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中国水域江豚颅骨的地理变异   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
高安利  周开亚 《兽类学报》1995,15(3):161-169
本文根据144号江豚骨骼标本(其中长江种群标本40号,黄海种群标本59号,南海种群标本45号),选用42项颅骨测量变量,研究了颅骨在各地理种群之间的差异。t-检验和协方差分析表明:长江江豚成体的颅基长比较小。南海种群吻长小于其它两个种群,而吻宽则最大,长江种群次之,黄海种群最小。黄海种群的前颌骨宽、颧宽、眶前突最大宽和眶后突最大宽比其它两个种群的小。黄海种群的上颌齿较多,而南海种群则下颌齿较多,长  相似文献   

1958年11月6日,作者在云南昆明得一大型蝙蝠标本,经鉴定为泰国狐蝠(Pteropus lylei K. Andersen,1908),是我国哺乳动物的新记录,现报道于后。 泰国狐蝠属翼手目(Chiroptera)大蝙蝠亚目,(Megachiroptera),狐蝠科(Pteropidae),狐蝠属(Pteropus)。 量度:1♀,成体,解剖时腹中有胎儿2个。体重378克,体长200毫米;前臂长156毫米,翼展长880毫米;耳长40毫米,胫长73.5毫米,后足长50毫米;跟突长30毫米。 颅全长65.9毫米,颅基长62.7毫米,基长58.8毫米,腭长34.7毫米,腭底长32.7毫米;颧宽35毫米,眶间宽9.8毫米;眶鼻间长20.5毫米;后头宽26.3毫米,乳突间宽22.2毫米;听泡长7.2毫米;颅高20.6毫米。上齿列长29.2毫米,下齿列长30.5毫米。吻长22.5毫米。  相似文献   

最近在检查我所待研究的翼手类标本过程中,发现一号1965年采自云南盈江县的鼠耳蝠标本(野外号:滇0698),经签定为缺齿鼠耳蝠(Myotis annectans),是国内首次记录。 雌体。体重10克,体长57毫米,前臂48毫米,尾长46毫米,耳长17毫米,胫长20.5毫米,后足长10.6毫米;头骨最大长17.3毫米,颅基16.8毫米,犬齿前缘到枕髁15.9毫米,上颌骨齿列7.0毫米,犬齿外缘宽5,0毫米,上臼齿宽7,6毫米,眶间宽4,4毫米,泪部宽6,8毫米,颧宽约12,0毫米,颅宽8,0毫米,头后宽8,9毫米,下领骨长12,6毫米,下犬齿到末臼齿7,6毫米。  相似文献   

微尾鼩年龄指标的主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析微尾鼩生长特征,比较微尾鼩的各生长指标用于鉴定年龄组的代表性,对2005年3月~2006年2月采自四川省南充市郊的929只微尾鼩标本测量了体重、胴体重、体长,随机选取267个完整头骨(121 ♂♂,146 ♀♀),测量颅全长、基长、脑颅最大宽、上齿列长、颅高、下颌长,利用主成分分析法分别对雌雄两组的各指标进行了分析.结果表明:第一主成分颅全长、基长、下颌长因子负荷量大,雄性胴体重、雌性体重在外形指标中因子负荷量最大;体长是因子负荷量最小的指标.雌雄第二主成分的特征值大于1,主要反映了颅高、胴体重等横向与三维的生长.根据微尾鼩的特征,认为两性胴体重是较精确、实用的指标.将929只标本胴体重(BWEV)聚类划分4个年龄组,雄性11 g≤BWEV≤18 g为亚成体,18 g<BWEV≤22.5 g为成体1组,22.5 g<BWEV≤27 g为成体2组, BWEV>27 g为老体组;雌性12 g≤BWEV≤19.5 g为亚成体,19.5 g<BWEV≤24.5 g为成体1组,24.5 g<BWEV≤30 g为成体2组, BWEV>30 g为老体组.  相似文献   

太平洋短吻海豚(Lanenorhynchus obliquidens Gill)是鲸目齿鲸亚目海豚科中一种较小的海豚。身体两侧各有一黑纹从口角至鰭肢基部并向后沿体侧延伸至肛门。背鳍后缘凹曲似镰状。齿式为(27~33)/(27~33)。多分布在北太平洋的日本海(包括日本北面、朝鲜东面及苏联远东区沿海)、日本南面近海和北美加利福尼亚至南美哥伦比亚等地区沿海。我国台湾及福建海域也有发现。1958年江苏东海海区曾捕获一头雌性海豚,体长1.98米。经过鉴定乃太平洋短吻海豚。所获标本保存在复旦大学生物系标本室。现就其骨骼描记如下:  相似文献   

