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When human erythrocyte membranes were treated with perfringolysin O (Clostridium perfringens θ-toxin) and examined by electron microscopy after freeze-fracture, two ultrastructural alterations were observed in fracture faces of membrane. (1) A random aggregation of intramembranous particles was seen in the fracture face of the protoplasmic half (PF face) of all membranes treated with the toxin, even if at a low concentration (40 hemolytic units/ml). On the other hand, the aggregation in the fracture face of the exoplasmic half (EF face) was observed only in membranes treated with a high concentration (3300 hemolytic units/ml) for 2 h. (2) Round protrusions and ‘cavities’ with 30 nm in diameter were visible in EF and PF faces of membranes treated with a high concentration, respectively. These structures were always protruded toward cytoplasmic side, but did not appear to form holes through the membrane.Ring and are shaped structures with a dark center of 26 nm and a distinct border of 5 nm in width were observed when the toxin alone was negatively stained at a very high concentration (170 000 hemolytic units/ml). These structures were also produced in the presence of cholesterol even if the toxin concentration was low.  相似文献   

We investigated the membrane of En(a-) human erythrocytes as part of a study of the structure and biochemical function of the surface glycoproteins of the mammalian cell. 2. En(a-) erythrocytes were selected because they have more extensive changes at the cell surface than any other known erythrocyte variant. 3. Our results show that in En(a-) erythrocytes: (a) the major membrane sialoglycoprotein is lacking; (b) the other major membrane-penetrating glycoprotein (band 3) has an altered electrophoretic mobility. 4. The apparent clinical normality of En(a-) cells suggests that the change in band 3 may compensate for the loss of the membrane sialoglycoproteins. It is clear that a viable erythrocyte can exist despite the absence of one of its major surface components.  相似文献   

1. Membranes from erythrocytes heterozygous for the Mk and Miltenberger Class V (Mi.V) condition and membranes from erythrocytes homozygous for the Mg condition were studied by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis by using the periodate/Schiff stain binding of radioiodinated lectins and labelling with lactoperoxidase. 2. Both the Mk and Mi.V conditions are associated with a decreased content of the major blood-group-MN-active sialoglycoprotein. 3. An unusual blood-group-M-active membrane component was found in Mi.V cells of appropriate genotype. No comparably component was found in Mk erythrocytes. 4. The Mg antigen appears to result from a modification of the MN-active sialoglycoprotein found in normal cells. Our results suggest that the Mg sialoglycoprotein contains fewer sialotetrasaccharides than does the normal sialglycoprotein. This may result from changes in the amino acid sequence of the protein. 5. The results are discussed in relation to differences in the antigenic properties of Mk, Mi.V and Mg cells and their possible influence on the structure of the surface of each of these cells.  相似文献   

The major human erythrocyte membrane sialoglycoprotein (glycophorin A or MN glycoprotein) was purified from the red blood cells of an individual, homozygous for the Mi-VII gene in the Miltenberger subsystem of the MNSs blood-group system. The complete structure of a tryptic peptide comprising the residues 40-61 of glycophorin A was deduced from manual sequence analyses. The Mi-VII-specific glycophorin A was shown to exhibit an arginine----threonine and a tyrosine----serine exchange at the positions 49 and 52 respectively. The threonine-49 residue was found to be glycosylated. Inhibition assays demonstrated that one of the Mi-VII-specific antigen determinants (Anek) is located within the residues 40-61 of glycophorin A and comprises sialic acid residue(s) attached to O-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide(s). Our data contribute to an understanding of the Miltenberger system and provide an explanation at the molecular level for the previous finding that the erythrocytes from the Mi-VII homozygote lack a high-frequency antigen (EnaKT), located within the residues 46-56 of normal glycophorin A.  相似文献   

