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Classical molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the nuclear motions associated with photoinduced electron transfer in plastocyanin. The blue copper protein is modeled using a molecular mechanics potential; potential parameters for the copper-protein interactions are determined using an x-ray crystallographic structure and absorption and resonance Raman spectra. Molecular dynamics simulations yield a variety of information about the ground (oxidized) and optically excited (charge-transfer) states: 1) The probability distribution of the potential difference between the states, which is used to determine the coordinate and energy displacements, places the states well within the Marcus inverted region. 2) The two-time autocorrelation function of the difference potential in the ground state and the average of the difference potential after instantaneous excitation to the excited state are very similar (confirming linear response in this system); their decay indicates that vibrational relaxation occurs in about 1 ps in both states. 3) The spectral densities of various internal coordinates begin to identify the vibrations that affect the optical transition; the spectral density of the difference potential correlation function should also prove useful in quantum simulations of the back electron transfer. 4) Correlation functions of the protein atomic motions with the difference potential show that the nuclear motions are correlated over a distance of more than 20 A, especially along proposed electron transport paths.  相似文献   

High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to examine the interaction of plastocyanins from French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus) with three complexes—potassium hexacyanochromate(III), hexamminechromium(III) nitrate and tris(1,10-phenanthroline)-chromium(III) perchlorate—which are analogues of inorganic electron transfer reagents. The results indicate a high degree of specificity in the binding of these complexes and two binding sites on the protein are identified. One binding site is situated close to the copper atom and is clearly suited to outer sphere electron transfer through one of the histidine ligands. The other binding site is more distant from the copper atom and this mechanism cannot be operative. Electron transfer via hydrophobic channels or electron tunneling are possible mechanisms of electron transfer.  相似文献   

Plastocyanin (Pc) has been modified by site-directed mutagenesis at two separate electron-transfer (ET) sites: Leu-12-Glu at a hydrophobic patch, and Tyr-83-His at an acidic patch. The reduction potential at pH 7.5 is decreased by 26 mV in Pc(Leu-12-Glu) and increased by 35 mV in Pc(Tyr-83-His). The latter mutant shows a 2-fold slower intracomplex ET to photosystem I (PSI) as expected from the decreased driving force. The affinity for PSI is unaffected for this mutant but is drastically decreased for Pc(Leu-12-Glu). It is concluded that the hydrophobic patch is more important for the ET to PSI.  相似文献   

Light-induced redox conversions of cytochrome f and plastocyanin in situ and electron transporst from H2O to NADP+ were studied by a dual-wave differential spectrophotometry under identical conditions and subsequently compared. The analysis in red and far red light, treatment by inhibitors, e. g. diurone and dibromothymoquinone, and the analysis of photoreactions during the greening of etiolated seedlings demonstrated that cytochrome f functions only in the non-cyclic chain of electron transport, whereas plastocyanin--both in the non-cyclic and in the cyclic electron transport chains. The jositions of cytochrome f and plastocyanin in various electron-transport chains are proposed.  相似文献   

A number of surface residues of plastocyanin from Prochlorothrix hollandica have been modified by site-directed mutagenesis. Changes have been made in amino acids located in the amino-terminal hydrophobic patch of the copper protein, which presents a variant structure as compared with other plastocyanins. The single mutants Y12G, Y12F, Y12W, P14L, and double mutant Y12G/P14L have been produced. Their reactivity toward photosystem I has been analyzed by laser flash absorption spectroscopy. Plots of the observed rate constant with all mutants versus plastocyanin concentration show a saturation profile similar to that with wild-type plastocyanin, thus suggesting the formation of a plastocyanin-photosystem I transient complex. The mutations do not induce relevant changes in the equilibrium constant for complex formation but induce significant variations in the electron transfer rate constant, mainly with the two mutants at proline 14. Additionally, molecular dynamics calculations indicate that mutations at position 14 yield small changes in the geometry of the copper center. The comparative kinetic analysis of the reactivity of plastocyanin mutants toward photosystem I from different organisms (plants and cyanobacteria) reveals that reversion of the unique proline of Prochlorothrix plastocyanin to the conserved leucine of all other plastocyanins at this position enhances the reactivity of the Prochlorothrix protein.  相似文献   

