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The roles of DNA polymerases alpha and beta in DNA replication and repair synthesis were studied in permeable animal cells, using different agents to induce repair synthesis. DNA polymerase inhibitors were used to investigate which polymerases were involved in repair synthesis and in replication. Polymerase alpha was responsible for replication. On the other hand, both polymerases alpha and beta were involved in DNA repair synthesis; the extent to which each polymerase participated depended primarily on the agent used to damage DNA. Polymerase beta was primarily responsible for repair synthesis induced by bleomycin or neocarzinostatin, whereas polymerase alpha played a more prominent role in repair synthesis indiced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or N-nitrosomethyl urea. More DNA damage was induced by the alkylating agents than by bleomycin or neocarzinostatin, suggesting that the extent of involvement of polymerase alpha or beta in DNA repair synthesis is related to the amount or type of DNA damage. In addition, salt concentration was found to have little or no effect on the results obtained with the DNA polymerase inhibitors. Our findings provide an explanation for conflicting reports in the literature concerning the roles of DNA polymerases alpha and beta in DNA repair.  相似文献   

The effects of the inhibitors 2'3' dideoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP) and 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine triphosphate (araCTP) on DNA synthesis in isolated S-phase HeLa S3 nuclei have been examined. These effects are compared with the effects of the same inhibitors in partially purified preparations of DNA polymerases alpha and beta. The effect of ddTTP on partially purified DNA polymerase gamma was also tested. DNA polymerases beta and gamma were very sensitive to ddTTP whereas DNA polymerase alpha and DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei were quite resistant. The synthesis and subsequent ligation of primary DNA pieces ('Okazaki fragments') were not affected by the presence of this inhibitor. DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei and DNA polymerase alpha activity were very sensitive to araCTP whereas DNA polymerase beta was almost totally resistant to the inhibitor. The results indicate a major role for DNA polymerase alpha in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts derived from patients with diseases affecting DNA repair processes, such as Xeroderma Pigmentosum (classical and variant), Fanconi's anemia, Bloom's syndrome, Ataxia Telangiectasica, Progeria and Werner's syndrome, were assayed for the three DNA polymerases. The specific activities of these enzymes were found within the limits observed in normal human fibroblasts. Also the sedimentation properties of the three polymerases were unaltered.  相似文献   

Lehmann AR 《DNA Repair》2011,10(7):730-733
The late steps of nucleotide excision repair, following incisions to remove the damaged section of DNA, comprise repair synthesis and ligation. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown the size of the repaired patch to be about 30 nucleotides. In vitro studies implicated the replicative polymerases in repair synthesis, but recent in vivo data have shown that several DNA polymerases and ligases are involved in these steps in human cells.  相似文献   

One of the key stages of life of a cell is genome duplication. The main enzymes which lead this process are DNA-dependent DNA polymerases. At the moment, 19 DNA polymerases with striking properties are listed in the eukaryotic cells. Mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma from A family and most of the nuclear enzymes from B family are high fidelity DNA polymerases which are participate in genome DNA replication process as well as in DNA repair. Among the other 1 5 proteins, the D N A polymerases belonging to the X and Y families have a special place. They participate in a different repair processes such as base excision repair and non-homologous end joining. Moreover, some of them play a specific role in the replication of the damaged DNA templates. This process is referred as translesion synthesis or TLS. The DNA polymerases beta and lambda members of X family are enclosed in polyfunctional enzymes, and their properties and functions will be discussed in this review.  相似文献   

