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Arbuscular mycorrhizas modify plant responses to soil zinc addition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zinc deficiency is one of the most commonly reported plant and human nutrient deficiencies worldwide. Conversely, Zn is also a common environmental contaminant, significantly reducing plant growth. These contrasting effects of Zn on plant growth and nutrition have been the focus of a considerable number of studies; however, most studies focus on plant responses to soil Zn concentration under either deficient or toxic concentrations, but not both. The formation of arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) can increase plant Zn uptake under low soil Zn concentrations, and on the other hand, ‘protect’ plants against excessive Zn accumulation under high soil Zn conditions. Here we report the findings of an experiment in which we studied the response of AM formed by tomatoes under low, medium and high soil Zn conditions. To control for the formation of AM in this study we used a mycorrhiza defective tomato mutant and its mycorrhizal wildtype progenitor. While mycorrhizal colonization was not significantly impacted by soil Zn addition, the growth of plants and tissue Zn concentrations were. Together these data highlight the complex interactions between AM and Zn, and the utility of a genotypic approach for studying AM in this context.  相似文献   

To investigate whether arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) – abundant in a phosphate-polluted but nitrogen-poor field site – improve plant N nutrition, we carried out a two-factorial experiment, including N fertilization and fungicide treatment. Percentage of root length colonized (% RLC) by AMF and tissue element concentrations were determined for four resident plant species. Furthermore, soil nutrient levels and N effects on aboveground biomass of individual species were measured. Nitrogen fertilization lowered % RLC by AMF of Artemisia vulgaris L., Picris hieracioides L. and Poa compressa L., but not of Bromus japonicus Thunb. This – together with positive N addition effects on N status, N:P-ratio and aboveground biomass of most species – suggested that plants are mycorrhizal because of N deficiency. Fungicide treatment, which reduced % RLC in all species, resulted in lower N concentrations in A. vulgaris and P. hieracioides, a higher N concentration in P. compressa, and did not consistently affect N status of B. japonicus. Evidently, AMF had an influence on the N nutrition of plants in this P-rich soil; however – potentially due to differences in their mycorrhizal responsiveness – not all species seemed to benefit from a mycorrhiza-mediated N uptake and accordingly, N distribution.  相似文献   

Since most experiments regarding the symbiosis between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their host plants under salinity stress have been performed only under greenhouse conditions, this research work was also conducted under field conditions. The effects of three AM species including Glomus mosseae, G.?etunicatum and G.?intraradices on the nutrient uptake of different wheat cultivars (including Roshan, Kavir and Tabasi) under field and greenhouse (including Chamran and Line 9) conditions were determined. At field harvest, the concentrations of N, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Mn, and at greenhouse harvest, plant growth, root colonization and concentrations of different nutrients including N, K, P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Na and Cl were determined. The effects of wheat cultivars on the concentrations of N, Ca, and Mn, and of all nutrients were significant at field and greenhouse conditions, respectively. In both experiments, AM fungi significantly enhanced the concentrations of all nutrients including N, K, P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Na and Cl. The synergistic and enhancing effects of co-inoculation of AM species on plant growth and the inhibiting effect of AM species on Na(+) rather than on Cl(-) uptake under salinity are also among the important findings of this research work.  相似文献   

Many of the world’s soils are zinc (Zn) deficient. Consequently, many crops experience reduced growth, yield and tissue Zn concentrations. Reduced concentrations of Zn in the edible portions of crops have important implications for human Zn nutrition; this is a cause of global concern. Most terrestrial plant species form arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) with a relatively limited number of specialized soil fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can take up nutrients, including Zn, and transfer them to the plant, thereby enhancing plant nutrition. Under high soil Zn concentrations the formation of AM can also ‘protect’ against the accumulation of Zn in plant tissues to high concentrations. Here, a short review focusing on the role of AM in enhancing plant Zn nutrition, principally under low soil Zn concentrations, is presented. Effects of Zn on the colonisation of roots by AMF, direct uptake of Zn by AMF, the role of AM in the Zn nutrition of field grown plants, and emerging aspects of Zn molecular physiology of AM, are explored. Emergent knowledge gaps are identified and discussed in the context of potential future research.  相似文献   

