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The aggregation of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide from its monomeric to its fibrillar form importantly contributes to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Here, we investigated the effects of Escherichia coli maltose binding protein (MBP), which has been previously used as a fusion protein, on Aβ42 fibrillization, in order to improve understanding of the self-assembly process and the cytotoxic mechanism of Aβ42. MBP, at a sub-stoichiometric ratio with respect to Aβ42, was found to have chaperone-like inhibitory effects on β-sheet fibril formation, due to the accumulation of Aβ42 aggregates by sequestration of active Aβ42 species as Aβ42-MBP complexes. Furthermore, MBP increased the lag time of Aβ42 polymerization, decreased the growth rate of fibril extension, and suppressed Aβ42 mediated toxicity in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. It appears that MBP decreases the active concentration of Aβ42 by sequestering it as Aβ42-MBP complex, and that this sequestration suppresses ongoing nucleation and retards the growth rate of Aβ42 species required for fibril formation. We speculate that inhibition of the growth rate of potent Aβ42 species by MBP suppresses Aβ42-mediated toxicity in SH-SY5Y cells.  相似文献   

The rate of α-methylglucoside efflux from wild-type cells of Escherichia coli K-12 is enhanced by different substrates, as long as they are readily respired. A similar enhancement takes place in strains with impaired oxidative phosphorylation (unc mutants), regardless of their being able (strains AN120, N144, and AN382) or unable (strain NR70) to energize the membrane through respiratory electron flow. The uncouplers carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and tetrachlorosalicylanilide do not diminish the efflux acceleration in wild-type strains or unc mutants. However, the stimulation of α-methylglucoside efflux does not occur in the mutant AN59 which cannot perform a normal respiratory electron transport due to a defective synthesis of ubiquinone. The failure to stimulate the efflux is observed with succinate, which is a typical substrate of respiration, as well as with substrates which can yield ATP both at respiratory and substrate levels such as gluconate or glycerol. Moreover, potassium cyanide nullifies the acceleration of α-methylglucoside efflux caused in any type of strain and by any substrate. These results show that neither ATP nor an energized state of the membrane appears to be needed for respiration to accelerate α-methylglucoside release from E. coli cells, and question the existence of any energy-requiring reaction for αMG exit, previously proposed by other authors.  相似文献   

The O protein is a replication initiator that binds to the orilambda region and promotes assembly of the bacteriophage lambda replication complex. This protein, although protected from proteases by other elements of the replication complex, in a free form is rapidly degraded in the host, Escherichia coli, by the ClpP/ClpX protease. Nevertheless, the physiological role of this rapid degradation remains unclear. Here we demonstrate that the copy number of plasmids derived from bacteriophage lambda is significantly higher in wild-type cells growing in rich media than in slowly growing bacteria. However, lambda plasmid copy number in bacteria devoid of the ClpP/ClpX protease was not dependent on the bacterial growth rate and in all minimal media tested was comparable to that observed in wildtype cells growing in a rich medium. Contrary to lambda plasmid replication, the efficiency of lytic growth of bacteriophage lambda was found to be dependent on the host growth rate in both wild-type bacteria and clpP and clpX mutants. The activities of two major lambda promoters operating during the lytic development, p(R) and p(L), were found to be slightly dependent on the host growth rate. However, when p(R) activity was significantly decreased in the dnaA mutant, production of phage progeny was completely abolished at low growth rates. These results indicate that the O protein (whose level in E. coli cells depends on the activity of ClpP/ClpX protease) is a major limiting factor in the regulation of lambda plasmid replication at low bacterial growth rates. However, this protein seems to be only one of the limiting factors in the bacteriophage lambda lytic development under poor growth conditions of host cells. Therefore, it seems that the role of the rapid ClpP/ClpX-mediated proteolysis of the O protein is to decrease the efficiency of early DNA replication of the phage in slowly growing host cells.  相似文献   

Summary Over sixty EMS induced mutations affecting gene lamB, presumably the structural gene for the receptor in Escherichia coli K12, were examined for growth of host range mutants and effect of nonsense suppressors. By the first criterion the mutations could be grouped in three classes. Bacteria with class I mutations allow growth of mutants with extended host range (noted h) of the type already described (Appleyard, Mac Gregor and Baird, 1956). Bacteria with class II mutations allow growth of h mutants with still more extended host range (noted hh *). No host range mutants of could be found which would grow on bacteria with class III mutations. Using nonsense suppressors it was found that class I and II consist of missense mutations, while class III consists of nonsense mutations. Exceptions are likely to exist (especially in class III) but were not found among the mutations tested. These observations are briefly discussed in terms of outer membrane protein integration and of phage receptor interaction.  相似文献   



Animal neurotoxin peptides are valuable probes for investigating ion channel structure/function relationships and represent lead compounds for novel therapeutics and insecticides. However, misfolding and aggregation are common outcomes when toxins containing multiple disulfides are expressed in bacteria.


