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Rats were kept for about seven weeks in continuous light or darkness. The oxygen consumption and glucose consumption by the isolated small intestine were determined. Data were compared to those of control animals kept under a light-dark cycle. Continuous exposure to light resulted in a 21% increase in anaerobic glycolysis. Continuous exposure to darkness increased anaerobic glycolysis by 18 and 12% respectively.  相似文献   

Transferrin in isolated cells from rat duodenum and jejunum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mucosal transferrin was determined as transferrin-like immunoreactivity (TLIR) by means of a 2-site immunoradiometric assay (IRMA). Scraped-off mucosal tissue as well as isolated mucosal cells from the duodenum and jejunum of normal and iron-deficient rats before and after a washing procedure were examined. In iron-deficient rats there was about twice as much TLIR in scraped-off mucosal tissue as in the untreated animals. In the duodenum and jejunum of normal and iron-deficient rats, TLIR contents of the isolated cells in the magnitude of 320-510 ng/mg dry weight were found. Washing isolated cells three times in ice-cold Hank's solution resulted in a nearly tenfold decrease of TLIR content in all groups. In contrast the cells' RNA content remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Addition of cholestatic doses of chlorpromazine-HC1 to the perfusate of isolated rat livers produces widespread changes in hepatocyte membrane structure. These findings include a marked increase in intrasinusoidal cytoplasmic bullae, appearance of intracellular vacuoles within hepatocytes at both sinusoidal and biliary poles, dilation of bile canaliculi and evagination of canalicular diverticuli, and the formation of myeloid bodies within hepatocytes. These findings obtained in the bile acid depleted perfused liver may result from physiochemical interactions between chlorpromazine or its metabolites and lipid-protein components of cell membranes, consistent with chlorpromazine's properties as a cationic detergent. They occur independently of the vasoconstrictive effects of chlorpromazine and suggest that chlorpromazine may produce cholestasis by altering hepatocyte membrane function.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that feeding a diet containing sucrose to rats causes an elevation of sucrase-isomaltase (SI) mRNA level in the jejunum. In this study, we examined whether the SI mRNA level could be directly elevated by administration of one of the constituting monosaccharides (i.e., glucose and/or fructose). Gastric intubation of a sucrose solution caused increases in both sucrase activity and SI mRNA level in the jejunum. Intrajejunal intubation of fructose, but not glucose, led to an elevation of sucrase activity and SI mRNA level. To examine whether fructose directly affects the gene expression of SI at the segment where the absorption of this sugar takes place or the sugar-induced increase in the gene expression of SI is secondary to any possible changes in the level(s) of certain hormonal factor(s) in the blood stream, a solution containing either fructose or glucose was simultaneously perfused into two consecutive cannulated and irrigated loops of jejunum that were not isolated from blood circulation. Compared with the loop perfused with glucose, the loop perfused with fructose exhibited significantly greater sucrase activity and SI mRNA level as well as the elevated GLUT5 mRNA level. These results suggest that fructose is capable of directly increasing the gene expression of SI and GLUT5 in the confined segment where fructose is absorbed.  相似文献   

E Nsi-Emvo  F Raul 《Enzyme》1984,31(1):45-49
The effects of actinomycin D and of cycloheximide administration have been investigated on the enzyme activities of the jejunal brush border membrane in adult rats after a 48-hour period of starvation. The modifications in the protein and enzyme patterns of the brush border membrane and the incorporation of radiolabelled amino acid in the protein band corresponding to lactase have been studied in the nourished and in the starved animal. The results show that actinomycin D administration did not modify the stimulation of lactase activity caused by starvation whereas cycloheximide completely inhibited this process. The stimulation of lactase activity, in the starved animal, is related to a quantitative increase of the corresponding protein band and with enhanced incorporation of L-[3H]valine in this protein band after separation of brush border proteins by gel electrophoresis. It is concluded that the stimulation of lactase activity observed during starvation is the consequence of de novo synthesis of lactase molecules and that this process is regulated at a translational level. A general hypothesis is proposed in order to clear up partly the mechanism involved in the stimulation of lactase activity by food deprivation in the adult rat.  相似文献   

Gow  I.F.  Flatman  P.W.  Ellis  D. 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1999,198(1-2):129-133
We have examined the effect of exposing isolated rat ventricular myocytes to lithium while measuring cytosolic free magnesium ([Mg2+]i) and calcium ([Ca2+]i) levels with the fluorescent, ion sensitive probes mag-fura-2 and fura-2. There was a significant rise in [Mg2+]i after a 5 min exposure to a solution in which 50% of the sodium had been replaced by Li+, but not when the sodium had been replaced by bis-dimethylammonium (BDA). However, there were significant increases in [Ca2+]i when either Na+ substitute was used. The possibility that Li+, which enters the cells, interferes with the signal from mag-fura-2 was eliminated as Li+ concentrations up to 10 mM had no effect on the dye's fluorescence signal. A possible explanation for these findings is that Li+ displaces Mg2+ from intracellular binding sites. Having considered the binding constants for Mg2+ and Li+ to ATP, we conclude that Li+ can displace Mg2+ from Mg-ATP, thus causing a rise in [Mg2+]i. This work has implications for other studies where Li+ is used as a Na+ substitute.  相似文献   

