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动力学模型分析有利于理解生物系统的调控机制,从而为高效细胞工厂的理性设计提供指导。基于以往发表的相关途径动力学模型和测量的酶动力学数据,开发了大肠杆菌苏氨酸合成途径的动力学模型。模型包含从天冬氨酸至苏氨酸的合成途径及葡萄糖开始的为合成途径提供前体以及能量的代谢途径。与以往模型不同的是新模型中考虑了能量和还原力的平衡,从而使模型模拟的系统自身成为一个不需要从外界提供能量和还原力的自洽系统。模型稳态分析的结果表明PTS、G6PDH和HDH等反应对苏氨酸合成反应的通量控制系数较大,通过过表达这些反应的酶可以有效增加苏氨酸合成反应的通量。  相似文献   

产多聚唾液酸的菌种筛选及产酸条件   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对40株大肠杆菌进行产多聚唾液酸的筛选,得到一株高产多聚唾液酸菌株C-8,对该菌的一系列培养条件进行了研究。最佳培养基为:山梨醇2.5%,硫酸铵0.5%,磷酸氢二钾90mmol/L,胰蛋白陈1.5%,硫酸镁0.04%,pH7.8。在37℃,250r/min摇床培养65h,可使菌体在每毫升培养液中产多聚唾液酸1200μg。  相似文献   

To achieve rapid detection of carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli strains, a pattern recognition method based on electrospray ionization Orbitrap mass spectrometry (ESI-Orbitrap MS) was used for the analysis of drug-resistant, and sensitive strains of metabolites were analyzed. Results of five clustering methods applied to analytical data of metabolites were evaluated using iso-phenotypic coefficients. The effectiveness of three methods, principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), was compared. Univariate statistics such as t-test and fold change were also used to examine the screened differential information. Both PLS-DA and OPLS-DA could achieve rapid identification of strain classes, and OPLS-DA was more powerful in screening 96 significantly different ions. This work is expected to be useful for rapid and accurate identification of strains.  相似文献   

温度对大肠杆菌L-色氨酸发酵过程的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究变温控制对大肠杆菌TRTH L-色氨酸补料分批发酵过程中生物量、色氨酸产量、比生长速率及质粒稳定性的影响。方法:利用5L自控发酵罐对L-色氨酸补料分批发酵过程进行温度控制,对不同温度下相关参数进行分析比较,确定优化的温度控制方案。结果:以30-36%顺序升温的工艺进行发酵得到理想结果,与单一温度控制策略相比,L-色氨酸产量提高了15.4%;色氨酸的比合成速率提高了21.6%;质粒稳定性增加,未出现质粒丢失现象,质粒拷贝数保持在恒定水平。结论:温度对大肠杆菌L-色氨酸发酵有重要影响。  相似文献   

重组大肠杆菌生产谷胱甘肽发酵条件的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了重组E.Coli产GSH的发酵条件,重点考察了添加酵母膏、前体氨基酸和ATP的影响。结果发现,前体氨基酸和ATP均能促进胞内GSH的积累,若在发酵0h和12h分别加入20g/LATP和9mmol/L前体氨基酸,则细胞干重和胞内GSH含量可分别比对照提高24%和14倍。应用正交试验得出的针对细胞干重和GSH总量的最佳组合,最大细胞干重和GSH总量比原试验中的最好结果分别提高了10%和26%。在分析了该菌对葡萄糖利用情况的基础上,对该菌进行了指数流加培养,25h细胞干重与发酵液内GSH总量分别达到80g/L和880mg/L,比摇瓶最好结果分别提高了83和46倍。  相似文献   

Abstract We have previously reported that the production of attaching and effacing lesions by Escherichia coli O45 isolates from pigs is associated with the eaeA ( E. coli attaching and effacing) gene. In the present study, expression of the EaeA protein, the eaeA gene product, among swine O45 E. coli isolates was examined. The majority (20/22) of attaching and effacing positive, eaeA+ E. coli O45 isolates, but none of ten attaching and effacing negative, eaeA or eaeA+ isolates, expressed a 97-kDa outer membrane protein as revealed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot analysis. Amino-terminal amino acid sequencing demonstrated a high homology between this 97-kDa protein of swine E. coli O45 and the EaeA protein (intimin) of human enteropathogenic E. coli and enterohemorrhagic E. coli . In addition, a serological relationship between the EaeA proteins of swine O45, rabbit (RDEC-1) and human (E2348/69) attaching and effacing E. coli strains was observed. Our results indicate an association between expression of the EaeA protein and attaching and efficacing activity among O45 E. coli isolates. The data also suggest an antigenic relatedness of the EaeA proteins of swine, rabbit, and human attaching and effacing E. coli .  相似文献   