The activities of DNA polymerases alpha, beta, and gamma were determined in control and repair-deficient human fibroblasts (xeroderma pigmentosum complementation groups A, C, and D; Fanconi's Anemia; and Bloom's syndrome). Assays were done on 103,000XG supernatants which had been chromatographed on DEAE cellulose to remove nucleic acids and on fractions containing polymerase activities which had been separated from one another on a second DEAE cellulose column. All repair-deficient cell types contained all three DNA polymerase activities. Caffeine, which has been observed to inhibit some DNA-repair processes in intact cells, had no effect on DNA polymerase activities from XP-A, XP-C, XP-D or XP-variant cells. These data indicate that all three polymerases are present in cells which have reduced or absent repair functions and that the caffeine effects observed in living cells are probably not due to the direct action of caffeine on DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases involved in bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in some permeable human cells and rodent cells were studied by using selective inhibitors (aphidicolin, 2′,3′-dideoxythymidine-5′-triphosphate and N-ethylmaleimide) for DNA polymerases. The results suggest that both DNA polymerases α and β are involved in bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in permeable HeLa-S3 cells and probably in some other permeable human cells (HEp-2, KB and WI-38 VA-13 cells). Bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in some permeable rodent cells (SR-C3HHe, Balbc 3T3, 3Y1 and XC cells) is mostly attributed to DNA polymerase β.  相似文献   

The involvement of DNA polymerases alpha, beta, and delta in DNA repair synthesis induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was investigated in human fibroblasts (HF). The effects of anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) monoclonal antibody, (p-n-butylphenyl)deoxyguanosine triphosphate (BuPdGTP), dideoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP), and aphidicolin on MNNG-induced DNA repair synthesis were investigated to dissect the roles of the different DNA polymerases. A subcellular system (permeable cells), in which DNA repair synthesis and DNA replication were differentiated by CsCl gradient centrifugation of BrdUMP density-labeled DNA, was used to examine the effects of the polymerase inhibitors. Another approach investigated the effects of several of these inhibitors on MNNG-induced DNA repair synthesis in intact cells by measuring the amount of [3H]thymidine incorporated into repaired DNA as determined by autoradiography and quantitation with an automated video image analysis system. In permeable cells, MNNG-induced DNA repair synthesis was inhibited 56% by 50 micrograms of aphidicolin/mL, 6% by 10 microM BuPdGTP, 13% by anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) monoclonal antibodies, and 29% by ddTTP. In intact cells, MNNG-induced DNA repair synthesis was inhibited 57% by 50 micrograms of aphidicolin/mL and was not significantly inhibited by microinjecting anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) antibodies into HF nuclei. These results indicate that both DNA polymerases delta and beta are involved in repairing DNA damage caused by MNNG.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase activities from HeLa cells and from cultured diploid human fibroblasts in various growth states were compared. alpha-Polymerase activities from log phase fibroblasts treated with sodium butyrate and from stationary phase HeLa cells had DEAE-cellulose elution patterns that differed from those of polymerases from dividing cells. Moreover, alpha- and beta-polymerases from nondividing cells replicated synthetic polymers less faithfully. Although similar changes were observed previously for polymerases from late-passage and postconfluent early passage fibroblasts, amounts of alpha-polymerase activity recovered from nondividing cells in this study did not dramatically decline as they had in the former cases. The alpha-polymerase activities from HeLa cells and fibroblasts in various growth states sedimented near 7.5S in 0.4 M KCI and could be inhibited by a monoclonal IgG fraction prepared against KB cell alpha-polymerase. By several criteria, there was no significant differences in levels of UV-stimulated repair synthesis observed in early or late-passage postconfluent fibroblasts or in log phase fibroblasts treated with sodium butyrate. In summary, levels of alpha-polymerase do not necessarily correlate either with replicative activity or with apparent levels of repair synthesis. However, cells with decreased replicative activity always yielded enzyme with decreased fidelity in vitro and altered chromatographic behavior. It appears, therefore, that the alterations observed for alpha-polymerase from late-passage cells may be attributed more generally to the nondividing nature of these cells.  相似文献   

