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城市绿化植物-凋落物-土壤系统碳氮磷化学计量特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以福建福州市常见的15种乔木、灌木和草本绿化植物为对象,连续2年取样测定了这些植物、凋落物、立地土壤、土壤微生物量C、N、P含量,探讨城市绿化植物-凋落物-土壤系统生态化学计量特征,为中国城市绿化植物的生态功能恢复与植被重建提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)绿化植物不同器官C、N、P含量均表现为草本灌木乔木、C含量N含量P含量、叶茎根,呈现出叶的富集作用;绿化植物各器官化学计量比(C/N、C/P、N/P)也表现出基本一致的乔木灌木草本的变化趋势;各绿化植物对N的再吸收率极显著高于对P的再吸收率(P0.01),绿化植物N和P再吸收率表现为乔木灌木草本,不同绿化植物对N的再吸收率差异均显著(P0.05),对P的再吸收率差异均不显著(P0.05)。(2)绿化植物凋落物C、N、P含量基本表现为草本灌木乔木,其中不同绿化植物凋落物P含量差异不显著。(3)绿化植物立地土壤C、N、P含量表现为草本灌木乔木,但其N/P差异不显著;土壤微生物量C、N、P含量基本表现为草本灌木乔木,其相应的C/N、C/P、N/P差异均不显著。(4)植物-土壤-凋落物-土壤微生物量(C、N、P)均随着生长季温度的升高而降低,随着年降水量的增加而升高,P素的回归系数绝对值明显低于C素和N素;植物-凋落物-土壤的C与N含量、N与P含量、C/P与N/P、以及土壤和植物的C/N与N/P之间均呈显著正相关关系,而凋落物的C/N与N/P之间呈显著负相关关系;典范对应CCA排序中,植物高度、冠幅、茎粗、比叶面积和叶面积指数对植物-凋落物-土壤-土壤微生物量C、N、P含量和C/N、C/P和N/P具有较大影响作用,其中高度、冠幅和茎粗与比叶面积和叶面积指数呈负相关关系,与凋落物-土壤-土壤微生物量C、N、P含量呈负相关关系,与植物C、N、P含量呈正相关关系;而凋落物-土壤-土壤微生物量C、N、P含量与其C/N、C/P和N/P均具有一定的正相关关系。  相似文献   

硫磺和酒糟对烤烟生长和烟叶品质以及碱性土壤pH的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨碱性烟田土壤改良的有效技术并提高烟叶质量,以烤烟品种‘中烟100’为材料,采用田间试验研究了不同硫磺用量(0.1、0.2、0.3kg/m2、0.1kg/m2+3.0kg/m2酒糟)对碱性土壤pH、烤烟生长及其产量质量的影响。结果显示:(1)碱性土壤施用0.1~0.3kg/m2的硫磺能够显著降低烤烟根区土壤的pH值,降低幅度达到0.3个单位以上。(2)硫磺能促进烟苗根系的早发快长,在烤烟移栽30d时,处理植株根、茎、叶的干重分别比相应对照增加16%~37%、9%~28%和17%~25%;与对照相比,中等用量硫磺(0.2kg/m2)和低用量硫磺配合酒糟(0.1kg/m2+3.0kg/m2)能够显著增加烟叶的产量和上中等烟比例。(3)硫磺能够显著增加中部烟叶氮含量,协调还原糖与烟碱的比值,0.1~0.2kg/m2硫磺能够显著增加烟叶氮和烟碱含量,且0.1kg/m2硫磺配合3.0kg/m2酒糟施用的效果更显著,但0.3kg/m2的硫磺处理效果较弱。研究表明,施用适量硫磺可显著降低碱性土壤的pH值,促进烟株的生长发育,提高烟叶的产量和质量,且硫磺0.2kg/m2和硫磺0.1kg/m2配合酒糟3.0kg/m2是碱性烟区土壤改良、提高烟叶产质量的较有效技术措施。  相似文献   

