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Early studies of primates have demonstrated that many species rely heavily on fruit, and that primates constitute a large component of the frugivore biomass in tropical forests. Consequently, primates have long been thought to be important seed dispersers. It is only recently that studies have been conducted that have illustrated the complex nature of the interactions between fruit-eating primates and their food trees. Such studies have raised questions as to the causes and conse-quences of the intriguing differences between primate communities, the importance of other animals in the interactions (such as dung beetles and rodents that secon-darily disperse seeds), how primate-plant interactions evolve, and the significance of primates in forest regeneration and conservation. Since subsistence and com-mercial hunting of primates has heavily impacted frugivore communities, but left the physical structure of the forest relatively unaltered, studies of primate seed dispersal have important implications for the future of forests where seed dispersers have declined or disappeared.  相似文献   

Urban expansion threatens global biodiversity through the destruction of natural and semi-natural habitats and increased levels of disturbance. Whilst woodlands in urban areas may reduce the impact of urbanisation on biodiversity, they are often subject to under or over-management and consist of small, fragmented patches which may be isolated. Effective management strategies for urban woodland require an understanding of the ecology and habitat requirements of all relevant taxa. Yet, little is known of how invertebrate, and in particular moth, assemblages utilise urban woodland despite being commonly found within the urban landscape. Here we show that the abundance, species richness, and species diversity of moth assemblages found within urban woodlands are determined by woodland vegetation character, patch configuration and the surrounding landscape. In general, mature broadleaved woodlands supported the highest abundance and diversity of moths. Large compact woodlands with proportionally less edge exposed to the surrounding matrix were associated with higher moth abundance than small complex woodlands. Woodland vegetation characteristics were more important than the surrounding landscape, suggesting that management at a local scale to ensure provision of good quality habitat may be relatively more important for moth populations than improving habitat connectivity across the urban matrix. Our results show that the planting of broadleaved woodlands, retaining mature trees and minimising woodland fragmentation will be beneficial for moth assemblages.  相似文献   

1. Local assemblage structure, from a deterministic perspective, is presumably dictated by the regional species pool as well as regulated by local factors. We examined the relationships of the regional species pool and local hydrological characteristics to local species richness of North American freshwater fishes using data sets collected during the National Water Quality Assessment program conducted by the United States Geological Survey. 2. We predicted that local species richness is ultimately constrained by the composition of the regional species pool and further associated with local hydrological factors. Moreover, we predicted that variation in local species richness within major families can be explained by different combinations of hydrological characteristics that represent lineage‐specific responses to the environment. 3. Daily discharge and regional and local species richness data were assembled from 41 stream localities across the United States. Multiple stepwise regressions were conducted to predict local species richness, based on regional species richness, mean discharge and hydrological characteristics quantified by nine variables characterising flow variability. Species richness at each site was calculated for the entire assemblage as well as within the four most species‐rich families in the data set (Catostomidae, Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae and Percidae). 4. Local species richness was best predicted by a combination of regional species richness and discharge magnitude when all species were considered. Regional species richness was a significant explanatory variable of local species richness for three of four families (Catostomidae, Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae), but not for Percidae. Local richness in Centrarchidae and Cyprinidae was positively correlated with temporal flow variability as well as high and low flow duration, respectively, while richness in Catostomidae and Percidae tended to be associated with discharge volume. In addition, local species richness for three of the four major families was positively correlated with species richness of the other families in the assemblage, potentially suggesting the influence of local habitat quality and heterogeneity. 5. Results suggest the importance of the combined influences of the regional species pool and local hydrological characteristics on local richness in freshwater fishes, with variation in richness within each family predicted by different characteristics of flow regimes.  相似文献   

Contemporary and historical factors influence assemblage structure. The environmental and spatial influences acting on fish organization of rain forest coastal streams in the Atlantic rain forest of Brazil were examined. Fish (and functional traits such as morphology, diet, velocity preference, body size), environmental variables (pH, water conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, stream width, flow, depth, substrate), and altitude were measured from 59 stream reaches. Asymmetric eigenvector maps were used to model the spatial structure considering direction of fish movements. Elevation played an important role—fish abundance, biomass, and richness all decrease with increasing elevation. Fish communities are influenced by both environmental and spatial factors, but downstream movements were shown to be more important in explaining the observed spatial variation than were bidirectional and upstream movements. Spatial factors, as well as environmental variables influenced by the spatial structure, explained most of the variation in fish assemblages. The strong spatial structuring is probably attributable to asymmetric dispersal limitation along the altitudinal profile: Dispersal is likely to be more limiting moving upstream than downstream. These fish assemblages reflect scale-dependent processes: At the stream-reach scale, fish respond to local environmental filters (habitat structure, water chemistry, and food supply), which are in turn influenced by a larger scale, namely the altitudinal gradient expected in steep coastal mountains. Thus, environmental drivers are not independent of spatial factors, and the effects of local factors can be confounded across the altitudinal gradient. These results may have implications for conservation, because downstream reaches are often neglected in management and conservation plans.  相似文献   

