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This review provides a contemporary account of knowledge on aspects of introductions of non‐native fish species and includes issues associated with introduction pathways, ecological and economic impacts, risk assessments, management options and impact of climate change. It offers guidance to reconcile the increasing demands of certain stakeholders to diversify their activities using non‐native fishes with the long‐term sustainability of native aquatic biodiversity. The rate at which non‐native freshwater fishes have been introduced worldwide has doubled in the space of 30 years, with the principal motives being aquaculture (39%) and improvement of wild stocks (17%). Economic activity is the principal driver of human‐mediated non‐native fish introductions, including the globalization of fish culture, whereby the production of the African cichlid tilapia is seven times higher in Asia than in most areas of Africa, and Chile is responsible for c. 30% of the world's farmed salmon, all based on introduced species. Consequently, these economic benefits need balancing against the detrimental environmental, social and economic effects of introduced non‐native fishes. There are several major ecological effects associated with non‐native fish introductions, including predation, habitat degradation, increased competition for resources, hybridization and disease transmission. Consideration of these aspects in isolation, however, is rarely sufficient to adequately characterize the overall ecological effect of an introduced species. Regarding the management of introduced non‐native fish, pre‐introduction screening tools, such as the fish invasiveness scoring kit (FISK), can be used to ensure that species are not introduced, which may develop invasive populations. Following the introduction of non‐native fish that do develop invasive populations, management responses are typified by either a remediation or a mitigation response, although these are often difficult and expensive to implement, and may have limited effectiveness.  相似文献   



Investigating major freshwater fish flows (translocations) between biogeographic regions and their temporal dynamics and also quantifying spatial patterns and temporal changes in the array of introduced species, and the emergence and distance between major donor and recipient regions.



Time Period


Major Taxa Studied

Freshwater fishes.


We analysed a global dataset on freshwater fish introductions (4241 events of 688 species). Freshwater fish flows were investigated with flow diagrams and χ2 tests, while PERMANOVA (permutational multivariate analysis of variance) was used to test the association between species and regions and temporal shifts. Cluster analysis revealed major recipient areas and composition of the introduced species. Finally, changes in distances between donor and recipient sites were tested with PERMANOVA.


The number of introductions between biogeographic regions mirrored the European and North American dominance before World War II (WWII) and the trends in recreational fishing, biocontrol programmes and food production, especially in the Sino-Oriental region, which has a long tradition of aquaculture and fishkeeping. Over the years, the origins and composition of introduced species changed uniquely in each biogeographic region, although the most introduced species are common to every region. Salmonids and other cold-water species were frequently introduced before the 1950s, whereas tropical ornamental and aquaculture species currently prevail. Distances between donor and recipient sites did not vary over the time. After WWII, the Sino-Oriental region consolidated its dominance and the Ethiopian and Neotropical regions emerged as new global donor and recipient regions.

Main Conclusions

Global policy should focus on tropical ornamental and aquaculture species, which could benefit from global warming, especially in the Sino-Oriental region, because it currently dominates freshwater fish species flows, and the Ethiopian and Neotropical regions, because they recently emerged as important global donor and recipient regions of freshwater fish introductions.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the relationships between otter (Lutra lutra) distribution dynamics and environmental and spatial constraints over a 20‐year period. Location Andalusia, southern Iberian Peninsula. Methods We synthesized otter distribution data from three otter surveys (1985, 1995 and 2005) using subcatchment areas defined by hydrological barriers. Subcatchments were characterized by two ‘natural’ (climatic and orographic variables) and two ‘human’ (land use and population density) gradients. In addition, we calculated two contagion variables (the distance to previously occupied subcatchments and the percentage of occupied subcatchments within a 50 km buffer) for consecutively surveyed subcatchments. Results Between 1985 and 2005 the percentage of subcatchments with otters present increased from 42% to 72%. Otters tended to be rare or absent from human‐dominated areas. Anthropogenic gradients were better predictors of otter distribution than natural ones. Human and natural gradients showed strong covariation, but for any value of the natural gradients otters tended to be present in subcatchments with lower human impacts. Colonization of new subcatchments was found to be strongly related to contagion variables and expansion rates were slower than those estimated in other studies. Newly colonized areas tended to be located in areas with intermediate human influence, while repeated absences occurred mainly in areas where human impact was most severe. Main conclusions Our results suggest that recent otter expansion across Andalusia is a reflection of large‐scale improvement in environmental conditions. Otter populations that survived the period of strong and generalized declines appear to be acting as sources from which neighbouring areas are colonized, probably aided by improved water quality and increases in food availability. However, the further expansion of otters into their full original range is likely to be constrained by human‐impacted landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim  In light of the current biodiversity crisis, there is a need to identify and protect species at greatest risk of extinction. Ecological theory and global-scale analyses of bird and mammal faunas suggest that small-bodied species are less vulnerable to extinction, yet this hypothesis remains untested for the largest group of vertebrates, fish. Here, we compare body-size distributions of freshwater and marine fishes under different levels of global extinction risk (i.e. listed as vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ) from different major sources of threat (habitat loss/degradation, human harvesting, invasive species and pollution).
Location  Global, freshwater and marine.
Methods  We collated maximum body length data for 22,800 freshwater and marine fishes and compared body-size frequency distributions after controlling for phylogeny.
Results  We found that large-bodied marine fishes are under greater threat of global extinction, whereas both small- and large-bodied freshwater species are more likely to be at risk. Our results support the notion that commercial fishing activities disproportionately threaten large-bodied marine and freshwater species, whereas habitat degradation and loss threaten smaller-bodied marine fishes.
Main conclusions  Our study provides compelling evidence that global fish extinction risk does not universally scale with body size. Given the central role of body size for trophic position and the functioning of food webs, human activities may have strikingly different effects on community organization and food web structure in freshwater and marine systems.  相似文献   

