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Host-pathogen interactions have been widely studied in humans and terrestrial plants, but are much less well explored in marine systems. Here we show that a marine macroalga, Delisea pulchra, utilizes a chemical defence - furanones - to inhibit colonization and infection by a novel bacterial pathogen, Ruegeria sp. R11, and that infection by R11 is temperature dependent. Ruegeria sp. R11 formed biofilms, invaded and bleached furanone-free, but not furanone-producing D. pulchra thalli, at high (24°C) but not low (19°C) temperatures. Bleaching is commonly observed in natural populations of D. pulchra near Sydney, Australia, during the austral summer when ocean temperatures are at their peak and the chemical defences of the alga are reduced. Furanones, produced by D. pulchra as a chemical defence, inhibit quorum sensing (QS) in bacteria, and this may play a role in furanone inhibition of R11 infection of furanone-free thalli as R11 produces QS signals. This interplay between temperature, an algal chemical defence mechanism and bacterial virulence demonstrates the complex impact environmental change can have on an ecosystem.  相似文献   

Refuge‐mediated apparent competition was recently suggested as a mechanism that enables plant invasions. The refuge characteristics of introduced plants are predicted to enhance impacts of generalist herbivores on native competitors and thereby result in an increased abundance of the invader. However, this prediction has so far not been experimentally verified. This study tested if the invasion of a chemically defended seaweed is promoted by native generalist herbivores via refuge‐mediated apparent competition. The invader was shown to offer herbivores a significantly better refuge against fish predation compared with native seaweeds. Furthermore, in an experimental community, the presence of herbivores decreased the performance of neighbouring native seaweeds, but increased growth and relative abundance of the invader. These results provides the first experimental evidence that native generalist herbivores can shift a community towards a dominance of a well‐defended invader, inferior to native species in direct competitive interactions, by means of refuge‐mediated apparent competition.  相似文献   

The North-Atlantic has warmed faster than all other ocean basins and climate change scenarios predict sea surface temperature isotherms to shift up to 600 km northwards by the end of the 21st century. The pole-ward shift has already begun for many temperate seaweed species that are important intertidal foundation species. We asked the question: Where will climate change have the greatest impact on three foundational, macroalgal species that occur along North-Atlantic shores: Fucus serratus, Fucus vesiculosus, and Ascophyllum nodosum? To predict distributional changes of these key species under three IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) climate change scenarios (A2, A1B, and B1) over the coming two centuries, we generated Ecological Niche Models with the program MAXENT. Model predictions suggest that these three species will shift northwards as an assemblage or “unit” and that phytogeographic changes will be most pronounced in the southern Arctic and the southern temperate provinces. Our models predict that Arctic shores in Canada, Greenland, and Spitsbergen will become suitable for all three species by 2100. Shores south of 45° North will become unsuitable for at least two of the three focal species on both the Northwest- and Northeast-Atlantic coasts by 2200. If these foundational species are unable to adapt to the rising temperatures, they will lose their centers of genetic diversity and their loss will trigger an unpredictable shift in the North-Atlantic intertidal ecosystem.  相似文献   

Many seaweeds and terrestrial plants induce chemical defences in response to herbivory, but whether they induce chemical defences against competitors (allelopathy) remains poorly understood. We evaluated whether two tropical seaweeds induce allelopathy in response to competition with a reef-building coral. We also assessed the effects of competition on seaweed growth and seaweed chemical defence against herbivores. Following 8 days of competition with the coral Porites cylindrica, the chemically rich seaweed Galaxaura filamentosa induced increased allelochemicals and became nearly twice as damaging to the coral. However, it also experienced significantly reduced growth and increased palatability to herbivores (because of reduced chemical defences). Under the same conditions, the seaweed Sargassum polycystum did not induce allelopathy and did not experience a change in growth or palatability. This is the first demonstration of induced allelopathy in a seaweed, or of competitors reducing seaweed chemical defences against herbivores. Our results suggest that the chemical ecology of coral–seaweed–herbivore interactions can be complex and nuanced, highlighting the need to incorporate greater ecological complexity into the study of chemical defence.  相似文献   

