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Aim  This study aims to assess the role of long-distance seed dispersal and topographic barriers in the post-glacial colonization of red maple ( Acer rubrum L.) using chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation, and to understand whether this explains the relatively higher northern diversity found in eastern North American tree species compared with that in Europe.
Location  North-eastern United States.
Methods  The distribution of intraspecific cpDNA variation in temperate tree populations has been used to identify aspects of post-glacial population spread, including topographic barriers to population expansion and spread by long-distance seed dispersal. We sequenced c.  370 cpDNA base pairs from 221 individuals in 100 populations throughout the north-eastern United States, and analysed spatial patterns of diversity and differentiation.
Results  Red maple has high genetic diversity near its northern range limit, but this diversity is not partitioned by topographic barriers, suggesting that the northern Appalachian Mountains were not a barrier to the colonization of red maple. We also found no evidence of the patchy genetic structure that has been associated with spread by rare long-distance seed dispersal in previous studies.
Main conclusions  Constraints on post-glacial colonization in eastern North America seem to have been less stringent than those in northern Europe, where bottlenecks arising from long-distance colonization and topographic barriers appear to have strongly reduced genetic diversity. In eastern North America, high northern genetic diversity may have been maintained by a combination of frequent long-distance dispersal, minor topographic obstacles and diffuse northern refugia near the ice sheet.  相似文献   

Aim Japanese red maple (Acer pycnanthum K. Koch) is an endangered species which grows in discrete wetland ecosystems within a limited geographical range. It is an important relic of geologic time, an endemic of unique wetland ecosystems and an indicator of hotspots of plant species diversity. However, information on its genetic characteristics across its range is lacking. Our aim was to determine the genetic structure and diversity of the species and make recommendations for conservation. Location Wetlands in central Honshu Island, Japan. Methods We collected leaf samples from 400 individuals of A. pycnanthum in 30 populations, extracted total DNA from each and sequenced three non‐coding regions of chloroplast DNA. Results We identified nine haplotypes. High haplotype diversity (0.81) and the occurrence of rare haplotypes in eight distant populations suggest that wetlands provided multiple, adequate‐size refuges during the Last Glacial Maximum. We found only one to four haplotypes within populations. The high degree of differentiation (GST = 0.83) implies that gene flow by seeds among populations is restricted. Eight populations demonstrated a positive contribution to the total genetic diversity owing to occurrence of rare and private haplotypes. Such populations are concentrated in the south‐western part of the species distribution. According to the spatial autocorrelation analysis, there were significant spatial clusters of populations, which were characterized by similar haplotype composition. Using the haplotype distribution, samova and barrier detected nearly identical genetic boundaries. Main conclusion In spite of the species’ limited geographical range, we identified a relatively high number of haplotypes and a clear geographical structure. We propose six management units, which can be used for future conservation activities, such as introduction of new individuals for on‐site conservation projects and seed collection for ex situ conservation.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation in petiole specific hydraulic conductivity and simultaneous measurements of leaf water potential were recorded in red maple, tulip tree and fox grape. Petiole specific conductivity was determined from in situ measurements of water flow into the distal (leaf‐bearing) end of an attached petiole as a function of applied hydrostatic pressure and petiole dimensions. The hydraulic properties of the petiole dominated the measurements, indicating that this technique can be used for rapid estimates of petiole hydraulic conductivity. There was a significant decrease in petiole specific conductivity associated with increasingly more negative leaf water potentials in maple and tulip tree, but not in grape. Petiole specific conductivity increased during the afternoon while the plant was actively transpiring and the xylem sap was under tension. The recovery of petiole conductivity during the afternoon suggests that hydraulic conductivity reflects a dynamic balance between a loss of hydraulic conductivity with increasing water stress, and its restoration as tension within the xylem decreases. Three experimental manipulations were applied to red maple and tulip tree to examine the sensitivity of diurnal changes in petiole conductivity to various physiological perturbations. Both phloem girdling and application of HgCl2 to the transpiration stream resulted in a marked decrease in the degree to which petiole specific conductivity recovered as xylem tension relaxed during the afternoon. Delivery of a surfactant to the xylem, however, did not significantly alter the relation between leaf water potential and petiole hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