The β-scorpion peptide toxin Bj-xtrIT from Hottentotta judaica and four chaperone enzymes (DsbA, DsbC, SurA and FkpA) were co-secreted into the oxidizing environment of the Escherichia coli periplasm. Expressed Bj-xtrIT was purified and analyzed by HPLC and FPLC chromatography. Its thermostability was assessed using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy and its crystal structure was determined.


Western blot analysis showed that robust expression was only achieved when cells co-expressed the chaperones. The purified samples were homogenous and monodisperse and the protein was thermostable. The crystal structure of the recombinant toxin confirmed that it adopts the native disulfide connectivity and fold.


The chaperones enabled correct folding of the four-disulfide-bridged Bj-xtrIT toxin. There was no apparent sub-population of misfolded Bj-xtrIT, which attests to the effectiveness of this expression method.

General significance

We report the first example of a disulfide-linked scorpion toxin natively folded during bacterial expression. This method eliminates downstream processing steps such as oxidative refolding or cleavage of a fusion-carrier and therefore enables efficient production of insecticidal Bj-xtrIT. Periplasmic chaperone activity may produce native folding of other extensively disulfide-reticulated proteins including animal neurotoxins. This work is therefore relevant to venomics and studies of a wide range of channels and receptors.  相似文献   

Functional modification of protein through N-terminal acetylation is common in eukaryotes but rare in prokaryotes. Prothymosin α is an essential protein in immune stimulation and apoptosis regulation. The protein is N-terminal acetylated in eukaryotes, but similar modification has never been found in recombinant protein produced in prokaryotes. In this study, two mass components of recombinant human prothymosin α expressed in Escherichia coli were identified and separated by RP-HPLC. Mass spectrometry of the two components showed that one of them had a 42 Da mass increment as compared with the theoretical mass of human prothymosin α, which suggested a modification of acetylation. The mass of another one was equal to that of the theoretical one. Peptides mass spectrometry of the modified component showed that the 42-Da mass increment occurred in the N-terminal peptide domain, and MS/MS peptide sequencing of the N-terminal peptide found that the acetylated modification occurred at the N-terminal serine residue. So, part of the recombinant human prothymosin α produced by E. coli was N-terminal acetylated. This finding adds a new clue for the mechanism of acetylated modification in prokaryotes, and also suggested a new method for production of N-terminal modificated prothymosin α and thymosin α1.  相似文献   

A mutant strain of Escherichia coli in which β-glucoside transport is resistant to catabolite inhibition by methyl α-glucoside was characterized. The mutation was probably within the gene, bglC, coding for the β-glucoside enzyme II. The mutant organism is shown to transport the β-glucoside substrate, salicin, in preference to methyl α-glucoside or fructose. Salicin also caused inducer exclusion of lactose in the mutant strain.  相似文献   

Transhydrogenase couples hydride transfer between NADH and NADP+ to proton translocation across a membrane. The binding of Zn2+ to the enzyme was shown previously to inhibit steps associated with proton transfer. Using Zn K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), we report here on the local structure of Zn2+ bound to Escherichia coli transhydrogenase. Experiments were performed on wild-type enzyme and a mutant in which βHis91 was replaced by Lys (βH91K). This well-conserved His residue, located in the membrane-spanning domain of the protein, has been suggested to function in proton transfer, and to act as a ligand of the inhibitory Zn2+. The XAFS analysis has identified a Zn2+-binding cluster formed by one Cys, two His, and one Asp/Glu residue, arranged in a tetrahedral geometry. The structure of the site is consistent with the notion that Zn2+ inhibits proton translocation by competing with H+ binding to the His residues. The same cluster of residues with very similar bond lengths best fits the spectra of wild-type transhydrogenase and βH91K. Evidently, βHis91 is not directly involved in Zn2+ binding. The locus of βHis91 and that of the Zn-binding site, although both on (or close to) the proton-transfer pathway of transhydrogenase, are spatially separate.  相似文献   

