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Abstract The mean annual biomass of planktonic bacteria showed large variations both within and between lakes. The lowest bacterial biomass was found in acidified lakes (7.8–12.1 μg C · 1−1), and tended to increase with increasing water colour (up to 44.1 μg C · 1−1). The highest recorded bacterial biomass was 138 μg C · 1−1. The mean annual bacterial biomass equalled 23–45% of the algal biomass. Zooplankton biomass was high, compared to algal biomass (40–50%). Multiple regression analysis of 10 variables showed a strong positive correlation between bacterial biomass and humic content ( r = 0.74, P < 0.001), while other parameters, except pH, showed no correlation. The observation thus strongly supports the role of humic compounds in aquatic secondary production.  相似文献   

1.Refuges that reduce fish-induced mortality of zooplankton are considered to be key factors in controlling phytoplankton growth in lake ecosystems. In order to better understand the role of physical refuges for zooplankton on zooplanktivorous fish-plankton relationships, an enclosure experiment was run in a mesotrophic lake. Even-link systems (zooplankton and phytoplankton) and odd-link systems (zooplanktivorous fish, zooplankton and phytoplankton) were established. We also established an odd-link system with a physical refuge for zooplankton where fish predation was limited in the upper half of the enclosure.
2.Fish negatively affected density and mean body length of herbivorous zooplankton and total zooplankton, filtering rates with some intermediate effects in the presence of the refuge. A clear refuge effect was observed for the dominant herbivore, Ceriodaphnia . On the other hand, the refuge seemed to increase the vulnerability of those taxa that aggregated in upper layers of the water column. Grazing was thus reduced in both odd-link systems.
3.The lack of significant correlation between nutrient availability and phytoplankton biomass in enclosures suggested a top-down control of algal growth in our experimental systems. In both odd-link systems ('fish' and 'refuge') phytoplankton biomass was significantly enhanced, and transparency was reduced in comparison with the even-link system.  相似文献   

Biochar as a carbon‐rich coproduct of pyrolyzing biomass, its amendment has been advocated as a potential strategy to soil carbon (C) sequestration. Updated data derived from 50 papers with 395 paired observations were reviewed using meta‐analysis procedures to examine responses of soil carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes, soil organic C (SOC), and soil microbial biomass C (MBC) contents to biochar amendment. When averaged across all studies, biochar amendment had no significant effect on soil CO2 fluxes, but it significantly enhanced SOC content by 40% and MBC content by 18%. A positive response of soil CO2 fluxes to biochar amendment was found in rice paddies, laboratory incubation studies, soils without vegetation, and unfertilized soils. Biochar amendment significantly increased soil MBC content in field studies, N‐fertilized soils, and soils with vegetation. Enhancement of SOC content following biochar amendment was the greatest in rice paddies among different land‐use types. Responses of soil CO2 fluxes and MBC to biochar amendment varied with soil texture and pH. The use of biochar in combination with synthetic N fertilizer and waste compost fertilizer led to the greatest increases in soil CO2 fluxes and MBC content, respectively. Both soil CO2 fluxes and MBC responses to biochar amendment decreased with biochar application rate, pyrolysis temperature, or C/N ratio of biochar, while each increased SOC content enhancement. Among different biochar feedstock sources, positive responses of soil CO2 fluxes and MBC were the highest for manure and crop residue feedstock sources, respectively. Soil CO2 flux responses to biochar amendment decreased with pH of biochar, while biochars with pH of 8.1–9.0 had the greatest enhancement of SOC and MBC contents. Therefore, soil properties, land‐use type, agricultural practice, and biochar characteristics should be taken into account to assess the practical potential of biochar for mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Although forest biomass energy was long assumed to be carbon neutral, many studies show delays between forest biomass carbon emissions and sequestration, with biomass carbon causing climate change damage in the interim. While some models suggest that these primary biomass carbon effects may be mitigated by induced market effects, for example, from landowner decisions to increase afforestation due to higher biomass prices, the delayed carbon sequestration of biomass energy systems still creates considerable scientific debate (i.e., how to assess effects) and policy debate (i.e., how to act given these effects). Forests can be carbon sinks, but their carbon absorption capacity is finite. Filling the sink with fossil fuel carbon thus has a cost, and conversely, harvesting a forest for biomass energy – which depletes the carbon sink – creates potential benefits from carbon sequestration. These values of forest carbon sinks have not generally been considered. Using data from the 2010 Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences ‘Biomass sustainability and carbon policy study’ and a model of forest biomass carbon system dynamics, we investigate how discounting future carbon flows affects the comparison of biomass energy to fossil fuels in Massachusetts, USA. Drawing from established financial valuation metrics, we calculate internal rates of return (IRR) as explicit estimates of the temporal values of forest biomass carbon emissions. Comparing these IRR to typical private discount rates, we find forest biomass energy to be preferred to fossil fuel energy in some applications. We discuss possible rationales for zero and near‐zero social discount rates with respect to carbon emissions, showing that social discount rates depend in part on expectations about how climate change affects future economic growth. With near‐zero discount rates, forest biomass energy is preferred to fossil fuels in all applications studied. Higher IRR biomass energy uses (e.g., thermal applications) are preferred to lower IRR uses (e.g., electricity generation without heat recovery).  相似文献   

