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目的:探讨12株重组酵母菌生物合成麻黄碱的特性及L-Phe对麻黄碱生物合成的影响。方法:以葡萄糖为碳源、NaNO3为氮源对重组酵母菌进行培养,在相同条件下,在液体培养基中添加5mg/L的L-Phe,利用反向高压液相色谱(RP-HPLC)测定重组酵母菌培养液中麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱的含量。结果:重组酵母菌培养液中麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱的最高产量分别为18.85mg/L和4.11mg/L;L-Phe对各重组菌株生物合成麻黄碱的调控作用各不相同。结论:通过L-Phe对重组酵母菌生物合成麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱调控作用的探讨,将为研究重组菌株的遗传多样性提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:建立超高效液相色谱法(UPLC)测定麻黄中l-麻黄碱和d-伪麻黄碱含量的方法,为麻黄药材质量评价提供依据。方法:UPLC测定麻黄碱色谱柱为Waters Acquity BEH-C_(18)(2.1 mm×50 mm, 1.7μm);检测波长:214 nm;流动相为0.15%氨水水溶液(A)和乙腈(B),梯度洗脱(0.0~4.0 min,5%B→55%B;4.0~4.1 min,55%B→95%B;4.1~4.7 min,95%B;4.7~4.8 min,95%B→5%B;4.8~5.0 min,5%B),流速:0.7mL/min;柱温:25℃。结果:l-麻黄碱和d-伪麻黄碱分别在12.50~500.00μg/mL和10.50~420.00μg/mL范围内具有良好的线性关系,相关系数均为0.9999,UPLC方法测定l-麻黄碱和d-伪麻黄碱的回收率分别为101.99%和98.68%。应用UPLC方法测定麻黄药材中的l-麻黄碱和d-伪麻黄碱的含量,麻黄药材两者含量分别为0.80%和0.18%。结论:与常规HPLC测定l-麻黄碱和d-伪麻黄碱含量方法比较,本文所用方法测定结果更加准确、全面、且重复性好,能够快速测定麻黄药材中的l-麻黄碱和d-伪麻黄碱的实际含量;并且对麻黄碱及相关物质的测定有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

生物方法制备麻黄碱的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了生物方法制备麻黄碱的研究进展,详细介绍了植物细胞组织培养法、生物转化法和转基因微生物制备麻黄碱的研究情况,指出生物技术生产麻黄碱是未来具有竞争力的理想方法。  相似文献   

木糖醇微生物转化的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、引言 木糖醇是一种被广泛用于国防、医药、食品和化学等工业的五碳糖醇。木糖醇也是一种具有营养价值的甜味剂,由于它的代谢不需胰岛素,可作为糖尿病人的食糖代用品。另外木糖醇还可以作为防龋食品。目前国内外生产木糖醇的方法是化学法,即由农业纤维废料如玉米芯和甘蔗渣等经酸水解和提  相似文献   

微生物酶法转化生产L-肉碱的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L -肉碱作为一种新型的营养强化剂和临床药物 ,广泛应用于医疗、保健、食品等领域。L- 肉碱的生产方法有化学合成、微生物发酵、微生物酶法转化等 ,其中微生物酶法转化被认为是一种最经济且最有前途的方法。就 3种酶法转化 (DL -肉碱衍生物的酶法拆分、巴豆甜菜碱的酶法转化、D- 肉碱的酶法转化 )的微生物产酶菌株、产酶条件和酶法转化的最适条件作一概述。  相似文献   

森林土壤氮转化的微生物功能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文研究了不同林型下土壤(A+6层和A_1层)微生物、土壤酶活性在森林土壤氮转化中的作用。结果表明不同林型下土壤具有不同的固氮作用、反硝化作用、氨化作用和硝化作用速率,即阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林。已经证明,固氮作用主要存在于森林土壤的A_1层,反硝化作用主要存在于A_0层。森林土壤存在2种硝化作用过程,即由自养微生物所引起的自养硝化作用过程和异养微生物所引起的异养硝化作用过程。它的存在与林型有关,某些森林土壤中这2种硝化作用过程都存在,如针阔混交林下的A_0层和A_1层。有些林型下土壤,则以异养硝化作用过程为主,如针叶林的A_0层。  相似文献   

研究了丙烯酰胺生产菌株的培养条件。通过对培养过程pH值调控、培养基补料以及诱导剂加入量的研究,使发酵液的腈水合酶的活力达到了6567u/mL菌液。这一酶活是国内外所见报道中最高的。进一步进行了丙烯腈的酶催化水合实验,产物中并没有发现副产物丙烯酸,说明在提高腈水合酶的同时,酰胺酶的活力并没有明显体现这一试验结果为工厂化生产改造以及新工艺的研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

