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In vertebrates, the genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are among the most debated candidates accounting for co-evolutionary processes of host-parasite interaction at the molecular level. The exceptionally high allelic polymorphism found in MHC loci is believed to be maintained by pathogen-driven selection, mediated either through heterozygous advantage or rare allele advantage (= frequency dependent selection). While investigations under natural conditions are still very rare, studies on humans or mice under laboratory conditions revealed support for both hypotheses. We investigated nematode burden and allelic diversity of a functional important MHC class II gene (DRB exon2) in free-ranging yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis). Twenty-seven distinct Apfl-DRB alleles were detected in 146 individuals with high levels of amino acid sequence divergence, especially at the antigen binding sites (ABS), indicating selection processes acting on this locus. Heterozygosity had no influence on the infection status (being infected or not), the number of different nematode infections (NNI) or the intensity of infection, measured as the individual faecal egg count (FEC). However, significant associations of specific Apfl-DRB alleles to both nematode susceptibility and resistance were found, for all nematodes as well as in separate analyses of the two most common nematodes. Apodemus flavicollis individuals carrying the alleles Apfl-DRB*5 or Apfl-DRB*15 revealed significantly higher FEC than individuals with other alleles. In contrast, the allele Apfl-DRB*23 showed a significant association to low FEC of the most common nematode. Thus, our results provide evidence for pathogen-driven selection acting through rare allele advantage under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, is a widespread fish species that typically inhabits coastal tidal marsh and mangrove swamp environments, ranging from Cape Cod, Massaschusetts to northern Mexico and into the Caribbean. This wide range crosses several biogeographic boundaries which are coincident with genetic structuring within numerous species originating in the Pleistocene. In addition, the more northerly reaches of this species range have been further subject to the evolutionary consequences of Pleistocene glaciation due to local extinction and recolonization of formerly glaciated sites. C. variegatus thus provides an excellent vertebrate model system within which to test the extent of genetic differentiation among populations in a dominant coastal ecosystem and examine patterns of historical demography in populations distributed along a latitudinal gradient. Using mitochondrial control region and ND2 sequence data, we discovered monophyletic clades within C. variegatus with divergence times within the Pleistocene, and very low gene flow between most sites. Intraspecific genetic breaks appear to correspond broadly to biogeographic or oceanic boundaries. Pleistocene climate change appears to have had dramatic impacts on the size and distribution of populations within and near the glacial margins, but has also affected populations far from formerly glaciated regions.  相似文献   

The snake-eyed lizards of the genus Ophisops (Lacertidae) have been through a series of taxonomical revisions, but still their phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain. In the present study we estimate the phylogeographic structure of O. elegans across its distributional range and we evaluate the relationships between O. elegans and the sympatric, in North Africa, species O. occidentalis, using partial mtDNA sequences (16S rRNA, COI, and cyt b). All phylogenetic analyses produced topologically identical trees where extant populations of O. elegans and O. occidentalis were found polyphyletic. Taking into account all the potential causes of polyphyly (introgressive hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting, and imperfect taxonomy) we suggest the inaccurate taxonomy as the most likely explanation for the observed pattern. Our results stress the need for re-evaluation of the current taxonomical status of these species and their subspecies. Furthermore, our biogeographic analyses and the estimated time of divergences suggest a late Miocene diversification within these species, where the present distribution of O. elegans and O. occidentalis was the result of several dispersal and vicariant events, which are associated with climatic oscillations (the late Miocene aridification of Asia and northern Africa) and paleogeographic barriers of late Miocene and Pliocene period.  相似文献   

In Europe, concordant geographical distribution among genetic lineages within different species is rare, which suggests distinct reactions to Quaternary ice ages. This study aims to determine whether such a discrepancy also affects a pair of sympatric species, which are morphologically and taxonomically closely related but which have slight differences in their ecological habits. The phylogeographic structures of two European rodents, the Yellow-necked fieldmouse (A. flavicollis) and the woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) were, therefore, compared on the basis of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (mtDNA cyt b) sequences (965 base pairs) from 196 specimens collected from 59 European localities spread throughout the species distributions. The results indicate that the two species survived in different ways through the Quaternary glaciations. A. sylvaticus survived in the Iberian Peninsula from where it recolonized almost all Europe at the end of the last glaciation. Conversely, the refuge from which A. flavicollis recolonized Europe, including northern Spain, during the Holocene corresponds to the Italo-Balkan area, where A. sylvaticus suffered a serious genetic bottleneck. This study confirms that even closely related species may have highly different phylogeographic histories and shows the importance of ecological plasticity of the species for their survival through climate change. Finally, it suggests that phylogeographic distinctiveness may be a general feature of European species.  相似文献   

