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The orphan nuclear constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) is proposed to play a central role in the response to xenochemical stress. Identification of CAR target genes in humans has been limited by the lack of a selective CAR agonist. We report the identification of 6-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazole-5-carbaldehyde O-(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)oxime (CITCO) as a novel human CAR agonist with the following characteristics: (a) potent activity in an in vitro fluorescence-based CAR activation assay; (b) selectivity for CAR over other nuclear receptors, including the xenobiotic pregnane X receptor (PXR); (c) the ability to induce human CAR nuclear translocation; and (d) the ability to induce the prototypical CAR target gene CYP2B6 in primary human hepatocytes. Using primary cultures of human hepatocytes, the effects of CITCO on gene expression were compared with those of the PXR ligand rifampicin. The relative expression of a number of genes encoding proteins involved in various aspects of steroid and xenobiotic metabolism was analyzed. Notably, CAR and PXR activators differentially regulated the expression of several genes, demonstrating that these two nuclear receptors subserve overlapping but distinct biological functions in human hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The constitutive androstane receptor (CAR, NR1I3) is a key regulator of xenobiotic and endobiotic metabolism. The ligand-binding domains of murine (m) and human (h) CAR are divergent relative to other nuclear hormone receptors, resulting in species-specific differences in xenobiotic responses. Here we identify the widely used antiemetic meclizine (Antivert; Bonine) as both an agonist ligand for mCAR and an inverse agonist for hCAR. Meclizine increases mCAR transactivation in a dose-dependent manner. Like the mCAR agonist 1,4-bis[2-(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene, meclizine stimulates binding of steroid receptor coactivator 1 to the murine receptor in vitro. Meclizine administration to mice increases expression of CAR target genes in a CAR-dependent manner. In contrast, meclizine suppresses hCAR transactivation and inhibits the phenobarbital-induced expression of the CAR target genes, cytochrome p450 monooxygenase (CYP)2B10, CYP3A11, and CYP1A2, in primary hepatocytes derived from mice expressing hCAR, but not mCAR. The inhibitory effect of meclizine also suppresses acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity in humanized CAR mice. These results demonstrate that a single compound can induce opposite xenobiotic responses via orthologous receptors in rodents and humans.  相似文献   

Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR, NR1I3), which is under consideration in this review, is a member of the superfamily of nuclear receptors. However, certain features distinguish CAR from the variety of nuclear receptors. First, this receptor has structural features that allow it to display constitutive activity in the absence of a ligand and to interact in a species-specific manner with a huge number of ligands diverse in chemical structure and origin. Second, recently many researchers are focused on CAR because the significance is increasingly shown of its influence on a variety of physiological functions, such as gluconeogenesis, metabolism of xenobiotics, fatty acids, bilirubin, and bile acids, hormonal regulation, etc. In addition to the fundamental scientific interest, the study of CAR is of practical importance because changes in CAR activity can lead to disorders in physiological processes, which finally can result in changes in pathological states. However, despite intensive studies, many mechanisms are still unclear, which makes it difficult to understand the role of CAR in the overall picture of molecular regulation of physiological processes. This review analyzes the features and diversity of the functions of CAR.  相似文献   

The NR1I subfamily of nuclear receptors contains a phylogenetically diverse array of receptors related to the mammalian pregnane X receptor (PXR) (NR1I2) and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) (NR1I3). We have carried out an extensive comparative analysis of this subgroup with representatives from fish, birds, amphibians, and mammals. Four novel receptors were isolated from fish, dog, pig, and monkey for this study and combined with a previously reported set of related receptors including human PXR, rabbit PXR, mouse PXR, chicken CXR, frog benzoate X receptors (BXRalpha, BXRbeta), and human and mouse CAR. A broad range of xenobiotics, steroids, and bile acids were tested for their ability to activate the ligand binding domain of each receptor. Three distinct groups of receptors were identified based on their pharmacological profiles: 1) the PXRs were activated by a broad range of xenobiotics and, along with the mammalian PXRs, included the chicken and fish receptors; 2) the CARs were less promiscuous, had high basal activities, and were generally repressed rather than activated by those compounds that modulated their activity; and 3) the BXRs were selectively activated by a subset of benzoate analogs and are likely to be specialized receptors for this chemical class of ligands. The PXRs are differentiated from the other NR1I receptors by a stretch of amino acids between helices 1 and 3, which we designate the H1-3 insert. This insert was present in the mammalian, chicken, and fish PXRs but absent in the CARs and BXRs. Modeling studies suggest that the H1-3 insert contributes to the promiscuity of the PXRs by facilitating the unwinding of helices-6 and -7, thereby expanding the ligand binding pocket.  相似文献   