Using freeze-fracture electron microscopy, compositional changes were analysed in the surface membrane of Xenopus oocytes during maturation after in vitro progesterone treatment, as well as in eggs before and after fertilization. Investigated stages were as follows: (1) defolliculated full-grown oocytes; (2) defolliculated oocytes after 5 min exposure to 5 micrograms/ml progesterone; (3) ditto at germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) after 5 h progesterone treatment; (4) unfertilized eggs at oviposition and (5) zygotes 30 min post-fertilization. Comparing the patterns of intramembranous particle (IMP) density and IMP size during these stages the following changes were found: a transient decrease in IMP density was found after 5 min progesterone treatment; a 48% increase during maturation; a further 17% increase after fertilization. In defolliculated oocytes tight-junction-like structures were found, but no gap junctions. These results are discussed with reference to progesterone action, membrane remodelling, protein synthesis and membrane lipid organization.  相似文献   

The sialoglycoproteins (glycophorins) in human red cell membranes of rare individuals lacking totally (Ge-1,-2,-3 phenotype) or partially (Ge-1,-2,3 phenotype) the Gerbich (Ge) blood group antigens and two Ge-1,-2,-3 heterozygotes were studied by dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic techniques. Two sialoglycoproteins (components D and E) were not detectable in the membranes from the homozygotes and found to be decreased by about 50% in those from the heterozygotes. Ge--1,-2,-3 and Ge-1,-2,3 cells were found to contain a 'new' component (mol. masses about 29 and 30 kDa, respectively) possibly representing a D/E hybrid molecule. This sialoglycoprotein was not detectable in membranes from the Ge-1,-2,-3 heterozygotes, suggesting that the Ge-1,-2,-3 phenotype may be caused by at least two different alleles at the Ge blood group antigen locus. Hemagglutination or hemagglutination inhibition tests involving anti-Ge 1,2,3 and -Ge 1,2 as well as native and enzyme-treated normal red cells (phenotype Ge 1,2,3) or membrane and sialoglycoprotein fractions from normal erythrocytes indicate that the receptors of these sera are located within the glycosylated domain(s) of the D and/or E sialoglycoprotein(s). Our data suggest that the Ge locus encodes the polypeptide sequences of the D and E sialoglycoproteins.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte membranes were incubated with the photosensitive hydrophobic reagent 1-azido-r-iodo[3H]benzene and the mixture was irradiated. The major sialoglycoprotein was then isolated and the labelled polypeptide subjected to proteolytic dissection. Characterization of the purified tryptic and chymotryptic peptides show that the probe is covalently attached only to the transmembrane region of the protein. This labelling pattern is discussed in relation to the use of such reagents for the identification of segments of membrane proteins exposed to the hydrophobic millieu of the membrane.  相似文献   

The sialoglycoprotein periodate fuchsin sulfite 2 has about 8% of the sialic acid contained in the sialoglycoproteins of the human erythrocyte membrane. This polypeptide appears to have an apparent monomeric molecular weight of 35,000, somewhat smaller than the monomer of the major sialoglycoprotein (periodate fuchsin sulfite 1) as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacry lamide gel electrophoresis, and has frequently been confused with the monomer of the major sialoglycoprotein. Periodate fuchsin sulfite 2 is not labeled by the lactoperoxidase procedure in the intact cell, although it is accessible to neuraminidase and other hydrolases. On the other hand, this component can be labeled by lactoperoxidase on the cytoplasmic surface of open membranes or resealed ghosts. Thus, it is a trans membrane protein. Although most of the other transmembrane proteins of the human erythrocyte membrane are extracted from the membrane by 0.1% Triton X-100 in 7 mm phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, this component is not removed and may be a cytoskeletal component. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and thermolysin peptides, as well as cyanogen bromide fragments, clearly indicate that the primary sequence of this polypeptide can be distinguished from dimeric or monomeric forms of the major sialoglycoprotein (periodate fuchsin sulfite 1).  相似文献   

The major sialoglycoprotein of the human erythrocyte membrane has been selectively released by the non-ionic detergent Tween 20 and further purified in detergent-free buffers by hydroxyapatite chromatography and, finally, by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on pentyl-Sepharose. The purified glycoprotein shows one main zone, PAS-1, and up to three minor zones after staining both for protein and carbohydrate in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of dodecyl sulfate. The relative staining intensities are concentration dependent. When the purified glycoprotein has been heated to 100 °C in dodecyl sulfate, more stain appears in the most rapid zone, PAS-2, and less in the slower zones, indicating a disaggregation of oligomeric forms of this glycoprotein, including a dinier, PAS-1.  相似文献   

