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Kinetic parameters of Zn uptake were determined for wheat plants(Triticum aestivum cvs Excalibur and Gatcher, and Triticum turgidumconv. durum cv. Durati) pre-grown at deficient or sufficientZn supply and with 0 or 4 mg m-3 sulphonylurea herbicide chlorsulfuron(2-chloro-N-(((4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl) amino)carbonyl)-benzenesulphonamide].Net Zn uptake generally showed a saturable response to increasingsolution Zn concentrations; this response fitted a modifiedMichaelis-Menten equation incorporating the Cmin term (solutionconcentration when net uptake is  相似文献   

There is no consensus regarding the results from in vivo and in vitro studies on the impact of chronic high insulin and/or high glucose exposure on acute insulin stimulation of glycogen synthase (GS) kinetic parameters in human skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the kinetic parameters of glycogen synthase activity in human myotube cultures at conditions of chronic high insulin combined or not with high glucose exposure, before and after a subsequent acute insulin stimulation. Acute insulin stimulation significantly increased the fractional activity (FV(0.1)) of GS, increased the sensitivity of GS to the allosteric activator glucose 6-phosphate (A(0.5)) and increased the sensitivity of GS to its substrate UDPG (K(m(0.1))) when myotubes were precultured at low insulin with/without high glucose conditions. However, this effect of acute insulin stimulation was abolished in myotubes precultured at high insulin with or without high glucose. Furthermore, we found significant correlations between the fractional velocities FV(0.1) of GS and K(m(0.1)) (rho=-0.72, P<0.0001), between FV(0.1) and A(0.5) (rho=-0.82, P<0.0001) and between K(m(0.1)) and A(0.5) values (rho=0.71, P<0.0001). Our results show that chronic exposure of human myotubes to high insulin with or without high glucose did not affect the basal kinetic parameters but abolished the reactivity of GS to acute insulin stimulation. We suggest that insulin induced insulin resistance of GS is caused by a failure of acute insulin stimulation to decrease A(0.5) and K(m(0.1)) in human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Aim: As a biosafety laboratory, we take samples from surfaces in microbiological laboratories to survey the handling of micro‐organisms. Whereas contaminations with other micro‐organisms were rare, Staphylococcus aureus was found in the working environment of many laboratories. As 20–60% of the healthy population are carriers of S. aureus we wanted to asses the effect of carriers on our sampling results. Methods and Results: Nasal swabs of staff members in nonmicrobiological laboratories and offices as well as surface samples from their personal work environment were taken and analysed for S. aureus DNA. In addition S. aureus strains were isolated using S. aureus‐specific agar plates and analysed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)–PCR and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Our data show that contaminations with S. aureus in nonmicrobiological environments are common with 29% of the surface samples containing S. aureus DNA. In the working environment of carriers, the number of contaminations was significantly increased compared to the environment of noncarriers. Conclusion: The carrier status of staff members significantly affects the number of contaminations on laboratory surfaces. Therefore, even in the absence of intentional handling of S. aureus, contaminations can be detected on a substantial amount of surfaces. Significance and Impact of the Study: Sampling procedures need to be adapted based on these results with respect to the locations where samples are taken and the threshold for significant contaminations. Because of its wide distribution, S. aureus can serve as a marker for hygienic standards in laboratories.  相似文献   

Insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) is known to play a pivotal role on amyloidogenic peptide degradation but little is known about the changes in the proteolytic activity of the enzyme upon modification of external factors. Particularly, although it has been reported that altered ubiquitin concentration and/or hyperinsulinaemia increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD), the molecular mechanism involved is unclear. In this work, we study the role that ubiquitin plays on IDE capability of binding and degrading insulin molecules and the obtained results indicate that ubiquitin has an allosteric role for IDE and high ubiquitin levels impair IDE activity.  相似文献   

A procedure is described, based on the Eadie-Hofstee plot, from which it is possible to determine the Michaelis constant and the maximum velocity of a membrane bound transport process that is separated from the substrate in the bulk solution by an unstirred layer. This can be done without knowing the magnitude of the latter provided that its effective thickness can be varied by altering the rate of stirring. Further, if the affinity of the carrier for the substrate is sufficiently large, then, it is possible to determine the rate constant and the effective concentration of the membrane bound carrier.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the effects of wrapping surfaces on muscle paths and moment arms of the neck muscle, semispinalis capitis. Sensitivities to wrapping surface size and the kinematic linkage to vertebral segments were evaluated. Kinematic linkage, but not radius, significantly affected the accuracy of model muscle paths compared to centroid paths from images. Both radius and linkage affected the moment arm significantly. Wrapping surfaces that provided the best match to centroid paths over a range of postures had consistent moment arms. For some wrapping surfaces with poor matches to the centroid path, a kinematic method (tendon excursion) predicted flexion moment arms in certain postures, whereas geometric method (distance to instant centre) predicted extension. This occurred because the muscle lengthened as it wrapped around the surface. This study highlights the sensitivity of moment arms to wrapping surface parameters and the importance of including multiple postures when evaluating muscle paths and moment arm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the effects of wrapping surfaces on muscle paths and moment arms of the neck muscle, semispinalis capitis. Sensitivities to wrapping surface size and the kinematic linkage to vertebral segments were evaluated. Kinematic linkage, but not radius, significantly affected the accuracy of model muscle paths compared to centroid paths from images. Both radius and linkage affected the moment arm significantly. Wrapping surfaces that provided the best match to centroid paths over a range of postures had consistent moment arms. For some wrapping surfaces with poor matches to the centroid path, a kinematic method (tendon excursion) predicted flexion moment arms in certain postures, whereas geometric method (distance to instant centre) predicted extension. This occurred because the muscle lengthened as it wrapped around the surface. This study highlights the sensitivity of moment arms to wrapping surface parameters and the importance of including multiple postures when evaluating muscle paths and moment arm.  相似文献   

