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Monoculture rubber cultivation and its intensive associated human activities are known to have a negative impact on the biodiversity, ecology, and biological conservation of the ecosystems in which they occur. These negative impacts include changes to the biodiversity and function of soil fungal communities, which contribute towards nutrient cycling and interact with other organisms in belowground ecosystems, and may be pathogens. Despite the important role of soil fungi in rubber plantations, these communities have been poorly studied. In this paper, we review the existing literature on the diversity and ecology of belowground fungi in rubber plantations. Various groups of soil fungi, including saprobes, symbionts, and pathogens are discussed. Additionally, the role of plantation management is discussed in the context of both pathogenic soil fungi and the promotion of beneficial soil fungi. Management practices include clone selection, tree age and planting density, application of chemicals, and intercropping systems. Our review shows the strong need for further research into the effects of monoculture rubber plantations on soil fungal communities, and how we can best manage these systems in the future, in order to create a more sustainable approach to rubber production.  相似文献   

土壤真菌多样性及分子生态学研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
真菌是土壤中一类重要的微生物,参与有机质分解,与植物共生为植物提供养分,同时病原真菌也会引起粮食产量的降低.土壤真菌多样性在维持生态系统的平衡和为人类提供大量未开发资源上起到了独特而重要的作用.本文从物种多样性、生境多样性、功能多样性角度阐述了土壤真菌多样性,并从农田、林地、草地、极端环境与一些复杂环境土壤真菌多样性层面综述了土壤真菌多样性分子生态学研究进展。同时论述了一些影响真菌多样性的因素,并对土壤真菌多样性研究的前景提出展望.  相似文献   

The fungal loop model of semiarid ecosystems integrates microtopographic structures and pulse dynamics with key microbial processes. However limited data exist about the composition and structure of fungal communities in these ecosystems. The goal of this study was to characterize diversity and structure of soil fungal communities in a semiarid grassland. The effect of long-term nitrogen fertilization on fungi also was evaluated. Samples of rhizosphere (soil surrounding plant roots) and biological soil crust (BSC) were collected in central New Mexico, USA. DNA was amplified from the samples with fungal specific primers. Twelve clone libraries were generated with a total of 307 (78 operational taxonomic units, OTUs) and 324 sequences (67 OTUs) for BSC and rhizosphere respectively. Approximately 40% of soil OTUs were considered novel (less than 97% identity when compared to other sequences in NCBI using BLAST). The dominant organisms were dark-septate (melanized fungi) ascomycetes belonging to Pleosporales. Effects of N enrichment on fungi were not evident at the community level; however the abundance of unique sequences, sampling intensity and temporal variations may be uncovering the effect of N in composition and diversity of fungal communities. The fungal communities of rhizosphere soil and BSC overlapped substantially in composition, with a Jaccard abundance similarity index of 0.75. Further analyses are required to explore possible functions of the dominant species colonizing zones of semiarid grassland soils.  相似文献   

The community of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and co-associated fungi from a serpentine site forested with Pinus sylvestris and Quercus petraea was explored, to improve the understanding of ECM diversity in naturally metalliferous soils. ECM fungi were identified by a combination of morphotyping and direct sequencing of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region 2 and of a part of the large-subunit region. Co-associated fungi from selected ECM were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing of representative clones from libraries. Polymerase chain reaction with species-specific primers was applied to assess patterns of association of ECM and co-associated fungi. Twenty ECM species were differentiated. Aphyllophoralean fungi representing several basidiomycete orders and Russulaceae were dominant. Phialocephala fortinii was the most frequently encountered taxon from the diverse assemblage of ECM co-associated fungi. A ribotype representing a deeply branching ascomycete lineage known from ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid sequences only was detected in some ECM samples. A broad taxonomic range of fungi have the potential to successfully colonise tree roots under the extreme edaphic conditions of serpentine soils. Distribution patterns of ECM-co-associated fungi hint at the importance of specific inter-fungal interactions, which are hypothesised to be a relevant factor for the maintenance of ECM diversity.  相似文献   

