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A solitary articulated skeleton of a middle-aged and diseased Panthera leo spelaea lioness from the Eemian interglacial has been found amongst numerous articulated skeletons of Palaeoloxodon antiquus forest elephants, in sediments from a small, shallow lake at Neumark-Nord in central Germany, which has Neanderthal settlements along its shoreline. Several pathologies such as a fibula fracture, arthritis in one of the front legs and a lost canine tooth with associated maxillary inflammation and dissolution made the lioness vulnerable to other predators such as hyenas, whose presence is indicated by their bones, coprolites and many scavenging marks on the elephant skeletons and on a femur from a male lion. The scavenging of hyenas and lions at this site is commonly documented by canine bite marks on the joints of elephant bones. Bite and scratch marks on the ventral vertebral columns and pelvises of two P. antiquus forest elephant skeletons suggest that the intestines and inner organs may have been consumed by large predators, as is commonly the case with modern African lions feeding on elephants. The weak and diseased lioness may possibly have been killed during antagonistic battles between hyenas and lions over their larger prey.  相似文献   

Microboring or euendolithic microorganisms, which colonize and penetrate various carbonate substrates, are abundant in coral reef ecosystems and play a major role in reef carbonate dissolution. A few studies reported the presence of euendoliths in stylasterid coral skeletons but the biological identity, distribution and abundance of these microorganisms remain largely unknown. Observations of over 100 stylasterid colonies, collected in the Indo-Pacific area, revealed for the first time that the association between these corals and euendolith organisms appears to be quite common in shallow tropical waters. The most abundant euendolith was identified as a cryptic stage in the development of the rhodophyte Porphyra (Conchocelis stage). The euendoliths were observed in the skeletons of seven species of three genera (four Stylaster, two Distichopora and one Lepidotheca). The presence of euendoliths inside skeletons conferred a particular colour to the studied stylasterid corals. Distribution and abundance of microborings varied significantly among stylasterid species and among branches of a single colony and so did the colour of their skeletons. Colonization of skeletons and the associated colour distribution were almost uniform in some stylasterids, forming an upward gradually diminishing or sharply limited gradient. This study shows that patterns of euendolith colonization and growth in stylasterid skeletons may depend on the stage of the euendolith development as well as on their environmental requirements such as light exposure.  相似文献   

The gravimetric density of humeri, radii, femora and tibiae from a series of 274 male and female skeletons of rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta, was determined for fetal, young and adult periods. The ages of 171 of the animals were known: they ranged from 57 days of gestation to 13.6 years; the ages of an additional 103 skeletons were estimated. The mean density of the fetal bones was found to increase linearly with age and was higher for males than females, and higher for the superior than for the inferior limb bones. During the young period the pattern of increase in density can be represented by a power-type curve, and the density is significantly higher in females than in males and in superior than in inferior limb bones. The densities of the long limb bones of the adult skeletons show a slight, but not significant, negative trend with increasing age. In this age group the mean densities are higher for males than females and higher for the superior than for the inferior limb bones. The percentage ash weight was determined for the total skeleton and for 21 subdivisions of 23 postnatal skeletons with estimated ages. The skull and long limb bones were found to have higher mean percentage ash weights than the vertebral segments and the sternum. Both the density and the percentage ash weight of the Macaca mulatta skeletons examined exceed those found in our earlier studies of the human skeleton.  相似文献   