Summary Branch growth and leaf formation from terminal and from lateral buds of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and red oak (Quercus rubra L.) were measured in response to simulated insect defoliation. A single large branch representative of the crown of each tree was used for enumeration of growth and of bud numbers throughout three successive years of 0, 50, 75, and 100% leaf removal for the entire tree. Leaf number per tree for both species after the last year of defoliation was reduced in direct proportion to the severity of defoliation, in comparison to the predefoliation status of the trees. Bud number per tree for red maple, but not for red oak, was also reduced in proportion to severity of defoliation.Averaged over all defoliation treatments, defoliation reduced branch growth more than leaf production. Furthermore, the reduction in branch growth and leaf production was greater in red oak than in red maple. Three years of successive defoliation reduced the mean lateral plus terminal branch growth by 40% in red oak and by 23% in red maple, while leaf number was reduced 22% in red oak and remained unchanged in red maple. In red maple, 100% defoliation caused greater branch death than the 50 or 75% defoliation treatments, and the amount of death was greater after each successive year of defoliation. In contrast to red maple, undefoliated red oak incurred a substantial amount of branch death throughout the study which was little affected by defoliation treatment.  相似文献   

We investigated range-wide phylogeographic variation in three European ash species (Fraxinus sp., Oleaceae). Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) microsatellites were typed in the thermophilous Fraxinus angustifolia and Fraxinus ornus and the observed haplotypes and the geographic distribution of diversity were compared to cpDNA data previously obtained in the more cold-tolerant Fraxinus excelsior. We found wide-ranging haplotype sharing between the phylogenetically close F. angustifolia and F. excelsior, suggesting hybridization (i) in common glacial refuges in the Iberian Peninsula, northern Italy, the eastern and/or Dinaric Alps and the Balkan Peninsula, and/or (ii) during postglacial recolonization. The data allowed us to propose additional glacial refuges for F. angustifolia in southern Italy and in Turkey, and populations from the latter region were particularly polymorphic. There was evidence for refuge areas in Italy, the Balkan Peninsula and Turkey for F. ornus, which did not share any single chloroplast haplotype with the other species. In both F. angustifolia and F. ornus, cpDNA diversity (h(S) = 0.027 and h(S) = 0.009, respectively) was lower and fixation levels (G(ST) = 0.964 and G(ST) = 0.983, respectively) higher than in sympatric F. excelsior (h(S) = 0.096, G(ST) = 0.870). These diversity patterns could be due to temperature tolerance or the demographic history.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene was an epoch of extreme climatic and environmental changes. How individual species responded to the repeated cycles of warm and cold stages is a major topic of debate. For the European fauna and flora, an expansion–contraction model has been suggested, whereby temperate species were restricted to southern refugia during glacial times and expanded northwards during interglacials, including the present interglacial (Holocene). Here, we test this model on the red deer (Cervus elaphus) a large and highly mobile herbivore, using both modern and ancient mitochondrial DNA from the entire European range of the species over the last c. 40 000 years. Our results indicate that this species was sensitive to the effects of climate change. Prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) haplogroups restricted today to South‐East Europe and Western Asia reached as far west as the UK. During the LGM, red deer was mainly restricted to southern refugia, in Iberia, the Balkans and possibly in Italy and South‐Western Asia. At the end of the LGM, red deer expanded from the Iberian refugium, to Central and Northern Europe, including the UK, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany, Poland and Belarus. Ancient DNA data cannot rule out refugial survival of red deer in North‐West Europe through the LGM. Had such deer survived, though, they were replaced by deer migrating from Iberia at the end of the glacial. The Balkans served as a separate LGM refugium and were probably connected to Western Asia with genetic exchange between the two areas.  相似文献   