森林凋落物动态及其对全球变暖的响应   总被引:107,自引:12,他引:107  
彭少麟  刘强 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1534-1544
综述了森林凋落物研究的进展,森林凋落物动态的研究随研究方法的改进而不断深化。制约凋落物分解速率的因素有内在因素即凋落物自身的化学物理性质和外在因素即凋落物分解过程发生的外部环境条件,如参与分解的异养微生物和土壤动物群落的种类、数量、活性(生物类因素)和气候、土壤、大气成分等(非生物类因素)。讨论了全球变暖可能引起的凋落物量和凋落物分解的变化。气温上升可能引发植被分布、物候特征和制约凋落物分解因素的改变,影响森林凋落物动态,最终影响森林生态系统物质循环的功能。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in transporting carbon and nitrogen from forest floor to mineral soils in temperate forest ecosystems. Thus, the retention of DOM via sorption or microbial assimilation is one of the critical steps for soil organic matter formation in mineral soils. The chemical properties of DOM are assumed to control these processes, yet we lack fundamental information that links litter quality, DOM chemistry, and DOM retention. Here, we studied whether differences in litter quality affect solution chemistry and whether changes in litter inputs affect DOM quality and removal in the field. The effects of litter quality on solution chemistry were evaluated using chemical fractionation methods for laboratory extracts and for soil water collected from a temperate coniferous forest where litter inputs had been altered. In a laboratory extraction, litter type (needle, wood, root) and the degree of decomposition strongly influenced solution chemistry. Root litter produced more than 10 times more water-extractable dissolved organic N (DON) than any other litter type, suggesting that root litter may be most responsible for DON production in this forest ecosystem. The chemical composition of the O-horizon leachate was similar under all field treatments (doubled needle, doubled wood, and normal litter inputs). O-horizon leachate most resembled laboratory extracts of well-decomposed litter (that is, a high proportion of hydrophobic acids), in spite of the significant amount of litter C added to the forest floor and a tendency toward higher mean DOM under doubled-Litter treatments. A lag in DOM production from added litter or microbial modification might have obscured chemical differences in DOM under the different treatments. Net DOM removal in this forest soil was strong; DOM concentration in the water deep in the mineral soil was always low regardless of concentrations in water that entered the mineral soil and of litter input manipulation. High net removal of DOM from O-horizon leachate, in spite of extremely low initial hydrophilic neutral content (labile DOM), coupled with the lack of influence by season or soil depth, suggests that DOM retention in the soil was mostly by abiotic sorption.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter in poultry litter could contribute organic ligands to form complexes with heavy metals in soil. The soluble complexes with heavy metals can be transported downward and possibly deteriorate groundwater quality. To better understand metal mobilization by soluble organic ligands in poultry litter, soil columns were employed to investigate the movement of zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb). Uncontaminated soil was amended with Zn, Cd, and Pb at rates of 400, 8, and 200 mg kg ? 1 soil, respectively. Glass tubes, 4.9-cm-diameter and 40-cm-long, were packed with either natural or metal-amended soil. The resulting 20-cm-long column of soils had bulk density of about 1.58 g cm ? 3 . Columns repacked with natural or amended soil were leached with distilled water, 0.01 M EDTA, 0.01 M CaCl 2 , or poultry litter extract (PLE) solutions. Low amounts of Zn, Cd, and Pb were leached from natural soil with the solutions. Leaching of Zn, Cd, or Pb was negligible with distilled water. In the metal-amended soil, EDTA solubilized more Zn, Cd, and Pb than CaCl 2 and PLE. The breakthrough curves of Zn and Pb in the PLE and CaCl 2 were similar, indicating they have similar ability to displace Zn and Pb from soils. Compared with Zn and Cd the PLE had a small ability to solubilize Pb from metal-amended soil. Thus, the application of poultry litter on metal-contaminated soils might enhance the mobility of Zn and Cd.  相似文献   

Scab conduciveness of 35 Tasmanian ferrosol soils, used for potato cropping, was compared in a glasshouse trial. Linear regressions showed no association between scab incidence and any of 12 individual soil chemical properties. However, using contingency tables, threshold levels were found for pH and exchangeable cations below which scab disease was less likely. The observed pH threshold in the range 5.0–5.2 was in accordance with similar findings from elsewhere and indicates the robustness of this threshold over a range of soil types and pathogen species. Scab was not observed on potatoes grown in soil with combined exchangeable Ca, Mg and K at 12 cmolc/kg or less. A strong correlation between soil pH and these exchangeable cations, particularly calcium, was found.  相似文献   

