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The development and distribution of cytosolic creatine kinase (CK) activity was studied in rat brain and in cell culture. The activity of CK in whole brain increased almost fivefold during the period from birth to day 40 when adult levels of 18-19 U/mg of protein were attained. The distribution of CK activity was examined in dissected regions of the adult brain and was nonuniform; the cerebellum, the striatum, and the pyramidal tracts contained significantly higher CK activity than did whole brain. The cellular compartmentation of CK was investigated using primary cultures of purified neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. The CK activity in neurons increased fourfold greater than that measured at the time of isolation to 4 U/mg of protein. The CK activity in astrocytes cultured for 20 days was 3.5 U/mg of protein and was 1.5-fold greater than that measured at the time of isolation. In contrast, the CK activity in cultured oligodendrocytes (day 20) was three- to fourfold higher than that determined in astrocytes and almost sevenfold higher than the activity measured at the time the cells were isolated. The high levels of CK in cultured oligodendrocytes suggest a role for this enzyme in oligodendrocyte function and/or myelinogenesis.  相似文献   

Pyruvate Carboxylase Activity in Primary Cultures of Astrocytes and Neurons   总被引:19,自引:17,他引:2  
Abstract: The activity of the pyruvate carboxylase was determined in brains of newborn and adult mice as well as primary cultures of astrocytes, of cerebral cortex neurons, and of cerebellar granule cells. The activity was found to be 0.25 ± 0.14, 1.24 ± 0.07, and 1.75 ± 0.13 nmol · min−1· mg−1 protein in, respectively, neonatal brain, adult brain, and astrocytes. Neither of the two types of neurons showed any detectable enzyme activity (i.e., < 0.05 nmol · min−1· mg−1). It is therefore concluded that pyruvate carboxylase is an astrocytic enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract: Synthesis, uptake, release, and oxidative metabolism of citrate were investigated in neurons and astrocytes cultured from cerebral cortex or cerebellum. In addition, the possible role of citrate as a donor of the carbon skeleton for biosynthesis of neurotransmitter glutamate was studied. All cell types expressed the enzyme citrate synthase at a high activity, the cerebellar granule neurons containing the enzyme at a higher activity than that found in the astrocytes from the two brain regions or the cortical neurons. Saturable citrate uptake could not be detected in any of the cell types, but the astrocytes, and, in particular, those of cerebellar origin, had a very active de novo synthesis and release of citrate (~70 nmol × h?1× mg of protein?1). The rate of release of citrate from neurons was <5% of this value. Using [14C]citrate it could be shown that citrate was oxidatively metabolized to 14CO2 at a modest rate (~1 nmol × n?1× mg?1 of protein) with slightly higher rates in astrocytes compared with neurons. Experiments designed to investigate the ability of exogenously supplied citrate to serve as a precursor for synthesis of transmitter glutamate in cerebellar granule neurons failed to demonstrate this. Rather than citrate serving this purpose it may be suggested that astrocytically released citrate may regulate the extracellular concentration of Ca2+ and Mg2+ by chelation, thereby modulating neuronal excitability.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of astrocytes and neurons derived from neonatal and embryonic mouse cerebral cortex, respectively, were incubated with [3-14C]acetoacetate or [2-14C]glucose. The utilization of glucose and acetoacetate, the production of lactate, D-3-hydroxybutyrate, and 14CO2, and the incorporation of 14C and of 3H from 3H2O into lipids and lipid fractions were measured. Both cell types used acetoacetate as an energy substrate and as a lipid precursor; lactate was the major product of glucose metabolism. About 60% of the acetoacetate that was utilized by neurons was oxidized to CO2, whereas this was only approximately 20% in the case of cultured astrocytes. This indicates that the rate at which 14C-labeled Krebs cycle intermediates exchange with pools of unlabeled intermediates is much higher in astrocytes than in neurons. Acetoacetate is a better precursor for the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol than glucose, presumably because it can be used directly in the cytosol for these processes; preferential incorporation into cholesterol was not observed in these in vitro systems. We conclude that ketone bodies can be metabolized both by the glial cells and by the neuronal cells of developing mouse brain.  相似文献   

