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Euphrasia nankotaizanensis is an endangered flowering plant distributed restrictedly on rocky slope of high mountain peaks in central and northern Taiwan. In order to undertake a conservation program, especially given impacts of the global warming, it is essential to evaluate its genetic diversity and population structure. We described nine novel microsatellite primer pairs in E. nankotaizanensis and also examined its relative E. transmorrisonensis. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 7 to 29. Expected (H E) and observed (H O) heterozygosities ranged from 0.83 to 0.98 and 0.00 to 0.95, respectively. Eight of the nine microsatellite loci displayed significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg expectations, likely due to the loss of habitats and the small population size. Significant linkage disequilibrium (LD) was detected in most loci. Cross-species amplification of microsatellites took place at five loci. These primers may provide a tool for understanding the demography and population structure of Euphrasia species in Taiwan. Kuo-Hsiung Wang, Ming-Jou Wu, and Tzen-Yuh Chiang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Hemiparasitic plants gain virtually all mineral nutrients and water from their host plant whilst organic carbon is provided, at least in part, by their own photosynthetic activity, although their rates of assimilation are substantially lower than that found in non-parasitic plants. Hence, hemiparasites must gain at least some of their organic carbon heterotrophically from the host plant. Despite this, heterotrophic carbon gain by root hemiparasites has been investigated only for a few genera. We investigated heterotrophic carbon gain by two root hemiparasites, Rhinanthus minor L. and Euphrasia rostkoviana Hayne (Orobanchaceae), using natural abundance stable isotope (δ13C) profiles of both parasites attached to C3 (wheat) and C4 (maize) hosts coupled to a linear two-source isotope-mixing model to estimate the percentage of carbon in the parasite that was derived from the host. Both R. minor and E. rostkoviana attached to maize hosts were significantly more enriched in 13C than those attached to wheat hosts with R. minor becoming more enriched in 13C than E. rostkoviana. The natural abundance 13C profiles of both parasites were not significantly different from their wheat hosts, but were less enriched in 13C than maize hosts. Using a linear two-source isotope-mixing model, we estimated that R. minor and E. rostkoviana adult plants derive c. 50 and 25% of their carbon from their hosts, respectively. In light of these results, we hypothesise that repeatedly observed negative effect of competition for light on hemiparasites acts predominantly in early ontogenetic stages when parasites grow unattached or the abstraction of host nutrients is less effective.  相似文献   

Aims To unravel isolation and differentiation of the genetic structure of the Euphrasia transmorrisonensis complex, a showy herb, among alpine regions of mountain peaks in subtropical Taiwan and to infer its evolutionary history. Location Alpine ecosystems of high‐montane regions of Taiwan. Methods Phylogenetic analyses of the trnL intron and the trnL–trnF intergenic spacer of chloroplast (cp) DNA, and the intertranscribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA between 18S and 26S were carried out on 18 populations of the E. transmorrisonensis complex in Taiwan. Results In total, 10 haplotypes for cpDNA and 14 haplotypes for nrDNA were detected. Three population groups located in the northern, north‐eastern, and south‐central regions of the Central Mountain Range (CMR) were revealed according to the frequencies of haplotypes and haplotype lineages of nrDNA. Balancing selection might have played a role in the evolution of Euphrasia in Taiwan. Main conclusions By integrating the spatial‐genetic patterns of cpDNA and nrDNA, two possible evolutionary histories of Euphrasia in Taiwan were inferred. The favourable hypotheses for interpreting the data suggest at least three origins of the E. transmorrisonensis complex in Taiwan, corresponding to each nuclear lineage in the northern (II), northern/north‐eastern (I), and central/southern regions (III) with subsequent hybridization between lineages I and II and lineages II and III. These lineage boundaries are strengthened by the finding that haplotypes of C derived from cpDNA were found in the geographical region of lineage II of nrDNA, while haplotypes of A derived from cpDNA were found in the region of lineage III of nrDNA. Thus, the origin of chloroplasts exclusive to lineages II and III supports their long‐term isolation from one another.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 25 species of the genus Euphrasia L., belonging to the family Orobanchaceae from Pakistan has been examined by light and scanning electron microscope. It is a stenopalynous genus. Pollen grains are usually radially symmetrical, isopolar, tricolpate, sub-prolate to prolate-spheroidal rarely oblate-spheroidal. Sexine slightly thinner than nexine or as thick as nexine. Tectum coarse to fine retipilate or rugulate–retipilate. On the basis of exine ornamentation three distinct pollen types viz., Euphrasia foliosa, Euphrasia multiflora, and Euphrasia incisa are recognized. Pollen morphology is significantly helpful at specific level within the pollen type.  相似文献   