The effects of cooling rate and of solvent properties on the active site heterogeneity of two copper proteins, azurin and plastocyanin, have been investigated at low temperature by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The spectra of theses proteins have been analyzed, by an accurate computer simulation, in terms of a distribution of some relevant spin-Hamiltonian parameters. The results show that the structural heterogeneity of both proteins, quantified by the width of the distribution in the g and A tensors, is affected by both the freezing procedure and the solvent composition. In particular, the g distribution width is found to be reduced in the slow cooling regime; such a reduction appearing more significant when glycerol is added to the protein solutions. Despite of the similarity in the copper ion microenvironments of the two proteins, the effects are more pronounced in azurin. The results are discussed also in connection with the role played by the solvent and the rate of freezing in featuring the conformational substate landscape.  相似文献   

Electron transfer from plastocyanin to photosystem I.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Mutant plastocyanins with Leu at position 10, 90 or 83 (Gly, Ala and Tyr respectively in wildtype) were constructed by site-specific mutagenesis of the spinach gene, and expressed in transgenic potato plants under the control of the authentic plastocyanin promoter, as well as in Escherichia coli as truncated precursor intermediates carrying the C-terminal 22 amino acid residues of the transit peptide, i.e. the thylakoid-targeting domain that acts as a bacterial export signal. The identity of the purified plastocyanins was verified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. The formation of a complex between authentic or mutant spinach plastocyanin and isolated photosystem I and the electron transfer has been studied from the biphasic reduction kinetics of P700+ after excitation with laser flashes. The formation of the complex was abolished by the bulky hydrophobic group of Leu at the respective position of G10 or A90 which are part of the conserved flat hydrophobic surface around the copper ligand H87. The rate of electron transfer decreased by both mutations to < 20% of that found with wildtype plastocyanin. We conclude that the conserved flat surface of plastocyanin represents one of two crucial structural elements for both the docking at photosystem I and the efficient electron transfer via H87 to P700+. The Y83L mutant exhibited faster electron transfer to P700+ than did authentic plastocyanin. This proves that Y83 is not involved in electron transfer to P700 and suggests that electron transfer from cytochrome f and to P700 follows different routes in the plastocyanin molecule. Plastocyanin (Y83L) expressed in either E. coli or potato exhibited different isoelectric points and binding constants to photosystem I indicative of differences in the folding of the protein. The structure of the binding site at photosystem I and the mechanism of electron transfer are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy reveals functional and structural similarities between the reaction centres of the chlorophyll d-binding photosystem I (PS I) and chlorophyll a-binding PS I. Continuous wave EPR spectrometry at 12K identifies iron-sulphur centres as terminal electron acceptors of chlorophyll d-binding PS I. A transient light-induced electron spin echo (ESE) signal indicates the presence of a quinone as the secondary electron acceptor (Q) between P(740)(+) and the iron-sulphur centres. The distance between P(740)(+) and Q(-) was estimated within point-dipole approximation as 25.23+/-0.05A, by the analysis of the electron spin echo envelope modulation.  相似文献   

P.Muir Wood 《BBA》1974,357(3):370-379
The rate of electron transfer between reduced cytochrome ƒ and plastocyanin (both purified from parsley) has been measured as k = 3.6 · 107 M−1 · s−1, at 298 °K and pH 7.0, with activation parameters ΔH = 44 kJ · mole−1 and ΔS = +46 J · mole−1 · °K−1. Replacement of cytochrome ƒ with red algal cytochrome c-553, Pseudomonas cytochrome c-551 and mammalian cytochrome c gave rates at least 30 times slower: k = 5 · 105, 7.5 · 105 and 1.0 · 106 M−1 · s−1, respectively.

Similar measurements made with azurin instead of plastocyanin gave k = 6 · 106 and approx. 2 · 107 M−1 · s−1 for reaction of reduced azurin with cytochrome ƒ and algal cytochrome respectively.

Rate constants of 115 and 80 M−1 · s−1 were found for reduction of plastocyanin by ascorbate and hydroquinone at 298 °K and pH 7.0. The rate constants for the oxidation of plastocyanin, cytochrome ƒ, Pseudomonas cytochrome c-551 and red algal cytochrome c-553 by ferricyanide were found to be between 3 · 104 and 8 · 104 M−1 · s−1.