In order to preserve endangered plant populations and recover their evolutionary potential and ecological behavior, some restoration measures generally involve the reinforcement of the population size in existing natural populations or the reintroduction of new populations. Genetic monitoring of both natural and restored populations can provide an assessment of restoration protocol success in establishing populations that maintain levels of genetic diversity similar to those in natural populations. The highly threatened Spanish species Silene hifacensis (Caryophyllaceae) has only three natural reduced mainland populations in the Iberian Peninsula, following decline and extinction that occurred during the late 20th century. Preterit restoration strategies were essentially based on the implantation of new populations and reinforcement of certain existing populations using transplants mostly cultivated in greenhouses. In the present contribution, levels and patterns of genetic variability within natural and restored populations of Silene hifacensis were assessed using the molecular technique AFLP. Our results pointed out significant genetic diversity differences across the three existing natural populations though their population fragmentation and progressive loss of individuals have not had an impact on the global genetic diversity of this species. For restored populations, their levels of genetic diversity were similar and even higher than in natural populations. As a result, the past restoration protocols were successful in capturing similar and even higher levels of genetic diversity than those observed within natural pools. However, inbreeding processes have been detected for two restored populations. Finally, the main source of plant material for the long-time restored transplants appears to be the natural population of Cova de les Cendres. This study demonstrates, once again, how genetic markers are useful tools to be taken in consideration for endangered plant species conservation plans.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome numbers are reported from 16 Hieracium and two Pilosella species from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands that are little known cytogenetically. The chromosome numbers of Hieracium aragonense Scheele (2 n  = 27, 36), H. compositum Lapeyr. (2 n  = 27), H. murcandidum G. Mateo (2 n  = 27), H. spathulatum Scheele (2 n  = 27), H. segurae Mateo (2 n  = 27), H. teruelanum Mateo (2 n  = 27), H. valentinum Pau (2 n  = 27), Pilosella pseudovahlii (De Retz) Mateo (2 n  = 18), and P. tardans (Peter) Sójak (2 n  = 36) were determined for the first time. New cytotypes were detected in H. cordifolium Lapeyr. (2 n  = 27) and H. loscosianum Scheele (2 n  = 36). The karyotype of the studied species was similar in overall morphology and comprised metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes; secondary constrictions (up to two) were detected in the chromosome complements of some species.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 311–320.  相似文献   

