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Proton electrochemical gradient and phosphate potential in mitochondria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The paper reports an analysis of the relationship between deltamuH the proton electrochemical potential difference, and deltaGp, the phosphate potential. Depression of deltamuH and deltaGp has been obtained by titration with: (a) carbonylcyanide trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone; (b) nigericin (+ valinomycin); (c) KCl (+ valinomycin); and (d) rotenone. The uncoupler depresses deltamuH more than nigericin (+ valinomycin), KCl (+ valinomycin) and rotenone at equivalent deltaGp. The deltaGp/deltamuH ratio is about 3 at high values of deltamuH. When deltaGp and deltamuH are depressed by nigericin (4 valinomycin) the deltaGp/deltamuH ratio remains constant. When deltaGp and deltamuH are depressed by uncouplers, the deltaGp/deltamuH ratio increases hyperbolically tending to infinity while deltamuH tends to zero. The absence of constant proportionality between deltaGp and deltamuH indicates that the proton gradients driving ATP synthesis presumably operate within microscopic environments.  相似文献   

(1) The hydrophobic pH indicator Bromthymol blue and the hydrophilic pH indicator Phenol red have been used to follow the redox-pump-linked proton flows during transition from anaerobiosis to static head. The domains monitored by the pH indicators, whether external or internal, and the localization of the dye, whether free or membrane bound, have been identified by recording the absorbance changes following addition of nigericin or valinomycin to anaerobic or aerobic mitochondria and the effects of permeant and impermeant buffers. (2) After addition of the H+/K+ exchanger, nigericin, to anaerobic mitochondria. Phenol red and Bromthymol blue record an alkalinization and an acidification, respectively, indicating that while the hydrophilic pH indicator faces an external domain, the hydrophobic pH indicator faces, at least partly, an internal domain. The latter effect is sensitive to phosphate and to phosphate carrier inhibitors. On the other hand, addition of nigericin to aerobic mitochondria leads to an increased Bromthymol blue absorbance, which reflects an alkalinization, indicating that the pH indicator faces an external domain. The reorientation of the dye from the internal to the external domain is a function of the uncoupler concentration and thus of the membrane potential (cf. Mitchell et al. (1968) Eur. J. Biochem. 4, 9-19). (3) The amount of oxygen required for the transition from anaerobiosis to static head has been determined by following in parallel the extent of oxidation of cytochrome aa3 and the rise of delta mu H+. With succinate as substrate, 50% levels of cytochrome oxidation are obtained at 0.125 ngatom oxygen/mg and 50% of Safranine response at about 0.2 ngatom oxygen/mg. These amounts of oxygen correspond to an H+ displacement of about 0.8-1.2 ngatom/mg on the basis of the H+/O stoichiometry. It is concluded that mitochondria are in presteady state below, and in static head above, displacement of 2-3 ngatom H+/mg. This figure is very close to the original calculation of Mitchell (Mitchell, P. (1966) Biol. Rev. 41, 445-502). (4) Transition, by oxygen pulses, of EGTA-supplemented mitochondria from anaerobiosis to either presteady state or static head state results in a response of the hydrophilic pH indicator, Phenol red, which is negligible in amount and/or kinetically unrelated to the delta mu H+ rise. The fact that H+ extrusion in the bulk aqueous phase is negligible also in presteady state excludes proton cycling as an explanation. Addition of oxygen pulses to Sr2(+)-supplemented anaerobic mitochondria results in an H+ extrusion whose amount and rate is proportional to the Sr2+ concentration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The membrane potential of mitochondria was estimated from the accumulation of tetraphenyl phosphonium (TPP+), which was determined with the TPP+-selective electrode developed in the present study. The preparation and some operational parameters of the electrode were described. The kinetics for uptake by mitochondria of TPP+ and DDA+ (dibenzyldimethyl ammonium) were analyzed, and it was found that TPP+ permeated the mitochondrial membrane about 15 times faster than DDA+. The final amounts of accumulation of TPP+ and DDA+ by mitochondria were approximately equal. For the state-4 mitochondria, the membrane potential was about 180 mV (interior negative). Simulataneous measurements of TPP+-uptake and oxygen consumption showed that the transition between states 3 and 4 was detectable by use of the TPP+-electrode. After the TPP+-electrode showed that state-4 was reached, the extramitochondrial phosphorylation potential was measured. The difference in pH across the membrane was measured from the distribution of permeant anion, acetate, so as to calculate the proton electrochemical potential. The ratio of extra-mitochondrial phosphorylation potential to proton electro-chemical potential,n was close to 3. This value ofn was also found to be 3 when ATP was hydrolyzed under the condition that the respiratory chain was arrested. The implication thatn=3 was discussed.  相似文献   