The interaction between hunting interests and legally protected predators is often a contentious conservation problem, requiring detailed understanding of predator responses to game management. This issue was addressed in southern Portugal in a treatment-control natural experiment, whereby the abundances of small game, corvids, birds of prey and carnivores were compared in 12 game estates (>500 ha) and 12 matching areas with similar sizes and land uses but no game management. European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Iberian hares (Lepus granatensis) and, less so, red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) were far more numerous in game estates than elsewhere. Among legally controlled species, there were less Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandarius) but more red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in game estates, though the latter were primary targets of predator culling. Fox abundance within game estates varied inversely with an index of management intensity (density of small game feeding sites) and increased along with hare abundance. As for protected species, only common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) and genets (Genetta genetta) were fewer in game estates. The abundance of raptors within game estates varied inversely with gamekeeper density, whereas that of common buzzards (Buteo buteo) increased along with rabbit abundance. Overall, there was little evidence that game management reduced local predator abundances, except in the most intensively managed estates. Game estates provided concentrations of prey that was scarce elsewhere, which may have favoured increased abundances of some predators. Further investigations are needed to find out whether high prey densities may attract predators to game estates with increased mortality risk, which may thus become population sinks for protected species.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the importance of local and regional influences on the patterns of species richness in natural and man‐made lakes and to infer the impacts of human‐mediated introductions on these patterns. Location France. Methods Species occurrence data were gathered for 25 natural and 51 man‐made lakes. Analysis is based on regression models of local richness against their related regional richness and lake environmental variables. Results Local native richness was mostly controlled by the regional richness. Conversely, local total richness was mainly explained by local variables. These statements apply to both natural and man‐made lakes. Lacustrine systems displayed weak resistance to invaders. Main conclusions Species introductions have apparently contributed to saturate fish communities in these systems even if no clear negative effect on the survival of native species (i.e. species extinction) is detectable so far.  相似文献   

Habitat use and foraging behavior of two benthic insectivorous gobies, Rhinogobius sp. CO (cobalt type) and Rhinogobius sp. DA (dark type), were examined in relation to their predation effects on local prey density in a small coastal stream in southwestern Shikoku, Japan. Correlations among the foraging range, frequency of foraging attempts and current velocity indicated that individuals using fast-current habitats had small foraging ranges and infrequently made foraging attempts while those in slow currents frequently foraged over large areas. The former and the latter were recognized as ambush and wandering foragers, respectively. Interspecific comparisons of habitat use, foraging behavior and prey preference suggested that Rhinogobius sp. CO selectively forage mobile prey by ambushing in fast currents, whereas Rhinogobius sp. DA randomly forage available prey by wandering in slow-current habitats. A cage experiment was conducted to assess prey immigration rate and the degree of predation effects on local prey density in relation to current velocity. The results of the experiment support, at least in part, our initial predictions: (1) prey immigration rates increase with current velocity and (2) the effects of fish predation on local prey density are reduced as current velocity increases. Overall results illustrated a link between the foraging modes of the stream gobies and their predation effects on local prey density: fish adopt ambush foraging in fast currents, where the decrease in prey density tends to be less, whereas fish actively forage over large areas in slow currents, where the decrease in prey is relatively large.  相似文献   