  1. Patterns of genetic diversity in invasive populations can be modulated by a range of factors acting at different stages of the invasion process, including the genetic composition of the source population(s), the introduction history (e.g. propagule pressure), the environmental suitability of recipient areas, and the features of secondary introductions.
  2. The North American red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, is one of the most widely introduced freshwater species worldwide. It was legally introduced into Spain twice, near the city of Badajoz in 1973 and in the Guadalquivir marshes in 1974. Thereafter the species rapidly colonised almost the entire Iberian Peninsula.
  3. We used seven nuclear microsatellites to describe the genetic diversity and structure of 28 locations distributed across the Iberian Peninsula and to explain the expansion process of the red swamp crayfish. Additionally, we analysed the relationship between environmental suitability and genetic diversity of the studied locations.
  4. The red swamp crayfish had a clear spatial genetic structure in the Iberian Peninsula, probably determined by the two independent introduction events in the 1970s, which produced two main clusters separated spatially, one of which was dominant in Portugal and the other in Spain.
  5. The human-mediated dispersal process seemed to have involved invasion hubs, hosting highly genetically diverse areas and acting as sources for subsequent introductions. Genetic diversity also tended to be higher in more suitable environments across the Iberian Peninsula .
  6. Our results showed that the complex and human-mediated expansion of the red swamp crayfish in the Iberian Peninsula has involved several long- and short-distance movements and that both ecological and anthropogenic factors have shaped the genetic diversity patterns resulting from this invasion process. Early detection of potential invasion hubs may help to halt multiple short-distance translocations and thus the rapid expansion of highly prolific invasive species over non-native areas.

1. Water abstraction strongly affects streams in arid and semiarid ecosystems, particularly where there is a Mediterranean climate. Excessive abstraction reduces the availability of water for human uses downstream and impairs the capacity of streams to support native biota. 2. We investigated the flow regime and related variables in six river basins of the Iberian Peninsula and show that they have been strongly altered, with declining flows (autoregressive models) and groundwater levels during the 20th century. These streams had lower flows and more frequent droughts than predicted by the official hydrological model used in this region. Three of these rivers were sometimes dry, whereas there were predicted by the model to be permanently flowing. Meanwhile, there has been no decrease in annual precipitation. 3. We also investigated the fish assemblage of a stream in one of these river basins (Tordera) for 6 years and show that sites more affected by water abstraction display significant differences in four fish metrics (catch per unit effort, number of benthic species, number of intolerant species and proportional abundance of intolerant individuals) commonly used to assess the biotic condition of streams. 4. We discuss the utility of these metrics in assessing impacts of water abstraction and point out the need for detailed characterisation of the natural flow regime (and hence drought events) prior to the application of biotic indices in streams severely affected by water abstraction. In particular, in cases of artificially dry streams, it is more appropriate for regulatory agencies to assign index scores that reflect biotic degradation than to assign ‘missing’ scores, as is presently customary in assessments of Iberian streams.  相似文献   

[目的]调查北京地区鱼类多样性和群落分布及评估外来鱼种的入侵风险.[方法]选取北京地区水库、湖泊和河流3种水体类型共33个采样点,于2020年6月10—17日开展水生态监测,利用环境DNA宏条形码技术对各样点的鱼类多样性和群落结构进行监测和分析,对目前北京地区水生态系统中本地鱼种和外来鱼种进行分类汇总,并评估典型外来入...  相似文献   

We examined changes in the distribution of 9 native and 18 introduced freshwater fishes in the south-eastern Pyrenees watershed, Iberian Peninsula, using data from 1996, 1984–1988 and historical information. This region suffers many modifications to its freshwater ecosystems that are linked to human activity in the Mediterranean regions. Fish communities, stream physical habitat and environmental degradation were assessed at 168 sites from 11 basins in 1996. Seven native species (78%) showed decline from previous data, one of which became extirpated in the first half of the 20th century. On the other hand, introduced species are expanding. As a consequence, intact native communities are increasingly rare, declining from presence in 22% of river courses in 1984–1988 to 15% in 1996. The most typical community type is a mixture of native and introduced species occupying 30% of river courses. Stream degradation seems to be the main cause of this process because fish communities differed between degraded streams and streams suffering less impact. A principal component analysis showed that water pollution and modifications to the habitat were the two anthropogenic factors that accounted for most changes in the fish community integrity. Habitat alteration, primarily through construction of dams and water diversions, has fragmented habitats and isolated native fish communities in headwater streams. Current protection measures do not offer effective conservation of threatened species and communities. A global conservation and restoration programme from an ecosystem-based approach is essential to reverse the trend affecting native freshwater fishes in this Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Aquatic and riparian ecosystems are known to be highly vulnerable to invasive alien species (IAS), especially when subjected to human-induced disturbances. In the last three decades, we have witnessed a growing increase in plant invasions in Portugal and Spain (Iberian Peninsula, south-western Europe), with very detrimental economic, social and ecological effects. Some of these species, such as the giant reed (Arundo donax L.) and the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laub.), number among the world's worst weeds. We present an appraisal of this invasive alien river flora and the most problematic aquatic weeds. We review various aspects of invasion ecology, including spatial and temporal patterns of invasion, species invasiveness, species traits of invasive weeds, and relationships between human disturbance in rivers and surrounding areas and invasibility, and contextualize them in overall state-of-the-art terms. We also acknowledge the use of IAS as bioindicators of the ecological quality of rivers, wetlands and riparian zones. Remote-sensing tools and Geographic Information Systems for detecting and monitoring IAS in Iberian rivers are presented.  相似文献   