The results are discussed in relation to photosynthetic electron transport.  相似文献   

It has been shown that efficient functioning of photosynthesis and respiration in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 requires the presence of either cytochrome c6 or plastocyanin. In order to check whether the blue copper protein plastocyanin can act as electron donor to cytochrome c oxidase, we investigated the intermolecular electron transfer kinetics between plastocyanin and the soluble CuA domain (i.e. the donor binding and electron entry site) of subunit II of the aa3-type cytochrome c oxidase from Synechocystis. Both copper proteins were expressed heterologously in Escherichia coli. The forward and the reverse electron transfer reactions were studied yielding apparent bimolecular rate constants of (5.1+/-0.2) x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) and (8.5+/-0.4) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), respectively (20 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7). This corresponds to an apparent equilibrium constant of 0.06 in the physiological direction (reduction of CuA), which is similar to Keq values calculated for the reaction between c-type cytochromes and the soluble fragments of other CuA domains. The potential physiological role of plastocyanin in cyanobacterial respiration is discussed.  相似文献   

Babu CR  Volkman BF  Bullerjahn GS 《Biochemistry》1999,38(16):4988-4995
The solution structure of a divergent plastocyanin (PC) from the photosynthetic prokaryote Prochlorothrix hollandica was determined by homonuclear 1H NMR spectroscopy. Nineteen structures were calculated from 1222 distance restraints, yielding a family of structures having an average rmsd of 0.42 +/- 0.08 A for backbone atoms and 0.71 +/- 0.07 A for heavy atoms to the mean structure. No distance constraint was violated by more than 0.26 A in the structure family. Despite the low number of conserved residues shared with other PC homologues, the overall folding pattern of P. hollandica PC is similar to other PCs, in that the protein forms a two-sheet beta-barrel tertiary structure. The greatest variability among the backbone structures is seen in the loop region from residues 47-60. The differences seen in the P. hollandica PC homologue likely arise due to a small deletion of 2-4 residues compared to the PC consensus; this yields a less extended loop containing a short alpha-helix from residues Ala52-Leu55. Additionally, the protein has an altered hydrophobic patch thought to be important in binding reaction partners. Whereas the backbone structure is very similar within the loops of the hydrophobic region, the presence of two unique residues (Tyr12 and Pro14) yields a structurally different hydrophobic surface likely important in binding P. hollandica Photosystem I.  相似文献   

L P Pan  M Frame  B Durham  D Davis  F Millett 《Biochemistry》1990,29(13):3231-3236
A new technique has been developed to measure intracomplex electron transfer between cytochrome c and its redox partners. Cytochrome c derivatives labeled at single lysine amino groups with ruthenium bisbipyridine dicarboxybipyridine were prepared as previously described [Pan, L.P., Durham, B., Wolinska, J., & Millett, F. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 7180-7184]. Excitation of RuII with a short light pulse resulted in the formation of the excited-state RuII*, which rapidly transferred an electron to the ferric heme group to form FeII and RuIII. Aniline was included in the buffer to reduce RuIII to RuII, leaving the heme group in the ferrous state. This process was complete within the lifetime of the light pulse. When plastocyanin was present in the solution, electron transfer from the ferrous heme of cytochrome c to CuII in plastocyanin was observed. All of the ruthenium cytochrome c derivatives formed electrostatic complexes with plastocyanin at low ionic strength, allowing intracomplex electron-transfer rate constants to be measured. The rate constants for derivatives modified at the indicated lysines were as follows: Lys 13, 1920 s-1; Lys 8, 1480 s-1; Lys 7, 1340 s-1; Lys 86, 1020 s-1; Lys 25, 820 s-1; Lys 72, 800 s-1; Lys 27, 530 s-1. It is interesting that the derivative modified at lysine 13 at the top of the heme crevice had the largest rate constant, while lysine 27 at the right side of the heme crevice had the smallest.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The reduction of plastocyanin by plastoquinol-1 was efficiently catalysed by disrupted chloroplasts or etioplasts in the dark. The reaction was inhibited by 2,5-dibromomethylisopropyl-p-benzo-quinone which inhibits photosynthetic electron transport between plastoquinone and cytochrome f. Evidence is presented that the reduction took place via cytochrome f, and that plastoquinone-9 was not involved. Triton X-100 and organic solvents were inhibitory, but partial fractionation was achieved without loss of activity by density gradient centrifugation in the presence of high digitonin concentrations. All active material contained cytochromes b-559LP and b-563 in addition to cytochrome f, but these b-type cytochromes were not directly involved. Other 1-electron acceptors could be used in place of plastocyanin, for instance ferricyanide and Pseudomonas cytochrome c-551. The reaction can be applied to give a sensitive dark assay for active cytochrome f. It is suggested that cytochrome f possesses two sites for interaction with redox reagents: a hydrophilic site with which plastocyanin reacts by electron transfer and a hydrophobic site with which plastoquinol reacts by hydrogen atom transfer.  相似文献   