Plants of the root holoparasite Orobanche ramosa L. and four of its potential host species, Nicotiana glauca Graham, Nicotiana rustica L., Nicotiana sylvestris Speg. & S.Comes, and Nicotiana tabacum L., grown in the greenhouse in Kiel/Germany, were analyzed for their contents of pyridine alkaloids anabasine (1) and nicotine (2). All investigated samples contained both alkaloids in different amounts. The distribution of the alkaloids in the various plant organs of Nicotiana differed significantly between the species. The alkaloid contents of the Orobanche samples relative to the alkaloid contents of the roots of the respective host plants varied between 3.47 ± 1.08 and 28.8 ± 37.5%. Orobanche plants drain water and crucial nutrients from their hosts; also, some examples for the sequestration of specialized natural products have been reported. O. ramosa is not able to synthesize pyridine alkaloids anabasine (1) and nicotine (2) itself; therefore, the present study proves the sequestration of pyridine alkaloids by O. ramosa from the four investigated Nicotiana host species.  相似文献   

The optimal time for germination of a seed depends on environmental conditions of its habitat, the life cycle of the germinating plant, and the conditions for successful establishment, growing and reproduction. We studied the germination behaviour of the alpine annual Euphrasia minima and an alpine ecotype of E. salisburgensis in a lowland garden experiment. Seeds of both species and their hybrids germinated at constant (5 °C) and at varying temperatures (3–10 °C), and never before spring after seed ripening. Germination was spread over 3 years, which suggests that the seeds formed a persistent seed bank. The two species together with E. minima and E. minima hybrids differed significantly in the germination rate in the first and second spring.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 649–656.  相似文献   

The 22 species of the genus Micrambe Thomson known from South Africa are analyzed and revised. Micrambe danielssoni sp. nov is described. Following a detailed study of the type material in different entomological collections, the status of two taxa is revised and two new synonymies are proposed: Micrambe kolbei Grouvelle 1908, syn. nov. for Micrambe minuta Grouvelle 1908, and Micrambe similis Bruce 1957, syn. nov. for Micrambe peringueyi Grouvelle 1908. A lectotypus is designated for one taxon: Micrambe capensis (Redtenbacher 1867). A key to all the species occurring in South Africa is presented.  相似文献   

Euphrasia includes perennial or annual green parasitic plants, and has a disjunct bipolar distribution except for one transtropical connection across the high mountains of Oceania. The disjunction is coupled with strikingly contrasting patterns of morphological diversity between the southern and northern hemispheres, making it an exciting model to study processes of evolutionary diversification which shaped present floras. We inferred the relationships among 51 species representing 14 of the 15 sections of the genus based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL intron, trnL-trnF and atpB-rbcL intergenic spacers. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference support monophyly of the genus and of several intrageneric groups characterized by morphology, ploidy level, and geographic range. Molecular phylogenetic dating using Bayesian “relaxed” clock methods suggests that the earliest Euphrasia radiations occurred minimum 11–8 Mya with bipolarity being achieved 7–5 Mya. Biogeographic analyses using explicit model-based approach inferred Eurasia as an ancestral area for the genus. The most parsimonious reconstruction found by a dispersal-vicariance analysis requires 17 dispersals to account for the current biogeographic pattern and supports Eurasian origin for Euphrasia. Both long-distance dispersal and across land vicariance can be invoked to explain the diversification in the genus, which experienced rapid radiations driven by new ecological opportunities of the late Pliocene and Pleistocene but also retained a set of local endemic or relict species of an earlier origin.  相似文献   

The diatom genus Chaetoceros is one of the most abundant and diverse phytoplankton in marine and brackish waters worldwide. Within this genus, Chaetoceros socialis has been cited as one of the most common species. However, recent studies from different geographic areas have shown the presence of pseudo‐cryptic diversity within the C. socialis complex. Members of this complex are characterized by curved chains (primary colonies) aggregating into globular clusters, where one of the four setae of each cell curves toward the center of the cluster and the other three orient outwards. New light and electron microscopy observations as well as molecular data on marine planktonic diatoms from the coastal waters off Chile revealed the presence of two new species, Chaetoceros sporotruncatus sp. nov. and C. dichatoensis. sp. nov. belonging to the C. socialis complex. The two new species are similar to other members of the complex (i.e., C. socialis and C. gelidus) in the primary and secondary structure of the colony, the orientation pattern of the setae, and the valve ultrastructure. The only morphological characters that can be used to differentiate the species of this complex are aspects related to resting spore morphology. The two newly described species are closely related to each other and form a sister clade to C. gelidus in molecular phylogenies. We also provide a phylogenetic status along with the morphological characterization of C. radicans and C. cintus, which are genetically related to the C. socialis complex.  相似文献   