Cerrado is a savanna-like region that covers a large area of Brazil. Despite its biological importance, the Cerrado has been the focus of few microbial diversity studies. A molecular approach was chosen to characterize the soil fungal communities in four areas of the Cerrado biome: a native Cerrado, a riverbank forest, an area converted to a soybean plantation, and an area converted to pasture. Global diversity of fungal communities in each area was assessed through Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis which revealed remarkable differences among the areas studied. Sequencing of approximately 200 clones containing 18S rDNA sequences from each library was performed and, according to the genetic distance between sequences, these were assigned to operational taxonomic units (OTUs). A total of 75, 85, 85, and 70 OTUs were identified for the native Cerrado, riverbank forest, pasture, and soybean plantation, respectively. Analysis of sequences using a similarity cutoff value of 1% showed that the number of OTUs for the native Cerrado area was reduced by 35%; for the soybean plantation, a reduction by more than 50% was observed, indicating a reduction in fungal biodiversity associated with anthropogenic activity. This is the first study demonstrating the anthropogenic impact on Cerrado soil fungal diversity.  相似文献   

Archives and libraries all over the world suffer from biodeterioration of writings caused by microorganisms, especially fungi. With traditionally used culture-dependent methods, only a small amount of effectively colonising organisms is detected. Restoration and maintenance of written cultural heritage is therefore problematic due to incomplete knowledge of the deterioration agents.In the present study, culture-independent molecular methods were applied to identify fungal communities colonising paper samples of different composition and age. Nucleic-acid-based strategies targeting the internally transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, which are nested in the nuclear rDNA repeats, were selected to investigate the fungal diversity on paper. The ITS regions possess a high variation among taxonomically distinct fungal species and even within the species.With this aim, several molecular biological methods were optimised for working with paper materials. Here, we introduce a DNA extraction protocol, which allowed the direct extraction of PCR-amplifiable DNA from samples derived from different kinds of paper. The DNA extracts were used to amplify either the ITS1 or ITS2 region by using different fungi-specific primer sets. The ITS-amplified regions were subsequently analysed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Conditions for DGGE analysis, gradient, voltage, and running time, were established to accurately discriminate different fungal species in complex communities. Pure fungal strains were used to constitute a marker for further comparative investigations of historic papers.  相似文献   

DNA分子标记技术为真菌系统进化研究提供了许多新的方法,真菌分子系统学已成为一门成熟的学科。简述了真菌分子系统学的发展简史和代表性的研究方法以及对真菌系统学的主要贡献,包括将广义的真菌划分为3个类群,粘菌和卵菌不再属于真菌界成员。真菌生命之树项目的研究结果对真菌界高阶分类系统作出重大调整,将先前的4个门(壶菌门、接合菌门、子囊菌门和担子菌门)变为7个门(微孢子虫门、壶菌门、新丽鞭毛菌门、芽枝霉门、球囊菌门、子囊菌门和担子菌门)和4个亚门,并对真菌各类群概念作出修订。此外,DNA分子标记技术对真菌种概念的认识、有性型-无性型关联及分子生态学等研究领域产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

Fungal ecology lags behind in the use of traits (i.e. phenotypic characteristics) to understand ecological phenomena. We argue that this is a missed opportunity and that the selection and systematic collection of trait data throughout the fungal kingdom will reap major benefits in ecological and evolutionary understanding of fungi. To develop our argument, we first employ plant trait examples to show the power of trait-based approaches in understanding ecological phenomena such as identifying species allocation resources patterns, inferring community assembly and understanding diversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Second, we discuss ecologically relevant traits in fungi that could be used to answer such ecological phenomena and can be measured on a large proportion of the fungal kingdom. Third, we identify major challenges and opportunities for widespread, coordinated collection and sharing of fungal trait data. The view that we propose has the potential to allow mycologists to contribute considerably more influential studies in the area of fungal ecology and evolution, as has been demonstrated by comparable earlier efforts by plant ecologists. This represents a change of paradigm, from community profiling efforts through massive sequencing tools, to a more mechanistic understanding of fungal ecology.  相似文献   

Entomopathogens are important natural enemies of many insect and mite species and as such have been recognised as providing an important ecosystem service. Indeed, fungal entomopathogens have been widely investigated as biological control agents of pest insects in attempts to improve the sustainability of crop protection. However, even though our understanding of the ecology of fungal entomopathogens has vastly increased since the early 1800s, we still require in-depth ecological research that can expand our scientific horizons in a manner that facilitates widespread adoption of these organisms as efficient biological control agents. Fungal entomopathogens have evolved some intricate interactions with arthropods, plants and other microorganisms. The full importance and complexity of these relationships is only just becoming apparent. It is important to shift our thinking from conventional biological control, to an understanding of an as yet unknown “deep space”. The use of molecular techniques and phylogenetic analyses have helped us move in this direction, and have provided important insights on fungal relationships. Nevertheless, new techniques such as the PhyloChip and pyrosequencing might help us see beyond the familiar fields, into areas that could help us forge a new understanding of the ecology of fungal entomopathogens.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Vineyards harbour a variety of weeds, which are usually controlled since they compete with grapevines for water and nutrients. However, weed plants may host groups of fungi and bacteria exerting important functions.