张丽梅  高梅香  刘冬  张雪萍  吴东辉 《生态学报》2016,36(13):3951-3959
识别扩散限制和环境筛选在群落物种共存中的相对作用,是土壤动物群落物种共存机制研究的重要内容,然而少有针对地表和地下土壤动物群落的探讨。在三江平原农田生态系统,设置一个50 m×50 m的空间尺度,探讨环境筛选和扩散限制对地表和地下土壤螨群落物种共存的调控作用。基于Moran特征向量图(MEMs)和变差分解的方法来区分环境筛选和扩散限制的调控作用;采用偏Mantel检验进一步分析环境距离和空间距离的相对贡献;使用RDA分析环境因子对螨群落物种组成的解释能力。变差分解结果表明,空间变量对地表、地下和地表-地下土壤螨群落具有较大的显著方差解释量,而环境变量和空间环境结构的解释量相对较小且不显著;偏Mantel检验没有发现环境距离或空间距离的显著贡献;RDA分析表明土壤p H值、大豆株高和土壤含水量对土壤螨群落具有显著的解释能力,说明环境变量对螨群落物种组成的重要作用。研究表明,在三江平原农田生态系统,地表和地下土壤螨群落物种共存主要受到扩散限制的调控作用,同时环境筛选的调控作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   

In this paper we tested the hypothesis that logging effects in the adult tree community reverberate upon the regeneration contingent. We examined the differences on the tree community between forest reserves and 10 year-old logged areas in the Yucatan Peninsula. We used a paired design in three independent sites to estimate the effects of logging on tree species richness, diversity, composition and structure. Analyses were conducted differentiating individuals of four diameter-size classes: 1–5, 5–10, 10–25, and >25 cm DBH. We found out that there were differential effects by size. Species richness in the smaller and larger diameter-size classes was significantly lower in logged areas. Floristic composition was also different between logged and unlogged areas, with a trend towards more secondary forest associated species and less primary forest associated species in logged areas, and a higher density of species represented by a single individual in unlogged reserves. In terms of structure, trees DBH <10 cm, lianas, and re-sprouting stumps were more abundant in logged areas. Our findings suggest that 10 years after logging, harvested areas show alterations in structure, and potentially a reduction in species richness. We suggest that to make timber extraction and forest conservation compatible at this site, it is necessary to gain a better understanding of the ecology and regeneration requirements of the less abundant species, and to assess whether current logging practices might hinder their permanence in the study area.  相似文献   

Aim A species’ dispersal characteristics will play a key role in determining its likely fate during a period of environmental change. However, these characteristics are not constant within a species – instead, there is often both considerable interpopulation and interindividual variability. Also changes in selection pressures can result in the evolution of dispersal characteristics, with knock‐on consequences for a species’ population dynamics. Our aim here is to make our theoretical understanding of dispersal evolution more conservation‐relevant by moving beyond the rather abstract, phenomenological models that have dominated the literature towards a more mechanism‐based approach. Methods We introduce a continuous‐space, individual‐based model for wind‐dispersed plants where release height is determined by an individual’s ‘genotype’. A mechanistic wind dispersal model is used to simulate seed dispersal. Selection acts on variation in release height that is generated through mutation. Results We confirm that, when habitat is fragmented, both evolutionary rescue and evolutionary suicide remain possible outcomes when a mechanistic dispersal model is used. We also demonstrate the potential for what we term evolutionary entrapment. A population that under some conditions can evolve to be sufficiently dispersive that it expands rapidly across a fragmented landscape can, under different conditions, become trapped by a combination of limited dispersal and a large gap between patches. Conclusions While developing evolutionary models to be used as conservation tools is undoubtedly a challenge, we believe that, with a concerted collaborative effort linking the knowledge and methods of ecologists, evolutionary biologists and geneticists, it is an achievable aim.  相似文献   

1. Studies seeking to explain local patterns of diversity have typically relied on niche explanations, reflected in correlations with local environmental conditions, or neutral theory, invoking dispersal processes and speciation. 2. We used macroinvertebrate community data from 10 streams that varied independently in local ecological conditions and spatial proximity. Neutral theory predicts that similarity in communities will be negatively associated with distance between sites, while niche theory suggests that community similarity will be positively associated with similarity in local ecological conditions. 3. Similarity in total invertebrate, grazer and predator assemblages showed negative relationships with distance and, for grazers and predators, positive relationships with local ecological conditions. However, the best model predicting community similarity in all three cases included aspects of both local ecological conditions and distance between sites. 4. When assemblages were analysed according to dispersal ability, high-dispersal species were shown to be freely accessing all sites and community similarity was not well predicted by either local ecology or spatial separation. Assemblages of species with low and moderate dispersal ability were best predicted by combined models, including distance between sites and local ecological factors. 5. The results suggest that the perceived dichotomy between neutral and local environmental processes in determining local patterns of diversity may not be useful. Neutral and niche processes structured these communities differentially depending on trophic level and species traits. 6. We emphasize the potential for both dispersal processes and local environmental conditions to explain local patterns of diversity.  相似文献   