We have used several docking algorithms (GRAMM, FTDOCK, DOT, AUTODOCK) to examine protein-protein interactions between plastocyanin (Pc)/photosystem I (PSI) in the electron transfer reaction. Because of the large size and complexity of this system, it is faster and easier to use computer simulations than conduct x-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. The main criterion for complex selection was the distance between the copper ion of Pc and the P700 chlorophyll special pair. Additionally, the unique tyrosine residue (Tyr(12)) of the hydrophobic docking surface of Prochlorothrix hollandica Pc yields a specific interaction with the lumenal surface of PSI, thus providing the second constraint for the complex. The structure that corresponded best to our criteria was obtained by the GRAMM algorithm. In this structure, the solvent-exposed histidine that coordinates copper in Pc is at the van der Waals distance from the pair of stacked tryptophans that separate the chlorophylls from the solvent, yielding the shortest possible metal-to-metal distance. The unique tyrosine on the surface of the Prochlorothrix Pc hydrophobic patch also participates in a hydrogen bond with the conserved Asn(633) of the PSI PsaB polypeptide (numbering from the Synechococcus elongatus crystal structure). Free energy calculations for complex formation with wild-type Pc, as well as the hydrophobic patch Tyr(12)Gly and Pro(14)Leu Pc mutants, were carried out using a molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzman, surface area approach (MM/PBSA). The results are in reasonable agreement with our experimental studies, suggesting that the obtained structure can serve as an adequate model for P. hollandica Pc-PSI complex that can be extended for the study of other cyanobacterial Pc/PSI reaction pairs.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic investigation on the structure of fibrin is reported. Fibrin morphology was investigated in a wide variety of experimental conditions, and by carefully controlled staining procedures. Two main band patterns A (230-Å-spaced main dark bands) and B (230-Å-spaced main light bands) are observed for stained fibrin; it is shown that the former results from the superimposition of both positive and negative staining, and the latter is given by positive staining. By suitable denaturation experiments, it was found that the fiber is composed of a regular alternation of lose and dense regions along the axis. We have assumed that the monomer of fibrin is described by the three-nodular model of Hall and Slayter, as supported by recent investigations. The monomers are arrayed according to a head-to-tail sequence along the fiber, and to a staggered lateral association. This model accounts for all the experimental observations, and predicts well the high-resolution band pattern of fibrin. It further agrees with the results of a recent work on the early stages of the fibrinogen-to-fibrin conversion.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the backbone of the electron-transfer protein plastocyanin from the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis were determined from the (15)N and (13)C(alpha) R(1) and R(2) relaxation rates and steady-state [(1)H]-(15)N and [(1)H]-(13)C nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) using the model-free approach. The (13)C relaxation studies were performed using (13)C in natural abundance. Overall, it is found that the protein backbone is rigid. However, the regions that are important for the function of the protein show moderate mobility primarily on the microsecond to millisecond time scale. These regions are the "northern" hydrophobic site close to the metal site, the metal site itself, and the "eastern" face of the molecule. In particular, the mobility of the latter region is interesting in light of recent findings indicating that residues also on the eastern face of plastocyanins from prokaryotes are important for the function of the protein. The study also demonstrates that relaxation rates and NOEs of the (13)C(alpha) nuclei of proteins are valuable supplements to the conventional (15)N relaxation measurements in studies of protein backbone dynamics.  相似文献   

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