Permeability changes induced by polylysines in rat spermatids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High molecular weight (HMW, >15 kDa) but not low molecular weight (LMW, <15 kDa) polylysines (PLs) bound and induced permeability changes in rat spermatid plasma membranes, estimated by Mn2+ quenching of intracellular indo-1 fluorescence (K(1/2) = 3.3 +/- 0.5 microg/ml) and Co2+ quenching of intracellular calcein. The pharmacology of the Mn2+ entry pathway activated by HMW PL does not suggest that Ca2+ channels are involved in this phenomenon. Concentrations of HMW PL that induced divalent ion entry did not induce the entry of ethidium bromide, suggesting that HMW PL first bound and perturbed the plasma membrane structure inducing a non-specific increase in membrane permeability. High concentrations of HMW PL induced cell lysis (K(1/2) = 23 microg/ml). The binding of HMW PL, initially homogenous on the cell surface, subsequently progressed to a segregated pattern resembling a clustering phenomenon.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitors of respiration (NaN3 and DNP), glycolysis (2DG, IAA and NaF) and the microtubular-microfilament system (colchicine and cytochalasin B) on the uptake of rat immunoglobulin G (IgG) by enterocytes isolated from the neonatal rat gut has been assessed. After a 1 hour incubation, NaN3, and DNP had significantly reduced IgG uptake by between 32% and 35% of the control, IAA and 2DG were less effective and NaF, colchicine and cytochalasin B had no effect at all. The findings show that IgG is internalised by isolated enterocytes in vitro and that this internalisation is under metabolic control, that inhibitors of respiration are more effective in blocking uptake than inhibitors of glycolysis.  相似文献   

Small angle light scattering techniques were used to determine the effects of selected polyanions on isolated mouse spleen nuclei. The light scattering measurements made it possible to distinguish nuclear swelling from lysis and/or aggregation. Heparin and dextran sulfate were shown to induce nuclear swelling. Chondroitin sulfate, although structurally similar to heparin, had no observable effect on the nuclei. Polystyrene sulfonate and pyran copolymer caused nuclear aggregation and lysis, respectively.  相似文献   

The transport of the bile salt, glycodeoxycholate, was studied in vesicles derived from rat jejunal and ileal brush border membranes using a rapid filtration technique. The uptake was osmotically sensitive, linearly related to membrane protein and resembled d-glucose transport. In ileal, but not jejunal, vesicles glycodeoxycholate uptake showed a transient vesicle/medium ratio greater than 1 in the presence of an initial sodium gradient. The differences between glycodeoxycholate uptake in the presence and absence of a Na+ gradient yielded a saturable transport component. Kinetic analysis revealed a Km value similar to that described previously in everted whole intestinal segments and epithelial cells isolated from the ileum. These findings support the existence of a transport system in the brush border membrane that: (1) reflects kinetics and characteristics of bile salt transport in intact intestinal preparations, and (2) catalyzes the co-transport of Na+ and bile salt across the ileal membrane in a manner analogous to d-glucose transport.  相似文献   

We have examined morphological events in RBL-2H3 basophilic leukocyte-derived cells following stimulation to secrete with specific antigen. Following stimulation, the cell surface undergoes a rapid and pronounced ruffling concomitant with an overall flattening. Secretory granules which are located in one area before stimulation becomes rapidly dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Since secretion has been shown to be a relatively slow process in the RBL-2H3 cell line our observations suggest that ruffling and flattening precede the secretion process.  相似文献   

In mammals, aging is associated with immune senescense. To examine whether the sleep changes occurring during immune challenge are affected by age, we assessed sleep alterations induced by the administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in young and middle-aged rats. During vehicle, the middle-aged rats exhibited less pre-rapid eye movement sleep (pre-REMS) as well as REMS, due to a smaller number and shorter duration of REMS episodes, than young rats. LPS elevated body temperature, increased non-REMS, and suppressed both pre-REMS and REMS in the young as well as in the middle-aged rats. However, in the young animals, LPS significantly enhanced slow-wave activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) within non-REMS, reflecting an increase in sleep intensity. In contrast, LPS attenuated EEG power in most frequency bands in the older animals. This finding indicates age-related changes in the modulation of sleep by LPS.  相似文献   

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