From Escherichia coli K12 W2252-11U? (wild type I and II) and its Ter-mutants, lipopolysaccharides were isolated and the primary structure of its core region was elucidated, the configuration of the glucose III (1→2)-linked to the glucose II residue in the core of parents (wild type I and II) changes into the configuration of the glucose (1→3)-linkage by the Ter-mutation. Also, the structure of the core in the Ter-15 mutant differs from that in the parent (wild type I) and is similar to that in Escherichia coli C used as an indicator for φ×174 phage. D-ribose residue in the core of the Ter-21 mutant links to the glucose I residue instead of the galactose residue in the core of the parent (wild type II).  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli on melibiose requires the induced synthesis of α-galactoside permease and α-galactosidase. Hydrolysis of the chromogenic substrate p-nitrophenyl-σ-galactoside by whole bacteria is dependent on intact oxidative metabolism. The α-galactosidase from E. coli was isolated for the first time as a soluble enzyme. In cell-free extracts p-nitrophenyl-α-galactoside hydrolisis was observed only at high protein concentrations and the activity decreased exponentially with the square of the dilution. The reason for this behaviour was shown to be that, unlike other known α-galactosidases, the enzyme of E. coli requires NAD. For optimal activity the enzyme also requires Mn2+, a high concentration of 2-mercaptoethanol, and a pH of 8.1. The approximate molecular weight of the active from of α-galactosidase as determined by sedimentation in a sucrose gradient is 200 000. Due to the instability of the enzyme, its purification has not been achieved.  相似文献   

Products of β-galactosidase action on lactose by intact E. coli cells appeared in the medium as soon as lactose was added and the amount of product was equal to the lactose used. No detectable levels of β-galactosidase were found in the medium and lactose was not significantly broken down unless lac permease was present. The appearance did not depend upon the presence of any of the commonly known galactose or glucose permease systems. The Km of product appearance from whole cells was equal to the Kt for lactose transport by lac permease. When the cells were broken the Km became the normal β-galactosidase Km.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (nitrosoguanidine) causes an unexpectedly high frequency of closely linked double mutants because of its specificity for chromosome regions in replication. Low nitrosoguanidine concentrations (1 μg/ml) in liquid cultures allow replication at the normal rate and are mutagenic. It was expected that mutations would be spread over the chromosome as it replicated, but a high frequency of closely linked double mutants was found.If a thymine auxotroph is grown in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and nitrosoguanidine, then exposed to 313-nm radiation (which destroys BUdR-substituted DNA), the mutation frequency is much higher among survivors than among non-irradiated cells. It is concluded that nitrosoguanidine inhibits DNA replication in a small fraction of the population and that mutations are induced in that same fraction.Nitrosoguanidine treatment leads to a high frequency of closely linked double mutants under all known conditions.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli chemosensory arrays, transmembrane receptors, a histidine autokinase CheA, and a scaffolding protein CheW interact to form an extended hexagonal lattice of signaling complexes. One interaction, previously assigned a crucial signaling role, occurs between chemoreceptors and the CheW-binding P5 domain of CheA. Structural studies showed a receptor helix fitting into a hydrophobic cleft at the boundary between P5 subdomains. Our work aimed to elucidate the in vivo roles of the receptor–P5 interface, employing as a model the interaction between E. coli CheA and Tsr, the serine chemoreceptor. Crosslinking assays confirmed P5 and Tsr contacts in vivo and their strict dependence on CheW. Moreover, the P5 domain only mediated CheA recruitment to polar receptor clusters if CheW was also present. Amino acid replacements at CheA.P5 cleft residues reduced CheA kinase activity, lowered serine response cooperativity, and partially impaired chemotaxis. Pseudoreversion studies identified suppressors of P5 cleft defects at other P5 groove residues or at surface-exposed residues in P5 subdomain 1, which interacts with CheW in signaling complexes. Our results indicate that a high-affinity P5–receptor binding interaction is not essential for core complex function. Rather, P5 groove residues are probably required for proper cleft structure and/or dynamic behavior, which likely impact conformational communication between P5 subdomains and the strong binding interaction with CheW that is necessary for kinase activation. We propose a model for signal transmission in chemotaxis signaling complexes in which the CheW–receptor interface plays the key role in conveying signaling-related conformational changes from receptors to the CheA kinase.  相似文献   