The nuclear receptor constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) acts as a xenobiotic sensor and regulates the expression of enzymes, such as several cytochromes P450s and the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) type 1A1. CAR binds as a heterodimer with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) to specific DNA sites, called response elements (REs). Clusters of CAR REs, referred to as phenobarbital response enhancer modules (PBREMs), have been identified in several CAR target genes. In this study we confirm that REs formed by direct repeats of two AGTTCA hexamers with 4 spacing nucleotides are optimal for the binding of CAR-RXR heterodimers. In addition, we found that the heterodimers also form complexes on everted repeat-type arrangements with 8 spacing nucleotides. We also observed that CAR is able to bind DNA as a monomer and to interact in this form with different coregulators even in the presence of RXR. Systematic variation of the nucleotides 5'-flanking to both AGTTCA hexamers showed that the dinucleotide sequence modulates the DNA complex formation of CAR monomers and CAR-RXR heterodimer by a factor of up to 20. The highest preference was found for the sequence AG and lowest for CC. The increased DNA affinity of CAR is mediated by the positively charged arginines 90 and 91 located in the carboxyl-terminal extension of the DNA-binding domain of the receptor. Furthermore, we show that one of the three CAR REs of the human UGT1A1 PBREM is exclusively bound by CAR monomers and this is regulated by ligands that bind to this nuclear receptor. This points to a physiological role for CAR monomers. Therefore, both CAR-RXR heterodimers and CAR monomers can contribute to the gene activating function of PBREMs in CAR target genes.  相似文献   

The U2 snRNP promotes prespliceosome assembly through interactions that minimally involve the branchpoint binding protein, Mud2p, and the pre-mRNA. We previously showed that seven proteins copurify with the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) SF3b U2 subcomplex that associates with the pre-mRNA branchpoint region: Rse1p, Hsh155p, Hsh49p, Cus1p, and Rds3p and unidentified subunits p10 and p17. Here proteomic and genetic studies identify Rcp10p as p10 and show that it contributes to SF3b stability and is necessary for normal cellular Cus1p accumulation and for U2 snRNP recruitment in splicing. Remarkably, only the final 53 amino acids of Rcp10p are essential. p17 is shown to be composed of two accessory splicing factors, Bud31p and Ist3p, the latter of which independently associates with the RES complex implicated in the nuclear pre-mRNA retention. A directed two-hybrid screen reveals a network of prospective interactions that includes previously unreported intra-SF3b contacts and SF3b interactions with the RES subunit Bud13p, the Prp5p DExD/H-box protein, Mud2p, and the late-acting nineteen complex. These data establish the concordance of yeast and mammalian SF3b complexes, implicate accessory splicing factors in U2 snRNP function, and support SF3b contribution from early pre-mRNP recognition to late steps in splicing.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein-4 (MRP4) is a member of the multidrug resistance associated gene family that is expressed on the basolateral membrane of hepatocytes and undergoes adaptive up-regulation in response to cholestatic injury or bile acid feeding. In this study we demonstrate that farnesoid X receptor (FXR) regulates MRP4 in vivo and in vitro. In vivo deletion of FXR induces MRP4 gene expression. In vitro treatment of HepG2 cells with FXR ligands, chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), cholic acid (CA) and the synthetic ligand GW-4064 suppresses basal mRNA level of the MRP4 gene as well as the co-treatment with CDCA and 6-(4-Chlorophenyl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazole-5-carbaldehyde-O-(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)oxime (CITCO), an activator of constitutive androstane receptor (CAR). We found in the human MRP4 promoter a CAR responsive element (CARE) embedded within an FXR responsive element (FXRE). We cloned this region and found that FXR suppresses CAR activity in luciferase assay. Finally, we demonstrated that FXR competes with CAR for binding to this overlapping binding site. Our results support the view that FXR activation in obstructive cholestasis might worsen liver injury by hijacking a protective mechanism regulated by CAR and provides a new molecular explanation to the pathophysiology of cholestasis.  相似文献   