The Arctic is warming more rapidly than other region on the planet, and the northern Barents Sea, including the Svalbard Archipelago, is experiencing the fastest temperature increases within the circumpolar Arctic, along with the highest rate of sea ice loss. These physical changes are affecting a broad array of resident Arctic organisms as well as some migrants that occupy the region seasonally. Herein, evidence of climate change impacts on terrestrial and marine wildlife in Svalbard is reviewed, with a focus on bird and mammal species. In the terrestrial ecosystem, increased winter air temperatures and concomitant increases in the frequency of ‘rain‐on‐snow’ events are one of the most important facets of climate change with respect to impacts on flora and fauna. Winter rain creates ice that blocks access to food for herbivores and synchronizes the population dynamics of the herbivore–predator guild. In the marine ecosystem, increases in sea temperature and reductions in sea ice are influencing the entire food web. These changes are affecting the foraging and breeding ecology of most marine birds and mammals and are associated with an increase in abundance of several temperate fish, seabird and marine mammal species. Our review indicates that even though a few species are benefiting from a warming climate, most Arctic endemic species in Svalbard are experiencing negative consequences induced by the warming environment. Our review emphasizes the tight relationships between the marine and terrestrial ecosystems in this High Arctic archipelago. Detecting changes in trophic relationships within and between these ecosystems requires long‐term (multidecadal) demographic, population‐ and ecosystem‐based monitoring, the results of which are necessary to set appropriate conservation priorities in relation to climate warming.  相似文献   

We have little empirical evidence of how large‐scale overlaps between large numbers of marine species may have altered in response to human impacts. Here, we synthesized all available distribution data (>1 million records) since 1992 for 61 species of the East Australian marine ecosystem, a global hot spot of ocean warming and continuing fisheries exploitation. Using a novel approach, we constructed networks of the annual changes in geographical overlaps between species. Using indices of changes in species overlap, we quantified changes in the ecosystem stability, species robustness, species sensitivity and structural keystone species. We then compared the species overlap indices with environmental and fisheries data to identify potential factors leading to the changes in distributional overlaps between species. We found that the structure of the ecosystem has changed with a decrease in asymmetrical geographical overlaps between species. This suggests that the ecosystem has become less stable and potentially more susceptible to environmental perturbations. Most species have shown a decrease in overlaps with other species. The greatest decrease in species overlap robustness and sensitivity to the loss of other species has occurred in the pelagic community. Some demersal species have become more robust and less sensitive. Pelagic structural keystone species, predominately the tunas and billfish, have been replaced by demersal fish species. The changes in species overlap were strongly correlated with regional oceanographic changes, in particular increasing ocean warming and the southward transport of warmer and saltier water with the East Australian Current, but less correlated with fisheries catch. Our study illustrates how large‐scale multispecies distribution changes can help identify structural changes in marine ecosystems associated with climate change.  相似文献   

Rising temperatures are predicted to melt all perennial ice cover in the Arctic by the end of this century, thus opening up suitable habitat for temperate and subarctic species. Canopy‐forming seaweeds provide an ideal system to predict the potential impact of climate‐change on rocky‐shore ecosystems, given their direct dependence on temperature and their key role in the ecological system. Our primary objective was to predict the climate‐change induced range‐shift of Fucus distichus, the dominant canopy‐forming macroalga in the Arctic and subarctic rocky intertidal. More specifically, we asked: which Arctic/subarctic and cold‐temperate shores of the northern hemisphere will display the greatest distributional change of Fdistichus and how will this affect niche overlap with seaweeds from temperate regions? We used the program MAXENT to develop correlative ecological niche models with dominant range‐limiting factors and 169 occurrence records. Using three climate‐change scenarios, we projected habitat suitability of Fdistichus – and its niche overlap with three dominant temperate macroalgae – until year 2200. Maximum sea surface temperature was identified as the most important factor in limiting the fundamental niche of Fdistichus. Rising temperatures were predicted to have low impact on the species' southern distribution limits, but to shift its northern distribution limits poleward into the high Arctic. In cold‐temperate to subarctic regions, new areas of niche overlap were predicted between Fdistichus and intertidal macroalgae immigrating from the south. While climate‐change threatens intertidal seaweeds in warm‐temperate regions, seaweed meadows will likely flourish in the Arctic intertidal. Although this enriches biodiversity and opens up new seaweed‐harvesting grounds, it will also trigger unpredictable changes in the structure and functioning of the Arctic intertidal ecosystem.  相似文献   