In the cold-temperate setting of the Swedish Kosterfjord area, experimental carbonate and PVC substrates were deployed for a 6, 12 and 24-month duration along a transect from euphotic to aphotic depths in order to study bioerosion and carbonate accretion patterns. Among the organisms that contribute to the latter by secreting calcareous skeletons, epibenthic foraminiferans represent a major component, both in terms of diversity (a dozen species) as well as in the number of individuals (exceeding 50,000 individuals per m2 at certain depths). The by far dominating species were found to be Cibicides lobatulus and the agglutinating Lituotuba lituiformis, along with smaller numbers of Planorbulina mediterranensis, Tholosina vesicularis and Nubecularia lucifuga. The foraminiferal distribution exhibits a pronounced abundance maximum in shallow waters at 7 and especially 15 m and a maximum in diversity at 15-50 m water depth. Some of the foraminiferans encountered, such as Cibicides lobatulus and the rare Gypsina vesicularis, were found to contribute also to the bioerosion of the calcareous substrates by etching shallow attachment scars. These prominent traces witness the former presence of benthic foraminiferans on fossil to Recent hardgrounds, inferring a potential applicability as an in situ proxy where tests are not preserved. Estimated minimum carbonate production rates for the dominant Cibicides lobatulus reach a maximum of 0.326 g/m2/year with the highest rates occurring at 7 to 30 m water depth. Carbonate production rates are up to two magnitudes higher on the PVC (0-0.326 g/m2/year) than on the carbonate substrates (0-0.010 g/m2/year) and are considerably higher than estimates previously reported from the western Baltic.  相似文献   

Recent ancient DNA (aDNA) studies of human pathogens have provided invaluable insights into their evolutionary history and prevalence in space and time. Most of these studies were based on DNA extracted from teeth or postcranial bones. In contrast, no pathogen DNA has been reported from the petrous bone which has become the most desired skeletal element in ancient DNA research due to its high endogenous DNA content. To compare the potential for pathogenic aDNA retrieval from teeth and petrous bones, we sampled these elements from five ancient skeletons, previously shown to be carrying Yersinia pestis. Based on shotgun sequencing data, four of these five plague victims showed clearly detectable levels of Y. pestis DNA in the teeth, whereas all the petrous bones failed to produce Y. pestis DNA above baseline levels. A broader comparative metagenomic analysis of teeth and petrous bones from 10 historical skeletons corroborated these results, showing a much higher microbial diversity in teeth than petrous bones, including pathogenic and oral microbial taxa. Our results imply that although petrous bones are highly valuable for ancient genomic analyses as an excellent source of endogenous DNA, the metagenomic potential of these dense skeletal elements is highly limited. This trade‐off must be considered when designing the sampling strategy for an aDNA project.  相似文献   

Thirty uniformly prepared, disarticulated complete skeletons of adultLoris tardigradus lydekkerianus andNycticebus coucang have been weighed for preliminary study of the weight relations between different major skeletal parts. In these forms, combined relative weight of the precaudal vertebrae, ribs and sternum surpasses the averages for the rest of the skeletal parts. The weight of the skull equals one-fifth of the total skeletal weight inLoris andNycticebus. The weight of the skeletons of the limbs (including the shoulder girdle and the hip bones) contributes less than half of the total skeletal weight in lorises. The bones of the upper limbs are lighter than those of the lower limbs in the 2 series examined.Loris andNycticebus are distinguished by having the proportionately heaviest axial skeleton and skull and the lowest relative weights of the bones of the 4 limbs. The combined relative skeletal weight of the upper and lower limbs ranges between 45.34 and 50.01 inLoris andNycticebus. The relative weight of the skeletons of the hands and feet are almost similar to the corresponding weights in the 2 series.As far as the weights of the different skeletal parts are concerned, there is no relative asymmetry in the 2 series ofLoris andNycticebus examined.  相似文献   

This work investigates the metal pollution documented in the skeletons of selected coral species like Acropora formosa, Montipora digitata and Porites andrewsi from the Tuticorin Coast, one of the least studied areas in the Bay of Bengal. Relating heavy metal concentrations to morphological features of skeletons, highest concentrations of all the metals (except Cu and Zn) were found in ramose or branching types of corals. Irrespective of their growth characteristics or patterns, all these species displayed higher concentrations of Pb, Ni, Mn, and Cd within the skeletal part. The study area is currently exposed to a larger degree of metal pollution (natural and anthropogenic) than even before, as a result of the increasing environmental contamination from sewage discharges, the misuse of agricultural chemicals and fertilizers, and top soil erosion. The concentrations of heavy metals obtained in the present study are compared with values from earlier works around the world. This study indicates that corals are vulnerable to the accumulation of high concentrations of heavy metals in their skeletons and therefore can serve as proxies to monitor environmental pollution.  相似文献   



