent sniffing than it was for the first choice of the signal (the ratio of homosubspecific vs. heterosubspecific preferences for both sexes was 6 : 2 in allopatric and 21 : 9 in parapatric populations, while the same rates were 4 : 4 and 16 : 14 for the first choice). To the extent that Y-maze tests reflect preference under wild conditions, we suggest that this slight preference may not in itself be sufficient to impede gene flow between the two subspecies and thus act as a reproductive barrier. ABP most probably participates in a complex system of subspecies-specific recognition in the hybrid zone, but the picture is far too complex at this time to allow a conclusive evaluation of the importance of this role.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 349–361.  相似文献   

Male-biased mutation, sex linkage, and the rate of adaptive evolution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An interaction between sex-linked inheritance and sex-biased mutation rates may affect the rate of adaptive evolution. Males have much higher mutation rates than females in several vertebrate and plant taxa. When evolutionary rates are limited by the supply of favorable new mutations, then genes will evolve faster when located on sex chromosomes that spend more time in males. For mutations with additive effects, Y-linked genes evolve fastest, followed by Z-linked genes, autosomal genes, X-linked genes, and finally W-linked and cytoplasmic genes. This ordering can change when mutations show dominance. The predicted differences in substitution rates may be detectable at the molecular level. Male-biased mutation could cause adaptive changes to accumulate more readily on certain kinds of chromosomes and favor animals with Z-W sex determination to have rapidly evolving male sexual displays.  相似文献   

Mate competition and mate choice are not mutually exclusivebehaviors. Both behaviors may drive sexual selection in oneor both sexes of a population. One of several factors affectingwhich behavior is exhibited by which sex is the operationalsex ratio (OSR) in the study population. The present study combinesbehavioral observations in the field with controlled experimentsin aquaria to investigate social interactions and mate choicein both male and female long-snouted seahorses Hippocampus guttulatusin the context of the population OSR. Compared with the morereadily studied pipefishes, data on OSR and mate choice in seahorsesare scarce in the published literature. Our field data providenovel evidence of social promiscuity, size-assortative mating,and an OSR that varies from being unbiased early and midseasonto male biased at the end of the breeding season. Our mate choiceexperiments revealed intersexual differences in mate preferencewith males significantly preferring larger females to familiarones. Taken together, our field and experimental results suggestthat mate choice rather than intrasexual competition could drivesexual selection in seahorses.  相似文献   

Repeatability: Its role in evolutionary studies of mating behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Repeatability, a concept derived from quantitative genetics theory, is a statistic that describes the degree to which variation within individuals contributes to total variation in a population. Its usual application has been to set an upper limit on heritability but it may also be useful for studies of stereotypy of behavior. The repeatability of the production of male mating signals gives information both about whether males differ sufficiently for selection to act and whether the differences could be appreciably heritable. Measures of the repeatability of female mating preferences will provide data that can describe the preference functions used in mathematical models of the evolution of sexually selected traits, as well as putting an upper bound on the heritability of preferences. A survey of the few measures in the literature shows that the repeatability of male signal production varies substantially (range 0.21–0.85) and does not necessarily reflect heritability. The repeatabilities of female preferences have not been published previously: for the response to conspecific pheromones by female flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum), my best estimate is zero. Measuring the repeatability of other traits such as parental care and foraging behavior may also lead to insights about selection on and the evolution of these traits.  相似文献   

Reinforcement and the genetics of nonrandom mating   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract.— The occurrence of reinforcement is compared when premating isolation is caused by the spread of a gene causing females to prefer to mate with males carrying a population-specific trait (a "preference" model) and by a gene that causes females to prefer to mate with males that share their own trait phenotype (an "assortative mating" model). Both two-island models, which have symmetric gene flow, and continent-island models, which have one-way gene flow, are explored. Reinforcement is found to occur much more easily in a two-island assortative mating model than in any of the other three models. This is due primarily to the fact that in this model the assortative mating allele will automatically become genetically associated in each population with the trait allele that is favored by natural selection on that island. In contrast, natural selection on the trait both favors and opposes the evolution of premating isolation in the two-island preference model, depending on the particular population. These results imply that species recognition in the context of mating may evolve particularly easily when it targets cues that are favored by natural selection in each population. In the continent-island models, reinforcement is found to occur more often under the preference model than the assortative mating model, thus reversing the trend from the two-island models. Patterns of population subdivision may therefore play a role in determining what types of premating isolation may evolve.  相似文献   

