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This paper challenges the common assumption that the mechanisms underlying short-term placebo paradigms (where there is no motivation for health improvement) and long-term placebo paradigms (where patients value improvement in their health) are the same. Three types of motivational theory are reviewed: (i) classical placebo motivation theory that the placebo response results from the desire for therapeutic improvement; (ii) goal activation model that expectancy-driven placebo responses are enhanced when the placebo response satisfies an activated goal; and (iii) motivational concordance model that the placebo response is the consequence of concordance between the placebo ritual and significant intrinsic motives. It is suggested that current data are consistent with the following theory: response expectancy, conditioning and goal activation are responsible for short-term placebo effects but long-term therapeutic change is achieved through the effects of goal satisfaction and affect on the inflammatory response system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Empirical predictions of this new theory are outlined, including ways in which placebo effects can be combined with other psychologically mediated effects on short-term and long-term psychological and physiological state.  相似文献   

We examined the community-environment relationships of lotic macroinvertebrates in near-pristine headwater streams, and the correlation between patterns in taxonomic and functional structure at two regional extents. The across-ecoregion scale comprised five ecoregions spanning all of Finland, while the within-ecoregion scale comprised of north boreal and middle boreal ecoregions. We expected that taxonomic structure should exhibit stronger relationships than functional structure to spatial gradients, while the reverse should be true for local environmental factors. We found some support for this notion, because spatial variables were marginally more important for taxonomic than functional structure. Furthermore, within the two ecoregions, local environmental variables were slightly more important for functional than taxonomic structure. Geographical location (i.e. spatial variables) was more influential at the across-ecoregions extent than within the two ecoregions. Largely the same local environmental variables accounted for variation in both taxonomic and functional structure, including water pH, nutrients, colour, and stream size. Similar responses to local environmental features likely contributed to the significant correlation between patterns in taxonomic and functional structure. It has been suggested that functional traits may be rather insensitive to natural variation, yet our functional categorization showed distinct variation along local environmental, catchment, and spatial gradients across near-pristine streams. Thus, natural ecological filters should be accounted for prior to the examination of the effects of anthropogenic filters on stream macroinvertebrate community structure.  相似文献   

1. The monsoon causes major flood events in some Himalayan streams, but their seasonal predictability might reduce the resulting disturbance. We assessed seasonal change in the benthos of 16 streams in central Nepal over a gradient of declining rainfall and increasing altitude from 600 to 3800 m. All sites were surveyed on four occasions, two in winter (November) and two pre-monsoon (June), with additional sampling during the monsoon (August) at four low altitude sites. Invertebrate abundance, taxon richness and persistence were assessed at all sites, and density and meso-habitat distribution at the four low altitude sites only.
2. Strong seasonal variation among invertebrates was confined primarily to streams at low altitude (600–800 m) where monsoon rainfall was greatest and catchments were dominated by terraced agriculture. At these sites, a significant reduction in benthic density (on average by 77%) and taxon richness (by 20%) occurred between the winter and pre-monsoon periods, so that invertebrate numbers were already low before the monsoon. A further significant decline occurred in all meso-habitats during the monsoon, but the change in density was small in absolute terms.
3. Persistence in rank abundance was equally low at all sites, but turnover in composition was significantly lower at sites in semi-natural forest than in catchments managed for terracing or alpine pasture.
4. These data provide no evidence that monsoonal floods represent major disturbance, instead supporting the view that the ecological response might reflect an adjustment to predictable flow pattern. However, catchment land use in the Himalaya appears to be a significant source of ecosystem instability, and confounds the simple interpretation of monsoon effects.  相似文献   

Since the production of Dolly the sheep cloning methods for somatic cells have been thoroughly described and are becoming routine. However, the rate at which live clones are produced remains low in all mammalian species tested so far. Remarkably, irrespective of the cloning protocol or the donor-cell type, all clones display common abnormalities, particularly in the placenta. The process is also complicated by early mortality of somatic-cell clones and the founder mammalian clone, Dolly the sheep, died in February 2003 aged six years. Based on published data and on our own experience, our view is that mammalian somatic-cell cloning and the pioneer nuclear-transfer data from amphibians have much in common. We suggest that the only way to improve nuclear reprogramming is to modify the chromatin structure of somatic cells before nuclear transfer, to provide the oocyte with a chromosomal structure that is more compatible with the natural reprogramming machinery of the oocyte.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses in aquatic microbial ecology: how far do they go?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Methodological developments in recent years have led to an increase in empirical databases on the abundance and functions of aquatic microbes, now allowing synthesis studies. Most of these studies have adopted a comparative approach, such that comparative analyses are now available for most aspects of aquatic microbial food webs (more than 50 papers published in the last 15 years). Some of these analyses apparently yield conflicting results, introducing confusion and unnecessary disputes in the field. We briefly review the comparative analyses so far produced and we highlight generalities, show that some of the perceived discrepancies largely derive from partial analyses of a general underlying trend and formulate predictions based on these general trends that provide new avenues for research.  相似文献   