In many situations an important source of the average evoked potentials (EPs) variability is a random scale factor affecting each recording. As a result, the outcome of any EP detection method may be greatly affected. However, using an appropriate probabilistic model these scale factor can be estimated, and the performance of any available detection index improved by data rescaling. In this paper the Maximum Likelihood Estimators of the waveform of the response and the scale factor affecting both background noise and this waveform are obtained. Also, an iterative algorithm for model parameters estimation is presented and its convergence is examined in a simulation study. The Linear Discriminant function is computed using simulated test data in both situations, before and after rescaling of recordings. The performance of these statistics is evaluated by mean of ROC curves.  相似文献   

A method was developed to estimate the extended Michaelis constant and maximum velocity of a suicide substrate from the time-course of remaining enzyme activity with the use of simulation data calculated from the representative kinetic model for a suicide substrate proposed by Walsh et al. (Walsh, C., Cromartie, T., Marcotte, P. and Spencer, R. (1978) Methods Enzymol. 53, 437-448). For this purpose an analytical equation for the time-course of remaining enzyme activity, based on the suicide kinetic model, was derived by the steady-state method reported by Tatsunami et al. (Tatsunami, S., Yago, N. and Hosoe, M. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 662, 226-235). The accuracy of this analytical solution was proved by comparing the result with the exact solution obtained by numerical computation. A method was also developed to estimate the most important factor for a suicide substrate, the partition ratio, from the time-course of remaining enzyme activity.  相似文献   

A method is described by which affinities and transport rates for unlabeled substrate analogs are readily determined, and which is based on the effect of an unlabeled analog upon the rate of transport of a labeled substrate present at a low concentration on the trans side of the membrane. The procedure is widely applicable since it does not depend on assumptions about rate-limiting steps and holds for both active and non-active systems. Here it is applied in an experimental study of the facilitated diffusion system for choline in erythrocytes, and it is shown that the transport parameters for a test substrate obtained by this method are the same as those found when the transport of the substrate is followed directly.  相似文献   

A whole suite of parameters is likely to influence the behavior and performance of individuals as adults, including correlations between phenotypic traits or an individual's developmental context. Here, we ask the question whether behavior and physical performance traits are correlated and how early life parameters such as birth weight, litter size, and growth can influence these traits as measured during adulthood. We studied 486 captive gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) and measured two behavioral traits and two performance traits potentially involved in two functions: exploration behavior with pull strength and agitation score with bite force. We checked for the existence of behavioral consistency in behaviors and explored correlations between behavior, performance, morphology. We analyzed the effect of birth weight, growth, and litter size, while controlling for age, sex, and body weight. Behavior and performance were not correlated with one another, but were both influenced by age. Growth rate had a positive effect on adult morphology, and birth weight significantly affected emergence latency and bite force. Grip strength was not directly affected by early life traits, but bite performance and exploration behavior were impacted by birth weight. This study shows how early life parameters impact personality and performance.  相似文献   

Salinization, as one of the foremost abiotic stresses, is an intensifying problem in many agroecosystems. Climatic changes, along with altering land use and also salinity of irrigation water all lead to enhanced soil salinity in agricultural lands. Changes in plant characteristics, as a result of raising soil salinity, may impose bottom-up impact on plant-feeding insects. We assessed the bottom-up impact of salinity stress on demographic traits of the western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), on cherry tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme (Solanaceae) plants under greenhouse conditions (27 ± 2 °C, 65 ± 5% r.h., and L16:D8 photoperiod). Our results indicated that salinity stress interfered with the immature development period, adult longevity, and sex ratio of WFT. Salinity stress biased the sex ratio in favor of males. Significant concentration-dependent differences were observed in the intrinsic (r) and finite (λ) increase rates and the net reproduction rate (R0) of WFT at different salinity levels. Salinity adversely influenced WFT development; nonetheless, population projection forecasted an ascending WFT population growth under moderate salinity stress of 100 mM (2.8 dS m−1 of NaCl), whereas severe salinity stress of 150 mM (4.7 dS m−1 of NaCl) resulted in remarkable fitness costs in WFT. This study demonstrates that WFT has the potential to become problematic in regions with moderate salinity. Therefore, it might exacerbate the detrimental impact of salinity on tomato production. The current survey provides information on the abundance of WFT on saline-stressed tomato plants, thereby contributing to developing environmentally friendly measures to manage this notorious species in ecosystems under salinity stress.  相似文献   