土壤微生物生物量在森林生态系统中充当具有生物活性的养分积累和储存库。土壤微生物转化有机质为植物提供可利用养分, 与植物的相互作用维系着陆地生态系统的生态功能。同时, 土壤微生物也与植物争夺营养元素, 在季节交替过程和植物的生长周期中呈现出复杂的互利-竞争关系。综合全球数据对温带、亚热带和热带森林土壤微生物生物量碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其化学计量比值的季节动态进行分析, 发现温带和亚热带森林的土壤微生物生物量C、N、P含量均呈现夏季低、冬季高的格局。热带森林四季的土壤微生物生物量C、N、P含量都低于温带和亚热带森林, 且热带森林土壤微生物生物量C含量、N含量在秋季相对最低, 土壤微生物生物量P含量四季都相对恒定。温带森林的土壤微生物生物量C:N在春季显著高于其他两个森林类型; 热带森林的土壤微生物生物量C:N在秋季显著高于其他2个森林类型。温带森林土壤微生物生物量N:P和C:P在四季都保持相对恒定, 而热带森林土壤微生物生物量N:P和C:P在夏季高于其他3个季节。阔叶树的土壤微生物生物量C含量、N含量、N:P、C:P在四季都显著高于针叶树; 而针叶树的土壤微生物生物量P含量在四季都显著高于阔叶树。在春季和冬季时, 土壤微生物生物量C:N在阔叶树和针叶树之间都没有显著差异; 但是在夏季和秋季, 针叶树的土壤微生物生物量C:N显著高于阔叶树。对于土壤微生物生物量的变化来说, 森林类型是主要的显著影响因子, 季节不是显著影响因子, 暗示土壤微生物生物量的季节波动是随着植物其内在固有的周期变化而变化。植物和土壤微生物密切作用表现出来的对养分的不同步吸收是保留养分和维持生态功能的一种权衡机制。  相似文献   