Glutathione-S-transferase Yb subunits were recently identified in rat brain and localized to astrocytes, ependymal cells lining the ventricles, subventricular zone cells, and tanycytes. Another isoform, Yp (pi family), was detected in rat brain by immunoblotting, and its mRNA was detected by Northern hybridizations. Double immunofluorescence localized Yb and Yp in different glial cells. The strongly Yp-positive cells were identified as oligodendrocytes by virtue of their arrangement in rows in white-matter tracts, colocalization in strongly carbonic anhydrase-positive cells, and association with myelinated tracts in the corpus striatum. Ependymal cells in the choroid plexus and ventricular lining were also strongly Yp positive, whereas Yb was not detected in the choroid plexus. The occurrence of Yp at low levels in astrocytes was indicated after immunostaining by a sensitive peroxidase-antiperoxidase method, which revealed weak staining of those cells in the molecular layer of the cortex. The data suggest that Yb and Yp subunits are primarily localized to astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, respectively, and that both are absent from neurons. The glutathione-S-transferase in oligodendrocytes may participate in the removal of toxins from the vicinity of the myelin sheath. The finding of glutathione-S-transferases in ependymal cells and astrocytes in the brain also suggests that this enzyme could be a first line of defense against toxic substances.  相似文献   

Abstract: Rats were fed through four generations with a semisynthetic diet containing 1.0% sunflower oil (6.7 mg/ g n-6 fatty acids, 0.04 mg/g n-3 fatty acids). Ten days before mating, half of the animals received a diet in which sunflower was replaced by soya oil (6.6 mg/g n-6 fatty acids, 0.8 mg/g n-3 fatty acids) and analyses were performed on their pups. Fatty acid analysis in isolated cellular and subcellular material from sunflower-fed animals showed that the total amount of unsaturated fatty acids was not reduced in any cellular or subcellular fraction (except in 60-day-old rat neurons). All material from animals fed with sunflower oil showed an important reduction in the docosahexaenoic acid content, compensated (except in 60-day-old rat neurons) by an increase in the n-6 fatty acids (mainly C22:5 n-6). When comparing 60-day-old animals fed with soya oil or sunflower oil, the n-3/n-6 fatty acid ratio was reduced 16-fold in oligodendrocytes, 12-fold in myelin, twofold in neurons, sixfold in synaptosomes, and threefold in astrocytes. No trienes were detected. Saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids were hardly affected. This study provides data on the fatty acid composition of isolated brain cells.  相似文献   

Inhibition of net uptake of 42K by different concentrations of ouabain was studied in primary cultures of astrocytes and in primary cultures of neurons in order to investigate whether there is a pronounced difference between ouabain sensitivity in the two cell types and to determine the genuine magnitudes of the ouabain-sensitive and the ouabain-resistant potassium uptakes. In morphologically differentiated astrocytes, obtained after treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dBcAMP), the sensitivity to ouabain was slightly lower than in neurons, but astrocytes which had not been treated with dBcAMP showed sensitivity similar to the neurons (which likewise were not treated). In the presence of elevated potassium concentrations (12 and 24 mM) ouabain sensitivity was decreased, although only by a factor of 2-3. Accordingly, maximum inhibition of the uptake required under all conditions studied, at most, 1.0 mM ouabain. Like total uptake, this ouabain-sensitive uptake was several times less intense in neurons than in astrocytes, where it reached its maximum value at an external potassium concentration of 12 mM. Subtraction of the ouabain-sensitive uptake from the total uptake revealed a considerable ouabain-resistant uptake. This ouabain-resistant uptake was studied in detail in the astrocytes, where it was found to increase with increasing potassium concentration over the whole concentration range 3-24 mM and to exceed substantially the maximum amount that can be accumulated by diffusion.  相似文献   