In the sub-fossil assemblages of Europe the red fox is clearly the most frequent carnivorous mammalian species with a total of 1553 records. In depositions from the Weichselian Glacial the red fox Vulpes vulpes is, a typical representative of the Holocene fauna, already recorded in 100 assemblages. The Iberian peninsula, Italian peninsula and Balkans were theorised as glacial refugia. Well-founded facts give reason to believe that V. vulpes was also distributed in the Carpathian refuge. Later on, the Crimean peninsula would also appear to be a possible glacial refuge of the red fox.In the last warmer complex of interstadials during the Pleni-Glacial (Hengelo-Denekamp, 38,000–25,000 BC) the red fox was distributed in central Europe. Its distribution during this epoch extended at least in part to southern England. The earliest well-dated records of V. vulpes in central Europe after the Maximum Glaciation lie between 14,000 and 13,500 BC. Already during the early Late-Glacial (13,500 BC) the red fox appeared in typical glacial faunal communities. A separation to glacial refugia was only possible for 10,000 years.During the last warmer Pleni-Glacial complex of interstadials (38,000–25,000 BC) in central Europe a sympatric distribution of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) and the red fox probably existed. During the Last Glacial Maximum (22,000–18,000 BC) the arctic fox was exclusively distributed in central Europe, outside of the refuges. The combined distribution of A. lagopus and V. vulpes during the Late-Glacial (15,000–9500 BC) in central Europe, with the probable exception of the Allerød, is precisely documented by sub-fossil assemblages.In the Pleni-Glacial the wolf Canis lupus was distributed in geographic regions that served as glacial refugia of more warm-climate adapted species. Concerning the wolf no drastic decrease of the distribution is assumed. The Holocene presence of C. lupus is probably not caused by recolonisation.


Die Entwicklung der Canidenfauna Europas im Spätpleistozän und frühen HolozänIn den subfossilen Ablagerungen ist Vulpes vulpes in Europa mit 1553 Nachweisen das mit Abstand am häufigsten nachgewiesene Raubsäugetier. Allein in den Ablagerungen des Weichselglazials konnte der Rotfuchs bereits in 100 Fundkomplexen nachgewiesen werden. Als Glazialrefugium des Rotfuchses wird die Iberische Halbinsel sicher identifiziert. Eine Verbreitung der Art während des Kältemaximums wird außerdem auf der Apenninen-Halbinsel sowie der Balkan- Halbinsel vermutet. Außerdem liegen fundierte Fakten für die Annahme vor, dass V. vulpes im Karpatenrefugium verbreitet war. Auf der Halbinsel Krim scheint ein Glazialrefugium für des Fuchses möglich.Während des letzten wärmeren Interstadial-Komplexes im Hochglazial (Hengelo-Denekamp, ca. 38.000–25.000 v. Chr.) war Mitteleuropa vom Rotfuchs besiedelt. Die nördliche Arealgrenze der Art war innerhalb dieses Klimaabschnitts mindestens zeitweise bis nach Südengland ausgedehnt. Die frühesten, zeitlich relativ gut abgesicherten Nachweise von V. vulpes nach der Weichsel-Maximalvereisung in Mitteleuropa liegen etwa zwischen 14.000–13.500 v. Chr. Schon im frühen Spätglazial (ca. 13.500 v. Chr.) kam der Rotfuchs im nördlichen Mitteleuropa in typischen glazialen Faunengemeinschaften vor. Eine Disjunktion des Areals während der letzten Vereisung kann für höchstens 10.000 Jahre stattgefunden haben. Es wird angenommen, dass während des Hengelo-Deenekamp Interstadials ein sympatrisches Vorkommen von Eisfuchs Alopex lagopus und Rotfuchs V. vulpes in Mitteleuropa existierte. Nur zur Zeit des absoluten Kältemaximums (ca. 22.000–18.000 v. Chr.) war außerhalb der Refugialgebiete in Mitteleuropa ausschließlich A. lagopus verbreitet. Das gemeinsame Vorkommen (von A. lagopus und V. vulpes) während des gesamten Spätglazials in Mitteleuropa, wahrscheinlich mit Ausnahme des Allerød-Interstadials, ist präzise belegt.Während des Hochglazials war Canis lupus auch in geografischen Regionen verbreitet, die für an wärmeres Klima gebundene Tierarten den Charakter von Glazialrefugien hatten. Beim Wolf C. lupus kann keine extreme Arealverringerung während der Weichseleiszeit angenommen werden. Das holozäne Vorkommen von C. lupus in Mitteleuropa dürfte daher nicht generell auf eine Rekolonisation zurückzuführen sein.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relative importance of historical processes and life-history traits in shaping the present-day genetic structure of European anglerfishes, 382 Lophius piscatorius and 134 Lophius budegassa were sequenced on the 5' end of the mitochondrial control region. Both species showed a limited genetic structure and some evidence of a demographic expansion that probably occurred not at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum, but earlier in the Pleistocene. The main discrepancy between the two anglerfishes concerned the genetic structure between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations, with weak but significant differentiation observed only in L. budegassa. This genetic structure was congruent with the existence of a phylogeographical break previously reported in several marine species across the Almeria-Oran front. The contrast observed between both anglerfishes was supposed to be induced by a possible more ancient (re)colonisation of the Mediterranean Sea by L. budegassa. Finally, the limited genetic structure and lack of isolation by distance observed in both species suggested high larval dispersal capacities that probably overwhelm the influence of the bathymetric distribution range on migrations of adults and juveniles.  相似文献   