Why do Tree Species Affect Soils? The Warp and Woof of Tree-soil Interactions   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
Many ideas have been advanced regarding how trees affect soils. Enough evidence is now available to evaluate the strength of these ideas and to consider interactions between tree species and soils in an evolutionary context. Forest floor mass commonly differs by about 20% for different species growing on the same site; differences of up to 5-fold have been reported. Litterfall mass and N content commonly differ by 20 to 30%, but larger differences are also common (especially with N-fixing species). The net mineralization of soil N typically differs by 50% or more among species, indicating very strong feedback possibilities. We evaluate the evolutionary context of tree effects on soils by considering 3 degrees of coupling of trees to soils: tightly woven connections where the fitness of the tree is enhanced by its effect on soils; loosely woven interactions where selection for tree fitness unrelated to soil properties leads to indirect effects on soils (either enhancing or impairing fitness); and frayed interactions where the effects of trees on soil derive from features of the ecosystem that do not involve direct selection for tree fitness. Evidence supports each of these degrees of interaction for at least some cases, and no single context explains all the interactions between trees and soils. Important areas for further work include: next-generation assessments of the effects of trees on soil suitability for the same (and different) species, and the role of soil organisms in developing and modifying the effects of trees on soils.  相似文献   

No-till (NT) is a sustainable option because of its benefits in controlling erosion, saving labor, and mitigating climate change. However, a comprehensive assessment of soil pH response to NT is still lacking. Thus, a global meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effects of NT on soil pH and to identify the influential factors and possible consequences based on the analysis of 114 publications. When comparing tillage practices, the results indicated an overall significant decrease by 1.33 ± 0.28% in soil pH under NT than that under conventional tillage (p < .05). Soil texture, NT duration, mean annual temperature (MAT), and initial soil pH are the critical factors affecting soil pH under NT. Specifically, with significant variations among subgroups, when compared to conventional tillage, the soil under NT had lower relative changes in soil pH observed on clay loam soil (?2.44%), long-term implementation (?2.11% for more than 15 years), medium MAT (?1.87% in the range of 8–16℃), neutral soil pH (?2.28% for 6.5 < initial soil pH < 7.5), mean annual precipitation (?1.95% in the range of 600–1200 mm), in topsoil layers (?2.03% for 0–20 cm), with crop rotation (?1.98%), N fertilizer input (the same for NT and conventional tillage) of 100–200 kg N ha?1 (?1.83%), or crop residue retention (?1.52%). Changes in organic matter decomposition under undisturbed soil and with crop residue retention might lead to a higher concentration of H+ and lower of basic cations (i.e., calcium, magnesium, and potassium), which decrease the soil pH, and consequently, impact nutrient dynamics (i.e., soil phosphorus) in the surface layer under NT. Furthermore, soil acidification may be aggravated by NT within site-specific conditions and improper fertilizer and crop residue management and consequently leading to adverse effects on soil nutrient availability. Thus, there is a need to identify strategies to ameliorate soil acidification under NT to minimize the adverse consequences.  相似文献   

温度、pH对二种淡水贝类滤水率的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
实验在3m×5m×05m的控温池中进行,以小球藻作投喂饵料,利用直径40cm、高度50cm的陶瓷桶测定了不同规格下5个温度梯度(15、20、25、30、35℃)和5个pH梯度(5、6、7、8、9)背角无齿蚌和三角帆蚌的滤水率,其结果显示①5g左右的三角帆蚌在pH值为7时滤水率最大(0935mlg·min);②平均湿重为(2974±225)g,(611±71)g,(232±54)g的背角无齿蚌的滤水率在20~30℃间较高,以30℃最大,达10884mlg·min。随着规格的增大,背角无齿蚌的滤水率逐渐减少,这种趋势在20、25℃时表现得更为明显。③平均湿重为(3943±307)g,(1055±142)g,(302±58)g的三角帆蚌在水温20、25和30℃时的滤水率均远远大于其它2个温度梯度,中规格蚌的滤水率在30℃最大,大规格和小规格蚌的滤水率均在25℃时最大。  相似文献   