Aims We examined growth of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) to evaluate environmental controls of its northern distributional limit in Eastern North America and its potential response to future climate change.Methods We collected growth data from nine sites located along a 300-km transect (47–49°N), which included frontier population of red maple and covered three bioclimatic domains in western Quebec. We analyzed three growth variables: growth rates during the first 30 years of maple lifespan, cumulative basal area increment (BAI) over the most recent decade (2000–2009) and annual growth rate over the whole tree lifespan ranging from 58 to 112 years. We also examined growth sensitivity to climate by using response function analysis.Important findings Three different proxies of maple absolute growth (initial growth rate, BAI during 2000–09 and mean diameter growth rate) indicated a better growth with an increase in latitude. We speculate that stand history effectively overrode the direct effects of colder climate on maple growth along the S-N gradient. Regeneration of maple in the southern sites likely occurred in canopy gaps, whereas in the north it was contingent upon large disturbances such as stand-replacing fires, which apparently provided more favorable light environment for maple growth than canopy gaps. The annual growth variability, which reflects effects of annual weather on growth and is largely independent from the absolute growth rate, was significantly affected by monthly climate, suggesting a positive effect of higher summer temperature in the northern part of the transect (48–49°N) and a negative effect of summer drought in the south (47–48°N). In the future, the natural and human disturbance regimes will be dominant controls of the actual biomass productivity of red maple at the northern limit of its present distribution range. Direct effects of climate on maple growth would likely be less important in this context, and will likely entail negative effect of increased summer drought in the southern part of the study area and positive effects of increased temperatures in the north.  相似文献   

We studied the phylogeography of alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus), a bird-dispersed shrub or small tree distributed over most of Europe and West Asia and present in three of the four main refugia of West Palaearctic temperate woody plants: the Iberian Peninsula, the Balkans and Anatolia. A total of 78 populations from 21 countries were analysed for chloroplast DNA variation using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), and 21 different haplotypes were distinguished. We found a very strong overall population differentiation (GST = 0.81) and phylogeographical structure, and a sharp contrast between the haplotype-rich refugia and the almost completely uniform area of postglacial colonization. The haplotype network comprises three lineages made up of haplotypes from the Iberian Peninsula, Anatolia with the Caucasus, and temperate Europe. The Iberian and the Anatolian branches represent parts of a major lineage that spans over the whole northern Mediterranean Basin and some neighbouring areas and probably dates back to the Tertiary. Many haplotypes of this lineage are distributed locally and most populations are fixed for a single haplotype; these populations have apparently been very stable since their establishment, experiencing negligible gene flow and few mutations. The temperate European lineage consists of one very widespread and abundant plus six locally distributed haplotypes. Four of them are located in Southeast Europe, the putative refugium of all extant temperate European populations. Contrary to populations from Iberia and Anatolia, F. alnus populations from the southeastern European refugium have most genetic variation within populations. Bird-mediated seed dispersal has apparently allowed not only a very rapid postglacial expansion of F. alnus but also subsequent regular seed exchanges between populations of the largely continuous species range in temperate Europe. In contrast, the disjunct F. alnus populations persisting in Mediterranean mountain ranges seem to have experienced little gene flow and have therefore accumulated a high degree of differentiation, even at short distances. Populations from the southern parts of the glacial refugia have contributed little to the postglacial recolonization of Europe, but their long-term historical continuity has allowed them to maintain a unique store of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Grivet D  Petit RJ 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(8):1351-1362
We studied the phylogeography of ivy (Hedera sp.), a liana widespread in Europe, throughout its natural range. The populations sampled belong to four closely related species differing by ploidy levels and morphological characters. Chloroplast (cp) markers were used and 13 haplotypes were detected, usually shared across species, contrary to ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) variants. We demonstrated the existence of a strong overall cpDNA phylogeographical structure. Several methods of data analysis were conducted to describe how this structure and the genetic diversity change through space and time. Southern populations, especially those from Spain, are the most divergent. Pairwise estimates of differentiation point to isolation by distance, and the existence of a latitudinal gradient of divergence was demonstrated using a regression procedure. Similarly, latitudinal differences in haplotype richness and diversity exist, as shown by population permutations ('differentiation through space'). Finally, we measured differentiation by taking into account successive levels of divergence between haplotypes ('differentiation through time'). Genetic differentiation turns out to be much greater when differences between closely related haplotypes are not considered. Further, these results indicate that the phylogeographical structure is essentially due to the relative distribution of the most similar haplotypes. Diversity decreases from south to north, whereas haplotype frequencies change longitudinally. It appears that Hedera survived in Spanish and Balkan refugia during the last ice age. A third refugium must have been present in the Alps or in Italy. During the northward expansion, the decrease in overall diversity was attenuated by some mixing of lineages at intermediate latitudes, resulting in comparatively higher levels of differentiation in the south.  相似文献   