1. Coarse woody debris (CWD) in stream channels causes changes in flow, sedimentation and ratios of pool to riffle areas. There is a consensus among fishery managers and scientists that CWD is beneficial to stream fish communities because of its enhancement of habitat diversity, invertebrate production and cover. Our hypothesis was that CWD accumulation or introduction would not increase in‐stream habitat capacity for all species and their ontogenic stages at reach and stream scales. 2. The study used a system of gravel‐bed streams with naturally dynamic CWD accumulations and a fish community consisting of Salmo trutta, Cotttus gobio, Phoxinus phoxinus, Lampetra cf planeri, Nemacheilus barbatulus and Anguilla anguilla. Cotttus gobio and L. cf planeri are protected by an EU Directive and S. trutta is exploited for angling. Riffles, pools and CWD matrices, considered as the basic habitat/spatial units of channel structure, were sampled separately and abundance of each fish species quantified seasonally at each spatial scale. 3. Multiple‐pass electric fishing techniques were used. Capture efficiencies were calculated for species, habitat and season. Areal densities (number m?2) were compared for habitat types and season using nonparametric anova . Canonical analysis and stepwise multiple regression were used to show the most influential physical variables on fish density. Densities were also compared by unit volume (numbers m?3) for pools and CWD matrices to investigate direct three‐dimensional use for cover. Reach‐scale densities for each fish species in relation to habitat composition were made using Spearman rank correlation of habitat‐scale densities with proportionate areas of the different habitat units in the reach. 4. Habitat‐scale densities of bullheads and age 0+ trout were negatively correlated with depth and CWD areas for some seasons. Densities of lampreys, older trout, eels and minnows were positively correlated with depth in some seasons. Water depth had the most consistent influence on fish abundance at the habitat unit scale. Three‐dimensional comparisons of pools and CWD matrices indicated that only trout older than 1+ may use CWD habitats as cover. 5. Reach‐scale densities of 0+ trout and bullheads were significantly correlated with proportion of riffle area and negatively with CWD and combined CWD‐pool habitat area in the reach. Densities of older trout, large eels and lampreys were positively correlated with CWD area and combined CWD‐pool area in some seasons. Inundation of riffles caused by impoundment upstream of CWD accumulations reduced spawning habitat for trout, bullheads, brook lampreys, minnows and stone loach. A trade‐off was an increase in refugia for older trout, minnows and eels. 6. Coarse woody debris accumulation in streams is not beneficial to all species or ontogenic stages in a mixed species population and could severely limit essential habitat areas for some species. Thus, physical manipulation of channels should be implemented only after a thorough study of the habitat relationships of all species present, especially where protected species coexist with target species. The relative importance of in‐stream morphological changes depends on the spatial and temporal scale of the species life histories.  相似文献   

Dispersal limitation may promote high tree-species diversity in rain forest by slowing local competitive exclusion, but evidence is scarce. By comparing the species lists of tree plots with those of nested seedling plots in rain forest at Gunung Palung, we found that the proportion of local seedlings arising from active dispersal events (via wind or animals, but not simply dropped from parent trees) was high: 68% of species and 46% of the individual seedlings. Local seedling species richness was not limited by the local richness of adults. Using these data, a spatially explicit simulation model indicated that dispersal limitation may not contribute substantially to the maintenance of tree diversity in this forest. We predict that the loss of animal seed dispersers would reduce local species richness of seedlings by 60%. While this reduction could possibly increase the influence of dispersal limitation, it would interfere with other mechanisms maintaining diversity.  相似文献   

This study investigated four inselberg landscapes in Namibia's aridNama Karoo. Inselbergs of different size and geology were investigated (a) todetermine environmental variables influencing the number of inselberg restrictedplant species and (b) to investigate seed dispersal spectra as one parameterdescribing functional properties of inselberg specialists. With regard to therole of inselbergs in contributing to local and regional species richness, manyspecies restricted to inselberg habitats occurred (up to 79 species recorded inthis survey) and so contribute to local and regional species richness. As nospecies endemic to an inselberg were recorded in this study, inselbergspecialists may provide an indicator for conservation value of these mountains.Elevation rather than surface area provided a measure for predicting the numberof inselberg specialists. Besides elevation, underlying geology, and resultinglandforms and edaphic conditions, as well as distance to potential mainland alsoinfluenced the number of inselberg specialists. Functional relationships betweeninselbergs based on seed dispersal spectra of inselberg specialists were notconclusive.  相似文献   

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