本文对布于广东省北部山区的花白竹鼠标本的体重、体长、尾长、颅全长、颅基长、口盖长、上齿隙长、颧宽、脑颅宽、上颊齿列长、鼻骨长和眼眶长等12项生长指标进行了相关分析和主分量分析,结果表明:颅全长、口盖长和颅基长等是花白竹鼠最具有代表性的年龄指标,以它们作为花白竹鼠的年龄鉴定指标最为合适。根据颅全长的次数分布以及结合繁殖情况,将花白竹鼠划分为4个相对年龄组  相似文献   

浙江省发现刘氏链蛇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>2016年8月13日,在浙江省凤阳山自然保护区内山林沟谷处采集到成体雌性蛇类标本1号(采集号:HS16293)。经鉴定该标本为游蛇科(Colubridae)链蛇属(Lycodon)刘氏链蛇(L.liuchengchaoi)(图1)。该蛇目前已知分布于四川、陕西、安徽。此次采集到的刘氏链蛇是浙江省首次记录。标本保存于黄山学院标本馆。蛇体全长560 mm,尾长138 mm,体中段粗24.3 mm,尾长与体长之比0.246。头长12.1 mm,头宽6.1 mm。头略大而扁平,与颈部区分明显。吻鳞宽2.3 mm,吻端宽钝,向前伸出超出下颌。鼻鳞二分;颊鳞1枚,入眶,  相似文献   

王威  夏霖  胡锦矗 《四川动物》2007,26(4):777-781
毛冠鹿在我国主要分布于西南、华中、华南区域,有三亚种(指名亚种、华中亚种、华南亚种)。为探讨各省头骨性状的差异及各省毛冠鹿亲缘关系,在选取32项较为完整的头骨测量性状的基础上,运用统计分析软件SPSS 11.0对其进行分析,结果推测如下:1)毛冠鹿3个亚种的地位是确定的。2)四川、云南所属指名亚种与重庆、湖北所属华中亚种较近,二者与广东、江西、湖南、浙江所属的华南亚种关系较远。3)在头骨32个性状中,两两亚种之间具有显著差异的性状:指名亚种与华南亚种14个(颅全长、颅基长、基长、基底长、前颌长、吻宽、鼻骨长、鼻骨宽、最小眶间距、眼窝高、腭长、前颌骨内叶长、两上颊齿最大距离、下齿列长);指名亚种与华中亚种2个(吻宽、上齿列长),华南亚种与华中亚种有19个(颅全长、颅基长、基长、基底长、前颌长、额骨长、最小眶间距、眶间宽、枕部最窄、脑颅最大宽、鼻骨宽、泪骨缝长、腭长、颧宽、前颌骨内叶长、上齿列长、两上颊齿最大距离、最小颅高、下齿列长)。  相似文献   

2013年6月和9月在广东省英德市郊碧落洞(24°06'56.9'N,113°21'10.0'E,海拔88 m)分别捕捉到5号和1号蝙蝠标本(均为雌性)。上述蝙蝠体型较大,前臂长60.4~63.3 mm,胫骨长18.0 mm,颅全长24.8 mm,颅基长23.9 mm;耳大,双耳前基部在额部相联,上唇肥厚且具24~26个硬瘤,尾从尾膜后缘伸出一半,毛色土褐,双色;颅骨大,腭缘缺刻深,长大于宽。经鉴定为宽耳犬吻蝠Tadarida insignis,为广东省翼手目新纪录。本文给出了宽耳犬吻蝠的外形和头骨特征,并与来自安徽、山东和日本的标本进行了对比;同时对其回声定位信号进行了分析。标本保存于广东省昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

四川省兽类新纪录   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在鉴定整理1987年我省采集的翼手类标本时,发现有两种属四川省兽类新纪录,现报道如下(重量单位:克;长度:毫米):大菊头蝠Rhinolophusluctuslanosus1987.10.5,采于汶川县卧龙自然保护区三江保护站附近(1180米)。1♂,体重31,体长76,耳长38,尾长44,后足长17,前臂长67,颅全长29.1,颅基长23.8,腭长8.5,颧宽14.4,眶间宽3.3,后头宽12.8,上齿列长10.5,下齿列长12.6。特征:体型较大。体毛长密而卷曲,呈暗褐色,毛尖灰白色。耳廓背基部毛呈棕褐色。前臂长67mm。鞍状叶基部向两侧扩展成翼状,位于鼻孔之上端。阴茎骨长8.5mm,后端略膨大且分叉。本种数量稀…  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region was used to clarify the taxonomic status of two coastal bottlenose dolphin populations from southeastern Australia currently classified as Tursiops truncatus . A 368-bp segment of the control region of 57 biopsy-sampled, photo-identified dolphins of Jervis Bay and Port Stephens was compared to published sequences of T. truncatus and T. aduncus from different oceanic regions. Sequence divergence between haplotypes from southeastern Australia and T. aduncus was much lower than that from T. truncatus . Analyses using two different methods of phylogenetic reconstruction unambiguously placed all haplotypes from southeastern Australia in a group composed exclusively of T. aduncus . The results strongly indicated that these two bottlenose dolphin populations belong to T. aduncus , extending the range of the species to subtropical waters of the Western South Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