Brigitte Schoner 《Gene》1983,21(3):203-210
A simple method is described for the detection of the insertion elements IS1 and IS5 in Escherichia coli F′ plasmids. Several of these insertion elements are normal constituents of the E. coli chromosome and are located on chromosomal regions carried by the F′ plasmids, while several others were probably acquired during the isolation or propagation of the F′ plasmids. The F′ plasmids carrying copies of IS1 or IS5 have been transferred into Salmonella (a host lacking chromosomal copies of IS1 and IS5) where individual copies can be examined for a variety of properties, including structural similarities and ability to transpose to new sites.  相似文献   

B.J. Wallace  I.G. Young 《BBA》1977,461(1):84-100
A ubiA? menA? double quinone mutant of Escherichia coli K12 was constructed together with other isogenic strains lacking either ubiquinone or menaquinone. These strains were used to study the role of quinones in electron transport to oxygen and nitrate. Each of the four oxidases examined (NADH, d-lactate, α-glycerophosphate and succinate) required a quinone for activity. Ubiquinone was active in each oxidase system while menaquinone gave full activity in α-glycerophosphate oxidase, partial activity in d-lactate oxidase but was inactive in NADH and succinate oxidation. The aerobic growth rates, growth yields and products of glucose metabolism of the quinone-deficient strains were also examined. The growth rate and growth yield of the ubi+ menA? strain was the same as the wild-type strain, whereas the ubiA? men+ strain grew more slowly on glucose, had a lower growth yield (30% of wild type) and accumulated relatively large quantities of acetate and lactate. The growth of the ubiA? menA? strain was even more severely affected than that of the ubiA? men+ strain.Electron transport from formate, d-lactate, α-glycerophosphate and NADH to nitrate was also highly dependent on the presence of a quinone. Either ubiquinone or menaquinone was active in electron transport from formate and the activity of the quinones in electron transport from the other substrates was the same as for the oxidase systems. In contrast, quinones were not obligatory carriers in the anaerobic formate hydrogenlyase system. It is concluded that the quinones serve to link the various dehydrogenases with the terminal electron transport systems to oxygen and nitrate and that the dehydrogenases possess a degree of selectivity with respect to the quinone acceptors.  相似文献   

Compared to thylakoid and inner membrane proteins in cyanobacteria, no structure–function information is available presently for integral outer-membrane proteins (OMPs). The Slr1270 protein from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803, over-expressed in Escherichia coli, was refolded, and characterized for molecular size, secondary structure, and ion-channel function. Refolded Slr1270 displays a single band in native-electrophoresis, has an α-helical content of 50–60%, as in E. coli TolC with which it has significant secondary-structure similarity, and an ion-channel function with a single-channel conductance of 80–200 pS, and a monovalent ion (K+:Cl) selectivity of 4.7:1. The pH-dependence of channel conductance implies a role for carboxylate residues in channel gating, analogous to that in TolC.  相似文献   

Cystathionine γ-synthase (CGS) and cystathionine β-lyase (CBL) share a common structure and several active-site residues, but catalyze distinct side-chain rearrangements in the two-step transsulfuration pathway that converts cysteine to homocysteine, the precursor of methionine. A series of 12 chimeric variants of Escherichia coli CGS (eCGS) and CBL (eCBL) was constructed to probe the roles of two structurally distinct, ~ 25-residue segments situated in proximity to the amino and carboxy termini and located at the entrance of the active-site. In vivo complementation of methionine-auxotrophic E. coli strains, lacking the genes encoding eCGS and eCBL, demonstrated that exchange of the targeted regions impairs the activity of the resulting enzymes, but does not produce a corresponding interchange of reaction specificity. In keeping with the in vivo results, the catalytic efficiency of the native reactions is reduced by at least 95-fold, and α,β versus α,γ-elimination specificity is not modified. The midpoint of thermal denaturation monitored by circular dichroism, ranges between 59 and 80 °C, compared to 66 °C for the two wild-type enzymes, indicating that the chimeric enzymes adopt a stable folded structure and that the observed reductions in catalytic efficiency are due to reorganization of the active site. Alanine-substitution variants of residues S32 and S33, as well as K42 of eCBL, situated in proximity to and within, respectively, the targeted amino-terminal region were also investigated to explore their role as determinants of reaction specificity via positioning of key active-site residues. The catalytic efficiency of the S32A, S33A and the K42A site-directed variants of eCBL is reduced by less than 10-fold, demonstrating that, while these residues may participate in positioning S339, which tethers the catalytic base, their role is minor.  相似文献   

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