We grew three different common vineyard weeds (Taraxacum officinalis, Trifolium repens and Poa trivialis) in four different soils to investigate the effects of weeds and soil type on bacterial and fungal communities colonising bulk soil, rhizosphere and root compartments. Measurements were made using the cultivation-independent technique Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA).


Weeds have a substantial effect on roots but less impact on the rhizosphere and bulk soil, while soil type affects all three compartments, in particular the bulk soil community. The fungal, but not the bacterial, bulk soil community structure was affected by the plants at the late experimental stage. Root communities contained a smaller number of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) and different bacterial and fungal structures compared with rhizosphere and bulk soil communities.


Weed effect is localised to the rhizosphere and does not extend to bulk soil in the case of bacteria, although the structure of fungal communities in the bulk soil may be influenced by some weed plants.  相似文献   

Fungi are ubiquitous in Arctic soils, where they function as symbionts and decomposers and may affect the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems subjected to climate change, and yet little is known about soil fungi at high latitudes. Here we review data from recent molecular studies to determine broad patterns in Arctic soil fungal ecology. The data indicate comparatively high fungal diversity in Arctic soils, with currently no evidence for lower species richness at higher latitudes. The dominant fungi, and particularly ectomycorrhizal-forming fungi, appear to be cosmopolitan species. Arctic soil fungi are capable of growth at sub-zero temperatures, melanized forms are frequent, host specificity is low and there is evidence that community composition alters under experimental warming. Future challenges are to determine the drivers of fungal diversity, whether or not diversity alters at higher latitudes and how apparently cosmopolitan fungi are able to survive the extreme environments encountered in Arctic habitats.  相似文献   

Assessment of soil fungal communities using pyrosequencing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyrosequencing, a non-electrophoretic method of DNA sequencing, was used to investigate the extensive fungal community in soils of three islands in the Yellow Sea of Korea, between Korea and China. Pyrosequencing was carried out on amplicons derived from the 5′ region of 18S rDNA. A total of 10,166 reads were obtained, with an average length of 103 bp. The maximum number of fungal phylotypes in soil predicted at 99% similarity was 3,334. The maximum numbers of phylotypes predicted at 97% and 95% similarities were 736 and 286, respectively. Through phylogenetic assignment using BLASTN, a total of 372 tentative taxa were identified. The majority of true fungal sequences recovered in this study belonged to the Ascomycota (182 tentative taxa in 2,708 reads) and Basidiomycota (172 tentative taxa in 6,837 reads). The predominant species of Ascomycota detected have been described as lichen-forming fungi, litter/wood decomposers, plant parasites, endophytes, and saprotrophs: Peltigera neopolydactyla (Lecanoromycetes), Paecilomyces sp. (Sordariomycetes), Phacopsis huuskonenii (Lecanoromycetes), and Raffaelea hennebertii (mitosporicAscomycota). The majority of sequences in the Basidiomycota matched ectomycorrhizal and wood rotting fungi, including species of the Agaricales and Aphyllophorales, respectively. A high number of sequences in the Thelephorales, Boletales, Stereales, Hymenochaetales, and Ceratobasidiomycetes were also detected. By applying high-throughput pyrosequencing, we observed a high diversity of soil fungi and found evidence that pyrosequencing is a reliable technique for investigating fungal communities in soils.  相似文献   

Soil fungi play essential roles in many terrestrial processes, but our knowledge of the forces governing fungal distribution and community composition along broad-scale environmental gradients is still limited. In this study, we explored biogeographic distribution and composition of soil fungal communities associated with 62 tussock grasslands across different regions of Australia. Climatic parameters had only a limited correlation with fungal community structure, while edaphic variables and spatial distance were significantly associated with changes in fungal community composition. We also observed high variations in composition among fungal assemblages from different ecological regions, suggesting some regional endemism in these communities. The discrete distribution of fungi in soil was further confirmed by indicator analysis, which identified distinct indicator operational taxonomic units associated with grasslands from different climatic regions. Finally, fungi with flexible trophic interactions had a central role in the network architecture of both arid and temperate communities. Taken together, the results from our study confirm the prominent role of soil physico-chemical status and geographic location in determining fungal biogeographic patterns over large scales in Australia.  相似文献   