贵州中三叠世长颈龙属(原龙目:长颈龙科)一幼年个体   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
记述了贵州兴义法郎组竹杆坡段(中三叠世拉丁期)长颈龙属未定种(Tanystropheus sp.)一幼年个体的不完整骨架。这是该属在欧洲和中东以外的首次发现。新材料仅保存部分颈椎、躯干和前肢。根据特殊的颈椎形态将该标本归入长颈龙属,而区别于另一种长颈的海生原龙类———东方恐头龙(Dinocephalosaurus orientalis)。新标本的腕骨形态简单,骨化程度弱,表明长颈龙是终生水生的动物。“长颈、长颈肋”见于多种不同海生爬行动物(如原龙类、初龙类),它们很可能都以“吞吸”的方式捕食。长颈龙化石在我国的发现进一步验证了中国南方三叠纪海生爬行动物群与欧洲西特提斯动物群(western Tethyan fauna)之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

Wang JY  Chou LS  White BN 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(10):1603-1612
The classification within the bottlenose dolphin (genus Tursiops) is controversial. Although many morphological variants exist, most authors have concluded that the genus is composed of a single species, Tursiops truncatus (Montagu 1821). Two distinct morphotypes of bottlenose dolphins, which have been referred to as T. truncatus and T. aduncus, exist in sympatry in Chinese waters. Comparisons of a 386-bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (n = 47) indicated that the two sympatric morphotypes were genetically distinct, with seven fixed site differences and a sequence divergence of approximately 4.4%. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum likelihood, neighbour-joining and maximum parsimony approaches showed that the truncatus-type dolphins from Chinese waters were more closely related to Atlantic Ocean truncatus-type than to the sympatric aduncus-type dolphins. The Atlantic truncatus-type dolphins also shared the same diagnostic sites that separated Chinese truncatus-type from aduncus-type dolphins. The molecular data agreed completely with the morphological classifications of the specimens. This congruence is strong evidence that the sympatric morphotypes in Chinese waters are reproductively isolated and comprise two distinct species. These findings have important implications for the conservation of bottlenose dolphins in Chinese waters.  相似文献   

Intraspecific and interspecific variation in cervical, thoracic, and lumbar region of the vertebral column of Dasypodidae were examined in a phylogenetic framework. The number of vertebrae for each region were recorded for 86 specimens and metric data for each vertebra (centrum length, high, and width) were recorded for 72 specimens, including eight of the nine living genera. The number of vertebrae and degree of fusion between them were used to define four characters which were plotted on two alternative phylogenies of Dasypodidae. The ratio between centrum height and width is similar across all taxa analyzed except for Chlamyphorus, which exhibits a deviation in the last two lumbars. Tolypeutes matacus is unique among the taxa examined in having a second co-osified bone called postcervical bone, which is a fusion of the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae. The thoraco-lumbar numbers of dasypodids are reduced when compared with other xenarthrans and are more diverse than those of some other mammalian clades of similar geological age and higher ecomorphological diversity. Changes in size are somewhat coupled with changes in the number of body segments. Independent of the phylogenetic framework taken, changes in size are accompanied with small changes in numbers of thoracolumbar vertebrae within each genus. There are functional and phylogenetic correlates for changes in number of thoraco-lumbar vertebrae in dasypodids.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have a world-wide distribution, and show morphotypic variation among regions. Distinctions between coastal and pelagic populations have been documented; however, regional patterns of differentiation had not been previously investigated in a wider geographic context. We analysed up to nine different populations from seven different areas of the world by mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite DNA markers, and found differentiation among all putative regional populations. Both mtDNA and microsatellite DNA data show significant differentiation, suggesting restricted gene flow for both males and females. Dolphins in coastal habitat showed less variability and were in most cases differentiated from a pelagic lineage, which could suggest local founder events in some cases. Two coastal populations recently classified as belonging to a new species, T. aduncus, were each highly differentiated from populations of the truncatus morphotype, and from each other, suggesting a possible third species represented by the South African aduncus type.  相似文献   