An experimental system has been constructed which enables on-line measurements of phosphorus-31 ((31)P) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra for growing bacterial suspensions under anaerobic or aerobic conditions. A sample stream from a laboratory bioreactor is circulated to the NMR sample chamber in a gas exchange system which permits maintenance of aerobic conditions for high-cell-density cultures. (31)P NMR spectra with resolution comparable with those obtained traditionally using dense, concentrated, nongrowing cell suspensions can be obtained at cell densities above 25 g/L with acquisition times ranging from 14 to 3 minutes which decline as cell density increases. This system has been employed to characterize the changes in intracellular state of a stationary phase culture which is subjected to a transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions. Both intracellular NTP level and cytoplasmic pH are substantially lower under anaerobic conditions. Also, the system has been employed to observe the response of a growing culture to external addition of acetate. Cells are able to maintain pH difference across the cytoplasmic membrane at extracellular acetate concentrations of 5 and 10 g/L. However, acetate concentrations of 20 g/L cause collapse of the transmembrane DeltapH and sharp reduction of the growth rate of the culture. The experimental configuration described should also permit NMR observations of many other types of microbial cultures and of other nuclei. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Under anaerobic conditions, Escherichia coli produces succinate from glucose via the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle. To date, however, no genes encoding succinate exporters have been established in E. coli. Therefore, we attempted to identify genes encoding succinate exporters by screening an E. coli MG1655 genome library. We identified the yjjPB genes as candidates encoding a succinate transporter, which enhanced succinate production in Pantoea ananatis under aerobic conditions. A complementation assay conducted in Corynebacterium glutamicum strain AJ110655ΔsucE1 demonstrated that both YjjP and YjjB are required for the restoration of succinate production. Furthermore, deletion of yjjPB decreased succinate production in E. coli by 70% under anaerobic conditions. Taken together, these results suggest that YjjPB constitutes a succinate transporter in E. coli and that the products of both genes are required for succinate export.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are a physiologically, immunologically and genetically diverse collection of strains that pose a serious water-borne threat to human health. Consequently, immunological and PCR assays have been developed for the rapid, sensitive detection of presumptive EHEC. However, the ability of these assays to consistently detect presumptive EHEC while excluding closely related non-EHEC strains has not been documented. We conducted a 30-month monitoring study of a major metropolitan watershed. Surface water samples were analyzed using an immunological assay for E. coli O157 (the predominant strain worldwide) and a multiplex PCR assay for the virulence genes stx(1), stx(2) and eae. The mean frequency of water samples positive for the presence of E. coli O157, stx(1) or stx(2) genes, or the eae gene was 50%, 26% and 96%, respectively. Quantitative analysis of selected enriched water samples indicated that even in samples positive for E. coli O157 cells, stx(1)/stx(2) genes, and the eae gene, the concentrations were rarely comparable. Seventeen E. coli O157 strains were isolated, however, none were EHEC. These data indicate the presence of multiple strains similar to EHEC but less pathogenic. These findings have important ramifications for the rapid detection of presumptive EHEC; namely, that current immunological or PCR assays cannot reliably identify water-borne EHEC strains.  相似文献   

目的探明大肠埃希菌I型菌毛pilA基因在不同宿主来源菌株间的同源性,为利用Ⅰ型菌毛基因诊断和防治大肠埃希菌病提供理论基础。方法以禽源致病性大肠埃希菌安徽分离株基因组DNA为模板,采用PCR方法扩增Ⅰ型菌毛pilA基因,并进行序列测定与分析。结果 13株不同血清型禽源致病性大肠埃希菌安徽分离株均携带pilA基因,彼此间该基因的核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列同源性分别介于84.9%~99.7%和86.2%~99.2%。pilA基因核苷酸序列在安徽分离株与鸡源参考株、猪源参考株以及人源参考株之间的同源性分别为85.9%~99.7%、85.9%~93.9%和87.5%~100%,氨基酸序列同源性分别为83.1%~99.2%、88.5%~93.8%和90%~100%。系统发育进化树分析显示JD16、JD34、JD11、JD24、YD2、JD8和YD1禽源安徽分离株与人源参考株sPH2的亲缘关系较近,在进化树的同一分支上;GD3、YD5、GD2、YD3、YD5和YD7禽源安徽分离株与鸡源参考株PDI-386和猪源参考株107/86的亲缘关系较近,在进化树中属于同一分支;GD1禽源安徽分离株与鸡源参考株HY1-2和MS2-1的亲缘关系较近,在进化树中属于另一分支。结论大肠埃希菌I型菌毛pilA基因在不同宿主来源菌株及不同血清型菌株之间高度保守,可作为大肠埃希菌病的诊断基因和疫苗候选基因。  相似文献   