[3H]Flunitrazepam binds to intact and homogenized mouse astrocytes and neurons in primary cultures. In intact cells, the binding is to a single, high-affinity, saturable population of benzodiazepine binding sites with a KD of 7 nM and Bmax of 6,033 fmol/mg protein in astrocytic cells and a KD of 5 nM and Bmax of 924 fmol/mg protein in neurons. After homogenization, the Bmax values decrease drastically in both cell types, but most in astrocytes. The temperature and time dependency are different for the two cell types, with a faster association and dissociation in astrocytes than in neurons and a greater temperature sensitivity in the astrocytes. Moreover, flunitrazepam binding sites on neuronal and astrocytic cells have different pharmacological profiles. In intact astrocytic cells, Ro 5-4864 (Ki = 4 nM) is the most potent displacing compound, followed by diazepam (Ki = 6 nM) and clonazepam (Ki = 600 nM). In intact neurons, the relative order of potency of these three compounds is different: diazepam (Ki = 7 nM) is the most potent, followed by clonazepam (Ki = 26 nM) and Ro 5-4864, which has little effect. After homogenization the potency of diazepam decreases. We conclude that both neuronal and astrocytic cells possess high-affinity [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites. The pharmacological profile and kinetic characteristics differ between the two cell types and are further altered by homogenization.  相似文献   

Abstract: Amyloid precursor protein (APP) gives rise by proteolytic processing to the amyloid β peptide (Aβ) found abundantly in cerebral senile plaques of individuals with Alzheimer's disease. APP is highly expressed in the brain. To assess the source of cerebral Aβ, the metabolism of APP was investigated in the major cell types of the newborn rat cerebral cortex by pulse/chase labeling and immunoprecipitation of the APP and APP metabolic fragments. We describe a novel C-terminally truncated APP isoform that appears to be made only in neurons. The synthesis, degradation, and metabolism of APP were quantified by phosphorimaging in neurons, astrocytes, and microglia. The results show that although little APP is metabolized through the amyloidogenic pathways in each of the three cultures, neurons appear to generate more Aβ than astrocytes or microglia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities were determined in Oligodendrocytes, neurons, and astrocytes isolated from the brains of developing rats. The activity of each enzyme was significantly lower in both neurons and astrocytes than in Oligodendrocytes. The GPDH activity in Oligodendrocytes increased more than 4-fold during development, and at 120 days cells of this type had 1.4-fold the specific activity of forebrain homogenates. The G6PDH activities in Oligodendrocytes from 10-day-old rats were 1.4-fold the activities in the forebrain homogenates. The activities of this enzyme in Oligodendrocytes were progressively lower at later ages, such that at 120 days the cells had 0.8 times the specific activities of homogenates. The Oligodendrocytes had 0.6 times the homogenate activities of LDH at 10 days, and this ratio had decreased to 0.2 by 120 days. These enzymes were also measured in myelin isolated from 20-, 60-, and 120-day-old rats. By 120 days the specific activities of G6PDH and LDH in myelin were <8% of the respective activities in homogenates. The GPDH activity in myelin was, however, at least 20% the specific activity in the homogenates, even in the oldest animals. It is proposed that LDH could be used as a marker for oligodendroglial cytoplasm in subfractions of myelin and in myelin-related membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

14CO2 production and incorporation of label into proteins from the labeled branched-chain amino acids, leucine, valine, and isoleucine, were determined in primary cultures of neurons and of undifferentiated and differentiated astrocytes from mouse cerebral cortex in the absence and presence of 3 mM ammonium chloride. Production of 14CO2 from [1-14C]leucine and [1-14C]valine was larger than 14CO2 production from [U-14C]leucine and [U-14C]valine in both astrocytes and neurons. In most cases more 14CO2 was produced in astrocytes than in neurons. Incorporation of labeled branched-chain amino acids into proteins varied with the cell type and with the amino acid. Addition of 3 mM ammonium chloride greatly suppressed 14CO2 production from [1-14C]-labeled branched chain amino acids but had little effect on 14CO2 production from [U-14C]-labeled branched-chain amino acids in astrocytes. Ammonium ion, at this concentration, suppressed the incorporation of label from all three branched-chain amino acids into proteins of astrocytes. In contrast, ammonium ion had very little effect on the metabolism (oxidation and incorporation into proteins) of these amino acids in neurons. The possible implications of these findings are discussed, especially regarding whether they signify variations in metabolic fluxes and/or in magnitudes of precursor pools.  相似文献   