A variety of models have shown that spatial dynamics and small-scale endogenous heterogeneity (e.g., forest gaps or local resource depletion zones) can change the rate and outcome of competition in communities of plants or other sessile organisms. However, the theory appears complicated and hard to connect to real systems. We synthesize results from three different kinds of models: interacting particle systems, moment equations for spatial point processes, and metapopulation or patch models. Studies using all three frameworks agree that spatial dynamics need not enhance coexistence nor slow down dynamics; their effects depend on the underlying competitive interactions in the community. When similar species would coexist in a nonspatial habitat, endogenous spatial structure inhibits coexistence and slows dynamics. When a dominant species disperses poorly and the weaker species has higher fecundity or better dispersal, competition-colonization trade-offs enhance coexistence. Even when species have equal dispersal and per-generation fecundity, spatial successional niches where the weaker and faster-growing species can rapidly exploit ephemeral local resources can enhance coexistence. When interspecific competition is strong, spatial dynamics reduce founder control at large scales and short dispersal becomes advantageous. We describe a series of empirical tests to detect and distinguish among the suggested scenarios.  相似文献   

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There is an increasing frequency of papers addressing disturbance and stress in ecology without clear delimitation of their meaning. Some authors use the terms disturbance and stress exclusively as impacts, while others use them for the entire process, including both causes and effects. In some studies, the disturbance is considered as a result of a temporary impact, which is positive for the ecosystem, while stress is a negative, debilitating impact. By developing and testing simple theoretical models, the authors propose to differentiate disturbance and stress by frequency. If the frequency of the event enables the variable to reach a dynamic equilibrium which might be exhibited without this event, then the event (plus its responses) is a disturbance for the system. If frequency prevents the variable’s return to similar pre-event dynamics and drives or shifts it to a new trajectory, then we are facing stress. The authors propose that changes triggered by the given stimuli can be evaluated on an absolute scale, therefore, direction of change of the variable must not be used to choose one term or the other, i.e. to choose between stress and disturbance.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal networks are often organized in nested structures in a way that a few core species can disproportionally affect the remaining species in a network, in both the ecological and evolutionary sense. Yet, the relative importance of core and peripheral species has not been properly tested in seed dispersal network studies. We determined core species from 10 local seed dispersal networks composed by fleshy‐fruited plants and frugivorous birds. Each of those local quantitative networks was characterized with a core quality value, a core score for each species and a threshold value between core and peripheral species. From a total of 52 bird and 69 plant species that interacted in the study area, only 8 and 15, respectively, were identified as core. Each local network had a core that comprised a small number of birds and plants, always lower than 30% of the interacting species. There was no difference in the quantitative component of seed dispersal effectiveness (QC) provided by the frugivorous bird assemblage to plant functional groups clustered according to their growth form and fruit characteristics. Core birds dispersed seeds from each of these plant functional groups with a higher QC than peripheral species. Thus, we empirically demonstrate for the first time that seed dispersal networks at a regional scale have a small core set of fruit‐eating birds, upon which heavily rely most fleshy‐fruited plants for their seed removal. Hence, the activity of just a few core frugivores could deeply impact the demography of an entire assemblage of fleshy‐fruited plants.  相似文献   

Despite the past few decades of research providing convincing evidence of the similarities in function and neural mechanisms between imagery and perception, for most of us, the experience of the two are undeniably different, why? Here, we review and discuss the differences between imagery and perception and the possible underlying causes of these differences, from function to neural mechanisms. Specifically, we discuss the directional flow of information (top-down versus bottom-up), the differences in targeted cortical layers in primary visual cortex and possible different neural mechanisms of modulation versus excitation. For the first time in history, neuroscience is beginning to shed light on this long-held mystery of why imagery and perception look and feel so different.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Offline perception: voluntary and spontaneous perceptual experiences without matching external stimulation''.  相似文献   