We have assessed the utility of a single-copy nuclear locus and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in a phylogeographic study of the New Zealand stick insect Niveaphasma annulata (Hutton). We amplified sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and the single-copy nuclear gene elongation factor-1α (EF1α) from 97 individuals. Allelic phase at the EF1α locus was determined using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis. Phylogenetic analyses showed broad congruence between the geographic distribution of three major COI clades and EF1α alleles, which suggested that the phylogenetic patterns reflect population history rather than lineage sorting. However, the geographic boundaries of these clades were not always in exact agreement between the two loci. Our data indicate that Niveaphasma annulata was most likely separated into a number of refugia during Pleistocene glacial advances. Subsequent to glacial retreat these refugial populations have expanded and now form a number of zones of secondary contact. We contrast these patterns with those observed from other New Zealand taxa. Our study offers compelling evidence for the use of nuclear genes alongside mtDNA for future phylogeographic studies.  相似文献   

Apodemus peninsulae is a field mouse that inhabits the broad-leafed forests of temperate Eurasia. We examined the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene in 57 individuals of A. peninsulae from northeastern Asia, including Siberia, Primorye, Magadan region, Sakhalin, Hokkaido, and the Korean Peninsula. The genealogy of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in A. peninsulae was shown to have substantial geographic affinity, suggesting geographic architecture of northeastern Asia, including the islands of Sakhalin and Hokkaido, played important roles on the cladogenesis. Taking into account the presence of region-specific anciently divergent mtDNA types, three parts of the regions of Primorye, Siberia, and the Korean Peninsula can be denoted as refugia for A. peninsulae during the substantial period of the Quaternary glacial ages. Among the geographic regions examined, Primorye is likely to be the most influential one, from which the mtDNA is thought to have migrated to the neighboring regions of Sakhalin, Hokkaido, the Magadan region, and Siberia during the evolution of this species.  相似文献   