Spatial trends in pre-industrial biomass burning emissions for eastern North America were reconstructed from sediment charcoal data. Petrographic thin sections were prepared from varved lake sediments along a transect of sites extending from NW Minnesota eastward to NE Maine. Results showed an exponential decline in charcoal abundance with distance east from the prairie/forest border. This result quantifies burning along the broad climate/vegetation gradient from xeric woodland to mesic eastern deciduous forest. Post-settlement charcoal accumulation showed no such geographic pattern, varying from site-to-site, likely reflecting local variability in land use and combustion sources. Results suggest the total emissions of large (> 10 m diameter) charcoal particles decreased by a factor of three during the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Aims As an important potential carbon sink, shrubland ecosystem plays a vital role in global carbon balance and climate regulation. Our objectives were to derive appropriate regression models for shrub biomass estimation, and to reveal the biomass allocation pattern and carbon density in Rhododendron simsii shrubland.
Methods We conducted investigations in 27 plots, and developed biomass regression models for shrub species to estimate shrub biomass. The biomass of herb and litterfall were obtained through harvesting. Plant samples were collected from each plot to measure carbon content in different organs.
Important findings The results showed that the power and linear models were the most appropriate equation forms. The D and D2H (where D was the basal diameter (cm) and H was the shrub height (m)) were good predictors for organ biomass and total biomass of shrubs. All of the biomass models reached extremely significant level, and could be used to estimate shrub biomass with high accuracy. It was more difficult to predict leaf and annual branch biomass than stem biomass, because leaf and annual branch were susceptible to herbivores and inter-plant competition. The mean biomass of the shrub layer was 20.78 Mg·hm-2, in which Rhododendron simsii and Symplocos paniculata biomass accounted for 93.63%. Influenced by both environment and species characteristics, the biomass of the shrub layer organs was in the order of stem > root > leaf > annual branch. The root:shoot ratio of the shrub layer was 0.32, which was less than other shrubs in subtropical regions. The relative higher aboveground biomass allocation reflected the adaptation of plants to the warm and humid environment for more photosynthesis. The mean total community biomass was 26.26 Mg·hm-2, in which shrub layer, herb layer and litter layer accounted for 79.14%, 7.62% and 13.25%, respectively. Litter biomass was relatively high, which suggested that this community had high nutrient return. There were significant correlations among aboveground biomass, belowground biomass and total biomass of shrub layer and herb layer. The mean biomass carbon density of the community was 11.70 Mg·hm-2 and the carbon content ratio was 44.55%. The carbon density was usually obtained using the conversion coefficient of 0.5 in previous studies, which could overestimate carbon density by 12.22%.  相似文献   

Despite the large contribution of rangeland and pasture to global soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, there is considerable uncertainty about the impact of large herbivore grazing on SOC, especially for understudied subtropical grazing lands. It is well known that root system inputs are the source of most grassland SOC, but the impact of grazing on partitioning of carbon allocation to root tissue production compared to fine root exudation is unclear. Given that different forms of root C have differing implications for SOC synthesis and decomposition, this represents a significant gap in knowledge. Root exudates should contribute to SOC primarily after microbial assimilation, and thus promote microbial contributions to SOC based on stabilization of microbial necromass, whereas root litter deposition contributes directly as plant‐derived SOC following microbial decomposition. Here, we used in situ isotope pulse‐chase methodology paired with plant and soil sampling to link plant carbon allocation patterns with SOC pools in replicated long‐term grazing exclosures in subtropical pasture in Florida, USA. We quantified allocation of carbon to root tissue and measured root exudation across grazed and ungrazed plots and quantified lignin phenols to assess the relative contribution of microbial vs. plant products to total SOC. We found that grazing exclusion was associated with dramatically less overall belowground allocation, with lower root biomass, fine root exudates, and microbial biomass. Concurrently, grazed pasture contained greater total SOC, and a larger fraction of SOC that originated from plant tissue deposition, suggesting that higher root litter deposition under grazing promotes greater SOC. We conclude that grazing effects on SOC depend on root system biomass, a pattern that may generalize to other C4‐dominated grasslands, especially in the subtropics. Improved understanding of ecological factors underlying root system biomass may be the key to forecasting SOC and optimizing grazing management to enhance SOC accumulation.  相似文献   

1. The transition from carbon (C) to phosphorus (P) limited growth in Daphnia depends not only on the C : P ratio in seston, i.e. food quality, but also on food quantity. Carbon is commonly believed to be limiting at low food because of the energetic demands of basal metabolism. The critical C : P ratio in seston (otherwise known as the threshold elemental ratio, TER) above which P is limiting would then be high when food is scarce. 2. A new model that differentiates between the C : P requirements for growth and maintenance is presented that includes terms for both C and P in basal metabolism. At low food the calculated TERs for Daphnia of around 230 are only slightly higher than values of 200 or so at high intake. Seston C : P often exceeds 230, particularly in oligotrophic lakes where phytoplankton concentration is low and detritus dominates the diet, indicating the potential for limitation by P. 3. The analysis highlights the importance of P, as well as C, in maintenance metabolism and the overall metabolic budget, such that food quality is of importance even when intake is low. Further measurements of C and P metabolism at low food, in particular basal respiration and excretion rates, are needed in order to improve our understanding of the interacting roles of food quantity and quality in zooplankton nutrition.  相似文献   