The three subunits of human splicing factor SF3a are essential for the formation of the functional 17S U2 snRNP and prespliceosome assembly in vitro. RNAi-mediated depletion indicates that each subunit is essential for viability of human cells. Knockdown of single subunits results in a general block in splicing strongly suggesting that SF3a is a constitutive splicing factor in vivo. In contrast, splicing of several endogenous and reporter pre-mRNAs is not affected after knockdown of SF1, which functions at the onset of spliceosome assembly in vitro and is essential for cell viability. Thus, SF1 may only be required for the splicing of a subset of pre-mRNAs. We also observe a reorganization of U2 snRNP components in SF3a-depleted cells, where U2 snRNA and U2-B' are significantly reduced in nuclear speckles and the nucleoplasm, but still present in Cajal bodies. Together with the observation that the 17S U2 snRNP cannot be detected in extracts from SF3a-depleted cells, our results provide further evidence for a function of Cajal bodies in U2 snRNP biogenesis.  相似文献   

The nuclear constitutive active/androstane receptor (CAR) is inactivated and sequestered in the cytoplasm when Thr-38 is phosphorylated. Here, we have demonstrated that activated ERK1/2 interacts with phosphorylated CAR to repress dephosphorylation of Thr-38. The phosphorylation-dependent interaction between CAR and ERK1/2 was examined by co-immunoprecipitation experiments of ectopically expressed FLAG-tagged CAR T38A and CAR T38D mutants with endogenous phospho-ERK1/2 in Huh-7 cells. Phospho-ERK1/2 coprecipitated only the phosphorylation-mimicking CAR T38D mutant; this coprecipitation was mediated by the interaction with the xenochemical response signal peptide near the C terminus of CAR. This interaction increased after EGF treatment and decreased after treatment with the MEK inhibitor U0126 as well as after knockdown of MEK1/2 by shRNA in Huh-7 cells. The phosphorylation levels of Thr-38 of CAR decreased in U0126-treated Huh-7 cells. Thus, activated ERK1/2 interacts with CAR and represses dephosphorylation of Thr-38, providing a cell signal-regulated mechanism for CAR activation.  相似文献   

Expression of P-450 (Cyp) enzymes is reduced in liver during the acute phase response, contributing to the decrease in bile acid levels and drug metabolism during infection. Nuclear hormone receptors CAR and PXR are key transactivators of Cyp2b and Cyp3a genes, respectively. Injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced the expected reduction in Cyp2b10 and Cyp3a mRNA levels in mouse liver. These decreases were associated with a marked reduction in CAR and PXR mRNA levels within 4 h following treatment. LPS-induced CAR and PXR repression were dose-dependent and sustained for at least 16 h. LPS treatment also reversed the up-regulation of Cyp3a in mice pre-treated with PXR ligand RU486. In addition, we observed a concomitant decrease in RXR (retinoid X receptor) mRNA levels, the obligatory partner of both CAR and PXR for high affinity binding to DNA. These findings represent one possible molecular mechanism underlying sepsis-induced repression of Cyp enzymes.  相似文献   

We investigated whether dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) or DHEA-sulfate (S) affected the activities of nuclear receptors, with special reference to constitutive androstane receptor beta (CARbeta). Administration of DHEA or DHEA-S enhanced the DNA binding of hepatic nuclear extracts to responsive elements for the retinoic acid receptor, the retinoic acid receptor beta 2 and the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor. The bound complexes were shown to be the CARbeta-RXR heterodimer by antibody-supershift assays. The expression of a target gene of CARbeta, Cyp2b10, was increased in liver by DHEA or DHEA-S treatment, suggesting that DHEA or DHEA-S actually activated CARbeta in vivo. It was suggested that the metabolic conversion of DHEA, DHEA-S to CARbeta ligands could occur in vivo and the metabolites could regulate the expression of CARbeta target gene expression. Our results provide new insights into the in vivo relationship between DHEA/DHEA-S and CARbeta activation.  相似文献   

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