Biased population sex ratios can alter optimal male mating strategies, and allocation to reproductive traits depends on nutrient availability. However, there is little information on how nutrition interacts with sex ratio to influence the evolution of pre-copulatory and post-copulatory traits separately. To address this omission, we test how male mating success and reproductive investment evolve under varying sex ratios and adult diet in Drosophila melanogaster, using experimental evolution. We found that sex ratio and nutrient availability interacted to determine male pre-copulatory performance. Males from female-biased populations were slow to mate when they evolved under protein restriction. By contrast, we found direct and non-interacting effects of sex ratio and nutrient availability on post-copulatory success. Males that evolved under protein restriction were relatively poor at suppressing female remating. Males that evolved under equal sex ratios fathered more offspring and were better at supressing female remating, relative to males from male-biased or female-biased populations. These results support the idea that sex ratios and nutrition interact to determine the evolution of pre-copulatory mating traits, but independently influence the evolution of post-copulatory traits.  相似文献   

Conventional sex roles imply caring females and competitive males. The evolution of sex role divergence is widely attributed to anisogamy initiating a self‐reinforcing process. The initial asymmetry in pre‐mating parental investment (eggs vs. sperm) is assumed to promote even greater divergence in post‐mating parental investment (parental care). But do we really understand the process? Trivers [Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man 1871–1971 (1972), Aldine Press, Chicago] introduced two arguments with a female and male perspective on whether to care for offspring that try to link pre‐mating and post‐mating investment. Here we review their merits and subsequent theoretical developments. The first argument is that females are more committed than males to providing care because they stand to lose a greater initial investment. This, however, commits the ‘Concorde Fallacy’ as optimal decisions should depend on future pay‐offs not past costs. Although the argument can be rephrased in terms of residual reproductive value when past investment affects future pay‐offs, it remains weak. The factors likely to change future pay‐offs seem to work against females providing more care than males. The second argument takes the reasonable premise that anisogamy produces a male‐biased operational sex ratio (OSR) leading to males competing for mates. Male care is then predicted to be less likely to evolve as it consumes resources that could otherwise be used to increase competitiveness. However, given each offspring has precisely two genetic parents (the Fisher condition), a biased OSR generates frequency‐dependent selection, analogous to Fisherian sex ratio selection, that favours increased parental investment by whichever sex faces more intense competition. Sex role divergence is therefore still an evolutionary conundrum. Here we review some possible solutions. Factors that promote conventional sex roles are sexual selection on males (but non‐random variance in male mating success must be high to override the Fisher condition), loss of paternity because of female multiple mating or group spawning and patterns of mortality that generate female‐biased adult sex ratios (ASR). We present an integrative model that shows how these factors interact to generate sex roles. We emphasize the need to distinguish between the ASR and the operational sex ratio (OSR). If mortality is higher when caring than competing this diminishes the likelihood of sex role divergence because this strongly limits the mating success of the earlier deserting sex. We illustrate this in a model where a change in relative mortality rates while caring and competing generates a shift from a mammalian type breeding system (female‐only care, male‐biased OSR and female‐biased ASR) to an avian type system (biparental care and a male‐biased OSR and ASR).  相似文献   

Males of Panorpa vulgaris Imhoff and Labram, 1836 (Insecta: Mecoptera) can apply three alternative mating tactics to gain access to female mating partners: (1) without nuptial feeding, (2) providing females with a dead arthropod or (3) producing salivary masses. Providing females with salivary masses during copulation leads to the highest reproductive success, as it results in longer mating durations relative to the other tactics. While the number of sperm transferred correlates with the duration of copulation, the sperm of different males are used according to the fair raffle model. Therefore, salivary mass production is an important fitness determining factor for males. In order to provide females with salivary masses, males must first produce and store saliva secretion inside their salivary glands. The present study was concerned with the development of male salivary glands (= production of saliva) in the course of time after adult emergence. We can show that saliva production did not start before adult emergence, that the state of development of salivary glands was affected by larval nutrition as well as by adult nutrition and, moreover, by age. Older individuals had developed glands of greater mass than had younger animals. After receiving a one‐time feeding immediately after eclosion salivary gland mass increased, while body mass decreased with age. Therefore, male P. vulgaris were able to enlarge the amount of their mating resources (= saliva) independently from external nutritional supply (after the initial feeding) and at the expense of losing weight. Possible reasons and functional explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Towards a functional understanding of "good genes"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Hamilton & Zuk hypothesis (1982) underpins our understanding of the relationship between secondary sexual characters, parasites, and immunological function. However, despite the wealth of empirical studies that attempt to address issues raised by the Hamilton & Zuk hypothesis, there have been no overt attempts to identify the "good genes" that females select or how those good genes influence the host's immune system. Behavioural ecologists have generally viewed this aspect of immunity as a black box. In this review we propose candidate good genes in vertebrates, discuss their role in immune function and parasite resistance, and discuss several aspects of the assumptions that pervade studies of parasite mediated sexual selection in vertebrates. We also examine invertebrates (specifically insects) where our current knowledge of these systems suggests the patterns apparent in vertebrates are not underpinned by the same genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

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