为探明荒漠草原土壤有机碳(SOC)和微生物生物量碳(MBC)含量特征,分别在内蒙古达茂旗、四子王旗和苏尼特右旗设置样地,依次代表轻度、中度和重度退化草地,分析了不同样地表层土壤(0~20 cm)SOC和MBC含量变化及季节动态.结果表明:退化草地SOC和MBC含量均随草地退化程度增加而减小;除2006年夏季外,轻度、中度退化荒漠草地的土壤可培养微生物总数都高于重度退化荒漠草地;MBC含量和土壤可培养微生物总数均在夏秋季较高,春冬季较低.相关分析结果显示,SOC含量与MBC含量之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),说明两者均可作为评价荒漠草原草地退化的敏感指标.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing activities potentially alter ecosystem carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles in grassland ecosystems. Despite the fact that numerous individual studies and a few meta‐analyses had been conducted, how grazing, especially its intensity, affects belowground C and N cycling in grasslands remains unclear. In this study, we performed a comprehensive meta‐analysis of 115 published studies to examine the responses of 19 variables associated with belowground C and N cycling to livestock grazing in global grasslands. Our results showed that, on average, grazing significantly decreased belowground C and N pools in grassland ecosystems, with the largest decreases in microbial biomass C and N (21.62% and 24.40%, respectively). In contrast, belowground fluxes, including soil respiration, soil net N mineralization and soil N nitrification increased by 4.25%, 34.67% and 25.87%, respectively, in grazed grasslands compared to ungrazed ones. More importantly, grazing intensity significantly affected the magnitude (even direction) of changes in the majority of the assessed belowground C and N pools and fluxes, and C : N ratio as well as soil moisture. Specifically,light grazing contributed to soil C and N sequestration whereas moderate and heavy grazing significantly increased C and N losses. In addition, soil depth, livestock type and climatic conditions influenced the responses of selected variables to livestock grazing to some degree. Our findings highlight the importance of the effects of grazing intensity on belowground C and N cycling, which may need to be incorporated into regional and global models for predicting effects of human disturbance on global grasslands and assessing the climate‐biosphere feedbacks.  相似文献   

高寒草原具有独特的自然生境和生物资源,对高寒草原开展系统研究对于减缓气候变化与草原恢复具有重要实践意义。以往研究主要针对高寒草原生物量碳开展整体评估,缺乏对不同群落类型间的定量比较。本文分析了高寒草原10种主要典型植物群落地上-地下生物量碳分布格局以及对总生物量碳的贡献差异。结果表明:高寒草原面积为167.33×106hm2,总生物量碳为1.53 Pg(1 Pg=1015g),其中地上生物量碳0.19 Pg,地下生物量碳1.34 Pg;紫花针茅、青藏苔草和紫花针茅-小蒿草群落面积大,生物量碳密度高,为高寒草原贡献了69.3%的生物量碳。高寒草原平均生物量碳密度为690.80 g C·m-2,其中紫花针茅群落(196.14 g C·m-2)和蔷薇群落(177.93 g C·m-2)具有最高的地上生物量碳密度(AGC);蔷薇(1491.18 g C·m-2)和紫花针茅-小蒿草群落(1306.51 g C·m-2)则具...  相似文献   