Macroalgal life histories are complex, often involving the alternation of distinct free‐living life history phases that differ in morphology, longevity and ploidy. The surfaces of marine macroalgae support diverse microbial biofilms, yet the degree of microbial variation between alternate phases is unknown. We quantified bacterial (16S rRNA gene) and microeukaryote (18S rRNA gene) communities on the surface of the common intertidal seaweed, Mastocarpus spp., which alternates between gametophyte (foliose, haploid) and sporophyte (encrusting, diploid) life history phases. A large portion (97%) of bacterial taxa on the surface Mastocarpus was also present in samples from the environment, indicating that macroalgal surface communities are largely assembled from the surrounding seawater. Still, changes in the relative abundance of bacterial taxa result in significantly different communities on alternate Mastocarpus life history phases, rocky substrate and seawater at all intertidal elevations. For microeukaryote assemblages, only high intertidal samples had significant differences between life history phases although sporophytes were not different from the rocky substrate at this elevation; gametophytes and sporophytes did not differ in microeukaryote communities in the mid and low zones. By sequencing three host genes, we identified three cryptic species of Mastocarpus in our data set, which co‐occur in the mid‐to‐low intertidal zone. In these samples, M. alaskensis sporophytes harboured distinct bacterial communities compared to M. agardhii and M. intermedius sporophytes, which were not distinguishable. Conversely, microeukaryote communities did not differ among species.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting how global warming affects the structure and functioning of natural ecosystems is a key challenge of the 21st century. Isolated laboratory and field experiments testing global change hypotheses have been criticized for being too small‐scale and overly simplistic, whereas surveys are inferential and often confound temperature with other drivers. Research that utilizes natural thermal gradients offers a more promising approach and geothermal ecosystems in particular, which span a range of temperatures within a single biogeographic area, allow us to take the laboratory into nature rather than vice versa. By isolating temperature from other drivers, its ecological effects can be quantified without any loss of realism, and transient and equilibrial responses can be measured in the same system across scales that are not feasible using other empirical methods. Embedding manipulative experiments within geothermal gradients is an especially powerful approach, informing us to what extent small‐scale experiments can predict the future behaviour of real ecosystems. Geothermal areas also act as sentinel systems by tracking responses of ecological networks to warming and helping to maintain ecosystem functioning in a changing landscape by providing sources of organisms that are preadapted to different climatic conditions. Here, we highlight the emerging use of geothermal systems in climate change research, identify novel research avenues, and assess their roles for catalysing our understanding of ecological and evolutionary responses to global warming.  相似文献   