The perceived sensitivity of animal cells to hydrodynamic shear has limited agitation and aeration at large-scale. This makes it difficult to ensure adequate mixing of the vessel contents and may lead to inhomogeneities in operational parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, and especially pH. The effect of pH shifts and pH perturbations on the cellular responses, in batch culture, of a GS-NS0 mouse myeloma cell line, expressing a recombinant antibody, was investigated. In addition, the effect of extreme pH on the structure of the purified antibody product was studied using isoelectric focusing. The fermentation pH value was shifted abruptly from pH 7.3 to pH values ranging from 6.5 to 9.0. Culture pH was maintained at this new value for the remainder of the fermentation. All pH shifts of above 0.2 units caused a transient increase in apoptosis. However, cultures shifted to pH values between 7.0 and 8.0 continued to grow and the apoptotic fraction returned to initial levels. Cultures shifted to pH values above pH 8.0 and below pH 7.0 did not recover resulting in culture death. For example, a shift to pH 8.5 caused accumulation of cells in the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle followed by apoptotic death. After the pH shift, maximum specific growth rate was observed over the range pH 7.3 to 7.5 and maximum viable cell number was seen at pH 7.3. Maximum volumetric antibody production, resulting from increased culture longevity, was seen at pH 7.0. It was also observed that glucose consumption increased with increasing pH. In a separate set of experiments cells were subjected to a single pH perturbation ranging in duration from 0 to 600 minutes. Exposure of cells to a pH value greater than 8.5 for more than 10 minutes caused a decrease in the proportion of viable cells and induced a lag in cell growth. At very low pH (6.5) similar effects were seen, but only for extended perturbations (600 min). However, after recovery from the pH perturbation, growth, product secretion and metabolism all returned to original levels. Incubation of the antibody, at the range of pH values investigated, indicated no alterations in the structure of the antibody as determined by the isoelectric focusing pattern.  相似文献   

The aim of the present review is to define the various origins of root-mediated changes of pH in the rhizosphere, i.e., the volume of soil around roots that is influenced by root activities. Root-mediated pH changes are of major relevance in an ecological perspective as soil pH is a critical parameter that influences the bioavailability of many nutrients and toxic elements and the physiology of the roots and rhizosphere microorganisms. A major process that contributes root-induced pH changes in the rhizosphere is the release of charges carried by H+ or OH to compensate for an unbalanced cation–anion uptake at the soil–root interface. In addition to the ions taken up by the plant, all the ions crossing the plasma membrane of root cells (e.g., organic anions exuded by plant roots) should be taken into account, since they all need to be balanced by an exchange of charges, i.e., by a release of either H+ or OH. Although poorly documented, root exudation and respiration can contribute some proportion of rhizosphere pH decrease as a result of a build-up of the CO2 concentration. This will form carbonic acid in the rhizosphere that may dissociate in neutral to alkaline soils, and result in some pH decrease. Ultimately, plant roots and associated microorganisms can also alter rhizosphere pH via redox-coupled reactions. These various processes involved in root-mediated pH changes in the rhizosphere also depend on environmental constraints, especially nutritional constraints to which plants can respond. This is briefly addressed, with a special emphasis on the response of plant roots to deficiencies of P and Fe and to Al toxicity. Finally, soil pH itself and pH buffering capacity also have a dramatic influence on root-mediated pH changes.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of two levels of soil pH (5 and 6) on the ability (effectiveness) of ectomycorrhizal fungi to increase the growth of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. at a deficient supply of P. Plants were inoculated with one of six fungal isolates [Laccaria laccata (Scop. ex Fr.) Berk. and Br. (isolates A and B), Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch (isolates A and B), Descolea maculata Bough. and Mal. and Setchelliogaster sp. nov.] and were grown in a P-deficient sand, in pots, in a temperature-controlled glasshouse. Seedlings were harvested 89 days after planting and were assessed for dry matter production, tissue P concentrations, ectomycorrhizal colonization of roots and hyphal development in soil.Uninoculated plants had less than 5% of their fine root length colonized by ectomycorrhizal fungi. In contrast, inoculated plants had 30% or greater of their fine root length ectomycorrhizal. Inoculation increased the uptake of P and growth of plants for all isolates and at both levels of soil pH, although growth responses to inoculation were greater at pH 6, particularly for the two L. laccata isolates. Isolates which colonized roots most extensively increased plant growth to the greatest extent. D. maculata was the most effective fungal isolate at pH 5, and both D. maculata and L. laccata A were most effective at pH 6. The effects of soil pH on plant growth were also related to some extent to the effects of soil pH on colonized root length. Growth responses to inoculation were related less well to hyphal development in soil. The L. laccata isolates formed more hyphae in soil (on a per pot, per m of fine root, and per m of colonized fine root basis) than other fungal isolates, but were not always more effective in increasing plant grown.  相似文献   