We describe a species of Odontites, O. bolligeri E.Rico, L.Delgado & Herrero, endemic to the south‐eastern Iberian Peninsula and north Africa, from Morocco to Tunisia. This species belongs to the O. purpureus group and corresponds to the taxon that the monographer Markus Bolliger called O. squarrosus subsp. squarrosus. However, according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN), this is an invalid name, and hence we propose a new name for these plants here. Drawings of the new species are also supplied. In addition, we compare and discuss the other species of the O. purpureus group, propose a key for them and include a karyological study of the two Iberian species of the group. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 701–708.  相似文献   

The establishment of epitypes (together with the emended diagnoses) for three species of Euglenaria Karnkowska, E. W. Linton et Kwiatowski [Eu. anabaena (Mainx) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton; Eu. caudata (Hübner) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton; and Eu. clavata (Skuja) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton] and two species of Euglena Ehrenberg [E. granulata (Klebs) Schmitz and E. velata Klebs] was achieved due to literature studies, verification of morphological diagnostic features (cell size, cell shape, number of chloroplasts, the presence of mucocysts), as well as molecular characters (SSU rDNA). Now all these species are easy to identify and distinguish, despite their high morphological similarity, that is, spindle‐shaped (or cylindrically spindle‐shaped) cells and parietal, lobed chloroplasts with a single pyrenoid, accompanied by bilateral paramylon caps located on both sides of the chloroplast. E. granulata is the only species in this group that has spherical mucocysts. E. velata is distinguished by the largest cells (90–150 μm) and has the highest number of chloroplasts (>30). Eu. anabaena has the fewest chloroplasts (usually 3–6), and its cells are always (whether the organism is swimming or not) spindle‐shaped or cylindrically spindle‐shaped, in contrast to the cells of Eu. clavata, which are club‐shaped (clavate) while swimming and only after stopping change to resemble the shape of a spindle or a cylindrical spindle; Eu. clavata has numerous chloroplasts (15–20). Eu. caudata is characterized by asymmetrical spindle‐shaped (fusiform) cells, that is, with an elongated rear section and a shorter front section; the number of chloroplasts normally ranges from 7 to 15.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of the Neotropical Castniidae is presented using 120 morphological characters, and a taxonomic treatment based on that analysis is also presented. The tribe Gazerini as previously delimited was found to be paraphyletic with respect to the genera Ceretes, Divana, Riechia, Frostetola, and Oiticicastnia. The genera Castnia, Geyeria, and Athis were also found to be non‐monophyletic taxa. The mimicry pattern had multiple independent origins in the Neotropical castniids, and at least two lineages, Riechia and Prometheus, are involved in Batesian mimicry rings with unpalatable butterfly models in the tribes Acraeini and Heliconiini (Nymphalidae). We propose for Castniini 13 new synonymies and 27 new combinations. Geyeria strigata (Walker, 1854) is revalidated. The generic placements of Athis superba (Strand, 1912) and Castnia eudesmia Gray, 1838 are questionable, but presently upheld. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The systematic treatment of Orobanche cumana Wallr. and O. cernua L. is controversial. Whereas some authors consider O. cumana as an infraspecific taxon of O. cernua , others treat it as a separate species. Furthermore, the nomenclature of the sunflower broomrape is unclear, and both names arc found without qualification in the literature. The objective of the present study has been to evaluate the distribution, morphology, and ecology of O. cernua and O. cumana in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as their seed oil fatty acid profile, which is a trait of great chemotaxonomic value. O. cernua was found parasitizing wild Compositac, mainly Artemisia spp., whereas O. cumana was exclusively found on cultivated sunflower. Both species clearly differ in morphological traits, especially plant height and build, length and structure of the inflorescence, corolla length and colour. Both species are characterized by contrasting seed oil fatty acid profiles, with high oleic acid concentration in O. cernua and high linoleic acid concentration in O. cumana. The evaluation of both taxa in the Iberian Peninsula gives additional support to those authors that treat them as separate species.  相似文献   

