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Centrobin/Nip2 was initially identified as a centrosome protein that is critical for centrosome duplication and spindle assembly. In the present study, we determined the expression and subcellular localization of centrobin in selected mouse tissues. Immunoblot analysis revealed that the centrobin-specific band of 100 kDa was detected in all tissues tested but most abundantly in the thymus, spleen and testis. In the testis, centrobin was localized at the centrosomes of spermatocytes and early round spermatids, but no specific signal was detected in late round spermatids and elongated spermatids. Our results also revealed that the centrosome duplication occurs at interphase of the second meiotic division of the mouse male germ cells. The centrobin protein was more abundant in the mitotically active ovarian follicular cells and thymic cortex cells than in non-proliferating corpus luteal cells and thymic medullary cells. The expression pattern of centrobin suggests that the biological functions of centrobin are related to cell proliferation. Consistent with the proposal, we observed reduction of the centrobin levels when NIH3T3 became quiescent in the serum-starved culture conditions. However, a residual amount of centrobin was also detected at the centrosomes of the resting cells, suggesting its role for maintaining integrity of the centrosome, especially of the daughter centriole in the cells.  相似文献   

Normal somatic cells undergo replicative senescence in vitro but the significance of this process in organismic aging remains controversial. We have shown previously that hemopoietic stem cells of common inbred strains of mice vary widely in cycling activity and that this parameter is inversely correlated with strain-dependent mean life span. To assess whether cell cycling and life span are causally related, we searched for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that contributed to variation of these traits in BXH and BXD recombinant inbred mice. Two QTLs, mapping to exactly the same intervals on chromosomes 7 and 11, were identified that were associated with variation of both cell cycling and life span. The locus on chromosome 11 mapped to the cytokine cluster, a segment that shows synteny with human chromosome 5q, in which deletions are strongly associated with myelodysplastic syndrome. These data indicate that steady-state cell turn-over, here measured in hemopoietic progenitor cells, may have a significant effect on the mean life span of mammals.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatogenesis originates from spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), which undergo mitosis, meiosis and spermiogenesis in order to generate mature spermatozoa. SSCs are adult stem cells that can both self‐renew and differentiate. To maintain pluripotency, SSCs are regulated by both extrinsic factors secreted from surrounding somatic cells and intrinsic factors including specific gene expression programs. Using fluorescent labeled germ line stem cells, mouse gonocytes and SSCs were purified up to 97% by improved FACS method. Through microarray analyses, global gene expression profiles of gonocytes, SSCs, and differentiated cells were compared. A large number of distinctive genes were found to be enriched in respective cell populations, indicating different functional requirements of each cell type. Functional clustering analyses revealed that while gonocytes and SSCs preferentially express genes implicated in gene expression regulation and epigenetic modifications, differentiated cells including somatic cells are enriched with genes encoding proteins involved in various cellular activities. Further in situ hybridization and RT‐PCR experiments confirmed SSC specific expression of several genes of which functions have not been characterized in SSCs. The comparative gene expression profiling provides a useful resource for gene discovery in relation to SSC regulation and opens new avenues for the study of molecular mechanisms underlying SSC self‐renewal and differentiation. genesis 51:83–96, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the earliest genes identified with stem and early progenitor cells is the RNA-binding protein, Musashi1 (Msi1). Through gene profiling of mammary epithelial cells transduced with Msi1, a unique autocrine signaling pathway was identified that activates both the Wnt and Notch pathways 1. This process was associated with increased secretion of the growth factor, PLF1 and inhibition of the secreted Wnt pathway inhibitor, DKK3. Identification of PLF1 as an effector of these pathways in the absence of the DKK3 tumor suppressor provides a new avenue for investigating differences between normal and malignant tissues, and potentially targeting tumor stem cells.  相似文献   