The action of the increased intracellular content of adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in CHO-K1 cells (clones 773 and ADr112eb), treated with isoproterenol, on gamma-induced DNA single-strand breaks repair has been investigated. The hormonal treatment stimulates gamma-induced (180 Gr) DNA single-strand repair during the post-irradiation incubation (45 min) by 75 +/- 16%. The results show the involvement of the cAMP system in radiosensitivity of cultured mammalian cells and in regulation of cellular mechanisms of DNA repair.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases alpha and beta (EC from calf thymus could utilize dUTP as a substrate for DNA synthesis as well as DNA polymerase I of Escherichia coli. Deoxyuridylate was incorporated into DNA by replacing deoxythymidylate and supported the further elongation of DNA chains on activated DNA or on the intiated homopolymers, poly(dA) . (dT)10 and poly(rA) . (dT)10. The rate of the incorporation of deoxyuridylate into DNA varied from 50 to 160% of that of deoxythymidylate, depending on the nature of the template primers and the species of DNA polymerase used. The apparent Km values for dUTP were very similar to those for dTTP. Uracil DNA-glycosylase excised efficiently the uracil residues in products of DNA polymerase reactions with either activated calf thymus DNA or initiated homopolymers.  相似文献   

Poly(dT) products which were synthesized depending on (rA)n . (dT)12-18 as a template . primer by mammalian DNA polymerases beta and gamma were analyzed by alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation. The size of the population of poly(dT) chains synthesized by DNA polymerase beta increased slowly and consistently during incubation up to at least 30 min. On the other hand, the product size with DNA polymerase gamma reached the final size (7 s) within 5 min and the number of products increased during further incubation. Comparison of product number per enzyme molecule suggests that DNA polymerase beta acts on multiple primers in a distributive fashion while DNA polymerase gamma completes poly(dT) chains of large size in a one-by-one fashion.  相似文献   

Treatment of permeable human fibroblasts with bleomycin elicits DNA repair synthesis that is only partially sensitive to aphidicolin, an inhibitor of mammalian DNA polymerases alpha and delta. Inhibition of long-patch repair synthesis by omission of the three unlabeled deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) selectively eliminates the aphidicolin-sensitive component. The majority of this residual aphidicolin-resistant repair synthesis is contained in ligated patches as revealed by resistance to exonuclease III. Determination of repair patch length by bromodeoxyuridine-induced density shift under conditions where essentially all of the repair synthesis is sensitive or resistant to aphidicolin yielded values of approximately 20 and 4 nucleotides per patch, respectively. On the basis of these data and the relative sensitivity of bleomycin-induced repair synthesis to N2-(p-n-butylphenyl)-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate (BuPdGTP), 2',3'-dideoxythymidine 5'-triphosphate (ddTTP), and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), long-patch repair is attributed to DNA polymerase delta and short-patch repair to DNA polymerase beta.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in mouse embryo and human embryo cells was compared with DNA synthesis induced in these cells by human cytomegalovirus. In virus infected human embryo cells grown in the medium depleted of arginine DNA synthesis showed resistance to hydroxyurea and arabinofuranosylcytosine, similarly as repair synthesis induced by MNNG. DNA synthesis induced by the virus in mouse embryo cells was partially sensitive to both inhibitors.  相似文献   