An applied dc voltage offers a means of controlling immobilization during biosensor fabrication and detection during biosensing application. We present a method to directly and continuously measure the adsorption of biomacromolecules or other polyelectrolytes, under an applied potential difference, based on optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS). An indium tin oxide (ITO) film of thickness ca. 10 nm coated onto a silicon titanium oxide (STO) waveguiding film serves as the working (sensing) electrode. We observe the effective refractive index of the 0th transverse electric guided mode to increase significantly in the presence of an applied potential due to charging of the interfacial double layer and, possibly, modest electrochemical oxidation. Adsorption from solution onto the ITO electrode is detected by a further increase in the effective refractive index. We achieve accurate detection by employing an optical model in which the STO and ITO layers are combined into a single waveguiding film. No improvement is found using models treating the ITO as a separate layer, either dielectric or conducting. Using this method, we find the adsorption of human serum albumin and horse heart cytochrome c to be considerably enhanced in the presence of an applied potential exceeding 1 V. We attribute this behavior to adsorption at positions on the protein molecules of complementary charge.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics of the hairpin helix-single strand transition of A6C6U6 has been analyzed by a staggering zipper model with consideration of single strand stacking. This analysis yields an enthalpy change of +11 kcal/mole for the formation of a first, isolated base pair. The stability constant of a first (intramolecular) base pair in A6C6U6 is around 2 × 1O?5 at 25°C, whereas a first (intermoleciilar) base pair in an A6 · U6 helix is characterised by a stability constant of about 4 × 10?3M?1 (25°C, extrapolated from An · Vn oligomer measurements). These data indicate a destabilizing effect of the C6 loop.The rate constant of hairpin helix formation is 2 to 3 × 104 sec?1 associated with an activation enthalpy of +2.5 kcal/mote. The rate of helix dissociation of the A6C6U6 hairpin is in the range of 103 to lO5 sec?1 with an activation enthalpy of 21 kcalmole. A comparison with the kinetic parameters obtained for A · U oligomer helices shows a specific influence of the C6 loop due to the stacking tendency of the cytosine residues. This intluence is preferentially reflected in the relatively low value of the rate constant of helix formation.  相似文献   

A method is described by which affinities and transport rates for unlabeled substrate analogs are readily determined, and which is based on the effect of an unlabeled analog upon the rate of transport of a labeled substrate present at a low concentration on the trans side of the membrane. The procedure is widely applicable since it does not depend on assumptions about rrate-limiting steps and holds for both active and non-active systems. Here it is applied in an experimental study of the facilitated diffusion system for choline in erythrocytes, and it is shown that the transport parameters for a test substrate obtained by this method are the same as those found when the transport of the substrate is followed directly.  相似文献   

Testing and characterizing the simple carrier   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Sets of experimental data, with known characteristics and error structures, have been simulated for the Michaelis-Menten equation plus a second term, either for linear transport or for competitive inhibition. The Michaelis-Menten equation plus linear term was fitted by several methods and the accuracy and the precision of the parameter estimates from the several methods were compared. The model-fitting methods were: three for least-squares non-linear regression, computer versions of two graphical methods and of two non-parametric methods. The most precise and accurate method was that of D.W. Marquardt (J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math. 11 (1963) 431–441). The Michaelis-Menten equation with competitive inhibition was also fitted by several methods, viz., two for least-squared non-linear regression, a non-parametric method and four variants of the Preston-Schaeffer-Curran plot (Preston, R.L. et al. (1974) J. Gen. Physiol. 64, 443–467). The most precise and accurate of these was the non-linear regression method of W.W. Cleland (Adv. Enzymol. 29 (1967) 1–32). For both these models, the various graphical methods and non-parametric methods gave poor results and are not recommended.  相似文献   

Eleanor M. Slade  Tomas Roslin 《Oikos》2016,125(11):1607-1616
While substantial effort has been invested in modelling changes in species distribution with climate change, less attention has been given to how climate warming will affect interactions among co‐occurring species, and the cascading functional consequences. In this study, realistic dung beetle communities were subjected to an experimental warming treatment and the net effect on the functions of dung decomposition (in terms of dung mass) and plant productivity (in terms of biomass production of ryegrass grown on soil from underneath the dung pats) were examined. A priori, we hypothesized that the largest tunneling species would be functionally dominant, and be differently affected by experimental warming compared to pat‐dwelling, smaller species. In terms of dung decomposition, the largest beetles did prove to be the functionally most important, with the qualitative pattern unaffected by experimental warming. In contrast, for plant productivity all species appeared equally important under ambient conditions. However, the effects of single species on plant productivity were reduced as temperature increased: In a warmed climate, a combination of both tunneling and pat‐dwelling species came the closest to returning ecosystem functioning to levels found in the ambient treatment. These results suggest different roles for different species, and highlight the importance of maintaining multiple species within an ecosystem – particularly when systems are perturbed.  相似文献   

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