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Aims: To develop fast and reliable sampling procedures for DNA‐based diagnosis of wood decay fungi in standing trees. Methods and Results: A total of 250 trees were tested for the presence of a suite of wood decay fungi by collecting wood frass obtained by drilling each tree once with a 4‐mm‐diameter, 43‐cm‐long bit. We identified at least one of 11 target wood decay fungi in 56 trees through multiplex PCR assays. The presence of target wood decay taxa was further investigated in these 56 trees, by analysing independently wood from each of six drillings. Results were then compared with those obtained using sampling schemes differing in terms of number and position of drillings. Samples of 1–4 drillings were either analysed separately, and the results were combined, or pooled together before analysis was performed. In comparison with taxa identified by the analysis of six drillings, diagnostic efficiency ranged from 56·6% for the scheme based on a single drill to 96·8% for the scheme based on four drillings analysed separately. Both schemes significantly differ (P < 0·05) from those based on two and three drillings, whose efficiency was 72·6% and 83·9%, respectively. Diagnostic efficiency of pooled samples was comparable to that of samples analysed separately. Conclusions: Highest diagnostic efficiency was obtained by analysing wood from four drillings. It is advisable to pool samples deriving from different drillings to reduce laboratory costs. Significance and Impact of the Study: Fast and reliable sampling procedures make DNA‐based diagnosis more suitable for tree inspection procedures.  相似文献   

Due to the high incidence of fungal infections caused by Candida species and their increasing resistance to antimicrobial treatments, alternative therapies such as probiotics have been studied. It has been show that several species of the genus Lactobacillus have anti-Candida activity, probably by direct inhibition, through competition for adhesion sites or production of secondary metabolites, and by indirect inhibition, through stimulation of the immune system of their host. However, the mechanisms of inhibition of these probiotics on Candida species have not yet been fully elucidated since this effect is related to more than one inhibition pathway. In the literature, several in vitro and in vivo studies have been developed seeking to elucidate the probiotics mechanisms of action. These studies have been focused on C. albicans inhibition assays, including analysis of antimicrobial activity, adherence capacity, biofilms formation, filamentation and interference on virulence genes, as well as assays of experimental candidiasis in invertebrate and vertebrate models. In this context, the purpose of this review was to gather different studies focused on the action mechanism of probiotic strains on Candida sp. and to discuss their impact on the candidiasis prevention.  相似文献   

The prevalence of dermatophytes and yeasts (Candida spp. and Pityrosporum spp.) was studied in 40 former drug-addicts, all of whom were HIV seropositive but otherwise had no other symptoms (2nd Stage CDC Atlanta, 1987). We considered 7 skin areas for dermatophytes and Pityrosporum spp. (scalp, forehead, nose, back, chest, groin, toe webs) and the mouth for yeasts. Dermatophytes were found in 8 (20%) and tinea pedis was the most common dermatophytosis: Tricophyton rubrum was the fungus most frequently isolated (6 cases or 15%). The HIV + group showed almost the same rate of dermatophytes colonisation compared to a group of 121 athletes and to the control group. Candida spp. was present in 27 cases (67.5%) but clinical oral lesions were evident only in 5 patients (12.5%). Statistically significant differences were found in the presence of Candida spp. in HIV patients and controls (p<0.05). The lipophilic yeast Pityrosporum ovale was evaluated with quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative variations were evident between HIV patients and controls. P. ovale was present in 10 cases: 3 (7.5%) of them showed dischromic lesions while in 7 cases (17.5%) no clinical symptoms were evident.  相似文献   