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas and soil salinity   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This review discusses the growth and activity of vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi in saline conditions. The review includes examination of the effects of high concentrations of salts on the occurrence of VA mycorrhizal fungi in field soils, and on spore germination, growth of hyphae, establishment of the symbiosis and production of spores in controlled conditions. Information on the growth and reproduction of VA mycorrhizal fungi under saline conditions is scarce and is often circumstantial. There is clear evidence that germination of spores and subsequent hyphal growth of some VA mycorrhizal fungi are reduced by increasing concentration of salts. However, in plant growth experiments, experimental designs and methodologies have generally not allowed the direct effects of salinity on fungal growth to be separated from plant-mediated effects. There is a need for controlled studies to investigate the responses of VA mycorrhizal fungi to soil salinity. Research is required which distinguishes between effects on different phases of the fungus lifecycle and which includes in its design the ability to separate direct effects from plant-mediated influences on fungal growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

Essential fatty acids are interconverted by desaturases and elongases to eicosanoid precursors. In essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) an increased hepatic interconversion of linoleic acid (18:2) to arachidonic acid (20:4n-6) has been demonstrated in vivo. We now cultured Hep G2 cells under EFAD conditions. 20:3n-6 appeared in EFAD cells, but also in controls. After adding 14C-18:2 to the medium, interconversion products and their distribution in different lipids were studied by HPLC. When trace amounts 18:2 were incubated, 38% were converted by the EFAD cells after 21 h, vs 6% by controls. 20% was converted to 20:4 by EFAD cells vs 14% by controls. EFAD cells preferentially distributed more 18:2 and conversion products to neutral fats and to phosphatidyl ethanolamine, but less to cardiolipin than controls did, when incubated with trace amount 18:2, but not with 1 mM 18:2. A relative accumulation of radioactivty in 20:3 was observed. In conclusion; in EFAD Hep G2 cells delta-6- and delta-5-desaturase both were found to be upregulated and eicosanoid precursors were distributed more into phosphatidyl ethanolamine. Delta-5-desaturase had a rate limiting property as well as delta-6-desaturase.  相似文献   

The first axenic synthesis of morphologically typical ericoid mycorrhizas of the Epacridaceae has been achieved in micropropagated Epacris impressa Labill. with eight fungi isolated from roots of two epacrid species, E. impressa and Astroloma pinifolium (R.Br.) Benth. Mycorrhizal synthesis has also been achieved between E. impressa and both Hymenoscyphus ericae (Read) Korf and Kernan and Oidiodendron griseum Robak, recognized endophytes of Ericaceae, suggesting that the endophytes of the Epacridaceae and Ericaceae are capable of cross-infection. Infection rate of epidermal cells on hair roots varied from 3–77% infection and the density of hyphal coils varied widely. This synthesis makes possible studies of the roles of these endophytes in the Epacridaceae and comparison with their roles in the Ericaceae.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Roots and mycorrhizas play an important role in not only plant nutrient acquisition, but also ecosystem nutrient cycling.


A field experiment was undertaken in which the role of arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) in the growth and nutrient acquisition of tomato plants was investigated. A mycorrhiza defective mutant of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) (named rmc) and its mycorrhizal wild type progenitor (named 76R) were used to control for the formation of AM. The role of roots and AM in soil N cycling was studied by injecting a 15N-labelled nitrate solution into surface soil at different distances from the 76R and rmc genotypes of tomato, or in plant free soil. The impacts of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal root systems on soil greenhouse gas (CO2 and 14+15N2O and 15N2O) emissions, relative to root free soils, were also studied.


The formation of AM significantly enhanced plant growth and nutrient acquisition, including interception of recently applied NO 3 ? . Whereas roots caused a small but significant decrease in 15N2O emissions from soils at 23?h after labeling, compared to the root-free treatment, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) had little effect on N2O emissions. In contrast soil CO2 emissions were higher in plots containing mycorrhizal root systems, where root biomass was also greater.


Taken together, these data indicate that roots and AMF have an important role to play in plant nutrient acquisition and ecosystem N cycling.  相似文献   