Gametophytes of Equisetum , subgenus Hippochaete , species E. hyemale, E. ramosissimum, E. laevigatum, E. variegatum and E. scirpoides are morphologically distinct. Lamellae from female branches and the archegonial neck cells provide a range of diagnostic features but antheridia are uniform throughout this subgenus, unlike the subgenus Equisetum , in which antheridial morphology is the most reliable criterion for specific identification of gametophytes. The classification of Equisetum into two subgenera based on sporophytic features is supported by gametophyte morphology: column lamellae and sunken antheridia with two opercular cells occur in Hippochaete whereas plate lamellae and projecting antheridia prevail in subgenus Equisetum. The absence of well-marked discontinuities in gametophyte morphology in Hippochaete reinforces cytologica! and hybridization data indicating that the taxa are more closely interrelated man in the subgenus Equisetum. No differences in gametophyte morphology were detected at the intraspecific level. Neither gametophyte morphology nor sexuality provide any definitive data to support me theory that Hippochaete contains the most primitive extant horsetails.
Sexuality in E. ramosissimum subsp. debile, E. hyemale var. affine and E. laevigatum is far more labile than in other taxa of Equisetum. Both male and female secondary gametophytes may be derived from initially male or female individuals as a result of lamellar proliferation.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Lesser/Asian Short-toed Lark Alaudala rufescenscheleensis complex has been debated for decades, mainly because of minor morphological differentiation among the taxa within the complex, and different interpretations of the geographical pattern of morphological characters among different authors. In addition, there have been few studies based on non-morphological traits. It has recently been suggested based on a molecular study of the lark family Alaudidae that the Sand Lark A. raytal is nested within this complex. We here analysed mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) from 130 individuals across the range of this complex (hereafter called Alaudala rufescens–raytal complex), representing all except two of the 18 currently recognized subspecies. We also analysed 11 nuclear markers from a subsample of these individuals, representing all of the clades found in the cyt b tree. Five primary clades were recovered, which confirmed that A. raytal is nested within this complex. Divergence time estimates among these five clades ranged from 1.76 to 3.16 million years (my; 95% highest posterior density [HPD] 1.0–4.51 my) or 1.99–2.53 my (95% HPD 0.96–4.3 my) in different analyses. Only four of the currently recognized subspecies were recovered as monophyletic in the cyt b tree. Our results call for a taxonomic revision, and we tentatively suggest that at least four species should be recognized, although we stress the need for an approach integrating molecular, morphological and other data that are not yet available.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from type material in the nongeniculate coralline genus Lithophyllum were used to unambiguously link some European species names to field‐collected specimens, thus providing a great advance over morpho‐anatomical identifi‐cation. In particular, sequence comparisons of rbcL, COI and psbA genes from field‐collected specimens allowed the following conclusion: the generitype species, L. incrustans, occurs mostly as subtidal rhodoliths and crusts on both Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, and not as the common, NE Atlantic, epilithic, intertidal crust reported in the literature. The heterotypic type material of L. hibernicum was narrowed to one rhodolith belonging in Lithophyllum. As well as occurring as a subtidal rhodolith, L. hibernicum is a common, epilithic and epizoic crust in the intertidal zone from Ireland south to Mediterranean France. A set of four features distinguished L. incrustans from L. hibernicum, including epithallial cell diameter, pore canal shape of sporangial conceptacles and sporangium height and diameter. An rbcL sequence of the lectotype of Lithophyllum bathyporum, which was recently proposed to accommodate Atlantic intertidal collections of L. incrustans, corresponded to a distinct taxon hitherto known only from Brittany as the subtidal, bisporangial, lectotype, but also occurs intertidally in Atlantic Spain. Specimens from Ireland and France morpho‐anatomically identified as L. fasciculatum and a specimen from Cornwall likewise identified as L. duckerae were resolved as L. incrustans and L. hibernicum, respectively.  相似文献   

Two animal-pollinated hermaphrodite plants, Pedicularis siphonantha and P. longiflora , have been used to investigate factors limiting seed production in natural populations. To evaluate the potential seed abortion due to resources limitation, seed development has been observed and seed count conducted twice. Seed production per capsule has been compared when flowers have been removed and in a control group. Open pollination has been investigated and pollen supplementation undertaken to estimate the possibility of pollen limitation. Results show that seed abortion is frequent. Stigmatic pollen load is significantly higher than ovule number per ovary under open pollination for both species. Additional self and outcross pollen did not affect seed production. Flower removal significantly increases seed production per capsule, which indicates that seed production of the studied species is limited by available resources. To detect differences in seed production between flowers pollinated by self and outcross pollen, hand pollination of bagged flowers has also been conducted in natural populations of the two Pedicularis species. Compared with open pollination, hand-pollinating self-pollen decreases, while outcross pollen increases seed production per capsule. Such results suggest that inbreeding depression in the two self-compatible species may also result in partial seed abortion under open pollination if mixed pollen is deposited on the stigma. Our results also suggest that pollen interference plays an important role in low female fertility in the two Pedicularis species.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 83–89.  相似文献   

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