Some features of H+-ATPase function in intact mitochondria of rat liver were studied. Simultaneously the activities of ATPase and proton translocase were measured, using a previously described technique. The proton translocation coefficient of H+-ATPase has been found to be equal to 3.6. The protonophore 3.5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzylidenemalononitrile diminishes the proton translocation coefficient. It was concluded that when considering the mechanism of proton translocation by H+-ATPase, it is necessary to assume the possibility of transport of 3 or 4 protons per every hydrolyzed molecule of ATP allowing a changeable efficiency of the process. The decrease of the translocase coefficient in the presence of the protonophore appears to result from the ability of this uncoupler to return the transferred protons to the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

Particulate adenylate cyclase (AC) and guanylate cyclase (GC) activities localized in the ciliary membrane from Paramecium were solubilized by a two-step procedure using the detergents Brij 56 and Lubrol PX. The enzymes remained in the supernatant after a 100 000 × g centrifugation. Upon gel chromatography, AC and GC were almost completely separated proving that each enzyme is a distinct molecular entity. Solubilization of GC was achieved with the calmodulin subunit remaining firmly attached to the catalytic part. Antibodies against calmodulin inhibited the enzyme as did La3+ and EGTA. AC activity appeared to be regulated specifically by K+, enzyme activity being enhanced up to 100% by 15 mM K+. Na+ and Li+ were inactive.  相似文献   

When mitochondria from normal and thyroxine-treated rats were energized by incubation with succinate, phosphate and MgCl2, it was found that the hormone treatment increased the transmembrane protonic electrochemical potential difference by 16mV and the respiration rate by 46%. Other experiments show these changes to be associated with increases in the intramitochondrial K+ and phosphate concentrations.  相似文献   

The correlation between deltamuH, the proton electrochemical potential difference, and the rate of controlled respiration is analyzed. deltamuH (the proton concentration gradient) is measured on the distribution of [3H]acetate, and deltapsi (the membrane potential) on the distribution of 86Rb+, 45Ca2+ and [3H]triphenylmethylphosphonium used either alone or simultaneously. The effects of the addition of ADP + hexokinase (state-3 ADP) and of carbonylcyanide trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (state-3 uncoupler) on respiration and deltamuH are not equivalent: the uncoupler depresses deltamuH more than ADP at equivalent respiratory rates. The effects of the additions of nigericin-valinomycin and of ionophore A23187 (state-3 cation transport) and of carbonylcyanide trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone (state 3-uncoupler) on respiration and deltamuH are also not equivalent: the uncoupler depresses deltamuH more than A23187 and nigericin + valinomycin at equivalent respiratory rate. A23187 is very efficient in stimulating respiration with negligible deltamuH changes.  相似文献   

It has been found that oligomycin inhibits up to at least 50% state-4 mitochondrial respiration. A time dependence of oligomycin inhibition has been shown. A titration curve for state-4 respiration of sigmoidal profile has been presented. The possibility of misreading this oligomycin effect, so far never reported, has been excluded by evaluating the quality of mitochondrial preparations used in respect to their morphological, functional and electrochemical properties. The conclusion has therefore been put forward that the most part of respiration in steady-state-4 is driven by ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

For the study of Ca2+ handling by mitochondria of an insulin secretory tissue, a method for the isolation of functionally intact insulinoma mitochondria is described. The mitochondria had a respiratory control ratio of 6.3 +/- 0.3 with succinate as a substrate. The regulation of extramitochondrial [Ca2+]o concentration by suspensions of insulinoma mitochondria was studied using Ca2+-selective minielectrodes. The mitochondria were found to maintain an ambient free Ca2+ concentration of about 0.3 and 0.9 microM in the absence or presence of Mg2+ (1 mM), respectively. The addition of Na+ resulted in a dose-dependent (half-maximal 4 mM Na+) increase in steady state [Ca2+]o. Na+ accelerated the ruthenium red-induced Ca2+ efflux, suggesting the existence of a Ca2+/2Na+ antiporter, as described in mitochondria of excitable tissues. Experiments were performed to study the effects of various agents on the steady state extramitochondrial free Ca2+. cAMP, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, and NADH were found to have no effect, whereas phosphoenolpyruvate induced a net Ca2+ efflux, the kinetic of which suggests deleterious effects on mitochondrial functions. A small decrease in pH (0.1 unit) of the incubation buffer resulted in an increase of the extramitochondrial Ca2+ steady state that was reversible upon restoration of the pH to its initial value. In conclusion, insulinoma mitochondria were able to maintain an extramitochondrial [Ca2+]o steady state in the submicromolar range that was markedly influenced by the ionic composition of the incubation medium. Thus, mitochondria may play a role in the regulation of cellular calcium homeostasis and insulin release.  相似文献   