We investigated inter- and intraspecific phylogenetic relationships in the ectomycorrhizal fungal genus Leccinum section Scabra. Species of this section are exclusively associated with Betula and occur throughout the Northern Hemisphere. We compared the phylogenetic relationships of arctic, alpine, boreal and temperate accessions of section Scabra based on DNA sequences of the single-copy nuclear gene Gapdh and the multiple-copy nuclear region 5.8S-ITS2. Exclusively arctic lineages were not detected in species that occur both in arctic-alpine or boreal regions, except in L. rotundifoliae that was restricted to cold climates. L. scabrum and L. holopus showed an intercontinental phylogeographic pattern, and L. variicolor showed a pattern unrelated to geographical distribution. Molecular clock estimates indicated that L. rotundifoliae is as old as other species in section Scabra. Individual gene trees suggest that interspecific hybridisation occurred several times in the evolution of section Scabra.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite loci in the striped field mouse from genomic DNA-enriched libraries in this paper. The 14 new loci were tested in 24 individuals from four populations in Southwest China. These loci were highly polymorphic with numbers of alleles per locus ranging from 6 to 14 and expected heterozygosities from 0.789 to 0.925. All loci followed Hardy–Weinberg expectations except SFM4, SFM11 and SFM13 loci. No significant linkage association was found among all loci. The 14 novel polymorphic microsatellite loci will be useful in studying phylogeography and population genetics of the striped field mouse.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of Oecophylla smaragdina was studied using the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (Cytb), cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), and nuclear long-wavelength opsin gene (LW Rh). Weaver ants were collected from 35 localities and from one to nine colonies per locality. Neighbor-joining trees inferred from 647 bp of Cytb and 1,026 bp of COI using Oecophylla longinoda as an outgroup indicated that the haplotypes of O. smaragdina were clearly separated into seven groups: group 1 of India excluding West Bengal; group 2 of Bengal, Indochinese Peninsula, Malay Peninsula and Greater Sunda Islands, including Lombok and Sumbawa; group 3 of the Philippines; group 4 of Flores; group 5 of Sulawesi; group 6 of Halmahera; and group 7 of New Guinea and Australia. This grouping was also supported by a strict consensus tree derived from maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood trees. In addition, two haplotypes of LW Rh were found in O. smaragdina: one in group 2 and another in all the other groups. Comparison to haplotypes in other hymenopteran species suggests that group 2 is younger than other groups of O. smaragdina. The clustering of the seven groups was coincident with geological evidence of the distribution of continents, islands, and seas during glacial periods.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of the endangered tideland snail Batillaria zonalis in the Japanese and Ryukyu Islands was analyzed on the basis of nucleotide sequences of a mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI). Extremely low genetic diversity was found in populations at both the northern and southern boundaries of the geographic distribution of this species in Japan, i.e., Sendai Bay and Iriomotejima Island, respectively, which might be attributed to the population bottleneck due to historical environmental variations and/or the recent foundation of populations in the marginal part of the inhabitable range. Most populations contained unique rare haplotypes, and significant genetic differentiation on the whole was shown, while no clear geographic genetic structure was detected between the Japanese and Ryukyu Islands or over the distribution area of B. zonalis in Japan, with the exception of significant genetic divergences in Ago Bay in the central part of Honshu and the southern part of Okinawajima Island.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b gene sequence variation (902 bp) was used to investigate phylogenetic relationships and genetic differentiation among the four subspecies of European white-throated dipper Cinclus cinclus (Aves; Cinclidae). Six cytochrome b haplotypes were revealed, the most common one (H 13–4) was shared by all seven populations studied. Central European C. c. aquaticus was genetically more diverse than the other subspecies (although not significantly so, due to small sample sizes), whereas our sample of the nominate subspecies from the French Pyrenees showed no haplotype variation. Pairwise comparisons of the four subspecies showed significant genetic differentiation between the taxa except for a lack of differentiation of C. c. hibernicus versus C. c. aquaticus and C. c. cinclus. The genetic structure and the phylogeographic pattern were not related to the geographic distribution of the four subspecies thus disputing the validity of the current infraspecific taxonomy of C. cinclus at least in Europe.Béatrice Lauga and Christine Cagnon contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

We sequenced 965 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b from 102 woodmice (Apodemus sylvaticus) collected from 40 European localities. The aims of the study were to answer the following questions. (i) Did the Mediterranean peninsulas play a role as refuge for woodmice? (ii) Is genetic variability of A. sylvaticus higher in the Mediterranean region compared with northern Europe? (iii) Are the patterns of the postglacial colonization of Europe by woodmice similar to those presently recognized for other European species? The results provide a clear picture of the impact of the Quaternary glaciations on the genetic and geographical structure of the woodmouse. Our analyses indicate a higher genetic variability of woodmice in the Mediterranean peninsulas compared to northern Europe, suggesting a role of the former as refuge regions for this small mammal. An original pattern of postglacial colonization is proposed where the Iberian and southern France refuge populations colonized almost all European regions. The Sicilian population appears to be very differentiated and highly variable. This emphasizes the importance of this island as a ‘hot spot’ for the intraspecific genetic diversity of the woodmouse. Finally, woodmice in North Africa originated from southwestern Europe, most probably as a result of a recent anthropogenic introduction.  相似文献   

