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This isomer of PGF is relatively resistant to metabolic degradation in the Cynomolgus monkey. Thus, 16–20 per cent of the amount injected was excreted unchanged in the urine. Five metabolites with 20, 18, 16 and 14 carbon atoms in the skeleton were identified. The data are similar to those earlier seen in the rat and further support the idea that this analogue of PGF could have a long half-life time in the mammalian body and thus a long duration of its pharmacological actions.  相似文献   

Treatment by EDTA of purified plasma membranes from MF2S cells (a variant of the murine plasmacytoma MOPC 173) solubilized proteins and increased by a 1000-fold the sensitivity of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase to ouabain. When added back with Ca2+ to treated plasma membranes, these EDTA-solubilized proteins restored the initial sensitivity of the enzyme to its inhibitor. We report the purification of a protein of Mr 32 000, isolated from the EDTA-treated membrane supernatant. This protein was purified by a one-step procedure involving a preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis without detergent. In the presence of Ca2+ it was able to restore the original sensitivity to ouabain of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase from EDTA-treated membrane. This protein was shown to be similar to the β-actinin described by Maruyama by the following criteria: (1) molecular weight and amino acid composition; (2) cross-reactivity with their respective antisera; (3) in the presence of Ca2+ the same quantitative biological activity on ouabain sensitivity of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. A possible interaction between β-actinin, calmodulin and membrane-bound (Na+ + K+)-ATPase is discussed.  相似文献   

Human red cell and guinea pig kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase were phosphorylated at 0°C. Using concentrations of ATP ranging from 10?6 to 10?8 M, ATP-dependent regulation of reactivity is observed with red cell but not kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase at 0°C. In particular, with the red cell enzyme only, the following are observed: (i) the ratio of enzyme-bound ATP (E·ATP, measured by the pulse-chase method of Post, R.L., Kume, S., Tobin, T., Orcutt, B. and Sen, A.K. (1969) J. Gen. Physiol. 54, 306s-326s) to steady-state level of total phosphoenzyme (EP) decreases with decrease in ATP concentration and (ii) the apparent turnover of phosphoenzyme (ratio of Na+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis to level of total EP at steady state) also varies as a function of ATP concentration. In addition, when EP is formed at very low ATP (0.02 μM), and then EDTA is added, rapid disappearance of a fraction of EP occurs, presumably due to ATP resynthesis, only with the red cell enzyme. These differences in behaviour of the red cell and kidney enzymes are explained on the basis of the observed predominance of K+-insensitive EP in red cell, but K+-sensitive EP in kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase at 0°C.  相似文献   

Samuel A. Sholl 《Steroids》1983,41(6):769-776
3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenaseΔ5?4isomerase activity (3Δ-HSDH) was examined in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) placenta and fetal adrenal at 135 and 155–162 days of gestation. Activity was evaluated in microsomes by the conversion of [3H]pregnenolone to [3H]progesterone. There was a 7-fold increase in enzyme activity in the whole adrenal (minus medulla) between the two stages of development. Combining data from both periods, enzyme activity was greater in the outer than in the inner region of the adrenal. No stage-dependent change in placental activity was evident. The temporal patterns in 3β-HSDH activity are consistent with corticoid and progesterone patterns in the circulation. Thus, the level of 3β-HSDH activity may be rate limiting in both the fetal adrenal and placenta.Enzyme activity was assessed in incubations which included unex-tracted, heat-treated, 100,000 g tissue supernatants. In both placental and adrenal incubations, competitive inhibition was noted. Ethyl ether extracts of 100,000 g tissue supernatants also inhibited 3β-HSDH in the respective tissues. GLC analysis of these extracts revealed the presence of putative dehydroepiandrosterone. Hormone levels and the nature of the inhibition that were observed are compatible with the conclusion that dehydroepiandrosterone can inhibit the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone in vivo. The physiological importance of this remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Charles F Fowler  Bessel Kok 《BBA》1976,423(3):510-523
Using a rapid pH electrode, measurements were made of the flash-induced proton transport in isolated spinach chloroplasts. To calibrate the system, we assumed that in the presence of ferricyanide and in steady-state flashing light, each flash liberates from water one proton per reaction chain. We concluded that with both ferricyanide and methylviologen as acceptors two protons per electron are translocated by the electron transport chain connecting Photosystem II and I. With methyl viologen but not with ferricyanide as an acceptor, two additional protons per electron are taken up due to Photosystem I activity. One of these latter protons is translocated to the inside of the thylakoid while the other is taken up in H2O2 formation. Assuming that the proton released during water splitting remains inside the thylakoid, we compute H+e? ratios of 3 and 4 for ferricyanide and methyl viologen, respectively.In continuous light of low intensity, we obtained the same H+e? ratios. However, with higher intensities where electron transport becomes rate limited by the internal pH, the H+e? ratio approached 2 as a limit for both acceptors.A working model is presented which includes two sites of proton translocation, one between the photoacts, the other connected to Photosystem I, each of which translocates two protons per electron. Each site presents a ≈ 30 ms diffusion barrier to proton passage which can be lowered by uncouplers to 6–10 ms.  相似文献   