G.F. Azzone  T. Pozzan  E. Viola  P. Arslan 《BBA》1978,501(2):317-329
1. The aerobic uptake of inorganic ions, such as 86Rb+ or 125I?, by submitochondrial particles, is about one order of magnitude lower than the uptake of organic ions, such as acridines or 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonate. The values of ΔpH, the transmembrane pH differential, and Δψ, the transmembrane membrane potential are between 60 and 100 mV when calculated on the inorganic ions and between 150 and 240 mV when calculated on the organic ions. The discrepancy between the ΔpH and Δψ values from organic and inorganic ions is large at high but not at low ion/protein ratios.2. In the absence of weak bases and strong acids the values of Δ\?gmH, the proton electrochemical potential difference, are close to 100 mV and the magnitude of ΔpH and Δψ are similar. Weak bases decrease ΔpH and enhance Δψ. Strong acids decrease Δψ and enhance ΔpH. Interchangeability of ΔpH with Δψ occurs at low concentrations of weak bases and strong acids. High concentrations of weak bases and strong acids cause depression of Δ\?gmH.3. Concentrations of weak bases capable of abolishing ΔpH, do not affect ATP synthesis. Concentrations of strong acids capable of abolishing Δψ affect only slightly ATP synthesis. Concentrations of weak bases and strong acids capable of causing a decline of ΔpH + Δψ inhibit ATP synthesis.4. Depression of Δ\?gmH is paralleled by inhibition of ATP synthesis and decline of ΔGp, the phosphate potential. Abolition of ATP synthesis occurs only when Δ\?gmH is below 20 mV. The ΔGp\?gmH ratio increases hyperbolically with the decrease of Δ\?gmH.  相似文献   

Endocytic vesicles possess an electrogenic proton pump, and measurements of ATPase activity suggest that Cl- may stimulate proton pump activity. This study was undertaken to measure the steady-state pH, potential (delta psi), and total proton electrochemical gradients established by the rat liver multivesicular body (MVB) proton pump and to examine the effects of Cl- (0.5-140 mM) on these gradients. Radiolabeled [( 14C] methylamine and 36Cl-) and fluorescent (fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated low density lipoproteins) probes were used to assess internal pH (pHi) and delta psi. In the absence of ATP, pHi averaged 7.37 +/- 0.05 (extracellular pH 7.31 +/- 0.02), and delta psi ranged from -32 to -71 mV; but neither pHi nor delta psi varied consistently with [Cl-]. In the presence of ATP, pHi decreased progressively with increasing [Cl-] to a plateau value of about 5.89 at greater than or equal to 25 mM Cl-, and MVB exhibited an interior positive delta psi that was maximal at the lowest Cl- concentration (+65.5 mV) and decreased as medium Cl- increased. The total ATP-dependent proton electrochemical gradient (proton-motive force (delta p] averaged 118.0 +/- 4.3 mV and did not change in any consistent manner as [Cl-] varied almost 300-fold. However, initial rates of MVB acidification increased with increasing [Cl-]. These studies indicate that: (a) in the absence of ATP, isolated MVB exhibited a negative delta psi, probably a Donnan potential; (b) in the presence of ATP and at a [Cl-] similar to that in hepatocyte cytoplasm (25 mM), MVB pHi was 5.89, and delta psi was +9.6 mV; and (c) over the range of [Cl-] tested, the magnitudes of delta pH and delta psi were inversely related, apparently related to Cl- availability, but the ATP-dependent delta p did not vary. Therefore, it is concluded that Cl- increases the initial rate of vesicle acidification in MVB and also affects the relative chemical and electrical contributions of the steady-state proton pump-determined delta p. Cl-, however, does not alter steady-state delta p.  相似文献   

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