Both plants and animals respond to stress by using adaptationsthat help them evade, tolerate, or recover from stress. In asynthetic paper A. D. Bradshaw (1972) noted that basic biologicaldifferences between plants and animals will have diverse evolutionaryconsequences, including those influencing how they deal withstress. For instance, Bradshaw argued that animals, becausethey have relatively well-developed sensory and locomotor capacities,can often use behavior and movement to evade or ameliorate environmentalstresses. In contrast, he predicted that plants will have toemphasize increased physiological tolerance or phenotypic plasticity,and also that plants should suffer stronger selection and showmore marked differentiation along environmental gradients. Herewe briefly review the importance of behavior in mitigating stress,the behavioral capacities of animals and plants, and examplesof plant responses that are functionally similar to behaviorsof animals. Next, we try to test some of Bradshaw's predictions.Unfortunately, critical data often proved non-comparable: plantand animal biologists often study different stressors (e.g.,water versus heat) and measure different traits (photosynthesisversus locomotion). Nevertheless, we were able to test someof Bradshaw's predictions and some related ones of our own.As Bradshaw predicted, the phenology of plants is more responsiveto climate shifts than is that of animals and the micro-distributionsof non-mobile, intertidal invertebrates ("plant" equivalents)are more sensitive to temperature than are those of mobile invertebrates.However, mortality selection is actually weaker for plants thanfor animals. We hope that our review not only redraws attentionto some fascinating issues Bradshaw raised, but also encouragesadditional tests of his predictions. Such tests should be informative.  相似文献   

Parasites are often key players in biological invasions since they can mediate the impact of host invasions or can themselves become invasive species. However, the nature and extent of parasite-mediated invasions are often difficult to delineate. Here, we used individual-based, weighted bipartite networks to study the roles (degrees of interactions of individuals in a modular network according to their within- and among-module connections) played by native and invasive host individuals to their parasite communities. We studied two phylogenetically and ecologically close fish species, Mugil cephalus s.l. and Planiliza haematocheilus (Teleostei: Mugilidae). Planiliza haematocheilus is native to the Sea of Japan and invasive in the Sea of Azov whereas, M. cephalus s.l. is native to both seas. Based on the common evolutionary history that drives native host–parasite networks, we hypothesised that 1) native networks have higher modularity than invaded ones; and 2) invasive hosts in the invaded area play a peripheral role to structure parasite communities. We analysed the whole parasite community and subsets based on transmission strategy and host specificity of the parasite species to establish whether modularity and host roles are related to these features in the native and invaded areas. All networks were found to be modular. However, modularity tended to be higher in networks of the native area rather than those of the invaded area. Host individuals of both fish species played similar roles in the native area, whereas invasive hosts played a peripheral role in the networks of the invaded area. We propose that long-term monitoring of the roles of invasive hosts in parasite communities can be a useful proxy for estimating the maturity of the establishment of the invasive hosts in an ecosystem.  相似文献   

Why do hubs tend to be essential in protein networks?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
He X  Zhang J 《PLoS genetics》2006,2(6):e88
The protein–protein interaction (PPI) network has a small number of highly connected protein nodes (known as hubs) and many poorly connected nodes. Genome-wide studies show that deletion of a hub protein is more likely to be lethal than deletion of a non-hub protein, a phenomenon known as the centrality-lethality rule. This rule is widely believed to reflect the special importance of hubs in organizing the network, which in turn suggests the biological significance of network architectures, a key notion of systems biology. Despite the popularity of this explanation, the underlying cause of the centrality-lethality rule has never been critically examined. We here propose the concept of essential PPIs, which are PPIs that are indispensable for the survival or reproduction of an organism. Our network analysis suggests that the centrality-lethality rule is unrelated to the network architecture, but is explained by the simple fact that hubs have large numbers of PPIs, therefore high probabilities of engaging in essential PPIs. We estimate that ~ 3% of PPIs are essential in the yeast, accounting for ~ 43% of essential genes. As expected, essential PPIs are evolutionarily more conserved than nonessential PPIs. Considering the role of essential PPIs in determining gene essentiality, we find the yeast PPI network functionally more robust than random networks, yet far less robust than the potential optimum. These and other findings provide new perspectives on the biological relevance of network structure and robustness.  相似文献   