Question: Small and marginal forest populations are a focus of attention because of their high biodiversity value as well as the risk of population decline and loss. In this context, we ask to what extent a small, marginal Quercus suber (Cork oak) population located in the eastern Iberian Peninsula (Valencia, Spain) has the capacity for self‐regeneration and what are the factors that determine its recruitment variability. Location: Quercus suber forest in Pinet (Valencia, Spain). Methods: We performed a spatially explicit sampling both of the recruitment and of the potential parameters that could account for the recruitment variability. Using regression techniques we model the recruitment occurrence and abundance, and then we test to what extent the model obtained is still constrained by the spatial dependence. Results: Quercus suber recruitment density ranges from 0 to 18.66 individuals/25m2 (mean = 1.46, SD = 2.8), with a very skewed distribution. Recruitment is similar under Q. suber forests and under Pinus forests, but it is almost absent under shrublands. Thus the parameters that explain most of the recruitment variability in local vegetation types are: the presence and cover of shrubs (negative relationship with recruitment), the basal area of Q. suber and Pinus and the amount of bare soil (all positively related to recruitment). These parameters are strongly related to the ecological processes driving recruitment (i.e. dispersal and predation) and they remove most of the spatial dependence of recruitment. Most recruiters, however, are small, forming a seedling bank rather than growing to successfully colonize new habitats. Conclusion: The results suggest that although recruitment densities are not very high, they do not limit potential regeneration in the Pinet Q. suber forest. However, successful regeneration is not observed. If we aim to increase the Pinet Q. suber population size, land management measures need to provide appropriate conditions for both seedling establishment in shrublands (e.g. shrub clearing) and seedling growth in woodlands (e.g. Pinus logging).  相似文献   

Aim To examine the role of multiple landscape factors on the species richness patterns of native and introduced freshwater fish. Location Mediterranean streams, south‐western Iberian Peninsula, Europe (c. 87,000 km2). Methods We used a dataset of fish occurrences from 436 stream sites. We quantified the incremental explanatory power of multiple landscape factors in native, introduced, and overall local species richness using regression analysis. First, we related variation in local species richness across river basins to regional species richness (here, the basin species pool), area and factors of climate and topography. Second, we related within‐river basin local species richness to site’s climate and topography, and spatial structure derived from Principal Coordinates of Neighbour Matrices approach, after testing for species richness spatial autocorrelation; predicted local richness was mapped. Results Patterns of local species richness across river basins were strongly associated with regional species richness for overall, native and introduced species; annual rainfall showed a significant incremental contribution to variation in introduced species richness only. Within river basins, environmental factors were associated with local richness for the three species groups, though their contributions to the total explained variation were inferior to those of spatial factors; rainfall seasonality and stream slope were the most consistent environmental correlates for all species groups, while the influence of spatial factors was most prevalent for native species. Main conclusions Landscape factors operating among and within river basins seem to play a relevant role in shaping local species richness of both native and introduced species, and may be contingent on basin‐specific contexts. Nevertheless, local factors, such as habitat characteristics and biotic interactions and human‐induced disturbances may also be at play. Multiscale approaches incorporating a multitude of factors are strongly encouraged to facilitate a deeper understanding of the biodiversity patterns of Mediterranean streams, and to promote more effective conservation and management strategies.  相似文献   