A new method allowing control of rhizosphere pH and mineral nutrition was applied to study depletion of various organic and inorganic phosphorus fractions extractable sequentially with 0.5M KHCO3 (pH 8.5), 0.1M NaOH and residual P extractable with 6M H2SO4 from the rhizosphere soil.Soil pH was affected about 2 mm from the root mat. Depletion zones of inorganic P (KHCO3-Pi) extractable with 0.5M KHCO3 extended up to about 4 mm but the depletion zones of all other P fractions were about 1 mm only. The root-induced decrease of soil pH from 6.7 to 5.5 increased the depletion of total P from all fractions by 20% and depletion of KHCO3-Pi and residual P by 34% and 43%, respectively. Depletion of organic P (KHCO3-Po) extractable with 0.5M KHCO3 was not affected by a change in rhizosphere pH. With constant or increased pH, depletion of inorganic P (NaOH-Pi) was 17% and organic P (NaOH-Po) was 22% higher than with decreased pH. Only 54–60% of total P withdrawn from all fractions was from KHCO3-Pi. Substantial amounts of KHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po were mineralized and withdrawn from the rhizosphere within 1 mm from the root mat, as 11–15% of total P withdrawn originated from the organic P fractions. A remaining 11–16% was derived from NaOH-Pi, and 15–18% from residual P fractions likely to be rather immobile. Thus, 40–46% of the P withdrawn near the root mat of rape originated from non-mobile P fractions normally not included in 0.5M NaHCO3 extraction used to obtain an index of plant-available soil P.  相似文献   

Soil contamination by organochlorine pesticides or PCBs is almost undocumented for Iran. Here we report a soil survey in Mazandaran and Guilan provinces that hold >30% of the agricultural areas of Iran where pesticide use is widespread. Concentration of DDTs, HCHs, cyclodienes, and PCBs were measured in 45 soil samples from different agricultural land uses and forest land. The average concentrations of ∑DDT (37 μg kg?1) and ∑HCH (21 μg kg?1) in agricultural soils are among the largest ever reported and exceed international soil screening standards. All residues were larger in agricultural than in forest soil. Within agricultural land, ∑DDT were largest for tea gardens, lindane was largest in rice fields, and cyclodiens largest in citrus orchards. The ratio of (DDD + DDE)/DDT is an index of the extent of DDT degradation in soil and was lower in tea gardens than in other soils (0.7 versus 2–5), indicating either ongoing DDT input or lower degradation rate in the tea gardens that are more acid than the other soils (pH 4.5 versus 6.5–7.0). The o,p′–DDT/p,p′–DDT ratio was about 3 in forest soils, suggesting that DDT is derived from dicofol application and not from technical DDT as in agricultural soils. The PCB 28, 180, and 138 showed the highest mean concentration compared with other PCB congeners in all land uses. This survey is the first of this kind for Iran and illustrates that concentrations of organochlorine pesticide in soil are relatively large.  相似文献   

河北主要土壤中Cd、Pb形态与油菜有效性的关系   总被引:55,自引:1,他引:55  
刘霞  刘树庆  唐兆宏 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1688-1694
当今土壤重金属污染日趋严重而表征土壤污染程度 的指标不够完善、相关性亦较差。为此,采用网室盆栽试验,研究了河北平原主要土壤类型潮土和潮褐土上Cd、Pb的化学形态特征及其与油菜植株干物重、油菜吸收重金属含量的关系。结果表明Cd对油菜的毒害作用大于Pb。总量及各形态Cd、Pb含量与油菜可食部分干物重呈负相关,对油菜干物重影响最大的是交换态Cd、Pb。而对油菜吸收Cd、Pb贡献最大的形态是碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态。深入研究重金属形成与植物有效性间的关系,可为进一步揭示重金属的生物有效性,为更准确评价土壤重金属污染程度提供理论依据,具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