The artificial neural networks (ANN) are very often applied in many areas of toxicology for the solving of complex problems, such as the prediction of chemical compound properties and quantitative structure-activity relationship. The aim of this contribution is to give the basic knowledge about conception of ANN, theirs division and finally, the typical application of ANN will be discussed. Due to the diversity of architectures and adaptation algorithms, the ANNs are used in the broad spectrum of applications from the environmental processes modeling, through the optimization to quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) methods. In addition, especially ANNs with Kohonen learning are very effective classification tool. The ANNs are mostly applied in cases, where the commonly used methods does not work.  相似文献   

Increasingly, biogeographical knowledge and analysis are playing a fundamental role in assessing the representativeness of biodiversity in protected areas, and in identifying critical areas for conservation. With almost 20% of the country assigned to protected areas, Chile is well above the conservation target (i.e. 10–12%) proposed by many international conservation organizations. Moreover, the Chilean government has recently proposed new conservation priority sites to improve the current protected area network. Here, we used all 653 terrestrial vertebrate species present in continental Chile to assess the performance of the existing and proposed reserve networks. Using geographical information systems, we overlaid maps of species distribution, current protected areas, and proposed conservation priority sites to assess how well each species is represented within these networks. Additionally, we performed a systematic reserve selection procedure to identify alternative conservation areas for expanding the current reserve system. Our results show that over 13% of the species are not covered by any existing protected area, and that 73% of Chilean vertebrate species can be considered partial gaps, with only a small fraction of their geographical ranges currently under protection. The coverage is also deficient for endemic (species confined to Chile) and threatened species. While the proposed priority sites do increase coverage, we found that there are still several gaps and these are not the most efficient choices. Both the gap analysis and the reserve selection analysis identified important areas to be added to the existing reserve system, mostly in northern and central Chile. This study underscores the need for a systematic conservation planning approach to redefine the conservation priority sites in order to maximize the representation of species, particularly endemic and threatened species.  相似文献   

Why do large mothers produce large offspring? Theory and a test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To explain the general tendency of large mothers to produce large offspring, we developed two models in which either the rate at which each single offspring extracts resources from the mother or the rate at which the mother supplies resources to all the offspring is limited (terminal- or upper-stream-limitation on resource transport, respectively). We also reanalyzed the data of Erythronium japonicum to test the models. The terminal-stream-limitation model predicted that the optimal offspring size that maximizes the fitness of the mother increases with an increase in the maximum rate of resource extraction by each single offspring. Thus, large mothers produce large offspring if the maximum resource extraction rate is high in those mothers. The upper-stream-limitation model predicted that the optimal offspring size decreases with an increase in the maximum rate of resource supply by the mother to all the offspring. In E. japonicum, the maximum growth rate of a seed was independent of the number of seeds of a plant, suggesting that the resource extraction rate is limited at the individual seed level. The maximum growth rate was high in large plants and had a strong positive effect on final seed mass. Thus, the results were consistent with the terminal-stream-limitation model.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the distribution and scope of nurse practitioner schemes in accident and emergency departments in England and Wales; to describe the caseloads of doctors and nurse practitioners on two representative days; and to estimate the number of patients managed by nurse practitioners in the year to 31 March 1991. DESIGN--A postal survey of accident and emergency departments and a content analysis of case notes of new patients attending a representative sample of accident and emergency departments on two days. SETTING--All accident and emergency departments in England and Wales. PARTICIPANTS--Survey: 560 nurses in charge of accident and emergency departments. Census: case notes of 5814 patients in 37 accident and emergency departments. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Survey: number of accident and emergency departments with nurse practitioner schemes. Census: demographic and clinical characteristics of new patients attending and whether nurse practitioner or doctor made diagnoses and ordered investigations, treatments, referrals, discharges. RESULTS--513 replies (92%) from 465 surveyed functioning accident and emergency departments and 48 departments recently closed. 27 (6%) departments used designated nurse practitioners and 159 (34%) "unofficial" nurse practitioners. Only 530 (9%) of the 5814 patients in the census were managed entirely or mainly by nurse practitioners, with higher proportions in ophthalmic departments (nearly 30%) and minor casualty departments (over 40%) than in major departments (3%). Most patients managed by nurse practitioners (86%) had minor trauma. In the year ending 31 March 1991 an estimated 390,000 (95% confidence interval 260,000 to 520,000) patients out of a total of 12.5 million (3.1%, 2.1% to 4.1%) were clinically managed by a nurse practitioner. CONCLUSIONS--Designated nurse practitioner schemes are rare. The volume and range of nurse practitioner work in major general accident and emergency departments is small compared with those in specialised and minor accident and emergency departments.  相似文献   

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