Prevention is the best way to slow the escalation of problems associated with biological invasions. Screening of potential introductions is widely applied for assessing the risk of species becoming invasive. Despite advances in the understanding of the determinants of invasiveness, screening still relies heavily on assessments of the potential of species to ‘fit in’ to the broad environmental conditions of a target region. Most screening systems ask whether species are native to, or are known to be naturalized or invasive in, regions with ‘similar’ climatic/environmental conditions to the target region. The level of similarity required to make the species a high‐risk introduction is generally not specified. This paper describes a protocol for making such assessments more objective, using South Africa as a test case. Using nonparametric niche‐based modelling (generalized additive model; GAM) calibrated on the current distribution of each South African biome, we mapped regions of the world that are climatically similar to South African biomes. Lists were produced of countries with the largest areas climatically similar to South Africa overall, and to each biome separately. Validation of the usefulness of the approach was sought by evaluating whether the main invasive plant species in South African biomes occur naturally, or have adventive ranges, in regions mapped as analogous to South African biomes. A very large part of the world is climatically similar to South Africa, with eight countries having larger areas of land classified as climatically similar to South African biomes than the total area of South Africa. Almost all the most prominent invasive species in South African biomes occur naturally or are invasive outside their natural range in areas with similar climates to those that occur in parts of South Africa. This confirms the value of objective climate matching in screening protocols. We examined climatic conditions for a representative sample of major invasive plants from other parts of the world. The analysis identified several species that are already invasive in regions that have matched climates in South Africa but that are not yet introduced or, if already present, have not yet invaded large areas. For example, the following known invasive species should be considered high‐risk species in South African grasslands: Alliaria petiolata, Cytisus scoparius, Gleditsia triacanthos, Heracleum mantegazzianum, Hieracium pilosella, Juniperus communis, Pinus contorta, P. monticola, P. ponderosa, P. sylvestris, Prunus laurcerasus, and P. serotina. Objectively matched climatic regions are also useful as a first‐cut assessment when evaluating species with no invasive history.  相似文献   

The south of the Iberian Peninsula, with an altitudinal range varying from sea level to 3482m and annual average rainfall ranging from 206 to 2223mm, has 516 vascular endemic species or subspecies, that is, an endemicity rate of 13%. This survey deals with parameters such as species richness, originality, life forms and dispersal modes of these plants, in relation to altitudinal and rainfall gradients. Although most of the endemic plants occur between 600 and 1400m a.s.l. and in the range of 600–1000mm annual average rainfall, floristic originality (rate of endemic taxa per area unit) increases exponentially with altitude. The biological spectrum of this endemic flora does not follow the usual patterns observed either in local floras in the south of the Iberian Peninsula or in other regions of the Mediterranean Basin. Chamaephytes (46.08%) and hemicryptophytes (31.37%) are very abundant, whereas therophytes (11.96%) and phanerophytes (0.98%) are comparatively rare. There is a statistically significant correlation between life form and both altitudinal and rainfall gradients. Chamaephytes reach their highest density rates within 1400–2000m a.s.l., but these records tend to decrease as rainfall rates increase. Abundance of hemicryptophytes is directly dependent on rainfall rates and inversely dependent on temperature. The altitudinal distribution pattern of therophytes is opposite to that of hemicryptophytes, but there is no clear correlation as far as rainfall gradient is concerned. Considering both the endemic plants as a whole and each of the life form groups, the relationships between the dispersal modes used and the altitudinal and rainfall gradients are analysed. Up to 44.51% of the endemic plants do not present evident adaptations to promote the dispersion of their diaspores. However, only in the group of therophytes, whose occurrence is positively related to areas of minor altitude, does this difficulty of dispersion play a significant role in the maintenance of stenochory.  相似文献   

The introduction of some crustacean species has produced alterations of freshwater environments and declines of native species worldwide. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii Girard, was introduced in the Southwest Iberian Peninsula in the 1970’s, producing severe impacts on rice agriculture and on native biota such as macrophytes, gastropods, native crayfish and amphibians. We studied the distribution of P. clarkii in two areas of SW Iberian Peninsula: the Sado River basin (SW Portugal), an area colonized by this species around 1990, and the Parque Natural del Entorno de Doñana (SW Spain), colonized soon after its introduction in the Iberian Peninsula, in the 1970’s. Our main goal was to determine which factors limit crayfish distribution, which could help to identify the most effective management practices to contain its spread. Procambarus clarkii was found in most types of water bodies, including small and shallow ones. Distance to a crayfish source was the single predictor variable explaining crayfish occurrence in most types of habitats and in both areas. The only exception was for the Sado permanent stream points, where crayfish presence was negatively affected by an interaction between elevation and flow velocity. Other habitat characteristics have apparently little or no importance for its successful colonization. Moreover, this study indicated that overland dispersal is apparently a frequent phenomenon in this species. Our findings can be used to determine which habitats are most likely to be colonized by the crayfish and to develop practical measures which may limit its spread and minimize its impacts.  相似文献   

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