General doctrine holds that early hominids possessed a long lumbar spine with six segments. This is mainly based on Robinson's (1972) interpretation of a single partial Australopithecus africanus skeleton, Sts 14, from Sterkfontein, South Africa. As its sixth last presacral vertebra exhibits both thoracic and lumbar characteristics, current definitions of lumbar vertebrae and lumbar ribs are discussed in the present study. A re-analysis of its entire preserved vertebral column and comparison with Stw 431, another partial A. africanus skeleton from Sterkfontein, and the Homo erectus skeleton KNM-WT 15000 from Nariokotome, Kenya, did not provide strong evidence for the presence of six lumbar vertebrae in either of these early hominids. Thus, in Sts 14 the sixth last presacral vertebra has on one side a movable rib. In Stw 431, the corresponding vertebra shows indications for a rib facet. In KNM-WT, 15000 the same element is very fragmentary, but the neighbouring vertebrae do not support the view that it is L1. Although in all three fossils the transitional vertebra at which the articular facets change orientation seems to be at Th11, this is equal to a large percentage of modern humans. Indeed, a modal number of five lumbar vertebrae, as in modern humans, is more compatible with evolutionary principles. For example, six lumbar vertebrae would require repetitive shortening and lengthening not only of the lumbar, but also of the entire precaudal spine. Furthermore, six lumbar vertebrae are claimed to be biomechanically advantageous for early hominid bipedalism, yet an explanation is lacking as to why the lumbar region should have shortened in later humans. All this raises doubts about previous conclusions for the presence of six lumbar vertebrae in early hominids. The most parsimonious explanation is that they did not differ from modern humans in the segmentation of the vertebral column.  相似文献   

Small coastal dolphins endemic to south-eastern Australia have variously been assigned to described species Tursiops truncatus, T. aduncus or T. maugeanus; however the specific affinities of these animals is controversial and have recently been questioned. Historically 'the southern Australian Tursiops' was identified as unique and was formally named Tursiops maugeanus but was later synonymised with T. truncatus. Morphologically, these coastal dolphins share some characters with both aforementioned recognised Tursiops species, but they also possess unique characters not found in either. Recent mtDNA and microsatellite genetic evidence indicates deep evolutionary divergence between this dolphin and the two currently recognised Tursiops species. However, in accordance with the recommendations of the Workshop on Cetacean Systematics, and the Unified Species Concept the use of molecular evidence alone is inadequate for describing new species. Here we describe the macro-morphological, colouration and cranial characters of these animals, assess the available and new genetic data, and conclude that multiple lines of evidence clearly indicate a new species of dolphin. We demonstrate that the syntype material of T. maugeanus comprises two different species, one of which is the historical 'southern form of Tursiops' most similar to T. truncatus, and the other is representative of the new species and requires formal classification. These dolphins are here described as Tursiops australis sp. nov., with the common name of 'Burrunan Dolphin' following Australian aboriginal narrative. The recognition of T. australis sp. nov. is particularly significant given the endemism of this new species to a small geographic region of southern and south-eastern Australia, where only two small resident populations in close proximity to a major urban and agricultural centre are known, giving them a high conservation value and making them susceptible to numerous anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   

Elasmosaurid plesiosaurians are renowned for their immensely long necks, and indeed, possessed the highest number of cervical vertebrae for any known vertebrate. Historically, the largest count has been attributed to the iconic Elasmosaurus platyurus from the Late Cretaceous of Kansas, but estimates for the total neck series in this taxon have varied between published reports. Accurately determining the number of vertebral centra vis-à-vis the maximum length of the neck in plesiosaurians has significant implications for phylogenetic character designations, as well as the inconsistent terminology applied to some osteological structures. With these issues in mind, we reassessed the holotype of E. platyurus as a model for standardizing the debated cervical-dorsal transition in plesiosaurians, and during this procedure, documented a “lost” cervical centrum. Our revision also advocates retention of the term “pectorals” to describe the usually three or more distinctive vertebrae close to the cranial margin of the forelimb girdle that bear a functional rib facet transected by the neurocentral suture, and thus conjointly formed by both the parapophysis on the centrum body and diapophysis from the neural arch (irrespective of rib length). This morphology is unambiguously distinguishable from standard cervicals, in which the functional rib facet is borne exclusively on the centrum, and dorsals in which the rib articulation is situated above the neurocentral suture and functionally borne only by the transverse process of the neural arch. Given these easily distinguishable definitions, the maximum number of neck vertebrae preserved in E. platyurus is 72; this is only three vertebrae shorter than the recently described Albertonectes, which together with E. platyurus constitute the “longest necked” animals ever to have lived.  相似文献   

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