Many coral reef organisms are photosynthetic or have evolved in tight symbiosis with photosynthetic symbionts. As such, the tissues of reef organisms are often exposed to intense solar radiation in clear tropical waters and have adapted to trap and harness photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). High levels of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) associated with sunlight, however, represent a potential problem in terms of tissue damage.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By measuring UVR and PAR reflectance from intact and ground bare coral skeletons we show that the property of calcium carbonate skeletons to absorb downwelling UVR to a significant extent, while reflecting PAR back to the overlying tissue, has biological advantages. We placed cnidarians on top of bare skeletons and a UVR reflective substrate and showed that under ambient UVR levels, UVR transmitted through the tissues of cnidarians placed on top of bare skeletons were four times lower compared to their counterparts placed on a UVR reflective white substrate. In accordance with the lower levels of UVR measured in cnidarians on top of coral skeletons, a similar drop in UVR damage to their DNA was detected. The skeletons emitted absorbed UVR as yellow fluorescence, which allows for safe dissipation of the otherwise harmful radiation.


Our study presents a novel defensive role for coral skeletons and reveals that the strong UVR absorbance by the skeleton can contribute to the ability of corals, and potentially other calcifiers, to thrive under UVR levels that are detrimental to most marine life.  相似文献   

Aggregations of mussels harbor a variety of associated animals and make it possible for diverse species to coexist at the shore. Species composition and diversity of the associated fauna are controlled by the position of mussel beds or patches, e.g. tidal level, age structure of mussels, quality of ambient water and by mussel species. When patches of mussels were surrounded by algal growth, a difference in the species composition of the associated fauna was recognized between the patches and algal mats. Mechanisms promoting coexistence are discussed. Biodeposit production by mussels may affect the environment both within the bed and the ambient waters. Reducing sediments showing low Eh values caused by the accumulation of biodeposits was observed in calm waters where the polychaete Capitella capitata, an indicator for organic enrichment, occurred both in the intertidal mussel bed and the subtidal sandy bottom communities. In a shallow subtidal sandy bottom of the Gulf of Thailand, where heavy bioturbation by the spatangoid urchin Brissus latecarinatus was occurring, small patches of the mussel Modiolus metcalfi increased species diversity and equitability in this habitat. Species composition was different between mussel patches and pure sandy bottoms. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This paper concerns assemblages of sessile animals occupying shaded, commonly vertical hard substrata in the shallow subtidal zone. We are interested particularly in questions about the coexistence of species and about what influences their joint dynamics. We propose a conceptual model which focuses on variation in characteristics such as birth and death rates, competitive interactions and dispersal. We argue that, qualitatively, this model appears to be a satisfactory representation of the important characteristics of certain sessile assemblages. Further, we suggest that it may explain the coexistence of a large number of ecologically similar species in assemblages that appear in a sense ‘stable’ (but where assemblages at different sites differ in detail). There is support for this assertion from formal theoretical work on simpler versions of the model. It is not sufficient merely to argue that the model seems satisfactory or plausible, so we finally consider what kind of data is needed for the further development and testing of this kind of model.  相似文献   

Here, we describe the first skeletal remains of Notostylops recovered from middle Eocene levels of the Sarmiento Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. The remains include two teeth of Notostylops murinus, the axis, vertebral bodies, a rib, a left humerus, both radii, two metapodials, two phalanges, the pelvis, a right femur, a right calcaneus and several broken bones. Radial bones are not fused to ulnas, and are shorter than the humerus, very generalized, with an oval head, a marked neck and a radial tubercle. The humerus and the femur show pronounced insertion structures. Our analysis suggests that the appendicular skeleton of Notostylops is too generalized and shares several features with that of terrestrial rodents as Sciuridae. Unlike the appendicular skeletons of cursorial or saltatorial mammals, which restrict mobility, the skeleton of Notostylops indicates the ability to make a variety of different movements, as would be expected for terrestrial, fossorial or arboreal mammals. This skeleton gives new information about the locomotor behaviour of notoungulates, particularly in their basal forms. The results will also allow the identification of isolated notoungulate bones and raise questions about the previous taxonomic assignment of postcrania to Pleurostylodon.  相似文献   