A 400 bp fragment of the spermatogonia-specific Stra8 locus was sufficient to direct gene expression to the germinal stem cells in transgenic mice. A fractionation procedure was devised, based on immunomagnetic sorting of cells in which the promoter drives the expression of a surface functionally neutral protein tag. The purified cells expressed the known molecular markers of spermatogonia Rbm, cyclin A2 and EP-Cam, and the β1- and α6-integrins characteristic of the stem cell fraction. A 700-fold enrichment in stem cells was determined by the ability of the purified fractions to re-establish spermatogenesis in germ cell-depleted recipient testes.  相似文献   

Several recent studies demonstrated that development, function and remodelling of mammary glands involved multipotent cells, but no specific molecular markers for mammary epithelial stem cells were revealed. These studies principally concerned human and mouse mammary tissue, but mammary stem cells could be a valuable tool in agricultural production and bioengineering in farm animals. The Musashi-1 (Msi 1) gene encodes an RNA binding protein, which is likely to be associated with self-renewal of neural, intestinal and mammary progenitor cells and is believed to influence the Notch signalling pathway. In this study Musashi-1 expression was detected using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation analysis on mammary glands of ewes at different developmental stages. The protein expression was observed in the epithelial cells at all stages examined. In situ hybridization analysis showed that Msi 1 mRNA has an expression pattern similar to the encoded protein, with positive staining in both nuclei and cytoplasm of ductal, secretory and stromal cells. Ultrastructural in situ analysis confirmed the nuclear and cytoplasmatic expression of Msi. Quantitative analysis of Msi 1 gene expression showed a strong correlation with that of Ki-67, that is a marker of cell proliferation. This is the first report outlining expression of Msi 1 in ovine mammary glands during a complete cycle of lactation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The limb buds of the polydactylous mutant embryos, talpid 2 and diplopodia -5, possess expanded distal apexes surmounted by prolongated thickened apical ectodermal ridges that promote the outgrowth and formation of digits from both the anterior and posterior mesoderm of the mutant limb buds. The chicken homeobox-containing gene GHox-7 exhibits an expanded domain of expression throughout the expanded subridge mesoderm of the mutant limb buds, providing support for the hypothesis that GHox-7 expression by subridge mesenchymal cells is involved in the outgrowth-promoting effect of the apical ectodermal ridge. During normal limb development GHox-7 is also expressed by the mesoderm in the proximal anterior nonchondrogenic periphery of the limb bud, which includes, but is not limited to the anterior necrotic zone. GHox-7 is also expressed in the posterior necrotic zone at the mid-proximal posterior edge of the limb bud. In contrast, GHox-7 is not expressed in either the proximal anterior or posterior peripheral mesoderm of talpid 2 and diplopodia -5 limb buds which lack proximal anterior and posterior necrotic zones. Furthermore, retinoic acid-coated bead implants, which diminish cell death in the anterior necrotic zone, elicit a local inhibition of GHox-7 expression in the proximal anterior peripheral mesoderm. These results support the suggestion that GHox-7 may be involved in defining regions of programmed cell death during limb development. Furthermore, these studies indicate that the distal subridge and proximal anterior nonchondrogenic mesodermal domains of GHox-7 expression are independently regulated.  相似文献   

Control of the embryonic stem cell state   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Young RA 《Cell》2011,144(6):940-954

OMP85 is a highly conserved outer membrane protein in all Gram-negative bacteria. We studied an uncharacterized OMP85 homolog of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a primary periodontal pathogen forming subgingival plaque biofilms. Using an outer-loop peptide antibody specific for the OMP85 of P. gingivalis, loop-3 Ab, we found a difference in the mobility of OMP85 on SDS-PAGE gel between the P. gingivalis wild-type and the isogenic galE mutant, a deglycosylated strain, suggesting that OMP85 naturally exists in a glycosylated form. This was also supported by a shift in OMP85 PAGE mobility after chemical deglycosylation treatment. Further, loop-3 Ab cross-reacted with the galE mutant stronger than the wild-type strain; and could inhibit biofilm formation in the galE mutant more than in the wild-type strain. In conclusion, this is the first report providing the evidence of OMP85 glycosylation and the involvement of OMP85 in biofilm formation.  相似文献   