产电微生物是一类具有胞外电子转移能力的微生物,能够将有机物中储存的化学能转化为电能,其作为微生物电催化系统的催化剂,已经成为环境和能源领域的研究热点。但目前所发现的产电菌,产电机制有所差异,产电能力参差不齐,菌株的性能从根本上影响了其产电能力,其产电能力不足成为限制微生物燃料电池在工业上广泛应用的主要瓶颈。目前,通过理性设计或定向进化等改造方法,难以实现产电微生物在复杂多样环境中的广泛应用。通过定向筛选策略,建立一套快速、高效的筛选鉴定技术,挖掘环境中性能优异的产电微生物,是促进其广泛应用的有效途径。文中基于产电微生物的种类,总结回顾了现有的产电微生物的筛选鉴定方法,并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

离子注入微生物诱变育种研究进层   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论述了离子注入微生物育种的三大特征,介绍了微生物接受注入离子的方法、离子注入机的简单结构和工作情况。概述了的几年来离子注入微生物,改良、选育优良工业微生物菌株的应用研究情况,分析了今后离子注入微生物育种的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The utilization of hydrocarbons by microorganisms was studied in many fields, but the production of biotin vitamers by hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria has never been reported.

We have screened many hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria which produce biotin vitamers in the culture broth. The effects of cultural conditions on biotin vitamers production by strain 5–2, tentatively assigned to the genus Pseudomonas, were studied.

More than 98% of biotin vitamers produced from hydrocarbons by strain 5–2 was chromatographically determined as desthiobiotin. As nitrogen source, natural nutrients were more effective than inorganic nitrogen sources. The production of biotin vitamers was increased under the condition of good aeration. Exogenous pimelic or azelaic acid enhanced biotin vitamers production by strain 5–2.

The production of biotin vitamers from n-alkanes, n-alkenes or glucose by an isolated bacterium, strain 5-2, tentatively assigned to the genus Pseudomonas, was investigated. Among these carbon sources, n-undecane was the most excellent for biotin vitamers production.

The biosynthetic pathway of biotin vitamers, especially desthiobiotin, from n-undecane was also studied. It was found by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatographical methods that pimelic and azelaic acids were the main acid components in n-undecane culture.

This result, together with previously reported enhancement of biotin vitamers production by these acids, suggests that pimelic and azelaic acids may be the intermediates of biotin vitamers biosynthesis from n-undecane.  相似文献   

In a preceding paper we reported that Rhodotorula flava 194 effectively converted biotin to biotinamide. In a present paper the metabolism of desthiobiotin by R. flava 194 was studied under the same condition as in the conversion of biotin to biotinamide. Two desthiobiotin derivatives (Vitamer I and II) were isolated. Vitamer II (crystalline) was identified as bisnordesthiobiotin and Vitamer I was chromatographically determined as desthiobiotinamide.  相似文献   

Biotin derivatives with biotin activity for some biotin-requiring microorganisms have been isolated in crystalline form from the culture filtrate of strain 194, identified as Rhodotorula flava. The crystalline vitamer was identified as d-biotinamide.  相似文献   

During the course of the study on biotin vitamers production by a hydrocarbon-utilizing bacterium, strain 5–2 (Pseudomonas sp.), it was found that crude RNA-alkali-hydrolyzate from yeast increased the accumulaion of biotin vitamers, most of which was determined as desthiobion, and that adenine in the crude RNA-alkali-hydrolyzate was a potent stimulator. Effect of adenine on biotin vitamers accumulation was observed in the medium with either hydrocarbon or glucose as a sole carbon source. The accumulation of total biotin vitamers by some other bacteria was also increased by adenine but that of true biotin was scarcely increased or inhibited by adenine.

The role of adenine on the accumulation of biotin vitamers was investigated with non-proliferating cells of strain 5–2, and it was supposed that adenine would not only inhibit the accumulation of true biotin but, as a result, cause the large accumulation of biotin vitamers which might be intermediates of biotin synthesis. When the medium was supplemented with excess biotin, complete repression occurred even in the presence of adenine.  相似文献   

Adenosine was produced from adenine by means of fermentation using Bacillus subtilis Marburg 160-88 (str, try-, pur-). For the study on adenosine production, experiments concerning with pre-culture age, inoculum size, fermentation period, concentration of adenine, carbon source, nitrogen source and supplement of vitamins were carried out by test tube shaker. Furthermore the time course of fermentation was observed using jar fermentor. And it was proved that adenosine was produced about 1 mg/ml during the first 40 hrs of fermentation in the glucose mineral medium containing 1~2 mg/ml of adenine. This fermentation procedure seems to be one of economical methods for adenosine production.  相似文献   

Antibiotic Production by Marine Microorganisms   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

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