30.5 MHz 15N m.m.r. (CP/MAS) spectra of various solid polypeptides were measured using the cross-polarization/magic angle spinning technique. In order to obtain optimum signal-to-noise ratios, relatively short contact times (1 ± 0.5 ms) are required, because the cross-polarization times (TNH) are short and because the proton rotating-frame relaxation times (T1p) are in the order of 20 ms. The 15N n.m.r. signals of copolypeptides may be sensitive to sequence effects; yet they are in most cases more sensitive to the nature of the secondary structure. The signals of α-helices absorb ca. 8–10 ppm upfield of β-sheet structures, whereas the polyglycine II helix absorbs downfield. The natural abundance spectrum of crystalline gramicidin-S exhibits a signal at ?247 ppm, a characteristic chemical shift of the antiparallel pleated sheet structure.  相似文献   

Samuel A. Sholl 《Steroids》1983,41(6):757-768
3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenaseΔ5?4isomerase (3β-HSDH) was measured in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) placenta, fetal adrenal (whole organ minus medulla), testis and ovary during late gestation (Days 145–162). Activities were evaluated from the conversion of [3H]-pregnenolone to [3H]progesterone. The maximum enzyme velocity (Vm) in adrenal microsomes (100,000 g pellet) was significantly higher (146 nmoles progesterone/h x mg?1protein) than in microsomes from the other tissues. Testicular Vm was greater than either ovarian or placental Vm which were not different from one another (11.5 versus 1.9, 1.2 nmoles progesterone/h x mg?1protein, respectively). Apparent Michaelis-Menten constants in the adrenal, placenta, testis and ovary averaged 1.8,2.5,0.27 and 0.16 μM, respectively. In some cases, substrate inhibition was noted. Estimated dissociation constants for pregnenolone were 2.3 μM (adrenal), 2.1 μM (placenta), 0.74 μM (testis) and 0.13 μM (ovary). 3β-HSDH was less active in a crude mitochondrial preparation from the fetal adrenal (10,000 g pellet) than in microsomes, whereas activity in the placenta and testis appeared to be equally distributed between mitochrondria and microsomes.Rate measurements were consistent with the apparent potentials of these organs to synthesize their characteristic hormones. Thus, 3β-HSDH activity may be an important rate determining step in hormone synthesis. The importance of substrate inhibition in progesterone formation remains to be assessed.  相似文献   

O.L. Tulp  G.I. Meeker 《Steroids》1976,28(2):239-246
Studies were conducted to determine the fate of 15α-hydroxyprogesterone in human placental tissue. Tritiated 15α-hydroxyprogesterone was perfused through normal human placentas in situ at the time of Cesarean section and incubated with a 10,000x g microsomal supernate of the placenta in vitro. In both systems the substrate, but no additional metabolites were identified. These findings indicate that 15α-hydroxyprogesterone is not metabolized during its passage in the human term placenta, and suggests that because of its fetal origin clinical measurements of 15α-hydroxyprogesterone may provide a valuable index to the status of fetal viability.  相似文献   