Histamine stimulates cyclic AMP accumulation in astrocyte-enriched and neuronal primary cultures from rat brain in the presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine. The response in the astrocyte cultures (Emax = 304 +/- 44% over basal, EC50 = 43 +/- 5 microM) was much higher than in neuronal cultures (Emax = 24 +/- 2%, EC50 = 14 +/- 7 microM). The histamine effect in astrocytes was competitively inhibited by the H2 antagonists cimetidine (Ki = 1.1 +/- 0.2 microM) and ranitidine (Ki = 46 +/- 10 nM) but was insensitive to the H1 antagonist mepyramine (1 microM). The two selective H2 agonists impromidine and dimaprit behaved as partial agonists and showed relative potencies (139 and 0.5, respectively) consistent with an interaction with H2 receptors. The more selective H1 agonist 2-thiazolylethylamine (0.01-1 mM) did not potentiate the response to impromidine (10 microM). Thus, in contrast to what is generally observed in intact cell preparations from brain, the histamine-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in astroglial cells is mediated solely by H2 receptors. The small effect shown in neuronal cultures also appears to be mediated by H2 receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: It has been proposed that hyperammonemia may be associated with valproate therapy. As astrocytes are the primary site of ammonia detoxification in brain, the effects of valproate on glutamate and glutamine metabolism in astrocytes were studied. It is well established that, because of compartmentation of glutamine synthetase, astrocytes are the site of synthesis of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia. The reverse reaction is catalyzed by the ubiquitous enzyme glutaminase, which is present in both neurons and astrocytes. In astrocytes exposed to 1.2 mM valproate, glutaminase activity increased 80% by day 2 and remained elevated at day 4; glutamine synthetase activity was decreased 30%. Direct addition of valproate to assay tubes with enzyme extracts from untreated astrocytes had significant effects only at concentrations of 10 and 20 mM, When astrocytes were exposed for 4 days to 0.3, 0.6, or 1.2 mM valproate and subsequently incubated with l -[U-14C]glutamate, label incorporation into [14C]glutamine was decreased by 11, 25, and 48%, respectively, and is consistent with a reduction in glutamine synthetase activity. Label incorporation from l -[U-14C]glutamate into [14C]aspartate also decreased with increasing concentrations of valproate. Following a 4-day exposure to 0.6 mM valproate, the glutamine levels increased 40% and the glutamate levels 100%. These effects were not directly proportional to valproate concentration, because exposure to 1.2 mM valproate resulted in a 15% decrease in glutamine levels and a 25% increase in glutamate levels compared with control cultures. Intracellular aspartate was inversely proportional to all concentrations of extracellular valproate, decreasing 60% with exposure to 1.2 mM valproate. These results indicate that valproate increases glutaminase activity, decreases glutamine synthetase activity, and alters Krebs-cycle activity in astrocytes, suggesting a possible mechanism for hyperammonemia in brain during valproate therapy.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hyaluronan (HA) is a polymerized nonsulfated extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan that may be involved in brain development. We have tested the expression of HA and the HA-binding protein hyaluronectin (HN) in glial cell cultures from newborn rat brain. HA was secreted into the culture medium by type 1 astrocytes in the first stages of the primary cultures. The secretion was high during cell proliferation, reached a maximum when they were confluent, and then decreased. HA was not secreted at a detectable level by total O-2A lineage cell- enriched cultures. HA labeled small O-2A progenitor cells (GFA-, A2B5+, HA+), small O-2A progenitorlike (GFA?, A2B5?, HA+) cells, and type 2 astrocytes (GFA+, A2B5+, HA+), but not mature oligodendrocytes (Galc+, HA?). In contrast to HA, hyaluronectin labeled oligodendrocyte membranes (i.e., more mature cells) from day 8. A2B5+ GFA? cells were found to be either HA+ or HN+ at days 7–9, suggesting intermediary stages. The addition of HA to primary cultures and to O-2A progenitor-enriched cultures decreased significantly the increase in the number of O-2A progenitors, of mature (Galc+) oligodendrocytes proportionally to the decrease of the O-2A progenitor number, and of BrdU+ cells, suggesting that HA acts (directly or indirectly) on O-2A cell proliferation. This effect, which was seen for concentrations as low as 0.1 μg/ml, was HA specific and was not observed with other glycosaminogly- cans. When primary cultures were performed in the presence of hyaluronidase-digested or HA-depleted (by passage on a HN column) fetal calf serum, the total number of O-2A lineage cells was dramatically increased (100%, p<10–4) in comparison with control cultures in standard fetal calf serum. Platelet-derived growth factor increased the total number of O-2A lineage cells and of (Galc+) oligodendrocytes. This effect was opposed by HA dose dependently. The effect of HA was significantly inhibited by HN (30%, p<10–4). HN had, however, no effect when it was added to culture in the presence of hyaluronidase in fetal calf serum, suggesting its effect was only due to its binding to HA. During cell maturation, HA disappears as HN appears. This and the fact that HA and PDGF have opposite effects suggest an effect of these factors, or of their balance, on myelination.  相似文献   