Aims: Developing a rapid method for detection of faecal pollution is among the critical goals set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency in its revision of water quality criteria. The purpose of this study is to devise and test covalently linked antibody–bead complexes for faecal indicator bacteria (FIB), specifically Escherichia coli or Enterococcus spp., in measuring water quality in freshwater and marine systems. Methods and Results: Covalently linked complexes were 58–89% more robust than antibody–bead complexes used in previous studies. Freshwater and marine water samples analysed using covalently linked immunomagnetic separation/adenosine triphosphate quantification technique (Cov‐IMS/ATP) and culture‐based methods yielded good correlations for E. coli (R = 0·87) and Enterococcus spp. (R = 0·94), with method detection limits below EPA recreational water quality health standards for single standard exceedances (E. coli– 38 cells per 100 ml; Enterococcus spp. – 25 cells per 100 ml). Cov‐IMS/ATP correctly classified 87% of E. coli and 94% of Enterococcus spp. samples based on these water quality standards. Cov‐IMS/ATP was also used as a field method to rapidly distinguish differential loading of E. coli between two stream channels to their confluence. Conclusions: Cov‐IMS/ATP is a robust, in‐field detection method for determining water quality of both fresh and marine water systems as well as differential loading of FIB from two converging channels. Significance and Impact of the Study: To our knowledge, this is the first work to present a viable rapid, in‐field assay for measuring FIB concentrations in marine water environments. Cov‐IMS/ATP is a potential alternative detection method, particularly in areas with limited laboratory support and resources, because of its increased economy and portability.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00407.x
Prevalence and antifungal drug sensitivity of non‐albicans Candida in oral rinse samples of self‐caring elderly Aim: To assess the prevalence and antifungal drug sensitivity of non‐albicans Candida (NAC) species in elderly outpatients. Materials and methods: We investigated oral rinse samples of 194 self‐caring elderly population (mean age 83 years) with emphasis on background factors for harbouring NAC. Susceptibility of Candida species to antifungal drugs was determined using standard methodology. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed taking positive NAC count as the dependent variable and a number of known Candida risk factors as independent variables. Results: Prevalence of candidal carriage of the population was 78.4%, of which 0.5% of the subjects were NAC positive. Candida dubliniensis was the most prevalent NAC species, followed by Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis. The NAC positive elderly were more often edentulous with dental prostheses or had fewer teeth than Candida albicans‐positive or yeast‐negative subjects. Dental caries slightly increased the risk for having NAC strains (odds ratio 1.08), whilst greater age appeared to lower the risk (odds ratio 0.77). Candida species were susceptible to the commonly used antifungal agents in general, but with considerable variation among species. Occasionally, some NAC exhibited lower antifungal susceptibility. Conclusion: The possibility of oral reservoirs of NAC strains which are resistant to common antifungals should be noted in elderly outpatients.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the intracellular ethanol accumulation in yeast cells by using laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS). Methods and Results: Ethanol accumulation in individual yeast cells during aerobic fermentation triggered by excess glucose was studied using LTRS. Its amount was obtained by comparing intracellular and extracellular ethanol concentrations during initial process of ethanol production. We found that (i) yeasts start to produce ethanol within 3 min after triggering aerobic fermentation, (ii) average ratio of intracellular to extracellular ethanol is 1·54 ± 0·17 during the initial 3 h after addition of 10% (w/v) excess glucose and (iii) the accumulated intracellular ethanol is released when aerobic fermentation is stimulated with decreasing glucose concentration. Conclusions: Intracellular ethanol accumulation occurs in initial stage of a rapid aerobic fermentation and high glucose concentration may attribute to this accumulation process. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work demonstrates LTRS is a real‐time, reagent‐free, in situ technique and a powerful tool to study kinetic process of ethanol fermentation. This work also provides further information on the intracellular ethanol accumulation in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Aims: We established a real‐time PCR assay for the detection and strain identification of Candida species and demonstrated the ability to differentiate between Candida albicans the most common species, and also Candida parapsilosis, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis and Candida dubliniensis by LightCycler PCR and melting curve analysis. Methods and Results: The DNA isolation from cultures and serum was established using the QIAmp Tissue Kit. The sensitivity of the assay was ≥ 2 genome equivalents/assay. It was possible to differentiate all investigated Candida species by melting curve analysis, and no cross‐reaction to human DNA or Aspergillus species could be observed. Conclusions: The established real‐time PCR assay is a useful tool for the rapid identification of Candida species and a base technology for more complex PCR assays. Significance and Impact of the Study: We carried out initial steps in validation of a PCR assay for the detection and differentiation of medically relevant Candida species. The PCR was improved by generating PCR standards, additional generation of melting curves for species identification and the possibility to investigate different specimens simultaneously.  相似文献   

The minimal antibiotic options for carbapenemase‐producing Gram‐negative bacteria necessitate their rapid detection. A literature review of a variety of phenotypic and genotypic methods is presented. Advances in culture methods and screening media are still subject to long incubation hours. Biochemical methods have shorter turnaround times and higher sensitivities and specificities, but cannot differentiate between various types and variants. Spectrophotometric methods are cheap and efficient, but are uncommon in many clinical settings, while the MALDI‐TOF MS is promising for species identification, typing and resistance gene determination. Although next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies provide a better platform to detect, type and characterize carbapenem‐resistant bacteria, the different NGS platforms, the large computer memories and space needed to process and store genomic data and the nonuniformity in data analysis platforms are still a challenge. The sensitivities, specificities and turnaround times recorded in the various studies reviewed favours the use of the biochemical tests (Carba NP or Rapid Carb screen tests) for the detection of putative carbapenemase‐producing isolates. MALDI‐TOF MS and/or molecular methods like microarray, loop‐mediated isothermal amplification and real‐time multiplex PCR assays could be used for further characterization in a reference laboratory. NGS may be used for advanced epidemiological and molecular studies.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the variability in lots of a DNA extraction kit using real‐time PCR assays for Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis and Vibrio cholerae. Methods and Results: Replicate aliquots of three bacteria were processed in duplicate with three different lots of a commercial DNA extraction kit. This experiment was repeated in triplicate. Results showed that cycle threshold values were statistically different among the different lots. Conclusions: Differences in DNA extraction reagent lots were found to be a significant source of variability for qPCR results. Steps should be taken to ensure the quality and consistency of reagents. Minimally, we propose that standard curves should be constructed for each new lot of extraction reagents, so that lot‐to‐lot variation is accounted for in data interpretation. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study highlights the importance of evaluating variability in DNA extraction procedures, especially when different reagent lots are used. Consideration of this variability in data interpretation should be an integral part of studies investigating environmental samples with unknown concentrations of organisms.  相似文献   