The tumor promoter 12-0-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) stimulates hexose uptake into rat thymocytes. This study explores two possible messengers of this stimulation: changes in cytosolic [Ca2+], and activation of the Na+/H+ antiport. The cytosolic level of Ca2+, determined by the fluorescence of quin-2, was elevated by TPA, and this rise required extracellular Ca2+. In contrast, stimulation of hexose uptake was still observed in Ca2+ -free media even when cytoplasmic [Ca2+] was buffered with quin-2. TPA also raised the cytoplasmic pH, presumably through activation of the Na+/H+ exchange. However, replacement of extracellular Na+ by N-methylglucamine+ or choline+ which prevents the cytoplasmic alkanization did not prevent stimulation of hexose uptake by TPA. Moreover, amiloride, at concentrations that inhibit Na+/H+ exchange in these cells, did not interfere with stimulation of hexose uptake by TPA. In conclusion, stimulation of hexose uptake by phorbol ester in rat thymocytes does not appear to be mediated by changes in cytosolic free Ca2+ or in the activity of the Na+/H+ antiport.  相似文献   

The immunologic cross-reactivity of the α and α+ forms of the large subunit and the β subunit of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase from brain and kidney preparations was examined using rabbit antiserum prepared against the purified holo lamb kidney enzyme. As previously reported by Sweadner ((1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 6060–6067) phosphorylation of the large subunit of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase in the presence of Na+, Mg2+, and [γ-32P]ATP revealed that dog and, very likely, rat brain contain two forms of the large subunit (designated α and α+) while dog, rat, and lamb kidney contain only one form (α). The cross-reactivity of the α and α+ forms in these preparations was investigated by resolving the subunits by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The separated polypeptides were transferred to unmodified nitrocellulose paper, and reacted with rabbit anti-lamb kidney serum, followed by detection of the antigen-antibody complex with 125I-labeled protein A and autoradiography. By this method, the α and α+ forms of rat and dog brain, as well as the α form found in kidney, were shown to cross-react. In addition, membranes from human cerebral cortex were shown to contain two immunoreactive bands corresponding to the α and α+ forms of dog brain. In contrast, the brain of the insect Manduca sexta contains only one immunoreactive polypeptide with a molecular weight intermediate to the α and α+ forms of dog brain. The β subunit from lamb, dog and rat kidney and from dog and rat brain cross-reacts with anti-lamb kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase serum. The mobility of the β subunit from dog and rat brain on SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels is greater than the mobility of the β subunit from lamb, rat or dog kidney.  相似文献   

History and ClinicalSigns: Herds infected with Trichomonasfetus have histories of infertility, occasional abortions, and pyometra.GrossLesions: There are no specific gross lesions in the fetus. The fetuses are usually aborted in the first half of gestation and may or may not be accompanied by the placenta.MicroscopicLesions: There are no specific microscopic lesions.CulturalProcedures: It is ordinarily not necessary to culture T.fetus in order to demonstrate its presence in placental fluids and/or abomasal contents.SerologicProcedures: There are no suitable seroligic procedures for diagnosing Trichomoniasis.SpecialProcedures: Wet mounts of abomasal contents and/or placental fluids are examined microscopically for T.fetus.PreferredDiagnosticProcedures: Demonstrate the presence of T.fetus by microscopic examination of wet mounts of placental fluids and/or abomasal contents.  相似文献   

Skin of Rana pipiens, like many other species, is considered to actively trassport only Na+ when bathed in Ringer's solution on both sides. However, net CI? influx was previously described by us in short-circuited skin of Rana pipiens, in the summer season. The skins were of low PD (5–30 mV) and high CI? conductance. Comparison of these findings with other series indicated inverse seasonal variation between PD and CI? conductance. It was postulated that active CI? transport exists at all CI?-conductance levels but at higher PD is too small to be be easily detected. This report evaluates CI? transport across skins of higher PD (and lower conductance) in winter and further characterizes the system. Net CI? influx was demonstrated over a wide PD range under short-circuit conditions and was inversely related to the magnitude of the open-circuit PD. It was inhibited by ouabain and dependent upon Na+ in the outside medium and K+ in the inside medium. It is concluded that this is the same system present in skin of Leptodactylus ocellatus and may not be unique to these two species. It appears to be distinctly different from the acetazolamide-sensitive influx system seen in “low-CI?” solutions in skins of numerous species. The findings are discussed in terms of (1) parallel Na+ and CI? active transport mechanisms and (2) a neutral NaCI-pump model, recently proposed by Rehm.  相似文献   