Maria Kahlert 《Hydrobiologia》2002,489(1-3):171-177
The horizontal variation of chlorophyll a (chl a) and C:N:P (carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus) ratio was estimated for benthic algal communities attached to living substrates (mussels and macrophytes) and to rocks and stones in three lakes of different trophy. Samples were taken in a nested hierarchical design with replicates separated by several cm, dm, 10 m, and km. The observed horizontal variation of chl a, C:N, and C:P ratios did not differ for horizontal scales, substrates, or lakes. Although the investigated lakes were quite unlike regarding nutrient status, light regime, or morphology, the patchiness was similar in all lakes. Moreover, patchiness was also similar on stones, macrophytes and mussels, although those substrates differed in longevity and surface structure. Similar patchiness regardless of scale, substrate, or sampled lake, implies the possibility of using an optimal sampling design calculated for one lake and substrate also in other lakes and on other substrates.  相似文献   

The Reeuwijk Lakes (The Netherlands) present a typical example of eutrophication in the lower Rhine catchment area. In 1986 restoration of these lakes started by reducing the external P-loading. Two lakes, Lake Elfhoeven and Lake Nieuwenbroek, differing in P-load and residence time were selected for monitoring water quality parameters before (1983–1985) and after (1986–1987) these restoration measures. Reduction of the external P-loading did not result in lower P-concentrations in both lakes. In contrast, P and N increased. This may have been caused by an increase in diffuse discharges. However, seasonal cycles of P and N point to a strong internal loading of nutrients. The concentrations of chlorophyll a and carotene decreased, indicating a lower phytoplankton biomass. However, as C-phycocyanine concentrations increased the relative abundance of cyanobacteria became higher. Seston concentrations and zooplankton densities did not change. Transparency in the lakes slightly decreased after P-reduction and is far too low for the development of any vegetation of submerged waterplants. The typical differences between both lakes remained after restoration measures. The inverse relationship between the concentrations of chlorophyll a and total phosphorus at the two sampled stations remained constant. The differences in phytoplankton composition and the zooplankton biomass give a plausible explanation for this inverse relationship, between the two stations. Restoring the lakes after four decades of P-loading can presumably, not simply be done by lowering the external P-load alone. Supplementary in-lake measures may accelerate the restoration process.  相似文献   

米亚罗林区土地利用变化对土壤有机碳和微生物量碳的影响   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
张于光  张小全  肖烨 《应用生态学报》2006,17(11):2029-2033
为了解土地利用变化对土壤有机碳和微生物量碳的影响,分析了川西米亚罗林区原始冷杉林、20世纪60年代云杉人工林、20世纪80年代云杉人工林和农地的土壤有机碳和微生物量碳状况.结果表明,土地利用变化明显地影响了土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量.土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量原始林最高,其次为60年代人工林和80年代人工林,农地最低.农地土壤有机碳含量分别比原始林、60年代人工林和80年代人工林低83%、53%和52%,微生物量碳含量分别低23%、25%和21%.土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量均随土壤深度的增加而降低,并且两者在不同土地利用类型的变化趋势基本一致.相关分析表明,土壤有机碳和土壤微生物量碳与全氮、水解氮、速效磷呈极显著相关(P<0.01),说明土壤微生物量碳可作为衡量土壤有机碳变化的敏感指标,而土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量可作为衡量土壤肥力和土壤质量变化的重要指标.  相似文献   

浮游动物诱发藻类群体的形成   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
杨州  孔繁翔 《生态学报》2005,25(8):2083-2089
从研究蓝藻水华形成机理的需要出发,综述了浮游动物的牧食压力对藻类群体形成的诱发作用。指出诱发藻类群体形成的化合物来自牧食性浮游动物对藻类的有效牧食,是藻类群体形成的重要原因之一,而这些诱发性的化合物并不是有关生物体的组成成分,是种间相互作用的结果。藻类群体的形成方式有源于一个母细胞的分裂和业已存在的单细胞的聚合两种方式,栅藻的诱发性群体可能是来自一个母细胞的分裂,而在其它藻类的诱发性群体形成如铜绿微囊藻则可能是业已存在的单细胞的聚合。由于藻类形成群体后能显著降低浮游动物对其牧食速率,因此,这种诱发性群体形成的现象,可以解释为藻类对变化的牧食压力的一种有效的反牧食防御策略,也是两者协同进化的结果。浮游动物对藻类群体形成的重要作用,在研究模拟蓝藻群体及水华形成值得借鉴应用。作者还提出推测,水华蓝藻的群体形成,可能就是在富营养化条件下藻类快速生长,加上浮游动物的牧食压力共同作用下联合驱动的结果,而这种群体形成很可能在积累到一定程度后,结合特定的气象水文等理化因子,就会聚集于水表“爆发”出肉眼可见的水华。因此,开展浮游动物牧食作用对水华蓝藻早期群体形成诱发效应的研究不仅能加深对水华形成的全面认识,而且对于进一步认识藻类的诱发性反牧食防御适应机制、揭示生态系统中生物之间的复杂关系也具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