1. Both the physiological efficiency (PE) hypothesis and the preference–performance (PP) hypothesis address the complex interactions between herbivores and host plants, albeit from different perspectives. The PE hypothesis contends that specialists are better physiologically adapted to their host plants than generalists. The PP hypothesis predicts that larvae perform best on the host plant preferred by ovipositing females. 2. This study tests components of both hypotheses using the specialist checkerspot, Euphydryas anicia, the generalist salt marsh caterpillar, Estigmene acrea, and host plants in the genus Penstemon, which are defended by iridoid glycosides. 3. In laboratory experiments, the generalist preferred and performed significantly better on the less well defended host plant species. This is consistent with results from a common garden experiment where the less well defended Penstemon species received more damage from the local community of generalists. Larvae of the specialist checkerspot preferred the more chemically defended species in the laboratory, but performed equally well on both hosts. However, field experiments demonstrated that adult checkerspot females preferred to oviposit on the less well defended host plant. 4. Components of the physiological efficiency hypothesis were supported in this system, as the specialist outperformed the generalist on the more iridoid glycoside‐rich host plant species. There was no support for the PP hypothesis, however, as there was no clear relationship between female preference in the field and offspring performance in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the state of biodiversity on the globe is based on a large number of monitoring schemes. Quite often the results of these schemes are sensitive to the timing of monitoring due to the phenology of species, which in turn may affect the detectability of species during censuses. As global warming has been shown to cause changes in phenology, there is an increasing risk that species detectability will be altered if the timing of monitoring is not adapted to this change. I tested how sensitive species detectability is to the timing of censuses and whether there are potential climate-driven temporal changes in the detectability of 73 Finnish land bird species monitored using single-visit line-transects in 1987–2010. This was done by investigating seasonal and annual patterns in the proportion of birds in the main belt and those detected by displaying activity. Over 20 of the study species showed significant changes in detectability within the census season. However, only three species showed a significant trend in annual detectability. According to multi-species analyses there was a slight but significant increasing trend in the proportion of displaying birds and a slight decreasing trend in the proportion of birds in the main belt. However, the observed species-specific annual changes in displaying activity or in proportion of birds in main belt were not associated with the observed population trends of species during the same period. Nevertheless, the findings highlight a strong potential risk that species detectability can change if climate change escalates in the future. I recommend researchers to investigate how sensitive their monitoring systems are for phenological changes and prepare tools for taking potential changes in detectability into account.  相似文献   

Malaria caused by Plasmodium parasites is one of the worst scourges of mankind and threatens wild animal populations. Therefore, identifying mechanisms that mediate the spread of the disease is crucial for both human health and conservation. Human‐induced climate change has been hypothesized to alter the geographic distribution of malaria pathogens. As the earth warms, arthropod vectors may display a general range expansion or may enjoy longer breeding season, both of which can enhance parasite transmission. Moreover, Plasmodium species may directly benefit for elevating temperatures, which provide stimulating conditions for parasite reproduction. To test for the link between climate change and malaria prevalence on a global scale for the first time, I used long‐term records on avian malaria, which is a key model for studying the dynamics of naturally occurring malarial infections. Following the variation in parasite prevalence in more than 3000 bird species over seven decades, I show that the infection rate by Plasmodium is strongly associated with temperature anomalies and has been augmented with accelerating tendency during the last 20 years. The impact of climate change on malaria prevalence varies across continents, with the strongest effects found for Europe and Africa. Migration habit did not predict susceptibility to the escalating parasite pressure by Plasmodium. Consequently, wild birds are at an increasing risk of malaria infection due to recent climate change, which can endanger both naïve bird populations and domesticated animals. The prevailing avian example may provide useful lessons for understanding the effect of climate change on malaria in humans.  相似文献   

The importance of rhizomicrobiome in plant development, nutrition acquisition and stress tolerance is unquestionable. Relevant plant genes corresponding to the above functions also regulate rhizomicrobiome construction. Deciphering the molecular regulatory network of plant-microbe interactions could substantially contribute to improving crop yield and quality. Here, the plant gene-related nutrient uptake, biotic and abiotic stress resistance, which may influence the composition and function of microbial communities, are discussed in this review. In turn, the influence of microbes on the expression of functional plant genes, and thereby plant growth and immunity, is also reviewed. Moreover, we have specifically paid attention to techniques and methods used to link plant functional genes and rhizomicrobiome. Finally, we propose to further explore the molecular mechanisms and signalling pathways of microbe-host gene interactions, which could potentially be used for managing plant health in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of the impact of climatic change are hampered by their inability to consider multiple climate change scenarios and indeed often consider no more than simple climate sensitivity such as a uniform increase in temperature. Modelling efforts offer the ability to consider a much wider range of realistic climate projections and are therefore useful, in particular, for estimating the sensitivity of impact predictions to differences in geographical location, and choice of climate change scenario and climate model projections. In this study, we used well‐established degree‐day models to predict the voltinism of 13 agronomically important pests in California, USA. We ran these models using the projections from three Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Global Circulation Models (AOCGCMs or GCMs), in conjunction with the SRES scenarios. We ran these for two locations representing northern and southern California. We did this for both the 2050s and 2090s. We used anova to partition the variation in the resulting voltinism among time period, climate change scenario, GCM and geographical location. For these 13 pest species, the choice of climate model explained an average of 42% of the total variation in voltinism, far more than did geographical location (33%), time period (17%) or scenario (1%). The remaining 7% of the variation was explained by various interactions, of which the location by GCM interaction was the strongest (5%). Regardless of these sources of uncertainty, a robust conclusion from our work is that all 13 pest species are likely to experience increases in the number of generations that they complete each year. Such increased voltinism is likely to have significant consequences for crop protection and production.  相似文献   