Red maple (Acer rubum), a common deciduous tree species in Northern Ontario, has shown resistance to soil metal contamination. Previous reports have indicated that this plant does not accumulate metals in its tissue. However, low level of nickel and copper corresponding to the bioavailable levels in contaminated soils in Northern Ontario causes severe physiological damages. No differentiation between metal‐contaminated and uncontaminated populations has been reported based on genetic analyses. The main objective of this study was to assess whether DNA methylation is involved in A. rubrum adaptation to soil metal contamination. Global cytosine and methylation‐sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) analyses were carried out in A. rubrum populations from metal‐contaminated and uncontaminated sites. The global modified cytosine ratios in genomic DNA revealed a significant decrease in cytosine methylation in genotypes from a metal‐contaminated site compared to uncontaminated populations. Other genotypes from a different metal‐contaminated site within the same region appear to be recalcitrant to metal‐induced DNA alterations even ≥30 years of tree life exposure to nickel and copper . MSAP analysis showed a high level of polymorphisms in both uncontaminated (77%) and metal‐contaminated (72%) populations. Overall, 205 CCGG loci were identified in which 127 were methylated in either outer or inner cytosine. No differentiation among populations was established based on several genetic parameters tested. The variations for nonmethylated and methylated loci were compared by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). For methylated loci, molecular variance among and within populations was 1.5% and 13.2%, respectively. These values were low (0.6% for among populations and 5.8% for within populations) for unmethylated loci. Metal contamination is seen to affect methylation of cytosine residues in CCGG motifs in the A. rubrum populations that were analyzed.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition is a major component of nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems and is known to be sensitive to both temperature and moisture. A drought during periods of the year when moisture is normally abundant may impact decomposition more than moisture limitation during seasons that are routinely dry. We excluded precipitation for a 3‐month period during each of four seasons and measured mass loss and nitrogen (N) dynamics in Acer rubrum leaf litter by using a litterbag approach. We hypothesized that rainfall exclusion would retard mass loss during the exclusion period, with the maximum effect occurring during the spring and summer months when moisture was normally adequate and temperatures optimum for decomposition, and that exclusion during these two periods would have the greatest impact on subsequent timing of decomposition events, particularly N mineralization. Mass loss in litterbags was initially reduced by precipitation exclusion in the spring treatment only. For each season, a set of bags exposed to drying in the same way and allowed to remain in the field under ambient conditions for an additional 9 months no longer showed a difference in mass loss relative to control bags. Nitrogen accumulation was immediately and significantly reduced in the exclusion treatments in all seasons; however, like mass loss, there was no difference 9 months later. We conclude that short‐term effects of drought do occur, especially with regard to N accumulation, and that these effects do not persist and are unlikely to have any substantial effect on nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Aim Beringia, the unglaciated region encompassing the former Bering land bridge, as well as the land between the Lena and Mackenzie rivers, is recognized as an important refugium for arctic plants during the last ice age. Compelling palaeobotanical evidence also supports the presence of small populations of boreal trees within Beringia during the Last Glacial Maximum. The occurrence of balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) in Beringia provides a unique opportunity to assess the implications of persistence in a refugium on present‐day genetic diversity for this boreal tree species. Location North America. Methods We sequenced three variable non‐coding regions of the chloroplast genome (cpDNA) from 40 widely distributed populations of balsam poplar across its North American range. We assessed patterns of genetic diversity, geographic structure and historical demography between glaciated and unglaciated regions of the balsam poplar’s range. We also utilized a coalescent model to test for divergence between regions. Results Levels of genetic diversity were consistently greater for populations at the southern margin (θW = 0.00122) than in the central (θW = 0.00086) or northern (θW = 0.00034) regions of the current distribution of balsam poplar, and diversity decreased with increasing latitude (R2 = 0.49, P < 0.01). We detected low, but significant, structure (FCT = 0.05, P = 0.05), among regions of P. balsamifera’s distribution. The cpDNA genealogy was shallow, however, showing an absence of highly differentiated chloroplast haplotypes. Coalescent analyses supported a model of divergence between the southern ice margin and the northern unglaciated region of balsam poplar’s distribution, but analyses of other regional comparisons did not converge. Main conclusions The palaeobotanical record supports the presence of a Beringian refugium for balsam poplar, but we were unable to definitively identify the presence of known refugial populations based on genetic data alone. Balsam poplar populations from Beringia are not a significant reservoir of cpDNA diversity today. Unique alleles that may have been present in the small, isolated populations that survived within Beringia were probably lost through genetic drift or swamped by post‐glacial, northward migration from populations south of the ice sheets.  相似文献   