Seizo Fujikawa 《Cryobiology》1980,17(4):351-362
The present study examined the damaging effect of intracellular ice on plasma membranes of human erythrocytes. Ice crystals of 0.2–2.0 μm in diameter were formed within the cells as the result of rapid freezing of erythrocytes at the cooling rates around 8000 °C/min. Freeze-fracture and etching studies revealed the ultrastructural alterations of membranes caused by the formation of intracellular ice.In the membrane regions which were in direct contact with intracellular ice, depressions resembling “worm-eaten spots” ranging from 400 to 3000 Å in diameter were observed both on the etched protoplasmic fracture faces (PF) and the exoplasmic surfaces (ES); no perforations were detected in the worm-eaten spots as visualized by slight etching, but artificial destructions occurred on these worm-eaten spots following the increase of etching. The most important phenomenon concerning membrane damage was that in the worm-eaten spots the fracture did not occur along the inner hydrophobic plane of membrane.It was suggested that the formation of intracellular ice in direct contact with a membrane brought about molecular disorganization of bilayer membrane. The presence of these altered membrane regions seems to be responsible for the postthawed hemolysis of the intracellularly frozen erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The major periodate-Schiff positive component (glycoprotein-2) of bovine milk fat globule membranes (MFGM) has been purified by extraction of washed cream with chloroform/methanol followed by chromatography on Sephadex G-200 in sodium dodecyl sulfate. The glycoprotein is > 95% pure by polyacrylamide electrophoresis in dodecyl sulfate and shows the same prominent component at gel percentages of from 5 to 12.5. The molecular weight obtained by extrapolation of the apparent molecular weights on these gels to higher gel percentages was 70,000. An apparent molecular weight of 105,000 was obtained by gel filtration in 1% dodecyl sulfate on Sepharose 4B. The glycoprotein contains 50% carbohydrate by weight, with sialic acid (30.5%), N-acetylglucosamine (22.3%), galactose (15.9%), N-acetylgalactosamine (14.0%), mannose (11.1%), and fucose (5.8%) being the major monosaccharides. Leucine, glutamic acid, and glycine are the major amino acids. Affinity chromatography of deoxycholate-solubilized MFGM indicates that glycoprotein-2 is not the major concanavalin A receptor of these membranes.  相似文献   

Membrane fluidity was studied by electron-spin-resonance techniques in human En(a-) erythrocytes that lack the major membrane sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A. By using stearic acid spin labels with a doxyl group in the C-12 or C-15 positions, we demonstrated that the hydrophobic core in these cells was more fluid than in normal cells. Surface-located regions in isolated En(a-) membranes, when probed with stearic acid labelled in the C-5 position, appeared more stable than in normal membranes. In isolated En(a-) membranes, protein motion was decreased when probed with a nitroxide derivative of maleimide. After incubation with anti-(glycophorin A) antibodies protein motion and membrane fluidity were increased in normal membranes. This effect was observed also after spectrin depletion, which by itself increased protein motion but decreased membrane fluidity in the hydrophobic core of the membrane. The results show that membrane proteins influence the fluidity of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