干细胞因子和受体在神经系统中的表达及其生物学效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu B  Li LY  Pang ZL 《生理科学进展》2001,32(2):143-145
干细胞因子(stem cell factor,SCF)是一种多功能细胞因子,其受体由原癌基因c-kit编码,称为c-kit受体(c-kitR)。SCF-c-kitR不论在胚胎发育期还是成年期的神经系统,均有广泛的表达。体内外大量研究提示:SCF/c0kitR信号系统在神经系统生长、分化过程中具有多种生物学效应,表现对神经嵴4细胞体外分化的影响,对神经胶质细胞(小胶质细胞、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞)的调控作用,并与神经内分泌功能相关。  相似文献   

Tian G  Xiang S  Noiva R  Lennarz WJ  Schindelin H 《Cell》2006,124(1):61-73
Protein disulfide isomerase plays a key role in catalyzing the folding of secretory proteins. It features two catalytically inactive thioredoxin domains inserted between two catalytically active thioredoxin domains and an acidic C-terminal tail. The crystal structure of yeast PDI reveals that the four thioredoxin domains are arranged in the shape of a twisted "U" with the active sites facing each other across the long sides of the "U." The inside surface of the "U" is enriched in hydrophobic residues, thereby facilitating interactions with misfolded proteins. The domain arrangement, active site location, and surface features strikingly resemble the Escherichia coli DsbC and DsbG protein disulfide isomerases. Biochemical studies demonstrate that all domains of PDI, including the C-terminal tail, are required for full catalytic activity. The structure defines a framework for rationalizing the differences between the two active sites and their respective roles in catalyzing the formation and rearrangement of disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a small subset of heterogeneous cells existed in tumour tissues or cancer cell lines with self‐renewal and differentiation potentials. CSCs were considered to be responsible for the failure of conventional therapy and tumour recurrence. However, CSCs are not a static cell population, CSCs and non‐CSCs are maintained in dynamic interconversion state by their self‐differentiation and dedifferentiation. Therefore, targeting CSCs for cancer therapy is still not enough,exploring the mechanism of dynamic interconversion between CSCs and non‐CSCs and blocking the interconversion seems to be imperative. Exosomes are 30‐100 nm size in diameter extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by multiple living cells into the extracellular space. They contain cell‐state‐specific bioactive materials, including DNA, mRNA, ncRNA, proteins, lipids, etc. with their specific surface markers, such as, CD63, CD81, Alix, Tsg101, etc. Exosomes have been considered as information carriers in cell communication between cancer cells and non‐cancer cells, which affect gene expressions and cellular signalling pathways of recipient cells by delivering their contents. Now that exosomes acted as information carriers, whether they played role in maintaining dynamic equilibrium state between CSCs and non‐CSCs and their mechanism of activity are unknown. This review summarized the current research advance of exosomes’ role in maintaining CSC dynamic interconversion state and their possible mechanism of action, which will provide a better understanding the contribution of exosomes to dedifferentiation and stemness acquisition of non‐CSCs, and highlight that exosomes might be taken as the attractive target approaches for cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the only known gateway for nucleocytoplasmic traffic. The nuclear pore membrane glycoprotein 210 (POM210/gp210) is considered to be important for the assembly and structure of pore complexes in metazoan cells. However, here we demonstrate cell-type specific expression of the gp210 protein during mouse organogenesis. As shown previously for its mRNA, distinct expression of the gp210 was seen in developing epithelia and some other cell types, whereas it was undetectable in nuclei of several other embryonic tissue compartments. In sharp contrast, monoclonal antibody 414 recognizing four non-membrane nucleoporins, stained the nuclear envelope of all cell types. In four cultured mouse cell lines, gp210 mRNA and protein were below detection levels, in contrast to some other nucleoporins tested. Distinct expression of gp210 mRNA and protein was seen in cultured mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. These findings support the view of cell-type specific NPCs in metazoans and that the gp210 gene is regulated by cell-type specific control elements not shared by other nucleoporins. Although it cannot be excluded that very low expression levels of gp210 are sufficient to allow attachment of NPCs, a more likely alternative is that it has cell-type specific functions.  相似文献   

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