Cybernetic modeling strives to uncover the inbuilt regulatory programs of biological systems and leverage them toward computational prediction of metabolic dynamics. Because of its focus on incorporating the global aims of metabolism, cybernetic modeling provides a systems-oriented approach for describing regulatory inputs and inferring the impact of regulation within biochemical networks. Combining cybernetic control laws with concepts from metabolic pathway analysis has culminated in a systematic strategy for constructing cybernetic models, which was previously lacking. The newly devised framework relies upon the simultaneous application of local controls that maximize the net flux through each elementary flux mode and global controls that modulate the activities of these modes to optimize the overall nutritional state of the cell. The modeling concepts are illustrated using a simple linear pathway and a larger network representing anaerobic E. coli central metabolism. The E. coli model successfully describes the metabolic shift that occurs upon deleting the pta-ackA operon that is responsible for fermentative acetate production. The model also furnishes predictions that are consistent with experimental results obtained from additional knockout strains as well as strains expressing heterologous genes. Because of the stabilizing influence of the included control variables, the resulting cybernetic models are more robust and reliable than their predecessors in simulating the network response to imposed genetic and environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Abstract The plasmid pAT153 was lost less rapidly from carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous or sulphur-limited continuous cultures of Escherichia coli HB101 as the dilution rate increased. At a fixed dilution rate of 0.3 h−1, the plasmid was maintained longer as the growth-limiting nutrient was changed from glucose to casamino acids (nitrogen-limited), phosphate or sulphate. These differences in the stability of maintenance were not due to parallel changes in the plasmid copy number. We propose that the rate of loss of pAT153 from E. coli HB101 is determined primarily by the ratio of growth rates of plasmid-containing bacteria and plasmid-free bacteria. This ratio increases with increasing growth rate and depends markedly on the growth-limiting nutrient, sulphate-limited growth being particularly suitable for the maintenance of this host-plasmid combination.  相似文献   

The use of glucose starvation to uncouple the production of recombinant beta-galactosidase from cell growth in Escherichia coli was investigated. A lacZ operon fusion to the carbon starvation-inducible cst-1 locus was used to control beta-galactosidase synthesis. beta-Galactosidase induction was observed only under aerobic starvation conditions, and its expression continued for 6 h following the onset of glucose starvation. The cessation of beta-galactosidase expression closely correlated with the exhaustion of acetate, an overflow metabolite of glucose, from the culture medium. Our results suggest the primary role of acetate in cst-1-controlled protein expression is that of an energy source. Using this information, we metered acetate to a glucose-starved culture and produced a metabolically sluggish state, where growth was limited to a low linear rate and production of recombiant beta-galactosidase occurred continuously throughout the experiment. The cst-1 controlled beta-galactosidase synthesis was also induced at low dilution rates in a glucose-limited chemostat, suggesting possible applications to high-density cell systems such as glucose-limited recycle reactors. This work demonstrates that by using an appropriate promoter system and nutrient limitation, growth can be restrained while recombinant protein production is induced and maintained.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli has been the host organism most frequently investigated for efficient recombinant protein production. However, the production of a foreign protein in recombinant E. coli often leads to growth deterioration and elevated secretion of acetic acid. Such observed phenomena have been widely linked with cell stress responses and metabolic burdens originated particularly from the increased energy demand. In this study, flux balance analysis and dynamic flux balance analysis were applied to investigate the observed growth physiology of recombinant E. coli, incorporating the proteome allocation theory and an adjustable maintenance energy level (ATPM) to capture the proteomic and energetic burdens introduced by recombinant protein synthesis. Model predictions of biomass growth, substrate consumption, acetate excretion, and protein production with two different strains were in good agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the constraint on the available proteomic resource and the change in ATPM might be important contributors governing the growth physiology of recombinant strains. The modeling framework developed in this work, currently with several limitations to overcome, offers a starting point for the development of a practical, model-based tool to guide metabolic engineering decisions for boosting recombinant protein production.  相似文献   

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