红壤丘陵景观单元土壤有机碳和微生物生物量碳含量特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了探讨我国亚热带红壤丘陵区不同利用方式下土壤有机碳(SOC)和土壤微生物生物量碳(SMB-C)含量的特征,在湖南省桃源县选取典型样区,通过密集取样,分析了红壤丘陵景观单元内水田、旱地、林地、果园4种典型利用方式下表层土壤(0~20 cm)SOC和SMB-C含量.结果表明,典型红壤丘陵景观单元中SOC含量高低的顺序为水田(16.0 g·kg-1)>旱地(11.2 g·kg-1) >果园(9.5 g·kg-1)>林地(8.4 g·kg-1),SMB-C含量则为水田(830 mg·kg-1)>旱地(361 mg·kg-1)>林地(200 mg·kg-1)>果园(186 mg·kg-1),且在不同利用方式下SOC与SMB-C均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),说明本研究区内各土地利用类型的土壤SMB-C含量变化可以敏感地指示SOC的动态.研究结果还表明,将我国亚热带红壤丘陵林地开垦为果园或耕地后,表层土壤 SOC含量不可能降低.  相似文献   

基于小嵩草(Kobresia parva)草甸连续2 a的牦牛放牧试验,研究了暖季和冷季放牧草场地上地下生物量及其分配规律、不同植物类群的绝对生长率生长率,探讨了放牧制度和放牧强度对不同植物类群补偿效应的影响。结果表明,随着放牧强度的增加地上总生物量呈减小趋势,放牧强度对暖季草场地上总生物量的影响极显著(P?0.01),对冷季草场地上总生物量的影响不显著(P?0.05);两季放牧草场各土壤层地下生物量随放牧强度的增加呈明显下降趋势,放牧强度对暖季放牧各土壤层地下生物量的影响显著(P?0.05),对冷季放牧各土壤层地下生物量的影响不显著(P?0.05);冷季放牧草场牧草生长季地下生物量与地上生物量的比值随放牧强度的增大而减小,暖季放牧草场对照区地下生物量与地上生物量的比值低于轻度放牧和中度放牧、高于重度放牧;暖季放牧草场各放牧处理不同植物类群均存在超补偿生长,但莎草科和禾本科植物的超补偿生长在8月份,阔叶植物的超补偿生长发生在6月和7月份,禾本科植物的超补偿生长效应强于莎草科植物和阔叶植物,轻度和中度放牧的补偿效应更明显;冷季放牧下不同植物类群也存在超补偿生长,但补偿效应不明现。因此,暖季适度(轻、中度)放牧利用更有利于产生超补偿生长,而重度利用对植被的稳定产生潜在的不利影响。  相似文献   

In the current debate over the CO2 emissions implications of switching from fossil fuel energy sources to include a substantial amount of woody biomass energy, many scientists and policy makers hold the view that emissions from the two sources should not be equated. Their rationale is that the combustion or decay of woody biomass is simply part of the global cycle of biogenic carbon and does not increase the amount of carbon in circulation. This view is frequently presented as justification to implement policies that encourage the substitution of fossil fuel energy sources with biomass. We present the opinion that this is an inappropriate conceptual basis to assess the atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting of woody biomass energy generation. While there are many other environmental, social, and economic reasons to move to woody biomass energy, we argue that the inferred benefits of biogenic emissions over fossil fuel emissions should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

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