British S. vulgaris are classified as aseparate subspecies, S. v. leucourus, tomainland Europe. While S. vulgaris is notunder threat across most of its Eurasian range,in Britain, Ireland and Italy populations aredeclining, mainly due to the introduction ofthe American grey squirrel (S.carolinensis). In this study, we conducted anextensive survey of mitochondrial DNA variationin British S. vulgaris populations and apreliminary survey of continental Europeanpopulations. Our main aims were to determinethe extent to which any populations of S.vulgaris in Britain are partially or whollythe product of artificial translocation of redsquirrels from continental Europe, and whethercontinental population variation will provideinformation on post-glacial reafforestationpatterns in Europe. We found that the majorityof extant populations of British S.vulgaris are of continental ancestry, manywith a very recent (last 40 years) Scandinavianancestry. The Scandinavian haplotype hasrapidly become the most dominant innortheastern Britain, despite not appearing innorthern English populations until 1966. Thissuggests that these squirrels may have anadaptive advantage in the non-native sprucedominated conifer plantations of northernEngland. Our preliminary examination ofcontinental populations demonstrated that theyare sufficiently differentiated to allow aphylogeographic study of this species.  相似文献   

We characterised the phylogeographic patterns displayed by five species of bumblebees with largely overlapping ranges in Eurasia, but different levels of range fragmentation, range size and food specialization. Genetic variation across the range of each species was explored by using sequence variation of a total of 368 specimens at one mitochondrial and two nuclear DNA fragments (total of ~2380 bp). Comparing patterns of genetic variation across species allowed us to investigate whether diet specialization, relative range size and/or fragmentation, impact phylogeographic patterns in bumblebees. As expected, stronger fragmentations of the species range are associated with a stronger overall geographic differentiation. Furthermore, diet specialization appears to increase population structure at the landscape level, presumably due to the less widespread and more heterogeneously distributed food resources. Conversely, no clear association was highlighted between diet specialization or overall range size and genetic diversity. Surprisingly, the two generalist and co‐distributed species investigated, B. pratorum and B. hortorum, displayed widely divergent patterns in terms of genetic diversity and population structure. We suggest these differences are best explained by contrasting responses to past climate changes, possibly involving different glacial refuges. Overall, our results are compatible with a combined impact of two interacting parameters on intraspecific genetic variation: environment disturbances (presumably related to past climate changes) and features specific to the organism, such as diet specialization. They thus further highlight the challenge of dissociating both parameters in phylogeographic studies.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation was surveyed with 20 restriction endonucleases for the eastern Asian and eastern North American disjunct genus Symplocarpus (Araceae). The cpDNA phylogeny reveals a sister group relationship between S. foetidus from eastern North America and S. renifolius from eastern Asia. The cpDNA divergence between the two intercontinental sister species is 0.61%, which suggests an estimated divergence time of 6.1 million years ago during the late Miocene. The Bering land bridge hypothesis is compatible with the estimated time of divergence for the migration of Symplocarpus between eastern Asia and North America. Furthermore, a single origin of the exothermic spadices in Symplocarpus is suggested by the phylogeny. The cpDNA data also provide independent support for the recognition of three species within the genus.  相似文献   

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