Luk?evi?s, E., Ahlberg, P.E., Stinkulis, ?., Vasi?kova, J. & Zupi??, I. 2011: Frasnian vertebrate taphonomy and sedimentology of macrofossil concentrations from the Langsēde Cliff, Latvia. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 356–370. The siliciclastic sequence of the Upper Devonian of Kurzeme, Western Latvia, is renowned for abundant vertebrate fossils, including the stem tetrapods Obruchevichthys gracilis and Ventastega curonica. During the first detailed taphonomic study of the vertebrate assemblage from the Ogre Formation cropping out at the Langsēde Cliff, Imula River, abundant vertebrate remains have been examined and identified as belonging to one psammosteid, two acanthodian and three sarcopterygian genera; the placoderm Bothriolepis maxima dominates the assemblage. Besides fully disarticulated placoderm and psammosteid plates, separate sarcopterygian scales and teeth, and acanthodian spines, partly articulated specimens including complete distal segments of Bothriolepis pectoral fins, Bothriolepis head shields and sarcopterygian lower jaws have been found. The size distribution of the placoderm bones demonstrates that the individuals within the assemblage are of approximately uniform age. Distinct zones have been traced within the horizontal distribution of the bones. These linear zones are almost perpendicular to the dominant dip azimuth of the cross‐beds and ripple‐laminae and most probably correspond to the depressions between subaqueous dunes. Concavity ratio varies significantly within the excavation area. The degree of fragmentation of the bones and disarticulation of the skeletons suggest that the carcasses were reworked and slightly transported before burial. Sedimentological data suggest deposition in a shallow marine environment under the influence of rapid currents. The fossiliferous bed consists of a basal bone conglomerate covered by a cross‐stratified sandstone with mud drapes, which is in turn overlain by ripple laminated sandstone, indicating the bones were buried by the gradual infilling of a tidal channel. All the Middle–Upper Devonian vertebrate bone‐beds from Latvia are associated with sandy to clayey deposits and have been formed in a sea‐coastal zone during rapid sedimentation episodes, but differ in fossil abundance and degree of preservation. □Agnathans, Devonian, facies analysis, fish, fossil assemblage, palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   

Lees, J., Märss, T., Wilson, M. V. H., Saat, T. and ?pilev, H. 2011. The sculpture and morphology of postcranial dermal armor plates and associated bones in gasterosteiforms and syngnathiforms inhabiting Estonian coastal waters. ―Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 422–435. Five fish species inhabiting Estonian coastal waters (Gasterosteus aculeatus L., Pungitius pungitius (L.), and Spinachia spinachia (L.) of the order Gasterosteiformes and Syngnathus typhle L. and Nerophis ophidion (L.) of the order Syngnathiformes) are described on the basis of the sculpture and morphology of their postcranial dermal armor plates, as revealed and illustrated by SEM images. This study shows that the shapes of these superficial skeletal elements vary by species as well as by their position on the body, whereas the sculpture on the bones is taxon specific. The detailed features allow the identification of isolated fossil and subfossil remains and show promise for future systematics studies.  相似文献   

A study of the mass, volume and density of each of the wrist and hand bones of male and female human skeletons was undertaken. It was found that the mass and volume (i.e. size) of the bones are well correlated with the relative frequencies of preservation ofAustralopithecus and earlyHomo wrist and hand bones from fossil hominid sites in Africa. In general, the larger the bone, the greater its preservation frequency. In contrast to findings on bovid bones, the density of hand and wrist bones is not well correlated with the frequency of such bones recovered from these sites. These findings may be explained in terms of the agents of deposition of the bones, the physical nature of the deposit, and the methods of extraction of the fossils from the deposit.  相似文献   