Respiration-driven proton translocation has been studied with the oxidant pulse method for cells of denitrifying Paracoccus denitrificans oxidizing H2 during reduction of O2, NO?3, NO?2 or N2O. A simplified scheme of anaerobic electron transport and associated proton translocation is shown that is consistent with the measured H+oxidant ratios. Furthermore, the kinetics and energetics of NO?3 uptake in whole cells of P. denitrificans were studied. For this purpose, we measured H2 consumption or N2O production after addition of NO?3 to a cell suspension, which indirectly gave information about uptake (and reduction) of NO?3. It was found that a lag phase in H2 consumption or N2O production appeared whenever the membrane potential was dissipated by addition of thiocyanate, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone or triphenyl-methylphosphonium bromide. However, these lag phases were not observed when NO?2 was present at the moment of introduction of NO?3. On the basis of these findings we conclude that there are two uptake systems for NO?3. One system is dependent on the proton-motive force and is probably used for initiation of NO?3 uptake. The other is an NO?3NO?2 antiport and its function is to take over NO?3 uptake from the first system.  相似文献   

The substrate specificities of the endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidases from Diplococcus pneumoniae and Streptomyces griseus were compared and found to differ considerably. The enzyme from D. pneumoniae released Asn-GlcNAc-Fuc-containing glycopeptides from exoglycosidase-treated acidic IgM glycopeptides but was limited in its capacity to hydrolyze ovalbumin glycopeptides larger than Asn(GlcNAc)2(Man)5. In contrast, the enzyme from S. griseus hydrolyzed this and larger neutral oligosaccharides but could not hydrolyze the above fucose-containing IgM glycopeptides. Removal of the fucose residue, however, converted the latter to an active substrate for the S. griseus enzyme, thus broadening its substrate range to encompass most of those substrates hydrolyzed by the D. pneumoniae endoglycosidase.  相似文献   

An α1-mantitrypsin-like material has been purified to homogeneity from the soluble fraction of normal human liver by procedures adapted from those employed for plasma α1-antrypsin. The liver material, in contrast to a previous report1 has the same molecular weight as the corresponding normal plasma α1-antrypsin. The subunit structure, immunoelectrophoretic and immunological properties of the liver glycoprotein are identical to those of normal plasma α1-antrypsin. Amino acid and carbohydrate compositions of the liver material are similar to those of α1-antrypsin obtained from the plasma. The α1-antrypsin-like material has also been isolated and purified from the microsomal fraction of liver It has the same molecular weight and immunological properties as glycoprotein obtained from the cytosol. Although inhibitors of lysosmal proteases were added during the homogenization of the liver, the purified glycoprotein is devoid of trypsin-inhibitory capacity. The loss of inhibitory activity could be due to extensive cellular autolysis before autopsy.  相似文献   

Copoly(α-amino acid)s consisting of γ-benzyl-l-glutamate and N5-β-d-glucopyranosyl-l-glutamine were prepared by the reaction of copoly(l-glutamate) containing succinimide ester, which served as active site for the coupling reaction with β-d-glucopyranosylamine. The α-helical conformation of these copolymers became unstable in DMF as the content of glutamine derivative increased. A dry film made from this copolymer could take a full α-helical conformation even at such a high content as 80% of the glutamine derivative, but in a wet film this ordered structure was partially disrupted by hydration. The hydraulic permeability of this copoly(α-amino acid) was clearly dependent on the molar content of glucopyranosyl groups. The attachment of fibroblast cells to these hydrated copolymer films was effectively depressed in the presence of a serum-free medium. The cells attached to the substrate were spherical in shape.  相似文献   

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