Albicans ID (bioMérieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France) is a ready-to-use medium that contains a chromogenic substrate that allows rapid detection and specific identification of Candida albicans. We have evaluated its clinical performance by culturing 846 clinical specimens from pregnant women and neonates. A 99.2% sensitivity and a 100% specificity were observed in the identification of C. albicans isolates from primary culture.  相似文献   

The genus Fusarium contains many fungal species known to be pathogenic to animals and plants alike. One species complex within this genus, the Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC), is of particular concern due to its high numbers of pathogenic members. FSSC members are known to contribute significantly to plant, human and other animal fungal disease. One member of the FSSC, Fusarium keratoplasticum, is of particular ecological concern and has been implicated in low hatching success of endangered sea turtle eggs, as well as contribute to human and other animal Fusarium pathogenesis. Species-specific primers for molecular identification of F. keratoplasticum currently do not exist to our knowledge, making rapid identification, tracking and quantitation of this pathogenic fungus difficult. The objective of this study was to develop primers specific to F. keratoplasticum that could be applied to DNA from isolated cultures as well as total (mixed) DNA from environmental samples. RPB2 sequence from 109 Fusarium isolates was aligned and analysed to determine nucleotide polymorphisms specific to F. keratoplasticum useful for primer design. A set of primers were generated and found to be effective for identification of F. keratoplasticum from total DNA extracted from sand surrounding sea turtle nesting sites.  相似文献   

A previous culture-dependent survey of phylloplane yeasts from selected Mediterranean plants showed that a few species were present in high densities in almost all leaf samples, regardless of the plant type, location or sampling season. However, a few species appeared to be restricted to Cistus albidus leaves, namely Cryptococcus cistialbidi . Here, we describe a culture-independent FISH assay to detect and quantify whole yeast cells in leaf washings. After optimization, the technique was used to check the apparent association between C. albidus leaves and C. cistialbidi and the abundance and ubiquity of other basidiomycetous yeast species such as Erythrobasidium hasegawianum and Sporobolomyces spp. in leaf samples from this and other neighboring plants ( Acer monspessulanum and Quercus faginea ). No yeast cells were detected in Pistacia lentiscus leaf samples. We were also able to demonstrate that three phylloplane yeasts ( C. cistialbidi, E. hasegawianum and Sporobolomyces spp.) appeared to be log-normally distributed among individual C. albidus leaves. The log-normal distribution has important implications for the quantification of phylloplane yeasts based on the washing and plating of bulk leaf samples, which will tend to overestimate the size of the respective populations and become an error source in yeast surveys or related biocontrol studies.  相似文献   

Matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight intact cell mass spectrometry (MALDI‐TOF ICMS) is coming of age for the identification and characterization of fungi. The procedure has been used extensively with bacteria. UV‐absorbing matrices function as energy mediators that transfer the absorbed photoenergy from an irradiation source to the surrounding sample molecules, resulting in minimum fragmentation. A surprisingly high number of fungal groups have been studied: (i) the terverticillate penicillia, (ii) aflatoxigenic, black and other aspergilli, (iii) Fusarium, (iv) Trichoderma, (iv) wood rotting fungi (e.g. Serpula lacrymans) and (v) dermatophytes. The technique has been suggested for optimizing quality control of fungal Chinese medicines (e.g. Cordyceps). MALDI‐TOF ICMS offers advantages over PCR. The method is now used in taxonomic assessments (e.g. Trichoderma) as distinct from only strain characterization. Low and high molecular mass natural products (e.g. peptaibols) can be analysed. The procedure is rapid and requires minimal pretreatment. However, issues of reproducibility need to be addressed further in terms of strains of species tested and between run variability. More studies into the capabilities of MALDI‐TOF ICMS to identify fungi are required.  相似文献   

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