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猪和人在解剖学、生理学上有极大的相似性,而小型猪还具有品系繁多、遗传性能稳定等诸多优点,因此,作为实验动物已经被广泛应用于生物医学研究的多个方面。本文主要介绍了从40年代末美国开始培育小型猪以来,国内外小型猪的主要品系、培育、开发研究的发展情况以及国内培育小型猪的优势。  相似文献   

小型猪在解剖、生理和营养代谢等方面与人类相似,是人类医学研究的理想模型动物。然而,由于小型猪(尤其是我国自行培育的小型猪)在实验操作过程中不配合,成为限制其应用的主要因素之一,另一方面,由于实验操作的不规范,也常常引发动物的应激反应,并造成实验数据变异增加。以下结合本实验室的应用经验,介绍小型猪的基本实验操作技术。  相似文献   

实验动物广泛应用于科学研究领域,实验小型猪在医学研究领域中越来越得到重视。中国小型猪种源丰富,不同种群各具特色,遗传性状稳定。近年来中国实验小型猪的研究处于快速发展阶段,生产和使用均在逐年增加。我国发展实验小型猪具有天然封闭群特性和高度近交等得天独厚的条件,品系化、标准化、规模化和产业化是我国实验用小型猪的主要发展趋势。我国实验用小型猪发展当前面临的问题主要表现在:保护力度小、发展阻力大、育成品系少三个方面。育成中国各具特色的实验用小型猪品系需要增加投入,利用先进的科学技术例如基因编辑和动物克隆技术,加速小型猪的定向化培育进程。  相似文献   

目的在动物福利及"3R"原则的指导下,建立贵州小型猪常用的实验方法。方法应用对动物刺激小、痛苦少的方法给贵州小型猪肌内注射、灌胃给药、采血、麻醉、静脉注射、处死给药等方法。结果建立了一套符合动物福利要求和"3R"原则的小型猪的实验方法。  相似文献   

韦克  谭毅 《四川动物》1996,15(2):86-88
从贵州原产地引种小型香猪及其生物学特性的观察研究韦克,谭毅,潘永全重庆医科大学实验动物中心630046合适的实验动物模型是医学生物学研究的重要基础条件。比较医学研究证明小型猪与人类在解剖学和生理学,特别是心血管系统和皮肤结构方面有着很大的相似性。因此...  相似文献   

中国三种实验用小型猪mtDNA D—loop多态性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分析中国三种实验用小型猪线粒体DNA(mtDNA)D-loop的多态性,建立各品种系猪的遗传标记,为各品种品系猪的鉴别提供依据,应用PCR对西双版纳近交系小耳猪,广西巴马小型猪,贵州小型香猪和长白猪血液总DNA样品中mtDNA D-loop进行扩增,用23种限制性内切酶消化,观察其酶切多态,PCR扩增其mtDNA D-loop5‘端227bp高变区域,应用PCR-SSCP和PCR直接测序分析,观察其单链构象多态和序列多态结果显示,3种小型猪之间未见酶切长度多态,单链构象多态和序列多态,与长白猪之间表现出单链的构象多态和序列多态,本研究认为:3种实验用小型猪之间mtDNA多态性贫乏,证明其在母系起源和进化上的一致性,亲源关系很近,应用PCR-PFLP,PCR-SSCP和PCR直接测序分析,尚不能作为3种实验用小型猪品种品系鉴定的依据,但与长白猪等欧系猪比较有一定差异。  相似文献   

广东蓝岛生物技术有限公司(华南灵长类动物研究开发中心)下属的灵长类实验动物疾病模型研究团队,目前研究领域主要有三个方面:代谢性疾病灵长类模型与疾病机理研究;重大传染病灵长类动物模型及分子免疫学研究;退行性神经疾病(PD、AD等)灵长类模型及机理研究;在致病性微生物研究、疾病  相似文献   

<正>2013-2014年度《中国实验动物学报》入选"中国科协精品科技期刊工程项目",影响因子与被引频次不断提升,充分彰显了期刊在业界的权威性与影响力。2015年《中国实验动物学报》《中国比较医学杂志》将计划由以下编委组织7期专题:(1)顾为望教授:小型猪在生物医药研究中的应用(已完成);(2)范慧敏教授:实验动物心肺移植模型的建立及相关研究(已  相似文献   

Electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry has allowed the unambiguous identification and quantification of individual lens phospholipids in human and six animal models. Using this approach ca. 100 unique phospholipids have been characterised. Parallel analysis of the same lens extracts by a novel direct-insertion electron-ionization technique found the cholesterol content of human lenses to be significantly higher (ca. 6 times) than lenses from the other animals. The most abundant phospholipids in all the lenses examined were choline-containing phospholipids. In rat, mouse, sheep, cow, pig and chicken, these were present largely as phosphatidylcholines, in contrast 66% of the total phospholipid in Homo sapiens was sphingomyelin, with the most abundant being dihydrosphingomyelins, in particular SM(d18:0/16:0) and SM(d18:0/24:1). The abundant glycerophospholipids within human lenses were found to be predominantly phosphatidylethanolamines and phosphatidylserines with surprisingly high concentrations of ether-linked alkyl chains identified in both classes. This study is the first to identify the phospholipid class (head-group) and assign the constituent fatty acid(s) for each lipid molecule and to quantify individual lens phospholipids using internal standards. These data clearly indicate marked differences in the membrane lipid composition of the human lens compared to commonly used animal models and thus predict a significant variation in the membrane properties of human lens fibre cells compared to those of other animals.  相似文献   

Directive 86/609/EEC regulates the use of animals for experimental and other scientific purposes in the EU. The Directive seeks to improve the controls on the use of laboratory animals, and to set minimum standards for housing and care, and for the training of personnel handling these animals and supervising the experiments. It also aims to reduce the numbers of animals used for experiments, by encouraging the development and the validation of alternative methods to replace animals methods. Since the scientific basis of the Directive dates back at least 15 years, the Commission is planning on an in-depth revision of the Directive. The Commission aims to have a first draft proposal ready by the end of 2003.  相似文献   

The effects of venom of spiders from the families Pisauridae, Argyronetidae, and Araneidae on different animals (worms, mollusks, arthropods, fishes, and mammals) were studied. The animals of different classes varied in their sensitivity to spider venom. The animals that can be a potential prey were the most sensitive. The venom of spider females was more efficient than that of males. The spiders were found to be able to kill five victims in sequence; the most effective action of venom was on the first two ones. The venom regenerates in 1.5–2.0 hours.  相似文献   

A brief overview is given of the data published in the third report on the number of animals used for scientific purposes in the European Union (EU), in 1999. In comparison to the second EU statistical report, the meaningfulness of the data has been greatly improved, since 14 EU Member States have now used the "EU tables". Even though the total number of animals officially reported in the EU for 1999 (9.81 million animals) is lower than the number reported for 1996 in the second report (11.65 million animals), an increase in animal numbers was observed in several Member States. Repeatedly, the use of transgenic animals was considered to be the cause for this. Most national authorities provided some comments on the data they submitted. However, the quality of these accompanying notes varies considerably, with the comments provided by The Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Denmark and the United Kingdom containing the most-detailed remarks on their data.  相似文献   

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