Aims Studies have showed that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can greatly promote the growth of host plants, but how AMF affect flowering phenology of host plants is not well known. Here, we conducted a pot experiment to test whether life cycle and flowering phenology traits of host plant Medicago truncatula Gaertn can be altered by AMF under low and high soil phosphorus (P) levels.Methods The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Zhejiang University in China (120°19′E, 30°26′N) and had a completely randomized design with two factors: AMF treatments and soil P levels. Six AMF species (Acaulospora scrobiculata, As; Gigaspora margarita, Gma; Funneliformis geosporum, Fg; Rhizophagus intraradices, Ri; Funneliformis mosseae, Fmo and Glomus tortuosum, Gt.) were used, and two soil P levels (24.0 and 5.7 mg kg-1 Olsen-soluble P) were designed. The six AMF species were separately inoculated or in a mixture (Mix), and a non-AMF control (NAMF) was included. When plants began to flower, the number of flowers in each pot was recorded daily. During fruit ripening, the number of mature fruits was also recorded daily. After ~4 months, the biomass, biomass P content and AMF colonization of host plant were measured. Correlation between root colonization and first flowering time, or P content and first flowering time was analyzed.Important findings Under the low P level, first flowering time negatively correlated with root colonization and biomass P. Only host plants with AMF species As, Fg, Ri, or Mix were able to complete their life cycle within 112 days after sowing. And treatment with AMF species Fg, Gt, or As resulted in two periods of rapid flower production while other fungi treatments resulted in only one within 112 days after sowing. The cumulative number of flowers produced and biomass P content were highest with species Fg. Host biomass allocation significantly differed depending on the species of AMF. Under both soil P levels, the host plant tended to allocate more biomass to fruits in the Mix treatment than in the other treatments. These results indicated that the effects of AMF on host flowering phenology and biomass allocation differed depending on AMF species and soil P levels.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The movement of water through mycorrhizal fungal tissues and between the fungus and roots is little understood. It has been demonstrated that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis regulates root hydraulic properties, including root hydraulic conductivity. However, it is not clear whether this effect is due to a regulation of root aquaporins (cell-to-cell pathway) or to enhanced apoplastic water flow. Here we measured the relative contributions of the apoplastic versus the cell-to-cell pathway for water movement in roots of AM and non-AM plants.


We used a combination of two experiments using the apoplastic tracer dye light green SF yellowish and sodium azide as an inhibitor of aquaporin activity. Plant water and physiological status, root hydraulic conductivity and apoplastic water flow were measured.

Key Results

Roots of AM plants enhanced significantly relative apoplastic water flow as compared with non-AM plants and this increase was evident under both well-watered and drought stress conditions. The presence of the AM fungus in the roots of the host plants was able to modulate the switching between apoplastic and cell-to-cell water transport pathways.


The ability of AM plants to switch between water transport pathways could allow a higher flexibility in the response of these plants to water shortage according to the demand from the shoot.  相似文献   

Most plant roots are associated with glomalean fungi forming arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) and a wide range are also colonized by ascomycetous dark septate endophytes (DSE). Bromeliaceae species can be epiphytic, rupicolous or terrestrial but their mycorrhizal status is poorly studied. We examined the AM and DSE status of 5 epiphytic and 4 terrestrial Bromeliaceae from an arid area of Central Argentina. The terrestrial species were either dually associated (AM and DSE) or non-associated whereas the epiphytes were only DSE colonized. Terrestrial Bromeliaceae that formed AM-DSE associations were likely responding to the arid conditions of the area and the availability of AM fungal (AMF) spores in the soil. The terrestrialBromelia ubaniana was not colonized either by AMF or DSE. This could reflect its root morphology and high number of root hairs. DSE are endosymbiotic in the stressful ecosystems experienced by canopy epiphytes in the studied environment. The different fungal associations are discussed in relation to the three Bromeliaceae subfamiles and we suggest that environmental features determinethe type of association formed by species in this plant family.  相似文献   

自然入侵条件下黄顶菊丛枝菌根定殖及发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌在黄顶菊Flaveria bidentis入侵过程中可能发挥的作用,首先调查和研究了黄顶菊AM的侵入和生长表现。在黄顶菊入侵严重的河北省选择采样地点,分别从衡水地区的滨湖新区小北田村、冀州市漳下村、枣强县北王庄村、桃城区八里庄村、滨湖新区顺民庄村和滨湖新区刘家台村6个地点按黄顶菊重、中、轻3种盖度和不同生育期(苗期、花期和结籽期)采集根系和根区土样。分离根区土壤中AM真菌孢子、观察AM发育特征、测定孢子密度、AM真菌侵染率、丛枝着生率等,并与土壤理化性质进行了相关性分析。结果在各采样地点均观察到AM典型结构,不同样地菌丝侵染率、I型丛枝密度以及孢子密度的最大值均出现在八里庄村,泡囊密度和A型丛枝密度的最大值分别出现在小北田村和刘家台村;不同盖度下AM真菌侵染率最高值均出现在重度侵染区;不同生长时期黄顶菊的AM也有差异,除了丛枝密度最高值出现在花期和菌丝侵染率差异不显著外,菌丝侵染率、泡囊密度和孢子密度均在结籽期出现最大值。土壤理化特性也显著影响黄顶菊AM的发育,菌丝侵染率与土壤有机质呈显著正相关,与p H值呈显著负相关,与速效P含量呈极显著负相关;A型丛枝密度与p H含量呈显著负相关;I型丛枝密度与土壤全N含量呈极显著正相关;孢子密度与有机质含量和全N含量均呈显著正相关。因此,AM真菌侵染可能会促进黄顶菊的入侵。  相似文献   

Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae causes bacterial leaf blight, a serious disease of rice. In the related bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, the rpfF gene is involved in production of a diffusible extracellular factor (DSF) that positively regulates synthesis of virulence-associated functions like extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) and extracellular enzymes. Transposon insertions in the rpfF homolog of X. oryzae pv. oryzae are deficient for virulence and production of a DSF but are proficient for EPS and extracellular enzyme production. The rpfF X. oryzae pv. oryzae mutants exhibit an unusual tetracycline susceptibility phenotype in which exogenous iron supplementation is required for phenotypic expression of a tetracycline resistance determinant that is encoded on an introduced plasmid. The rpfF X. oryzae pv. oryzae mutants also overproduce one or more siderophores and exhibit a growth deficiency under low iron conditions as well as in the presence of reducing agents that are expected to promote the conversion of Fe+3 to Fe+2. Exogenous iron supplementation promotes migration of rpfF X. oryzae pv. oryzae mutants in rice leaves. The results suggest that rpfF may be involved in controlling an iron-uptake system of X. oryzae pv. oryzae and that an inability to cope with the conditions of low iron availability in the host may be the reason for the virulence deficiency of the rpfF X. oryzae pv. oryzae mutants.  相似文献   

Root hairs and phycomycetous mycorrhizas in phosphorus-deficient soil   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary Coprosma robusta formed phycomycetous mycorrhizas in unsteamed forest soil and grew equally well with or without added phosphate. In steamed soil it did not grow unless phosphate was added. Of the other species tested (Leptospermum scoparium, Solanum nigrum, Lolium perenne, Hakea enkiantha, Histiopteris incisa, Marchantia berteroana) most formed mycorrhizas in unsteamed soil, but all grew better in steamed soil. The dry matter of the mycorrhizal Coprosma seedlings contained the highest concentration of phosphorus, but the relatively large plants that the other species produced in steamed soil contained a greater total quantity. It is suggested that this entered mainly through their extensive root hairs (or rhizoids), and that lack of root hairs in Coprosma and other woody species explains their need for added phosphate when mycorrhizas are not formed.  相似文献   

To investigate the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) and their morphological types, four Athyrium yokoscense and five A. niponicum individuals were collected at a lead-contaminated site. Three of the A. yokoscense and four of the A. niponicum formed AM structures. However, the percentage of AM formation within both species differed significantly among individuals. Morphological types of most AM structures were the Paris-type, except for one A. yokoscense that formed both Paris-type and Arum-type-like structures in different parts of the same root section. These results demonstrate that the two Athyrium species form AM associations in lead-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Compartmented monoxenic cultures of Ri T-DNA transformed carrot roots and a symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus demonstrated for the first time that phosphate in an organic form (32P-labelled AMP) may be hydrolysed by extra-radical mycorrhizal hyphae in the absence of other organisms, and subsequently utilized as a mineral nutrient source by the host plant after fungal transport.  相似文献   

BackgroundStatins have multiple antiatherosclerotic effects, but can reduce blood plasma concentrations of minerals, including zinc. As zinc possesses antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects, low zinc status can promote injuries or inadequate tissue repair in endothelial cells. Metallothionein (MT) expression might modulate responses induced by statins in patients with atherosclerosis. However, research regarding mineral status and the use of statins is scarce. This study evaluated the effects of zinc supplementation on zinc status and expression of the zinc-dependent MT1F and MT2A genes in patients with atherosclerosis treated with rosuvastatin.MethodsA double-blind, randomized clinical trial was performed with 54 participants treated with 10 mg rosuvastatin for 4 months with or without zinc supplementation (30 mg/day). Diet, lipid profile, high-sensitivity reactive protein C (hs-CRP), plasma and erythrocyte zinc concentrations, erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and MT1F and MT2A genes expression were analyzed before and after intervention.ResultsRosuvastatin therapy was effective in reducing low- and non-high-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and hs-CRP levels, independent of zinc supplementation. Additionally, zinc treatment had no effect on SOD enzyme activity (P = 0.201), plasma (P > 0.671) and erythrocyte (P > 0.123) zinc concentrations, or the pattern of MT1F and MT2A genes expression (P = 0.088 and P = 0.229, respectively).ConclusionsThe effectiveness of rosuvastatin treatment is independent of the effects of zinc supplementation. Moreover, rosuvastatin treatment did not have a significant impact on zinc status or MT1F and MT2A genes expression in patients with atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

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