The major sialoglycoprotein of the human erythrocyte membrane has been selectively released by the non-ionic detergent Tween 20 and further purified in detergent-free buffers by hydroxyapatite chromatography and, finally, by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on pentyl-Sepharose. The purified glycoprotein shows one main zone, PAS-1, and up to three minor zones after staining both for protein and carbohydrate in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of dodecyl sulfate. The relative staining intensities are concentration dependent. When the purified glycoprotein has been heated to 100 degrees C in dodecyl sulfate, more stain appears in the most rapid zone, PAS-2, and less in the slower zones, indicating a disaggregation of oligomeric forms of this glycoprotein, including a dimer, PAS-1.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture analysis of the membrane lesion of human complement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structure and membrane insertion of the human C5b-9(m) complex, generated by lysis of antibody-coated sheep erythrocytes with whole human serum under conditions where high numbers of classical ring-shaped lesions form, were studied in single and complementary freeze-fracture replicas prepared by unidirectional and rotary shadowing. The intramembrane portion of the C5b-9(m) cylinder was seen on EF-faces as an elevated, circular structure. In nonetched fractures it appeared as a solid stub; in etched fractures a central pit confirmed the existence of a central, water-filled pore in the molecule. Complementary replicas showed that each EF-face ring corresponded to a hole in the lipid plateau of the PF-face. Etched fractures of proteolytically stripped membranes revealed the extramembrane annulus of the C5b-9(m) cylinder on ES-faces and putative internal openings on PS-faces. Allowing for the measured thickness of deposited Pt/C, the dimensions of EF-face rings and ES-face annuli conformed to anticipations derived from negatively stained preparations. Our results support the concept that the hollow cylindrical C5b-9(m) complex penetrates into the inner leaflet of the target erythrocyte membrane bilayer, forming a stable transmembrane protein channel.  相似文献   

A filamentous network underlying the human erythrocyte membranes can be clearly visualized in situ by electron microscopy of thin sections of specimens fixed with tannic acid-glutaraldehyde. The network is composed of two layers: the first, a layer of vertical components with granular appearance, which are seen to be directly associated with the membrane proper, and the second, a horizontally disposed, anastomosing meshwork of filamentous components, approximately 9 nm in thickness, which are attached to the vertical components. The diameter and appearance of the filamentous components are similar to those of purified spectrin. EDTA treatment (0.1 mM, pH 8.0), which was used to extract spectrin and actin, resulted in the disappearance of the filamentous meshwork, leaving only the granular components.  相似文献   

Autophagy defines the lifespan of eukaryotic organisms by ensuring cellular survival through regulated bulk clearance of proteins, organelles and membranes. Pathophysiological consequences of improper autophagy give rise to a variety of age-related human diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration. Rational therapeutic implementation of autophagy modulation remains problematic, as fundamental molecular details such as the generation of autophagosomes, unique double-membrane vesicles formed to permit the process of autophagy, are insufficiently understood. Here, freeze-fracture replica immunolabelling reveals WD-repeat protein interacting with phosphoinositides 1 and 2 (WIPI-1 and WIPI-2) as membrane components of autophagosomes and the plasma membrane (PM). In addition, WIPI-1 is also present in membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and WIPI-2 was further detected in membranes close to the Golgi cisternae. Our results identify WIPI-1 and WIPI-2 as novel protein components of autophagosomes, and of membrane sites from which autophagosomes might originate (ER, PM, Golgi area). Hence therapeutic modulation of autophagy could involve approaches that functionally target human WIPI proteins.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the major human red cell sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A, was studied in the erythroleukemia cell line K562 with emphasis on O-glycosylation. The cells were pulse-chase labeled with [35S] methionine, and either directly immune precipitated with anti-glycophorin A antiserum or detergent-solubilized extracts first passed through columns containing the N-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectin from Helix pomatia or the glucose/mannose specific lectin from lentil beans. From the sugar-eluted fractions anti-glycophorin A antiserum was used to identify precursor molecules. After 5 min of labeling the first glycophorin A precursors were seen. The largest had an apparent molecular weight of 37,000, and bound to lentil lectin-Sepharose, but not to H. pomatia lectin-Sepharose. The lentil lectin-reactive glycophorin A molecules increased to Mr = 39,000 during chase and obtained sialic acids after 9 min of chase reflecting terminal N- and O-glycosylation. After 5-6 min of labeling two H. pomatia-interacting glycophorin A precursors with apparent molecular weights of 24,000 and 30,000 were obtained. These did not bind to lentil lectin-Sepharose. During chase also these molecules increased in size to Mr = 39,000. The immune precipitation of all antiglycophorin A-reactive precursor molecules was inhibited by purified red cell glycophorin A. The carboxylic ionophore, monensin, caused the accumulation of incompletely O-glycosylated glycophorin A molecules, which bound to H. pomatia lectin-Sepharose. These were degraded by treatment with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H reflecting incomplete processing of the N-glycosidic oligosaccharide.  相似文献   

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