A rich assemblage of exceptionally preserved marine and terrestrial fossils occurs in fine‐grained limestones in the upper part of the Late Tithonian (Middle Volgian) shallowing upward carbonate sequence in Central Poland. The richest horizon, a deposit known locally as the Corbulomima horizon, is named after the shallow burrowing suspension feeding bivalve Corbulomima obscura, moulds of which occur in densities of up to 500 per square metre on some bedding planes. The fauna in this bed also includes organic and phosphatic remains of a wide range of other creatures including the exuviae of limulids and decapods, disarticulated fish skeletons and rare isolated pterosaur bones and teeth. There are also perfectly preserved dragonfly wings and beetle exoskeletons. The average stable carbon and oxygen isotope values for ostracod shells and fine‐grained sediment from this horizon suggest precipitation of the calcium carbonate from warm seawater of normal marine salinity. The carbonate sediments overlying the fossiliferous horizon have been interpreted as nearshore to shoreface facies. These pass abruptly into coarse reworked intraclastic sediments interpreted as possible tsunami or storm surge over‐wash deposits. The clasts in this deposit have more positive oxygen isotope values than those in the underlying limestone, which may indicate that they were lithified in a slightly more evaporative, perhaps intertidal, setting. The succession terminates with silicified fine‐grained limestones likely to have formed in extremely shallow lagoonal environments. In contrast with the Solnhofen limestones of Lower Tithonian age in south‐central Germany the Corbulomima horizon is interpreted as a transitional deposit formed in a shallow marine setting by rapid burial with elements of both Konservat‐ and Konzentrat‐Lagerstätte preservation. □Konzentrat and Konservat‐Lagerstätte, Taphonomy, Palaeoenvironment, Paleogeography, Late Jurassic, Poland.  相似文献   


Comprehensive information on heavy metals in coastal waters at national scale of China is limited. Therefore, this study investigated the distribution, pollution, and ecological-health risks of heavy metals in coastal waters along 18,000?km coastline of China. Total 13 target heavy metals in coastal waters along coastline of China showed drastic spatial variations with average concentrations ranging from .14 (Cd) to 136.26 (Cu) μg/L. Cu was the dominant heavy metal with the maximal concentration of 1485.92?μg/L. Three methods including heavy metal pollution index (HPI), Nemerow index (NI), and contamination degree (CD) were adopted to explore heavy metal pollution. HPI obtained the worst-case evaluation results to illustrate that heavy pollution occurred at over 50% of sampling sites. Anthropogenic sources were the main sources of heavy metals in the coastal waters. Approximately 28.13% and 9.38% of sampling sites illustrated considerable and very high ecological risks, respectively. Metals including Cu, As, and Hg were the main pollution and risk contributors. Heavy metals in coastal waters posed high cancer risks and unacceptable non-cancer risks to both adults and children. Therefore, effective control of heavy metals is necessary for regional sustainability and well-beings of residents in coastal regions of China.  相似文献   

C. Bakker 《Aquatic Ecology》1980,14(3):186-195
Summary Data about morphology, life history and habits ofGonionemus vertens A. Agassiz (Hydrozoa, Limnomedusae) are given. The distribution of the species is treated in more detail, especially its mechanism in relation to large-scale (global) and small-scale (local) range extensions.The species is endemic in the coastal North Pacific Ocean, possessing a strictly littoral medusa stage (bound to eelgrass beds and algal belts) and a very small sessile solitary polyp phase (attached to stones and shells).The hypotheses trying to explain the spread to Western Europe and the Atlantic coast of North America strongly suggest human influences,i.e. distribution of the polyp via oyster transports (EDWARDS, 1976) and transport of the polyp as a member of the fouling community on ships hulls (TAMBS-LYCHE, 1964). Arguments pro and contra these hypotheses are evaluated. The occurrence ofGonionemus polyps in offshore waters, as mentioned by EDWARDS (1976) but not further discussed by this author, deserves more attention.It is the assumed occurrence of the polyps in shallow as well as in deeper waters with strong tidal movements that explains satisfactorily the previous and recent findings of the medusa in the S.W.-Netherlands. The medusa has been found in theZostera marina beds of the saline Lake Grevelingen. From 1976 onwards the abundance of the medusa increased synchronously with the extension of the eelgrass beds. Medusae were collected during the summer of 1980, fed with isopod crustaceans or mussel meat and kept alive for several months in seawater aquaria in the lab. Polyps have not yet been observed.Communication no. 211 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research.  相似文献   

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