A number of error-prone DNA polymerases have been found in various eukaryotes, ranging from yeasts to mammals, including humans. According to partial homology of the primary structure, they are grouped into families B, X, and Y. These enzymes display a high infidelity on an intact DNA template, but they are accurate on a damaged template. Error-prone DNA polymerases are characterized by probabilities of base substitution or frameshift mutations ranging from 10?3 to 7.5 · 10?1 in an intact DNA, whereas the spontaneous mutagenesis rate per replicated nucleotide varies between 10?10 and 10?12. Low-fidelity polymerases are terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and DNA polymerases β, ζ, κ, η, ι, λ, μ, and Rev1. The main characteristics of these enzymes are reviewed. None of them exhibits proofreading 3′ → 5′ exonuclease (PE) activity. The specialization of these polymerases consists in their capacity for synthesizing opposite DNA lesions (not eliminated by the numerous repair systems), which is explained by the flexibility of their active centers or a limited ability to express TdT activity. Classic DNA polymerases α, δ, ε, and γ cannot elongate primers with mismatched nucleotides at the 3′-end (which leads to replication block), whereas some specialized polymerases can catalyze this elongation. This is accompanied by overcoming the replication block, often at the expense of an increased mutagenesis rate. How can a cell exist under the conditions of this high infidelity of many DNA polymerase activities? Not all tissues of the body contain a complete set of low-fidelity DNA polymerases, although some of these enzymes are vitally important. In addition, cells “should not allow” error-prone DNA polymerases to work on undamaged DNA. After a lesion on the DNA template is bypassed, the cell should switch over from DNA synthesis catalyzed by specialized polymerases to the synthesis catalyzed by relatively high-fidelity DNA polymerases δ and ? (with an error frequency of 10?5 to 10?6) as soon as possible. This is done by forming complexes of polymerase δ or ? with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and replication factors RP-A and RF-C. These highly processive complexes show a greater affinity to correct primers than specialized DNA polymerases do. The fact that specialized DNA polymerases are distributive or weakly processive favors the switching. The fidelity of these polymerases is increased by the PE function of DNA polymerases δ and ε, as well as autonomous 3′ → 5′ exonucleases, which are widespread over the entire phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes. The exonuclease correction decelerates replication in the presence of lesions in the DNA template but increases its fidelity, which decreases the probability of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

By using a defined gapped DNA substrate that mimics a lagging strand of 230 nucleotides and that contains a defined pause site, we have analyzed calf thymus DNA polymerases (pol) alpha, beta, delta, and epsilon in the presence of the three auxiliary proteins proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), replication factor C (RF-C) and replication protein A (RP-A) for their ability to complete an Okazaki fragment. Pol alpha alone could fill the gap to near completion, but was strongly stopped by the pause site. Addition of low amounts of RP-A resulted in an increased synthesis by pol alpha past the pause site. In contrast, high amounts of RP-A strongly inhibited gap filling by pol alpha. Further inhibition was evident when the two other auxiliary proteins, PCNA and RF-C, were added in addition to RP-A. Pol beta could completely fill the gap without specific pausing and also was strongly inhibited by RP-A. PCNA and RF-C had no detectable effect on pol beta. Pol delta, relied as expected, on all three auxiliary proteins for complete gap filling synthesis and could, upon longer incubation, perform a limited amount of strand displacement synthesis. Pol epsilon core enzyme was able to fill the gap completely, but like pol alpha, essentially stopped at the pause site. This pausing could only be overcome upon addition of PCNA, RF-C and E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein. Thus pol epsilon holoenzyme preferentially synthesized to the end of the gap without pausing. Ligation of the DNA products indicated that pol beta core enzyme, pol delta and pol epsilon holoenzymes (but not pol alpha and pol epsilon core enzyme) synthesized products that were easily ligatable. Our results indicate that pol epsilon holoenzyme fills a defined lagging strand gapped template to exact completion and is able to pass a pause site. The data favour the hypothesis of Burgers (Burgers, P.M.J. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 22698-22706) that pol epsilon might be a candidate for the second replication enzyme at the lagging strand of the replication fork.  相似文献   

The activities of DNA polymerases alpha and delta, in extracts from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, were assayed in order to determine whether these polymerases are regulated during the cell cycle. An exponential population of CHO cells was separated into enriched populations of G-1, S, and G-2/M phases of cell cycle by centrifugal elutriation. Total cell homogenates from each population were assayed for DNA polymerase activity by measuring labeled nucleotide incorporation into the exogenous templates oligo(dT).poly(dA) and DNase I activated calf thymus DNA. In these experiments, specific DNA polymerase inhibitors were added to assays of the cellular extracts to allow for the independent measurement of activities of DNA polymerases alpha and delta. Comparisons of total DNA polymerase activity from cellular extracts, sampled from each portion of the cell cycle, demonstrated no significant change with respect to the concentration of total protein. However, results indicate that the activity of DNA polymerase delta increases with respect to that of DNA polymerase alpha in the G-2/M portion of the cell cycle. This difference in relative activities of DNA polymerases alpha and delta suggests a coordinate regulation of a specific species of DNA polymerase during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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