1. Nitrogen enrichment is an important driver of environmental change. In the present study, plant‐mediated effects of increased nitrogen on a specialist herbivore, Calophasia lunula Hufnagel, which sequesters antirrhinoside, an iridoid glycoside produced by its host plants, were examined. 2. Caterpillars were reared on Linaria dalmatica plants grown under low or high N treatments, and C. lunula performance traits and antirrhinoside levels were measured. Additionally, a bioassay was conducted with predatory ants to examine their response to antirrhinoside. 3. Nitrogen enrichment increased larval biomass and decreased larval antirrhinoside concentrations, but had no effect on plant iridoid glycoside concentrations or larval antirrhinoside content. Thus, differences in larval antirrhinoside concentrations were evidently a consequence of increased larval biomass. Additionally, nitrogen treatment had no effects on pupal performance or defence traits. 4. Bioassay results demonstrated a deterrent effect of antirrhinoside, but additional tests are necessary to evaluate the defensive role of this compound in insects. 5. Surprisingly, this study demonstrated little effect of a six‐fold increase in nitrogen availability on L. dalmatica iridoid glycoside concentrations or sequestration by C. lunula. Moreover, the results suggested that changes in plant primary chemistry were more important than secondary chemistry for this specialist herbivore, and that some insects may be insensitive to N enrichment.  相似文献   

This review examines the direct effects of climate change on insect herbivores. Temperature is identified as the dominant abiotic factor directly affecting herbivorous insects. There is little evidence of any direct effects of CO2 or UVB. Direct impacts of precipitation have been largely neglected in current research on climate change. Temperature directly affects development, survival, range and abundance. Species with a large geographical range will tend to be less affected. The main effect of temperature in temperate regions is to influence winter survival; at more northerly latitudes, higher temperatures extend the summer season, increasing the available thermal budget for growth and reproduction. Photoperiod is the dominant cue for the seasonal synchrony of temperate insects, but their thermal requirements may differ at different times of year. Interactions between photoperiod and temperature determine phenology; the two factors do not necessarily operate in tandem. Insect herbivores show a number of distinct life‐history strategies to exploit plants with different growth forms and strategies, which will be differentially affected by climate warming. There are still many challenges facing biologists in predicting and monitoring the impacts of climate change. Future research needs to consider insect herbivore phenotypic and genotypic flexibility, their responses to global change parameters operating in concert, and awareness that some patterns may only become apparent in the longer term.  相似文献   

Climate change threatens coastal benthic communities on a global scale. However, the potential effects of ongoing warming on mesophotic temperate reefs at the community level remain poorly understood. Investigating how different members of these communities will respond to the future expected environmental conditions is, therefore, key to anticipating their future trajectories and developing specific management and conservation strategies. Here, we examined the responses of some of the main components of the highly diverse Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages to thermal stress. We performed thermotolerance experiments with different temperature treatments (from 26 to 29°C) with 10 species from different phyla (three anthozoans, six sponges and one ascidian) and different structural roles. Overall, we observed species‐specific contrasting responses to warming regardless of phyla or growth form. Moreover, the responses ranged from highly resistant species to sensitive species and were mostly in agreement with previous field observations from mass mortality events (MMEs) linked to Mediterranean marine heat waves. Our results unravel the diversity of responses to warming in coralligenous outcrops and suggest the presence of potential winners and losers in the face of climate change. Finally, this study highlights the importance of accounting for species‐specific vulnerabilities and response diversity when forecasting the future trajectories of temperate benthic communities in a warming ocean.  相似文献   

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