Type II hyperprolinemia is an inherited disorder caused by a deficiency of 1-pyrroline-5-carboxilic acid dehydrogenase, whose biochemical hallmark is proline accumulation in plasma and tissues. Although neurological symptoms occur in most patients, the neurotoxicity of proline is still controversial. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of acute and chronic administration of proline on creatine kinase activity of brain cortex of Wistar rats. Acute treatment was performed by subcutaneous administration of one injection of proline to 22-day-old rats. For chronic treatment, proline was administered twice a day from the 6th to the 21st postpartum day. The results showed that creatine kinase activity was significantly inhibited in the brain cortex of rats subjected to acute proline administration. In contrast, this activity was increased in animals subjected to chronic administration. We also measured the in vitro effect of proline on creatine kinase activity in cerebral cortex of 22-day-old nontreated rats. Proline significantly inhibited creatine kinase activity. Considering the importance of creatine kinase forthe maintenance of energy homeostasis in the brain, it is conceivable that an alteration of this enzyme activity in the brain may be one of the mechanisms by which proline might be neurotoxic.  相似文献   

The activities of three myelin-associated enzymes, carbonic anhydrase, 5'-nucleotidase, and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide-3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP), were measured in oligodendrocytes, neurons, and astrocytes isolated from the brain of rats 10, 20, 60, and 120 days old. The carbonic anhydrase specific activity in oligodendrocytes was three- to fivefold higher than that in brain homogenates at each age, and, at all the ages, low activities of this enzyme were measured in neurons and astrocytes. The oligodendrocytes and astrocytes from the brains of rats at all ages had higher activities of the membrane-bound enzyme 5'-nucleotidase than was observed in neurons. In oligodendrocytes from 10- and 20-day-old rats, the 5'-nucleotidase activity was two-to threefold the activity in the homogenates (i.e., relative specific activity = 2.0-3.0), and the relative specific activity of this enzyme in the oligodendrocytes declined to less than 1.0 at the later ages, concomitant with the accumulation of 5'-nucleotidase in myelin. The CNP activity was always higher in oligodendrocytes than in neurons, but not appreciably different from that in astrocytes from 20 days of age onward. The relative specific activity of CNP was highest in the oligodendrocytes from 10-day-old rats but was lower, at all ages, than we had observed in bovine oligodendrocytes. These enzyme activities in oligodendroglia are quite different in amount and developmental pattern from those reported previously for myelin.  相似文献   