Aims: To provide an independent assessment of azoxystrobin effects on nontarget soil bacteria and fungi and generate some baseline information on azoxystrobin’s persistence in soil. Methods and Results: Plate based assay showed that azoxystrobin exhibited differential toxicity upon cultured fungi at different application rates. While 14C labelled isotopes experiments showed that less than 1% of azoxystrobin was mineralized, degradation studies revealed over 60% azoxystrobin breakdown over 21 days. PCR DGGE analysis of 16S and 18S rRNA genes from different soil microcosms showed that azoxystrobin had some effects on fungal community after 21 days (up to 84 days) of incubation in either light or dark soil microcosms. Light incubations increased fungal diversity while dark incubations reduced fungal diversity. Bacterial diversity was unaffected. Conclusions: Significant biotic breakdown of parent azoxystrobin occurred within 21 days even in the absence of light. Azoxystrobin under certain conditions can reduce fungal soil diversity. Significance and Impact of the Study: One of the few independent assessments of azoxystrobin (a widely used strobilurins fungicide) effects on soil fungi when used at the recommended rate. Azoxystrobin and metabolites may persist after 21 days and affect soil fungi.  相似文献   

Effects of long-term application of various fertilizers and crops on soil microbiomes in a long-term field experiment were investigated using the library of the 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained by highthroughput sequencing of the total DNA. The communities exhibited high diversity, with 655 microbial genera belonging to 34 phyla detected (31 bacterial and 3 archaeal ones). For analysis of the effect of the studied factors on community structure, a linear model was developed in order to simplify interpretation of the data of high-throughput sequencing and to obtain biologically important information. Liming was shown to modulate the effect of mineral fertilizers on the structure of microbial populations. The differences in the structure and alpha-diversity of microbial communities were shown to depend more on the crops and liming than on the fertilizers applied. Interaction between the crop factor and liming expressed as an ambiguous effect of liming on the microbiome in the presence of different plants was reliably demonstrated. Thus, in the case of barley and clover, liming resulted in increased taxonomic diversity of the community, while in the case of potato and flax it had an opposite effect.  相似文献   

Plant and animal systems had a head start of several decades in community ecology and have largely created the theoretical framework for the field. I argue that the lag in fungal community ecology was largely due to the microscopic nature of fungi that makes observing species and counting their numbers difficult. Thus the basic patterns of fungal occurrence were, until recently, largely invisible. With the development of molecular methods, especially high-throughput sequencing, fungal communities can now be “seen”, and the field has grown dramatically in response. The results of these studies have given us unprecedented views of fungal communities in novel habitats and at broader scales. From these advances we now have the ability to see pattern, compare it to existing theory, and derive new hypotheses about the way communities are assembled, structured, and behave. But can fungal systems contribute to the development of theory in the broader realm of community ecology? The answer to this question is yes! In fact fungal systems already have contributed, because in addition to many important natural fungal communities, fungi also offer exceptional experimental communities that allow one to manipulate, control, isolate and test key mechanisms. I discuss five well-developed systems and some of the contributions they have made to community ecology, and I briefly mention one additional system that is amenable to development.  相似文献   

Fungal entomopathogens are often studied within the context of their use for biological control, yet these natural enemies are also excellent subjects for studies of ecological interactions. Here, we present selected principles from community ecology and discuss these in relation to fungal entomopathogens. We discuss the relevance of apparent competition, food web construction, intraguild predation and density-mediated and trait-mediated indirect effects. Although current knowledge of community interactions involving fungal entomopathogens are limited, fungal entomopathogens can be important, interactive members of communities and the activities of fungal entomopathogens should be evaluated in the context of ecological principles. We also discuss aspects of metapopulation ecology and the application of these principles to fungal entomopathogens. Knowledge of ecological interactions is crucial if we are to understand and predict the effects of fungal entomopathogens on host populations and understand the interactions among fungal entomopathogens and other organisms in the communities in which they occur.  相似文献   

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