Knowledge of genetic relationships among wildlife populations is fundamental to their conservation, particularly where translocations are concerned. This study involved a survey of mitochondrial DNA variation in the Irish red squirrel population. Our main aims were: (1) to determine whether the Irish red squirrel population is distinct from that found in Britain, given known translocations that took place from Britain in the 1800’s; and (2) whether inclusion of Irish data into a reanalysis of European red squirrel data could reveal patterns of postglacial spread in Ireland. We found evidence that the current Irish red squirrel population may be a mixture of native and translocated stock, and relationships between Irish and European haplotypes supported a number of colonisation events of the island. Although only one haplotype was common to both Ireland and Britain, it is probable that the most common haplotypes in Ireland are British introductions that have since become extinct in Britain. There was a significant regional genetic structure in Ireland (P < 0.001), as well as between all Irish and British regions. Although it is likely that the red squirrel will not be fundamental in tracing the colonisation of Ireland by mammals, the data demonstrated that individual regions within Ireland, as well as the Irish population as a whole, are distinct both from the British population and from each other and, therefore, these populations should be treated as separate Management Units (MU) in conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) and yellow‐necked fieldmouse (Apodemus flavicollis) are sympatric and even syntopic in many regions throughout their European range. Their field discrimination on the basis of external characters is a real challenge for many fields of research. The problem is even more complicated in the Alpine chain where they live sympatrically with a third similar species: A. alpicola. A rapid and simple method is proposed to discriminate the three species in processing field‐collected biopsies as well as ethanol‐preserved museum samples.  相似文献   

The invasive cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is increasingly spreading in temperate freshwater habitats worldwide and is of major concern due to its ability to produce potent toxins. It is, therefore, important to understand the mechanisms behind the dispersal of this species. Different hypotheses have been proposed to explain the phylogeography and mechanisms underlying the recent expansion of C. raciborskii into temperate latitudes, but there is still no conclusive evidence whether the obvious ecological success of C. raciborskii is due to selection mechanisms, physiological tolerance, climatic change or radiation after the last ice age. In the present study, new isolates of C. raciborskii from Europe and Africa were genetically characterised by sequencing the ITS1, PC-IGS, nifH and rpoC1 genes and compared to corresponding sequences of C. raciborskii available in GenBank in order to test different phylogeographical hypotheses. The strains were also morphologically examined and screened for production of the hepatotoxic cylindrospermopsin (CYN). We clearly demonstrate a variation among the populations of C. raciborskii from different geographical regions. The phylogenetic analyses revealed a clustering of the strains due to geographic origin. The ITS1 and nifH genes separated into American, European and Australian–African groups, whereas the PC-IGS and rpoC1 separated into American and European/Australian/African groups. An analysis of concatenated data supported the division into American, European and African/Australian groups, and even indicated a subdivision into an African and an Australian group. Our findings do not strongly support any of the existing hypotheses on the phylogeography of C. raciborskii, and most likely a combination of these hypotheses is the best approach to understand the evolution and dispersal of this species.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among most Chinese species of lizards in the genus Phrynocephalus (118 individuals collected from 56 populations of 14 well-defined species and several unidentified specimens) using four mitochondrial gene fragments (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b, and ND4-tRNA(LEU)). The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined dataset was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses were performed on this combined dataset (49 haplotypes including outgroups for 2058bp in total). The maximum-parsimony analysis resulted in 24 equally parsimonious trees, and their strict consensus tree shows that there are two major clades representing the Chinese Phrynocephalus species: the viviparous group (Clade A) and the oviparous group (Clade B). The trees derived from Bayesian, ML, and NJ analyses were topologically identical to the MP analysis except for the position of P. mystaceus. All analyses left the nodes for the oviparous group, the most basal clade within the oviparous group, and P. mystaceus unresolved. The phylogenies further suggest that the monophyly of the viviparous species may have resulted from vicariance, while recent dispersal may have been important in generating the pattern of variation among the oviparous species.  相似文献   

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