The effect of CO2 concentration on plant growth and the size of the rhizosphere denitrifier population was investigated for ryegrass grown at 3 different soil pH values (pH 4.3, 5.9 and 7.0). Soil microcosms were planted with ryegrass and maintained under constant growth conditions at either ambient (450ppm) or elevated (720ppm) CO2 concentration. At harvest, the rhizosphere soil was collected and subjected to a potential denitrification assay to provide an estimate of the size of the denitrifier population present. Ryegrass dry matter production varied across the pH range studied and contrary to other studies, elevated CO2 concentration did not consistently increase growth. Plant growth was reduced by ≈ 35% and 23% at pH 4.3 and pH 5.9, respectively, under elevated CO2 concentration. At pH 7.0, however, plant growth was increased by ≈ 45% under elevated CO2. Potential denitrification rates within the rhizosphere followed a similar pattern to plant growth in the different treatments, suggesting that plant growth and the size of denitrifier population within the rhizosphere are coupled. This study investigates the relationship between plant growth and rhizosphere denitrification potential, thereby providing an estimate of the size of the denitrifier population under increased CO2 concentration and soil pH.  相似文献   

Animal cells are cultured in several types of vessels at laboratory and industrial scale the most common being the stirred tank and the air-lift. Economically, it is preferable to culture animal cells at the largest possible scale but the perceived sensitivity of animal cells to hydrodynamic shear has, until now, limited the aeration and agitation rates used. This has been reported to cause inhomogeneities in operational parameters such as dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature and pH. pH is of special interest during the latter stages of many animal cell fermentation because alkali additions, used for pH control, can cause large local pH perturbations of varying size and duration. The effect of single and multiple pH perturbations on the cell growth of a widely used GS-NS0 mouse myeloma cell line grown in batch culture was investigated. The effect of perturbation amplitude and duration was investigated using a single stirred tank reactor (STR). In the single STR system cells were subjected to one pH 8.0 or 9.0 perturbation ranging in duration from 0-90 minutes. No measurable decrease in viable cell number was seen for pH 8.0 perturbations of any duration whereas pH 9.0 perturbations lasting for 10 minutes caused a 15% decrease in viable cell number. The proportion of viable cells decreased with increasing perturbation time and a 90-minute exposure killed all of the cells. The effect of multiple pH perturbations on GS-NS0 cells was investigated using two connected STR's. More specifically the number of perturbations and the perturbation frequency were investigated. Cells were subjected to between 0 and 100 perturbations at pH 8.0; the time between each perturbation (frequency) was 6 minutes and each perturbation lasted for 200 seconds. Viable cell number decreased with increasing perturbation number, with 100 perturbations causing death of 27.5% of cells. Cells were also exposed to 10 perturbations at pH 9.0, each of 200 second duration at frequencies of either 6, 18 or 60 minutes. Approximately 8 times more cells were killed with perturbations at a 6-minute frequency (28.3% cell death) than at a 60-minute frequency (3.4% cell death).  相似文献   

AIMS: To detect rate-limiting steps in the production of lactones by studying the combined effect of pH and aeration on their accumulation. METHODS AND RESULTS: A Doehlert experimental design was chosen to evaluate the accumulation of four lactones in the pH (3.5-7.3) and K(L)a (4.1 h(-1) to 26 h(-1)) experimental domain. The accumulation of gamma-decalactone was higher at pH around 5 and increased at low aeration reaching 496 mg l(-1) at pH 6.35 and K(L)a 4.5 h(-1). The specific accumulation increased at low aeration. The 3-hydroxy-gamma-decalactone accumulation was higher at low pH and high aeration conditions: 660 mg l(-1) at pH 4.4 and 26 h(-1). For dec-2-en-4-olide and dec-3-en-4-olide, lower amounts were reached (104 mg l(-1) and 66 mg l(-1), respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Although the accumulation of the four lactones should be related to catalytic steps requiring oxygen, the accumulation of gamma-decalactone was higher in low aeration conditions whereas the one of 3-hydroxy-gamma-decalactone was promoted for high aeration. Decenolides accumulate independently of pH or aeration. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study gives new insights into the catabolism of lipids, such as the role of co-factor regulation and the fact that the 3-hydroxylactone dehydration step is insensitive to pH or aeration.  相似文献   

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