Both ammonia and beta-methylene-DL-aspartate (beta-MA), an irreversible inhibitor of aspartate aminotransferase activity and thus of the malate-aspartate shuttle, were found previously to decrease oxidative metabolism in cerebral cortex slices. In the present work, the possibility that ammonia and beta-MA affect energy metabolism by a common mechanism (i.e., via inhibition of the malate-aspartate shuttle) was investigated using primary cultures of neurons and astrocytes. Incubation of astrocytes for 30 min with 5 mM beta-MA resulted in a decreased production of 14CO2 from [U-14C]glucose, but did not affect 14CO2 production from [2-14C]pyruvate. Conversely, incubation of astrocytes with 3 mM ammonium chloride resulted in decreased 14CO2 production from [2-14C]pyruvate, but 14CO2 production from [U-14C]glucose was not significantly affected. Ammonium chloride had no significant effect on 14CO2 production from either [U-14C]glucose or [2-14]pyruvate by neurons. However, incubation of neurons with beta-MA or beta-MA plus ammonium chloride resulted in a approximately 45% decrease of 14CO2 production from both [U-14C]glucose and [2-14C]pyruvate. A 2-h incubation of astrocytes with beta-MA resulted in no change in ATP levels, but a 35% decrease in phosphocreatine. Similar treatment of neurons resulted in greater than 50% decrease in ATP, but had little effect on phosphocreatine. beta-MA also caused a decrease in glutamate and aspartate content of neurons, but not of astrocytes. The different metabolic responses of neurons and astrocytes towards beta-MA were probably not due to a differential inhibition of aspartate aminotransferase which was inhibited by approximately 45% in astrocytes and by approximately 55% in neurons.  相似文献   

Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is an inherited metabolic disorder biochemically characterized by the accumulation of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and their branched-chain keto acids (BCKAs) in blood and other tissues. Neurological dysfunction is usually present in the affected patients, but the mechanisms of brain damage in this disease are not fully understood. Considering that brain energy metabolism seems to be altered in MSUD, the main objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro effect of BCAAs and BCKAs on creatine kinase activity, a key enzyme of energy homeostasis, in brain cortex of young rats. BCAAs, but not their BCKAs, significantly inhibited creatine kinase activity at concentrations similar to those found in the plasma of MSUD patients (0.5–5 mM). Considering the crucial role creatine kinase plays in energy homeostasis in brain, if this effect also occurs in the brain of MSUD patients, it is possible that inhibition of this enzyme activity may contribute to the brain damage found in this disease.  相似文献   

Two tau cDNA probes of 1.6 and 0.3 kilobases (kb) have been used to study the expression of the tau mRNAs during mouse brain development and in highly homogeneous primary cultures of neurons and astrocytes. (1) Whatever the stage, a 6-kb mRNA was detected with the two probes. In the astrocytes a 6-kb mRNA hybridized clearly only with the 1.6-kb probe. (2) During brain development the abundance of tau mRNA increases from a late fetal stage (-4 days) until birth, remains high until 6 days postnatal, and then markedly decreases to reach very low values in adulthood. Such a marked decrease in the abundance of tau mRNA parallels that of alpha-tubulin mRNA. These data suggest that: (1) depending on the stage of development and on the cell type (neurons or astrocytes) tau mRNAs of the same size encode several tau proteins differing in molecular weight: several tau proteins are expressed either during early stages of development (juvenile tau proteins of 48 kilodaltons) or in adulthood (mature tau proteins of 50-70 kilodaltons) or are specific of the astrocyte (83 kilodaltons). (2) The expression of the two major components of axonal microtubules, tubulin and tau proteins, seems to be developmentally coordinated.  相似文献   

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